Favoriting Surface Noise with Joe McGasko: Playlist from March 8, 2021 Favoriting

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A pennant-winning battery of songland. Ongoing feature: Single File, a half-hour of randomly selected small records with big holes.

Monday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Mon. Mar 10th, 9am - Noon: Joe McGasko and his Co-host Brian D
Mon. Mar 17th, 9am - Noon: Stuart Staples of Tindersticks (More info...)

Favoriting March 8, 2021: 2021 Marathon Show #1 with Special Co-Host DJ Stashu

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Mel Tormé  Lullaby of Birdland   Favoriting The Mel Tormé Collection 1944-1985  Rhino    CD    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Peggy Lee  Great Day   Favoriting Something Wonderful: Peggy Lee Sings the Great American Songbook  Omnivore Recordings    CD    0:07:02 (Pop-up)
Young-Holt Unlimited  Yes We Can Can   Favoriting Oh Girl  4 Men with Beards  2002  LP  From 1972  0:09:04 (Pop-up)
Lil' Wally  I Am Your D.J.   Favoriting Sincerely Yours  Jay Jay    LP    0:12:26 (Pop-up)
Midnight Stud  Gloria   Favoriting Nights in White Polyester        my 2021 premium!  0:24:27 (Pop-up)
The Time Zone  Space Walker   Favoriting Music from Patch Cord Productions  Sacred Bones      giving this away for pledges of $20 or more  0:26:39 (Pop-up)
Perrey-Kingsley  Countdown at 6   Favoriting The In Sound from Way Out!  Vanguard    CD    0:30:23 (Pop-up)
Hugo Montenegro  Moog Power   Favoriting Moog Power          0:32:20 (Pop-up)
Mort Garson  Dragonfly   Favoriting Music from Patch Cord Productions        giving this away right after the song, so get in the running before it's too late!  0:35:13 (Pop-up)
Pulsallama  The Devil Lives in My Husband's Body   Favoriting Pulsallama  Modern Harmonic    LP    0:52:22 (Pop-up)
The Flatpackers  Pumping iron   Favoriting Make More Noise! Women In Independent UK Music 1977 - 1987          0:54:46 (Pop-up)
The GTO's  Do Me in Once and I'll Be Sad, Do Me in Twice and I'll Know Better (Circular Circulation)   Favoriting Zappéd  Warner Bros.    LP    0:57:30 (Pop-up)
The Cyclones  I'm in Heaven   Favoriting Strum & Thrum: The American Jangle Underground 1983-1987  Captured Tracks    LP  Grand Prize today for pledges of $75 or more during the show  1:01:59 (Pop-up)
Pulsallama  Rhythm Method   Favoriting Pulsallama        about to give this one away!  1:03:43 (Pop-up)
A Girl Called Eddy  Jody   Favoriting Been Around  Elefant      next prize!  1:20:25 (Pop-up)
Valverde Brothers  Layla   Favoriting Nights In White Polyester: My 2021 Marathon Premium          1:25:22 (Pop-up)
Single File: a bunch of 45s in a row (usually)
Dick Liebert with Three Beaus and a Peep  The Bowling Song   Favoriting single  RCA Victor  1950  45    1:38:54 (Pop-up)
Lee Morris  Look in Your Pocket, Joe   Favoriting single  Ovation  1972  45    1:41:22 (Pop-up)
Robert Palmer  Looking for Clues   Favoriting single  Island  1980  45    1:43:19 (Pop-up)
Joe and Stashu  The Laverne and Shirley Theme   Favoriting           1:47:54 (Pop-up)
A Girl Called Eddy  Someone's Gonna Break Your Heart   Favoriting Been Around          1:49:19 (Pop-up)
Juana Molina  Cara de Espejo   Favoriting ARNMAL: Live in Mexico  Crammed Discs    LP  next prize: 2 pack with the "For Fun" EP  2:04:07 (Pop-up)
SAULT  Free   Favoriting Untitled (Rise)  Forever Living Originals        2:08:14 (Pop-up)
Massive Attack  Safe from Harm   Favoriting Blue Lines  Wild Bunch  1991  CD    2:13:32 (Pop-up)
Juana Molina  Bicho Auto   Favoriting ARNMAL: Live in Mexico        about to give this away, so get in your pledges now!  2:18:39 (Pop-up)
Gunn-Truscinski Duo  Valley Spiral   Favoriting Soundkeeper  Three Lobed Recordings  2020  LP  my next prize! double LP!  2:37:48 (Pop-up)
Three Hits  5 O'Clock   Favoriting Strum & Thrum: The American Jangle Underground 1983-1987  Captured Tracks    LP  GRAND PRIZE for pledges of $75 or more  2:41:53 (Pop-up)
Fruit  Heart Full of Soul   Favoriting Nights In White Polyester: My 2021 Marathon Premium          2:50:54 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:00am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Do the do-si-do to the ra-di-o and pledge, pledge, pledge! Yip yip!
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:00am

Polka polka yip boing!
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Brian in UK:

Hey Joe 'n Stashu. Let's get cracking.
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can I get a YIP?
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Brian in UK:

A spit shy of $5000, who loves ya Joe.
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Krys O.:

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Handy Haversack:

Do the Marathon Yip! Morning, Joe, Stashu, and all the Surfactant Friends!
Al Roquer:

I don't remember hearing the station ID at 9
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:02am

Yip, Yip, Hooray. It's time for Joe and Stashu !
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Webhamster Henry:

Is there a way to mash up your theme songs?
wenzo llc.:

greetings from da D sta shoe!!
  Swag For Life Member 9:03am

Yip with me, Yipley
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David (in London):

Hello Marathon Yippers! Howdy Joe!
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DJ Guin:

Stas-ah-h-ah-shu and
Mister Joe....Mister Joe, Mister Joe, Mister Joe....
They got a THING going on.....
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Joe McG:

Hey everybody! Welcome to the show, and welcome to my special co-host, DJ Stashu from Dance with Me, Stanley!
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Aw hi
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velvet fog is fantastic.
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Wee wee wee tweetle dee dee dee
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Rick from SC:

@webhamster, I was thinking the same thing
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Son Of Pantz:

Joe McG and Stashu. Two great tastes that taste great together!
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Webhamster Henry:

Cue up "Zaz Turned Blue" for the best Velvet Fog experience.
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I didn't check the schedule, so seeing that Stashu is here fills me with an indescribable joy!
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Good morning Stashu and Joe McGasko!! And gang! This is lovely!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:05am

good morning, all! Joe, i think there's been some confusion over the following statement in the SWL email. can you be so kind as to clarify?

"There are two ways to show your love for your favorite shows. One way is to allot portions of your annual donation to various shows using the link above. The other way is to make live pledges during the marathon from March 6–21. Feel free to do one or another, but please avoid doing both."

this is my pledge of love to you

Wow interesting tune to begin
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am

'ello folks
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DJ Guin:

Joe McG and Stashu: Like Rabbit & Costello...Damon and Runyon....like Bagels & Lox..
  Swag For Life Member 9:06am

In these unprecedented times, it's important to not just think of Mel Torme, but also Mel Tormallofus
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Good morning!
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Oh, the velvet fog! what a great way to begin the morning!
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What a nice calming song. Feels like a sweet sweet lullaby
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Stillwell Coney Islander:

Good morning Mel Torme ❤️
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:08am
Handy Haversack:

Good morning in the afternoon, David!

@luka, here's what I do. I think it works. I don't mark any shows in my S4L response. Instead: when I want to direct some of my S4L pledge to a show, I pledge during that show and pick "one time" and whatever amount I want, skip all the swag questions, select "bill me later," and then in the Office Memo section, say "aim $X of my S4L pledge at Surface Noise!"

This let's you be in the running for prizes, get badges, etc., until you run through the total of your S4L amount.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:08am

Unlimited visibility in this velvet fog !!!
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Brian in UK:

Joe, I think Lullaby is dating your listeners.
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DJ Guin:

@Stashuski - jak się masz??
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Turn on your Velvet Fog Lights!!
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Webhamster Henry:

I hope you are all singing along!
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Marley P. Dogg:

I can’t hear Mel Torme without thinking of Night Court!
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Handy Haversack:

(I really hope Joe's not about to come on and say "Handy is totally wrong; what he does causes no end of headaches.")
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The Velvet Fog summoned me.
Good morning, Joe, and DJStashu.
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Mx. Granny (e/em):

OH YEAH, me and my kitty are singing together!!!
Andrew in Toronto:

Hi there Joe and everybody else!
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I masz good and you?
Andrew in Toronto:

Hi there Handy.
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Brian in UK:

Handy, trouble is that it does not stop there.
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DJ Guin:

obudzić. ledwo :-)
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The Oscar:

Good day, Joe and Stashu!
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@Handy that helps a lot, i think! i wasn't thinking of it in terms of "how do i best allocate my SWL money". i'm just gonna give more dough on top when i want!
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@Handy If Joe has a headache it's because you poured him the cheap hooch and kept the good stuff for yourself! Come on, and during marathon? =/
  Swag For Life Member 9:12am

This is the first time I've ever heard this version of what is widely regarded as one of the funkiest songs of all time
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DJ Guin:

Any chance there will be a Monty Hall Drive By with t-shirt cannons and a Stasyh in a Bikini Car Wash?
Thanks! First time listener...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am
B R M:

@luka That's what I do- I SWL, then I set aside some money to get in on some prizes (I never win, but it's extra support!) and drop $20 here and there on shows I didn't already support with my 10 SWL support shows.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:13am

good morning mr mcgasko and stashu
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@DJ Guin a Staysh bikini car wash is LITERALLY what I wrote on the listener input survey ahahaha We seriously gotta kick it one of these days
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:14am

one year and four days since i volunteered at marathon 2020
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15am

I don't have my glasses so I can't read right now
Andrew in Toronto:

Hi there HyperDose.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

At what time does the live accordion duet start?
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DJ Guin:

@HyperDose -- Things should go back to Weird at Woof Moo by say like October? Karaoke and Pin the Tail on Stasyh will return soon enough.
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It was just one year ago - I wanted to come to Monty Hall to see dear Hearty White - but then decided it maybe was not a good idea to travel - the first of many changes and cancellations.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:16am

I agree with Wally except that you are both my favorite DJ's !!!
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Good morning Joe & Stashu. Happy marathoning.
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DJ Guin:

@Rhino!!! You bastid. Rhino? Honey, please come to Florida...
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Andrew Hollywood:

<3 $$$ <3
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Morning everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am

Ah heck, y'r al my favorite!
  Swag For Life Member 9:19am

Stashu in. Well that explains the non-Joe-like bits.
Bookend my week in polka!
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DJ Guin:

Stashu is on again tomorrow with the Pidge!
and CRABBIO sits in with Clay on Thorsday!
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Raisin bread...
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Golden raisins?
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Andrew Hollywood:

and they need money for thy barn raisin'
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Karen's Mountain View:

Good morning! Up a little early in Mountain Time to listen to every minute on Surface Noise. Especially since this is one of the best tag teams!
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@DJ Guin I was hoping sooner, but yeah fall seems like a safer bet. My favorite time of year! Was going to email Scott because Ken mentioned needing an engineer a few shows ago, but figured best to wait until after marathon since things are bananas this week. Would love to have a full-time gig...and you know, be around people again.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:21am
Webhamster Henry:

Joe is in traditional Polish country garb with a feather in his hat, Stashu in a dirndl.
  Swag For Life Member 9:21am

I'm looking forward to volunteering in 2022!
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i'm a sweaty yeti
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Handy Haversack:

@luka, yeah, just like B R M said! Just pick "one time," your amount, any swag, and then use your card to pay for it. It'll go on top of your S4L.

This is what I do after I have run through my entire S4L pledge!

I hit yes on the surface noise premium last week- now I’m getting sweaty just thinking about it!
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DJ Guin:

@HyperDose -- I have to step away from time to time, but always reappear come Marathon time. I lack the credentials to be an Engineer, but working the Board is old hat to me. The "DJ" thing is not an Honorary title.
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Steve from Dunwoody:

Flashback to going through DJ training at WKDT, having to introduce a tune from the album 'Ot & Sweaty by Cactus, over and over.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23am
Steve from Dunwoody:

I never played Cactus on air, ever.
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Webhamster Henry:

Buncha WFMU Swag here:
wfmu.org... and wfmu.org...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I am not a Cactus. I'm here.
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Gloria Gaynor should have sang this one
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David (in London):

Or Gloria Jones.
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Karen's Mountain View:

I love the new swag bandana! And there are so many good DJ premiums
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:) good morning
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I met a guy once who claimed to be the inventor of the disco drum loop.
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@DJ Guin Yeah I never realized how valuable my credentials were until I saw that most people in audio these days got into it by watching a few youtube videos, that's not someone you want around your gear. So might as well whip it out and use it to my advantage when I can! Oh and you couldn't pay me to get on-air. I'm a blend in with the curtains kind of guy. Who knows, maybe we'll work a shift together!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am

Well, or maybe my friend meet the guy and he told me about it.
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Joe McG:

Thanks for tuning in today, folks: pledge.wfmu.org...
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I'm going to go out on a limb and say this is not the same Time Zone the contained John Lydon and Afrika Bambata.
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Webhamster Henry:

I think the Yippers approve of this tune.
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The Oscar:

I sometimes wonder about the baby from that stock sound effect (which you can hear EVERYWHERE). What did their life turn out like? Are they still alive? Were they aware of their immortality?
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Yeah that blended synthy thing is doing it for me
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Amazing Show Joe!
  Swag For Life Member 9:33am

In a moment that defined the rest of my life, I vividly remember recording "Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh" on a tape off of a radio when I was like 4 years old.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34am
Rich in Washington:

My local cartoon kiddie show used to use this Perrey-Kingsley album as the background music for its 'smile contest'. The camera would pan around the 'peanut gallery' and kids would mug for the camera.
To this day, any time I hear anything from this album, I see a bunch of 70s brats making faces.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...all downhill from there...
Glistener MW:

!!! Was that the early-Macintosh “baby” alert sound? Was this its original source? Keen, if so!
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Love to you guys ya ya!
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36am
David (in London):

Moog Power is the kind of sustainable energy source I can really get behind.
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DJ Guin:

@HyperDose -- I am not on WFMU -- too much responsibility and fear of failure Gotta start with volunteering, etc. to be considered. I am happy to be cult member and not running the cult.
Toothgrinder Tom:

A song about auks? Great!

@Glistener MW, I first heard that on a sound effects record back in the 70s.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:37am
Brian in UK:

David (in London), how're you doing?
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Handy Haversack:

Sounding great, Joe and Satshu!!

Toothgrinder Tom, check out the DDR archive (after Joe, of course) -- Key Wilde premiered a great song about WFMU!

Brian, Rev Rab, Rich, McGroovey, happy Marathon Monday!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39am
David (in London):

Hey Brian! All good thanks mister. The Zoom meetings are all done for the day, so now I can get back to the important business of Marathon. How are things in Salop?

