Favoriting Bubblegum OD with Becky Ebenkamp: Playlist from January 17, 2021 Favoriting

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Bubblegum OD is Rock’n’Soul’s radio show devoted to cartoon rock, pop pablum, and sundry other candy-coated musical guilty pleasures. Many of these songs were penned by the Brill Building's best and brightest and contain provocative double-entendre lyrics. Sometimes a Mars bar isn’t just a Mars bar...

Sunday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
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Favoriting January 17, 2021: The Jelly Jam Not Presented by Smuckers

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Comments Approx. start time
Cattanooga Cats  Cattanooga Cats Theme   Favoriting     0:00:00 (Pop-up)
The Easybeats  Good Times   Favoriting     0:01:54 (Pop-up)
The Giant Jellybean  Awake in a Dream   Favoriting     0:04:28 (Pop-up)
The Short Circus (The Electric Company)  Jelly Belly   Favoriting The Cast of the Electric Company  A Jello spokesman is involved in this, too  0:07:03 (Pop-up)
Nai Bonet  Jelly Belly   Favoriting     0:11:16 (Pop-up)
Lemon Pipers  Jelly Jungle   Favoriting     0:11:36 (Pop-up)
The Go-Nuts  Jelly-Filled Heart   Favoriting     0:13:50 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Kenny Woodman Sound 

Fire Brigade   Favoriting



0:16:03 (Pop-up)
Jellyfish  Joining a Fan Club   Favoriting     0:17:50 (Pop-up)
Pat and Penny  Jellybean   Favoriting     0:21:45 (Pop-up)
Gorillas Feat. Gruff Rhys & De La Soul  Superfast Jellyfish   Favoriting     0:23:54 (Pop-up)
Lancelot Link And The Evolution Revolution  Wild Beans, Jelly Beans   Favoriting     0:27:14 (Pop-up)
The Jelly Bean Bandits  Happiness Girl   Favoriting     0:28:54 (Pop-up)
The Oranges  Wild Voices and Jellybeans   Favoriting     0:31:42 (Pop-up)
Reneri's Raiders  Crazy Ellen's Homemade Blueberry Jam   Favoriting     0:34:08 (Pop-up)
The Golden Orchestra  Strawberry Jam   Favoriting     0:36:56 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Enoch Light 

I'm Telling You Now   Favoriting



0:38:24 (Pop-up)
The Yellow Brick Road  Follow in John's Shoes   Favoriting     0:40:07 (Pop-up)
Strangers in a Strange Land and Vince Melouney  Ring My Bell   Favoriting     0:43:21 (Pop-up)
Tommy Roe  Jam Up & Jelly Tight   Favoriting     0:46:09 (Pop-up)
Marmalade  I See the Rain   Favoriting     0:48:32 (Pop-up)
The Jam  All Mod Cons   Favoriting     0:52:37 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Enoch Light 

I'm Henry The VIII, I Am   Favoriting



0:54:07 (Pop-up)
Lonnie Donegan  Does Your Chewing Gum Lose It's Flavor On the Bedpost Overnight?   Favoriting     0:55:31 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 6:17pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Wear your jammies!
Avatar 6:45pm

Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 6:56pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Jessie! Howdy!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 6:56pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Wow my art looks really washed out. I'm on my big computer now.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

What’s up with you?
Avatar 6:59pm

I just finished another show and here for the good times.
Avatar 6:59pm

howdy folks! ready for a jam session
Avatar 7:00pm

Hi Neko.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Yay, Neko!
Avatar 7:00pm

hi jessie! what is your favorite flavor of jelly or jam?
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Avatar 7:01pm

Jarema Mykietyn:

G'day, Becky and all!
Avatar 7:02pm
Thee Mystery Gyrl:

Hi everyone!!!! Listening from an afternoon Malibu drive!!!! Love you!!
Avatar 7:02pm

wow, we have connoisseurs tonight. both excellent choices
Avatar 7:02pm

What's yours?
Richard Whig:

alrite!! Swingin sundae!!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:03pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Oh, nice! Hi Mystery Gyrl! Oh, and Jarema! Now it’s a party!
Avatar 7:03pm

anything but prune butter, jessie
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:04pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

A Whig Party! I think mine is apple.
Avatar 7:04pm

lately been big on jalapeno jelly
Avatar 7:05pm

Hi Jarema.
Avatar 🍭 7:05pm
Eric R:

nice BB sound here
Avatar 7:06pm

@neko Highly recommend Melinda's preserves (and hot sauce): melindas.com...
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:06pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

An incredible simulation... Hi, Eric!
Lina L.:

Hi kids!
Nice to see you all
Avatar 7:07pm

hyperdose, i bookmarked that! those are some nice flavors there
Avatar 7:08pm
DJ Major Sally:

Hi Becky!
Jarema Mykietyn:

How's it going, Jessie?
Avatar 7:08pm

howdy all! and a big round of hello for lina
Lina L.:

Hey Neko! Hey Becky!!!
Sam Beetler:

Hey I found your station for my phone. Yay!

