Favoriting The Orange Boutique with Orange Peel: Playlist from June 28, 2021 Favoriting

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Monday 8 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
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Favoriting June 28, 2021

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Artist Track Year Comments Images Approx. start time

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Welcome back 


0:00:00 (Pop-up)
The Left Banke  Desiree   Favoriting 1967   
0:00:19 (Pop-up)
The Magicians  Lady Fingers (mono 45)   Favoriting       0:02:53 (Pop-up)
The Rascals  Interview\/A Beautiful Morning\/Silly Girl   Favoriting       0:05:32 (Pop-up)
Anthony & The Imperials  Don't Tie Me Down   Favoriting       0:14:01 (Pop-up)
The Blades Of Grass  Just Another Face (mono 45)   Favoriting 1967      0:16:56 (Pop-up)
The Care Package  The World Of Thursday Morning   Favoriting       0:19:34 (Pop-up)
Christopher  Every Boy In The Crowd   Favoriting       0:22:18 (Pop-up)
Barry Darvel  Beggar's Parade   Favoriting       0:24:25 (Pop-up)
The 4 Seasons  Mrs. Stately's Garden   Favoriting       0:26:52 (Pop-up)
The Doughboys  Rhoda Mendelbaum   Favoriting       0:29:56 (Pop-up)
The Fifth Estate  Do Drop Inn (mono 45)   Favoriting       0:32:25 (Pop-up)
Reparata And The Delrons  Captain Of Your Ship   Favoriting 1968   
0:34:47 (Pop-up)
The Cyrkle  We Had A Good Thing Goin' (mono)   Favoriting       0:37:09 (Pop-up)
The Front End  Beverly   Favoriting       0:39:46 (Pop-up)
San Francisco Earthquake  March Of The Jingle Jangle People   Favoriting       0:41:52 (Pop-up)
The Young Enterprise  Morning Of The Velvet Fog   Favoriting       0:44:16 (Pop-up)
The Velvet Underground & Nico  Sunday Morning (stereo)   Favoriting       0:46:40 (Pop-up)
The Tokens  Grey City Day (stereo)   Favoriting       0:49:29 (Pop-up)
The Montage  Tinsel And Ivy (mono 45)   Favoriting    
0:51:40 (Pop-up)
Stories  Love In Motion   Favoriting 1992   

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:57pm
Orange Peel:

welcome back, Lads & Ladies
Avatar 7:58pm

Good to be back here again
Avatar 7:58pm

More Shondells on this channel?
Avatar 7:59pm
Orange Peel:

More East Coast sounds in the Shondells tradition (and others)
Avatar 7:59pm
Eric R:

hey all. OP, Mom, WLS. Can't wait to see which Magicians cut is played.
Avatar 8:00pm

Good to see you again Orange Peel...great to see you MOM WHIG and WLSClark and Eric R. and everyone else...I'm looking forward to this hour...
Avatar 8:00pm
Orange Peel:

Good to you all, my esteemed listeners
Avatar 8:03pm
Eric R:

love this group! Good choice OP!
Avatar 8:04pm

I'm f3eeling the tunes tonite. Good to you you all too :)
Avatar 8:05pm

Eric - MSNBC is reporting on Portland now - the Zoo, and all the heat there.
Avatar 8:07pm
Eric R:

poor critters
Avatar 8:07pm
Orange Peel:

Leaving you in the able hands of the Guard Scene
Gerry from Miami:

First time hearing Orange Peel's and Andrew's shows with live commentary and without that blinding day-glo orange background on OP's playlist.
Avatar 8:10pm
Orange Peel:

Luvly stuff, Sir Gerry
Avatar 8:10pm
Eric R:

revisionist history: I was in Manny's when Gene Cornish came in. He saw me and said "wow! Eric R! Wow! That's really cool!"
Gerry from Miami:

OP, are you coming back before the hour is up?
Avatar 8:11pm
Orange Peel:

yes, indeed, Sir Gerry
Avatar 8:11pm
Orange Peel:

Just making tea
Gerry from Miami:

Avatar 8:16pm

I'm really enjoying the (Little) Anthony and the Imperials songs that you and Andrew play here. I've gotta see if there's a CD of these songs.
Avatar 8:17pm
Eric R:

this down effect reminds me of the Critters
Avatar 8:20pm

How you doing Gerry?
Avatar 8:20pm
Orange Peel:

I don't believe there is, sw2442
Avatar 8:21pm

Glad you made is back sw2442
Avatar 8:21pm
Orange Peel:

Thursday Will Never Be The Same
Avatar 8:22pm

The sun is finally setting here...so temps will hopefully cool down some.
Gerry from Miami:

Good evening, MOM WHIG! We seem to be running into each other quite often lately. Similar tastes in music, I guess. Andrew"s show featuring Tommy James and the Shondells was super. Tommy and the boys made the rigors of my college years a little less stressful.
Avatar 8:25pm
Orange Peel:

the Big Boss delivers
Avatar 8:26pm

Gerry - I'm so happy that you and I have similar taste in music and yes, those collage days of yesterday were memorable.
Gerry from Miami:

MOM WHIG, I am still having a rough time in attempting to get BUNNY to play records that I request. I get the impression he is playing a game with some of us listeners..
Avatar 8:30pm
Eric R:

agree, Gerry. It's gotten too funny.
Avatar 8:31pm

Mrs. Stately's Garden and the whole Genuine Imitation Gazette album by The Four Seasons is so criminally underrated...it's one of my favorite 60's albums of all-time...
Avatar 8:33pm
Orange Peel:

sw2422, it is wonderfully unique
Gerry from Miami:

OP, after that nice GIF for your first tune by the Left Banke, I was expecting more beautiful pics, drawings, etc. But nothing! Are your hands full?
uptown jen:

I love this Delrons song.
Avatar 8:38pm

Love this summer 67 tune. I figured their hit days would never run out and suddenly they were gone.
uptown jen:

Yeah. The Cyrkle had some great tunes.
Avatar 8:39pm
Orange Peel:

Dear Sir Gerry, the good Bunny controls my graphics for this show. My hands are tied.
Avatar 8:39pm

Gerry - as to the Bunny and requests - it's all in how you word it, I'm told.
Gerry from Miami:

The Four Seasons made a huge number of hit singles and deserve their spot in the R&R Hall of Fame. But that Genuine Imitation Gazette album is at least as "artful" and creative as other more highly touted records of its time.
Avatar 8:40pm

Op - the Bunny has his "paws" in everything
Avatar 8:42pm
Orange Peel:

Avatar 8:42pm
Orange Peel:

He mustn't be trifled with
Avatar 8:43pm

I once saw the bunny in a Monty Python film "Look at those TEETH!"
Avatar 8:44pm
Orange Peel:

beware the bunny
Gerry from Miami:

MOM, I word my requests exactly as recommended by experienced BUNNY listeners. Perhaps he has a limited playlist at his disposal. Often, he gets my artist right, he just plays a different tune. Sometimes he is so far off, it makes me laugh. So much for high tech!
Avatar 8:46pm

Gerry real DJ's at the Radio station are almost a thing of the past.
Avatar 8:47pm

Mom, Gerry, after 10 years of driving TO the station in 80's, I still can't get my mind around sitting at home and doing a show from another state. How nice, but just odd to my brain.
Avatar 8:47pm

Nico sounds like Davy Jones on this one.
Avatar 8:49pm

WLS - I still picture DJ's with their turntables, and piles of 45's and Lp's there.
Gerry from Miami:

What happened to Nico's thick German accent? Is this really her?
Avatar 8:51pm

That was me--it was like being back in school and carrying school books half a mile home from school every day. Carrying 45s and Lp s and tapes was a pain often. I like BPN's piles on the floor.
Avatar 8:51pm

Another great song from another underrated album, It's a Happening World by The Tokens. I have the Real Gone Music CD...it was hard to find.
Gerry from Miami:

The Tokens!! Wimoweh, wimiweh! In the jungle, the mighty jungle......
uptown jen:

Off to start my run…I’ll take you all along. Just wanted to say thank you, Sir Peel, for another great show. I hope all of you have a good week and that you’ll all be back again soon.❤️
Avatar 8:53pm

Avatar 8:54pm

Bye jen - see you later for BPN
Avatar 8:54pm
DA the DJ:

Thanks everyone!
Avatar 8:54pm
Orange Peel:

So long folks
Avatar 8:54pm

Thanks OP for another great show part II
Avatar 8:55pm

Thanks Orange Peel for another wonderful show...have a great Fourth of July...if you celebrate it. Bye everybody...have a safe Fourth.
Gerry from Miami:

Bye, folks!! Great music, Sir Orange Peel. Ciao for now!
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