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Artist Title Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
The Rollers  Turn On The Radio   Favoriting Rollermania - The Anthology  Salvo  1979/2010  formerly the Bay City Rollers  0:00:00 Pop-up)  
Joan Jett & the Blackhearts  Roadrunner   Favoriting Fit To Be Tied: Great Hits by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts  Blackheart  1997  previously unreleased version  0:03:04 Pop-up)  
Beach Boys  Do It Again   Favoriting Beach Boys '69 - The Beach Boys Live in London  Capitol  1968/1990  actually recorded in 1968, released in 1976 ...  0:07:29 Pop-up)  
Curtis Mayfield  Move On Up   Favoriting single edit  Curtom  1971    0:10:26 Pop-up)  
Wreckless Eric  Tiny House   Favoriting Transcience  Southern Domestic  2019    0:23:56 Pop-up)  
Wreckless Eric  Father To the Man   Favoriting Transcience  Southern Domestic  2019    0:27:09 Pop-up)  
The Feelies  Deep Fascination   Favoriting Only Life  Bar/None  1988/2015  part of our grand prize! $75 or more to get in the drawing!  0:30:59 Pop-up)  
Juliana Hatfield  Hungry For You (J'aurais Toujours Faim de Toi)   Favoriting Juliana Hatfield Sings The Police  American Laundromat  2019    0:50:30 Pop-up)  
Outrageous Cherry  Lies Feel Good   Favoriting Meet You In The Shadows  Burger  2018    0:53:24 Pop-up)  
Juliana Hatfield  It's Alright For You   Favoriting Juliana Hatfield Sings The Police  American Laundromat  2019    0:58:14 Pop-up)  
The Minus 5  Bleach Boys & Beach Girls   Favoriting Stroke Manor  Yep Roc  2019    1:16:25 Pop-up)  
The Minus 5  Well In Fact She Said   Favoriting Stroke Manor  Yep Roc  2019    1:19:01 Pop-up)  
Sam Cooke  Shake, Rattle And Roll   Favoriting Night Beat  Legacy  1963/2010    1:34:54 Pop-up)  
The Mamas And Papas  I Saw Her Again   Favoriting         1:36:44 Pop-up)  
Hal Blaine  Vega-Tables promo session   Favoriting The Smile Sessions box  Capitol  1967/2011    1:40:04 Pop-up)  
Paul Revere & The Raiders  Him or Me - What's It Gonna Be?   Favoriting         1:41:24 Pop-up)  
Jan and Dean  Move Out Little Mustang   Favoriting         1:44:07 Pop-up)  
Booker T & the M.G.'s  Tic-Tac-Toe   Favoriting Soul Dressing  Rhino/Atlantic  1965/1992    2:07:02 Pop-up)  
Booker T & the M.G.'s  Jelly Bread   Favoriting Soul Dressing  Rhino/Atlantic  1965/1992    2:10:18 Pop-up)  
Booker T & the MG's  Hip Hug-Her   Favoriting Hip Hug-Her  Rhino/Atlantic  1965/1992    2:11:37 Pop-up)  
Los Shain's  Agente Secreto   Favoriting El Ritmo de Los Shain's  Munster Records  1966/2019  peru!  2:25:21 Pop-up)  
Los Shain's  El Bano del Pajaro   Favoriting El Ritmo de Los Shain's  Munster Records  1966/2019    2:26:33 Pop-up)  
Los Shain's  Shain's a-Go-Go   Favoriting El Ritmo de Los Shain's  Munster Records  1966/2019    2:28:53 Pop-up)  
Hank Harral  The D.J. Blues   Favoriting various - Strut My Stuff: Obscure Country & Hillbilly Boppers  Modern Harmonic  2019    2:41:03 Pop-up)  
Aubrey Bradford  Get Your Feet On The Floor   Favoriting verious - Strut My Stuff: Obscure Country & Hillbilly Boppers  Modern Harmonic  2019    2:43:23 Pop-up)  
Rocket 808  Boot City   Favoriting s/t  12XU  2019    2:56:42 Pop-up)  
Dave The Spazz  Shemp 2020 remix   Favoriting         2:56:48 Pop-up)  
The Feelies  Decide   Favoriting Time For A Witness  Bar/None  1991/2015    2:56:58 Pop-up)  

Listener comments!

