Favoriting Bubblegum OD with Becky Ebenkamp: Playlist from March 14, 2021 Favoriting

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Bubblegum OD is Rock’n’Soul’s radio show devoted to cartoon rock, pop pablum, and sundry other candy-coated musical guilty pleasures. Many of these songs were penned by the Brill Building's best and brightest and contain provocative double-entendre lyrics. Sometimes a Mars bar isn’t just a Mars bar...

Sunday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
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Favoriting March 14, 2021: SHAG is My Co-Pilot!

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$$$ Help WFMU Help You! $$$: These are just a few of the DJ premiums you can receive when you donate to our 100% listener-supported station this week!
$$$ Help WFMU Help You! $$$: These are just a few of the DJ premiums you can receive when you donate to our 100% listener-supported station this week!

Artist Track Album Comments Images Approx. start time
Cattanooga Cats  Cattanooga Cats Theme   Favoriting    
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Edouard  My Name is Edouard   Favoriting       0:01:47 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Nino Rota 

SHAG’s Last Act   Favoriting




0:04:12 (Pop-up)
Jack Wild  Mechanical Boy   Favoriting Pufnstuf      0:04:57 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Nino Rota 

Shag’s Theme   Favoriting




0:06:50 (Pop-up)
The Bugaloos  For a Friend   Favoriting       0:09:19 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Nino Rota 

My Name is SHAG   Favoriting




0:11:26 (Pop-up)
The Dickies  Banana Splits (The Tra La La Song)   Favoriting       0:13:56 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Nino Rota 

SHAG’s Finale   Favoriting




0:14:40 (Pop-up)
The Electric Company  T.I.O.N. -tion -tion -tion -tion   Favoriting       0:17:08 (Pop-up)
Swamp Zombies  Heat Miser   Favoriting       0:18:50 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Nino Rota 

The SHAG Awards   Favoriting




0:20:31 (Pop-up)
France Gall  Les Sucettes   Favoriting       0:24:49 (Pop-up)
Les Poppys  Non Non Rien n’a Change   Favoriting       0:27:43 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Nino Rota 

The Awards Alt Take Feat. “Two for SHAG”   Favoriting




0:30:51 (Pop-up)
Julie Dawn Cole  I Want it Now   Favoriting Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory OST  Written by Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse     

Music behind DJ:
Becky, the Six Million Dollar DJ 

Bionic Pledge   Favoriting




0:31:43 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Nino Rota 

SHAG’s Thoughts   Favoriting




0:35:18 (Pop-up)
Question Mark and The Mysterians  Can’t Get Enough of You Baby   Favoriting       0:36:41 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Nino Rota 

SHAG’s Thoughts Pt. 2   Favoriting




0:37:44 (Pop-up)
Gary Lewis & the Playboys  Without A Word of Warning   Favoriting       0:38:22 (Pop-up)
Swamp Zombies  She’s So Far Out She’s In   Favoriting       0:41:07 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Nino Rota 

SHAG Slow Theme Fox   Favoriting




0:43:41 (Pop-up)
Bedrock Rockers  Don’t Rock Now   Favoriting       0:47:48 (Pop-up)
Adriano Celentano  Prisencolinensinainciusol   Favoriting   Thank God this song was in the system already! I didn’t want to attempt to type it!    0:50:17 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Nino Rota 

SHAG at the TV Show   Favoriting




0:54:19 (Pop-up)
Swamp Zombies  Desolation Girl   Favoriting       0:57:18 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 6:50pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Today’s show has everything: a special guest (the artist SHAG), live midget/monkey mud wrestling, and that thing of when you donate a few bucks to our station and receive fabulous prizes. Welcome!
Avatar 6:59pm

I'm here and ready to gumm (give up my money)!
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Let the festivities begin!
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Julie P.:

Hi Becky!
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Hello everyone.
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Becky Ebenkamp:

Hey, kids!
Avatar 7:01pm
Corey Light:

Hey Gang!
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Jarema Mykietyn:

Hello everyone! Gave up my seat at the Grammys again! LOL!
Avatar 7:02pm

Hi Jarema. There's always next year.
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Eric R:

very cool to see Shag here tonight, an artist I've admired for awhile.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:02pm

Hey bubblers
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Becky Ebenkamp:

Happy almost birthday, Jessie! Howdy SHAG and Jarema!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:03pm
Gaylord Fields:

Becky! Shag! I'm on the air doing another WFMU fundraising show right now, but that won't stop me from saying hello to my favorite bubblegum DJ and my favorite wall coverer!
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Avatar 7:03pm

Hi Gaylord!

Avatar 7:03pm

Thank you Becky! 🎂☺️
Jarema Mykietyn:

Hi, Jessie! Yep, working on it. Dropping another single next week!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:04pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

And Aitch and Eric! Corey, Julie (who I’ve known since the ‘80s) and Izzy and CAD, who kindly donated!
Avatar 7:04pm

Jarema, can't wait to hear it!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:05pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Yay, Gaylord!

Howdy, Mr. Shag, S.I.R.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:06pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Are the Grammys tonight, Jarema?
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Eric R:

that's a costume??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07pm
Julie P.:

Hi Shag! I've followed your art since 2003; I love the ladies' eyes and expressions and find the cats hilarious. I'm proud to say I have a copy of "The Rain Lamp" on my wall.
Jarema Mykietyn:

Grammys on ch. 2!
Avatar 7:08pm

Hello Shag. Really enjoy your art.
Avatar 7:08pm

Hi Julie! My friend had one of those rain lamps in his house as a kid. My mom said it was too tacky for our house
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Becky Ebenkamp:

Jarema, I emailed you today.
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Becky Ebenkamp:

My mom wouldn’t let us have one either! Guess what the first thing I got was when I got an appartment?
Avatar 7:09pm

Hola Domenico!
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Believe it or not, I went to Becky's housewarming party for her first apartment!
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Julie P.:

Yes, we thought they were quite tacky at the time! And now like so many ubiquitous items of the era they are being viewed in a new light and considered "cool". Funny how that happens!

Hello from Palm Springs!

I'm smoking and having a cocktail as we speak. But... wearing a hoodie...
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:10pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

We would see them at Levitz (along with Keane paintings!) when the parents would shop for tasteful furniture.
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Becky Ebenkamp:

Hi, Keeks!

Lovely! KIKI!!!!
Avatar 7:11pm

Hi Kiki! I miss seeing you in Palm Springs. Or maybe I have seen you but don't recognize you with a mask
Richard Whig:

alrite! Swingin Sunday!
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Becky Ebenkamp:

We will have a little bit of SHAG trivia in a bit...
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Julie P.:

Becky, they show up frequently at garage and estate sales here in Florida. I would be tempted to get one if I had anywhere to put it!
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Becky Ebenkamp:

Sid is always stoned!
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That rain lamp liquid was actually oil, like salad oil or something, right?
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Julie P.:

Mineral oil, I think.

Howdy Ha, Shindigger Richard Whig...
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That's why it tasted so bad on my salad...
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:13pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Hey, Richard! We were talking about this party that the Swamp Zombies played at at my apartment in Long Beach. And I think you were there, too! Visiting from back East.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:14pm
Julie P.:

Yes, that could be the reason!

I’m trying to put a revolving disco ball in our house but meeting a bit of resistance at home

Hi Eric R. Cool show here...

Kiki, mention they had 'em in "They Shoot Horses, Don't They" with Jane Fonda. 9 Academy Award nominations! Zeppelin used one on their Physical Graffitti tour when they played "Kashmir," too
Avatar 7:17pm

The Electric Company always depressed me as a kid and I finally figured out why - it was the last kids programming of the day on PBS, so funtime was over.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:18pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Oh. I thought it was bc Bill Cosby drugged you ; )

The Electric Company, though, Shag, had some great design aesthetics... maybe or maybe not the clothes, but the intro etc.
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Becky Ebenkamp:

Steve’s good on this...

I was too old for that stuff as well, but I watched because I was interested in anything that looked psychedelic
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Eric R:

I think I had a crush on a woman on the Electric Company
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It's us doing our best Smothers Brothers attempt
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:20pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Which one, Eric?

Tommy Smothers told me they played Pandora's Box... early '60s...

You’ll love it at Levitz...
Avatar 🍭 7:21pm
Eric R:

I don't remember her name, Becky.
Richard Whig:

yes, Becky, I WAS at that party! I think it was my first tyme meeting many of my (now) lifelong CA friends and sympaticos!!
Avatar 7:21pm
DJ Major Sally:

Loved Rita Moreno on EC, nothing’s changed, still gorgeous!😍
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:21pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Oh, and we were talking about the Short Circus? Violet Beauregard was in the group!
Avatar 7:21pm

Was it Rita Moreno?

Yes, Rita on Electric Company
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:22pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Richard, that’s what SHAG said, too! Hi, Sufferwords! What is the word of the day?
Avatar 7:23pm
DJ Major Sally:

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Thee Mystery Gyrl:

Such a kewl show!

Helllohhhh Thee Mystery Girl...
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Becky Ebenkamp:

Sally! And TMG, did you just hear your name?
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Corey Light:

Hey Mystery Gyrl!

