…last Sunday played two hours of the theme from "Shaft" (and cranky complaints to the Somerville "News"), including one of Malik's.
Sister Rose Marie:
Greetings Brother Ken!
I'm Sister Rose Marie and here with me is the 99-year-old Reverend Mother Cecilia of Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrows. We are here today to listen to your show because Brother Elias told us you play great religious music (i.e. Reverend Craig Pringles) and not BAD and DECADENT music from acts such as MARIAH CAREY whose music not only makes Reverend Mother confused, anxious, irritable, tearful and agitated, but also contributes to the decay in standards, morals, and dignity of the human spirit.
Hello Sister Rose Marie/ I love your accent! Ebverything you have heard about this show is true, and then some. Happy to have you aboard the good train kenschlampen, with one way service to Salvation Mountain.
Doc Brinkley ran for governor of Kansas in an attempt to avoid prosecution for his crimes and to continue to grow rich as a charlatan, but was prevented from winning. Did The System just have a better immune response back in those days?
Eartha Kitt to Ladybird Johnson: "You send the best of this country off to be shot and maimed. They rebel in the street. They don't want to go to school because they're going to be snatched off from their mothers to be shot in Vietnam."
That's what we need to do to China, broadcast South Park at them at deafening frequencies
Hitler was on barbiturates, which made him extra crazy and angry
I still have my Burger King name tag from when I worked there, it was my first job. I thought about wearing it when I volunteered at marathon the first time.
According to Norman Ohler's "Blitzed", Hitler eventually discovered what was in his magic shots and exclaimed 'He made me a goddamn junkie!'.
("Blitzed" claims, if I recall it properly that the penny dropped when it was found that the opiates for pain Hitler was given after the Wolf's Lair assassination attempt were inadequate due to his increased tolerance, and that he withdrew over Autumn 1944, very uncomfortably.)
Thank-you, Dr Morell, the erstwhile Gland King of Bohemia.
Ya know, that adult parrot is shaking back and forth to work up the regurgitated food for the chick, who is sayin' come on Ma, I'm hungry! Just sayin'.
So Crazy Horses is being played at 69% of the intended speed...
Curious Tom:
Wow. Crazy Horses sounds so much better.
John from FP, referring to prior song, not Osmonds. Osmonds at 33 are great...
andy the painter:
this is making my morning of pulling tape from a floor downright joyous.
thanks ken!!
John from Florham park:
@Prudy oops my bad
I'd like to request that 7 inch single that when you play it become a 12 inch. YES! Your dirty filthy mind is correct! I'm talking about Clearence Carter's Strokin'!
@Gerry, yeah a lot of record fair purchases here this AM but also a lot from the FMU library andf my own post-hurricane seven inch survivors collection
Hmm..He failed to mention guns, He must be talking about the other America.
I wish I could make it to the art auction so that I could destroy the Don Felder painting with my blowtorch, but Chester Hawkins (Rev. Turnip Druid) is playing in Brooklyn and I can't miss that!
ian mckaye once emailed me back, when I wrote him to say of a drink named after him at a nyc place. ahh, here it is, an excerpt from aug 2008 - ... i think maybe someone else mentioned it to me at some point, but it didn't really register with me. pretty crazy to have a drink named after me! they never asked my permission, but i have to think it was done in good faith and i'm not particularly bugged by it.
Half a hand raised! I'll try to make it this Sat but it will be hard to persuade the missus to join me.
However, Give a Big Thumbs Up if you are going to make it to Karaoke w/ Clay next Sat 10/26! I am definitely going to that and will have someone else in tow.
Michael enjoyed my Technics 1200 Turntabl;e story so much that he just pledged! Thank yoou Michael! You also rock as good as the best of 'em and when I say "'em," I mean Chuck and Kirsten.
@Ken -- re: 45 adapters ... my buddy and I once had a 3 hour set spinning soul 45s and WE FORGOT THE ADAPTERS. So for 3 hours we had to queue up and align every so carefully. He had a method he taught me, but it could be summarized as winging it. Made for a fun night!
For the people that are requesting songs but Ken hasn't played them yet. Do NOT' despair. I requested CL Campbell song JUST two steady single weeks ago (October 2016 -there wasn't one in 2018) and look The Ken delivers!
love train? remember when people were saying "ride the first car of the F train, if yr single"? then people started saying second car is for..., third car is for... and that the END car would be for those looking for butt sex. so stupid. (but do you know how much lube was used in that last car? tons!)
That's Tricky Dick for you. He probably had Agnew to breathing down Johnny's neck.
Sister Rose Marie:
Reverend Mother Cecilia fell while dancing to the Clearance Carter song. She's now sleeping (I think) on the Church floor with her eyes wide-open. They peep at us traquilly with their innocence and not only speak to us about the eternal peace of the vast repose of indifferent nature but they also tell us about the everlasting reconciliation and of life without end.
Thanks, Ken, people, Aaron, religious nuts, er, nuns! Great show, 7 inches, GIFs, comments, pledges, and music! Till next episode, people and remember: Loosen up and BE HAPPPY!!