Favoriting Bodega Pop with Gary Sullivan: Playlist from May 12, 2021 Favoriting

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Sounds ripped from cassettes & CDs found in immigrant-run mom & pop stores. Deconstructed icons. Field recordings. Sonic mayhem from the far corners of the internet.

Wednesday 7 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Wed. Mar 12th, 7pm - 10pm: Gary Sullivan and his Co-Host Jeff Golick

Favoriting May 12, 2021: Goodbye, Rock. Yuri Morozov
Soviet freak folk, progressive & psychedelic, avant-electronica, esoteric funk, and more by Russia's greatest bedroom star

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Yuri Morozov
Yuri Morozov
Yuri Morozov

Artist Track Album Year Comments Images Approx. start time

Music behind DJ:
Bodega Pop 

Introduction   Favoriting

Bodega Pop 




0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Retroscop Ретроскоп (1968-69)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Jackdaw Галка   Favoriting Anthology Volume 1. Retroscope / Tramps - Land Of The Gnomes | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 1. Ретроскоп/Босяки - Земля Гномов  2019  1968 or 69 
0:03:58 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  I Love Я люблю   Favoriting Anthology Volume 1. Retroscope / Tramps - Land Of The Gnomes | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 1. Ретроскоп/Босяки - Земля Гномов  2019  1968 
0:05:39 (Pop-up)
Tramps Босяки (1969-70)
Tramps Босяки  Lucy Люси (cover of "I Feel Fine" by The Beatles)   Favoriting Anthology Volume 1. Retroscope / Tramps - Land Of The Gnomes | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 1. Ретроскоп/Босяки - Земля Гномов  2019   
0:07:32 (Pop-up)
Land of the Gnomes (1972-76)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Many, Very Many Много, очень много   Favoriting Anthology Volume 1. Retroscope / Tramps - Land Of The Gnomes | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 1. Ретроскоп/Босяки - Земля Гномов  2019  1972 
0:09:17 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  The Effect of Presence Эффект присутствия   Favoriting Anthology Volume 1. Retroscope / Tramps - Land Of The Gnomes | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 1. Ретроскоп/Босяки - Земля Гномов  2019  1973 
0:10:43 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  VSDH 2 ВСДХ 2   Favoriting Anthology Volume 1. Retroscope / Tramps - Land Of The Gnomes | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 1. Ретроскоп/Босяки - Земля Гномов  2019  1973 
0:11:56 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Funeral of the Virgin Похороны девственницы   Favoriting Anthology Volume 1. Retroscope / Tramps - Land Of The Gnomes | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 1. Ретроскоп/Босяки - Земля Гномов  2019  1974 
0:14:26 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Penthesilea \ That's all the Money Пентесилея \ Это всё деньги   Favoriting Anthology Volume 1. Retroscope / Tramps - Land Of The Gnomes | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 1. Ретроскоп/Босяки - Земля Гномов  2019  1975 
0:15:28 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Skeleton Island Остров скелетов   Favoriting Anthology Volume 1. Retroscope / Tramps - Land Of The Gnomes | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 1. Ретроскоп/Босяки - Земля Гномов  2019  1976 
0:18:47 (Pop-up)
Acoustic Project Акустический проект (1973)

Music behind DJ:
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов 

Norwegian Wood   Favoriting

Anthology Volume 1. Retroscope / Tramps - Land Of The Gnomes | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 1. Ретроскоп/Босяки - Земля Гномов 


1973 (from "Acoustic Project") 