Avatar 12:00pm modern blaze:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:00pm Handy Haversack:

Pledge, ye Montebanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm David (in London):

I like Joe Belock as he has a good, steady beat for dancing.
Avatar 12:01pm Motis:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm David (in London):

Greetings Joe B and all Lockers. Hey Handy.
Avatar 12:01pm modern blaze:

Be Monte!
Avatar 12:02pm Motis:

@David (in London): How do so many folks in places like Jolly Aulde find out about a radio station in New Jersey?
Avatar 12:03pm Motis:

This is definitely one of the Bay City Rollers' better tracks, and it isn't one you heard on the radio back in their heyday.
  12:03pm Amy:

This is a great way to start a radio show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm Alvy Singer:

When the Bay City Rollers shortened their name to The Rollers.
Avatar 12:04pm modern blaze:

roadrunner heels up we diig!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm Greg from ZONE 5:

Yoooooooo Joe!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:05pm Handy Haversack:

Hey, @David. I owe you an e-mail and a record review! Been go-go-going all weekend.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05pm Jessie:

Can't beat hearing Joan Jett while sitting at work.
Avatar 12:06pm modern blaze:

blast it to yer boss!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06pm David (in London):

@Motis - I heard it first when visiting friends in NYC in the 1990s. Then when podcasting began I was an avid downloader (still got many old episodes of Strength Through Failure in my own private archive), and then the joy of full streaming made it the compelling 24/7 listening option. Now, of course, I am a complete addict.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06pm Jessie:

@modern blaze, I am the boss! :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm ParUbi:

Nice start to the show!
Avatar 12:07pm modern blaze:

oops... don't fire me, sir...
Avatar 12:07pm Motis:

@David (in London): Ah, makes sense. Welcome to the Audio States of America!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm David (in London):

Handy, no hurry man, as and when. Got a CD in a package with your name on it, so just DM me your address when you get a moment. Hope the go-go was good go-go.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:08pm Jessie:

no worries, and its miss :-)
strike 2 lol
Avatar 12:09pm Motis:

Is that ma'amsplaining?
Avatar 12:09pm modern blaze:

"do it all the time cause i've got no regrets"
Avatar 12:10pm Motis:

Oh man. . . Station Manager Ken emailed me to tell me to pipe the hell down in here. Should I listen to him?
Avatar 12:11pm modern blaze:

i wanna get loaded too but i can't due to some reasons
  12:12pm Amy:

If you're on the fence about pledging, ask yourself this: where else can you hear the Bay City Rollers, Joan Jett, and Curtis Mayfield on the same show?
Avatar 12:12pm modern blaze:

"just move on up, blaze"
Avatar 12:12pm Motis:

Avatar 12:14pm modern blaze:

play some crooked chordz hustle!
Avatar 12:17pm Hubig Pie:

I like my beer warm
my tv loud
and my coffee, cold
Avatar 12:17pm Motis:

I don't have a problem with you guys calling it a "beer coozy," but that sounds kinda vaginal and I'm pretty sure the word is actually 'cozy.' Just sayin'.
Avatar 12:18pm modern blaze:

grand prize is awesome!
  12:18pm Jeff formerly from Rahway:

Hiya Joe! Take my money please!!!
Avatar 12:18pm Lewis:

@amy - not just the same show, but in the same set!
  12:19pm Amy:

@Lewis: This is what I'm saying!
Avatar 12:19pm modern blaze:

Avatar 12:20pm Lewis:

Avatar 12:20pm Itzall ClearD'me Nåu:

P'ssake is absolutely correct, when heading down the shore you WILL smell the glory of ce-KAW-kuss. Shoooey, that shz stinks. Also, everybody pledge!
  12:21pm SeanG:

Go Joe!
Avatar 12:24pm Motis:

Here in the steaming jungle hell that is Florida, we have Ponce Inlet, named for Ponce de Leon. . . whose first name is pronounced "PON-say," but the locals pronounce it in a single syllable.

There's also a town near Daytona Beach called NEW SMYRNA BEACH, but the people there insist that it's pronounced "suh-MYR-na" as though there was a vowel between the 's' and the 'm.'