Late to the show - Hey all:)
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Becky Ebenkamp:

Oh, I hit 50%! Thank you, whomever just donated! You will be thanked on next week’s show.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:24pm
Gaylord Fields:

Becky! Domenic! Kiki! Friends! I'm missing Electric Co. talk, a show I watched even though I was too old for it, thanks to younger siblings.
Avatar 7:25pm
Thee Mystery Gyrl:

Evening Domenico! Hi Corey! Yes Becky, I heard my name right after I was typing already lol. Pretty One Step Beyond lol
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:25pm

I've been obsessed with Melody Nelson lately.
Avatar 🍭 7:25pm
Eric R:

@Becky, I love Rita Moreno (who *should* have been cast as Maria) but, looking it up, it was Judy Graubert.
Avatar 7:25pm
DJ Major Sally:

I just tuned in, taking care of dog stuff. Trying to do something technical.
Jarema Mykietyn:

I'm raising my hand!
Richard Whig:

this is a cool conversation. Becky you always have good interviews and discussions w your guests!

Gaylord, I watched my first Sesame Street episodes summer of '71 in Yonkers!
Avatar 7:25pm

Hey Becky, Julie, all! Happy pi day :)
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:26pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Hey, You Guys! We loved that.
Avatar 7:26pm

Morgan Freeman was on Electric Company too. He played a funky DJ.
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Becky Ebenkamp:

Mel Something, I think?
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Becky Ebenkamp:

HyperDose! Thanks for joining us. Meet SHAG!
Avatar 7:27pm
DJ Major Sally:

Gene Wilder was Letter Man, Joan Rivers was the narrator!

Morgan Freeman. Major. And Rita Moreno. Not ready for Prime Time.

Hey Becky! Great tunes!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:27pm
Gaylord Fields:

Shag, I have your Calypso diptych, among others pieces, which takes up pride of place next to a pair of calypso-themed Turner Wall Accessory plaques. Okay, back to the show I'm actually on.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:27pm
Gaylord Fields:

Rita Moreno was one of the first EGOTs!

Hello DJ Major Sally... Sing and Swing...
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:27pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Really? I don’t remember Gene Wilder. Maybe Violet Beauregard got him the gig...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28pm
Julie P.:

You do a lot of outstanding themes but I especially enjoy the Palm Springs depictions with all the impossible Mid Century architecture. And all the detailed prints have such great little "Easter eggs" in them. If only money were no object . . .
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Hi Gaylord! I went through a big calypso phase. I loved Mighty Sparrow and Lord Invader
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Thanks, Julie! I'm trying to paint Palm Springs the way it exists in my mind.
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Becky Ebenkamp:

Hi, Zoe! Does everybody know Zoe? She has a psych show on Friday night.
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Julie P.:

Hey, HyperDose! GAYLORD! How did I just know you would also be a fan?

I have ONE Lord Invader album.
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Becky Ebenkamp:

PS: This is The Only Band That Matters.
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Julie P.:


Hey Julie! <3
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Eric R:

I have a Mighty Sparrow CD, thanks to following the link from Van Dyke Parks
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:29pm
Gaylord Fields:

Shag, I love calypso too, and the cover art on the Fabulous McClevertys LP is one of my favorite of all time!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:30pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

The more you paint of PS, I feel the more PS tries to look like a SHAG painting. So please keep it up!
Avatar 7:31pm
Thee Mystery Gyrl:

Hello Shag! Loved going to your Palm Springs store a few months ago and drove through the neighborhoods through your eyes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:31pm
Julie P.:

My family lived in California in the early 60's, and to my distant memory you evoke it rather well.
Avatar 7:31pm

You said my name! Yay!!
Avatar 7:31pm

Hi Mystery Girl! I'm glad to hear that
Avatar 7:32pm
Thee Mystery Gyrl:

I agree Becky on your PS comment! I love that!

Hey Eric, Dom, TMG, Zoe, Becky
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33pm
Julie P.:

Only in California, right Becky? Even Florida can't match the romance of the era. We do have lots of palm trees. . .
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:34pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Hi, Mom Whig!
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Becky Ebenkamp:

I wanted to be a brat so bad after watching that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:35pm
Julie P.:

Hi Mom Whig! HyperDose, I have already had pie today!
Avatar 7:35pm
Thee Mystery Gyrl:

Definitely a goal to have a Shag piece on the wall, very hard to choose. We stayed in the gallery for a very long time in adoration!

Jey Julie and HyperDose
Avatar 7:36pm

I'm tired of talking about pop culture. Who wants to discuss Sartre?
Avatar 7:37pm

Mom Whig & Zoe! :D
Nice to see you here, Shag. Currently perusing your site. You have such a fun style and a great eye for color!
@Julie I'm eating brick oven pizza and ricotta crostini as I type. Who wants a slice?

No PI for me today - I got J&J Covid shot instead!
Avatar 7:37pm

Thanks, Hyperdose!
Richard Whig:

can't get enough of Q mark!