0:21:53 (Pop-up)
The Cherry Garden of Jimi Hendrix Вишнёвый сад Джими Хендрикса (1973-75)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Gestures about the Inexplicable Жесты по поводу необъяснимого   Favoriting Anthology Volume 2 Jimi Hendrix' Cherry Orchard /Aphrodite Island - Dream of the Red Chamber | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 2. ВСДХ/Остров Афродиты - Сон В Красном Тереме  2019   
0:26:19 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Hippie Song Песня хиппи   Favoriting Anthology Volume 2 Jimi Hendrix' Cherry Orchard /Aphrodite Island - Dream of the Red Chamber | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 2. ВСДХ/Остров Афродиты - Сон В Красном Тереме  2019   
0:27:57 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  The Cherry Orchard of Jimmi Hendrix Вишнёвый сад Джими Хендрикса   Favoriting Anthology Volume 2 Jimi Hendrix' Cherry Orchard /Aphrodite Island - Dream of the Red Chamber | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 2. ВСДХ/Остров Афродиты - Сон В Красном Тереме  2019   
0:30:07 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  If I Were Rich Если б я был богатым   Favoriting Anthology Volume 2 Jimi Hendrix' Cherry Orchard /Aphrodite Island - Dream of the Red Chamber | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 2. ВСДХ/Остров Афродиты - Сон В Красном Тереме  2019   
0:34:08 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Dear Friend Милый друг   Favoriting Anthology Volume 2 Jimi Hendrix' Cherry Orchard /Aphrodite Island - Dream of the Red Chamber | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 2. ВСДХ/Остров Афродиты - Сон В Красном Тереме  2019   
0:36:42 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Geisha Exhibition Выставка гейш   Favoriting Anthology Volume 2 Jimi Hendrix' Cherry Orchard /Aphrodite Island - Dream of the Red Chamber | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 2. ВСДХ/Остров Афродиты - Сон В Красном Тереме  2019   
0:38:23 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Last Night Последняя ночь   Favoriting Anthology Volume 2 Jimi Hendrix' Cherry Orchard /Aphrodite Island - Dream of the Red Chamber | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 2. ВСДХ/Остров Афродиты - Сон В Красном Тереме  2019   
0:41:11 (Pop-up)
Island of Aphrodite Остров Афродиты (1974-76)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Like a Fool Как дурак   Favoriting Anthology Volume 2 Jimi Hendrix' Cherry Orchard /Aphrodite Island - Dream of the Red Chamber | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 2. ВСДХ/Остров Афродиты - Сон В Красном Тереме  2019   
0:44:59 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Astronauts Астронавты   Favoriting Anthology Volume 2 Jimi Hendrix' Cherry Orchard /Aphrodite Island - Dream of the Red Chamber | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 2. ВСДХ/Остров Афродиты - Сон В Красном Тереме  2019   
0:46:29 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  You Left Again Ты ушла опять   Favoriting Anthology Volume 2 Jimi Hendrix' Cherry Orchard /Aphrodite Island - Dream of the Red Chamber | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 2. ВСДХ/Остров Афродиты - Сон В Красном Тереме  2019   
0:48:37 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Baby   Favoriting Anthology Volume 2 Jimi Hendrix' Cherry Orchard /Aphrodite Island - Dream of the Red Chamber | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 2. ВСДХ/Остров Афродиты - Сон В Красном Тереме  2019   
0:50:37 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  I Don't Understand the Motive Не понять мотив   Favoriting Anthology Volume 2 Jimi Hendrix' Cherry Orchard /Aphrodite Island - Dream of the Red Chamber | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 2. ВСДХ/Остров Афродиты - Сон В Красном Тереме  2019   
0:53:13 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Rondo on the Wind Рондо о ветре   Favoriting Anthology Volume 2 Jimi Hendrix' Cherry Orchard /Aphrodite Island - Dream of the Red Chamber | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 2. ВСДХ/Остров Афродиты - Сон В Красном Тереме  2019   
0:55:22 (Pop-up)
Dream of the Red Chamber Сон В Красном Тереме

Music behind DJ:
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов 

Bubbles and Waves Пузыри и волны   Favoriting

Anthology Volume 2 Jimi Hendrix' Cherry Orchard /Aphrodite Island - Dream of the Red Chamber | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 2. ВСДХ/Остров Афродиты - Сон В Красном Тереме 