Handy, T.Tom, Yeti Bob, Glistener MW, Rev D. Rabbit, HyoerDose, Dayffid - Greetings Groovers!
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Isn't it easy to start your own cult? You need what, flip-flops, robes, powdered drink mix...oh what am I missing?
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@HyperDose: Charisma
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David (in London):

HyperDose, a set of run-down outbuildings in a remote area, either dusty or full of foliage.
Toothgrinder Tom:

Hi David! How are things in Old Blighty?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:41am
Handy Haversack:

HyperDose, a trained falcon can only add to the mystique.
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I've accidentally picked up a follower or two. But I managed to shake them off.
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Phillippe Bastille:

Good morning!
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Handy DDR archives? Deutsche Demokratische Republik?
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@Yeti Those "followers" are called ticks, and you should send them in to get examined.
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I'm in the moog for LOVE.
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I always said MOO-g. now I feel shame about it
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Webhamster Henry:

WFMU is Moog("Mogue")-friendly
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From the man himself (Robert Moog that is) www.youtube.com...
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David (in London):

Hey Phillippe.

T.Tom - Not bad thanks mister. Spring is emerging gently and spirits are responding accordingly. How's yourself?
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Matt Fiveash:

"Strike a pose there's nothing to it. Moog!"
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The man's name is definitely 'Mogue'. But there's a brand of effects pedals called 'Moogerfooger' and how do you say that?
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Webhamster Henry:

@YETI it's SPELLED Moogerfooger, but pronounced....
Toothgrinder Tom:

Great, David, all is great. Looking forward to this year’s marathon.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:45am
Handy Haversack:

YB, rhymes with Krügürflügür.
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That's Brian in UK!
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Handy Haversack:

Joe, you're the feather in all of our hearts!
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The Oscar:

It's pronounced "Bogue-er."
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@Joe That saved my life. Thank you.
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@joe: Thanks for that clip of Bob!
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The Oscar:

OH HELL YEAH!! Thanks Joe & Stash!
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Handy Haversack:

I got a 4!


Way to go, Oscar! (Hoping that's The Oscar?)
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Brian in UK:

Hey TDK60, where're you going with that cassette in your hand?
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Brian, I'm going over to my cassette deck, where else?
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Danne D:

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Handy Haversack:

Some advantages of the Mouse of Today pledge level: Elevators will go sideways for you; birds will fill feeders with pizza and beer when they know you're around; red lights? schmed lights!; cult starter packs half off!

Can you afford not to?!
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Webhamster Henry:

I am ready for on air Karaoke.
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Phillippe Bastille:

Hey David! Hey Handy, eastern towhee at the feeder today
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@Handy - That reminds me of this classic nerd comic xkcd.com...

A horse with wings, I was thinking more of a "horse fly".
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Karaoke contest?
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Handy Haversack:

Nice, Phillippe! Did it leave pizza and beer? Because there's a way to make it happen!

An xkcd for every occasion, YB!
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I just lick the finger oil off and they are fine
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Record record record
Toothgrinder Tom:

Mouse of today versus swag for life, which is superior?
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DJ Guin:

My vote: "Don't Go Breakin' My Heart"
Duet with Joe and Stashu
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I knew people who treated records with poor regard. They were not allowed to touch my rekkids no mo.'
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One of the Pulsallamas was married to Keith Levine. Maybe this song is about him.
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Oscar G. won Mort Garson
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Oops, Levene, sorry dude
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People lose their minds whenever I would DJ and play The Devil Lives in My Husbands Body"
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Son Of Pantz:

Is it okay to pick up a record with salad tongs?
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@SonOfPantz: Only if they are covered in salad dressing
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The Oscar:

@Stashu So excited-- thanks again!!
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Brian in UK:

David (in London) weather has been good, chilly but dry. Been planning what you plant in the garden. Before you know it the date will read 1st May.
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Listening Out There:

Well, this is the place, isn't it?
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Phillippe Bastille:

@handy not even a note...
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@courtneynoir Is this more saucy than when The Old Codger played this Sophie Tucker song that was obviously inspired by Satan himself? www.youtube.com...
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Yay Oscar!
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Brian in UK:

TDK60, our car has a cassette player AND a compact disc player.
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DJ Guin:

"WFMU: It's NOT a Cult! (Ok, maybe it is...)"

Put that on a shirt and I'll pledge.
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Handy Haversack:

Oooo, Brian, nice. I removed the cassette deck from our previous car but can't figure out what to do with it now. Current car does have a CD player at least.
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Hubig Pie:

Pulsallama is the third highest Lama after the Dalai and the Panchen
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@HyperDose - extra-saucy - though less dance-able
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Dance With Me, McG
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

GTOs !
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Webhamster Henry:

GTOs, as heard in my Party Girls Remix.
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Brian in UK:

Handy, possibly was the reason I bought it. I would consider taking it out but as you write, what to do with it.
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Brian, tapes and CDs in the car. Wow, "olde-school" as the younger ones say.
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Andrew Hollywood:

@BrianinUK i'm still rocking the car cassette player. it's sometimes very, very stubborn. Chewed up a raspberries tape and a david bowie tape last year.