Becky is having trouble getting on!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:09pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

I can't post! Had to switch machines! Hi Lina and HD and Sally! Wow!
Avatar 7:10pm

hi dom! and welcome back becky!
Lina L.:

Oh no!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:10pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

PMG! Say hi to my cousin Sam you guys!
Avatar 7:10pm

hello cousin sam!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:10pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Thanks for listening
Lina L.:

Hey Dom!
Avatar 7:10pm
DJ Major Sally:

Happy birthday Dom!

Hi DJ Major Sally... saw you in the Tom Guido book!
Jarema Mykietyn:

Hi, Sam!

Howdy Ha, Shindigger Lina L.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:11pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Ooh, dirty lyrics!
Avatar 7:11pm

It's funny I used to HATE anything spicy, now I put it on everything. Hope you enjoy neko!

Hi Becky! Great start to the show. =)
Avatar 🍭 7:12pm
Eric R:

wow. Lemon Pipers! I saw them in Cincinnati in 1970-something. Early 70s.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:12pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

And that was OMG, of course.

Who don't Love the orange marmalade!

And Howdy Ha, Shindigger to Thee Mystery Girl, too! Malibu-style
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:13pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

We will be hearing Jarema a little later. Also, a new group featuring Vince Melouney, who was in the Bee Gees in the 1960s.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:13pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

I think they will get a taste, Fox...
Avatar 7:14pm
DJ Major Sally:

I just got my 2nd copy, the 1st one was damaged thanks to the the delivery person leaving it in the rain. You’re in there too, aren’t you? Still digging through it.

Hi Jesse3000!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:14pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Great book!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:15pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Also, Sally, I don't know if you have this YBR single I'm going to play. I didn't know about it.

Hi Neko... last week we got Kiki back, now we got Lina back! Now to get them and Papa Joe on all at once! With YOU of course!!! And maybe Hanalei?!?@?@
Avatar 7:16pm

i told joe that he is missed in chat. yeah it would be nice to have more of the old crew

Yes, DJ Major Sally, Becky and I are in there a couple of times, plus I'm in a couple of dance shots
Lina L.:

Sorry, I always forget after getting off the other chat room. Thanks for the reminder, Dom!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:17pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

I like when this shifts into that slow part.

Neko, well we have a good start... we got Joe and Lina and Kiki all separate... the trick is to get them TOGETHER... who else do we need from then?
Avatar 7:17pm
Thee Mystery Gyrl:

Love the show so far! Incredible driving into the sunset!!!
Lina L.:

So good to see Neko! Just like old times!
Avatar 7:18pm

I was in the Burger King Kid's Club!
Avatar 7:18pm

bubblegum brings everyone together!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:18pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Yes! I'm trying to get the band back together, Lina.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:19pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

I think I was only ever in one fan club.

Thee Mystery Girl, that Giant Jellybean Copout record on the Poppy label has been one of my fave Beach Boy knockoffs since the '80s. I call that "Psychedelic Surf Pastiche Washout"... a whole genre
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:19pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

What did BK entitle you to, HD?
Lina L.:

Whaaaat? I was in so many! And then I ran one.
Avatar 7:20pm

same here, becky. just one fan club. but that was bobby sherman circa 1969/1970
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:20pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

That's the trick: You need to RUN one if you have hopes of meeting the band.
Avatar 7:20pm
DJ Major Sally:

I thought I saw you both in there, but there’s so much going on, in the book. Brought back a LOT of memories.
Lina L.:

I was in the Osmonds, Partridge Family, Andy and David Williams, DeFranco Family...
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:20pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Ooh, weird. I am looking at the artwork and the Reggie glass looks concave to me.
Avatar 🍭 7:21pm
Eric R:

Domenic, my local store has Riot On Sunset Strip and Pop Sixties but sadly LLVS and the Lost Story are out of stock.
Lina L.:

David Cassidy...

I joined a Gram Parsons fan club in 1980... their zine turned out to be my first writing experience for a mag... an interview with Michelle Phillips, no less!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:21pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Were both in the book, Sally.
Avatar 🍭 7:22pm
Eric R:

you know which I mean..the story of the lost masterpiece
Avatar 7:22pm

the artwork on the pop-up for this song is a kansas album cover

Eric R., yeah, well Pop Sixties is still in print and can be ordered.

All we are is dust in the wind

YES, Lost Masterpiece Eric R.... I'm not sure if that can be ordered but I buy one for cheap on Ebay once in a while, for business reasons
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:24pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

For Jellybean, Neko?
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:24pm
Matt Clarke:

Good evening, Becky!
Avatar 7:24pm

ooh nice, becky!

LLVS would have to be eBay at this stage of the game... or book collector sites may have it
Avatar 7:24pm

yeah, for jellybean. it was a kansas album cover. go figure
Avatar 7:24pm

Hi Domenic. I hope you had a great birthday.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:24pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

I hope it's the one with the ship falling off the edge of the Earth because I drew a very good version of that as a teen.
Avatar 🍭 7:25pm
Eric R:

the two that are available sound like the kind of thing I'd like so I'll pick those up first.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:25pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Matty Matt! Thanks for dropping by!
Avatar 7:25pm

it was indeed, becky

Thanks Jessie3000, it was really fun, Becky and I went to a Middle Eastern bakery and got an amazing chocolate cake!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:26pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

On my Pat & Penny 45, I took a pic and pasted the heads of my cat (Penelope) and Pat Beers from the Schizophonics over the girls'.

Yeah, Eric R., Riot on Sunset Strip is my favorite of the books I've done
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:27pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

This is some amazing wordplay for chimps! I wonder if they read the Jeff Tweedy book about songwriting...

Becky told me this week that Ernie Kovacs people also worked on Lance Link show!!!
Avatar 7:28pm

makes sense, dom. very nairobi trio in a way
Avatar 7:28pm

Chocolate is my favourite!!

YES, Neko
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:29pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

This group has Jelly in the name. It counts.
Avatar 7:30pm
DJ Major Sally:

There you two are! Love it!
Richard Whig:

alrite! was hoping for the Bandits!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:30pm
Matt Clarke:

So cool that Vince is releasing new tracks. Looking forward to hearing it! I am thoroughly enjoying the jelly jams
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:30pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Are they popular? What do you know about them? I have the lp but don't know much

Howdy Richard Whig? (did I say that already this week? I can't tell, the Sundays are flown' into one another...)
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:31pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Thanks, Matt. I think someone else beat me to it, but oh well. I'm friends with his band ; )
Avatar 7:31pm

Love the sombreros on the band
Avatar 7:32pm

@Becky I believe it was a free whopper, I mean who could turn that down? :)
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:33pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

They take the gimmick seriously, Jessie. As they should.
Avatar 7:36pm

Love the keyboard sound too.
Avatar 7:36pm

hyperdose, did you also get a fancy paper crown?
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:36pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Sounds lie a good deal, HD. There's a whole branch of BG songs like this with convoluted old-times treat names. Usually they have drug references. Like Aunt Matilda's Double Yummy Blow Your Mind Brownies.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:37pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

For Jessie!
Avatar 7:38pm

that's a show in itself, becky. or something where recipes are provided
Avatar 7:38pm

I'll be singing this in my sleep tonight. ☺️

that last one counts as a "Skippy The Bush Kangaroo" ripoff!
Avatar 7:39pm

doing a tame enoch light version of the freddie here in this computer chair
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:40pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Not Creedence but an incredible simulation!

"Riverboat Queen" rock
Avatar 7:41pm

Very cool Jarema!
Avatar 7:41pm
DJ Major Sally:

I do not have this one, I don’t see it in their discography.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:42pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

We need to add to Discogs.
Jarema Mykietyn:

Thanks, Jessie! Had fun with that one!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:42pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

This is pretty danceable.
Avatar 7:43pm
DJ Major Sally:

I dig it!
Avatar 7:44pm

Jarema, you have a great discography. I want a set.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:45pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

We will get the YBR back together to play at the first-ever Bubblegum Weekender!
Avatar 7:45pm

@neko The crowns were always free at my BK. I took them by the handful haha

@Becky I would love some of that Archie's memorabilia. Only comics I enjoyed as a kid. They felt more grown up to me than the superhero stuff.
Richard Whig:

hey Dom!
Jarema Mykietyn:

Jessie, send me an address and I'll make you a CD!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:46pm
Glynis GirlGroupGirl:

Hoping Tommy would spread it on thick!
Avatar 7:46pm

we used to run around with those crowns pretending we were in an imperial margarine commercial. my cousin was really good at duplicating the trumpet flourish
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:46pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

I used to have all of them but "the cats" broke a lot of them. My fave two are pictured.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:47pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Ha ha! Don't do drugs kids!
Avatar 7:47pm

I'll pass it to Becky and she can relay it to you. Is that ok Becky?
Avatar 7:48pm

yeah, kids, don't do drugs. save them for the adults. we need ALL the drugs we can GET

Hi Glynis GirlGroupGirl... Funday
Lina L.:

Lina L.:

Avatar 7:48pm

@Neko. Yeah from pot to Losartan. Drugs suck
Avatar 7:48pm
DJ Major Sally:

One of my all time favorites! Thanks for The Marmalade, Becky!!!

we're going somewhere now, Lina..
Richard Whig:

circling back on the JB Bandits.....from upstate/Hudson Valley and were popular as a cover band. originally known as the mirrors, they decided to change their name due to another local group w the same name. their fave band name was the PB Conspiracy....so they riffed on that until landing on the Bandits! they walked into Mainstream Rcds off the street w a demo and got an LP deal!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:50pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

I want to lay a scenario on you party people: You're having fun, and you don't want that to end in 10 minutes. Where do you go? Here, for the Whig Out: wfmu.org...
Avatar 7:50pm

They have a slight Badfinger sound to them.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:50pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

This song is for DJ Sally!
Lina L.:

Perhaps I need to start a band and call it The Lemon Curd. I like that better than marmalade on my English muffin
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:50pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

I love the moodiness...

Richard Whig, that JellyBean Bandits was super Go Go riff like
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:51pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Also, the next one (not moody, for Sally, I mean)...
Avatar 7:51pm

it's a fun show, becky. we listen in even if i can't necessarily chat due to official KP duties
Avatar 7:51pm

Ahh I strongly dislike it when two of my favorite shows overlap! So much greatness on the WFMU alternates.
Avatar 7:51pm
DJ Major Sally:

Thank you!
Avatar 7:52pm

This is an awesome set list. Becky, you sure know how to prepare Jelly.
Lina L.:

The Jam!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:52pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

I know, HD! I took this time slot cuz I figured I was Gaylord's lead-in! Didn't know R&G were gonna be after. But it's perfect.
Avatar 7:52pm

hyperdose, similar issues here except it's not another radio show, it's the new season of 'american gods'

Yeah, like DJ Major Sally says THANK YOU Becky
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which jumped RIGHT out of the box with marilyn manson in some sort of viking death-metal garb
Avatar 7:53pm
DJ Major Sally:

I’m still looking for an ‘All Mod Cons’ 8-track!
Richard Whig:

yeah love that Bandits track!
Avatar 7:53pm

Exactly! You're my lead-in for Gaylord. Tom Dash is my lead in for Joe B. And I hate to have to choose, but Denny's Den is just the pinnacle of radio for me.
Jarema Mykietyn:

Wife and I just made homemade grape jelly, will look for some bread!
Avatar 7:54pm

Avatar 7:55pm

Thank you Becky.

Sylvain and Wanda were regulars on the chat back in the day, Neko. We'll have to get Wanda back soon...
Avatar 7:55pm

neko, I had to give up on Raised by Wolves (too weird, even for me). Just finished The Mandalorian. Now I have a folder full of movies I have to burn through.
Lina L.:

Bye kids! Great show, Becky!
Avatar 7:55pm

yeah, dom. i am not handling it too well
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:55pm
Matt Clarke:

Thanks Becky!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:56pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

No, thank you! This should be my regular sign-off song, maybe...

Lonnie Donnegan... the most influential musican for the British Invasion bands!
Avatar 7:56pm
DJ Major Sally:

Great show! Bye all! Gonna rewatch the Creem Magazine documentary!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:56pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

HD, I didn't make it through, either. I just heard it is worth it tho.

and... I remember hearing this on the radio as a kid!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:57pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Share it with the class, Jarema!
Avatar 7:57pm
DJ Major Sally:

I’ll check on Whig Out, too!
Avatar 7:57pm

hyperdose, there's a show called "dark" that's so weird, i couldn't even get thru the plot on wikipedia

Thanks DJ Major Sally, I'll check that out too, Creem doc and the Whigs of course!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:58pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Uh, moment of silence for Phil Spector?
Avatar 7:58pm

Thanks Becky! Loved how the themed show came together. Until next week!
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