0:58:00 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  China Morning   Favoriting Anthology Volume 2 Jimi Hendrix' Cherry Orchard /Aphrodite Island - Dream of the Red Chamber | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 2. ВСДХ/Остров Афродиты - Сон В Красном Тереме  2019   
1:03:19 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Misconceptions Заблуждения   Favoriting Anthology Volume 2 Jimi Hendrix' Cherry Orchard /Aphrodite Island - Dream of the Red Chamber | АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 2. ВСДХ/Остров Афродиты - Сон В Красном Тереме  2019   
1:06:34 (Pop-up)
Wedding of Cretins Свадьба кретинов (1974-76)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Conformist Конформист   Favoriting Anthology Volume 3. Wedding of Cretins / Where Distances Are Dark - Goodbye, Rock / Eternity River АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 3. Свадьба Кретинов/Там, Где Дали Темны - Прощай, Rock/Вечности Река  2019   
1:12:32 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  And I'm Already Finished А мне и так конец   Favoriting Anthology Volume 3. Wedding of Cretins / There, Where Dark's Given - Goodbye, Rock / Eternity River АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 3. Свадьба Кретинов/Там, Где Дали Темны - Прощай, Rock/Вечности Река  2019   
1:15:08 (Pop-up)
There, Where the Dark's Given Там, Где Дали Темны ( 1977)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Monkey Обезьяна   Favoriting Anthology Volume 3. Wedding of Cretins / There, Where Dark's Given - Goodbye, Rock / Eternity River АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 3. Свадьба Кретинов/Там, Где Дали Темны - Прощай, Rock/Вечности Река  2019   
1:18:13 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  I Laugh at the Clock Я смеюсь над часами   Favoriting Anthology Volume 3. Wedding of Cretins / There, Where Dark's Given - Goodbye, Rock / Eternity River АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 3. Свадьба Кретинов/Там, Где Дали Темны - Прощай, Rock/Вечности Река  2019   
1:20:53 (Pop-up)
Group in Memory of M. Kudryavtsev Группа памяти М.Кудрявцева (1976)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Cretin Кретин   Favoriting Anthology Volume 3. Wedding of Cretins / Where Distances Are Dark - Goodbye, Rock / Eternity River АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 3. Свадьба Кретинов/Там, Где Дали Темны - Прощай, Rock/Вечности Река  2019   
1:23:26 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов 

Improvisation in D Импровизация в D   Favoriting

Anthology Volume 3. Wedding of Cretins / There, Where Dark's Given - Goodbye, Rock / Eternity River АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 3. Свадьба Кретинов/Там, Где Дали Темны - Прощай, Rock/Вечности Река 




1:27:50 (Pop-up)
Goodbye, Rock Прощай, Rock (1978)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Denial Отречение   Favoriting Anthology Volume 3. Wedding of Cretins / There, Where Dark's Given - Goodbye, Rock / Eternity River АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 3. Свадьба Кретинов/Там, Где Дали Темны - Прощай, Rock/Вечности Река  2019   
1:30:45 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Empty Room Blues Блюз пустой комнаты   Favoriting Anthology Volume 3. Wedding of Cretins / There, Where Dark's Given - Goodbye, Rock / Eternity River АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 3. Свадьба Кретинов/Там, Где Дали Темны - Прощай, Rock/Вечности Река  2019   
1:33:35 (Pop-up)
River of Eternity Вечности река (1979)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  There, There, There ... Где, где, где…   Favoriting Anthology Volume 3. Wedding of Cretins / There, Where Dark's Given - Goodbye, Rock / Eternity River АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 3. Свадьба Кретинов/Там, Где Дали Темны - Прощай, Rock/Вечности Река  2019   
1:39:34 (Pop-up)
Woman 22 Женщина 22 (1978-79)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  There Are No More Beautiful Emotions Прекраснее нет эмоций   Favoriting Anthology Volume 4. In Rock / Woman 22 - Jazz Night АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 4. In Rock/Женщина 22 - Джаз Ночью  2019   
1:44:33 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Ars Magna   Favoriting Anthology Volume 4. In Rock / Woman 22 - Jazz Night АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 4. In Rock/Женщина 22 - Джаз Ночью  2019   
1:48:10 (Pop-up)
In Rock (1979-81)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Hexagram Гексаграмма   Favoriting Anthology Volume 4. In Rock / Woman 22 - Jazz Night АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 4. In Rock/Женщина 22 - Джаз Ночью  2019   
1:52:07 (Pop-up)
Jazz Night ДЖАЗ НОЧЬЮ (1978)

Music behind DJ:
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов 

Night India 1 Ночная Индия 1   Favoriting

Anthology Volume 4. In Rock / Woman 22 - Jazz Night АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 4. In Rock/Женщина 22 - Джаз Ночью 




1:54:42 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Scrap 8 Лом 8   Favoriting Anthology Volume 4. In Rock / Woman 22 - Jazz Night АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 4. In Rock/Женщина 22 - Джаз Ночью  2019   
1:58:48 (Pop-up)
Chinese Poetry КИТАЙСКАЯ ПОЭЗИЯ (1978-81)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  To the Great Ruler of Life. Qu Yuan Великому повелителю жизни. Цюй Юань   Favoriting Anthology Volume 5. Chinese Poetry - The Inexplicable / Destroy Humanity АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 5. Китайская Поэзия - Неизъяснимое/Погубить Человечество  2020   
2:07:11 (Pop-up)
The Inexplicable Неизъяснимое (1977-78)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  8ECIII - /   Favoriting Anthology Volume 5. Chinese Poetry - The Inexplicable / Destroy Humanity АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 5. Китайская Поэзия - Неизъяснимое/Погубить Человечество  2020   
2:14:35 (Pop-up)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  ZHZHKLI ЖЖКЛI   Favoriting Anthology Volume 5. Chinese Poetry - The Inexplicable / Destroy Humanity АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 5. Китайская Поэзия - Неизъяснимое/Погубить Человечество  2020   
2:18:09 (Pop-up)
Destroy Humanity Погубить Человечество (1978)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Violet Vibration Фиолетовая вибрация   Favoriting Anthology Volume 5. Chinese Poetry - The Inexplicable / Destroy Humanity АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 5. Китайская Поэзия - Неизъяснимое/Погубить Человечество  2020   
2:20:53 (Pop-up)
Blue Star Wanderer транник голубой звезды (1980-81)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Lonely Way Одинокий путь   Favoriting Anthology Volume 6. Blue Star Wanderer / Matthew - Spells / Beauty Initiation АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 6. Странник Голубой Звезды/Евангелие От Матфеа - Заклинания/Посвящение В Красоту  2020   
2:24:46 (Pop-up)
Gospel of Matthew Евангелие от Матфея (1980)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Demons Go Out Изыдут бесы   Favoriting Anthology Volume 6. Blue Star Wanderer / Matthew - Spells / Beauty Initiation АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 6. Странник Голубой Звезды/Евангелие От Матфеа - Заклинания/Посвящение В Красоту  2020   
2:29:28 (Pop-up)
Incantations Заклинания (1979)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Shamania Шамания   Favoriting Anthology Volume 6. Blue Star Wanderer / Matthew - Spells / Beauty Initiation АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 6. Странник Голубой Звезды/Евангелие От Матфеа - Заклинания/Посвящение В Красоту  2020   
2:31:46 (Pop-up)
Dedication Посвящение (1980)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Algamaguma   Favoriting Anthology Volume 7. Dedication / Three Russian Songs / Songs About Life and Death - Music of the Heart АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 7. Посвящение/Три Русских Песни/Песни О Жизни И Смерти - Музыка Сердца  2020   
2:34:40 (Pop-up)
Songs of Life and Death Песни о жизни и смерти (1981)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Bitten Apple Надкушенное яблоко   Favoriting Anthology Volume 7. Dedication / Three Russian Songs / Songs About Life and Death - Music of the Heart АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 7. Посвящение/Три Русских Песни/Песни О Жизни И Смерти - Музыка Сердца  2020   
2:37:13 (Pop-up)
Ring of Time Кольцо времён (1982)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Swimmer in Space Пловец в пространстве   Favoriting Anthology Volume 8. Ring of Time / Legend Of Maya - Moon Shadows АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 8. Кольцо Времен/Легенда О Майе - Лунные Тени  2020   
2:40:54 (Pop-up)
Moon Shadows Лунные тени (1981-84)
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Free Bird Free Вольно птице вольной   Favoriting Anthology Volume 8. Ring of Time / Legend Of Maya - Moon Shadows АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 8. Кольцо Времен/Легенда О Майе - Лунные Тени  2020   
2:45:08 (Pop-up)
Rarities II Раритеты II
Yuri Morozov Юрий Морозов  Self-Portrait Автопортрет   Favoriting Anthology Volume 8. Ring Of Time / Legend Of Maya - Moon Shadows АНТОЛОГИЯ. ТОМ 8. Кольцо Времен/Легенда О Майе - Лунные Тени  2020  1985 
2:49:39 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Catrina Paslaru 

Hei La Bodega   Favoriting

Hei La Bodega - Carnaval! 