Modern Adventures in Splicing...
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Go Stashu and Joe!
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The Oscar:

I really need to dive deeper into the GTOs-- I somehow missed them in my teenage Zappa-obsessive phase.
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@courtneynoir Those lyrics are almost as rage-inducing as watching Casablanca in color....almost!

Tales of record abuse just reminded me of mine way back when I was a whippersnapping. I had this heavy-handed sausage sized finger Claude over one day just taking it upon himself to play my records. Turning my records into wreck-ords.
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A double what?!
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Handy DDR = DotDash Radio?
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Brian in UK:

It is a 2005 Toyota Avensis. Workhorse.
Mixtapes that I have not heard for a while are great as you forget the tracks.
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B R M:

Strum and Thrum! The gift that keeps on giving!
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My tape deck is working fine. My CD deck tends to skip on the first track. [?]

So jangly. Perfect way to start my morning.
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David (in London):

TDK - What about your eight-track?
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Andrew Hollywood:

1999 toyota sienna w/ 286,000 miles and grinding cassette deck
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Casablanca in color - ooff...
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This is a real top-tapper.
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Handy Haversack:

@T Tom: Double Dip Recess? Didn't we chat about it last week?

That Strum and Thrum comp is so great.

Arrrrrrgh, I have to leave in a few minutes to go to the doctor. But Marathon Monday *is* my health emergency!
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David, I will admit here in public that 8-tracks and myself never hit it off. True.
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Brian in UK:

TDK60, play the first track last.
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@Handy I gotta squeeze a workout in or it won't get done. Look at us hard partiers taking care of ourselves! Best of luck with the doc!
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Brian in UK:

The inventor of 8-tracks had a sense of humour.
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Forgot to say hello, David in Londonwich. Yes Brian, a very twisted sense of humor.
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Handy Haversack:

Summer and Michael (and Sylvia)!

Love youse, Joe and Stashu!
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Later Handy, I hope the doctor visit is routine and painless
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here we are saying thank you again & again
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Handy, yes we did, sorry, my mind just went blank for a spell. Will check it out.
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If you two sing "Laverne and Shirley", I'll up my pledge

@Joe McG You are quite cool but I'm partial to my polka buddy @Stashu All the best!
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David (in London):

Years ago, my friend Stephen (who was an Eight-Track aficionado), found a vintage portable eight-track player in a shoulder-mounted black leather carrycase. It was the acme of cool / inconvenience.
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Handy Haversack:

David (in Radnage)!
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Jason from Houston:

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David (in London):

Stashu - Your pronunciation of Radnage was excellent. Most people get that one wrong.
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@David: I've been thinking about picking up a wire recorder. en.wikipedia.org...
Toothgrinder Tom:

David in Radnage!
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here's the recording medium: i.ebayimg.com...
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i think it would be fun to release an album available in magnetic wire format only
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Handy Haversack:

I got an 8!

Thanks, YB. Hopefully all routine.

Yay, congrats Summer and Michael (and Sylvia?)!
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Summer and Michael win Pulsallama!!!
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Jim the Poet:

What a delightful way to begin the day
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David (in London):

Yeti Bob, DO IT! That would be coolest format release ever.

Well done, Summer & Michael.
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Swag Fo Lyfe baby
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

yes, me as well @Handy!
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Brian in UK:

David, guess you needed another carrycase for the 8 tracks.
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DJ Guin:

My pants are haunted! My pants are haunted!
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David (in London):

Right, gotta leave the house for a bit. Back soon.
(Hey Sylvia).
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

Hey David, I just got here, see ya
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Handy Haversack:

Bien sûr, Sylvia!

See you later, all! Hope to make it back for most of the Next Joe Up!
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Brian in UK:

She lives in the UK now?
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Necesito café, volveré pronto
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Listener Baby:

Happy marathon, Joe. Morning folks!
Toothgrinder Tom:

Wow they sound like they’re in the studio together (I was thinking maybe Monte Hall).
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I'm trying to work, but I can't concentrate cause I want to listen to you both! But I had to chime in that I love cats on wheels. Or anything on wheels.
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LW Rhino:

Oh my, this is so smooth.
Toothgrinder Tom:

Unlike say SM Ken with Clay Pigeon this a.m.
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Joe McG:

Hi, Suzy! Great job Saturday and Sunday!
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DJ Guin:

LWRhino should be singing like Michael McDonald on this track...
andy the painter:

oh yeah. Gaucho-era Steely Dan.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Actually a high-powered Lawyer @ the gym :
- & not a wheel cat.
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I 💜 Stashu and her evil pink cat!

I love this A Girl Called Eddy album, my favorite track is NY Man, I love Erin Moran"s voice.
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Sylvia (France-NYC):

not sure if Michael's avail to chat right now, but on behalf of listener Summer&Michael&Sylvia, thank you DJ Stashu and Joe!

omg this premium has my name all over it
Listener Alexandra:

Happy Marathon Monday, Joe!
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Webhamster Henry:

WFMU: where videos of burning disco records run backwards.
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Tim 07030:

This is much better than 'Wonderful Tonight'.
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The Oscar:

I usually wait until week 2 to select my premiums, but you are making a STRONG case.
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Jeff Golick:

@suzy: last night's Bob's Burgers featured a woolly mammoth on roller skates, called Wheely Mammoth, naturally, just fyi.