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:25pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I hear Dennis Diken! Always a good thing...
Avatar 12:25pm modern blaze:

people in florida aren't stupid i'm sure as hell!
Avatar 12:26pm Motis:

@modern blaze: I may be going too far in referring to them as 'people,' yes.
Avatar 12:27pm modern blaze:

Avatar 12:28pm Motis:

I'm originally from the West Coast, and growing up I always thought the famous Daytona Beach was some kind of swanky glittering resort paradise. . . then I moved here. On the off days when it isn't overrun with tourists, all you see are meth heads and buildings that need to be burned down.
  12:30pm SeanG:

yr in the redneck riviera baby
Avatar 12:30pm Motis:

The coolest building you can see from our house is mostly famous for once being the hotel home of Aileen Wuornos.
Avatar 12:30pm Motis:

@SeanG: Yes indeed. . . and this is half a block from the beach! You'd think it would be nicest here.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:31pm Handy Haversack:

@David -- will do! We had your Bandcamp streaming yesterday morning as I was getting the apt. ready for company. Sounded great, but I will find time for a more focused listen as soon as I can.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:31pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Omg great phrase SeanG.
What they used to say about Cali - tilt the nation & all the loose bits fall there...
Avatar 12:32pm Motis:

I tried to find a band to sing with here, but all I could find on the Craigslist was guys putting together cover bands to play Eagles songs for tourists. KILL ME
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:32pm Uncle Michael:

Avatar 12:33pm Motis:

@Revolution Rabbit Nov63: Yes, yes, California definitely has issues of its own. Florida is just a different flavor of all messed up.
  12:34pm SeanG:

grew up in South Fla, now in Mass, but I went to Daytona last year and there was a lady lugging around a GIANT CROSS on her back and preaching Jesus through a megaphone. haha it was like something out of a Flannery O'Connor novel
Avatar 12:34pm Motis:

@SeanG: You're FROM Florida, and you've heard of Flannery O'Connor?

  12:36pm SeanG:

and I've read Ulysses! hahaha
Avatar 12:36pm Motis:

@SeanG: Nuh uh. NOBODY has read Ulysses.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:37pm Hopey Sockmonkey:

Uncle Michael!
Avatar 12:38pm Motis:

I want to hear something from Nick Lowe's JESUS OF COOL album
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:44pm Handy Haversack:

The Pledgers' Champ!
Avatar 12:48pm Lewis:

Lynyrd Skynyrd has been playing here in the great mid west...
  12:50pm John from Florham park:

@Motis when Ken sends you an email take it from me LISTEN
@DIL howdy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:51pm David (in London):

Greetings John, Mr President.
Avatar 12:52pm modern blaze:

heard hotel in cali back in the days on a foreign radio
Avatar 12:53pm modern blaze:

french IS sexy!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:53pm Handy Haversack:

I keep thinking I'm not going to like these covers of Police songs and then liking them *so much*.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 12:58pm Hoboken Jack:

Hey Greg, Florham John, Jeff, everybody! I am sitting by the printer, waiting for your online pledges. Or call 1-800-989-9368. Lies feel good but pledging feels better!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm listener monica:

i didn't know i like juliana hatfield.
Avatar 1:00pm modern blaze:

hobo j don't lie that you like lies
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:02pm Woo:

West 8th Street and Sixth Avenue?
Avatar 1:03pm modern blaze:

join the waves. pledge!
  1:04pm JakeGould:

Hey Joe! Knock this out of the park!

Also, the head of the Port Authority — a few mere blocks away from WFMU — has tested positive for Coronavirus. Wash your hands people!
Avatar 1:05pm modern blaze:

wear facemasks!
  1:06pm JakeGould:

Don’t shake hands or hug people!
Avatar 1:06pm Motis:

Don't touch the poles on the subway!
Avatar 1:07pm Mef G:

Hey Joe,it's Mef not Mel! Lol!
Avatar 1:07pm Motis:

What is 'Mef' short for? Mefistofeles?
  1:08pm JakeGould:

@Motis: So I should touch the Ukrainians?
Avatar 1:09pm Mef G:

Mef is just a nickname!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:10pm Woo:

On Feb 25, 1975 I saw the Faces with The Strawbs and Blue Oyster Cult at the Providence Civic Center. I was able to look that up and get results in seconds. All I remember is Rod Stewart kicking soccer balls into the audience.
Avatar 1:12pm Motis:

What was all y'alls very first live gig? Mine was Iron Butterfly at the Fillmore West in the summer of 1969.
Avatar 1:13pm modern blaze:

did Rob Halford like wrestle thing?
  1:17pm SeanG:

1985 Hollywood Sportatorium Iron Maiden/Twisted Sister
Avatar 1:19pm Joe B:

sorry mef! i'm in the other room, didnt see it
Avatar 1:19pm modern blaze:

Jeka! if you are listening - say hi!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:19pm McGroovey:

I'm sitting at phone#1, and I've only taken two calls so far! I'm fallin'asleep heah!
  1:19pm morphe':

Minus 5 - serious question : how did they make that distortion ... More than surface noise...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:20pm Tim 07030:

I heartily endorse this Minus 5 album, so you should pledge and try to win it!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:21pm Handy Haversack:

Come on, Montebanks, wake up McGroovey!
Avatar 1:21pm modern blaze:

who likes f-minus?
  1:22pm Tim from LH:

I saw Scott McCaughy and The Baseball Project at a House concert in NJ and it was so packed when Denis Diken showed up he couldn’t make it inside and just hung outside on the deck.
Avatar 1:23pm modern blaze:

never been in a stadium rock concert
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:27pm Handy Haversack:

No, the Argyle?! Really?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:29pm Hoboken Jack:

Rocker Karyn Kuhl just pledged and so can you! 1-800-989-9368 or wfmu.org
  1:30pm John from Florham park:

@Jack I wished I had the money to pledge but I don’t
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:31pm ChrisB.:

I have some gorgeous Shaefer Beer pony glasses. Holds about 6 oz.
  1:33pm Daybreak: The Marathon Man:

Anyone know what day on the archive the Hal Blain show was on the archive?
Avatar 1:34pm Joe B:

John you can still contribute by spreading the word on WFMU! either in person or social media! thanks for listening!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:35pm Handy Haversack:

@Daybreak, 3/18/19: wfmu.org...

@John from FP: You do a great job demonstrating how special WFMU is! You have def. turned me on to shows I didn't know about!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:36pm David (in London):

@John from FP - And the 19am Society would be rudderless without you.
  1:36pm John from Florham park:

@Joe b I do just that apreading the gospel of this wired wonderful station
  1:37pm John from Florham park:

@DIL thanks
  1:39pm John from Florham park:

@Handy thank you and I remember listening to that show for 2 hours in a parking lot just mesmerizid by the show
Avatar 1:41pm modern blaze:

i'm not smart! i want tomato tortillas!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:42pm Woo:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:44pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Could it be The Police were great - just need to sound less like Sting... Yeah Raiders!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:45pm tim from champaign (now washington):

Go Joe! Let's get Joe a lot of money, you jabronis!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:45pm David (in London):

I'm heading relentlessly towards Dead Man's Curve. Buckle up.
  1:46pm John from Florham park:

@Tim now I here have I heard jabroni before:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:46pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Appreciate from YOU GUYS the insight of Hal Blaine's influence on Keith Moon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:46pm Mike Sin:

Hello Joe! Hello Dennis! Folks keep great radio like this on the air for another year! Come on and pledge! Think what this station gives you for free compared to what ya pay for all yer subscription services!
  1:47pm Daybreak: The Marathon Man:

If she’s so fast, why isn’t he riding with her!
Let the fastest drive!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:48pm Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Cheap - Easy - Effective !
If I can you surely can.
Lets do it friends.
  1:49pm John from Florham park:

@Daybreak has your school district had any meetings about the virus?
  1:49pm Steve Greenfield:

Hal Blaine was featured very prominently in the Wrecking Crew movie.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:49pm Handy Haversack:

@RR11/63, 1:44: I think you're zeroing in on the heart of the matter. I knew I liked Blake Babies so certainly had nothing against Juliana Hatfield. But it was a shock to enjoy hearing Police tunes quite so much.

@David: These aren't accidents! They're throwing themselves into the road!
  1:51pm Daybreak: The Marathon Man:

Not yet John from FP.
Just found out that my kid’s school is having a day off on Friday for teachers and Admin to figure out what to do if a long closure is needed.