Actually "Exestentialism" is the next book I'm gonna read.
winston legthigh:

<3 <3 <3 u shag! especially the fezzes! shriners rock \m/
Avatar 7:38pm
DJ Major Sally:

Terry Hall!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:38pm
Julie P.:

Gene Wilder was so brilliant in "Willy Wonka". Such an underrated actor. His turn in "Blazing Saddles" was a masterpiece of comedy. Of course it's hard to go wrong with a Mel Brooks movie!
Avatar 7:39pm

@Mom Whig Congrats! So happy for you. Hoping it gives you piece of mind, in addition to the virus fighting properties!
Avatar 7:39pm

And Young Frankenstein - so good
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:39pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Hi, Winston!

Thanks Hyper....digging tonite's show now
Avatar 7:39pm
DJ Major Sally:

I missed the Wonka contest, as he would tell me, “You get nothing! Good day sir!”

Julie P. and then there's Young Frankenstein w/ Teri Garr, Go Go queen Vol. 2 w/ Toni Basil.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40pm
Julie P.:

That's my other favorite movie role of his!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:41pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Sartre: I could have asked you the Toby Dammit Qs that go with the Nino Rota music ; )
winston legthigh:

happy short sunday becky!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:41pm
Julie P.:

There was a time in my early teen years when I has a serious crush on Gary Lewis. That carnival sound figured in a lot of the Playboys tracks.
Jarema Mykietyn:

Sounded like "Palisades Park"!

Becky, I love tonite's show with Shag
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:42pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Was your childhood unhappy?
Do you believe in God?
Do you take LSD or other drugs?
Avatar 7:43pm
DJ Major Sally:

Becky, trying to load a recording device for the 1st time, 🤞!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:43pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Thank you, Mom!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:43pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

What about the devil?
Have you seen him?
How interesting! Describe him to us. Is he a goat, a bat or a black cat?
Avatar 7:43pm
Thee Mystery Gyrl:

Oh, nice to meet you Shag! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:44pm
Julie P.:

Domenico - don't forget "Silver Streak", "Stir Crazy", and "The Producers"!
Avatar 7:44pm

When my daughter was three, she told me "The Devil's good, you silly bean." I used that as a painting title.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:45pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Ha ha!

Gee, that's a lot, I was going to mention "Stir Crazy" too. Him getting locked in that small box, and when he comes out, he said "wait, I as just getting into myself" on a mediation. So absurd
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:46pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Thank you, Winston!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:47pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

I think I got another pledge (hard to check while I’m typing songs and chatting). Thank you, person who will be thanked next week!
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Becky Ebenkamp:

Your chance to win!
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Becky Ebenkamp:

No guesses?

Does anybody know who the Shag character is?
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Becky Ebenkamp:

Big money, no whammies!
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Avatar 7:51pm

I'd put forward a guess, but that would disqualify me.
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:52pm

He's not in our "Wives With Knives"!
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Becky Ebenkamp:

We still have a bit to go, but be sure to go to the Whig Out chatroom next:
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Remember, there is no right answer, only a best answer
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Becky Ebenkamp:

I Celeste just told me she can’t listen. I posed the trivia Q to her.
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Daisy Lacy:

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I'll guess Nick Lowe. White hair, glasses.
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Becky Ebenkamp:

Oh, is that a guess? Hi Daisy!

Hey Daisy
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Daisy Lacy:

I missed the question

Shag, is it Andy Warhol?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:56pm
Daisy Lacy:

Hi Mom!
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DJ Major Sally:

Hey Daisy!
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Becky Ebenkamp:

; )
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Becky Ebenkamp:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:56pm
Daisy Lacy:

Hi DJ Major Sally!

Monkey on Leave It to Beaver too
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Julie P.:

The Supersonic Swinger?
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Daisy missed the question but still had the best answer. His name is Ol Rait.

Thanks for coming around, Shag!
Avatar 7:57pm
Corey Light:

Great show!!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:58pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Thanks for playing, everybody! And special thanks to my guest, SHAG. This is his old band and a song he wrote.
Avatar 7:58pm

Thanks for letting me hang out with the cool kids!
Avatar 7:58pm

Thank you Becky and Shag, thoroughly enjoyed the sparkling and thought-provoking conversation (on top of the tunes)!
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DJ Major Sally:

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Becky Ebenkamp:

Should we send her the prize? I say yes. She also donated.
Avatar 7:59pm

Yes, Daisy gets the prize
Avatar 7:59pm

Thanks Becky & Shag!!!
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 7:59pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Great tunes!
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Daisy Lacy:

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Julie P.:

Darn, over already? Thanks for coming, Shag! Enjoyed it! Fab show, Becky!
Avatar 8:00pm

Bye, Everybody! Enjoy your Sunday night. It's almost time for Columbo
Avatar 🍭 Swag For Life Member 8:01pm
Becky Ebenkamp:

Bye everybody!
Avatar 8:36pm

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