@joe, this premium is genius.
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Constance De Witt:

Good morning my morning kittens Joe & Stashu have a great marathon! Affectionately, me!
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Hubig Pie:

Love that bass line
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

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Greg from ZONE 5:

Shoulda used that version in Goodfellas.

hopping CD Joe glad I got it 😂 swag for life guys it's easy
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its true, first time I have enjoyed Layla
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Andrew Hollywood:

Layla is a good song...FOR ME TO POOP ON!

but now is I am rethinking my position
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Brian in UK:

Winceyette is my favoured flannette.
Toothgrinder Tom:

Love me some High NRG.
chresti in tennis booth:

Hello from Griffith Park! Go get 'em Joe and Stashu!
chresti in tennis booth:

Morning to Constance!
Listener Robert:

I hear it as "ripped up like a Duchenne in the roller in the night".
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LW Rhino:

There are currently career openings at the Bolero in Wallington.
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Uncle Michael:

Lucas the cat likes the sound of Stashu and Joe! Me too!
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Constance De Witt:

That Bowling Song is lovely! Good morning chresti, we should go bowling one day!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:


Just in case anyone's wondering why I don't have a radio and heart is because I do it old school, and just nonchalantly use snail mail .
chresti in tennis booth:

Yes, I agree Constance!
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LW Rhino:

I just took my dog out for a quick pee and I'm happy to report things are finally warming up in Northern NJ. Time to put away the thermal babushka.
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Uncle Michael:

So contented:

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@Oscar, usually you have a better chance to win a prize in week 1 actually! Lots of ppl procrastinate. I feel so much better when I get it over with!
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DJ Guin:

70 forecast for this Turds-day!
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I myself am frightened by the sound of telephone as well.
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this sounds like The Time or Prince. ?
Neil M:

I have love love loved this show. Great selections, incredible dj pairing. I've laughed out loud so many times. And Joe your premium is once again, totally brilliant!! In a cruel twist of fate I now have therapy during Stashu's show, so hearing her voice joining you, Joe, outstanding! Wait, maybe Stashu's better for my soul than therapy? Everyone -- please donate all your therapy funds to WFMU. Right now!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

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LUCAS! In hi-res!
chresti in tennis booth:

Aw...so sweet, UM!
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Me too, Kpx. I send a check.
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Joe McG:

Giving away Girl Called Eddy very soon!
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oh yeah ... oh my :)

Loving the show.
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DJ Guin:

WFMU is the Poor Man's Therapy. and boy, oh, boy. are we broke.

there are multiple versions of "Clues"
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Jason from Houston:

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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Brian in UK:

This Robert Palmer album has him wearing a Walkman. Very interesting.
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One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
Schlemiel! Schlimazel! Hasenpfeffer Incorporated
We're gonna do it!

Give us any chance - we'll take it
Read us any rule - we'll break it
We're gonna make our dreams come true...
Doin' it our way

Nothin's gonna turn us back now
Straight ahead and on the track now
We're gonna make our dreams come true...
Doin' it our way

There is nothing we won't try

Never heard the word impossible
This time there's no stopping us
We're gonna do it

On your mark, get set and go now
Got a dream and we just know now
We're gonna make our dream come true
And we'll do it our way - yes our way
Make all our dreams come true
And do it our way - yes our way
Make all our dreams come true
For me and you!
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LW Rhino:

@DJ Guin: Hello former neighbor .
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Wow - I haven't heard this one in a long time. Soundin' good!
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wizard frog:


the version on the LP is different and also good . I have um both
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Jason from Houston:

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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Laverne & Shirley. Wow!
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do I hear the lord's angels?
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LW Rhino:

You did your way, and it was fantastic !
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The other radio stations may as well give up now.
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Jeff Golick:

Pouring out some coffee for David Lander.

I'm sure I saw the Clues video the first time it aired on MTV. And where's Lenny and the Squigtones?
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DJ Guin:

We needs a flashlight...a shovel...and GPS coordinates for Penny Marshall's gravesite... is she spinning? Let's find out. :)
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Joe McG:

R.I.P. Squiggy.
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DJ Guin:

@LW Rhino -- yeah, about that. I was there from 74-85i-sh. wonder if we ever crossed paths.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Harry Shearer had high praise for Lander.
Arrange/Producement on Eddy - on point.

Maybe I shouldn't admit this but this song brings a tear to my eye.
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If Jody sounds like Steely, that last Eddy track sounds like Pretenders.
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thinking is the best way to travel
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is indeed a moody blues lyric
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Don't mess with the Moodies when Queem's around.
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Andrew Hollywood:

from their knights in white polyester album
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LW Rhino:

@DJ Guin: From 2000 to 2005, then the taxes drove me out. Before that on Grove St for about 5 years ( few blocks away).
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Jim the Poet:

Someone's gonna break my heart
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wizard frog:

Joe Megashow
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LW Rhino:

Who didn't get corrupted at Ellis Island ?
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Andrew Hollywood:

it's been 100 years since they changed us from Michelevski to Harris - thanks Ellis Island!
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DJ Guin:

Wow. Yeah, I was long gone. My father passed and we sold the house in 2001. Taxes are ridiculous in Clifton. My friend's sister purchased the house on the end of Pearl Brook just down from those stairs on McCosh that lead up to Valley. I can think of better ways to spend money, tbh.
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clifton taxes are my favorite topic of conversation
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I would imagine she's called Eddy in order to avoid confusion with that other Erin Moran.
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DJ Guin:

Clifton: High Taxes, Mayor for Life, and Racially Profiling Law Enforcement
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Alexandra in San Diego wins A Girl Called Eddy!
Glistener MW:

I love that they named a whole music festival after Garfield’s adorable kitten-nemesis!

The other Erin Moran has been deceased since 2017.
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DJ Guin:

Ellis Island changing your Surname is largely a myth. Immigrants trying to 'fit in' often 'anglicized' their ethnic sounding names or shortened them.
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Yes, all the more reason not to be confused with her.
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welll... i promised that i'd pledge again if they sang "L&S". i was out getting coffee & i missed it but i'm keeping my promise. Schlemiel! Schlimazel!
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Marcel M:

Sounding good guys!
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Creature Boy:

I've never googled "Schlemeil schlimazel" i guess today's th day
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"A schlemiel is somebody who often spills his soup and a schlimazel is the person it lands on."
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Team work make the bean work
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Yeti Bob I missed it too. Que lastima!
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Creature Boy:

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Webhamster Henry:

@Creature I was about to say!
Toothgrinder Tom:

So a schlemiel is a klutz? Is klutz Yiddish too?
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The Shlemiel/Schilmazel paradigm was actually explained nicely on an episode of All in the Family.
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DJ Guin:

yes, TG Tom. Yiddish is kinda Hebrew meets German
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Yes Klutz is also a yiddishe term.
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Yup, Yiddish "klots" ‘wooden block’.
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DJ Guin:

for instance....Stashu lives in Mishigas!
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Jason from Houston:

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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We've all been living in a state of meshugas this last year.
  Swag For Life Member 11:16am

Safe with Ham by Massive A-Snack
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DJ Guin:

last FOUR years, Roberto. and the KKK Klown wants to run again in 2024? got zol helfn aundz
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still b/p:

Just tuned in in time to catch this lively alive-o tub of frenzy-forward, squawke diem, scrape-shapin', pluck-pluck-goose goodness.
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Hi Guys.
Work finished and I've rushed over.
Count me in on the action.

@DJ Guin. lol, i'm from Saginaw, MI and I call it Mishigas all the time :)
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Seems to me that in the song, L&S use the s-words mostly because they sound funny, esp. when combined with "Hasenpfeffer". It's pretty memorable, even if you don't know what it means.
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Lovin' the energy vibes this morning!
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Hi Stanley! I still remember last year as if it were only yesterday!
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DJ Guin:

Penny & her brudder Garry were from Da Bronx!
Strict Cat-lick upbringin'

Yiddish => great read = BORN TO KVETCH
Also, along various Hassid differences : BoyChicks in the Hood
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David (in London):

Back in the house. Hey Stanley. Morphe.

I'm lucky if I can remember yesterday as if it were yesterday.
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Hi Stanley I also remember you from last year's marathon . . . as if it were only yesterday. Feels like it WAS yesterday!
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Jason from Houston:

Gah! I love that grumbly synth so much!
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hey Joe and Stashu, Charles in Chicago already has these Juana Molina records, so pick somebody else please! :)
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Hubig Pie:

Juana en fuego
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Son Of Pantz:

This is incredible!
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had a chance to see her live a few times, she's a great performer
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DJ Guin:

"Mój kot nabrał kupy na moich wystawach"
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LW Rhino:

@ Stanley: I too met you last year at Monte Hall. It's our 1 year Anniversary ! Cheers.
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David (in London):

Wotcha Hubig.
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Hubig Pie:

'ello Guv'nuh

David van der Stoke in the house, Again!!!!!!!!!
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Ah, Stashu. I'll never forget last year's meet up. If last year feels like yesterday, then next year will be just like tomorow!
See you all then.
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DJ Guin:

@Stanley -- Polka Luau and Polka Blood Sacrifice will be back before you can say
"Mój kot nabrał kupy w moich butach
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DJ Stash is right. Some building spaces contain magic.
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Rich in Washington:

I'm a renaissance man - I'm always B-roke (baroque).
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Watchpocket it was great to have met. Hope we can do it again.
Rhinoman - probably like you, Stashu's Polka Party at Monty Hall this time last year was the last live gig/gathering I went to.

Joe is definitely “one of our main dudes”
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David (in London):

*stands to salute Carol Crow*
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DJ Guin: Thank for those wise words

⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾ ┌(・。・)┘♪ └|∵|┐♪ ┌|o^▽^o|┘♪ ┏(^0^)┛
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just got the Strum & Thrum comp in the mail the other day - def takes me back ...
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Brian in UK:

Hey Stanley, getting flashbacks?
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Asheville Jon:

Joe McG, which college station(s) were you listening to?
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no no no I have that record! can you pick somebody else?
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Hi David. Are you city or country at the moment.
Hi Brian - I live for the flashbacks.
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(Me is actually Charles)
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Rich in Washington:

this show made me think: there are NO Moog Polka records.
I hope I am proven wrong one day.
Glistener MW:

Dangit, I wanted to hear a TERRIBLE track! :(
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@Joe/Stashu - pick another winner if you can for the Juana Molina, I accidentally won something I already have, I'd like somebody else to get it
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Jason from Houston:

Mail it to me YETI BOB! Hahaha...
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David (in London):

Stanley. I'm in my town residence. Though I will be escaping to the ancestral village during Easter I think. Got a week off, so some long walks and work on our new record will be in order methinks.
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Charles W in Chicago you win the Juana Molina! Congarts!
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Ok Jason, if they don't pick another winner, I will!
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You will Glistener MW, you will.
(Only kidding)
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Charles W.:

Stashu - Sorry, I didn't mean to enter the drawing for that record - just wanted to support WFMU
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Charles W.:

Can you give it to somebody else?
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DJ Guin:

@HyperDose -- You are that Mary Juana Winner-Winner KFC Dinner!
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Charles W:

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David. Sounds good. What with all the lockdowns/restrictions and so on I realise that actual holidays don't happen.
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Brian in UK:

Stanley, would you believe it is two years since you & Sem were here.
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OK Charles we will give it to another person. :)
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Yeti B - great pic of you with a fine looking craft beer in your hand.
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Joe McG:

Thanks for all the nice comments and support for WFMU today, guys.
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David (in London):

Charles W! You were the Yeti all along?

Yes, and I would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids.
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Jim the Poet:

Great shoooooooow
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Yeah Joe I agree, thank you to everyone for your energy today.
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Brian in UK:

Indeed a great show (of strength).
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Joe Jangle, he is.
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DJ Guin:

@David -- and YETI would've gotten away with it, if it weren't for those meddling kids, Joe & Stashu!
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Charles W:

Thanks Stanley, that picture is from the brewery a few blocks down the street, they turned the parking lot into an outdoor beer garden. My neighborhood has turned into the brewery district.
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Brian - no, it can't be two years. I was only reminiscing about our trip to the Tile Museum yesterday while Viccy was watching The Great Pottery Throwdown on the box, which is filmed in The Potteries.

I never seen this happen before, two people have rejected the Juana molina record. If a third person does could that be some kind of sign?
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Yeti B - what a great neighbourhood, you have.

The rare “Voluntary Prize Forfeiture” event

Morning bath, candle, coffee, wfmu. I’m happy
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David (in London):

Way to go Will S.
And tip o' the hat to Charles W. A gentleman and a Yeti.
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Wait - another Lincoln, NE listener?????
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Curator ...Selector ...Presenter... Hm.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Why u no Wanna Molina.

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LW Rhino:

Three cheers for everyone here this morning. Yip,Yip Hooray...
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@DJ Guin What did I miss?
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Jason from Houston:

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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Hubig Pie:

Heart fulla soul
And a bootie fulla shakin'
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DJ Guin:

@HyperDose -- Nobody wanted the Mary Juana Box Set...and then they doxxed YETI BOB...and then,,,ida know....6 more minutes in da show
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Rich in Washington:

OMG! Your premium looks awesome, Joe!
So many hard choices this year....
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Oh yeah Olivia doxxed me last night and said my name on air. I've been found out!
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Chop Scott:

Big virtual hugs to you both!

Stashu or someone, what is the name of your other stream show, on which day?.
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:56am

Thank you, Joe & Stashu!
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Thanks Joe & Stashu! Onward..

Never realized what a Discomaniac you were @Joe McG
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@Yeti Bob: Pic of you with the cat eyes. Yeah.
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Andrew Hollywood:

@kpx Dance With Me, Stanley on Friday nites - the show makes a good case for 168 hours of polka per week
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am

Always Monday meetings and missed parts of this magic marathon pairing but thanks Joe & Stashu!
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David (in London):

Thanks Joe and Stashu. Keep on rocking in a free world.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am

Kpx: www.wfmu.org...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:58am

Thanks to you both for a great show and a great way to launch Marathon Monday!
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Thanks Watchpocket!
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DJ Guin:

so long everybody....da svedonya!

@Stashu Can't you just picture Joe McG on the disco dance floor.??
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DJ Guin:

Magic Mushroom Marathon coming up next!
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Mark Hurst:

Thanks, Joe and Stashu!

I know about dance with me Stanley, but she has another one on ichiban or give the drummer some or one of those.

Congrats, Joe McG! Thanks, Meeeeeeezshka!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:59am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks for the marathon edition of Dance With Surface Noise, Stanley!
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Jason from Houston:

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Thanks, guys!!!
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Jason from Houston:

Thank y'all! Have a groovy day!
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Kpx: not that I know.
Well done everyone
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Thankie Joe and Stashuuuuuuu!
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Ben B in Arlington you win the Grand Prize! and Brendan N. You win the Sound Keeper!
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Thank you to everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

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