Bell Kelly's Teenage Wasteland

March 4, 2018 Favoriting

WFMU Marathon with co-host Meghan McKee
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Favoriting Blackout Of Gretely - The Gonn (45) 1967 [Enir]
Favoriting Spend The Night - The Sonics (CD: This Is The Sonics) 2015 [Revox]

Favoriting The Boy - Shannon & The Clams (CD: Onion) [Easy Eye Sound]
Favoriting I Don't Want To Try It Again - The Dagenites (45) 1966 [Pixie]
Favoriting Never-Ending Love - The K7's (CD: Take 1) [Rum Bar]

Favoriting Tell Me You'll Be Mine - The Wrong Society (45) [Market Square]
Favoriting The Lover's Curse - Bracey Everett (45) 1961 [Atlantic]
Favoriting Secret's In Me - The See No Evils (CD: Inner Voices) [Heavy Soul]

Favoriting Can't Hardly Wait - The Dirty Truckers (CD: "Best Of" The Dirty Truckers) [Rum Bar]
Favoriting If I Didn't Want To See You Anymore - Morning Starr (45) 1969 [Lion]
Favoriting Gonna Make You Mine - Catzilla (CD: Catzilla) [Off The Hip]

Favoriting Gellow Mold - The Prefab Messiahs (CD: Psychsploitation! Today) [Lolipop!]
Favoriting Rari - The Standells (45) 1966 [Tower]
Favoriting Tend To Your Business - James Waynes (78) 1950 [Sittin' In With]

Favoriting He Stopped Laughing - Justine & The Unclean (CD: Get Unclean) [Rum Bar]
Favoriting 7 Days Of Cryin' - The Cavaliers (45) 1966 [Crisis]
Favoriting Do You Want Crying - The Dahlmanns (CD single) 2017 [Pop Detective]

Favoriting It Happens All The Time - The Electric Mess (CD: The Beast Is You) [Soundflat]
Favoriting Little Girl - John & Jackie (45) 1958 [Aladdin]
Favoriting Almost Got You Made - The Laissez Fairs (CD: Empire Of Mars) [Rum Bar]

Favoriting They Walk Among You - The Jet Black Berries (CD: Postmodern Ghosts) [Bugdigital]


Listener comments!

Avatar 3:14pm Sid:

Hello, is this thing on?
  3:15pm Ike:

Oh, he means Gov. Slenderman. I was confused there for a sec.
Avatar 3:17pm Sid:

Normally, politics don't sell! But the sweet smell of that politics might!
Avatar 3:19pm Sid:

Do people still call in to pledge or do we all do it online now?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:20pm -Ken:

People still call although it's probably 3 to 1 in terms of how many web pledges versus phone calls.
  3:26pm queems:

whoa way to go
Avatar 3:28pm Sid:

Oxon Hill MD. Right outside of DC; must be a dump.
Avatar 3:42pm Sid:

Massage Parlor subscription - as hard to get out of as a timeshare?
  3:43pm Listener Robert:

Probably this question would be best answered by Ms. Jones: How do you account for Swag For Life? That is, when someone pledges a monthly amount for an indefinite period, how do you figure the amount "pledged" for "goal" purposes? Do you project an entire year's worth?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:45pm Switchblade Batman:

I'm sad to report the boatrace story between NY and NJ is bullshit -
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:46pm -Ken:

Robert - Yes, we use a 12 month total for Monthly Swag for Life pledges
Avatar 3:47pm Sid:

Need to find a WFMU aircheck from 1958.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:48pm Meghan:

Miriam Linna and Randell Fuller- I Fought the Law: The Life and Strange Death of Bobby Fuller book is up for grabs! Get in the running by pledging $20 or more!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:51pm -Ken:

@Sid, the earliest aircheck we have is from 1962, and it's include in the WFMU "Horn of Plenty" Flash Drive of WFMU History.
Avatar 3:56pm Sid:

That's a good premium. I didn't see a description of the USB drive contents.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:01pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Highly recommend Swag For Lifedom. For just a teeny amount automatically once/month - ya get all the Icons on yer comments & can swag eround w/out crippling guilt

- moreover, FMU gets a steady reliable drip of awlmighty Support (ya know ya wanna...) Look - if we all do this - imagine what this nutty place could swing...

- & ya get shirts & stickas sometime & a few DJ Premiums...Ya can still play thuh reindeer games & give more to a particular Program if ya want more...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:04pm medson:

So many great swag items this year. Swag for life makes it really easy for our household to support WFMU
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:07pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...*driving* in Boston?? Are you nuts??...
Avatar 4:07pm Sid:

Say someone "put in papers" to adopt a DJ via an online pledge this past week. How would one find out if the adoption went through? Just asking for a friend.
  4:08pm Listener Robert:

-Ken, I think in that audit you had done last year, I would've had the accountant comb the Swag for Life pledges and see how long they kept up, and then applied a longevity model to figure the return on the average Swag for Life pledge.

How they realistically should be accounted for, I don't know. In any given year the maximum amount is known, and since these fundraisers work by the year, that may be the best way to figure. However, there must be SOME value to the expected future income that annual cash basis doesn't account for. Maybe the out year should be subtracted from the goal that year.
  4:11pm Jack:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:12pm Hugo (NL):

Hi there Meghan! Hello Bill!
Good evening/afternoon/morning fellow listeners...It's the most wonderful time of the year, ain't it?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:13pm Meghan:

Sid, for adoptions, contact John Dalton.... it should be on a flickr page. or here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:14pm Meghan:

Hugo! Hello!
Avatar 4:15pm Sid:

Meghan, I submitted an email to the super-secret address as instructed. Would I, errr my friend, expect to hear something back?
  4:22pm JakeGould:

If the building is falling apart, couldn’t people just climb in through the wall holes?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:23pm Meghan:

I know he was going to work on the adoption gallery today.... so it could be fixed soon....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:27pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...we're gonna build a Wall...& we're gonna make us pay for it...
  4:46pm Kat:

Shout out John Dalton aka my beautiful and lovely roommate EMILY’S father
  4:46pm noel:

You're stirring up those old Hippie Ghosts with this one Bill
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:52pm queems:

shout out to clifton
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:52pm queems:

barrow house is like a 15 minute walk from my house
  5:01pm Trixie Norton:

What's the name of that song and who does it, played about 20 minutes ago...."Hey little girl...." (with the orgasmic female vocal)?
Avatar 5:37pm Sid:

72% in 2 hours. Impressive!
  7:06pm Bill Kelly:

Switchblade Batman...another popular urban legend apparently bites the dust.
  7:39pm Alice Kramden:

"Little Girl" by John & Jackie
from their musical "Came Alot"
  Swag For Life Member 6:48pm Peapeagirl:

I'm euphoric baby, just keep it coming!
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