My school district is sending out a message tonight about when we are doing ours. I think we are doing a 1/2 day instead.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:54pm David (in London):

  1:55pm John from Florham park:

@Daybreak they were doing a delay opening in my nieces school district today for the teachers and admin to talk about it too
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:56pm listener monica:

The wrecking crew sound generated lots of $. Support the arts.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 1:57pm Handy Haversack:

@David, every year I run a small (American) football pool for 9 of my friends. Each year has had a theme (going back to 2012), and after a DEEP dive into the Big Lebowski last season, I decided to be more inclusive to our two friends in London and go with Withnail and I for the 2020 season. Very much looking forward to the research.
  1:58pm Daybreak: The Marathon Man:

Buena is a town in South Jersey
Avatar 1:59pm modern blaze:

NJ aaall evening!
  2:07pm Dungaroos Kipawah:

I was just telling someone about that Memphis Stomp—watching the Tenn 3 playing & turning at bar to get a drink & next to me was Scotty Moore & Steve Cropper, just watching the scene. Jaw met floor. Great show fellas!!
Avatar 2:08pm modern blaze:

super interested!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:08pm Handy Haversack:

Hey, @Dungaroos -- Manny and I were just saying we want to descend upon you for a beer! Are you on Atlantic on Wed.?
Avatar 2:09pm Joe B:

"Hal Blaine was featured very prominently in the Wrecking Crew movie." yeah we know. was talking about pf sloan
  2:11pm SeanG:

Cropper is the best!
Avatar 2:12pm modern blaze:

what is jelly bread even
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:13pm Uncle Michael:

bread...with jelly on it
Avatar 2:13pm Joe B:

maybe jelly bread is revealed in the book!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:16pm Woo:

The Norwegian 67 version of Green Onions is incredible. It's on YouTube. Great audience reaction shots-mostly stunned.
Avatar 2:16pm Motis:

i'm off to watch Fellini's SATYRICON. Cheers, rockers! PLEDGE if you can!
  2:21pm Amy:

"You're a prize" is what my mom used to say when I was being bratty.
  2:23pm Ike:

YES! TRASH TALK ALL APOSTROPHE ABUSERS! If you’ve ever molested an apostrophe, make up for it by pledging now!
  2:27pm John from Florham park:

Love this surf music
Avatar 2:31pm Keilidh:

okay i'm obsessed with Los Shain's now
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:33pm The Oscar:

Been busy with work, but Los Shain's RULE. My favorite is their cover of "Crusher" by the Novas, where they add the riff from "Out of Limits" and change the title to "I'm the Monster!"
  2:40pm Amy:

This next prize is so good that I'm going to add to my previous pledge, which was already in addition to my Swag for Life renewal.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:44pm David (in London):

@Handy - That's very inclusive of you. And Lebowski to Withnail is surely the progression made in Heaven.
  2:44pm morphe':

Handy and David van der Stoke -
Handy I do not gamble - only with my life - what does this mean?" I decided to be more inclusive to our two friends in London and go with Withnail and I for the 2020 season. Very much looking forward to the research??" What sort of research do you seek? Sounds more like Pub Quiz than American Foot. Have ya seen "HOW TO GET AHEAD IN ADVERTISING?" Same actor - he is sort of like England's Christopher Walken - only plays crazies? I'll not gamble but I'll research... Handy - Have ya seen Steptoe & Son Brit sitcome from which was birthed Sandford & Son. I know not David's age but seems as though he has seen Steptoe???? David???
  2:48pm Amy:

That worked out nicely! #winning
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:49pm Handy Haversack:

@morphe', sure. We're devoted Richard E. Grant admirers -- from Withnail and I and back again! Have not seen Steptoe and Son, though -- will look around for it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:50pm ChrisB.:

I think a WFMU Abbott & Costello TV show tribute program would be very appropriate for the station. After all, they're Jersey Boys!
Avatar 2:51pm Keilidh:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:54pm ChrisB.:

Shemp! Eeebeebeebeebee!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:55pm Handy Haversack:

Great show, Joe and Dennis! Thanks as always, Joe -- you are a Monday bright spot when I had thought Mondays would be dark days! The Pledgetastic argosy sets sail!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:55pm David (in London):

@morphester / Handy - My parents used to hate Steptoe & Son (I think my dad found Wilfred Bramble just too disgusting), so it wasn't a regular feature in our house back in the day, but of course I know it well. Did it have an American version then? Wow, that I must look into.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:57pm David (in London):

Ironic given that as I recall, the running gag about Brambell in 'A Hard Day's Night' is about how clean he is.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:58pm David (in London):

Hot Monday rocking Joe. Thanks man.
  2:59pm choggie:

Bee at bay, be ree bee, bee eye biggy-bi bee oh bo, biggy bi bo bu bi Bay biggy bi bo boo
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