Freeform baby! Pledge to the greatest radio station on Earth! To keep WFMU going! Listener funded, Non-Commercial! Pledge now, if you can! If you can’t pledge this year thats OK too!
(If you need more encouragement, no pressure) flip on Z-100 “NY’s #1 Hit Music Station” for 30 seconds.... NO Z-100 I DO NOT WANT TO BUY A KIA!!!
WFMU will never advertise to keep the music on the air!
Dan - I suggest you click the contact info on this page and make your request known to the people who volunteer at WFMU, such as Jeff and all the other DJs.
I was confused to hear Reggae Schoolroom instead of SMS around 8:00 this morn. That was my daylight savings shock treatment. At first I thought maybe Sarge was Carol's co-host. But surprise surprise!, it was wake up and smell the ganja instead!
(C) 2025 WFMU.
Generated by KenzoDB, written 2000-2025 by Ken Garson
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Listener comments!
Marley P. Dogg:
Marley P. Dogg:
Andrew Hollywood:
Marley P. Dogg:
Reggae Dan:
Andrew Hollywood:
But you should still pledge!
Stillwell Coney Islander:
Everything Is Just Irie!!!
Andrew Hollywood:
Reggae Dan:
Freeform baby! Pledge to the greatest radio station on Earth! To keep WFMU going! Listener funded, Non-Commercial! Pledge now, if you can! If you can’t pledge this year thats OK too!
(If you need more encouragement, no pressure) flip on Z-100 “NY’s #1 Hit Music Station” for 30 seconds.... NO Z-100 I DO NOT WANT TO BUY A KIA!!!
WFMU will never advertise to keep the music on the air!
Andrew Hollywood:
Thank you WFMU, Thank you.
WFMU will never sell you cigarettes or canned beef to stay on the air! 1,000 times thank you WFMU!!
Marley P. Dogg:
Eko Tunde:
Andrew Hollywood:
Reggae Dan:
Rich in Bay Ridge:
People Like Us:
lazy rider:
Greg from ZONE 5:
lazy rider:
Andrew Hollywood:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Danne D:
Stillwell Coney Islander: