Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 15 March 2017 Favoriting | Marathon Week 2 with Pat Byrne, Kim Jong-Il, a Sleestak and YOU! Pledge Here

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The Grand Prize for today's program: a Velvet Diptych of Kim Jong Il and a Sleestak. Pledge $30 a month or more to get in the running for this gem!

(* = new)
Artist Song Album Images New Approx. start time
Voivod  Astromine Domine   Favoriting Nothing Face 
Khlam  Cacet   Favoriting  
  0:11:33 (Pop-up)
Rockabye Baby  Pink Floyd   Favoriting       0:13:43 (Pop-up)
Silver Apples  I Have Known Love   Favoriting  
  0:19:01 (Pop-up)
Negativland  Aluminum or Glass - The Memo   Favoriting  
  0:23:02 (Pop-up)
DJ Soulwax  Push It No Fun   Favoriting  
  0:35:11 (Pop-up)
Tuxedomoon  No Tears   Favoriting Desire      0:38:37 (Pop-up)
Flying Lizards  Hands 2 Take   Favoriting Fourth Wall 
  0:44:20 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Rockabye Baby 
I Wanna Be Sedated   Favoriting       0:48:03 (Pop-up)
Unknown  Burp Concerto   Favoriting       0:58:43 (Pop-up)
Broadcasters Prayer  Carl Shook   Favoriting Twisted Tales from the Vinyl Wastelands Volume 1 
  0:59:37 (Pop-up)
John Otway  The Green Green Grass of Home   Favoriting       1:00:59 (Pop-up)
The Billy Nayer Show  The American Astronaut   Favoriting  
  1:03:40 (Pop-up)
Buzzcocks  ESP   Favoriting  
  1:04:46 (Pop-up)
David Bowie  Pathetic Little Fat Man   Favoriting       1:19:12 (Pop-up)
Destroy All Monsters  Bored   Favoriting  
  1:20:40 (Pop-up)
The Undertones  Teenage Kicks   Favoriting       1:24:39 (Pop-up)
Flipper  Ha Ha Ha   Favoriting  
  1:26:58 (Pop-up)
Brian Eno  I'm Set Free   Favoriting  
  1:36:18 (Pop-up)
Killdozer  I Am I Said   Favoriting Live on Brian Turner's Show on WFMU 
  1:40:51 (Pop-up)
Clarence Carter  Strokin'   Favoriting       1:46:00 (Pop-up)
Boom Bip  Manzabozh   Favoriting  
  1:55:52 (Pop-up)
The The  Uncertain Smile   Favoriting  
  2:01:47 (Pop-up)
Olga Podluzhnaya (Ольга Подлужная)  ancient Fights   Favoriting       2:07:17 (Pop-up)
The Velvet Underdog  Waiting for My Mange   Favoriting  
  2:17:27 (Pop-up)
Wire  Short Elevated Period   Favoriting  
*   2:21:16 (Pop-up)
Matmos  Tunnel   Favoriting       2:32:02 (Pop-up)
Brigitte Fontaine  Genre Humain   Favoriting  
  2:35:18 (Pop-up)
KFC  Stumpf ist Trumpf   Favoriting Vershwedne Deine Jugend      2:45:05 (Pop-up)
Big Blood  Heart of Glass   Favoriting Under Covers (For WFMU)      2:46:38 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 1:18am (Murakami Whywolf))):

  7:07am F$F$ (:

Good morning, Ken, Pat, Kim, (Murakami Whywolf))), and of course, Sleestak!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 7:12am -Ken:

Hi f0f0, Hi Murakami!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21am AnAnonymousParty:

Hey, back to winter again.
  8:00am F$F$ (:

Dear great comrade Ken Freed-mang Ill, general secretary of Seven Seconds Delay, chairman of the public benefit corporation Congera, and supreme commander of WFMU,

In memoriam Kim Jong-Il: Here is a youtube clip of our beloved North Korean news anchor announcing a Hydrogen Bomb test:
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 8:16am -Ken:

I'll have what she's having, f0f0
  8:24am zmz:

State of the Station?
  8:29am F$F$ (:


Upload a picture of a face to this website and be amazed of what happens next:
  8:31am zmz:

feeding FBI public profile
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40am Guido from Cologne:

Hi Ken!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 8:42am -Ken:

Hey Guido!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:43am Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, Ken and folks. Has there been a State of the Station this marathon? If so, where could we find it?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:44am Guido from Cologne:

Misseed last week's show.
I hope you got your Schlammpeitziger LPs from Brian.
I guess so.
Avatar 8:53am cory:

mornin' all
  8:53am F$F$ (:


Ken played it last week! Thanks so much for sharing the Schlammy love.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54am Guido from Cologne:

Thank you F$F$ ( for letting me know!
Avatar 9:01am PKNY:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am Ken From Hyde Park:

Voivod! !! !!!
Avatar 9:01am đ¢ ÞäŦ:

wait. SMKen is playing Voiv-- Pink Floyd cover??
Avatar 9:02am sphere:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am fred:

Also, hello
Avatar 9:03am sphere:

i miss Diane.
  9:03am V Priceless:

Avatar 9:03am Cheri Pi:

Avatar 9:03am đ¢ ÞäŦ:

1. SMKen playing Voivod 2. Voivod playing Pink Floyd. OK, pledge coming.
  9:04am kevlicki:

Hey ken, glad to find out that the 90.1 frequency came back last night. And good to hear you this AM.
24" of snow up here in Orange County yesterday!
Avatar 9:05am Cheri Pi:

Whelp, that seals the Voivod pledge
Avatar 9:06am cory:

Avatar 9:06am đ¢ ÞäŦ:

3. Khlam.
Avatar 9:07am sphere:

Avatar 9:08am đ¢ ÞäŦ:

this is amazing.
Avatar 9:08am sphere:

i'm already set up for the year, but that Khlam is calling me.... <sob>
  9:09am F$F$ (:


*Cough, cough*


Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am fred:

Things that need to happen:
- Voivod covering Khlam
- Khlam covering Voivod
- A split Voivod/Khlam record
Avatar 9:11am Cheri Pi:

Yes X3 Fred
  9:12am Schnipp:

Namaste KHLAM
  9:12am F$F$ (:

Dc Pat,
Don't forget Cheri Pi shouting Voivoid while Voivoid covers Pink Floyd while Ken's plays Voivod. That's the complete trilogy there.
Avatar 9:13am đ¢ ÞäŦ:

4. Cheri Pi shouting Voivoid while Voivoid covers Pink Floyd while Ken's plays Voivod
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am Guido from Cologne:

Pink Floyd covering Khlam?
That would be an idea!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am Bjarne:

Hello Ken and all of you wfmu loving folks.
Avatar 9:14am đ¢ ÞäŦ:

OH MY GOD. I accidentally turned DOWN Khlam when I meant to turn them up!! WHAT THE FUCK?
  9:14am judy from croton:

O'freedman, i just thought my plumbing had hone haypipe; it wasFMU in my bathroom!
Onward !!!
  9:15am judy from croton:

Up Our Pleges!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am fred:

Pretty WFMUish gig for me later today: Heimat opening for This Heat
  9:18am Clem Kadiddlehopper:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18am Devin B.:

@Fred: That sounds amazing. I'm jealous.
Avatar 9:18am đ¢ ÞäŦ:

it's voivod! Sheesh.
Avatar 9:18am Cheri Pi:

Avatar 9:19am Cheri Pi:

Avatar 9:19am đ¢ ÞäŦ:

  9:19am Heidi Klum:

Avatar 9:19am Mary Wing:

The high-heeled shoes gif is making me cackle. Props to whomever created it.
Avatar 9:22am dc khlam:

this has been an excellent show so far..
Avatar 9:24am cory:

Avatar 9:25am Snortley:

Hey Ken; how come on the home page, Mickey Mantle is sporting facial hair?
Avatar 9:26am Cheri Pi:

  9:26am F$F$ (:

Please VoiGods, excuse me for mispelling Voivod as Voivoid. But to my defense let me tell you that the very first video I searched for on the internet back in the mid 90's was one of Voivod. Obviously I couldn't find it and had to wait like a decade to watch it again.
  9:27am Listener Robert:

Never mind that, why's Mantle wearing a Mets shirt?
Avatar 9:28am Bronwyn Bishop:

oh man, love this song/album.

please pledge everyone, i implore you
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 9:28am Rich in Washington:

it:s Negativland member/founder Mark Hosler's birthday today
Avatar 9:29am dc khlam:

Avatar 9:30am dc khlam:

Avatar 9:30am Cheri Pi:

Avatar 9:30am dc khlam:

No, not from dc pat, from Cheri Pi. JEEZus..
Avatar 9:30am Okasa:

Happy Odin's Day! I hope his blessings shine on WFMU during this fund raising period.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31am MD:

  9:32am David from MA:

Khlam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My very own Khlam! Thank you WFMU!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32am Ken From Hyde Park:

Beware the Ides of March!
Avatar 9:32am Mary Wing:

NO, NOT THE KIM JONG II / SLEESTAK DIPTYCH!!!! I can't live without seeing that every week! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Avatar 9:34am Cheri Pi:

that's ok @DCKLAHM, we can share the Voivod
Avatar 9:36am dc khlam:

@Pi: you just can't get a straight story from "fake" "freeform" "radio"..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:37am rsj:

best song ever! after the corn weenies, best mashup ever
  9:39am pope HeadMoose the first:

the iggy pop khlam bar?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:42am fred:

Voivod, then Khlam. If Ken breaks out Killdozer, we know the station is really in trouble
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46am MD:

"Oh Baby this town will rip the bones off your's a death trap...a suicide rap...WE GOTTA GET OUT WHILE WE'RE YOUNG!" or Listen to W****F****M****U!!!
Avatar 9:46am dc khlam:

..Tuxedomoon, Flying Lizards..all the hits today. We're doomed.
  9:47am F$F$ (:

I agree, fred. In addition, Killdozer's Knuckles the Dog is the ace up the sleeve. That song brings in the tears AND pledges in loads.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:50am Sem Chumbo:

Leapin' flyin' lizards, what sounds this AM. Yep, give us Knuckles, give no quarter. Mornin', Ken, and Ken people.
Lookin' for missing "gs", btw. You've seen?
  9:52am Listener Robert:

Interesting choice of word, Mr. Freedman, calling WBAI the "parent station" of WFMU. Aunt or uncle, maybe, to describe the influence and the tendency of cousins to "stay over".
  9:54am DaveinPA:

I missed something- what's the scoop on the Sleestak premium?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54am Dave in Vermont:

this is daves wife here in VT, we have over 2 feet and its still falling...
Avatar 9:54am Lewis:

and when worse comes to worse, there is always "4:33, the extended mix"...
Avatar 9:55am Lewis:

The Hound and Wild Girl were my gateways...
  9:55am Stepchild:

Gateway: Drunken Brawl Music
Avatar 9:55am dc khlam:

@DaveinPA, you have to donate $500,000 to instantly win the Sleestak/Kim Jong painting
  9:56am TIM C:

Gateway Show: GREASY KID STUFF. <3 <3 <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am Parq:

Gateways: Irwin, Price, Kelly, the Immigrant.
Avatar 9:56am Roberto:

Hip Transistor
  9:56am David from MA:

YES. Greasy Kids Stuff!! That, Ken and Irwin. Been listing for over 20 years
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57am melinda:

Bob Brainen's show was my first. I think I had gotten tired of NPR Saturday am programs and was looking for something new, have been listening since.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am Stanley:

Fifteen years ago, I prostrated at the feet of His Reverence Doug Schulkind. I knew I had found a true master.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am MD:

lo-fi show WITH WM Berger...Music From the Mentally Insane...Ken...!
Avatar 9:58am dc khlam:

I stumbled on SMKen and Scott Williams during a marathon. Ken kept screaming "YOU ARE MEDDLING WITH THE PRIMAL ORDER OF NATURE, SCOTT WILLIAMS!!"
  9:58am Listener Robert:

I'd be interested to know for how many the Hebrew & Jewish Program was a gateway to other WFMU programming. I can say that other WFMU programming was for me a gateway to Nachum & his predecessor; I think I learned more Yiddishkeit from there than from anywhere else.
Avatar 9:59am bobdoesthings:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00am MD:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00am Stanley:

Jesus! This is exactly why we tune in every day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01am MD:

you mean the rainbow people??? I'm Sea Foam Green myself!!
Avatar 10:02am sphere:

When I started grad school in 1999, I discovered WFMU on the Internet. As a lover of wyrd, Fabio was a perfect gateway to the station.
  10:02am thegeoffmcq:

otway! otway! otway! otway! otway!
  10:03am Listener Robert:

Once you had a station preset on the car radio, driving at another time of day could lead to all sorts of interesting stuff. That's certainly how I got into listening to the morning Jewish block -- including Radio Kol Torah when that was a segment. Ditto later "Aerial Vew" & "TMI", things I would not have looked for on their own.
  10:03am F$F$ (:

If someone pledges here, in this very moment, he or she will get the FOFO premium: Since I am 2 degrees of separation to a Nobel Prize winner I will give you full license to say to your friends or relatives you know me personally. That way you can brag to them you are just 3 degrees of separation from such great personality!

So pledge now!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:03am Parq:

I never noticed before that John Otway sounds like a very-drunk Neil Gaiman.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04am Dominick:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04am Stanley:

Yay, John Otway. Hippies do punk!
  10:04am River:

Pledged a couple of days ago but as soon as I get a paying job, I'll happily become a swag-for-lifer. Much love from Bath, UK.
Avatar 10:05am dc khlam:

new fav tune: The American Astronaut
Avatar 10:08am βrian:

The Buzzcocks summon early memories of Ann Arbor, probably on WCBN.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:11am chinchilla:

Ken your show quickly became a gateway for me at FMU in the mornings at my Brewing Supply Warehouse job- along with Scott W, Brian T, Bryce, Joe B, and then when we about to taste freedom in the evenings, 7SD and SUW!!! That was more than 7 years ago and now I'M A LIFER!!!
Avatar 10:12am βrian:

Love hearing about the international pledges. Have any come in from North Korea?
  10:13am Morgan:

Yeah, anger management sleepaway camp! Good times.
  10:13am Listener Robert:

Somebody fix my memory: did the reggae & ska program have an earlier time than the current 9-noon? Or did everything just seem earlier to me then?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:16am Sem Chumbo:

Found FMU thru Arts and Letters Daily, under *Diversions*
Tuned into a runaway train phone conversation, recorded in maybe the 50's in my home province of New Brunswick, in an area where I had fished for salmon. Hooked hard, and I couldn't throw it.
  10:16am DaveinPA:

So, mouse pledge = a chance at Sleestak? I'm getting slipperier now...
Avatar 10:17am People Like Us:

ha ha ha Ken
  10:17am johN:

Assuming 500 pledge gets into running for painting too?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19am Greg from ZONE 5:

Hey, that's Black Joe DiMaggio!
  10:20am shtus:

du scharfes ding!
  10:20am F$F$ (:

My gateway to WFMU was Ken & People Like Us! That is Ken playing People Like Us. That was in the year 2007 BCW (Before Corn Weenie era).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20am MD:

pooooor little FAT MAN!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20am melinda:

I love Pathetic Little Fat Man. Pug, pug...
  10:20am David from MA:

I thought those were DJS on the homepage. Was wondering why Matt Warwick was there....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20am MD:

Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 10:21am

bruce meets pat, and pat mentions WFMU. bruce asks "wfmu? what's that? how do you spell it?".
Avatar 10:21am People Like Us:

ha ha
Avatar 10:21am dc khlam:

wait aminnit. I don't see Johnny Ramone..
Avatar 10:24am northguineahills:

Back in 1998, I read an article in Magnet, and it mentioned you could listen to WFMU online. Since my internet sucked at home, I waited until I was the last person in the office, and lo and behold, I found a tinny stream of amazing music, I believe it was Monica(?).
Avatar 10:25am βrian:

Who's on the Religion staff of WFMU these days?
Avatar 10:26am People Like Us:

oh many of us Brian
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27am fred:

My gateway show was Terre T's. I found out about WFMU reading a TV program in a dentist's waiting room. Funny thing is I didn't have a TV then (still don't). I think mind control was involved
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28am Sem Chumbo:

hahaa, fred.
Avatar 10:28am βrian:

I think Gateway to Joy may have been my gateway show. That and Trouble.
Avatar 10:29am Pat Byrne:

Avatar 10:29am bobdoesthings:

man.. can't think of what my gateway was. Its a toss up between The Best Show, Shut Up Weirdo (back when it was with Andy), and Douglas Rushkoff's (short lived show) - 'Media Squat' .
Avatar 10:30am βrian:

Was D.A.M. based on Greenwood Ave, I wonder?
  10:31am F$F$ (:

My gateway media to WFMU was Rhapsody Audiogalaxy. This was long time ago when streaming was brought in from Belgium via pigeons.
  10:31am Andal:

Ken has the best bed music! Also, music.
  10:31am Listener Robert:

I'm confused as all hell about that, fred. You mean there were TV listings in some print publication in the dentist's waiting room, & it either contained an article mentioning WFMU or someone left a WFMU sticker in there? Or there was a TV playing with a text scroll such as FM stations listed, as for cable radio?
Avatar 10:32am Henry:

Terrie T. was also my gateway show.... Then Fool's Paradise
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 10:32am

from my german conversation class: "wohin ist deine jungen frauen?"
  10:33am Andal:

my gateways were EFD and pseu's thing with a hook.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:34am Planet Tyler:

The alan watts stuff was great - first i heard of him way back then thanks to FMU
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:34am fred:

A few sentences about a web station playing unusual music, in a column next to TV listings. If you're not confused enough, I live in France, so figure how unlikely that was. I might have hallucinated the whole thing and randomly typed the right URL. That sounds more likely
Avatar 10:35am Okasa:

Oh, I got an Amazon Dot thingy for Christmas. I thought it was something I'd never use, but it makes it REALLY easy to listen to WFMU. "Alexa, play WFMU". Boom.
  10:36am Listener Robert:

Thanks, Fred. My gateway was either Pat Duncan or FXO late in 1980.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:37am Parq:

Wroclaw is pronounced "Vrotz-worf". I lived there for a while last year. Man, I wish I could have met the listener who just pledged.
Avatar 10:37am adrian in mpls:

My gateway as Give the Drummer Some on Fridays -- and from there, it was Bryce, Michael Shelley, and Rex's shows. There was no looking back after that!
Avatar 10:38am Mark S:

My gateway was the LCD magaine
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 10:39am (Murakami Whywolf))):

My gateway show was the "Hour of Slack". Then, Bronwyn's show, whatever it was called then, particularly "News of the Dead". Then, it was the "Seven Second Delay" CD, back from when Breckman kept his 'most irritating human' schtick a little more in line—and the Turnpike <i>Afikomen</i> segment was truly funny and unique.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39am fred:

I think Ken discontinued the mind control program because a side effect was that subjects would leave good jobs for poor to not paying ones, defeating the purpose
Avatar 10:39am βrian:

This needs a gospel version, as well.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 10:40am

i listened to frank o'toole and bob brainen and greasy kid stuff and nick hill and margaret harris back in the 80s; i think i first listened in 1985, while turning the dial. how lucky i was. oh, and al watts too - he was one great tawker.
  10:40am Marie:

My gateway was The Hound and Dave the Spazz; Bronwyn, Pseu, and Fabio came in quickly after that. I totally remember Alan Watts being on the air. I thought that was so cool.
Avatar 10:40am βrian:

@fred: Is there a story here?
  10:41am JakeGould:

Two cents here: Why not have a lecture show or two? I mean Hearty and CC speak an hour each week but maybe something slightly more edumacational? I shut up now.
  10:42am Listener Robert:

I eventually got to like an enormous amount of the programming here. Odd lacunae, though, in that I have no memory of The Hound by that name; I'm sure I listened some to him, because how could I have missed that slot? My housemate, whose WFMU listening goes back to the 1970s, was surprised at that gap in my memory.