2:54:43 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 7:02pm

Hi Bodega blvd and Gary!
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 7:03pm
listener james from westwood:

Gary! chresti! How do, all!
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 7:04pm

Hi james!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

Evening, Chresti and James!
Avatar 7:06pm

Evening, Gary and Bodega folks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07pm

Howdy, LambdaCalculus!
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 7:09pm
Webhamster Henry:

Hi Gary and Bodegans! It's the Бителс
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm

Webhamster Henry!

good evening, fellow Хипстеры
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:15pm

The paintings are all (I believe all) by Nina Morozova, Yuri's widow
Avatar 7:24pm

Hi Gary and Bodopsters.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:27pm

TDK60! Welcome
Avatar 7:28pm

One photo shows the "Layla" album by Derek & the Dominoes. (You remember Layla. It was played as often as Stairway to Freebird.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28pm

Avatar 7:35pm

I don't know Russian but I think I detect some psychedelic goofiness.

hello from Peter and Lauren!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:38pm

Hi Peter and Lauren!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40pm

'evening Gary, Bodegatrons
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40pm

Happy Humpday, Coelacanth∅!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40pm

(music to glue, caulk and nailgun by)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:42pm

- been here since 7 just, glue, caulky hands...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:42pm

Are you fixing your tub?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:50pm

nah, installing fancy floor moulding in someone else's house and the walls are so far from vertical and so far from right angles; and there's little formula to the placement of studs and beams and such inside them... that i have to rely mostly on glue to attach it, and there're tons of gaps
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51pm

Damn. Sounds complicated
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:53pm

-and messy! i've been putting it off for weeks but i really need the money
...it's okay now i've got a handle on it. i wont be so intimidated in the future!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

happy i've got a good soundtrack!
Avatar 8:07pm

Groovy, fun sounds.

The noun терем has no direct equivalent in English - but (because it refers to a special kind of living quarters, rather than an entire building) "chamber" would be a closer fit than "tower" -- for more background see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terem_(Russia)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:12pm

Oh wow, thank you, Headcleaner! Reading that now ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:12pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Good Evening !
...oh boy this looks good...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...does 'bedroom star' mean he was a home recording DIY Artist ...or a heartthrob pinup ? :D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26pm

Haha, I guess both!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:27pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Fair enuff.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36pm
Doug Schulkind:

Hello, Gary! Howdy, Bodegateers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37pm

StreamMaster Doug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Inevitably I think of 'How The Beatles Rocked the Kremlin' - a great introduction to the entire Pop/Rawk situation behind the iron curtain. The changes he must've seen !...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:43pm

I just Googled "How the Beatles Rocked the Kremlin" and see that it's a book and a doc ... I'd love to see it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

The book I do not know !

btw the artist's last name is better pronounced "mo-ROH-zohff" (first syllable more like "ma" in "marble"; stress on second syllable; "z" is voiced like zebra, not "ts"; final consonant de-voiced)... hope you don't mind!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03pm

I don't mind! Mah-ROH-zzzohff
Avatar 9:06pm

Pretty wild.
Avatar 9:06pm
DL in LA:

This is reminding me of John McLaughlin and Mahavishnu Orchestra!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07pm

Hey there, DL in LA!
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 9:31pm

Out demons out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33pm

driving home in a minute so i thank you now
Thanks Gary!
... Brilliant selection!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33pm

Thanks, CoelaC -- happy trails!
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 9:36pm

Happy travels, coel!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Stands up well to most Lennon tributes I reckon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45pm

Looking for something to do from 10-midnight tonight? Wow, are you in luck! It just so happens that Sam Segal's If You Lose Your Horse, a program I'm confident you're already familiar with, broadcasts right here, right then! Tonight's episode: "Like the Rider Who Races the Horse" wfmu.org...
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 9:48pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:49pm

Avatar 9:54pm

Thanks for the unusual sounds of Morozov tonight, Gary.
Avatar 9:55pm

Thanks for an awesome show, Gary!
Avatar 🇰🇷 Swag For Life Member 9:56pm

Yes thank you, Gary!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57pm

wow, crazy night, going to make a end of show comment i find I didn't click post on:

Hello Bodegans and Gary. Have been listening since beginning, interesting show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:57pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

TY Gary ! Another amazing exposition of Musics I would never have heard anywhere else.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59pm

WR! Night everyone, and see you around!
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