These days, though, it'd be practically impossible to listen to most of what can be called "WFMU" between the alternate streams & the hosted podcasts. There's so much out there being added to all the time, and it never goes away.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:42am Stevel:

Doze it, baby!
Avatar 10:42am Lewis:

I really like Killdozer..
  10:44am Marie:

love the Killdozer, thanks Ken!
  10:44am Listener Robert:

Well, Jake, depending what you consider "lecture", they're still hosting new entries of Dave Emory, and probably other monologs I can't recall.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am MD:

Avatar 10:45am βrian:

I once heard a Zen roshi say (with a very wide grin) that Zen was like a laboratory of pain. I thought, "He probably listens to Kenny G."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am MD:

Avatar 10:45am Cheri Pi:

[flicks Bic]
Avatar 10:45am Okasa:

I'd love it if WFMU had a Zen hour. Some weeks could be Alan Watts but there must be tons of more recent Zen lectures available for cheap.
Avatar 10:45am Mark S:

not even the chair
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46am AnAnonymousParty:

Since when ISN'T any hour of WFMU not an hour of Zen?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am MD:

Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:47am Threemoons:

Okay, just got to the office and plugged in (they forgot to block off the Internet at our desks today)...and the first thing I see is Kim Jong Il and a sleestak. I LOVE YOU!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am rsj:

Ken's hoof and mouth selection?
  10:48am JakeGould:

How about one hour each week of Clarence Carter talking about striokin’?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am MD:

A Good FMU DJ strokes us ALL!!!
  10:48am Cubicle Carl:

This is my theme song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am fred:

A coworker once asked me what I was listening to, and to put it on loud in the office. It happened to be a Kenny G show. Nobody ever requested that of me since
Avatar 10:48am PKNY:

Time to re-up the Clarence Carter 'Strokin' GIF -->
  10:48am DaveinPA:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am MD:

When you were listening to FMU!!!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:48am JtotheK:

Clarence Carter -- hooray! b/w Gateway show for WFMU - Downtown Soulville with Mr Fine Wine!
  10:49am Marie:

How about a Strokin' Stream?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:49am MD:

Freeform Love Making!!!!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:49am Planet Tyler:

Clarence went off on a tangent there
  10:49am F$F$ (:

I pledge it to the east
And I pledge it to the west
And I pledge it to the radio station that I love the best
I be pledgin'
Avatar 10:49am Lewis:

@fred: right on...
  10:49am JakeGould:

What about a 1 hour ASMR show?
Avatar 10:50am Mark S:

Sure have Clarence!
  10:50am Eli from Chicago:

This Clarence Carter bit is the reason why I love WFMU in a nutshell.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:50am MD:

I'm Makin Love NOW!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51am AnAnonymousParty:

You know, uncle Clarence didn't get asked to play at the relative's birthday parties. At least, not at first.
  10:51am Listener Robert:

ASMR would be Kenny G material. Good thing that wasn't a thing then, he'd've been on even longer.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:51am Threemoons:

And LOVE the GIFs.
Avatar 10:51am Mark S:

Too long!
Avatar 10:51am PKNY:

I would love to hear Clarence question the ' Mystical World of Karate' guy about the frequency and locales of his lovemaking.
Avatar 10:52am Cheri Pi:

Have you ever made love in a box?
  10:52am Listener Robert:

Bigger than a mouse pledge would be...a rat pledge? And then the next level, an opossum pledge.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 10:52am Threemoons:

I would do it in a box
I would do it if he's a fox
I'd do it here, I'd do it there
I'd do it in my office chair
Avatar 10:53am βrian:

Now, a nice ASMR CD would be a great premium.
Avatar 10:53am Mary Wing:

I'd love to do an ASMR hour, actually...
  10:53am SeanG:

  10:53am Bob Ross:

I'd love to be able to make a happly littel squirrel pledge.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am Ken From Hyde Park:

A dyptich is handy to have when you want to check the oil in your car.
Avatar 10:54am adrian in mpls:

Woohoo! Thanks!
Avatar 10:57am bobdoesthings:

i forgot about the butt tattoo.. who's that again?
Avatar 10:57am Lewis:

that is really more like his hip...
Avatar 10:57am Pat Byrne:

WHY did I ask for that photo...
Avatar 10:58am Mary Wing:

Bjarne's butt tattoo for the win!
  10:58am SeanG:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59am fred:

So Ken googles "butt tattoo" often enough to get customized results
Avatar 10:59am βrian:

Yes, a lower flank tattoo.
Avatar 10:59am dc khlam:

eh. He should have ditched the framed shading. Just the cow, dog, and WF MU would have been better.
Avatar 11:00am Okasa:

I don't ever need to see any butt tatoos.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:00am Threemoons:

@dc I was thinking the same thing. Simple outline, forget the shading, no frame. And on the actual ass cheek not the hip.
Avatar 11:00am βrian:

"Bonjour Les Fesses."
Avatar 11:01am Pat Byrne:

It almost looks like scarification.
Avatar 11:01am dc khlam:

@3moons: I agree.
  11:02am JakeGould:

Mary! When your show happens in the middle of the day? I would love to hear an ASMR hour.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:06am Threemoons:

Holy crap I am so happy they forgot to reset the firewall at my temp gig today! I feel so subversive listening and seeing a guy's flank tat at my desk...yes this is a very sad statement on the state of my career...
Avatar 11:07am dc khlam:

Avatar 11:07am dc khlam:

let me rephrase that: "YES, OLGA!"
  11:08am Locusts:

  11:09am Cicadas:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:09am JP from KC:

Aww shit, Ken's playing Olga. Where's Cliff? He must be in ecstasy right now.
Avatar 11:10am βrian:

You don't mention Baby Animal? Your son's favorite, too, no?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:10am cosmic matrix:

i wuv you two human beans
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:11am AnAnonymousParty:

Well, Ken, at least they'll never just yawn, say "derivative", and then turn away to talk to somebody else.
  11:11am grace gold way:

Dr. Ruth once said, "And please people, don't do anything silly like going outside during blizzard to have sex. Tell your friends you did it, but don't do it."
Avatar 11:12am βrian:

Is sxsw passé these days?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:12am fred:

Ken, did you ever get word from Olga? I don't think she gets that much airplay abroad
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:13am Threemoons:

BINDLESTIF FAMILY CIRKUS ROCKS! And yeah SXSW was a zoo the last time I went a few years ago, not doing that again.
Avatar 11:14am βrian:

"Nobody goes there anymore; it's too crowded."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:15am milkis:

Give the app developers a medal. I <3 the app.
  11:15am joe Ray:

The first app I downloaded for my first iPhone was the WFMU app
  11:17am Vitaly:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:18am fred:

Yogi, the American Zen master. It's really frustrating that nobody here in France has heard of him
Avatar 11:18am Bronwyn Bishop:

im waitin for my treat
  11:19am mrmikestandsir:

Golly... My first experience with 'FMU was on a car radio on my way to work in Englewood Cliffs in 1989. It was Ken's show (natch) and I could not get out of the car once I got to work, I was laughing so hard. My mind blown, I moved on to discover the joys of Wild Girl, Bronwyn C's 'News of the Dead" on the Truck Stop Tea Party, and oh so many great shows throughout the years!! These days I listen mostly from the app on my phone just like a transistor radio with slightly better fidelity. I use the archives all the time. Love Ken! Love Clay Pigeon! Love Hearty White! Love Shut-up Weirdo! Love Liz Berg! Love Three Chord Monte! Love Morriconey Island! Love the Honky Tonk Radio Girl! Love Sportsy Talk! Love Seven Second Delay! Love Sophisticated Boom-Boom!
My, my, I do go on...
I am very happy to give up what I can to keep this most essential resource going. I upped my Swag-for-Life pledge this year by 20% -AND SO SHOULD YOU!! Long Live and HAIL, WFMU!!!!
  11:21am phat:

I can only imagine how much Lou Reed would hate this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:22am fred:

@Bronwyn: Speaking of treats, when is your next fill-in?
Avatar 11:25am Bronwyn Bishop:

idk fred, no one seems to need any late night fill ins at the moment. but ill be co-hosting with irwin today!
  11:26am F$F$ (:


Interesting story going back to 1989. Back then I was in my larvae state listening to Vanilla Ice .

Talking about going back in time here's an entire episode of Ken's filmed in video from 1992:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28am PMD:

Now we know who to BLAME for ShittyFlute
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28am ⓘⓚⓔ:

Holy shmow, the Bat Ranch didn't have FMU in all the bathrooms when I was there. I was clearly there too early.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:29am Ken From Hyde Park:

If the Woof Moo flag were available for purchase, I'd pay $100. Maybe put them in the Buy Our Crap website.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:29am AnAnonymousParty:

Blame? or Thank?
Avatar 11:30am βrian:

Gopher was kinda fun, too.
Avatar 11:31am βrian:

But my favorite was Lynx. God bless Text.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:32am Rich in Washington:

WFMU was one of the very first online radio stations I ever listened to. In fact, I think it was this very show, Ken's.
I didn't have broadband at home but at work, I would find online stations to listen to during long drawn out projects. I was searching for Halloween shows and found Ken's Halloween show, I don't recall what year, but also realized many DJs were doing Halloween themed shows most of the day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:33am MD:

NO SOAP............................RADIO!!!!!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 11:33am (Murakami Whywolf))):

It hasn't been the same since you stopped TrueSpeech service.

(Early streaming memory: Setting a VCR to record a cron'd player on a desktop system, I think it was BSD.
  11:34am Rendak:

I'd be interested in hearing a frank, serious State of the Station update from Ken right about now. I've doubled my swag for life and I think more listeners should too.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:35am Rich in Washington:

I remember taping online radio shows at work on a cassette deck to listen to at home.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:36am PMD:

They didnt' say my comment about Ken's show - he alternately makes me laugh and wince. That's why I love him.
  11:36am F$F$ (:

I started listening to WFMU before the Internet when they used to send us the song's music sheets and DJs mic break scripts via post. Then we had to play the music and DJ on our own. Those were the times!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:37am PMD:

@Rendak, I agree. He should do it before the show. Or once monthly... People take WFMU for granted...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:40am AnAnonymousParty:

Fun fact about American Gothic. It was actually supposed to be a promotional poster for the ACME farm implement contest. Participants wrote a short essay about their favorite gardening tools and winners would win a new one and have their portrait featured in the catalog. In the painting, Edgar is disappointed because his wife made him trade in the new hoe he'd won for a pitch fork.
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:40am Threemoons:

Um, how the f&*^ did we go from Matmos to the LOVE TRAIN? This is why I love you and have pledged 3x so far this marathon! Love you!
  11:40am F$F$ (:

Time to deploy 'Knuckles to Dog' at full volume to reach target, Ken. Play it slow for maximum effect.
  11:41am SeanG:

jump on the Cain Train!
  11:43am Listener Robert:

Does that offer mean they're out of Miracle Soap?
Avatar 11:49am Lewis:

do swag for life additions count?
  Swag For Life Member 11:51am phat:

This Big Blood is so good. Totally changes this song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:52am fred:

This is a fantastic cover
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:53am MD:

Avatar 11:53am βrian:

Finally, we can go get some lunch!
Avatar 11:54am dc khlam:

you're therre, I just dropped $27
Avatar 11:55am bobdoesthings:

thanks Ken and Pat!! <3
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:56am Lizardner Dave:

You know it was more like 30 inches north of NYC, right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am MD:

A new Tat For the other cheek...Maybe???
Avatar 11:57am Mary Wing:

Bjarne! Please donate the paintings BACK to the station!
  11:59am F$F$ (:

Thanks, Ken, Pat and people! I didn't like the show, I love it.Till next episode people!
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