David (in London)……… I don’t think The Bunny has that version of that song…… u can check what bands Bunny has in his library (meaning if there’s a chance for him to get to it or not) by looking at the link all the at bottom of playlist “all artists played by Rock N Soul Radio”
Angie, hey there. Bless you, thanks. I've had a long-running joke around this, in that Bunny's algorithm has got stuck for me and often, whatever I request (Stones, Byrds etc), he plays 'For the Lady' by Little Wilbur Whitfield & The Pleasers. I'm having some fun with it.
I requested Wimple Winch (which he definitely has), and somehow he got stuck on Wilbur Whitfield, presumably fixed by the W..W... It's something of a lesson around the perils of AI. In Bunny's case it's amusing, but imagine if it were something important and out-of-sight, like healthcare...
Bunny's also very sensitive HOW songs are suggested.........I found just one plain line with no words after the band you want (with band last ) works best......like this.....
Oh & I noticed Bunny is very triggered by the "P" word and the "R" word!................. I have said the words "p14y" and "reque5t". & Bunny took words immediately following those words as a reque5t!
Hi to ...MOM WHIG......they started the Beach Bunch show back up again...& I noticed the Rock&Soul stream is playing more surf music& summer music in general on the whole stream!
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Listener comments!
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
David (in London):
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
David (in London):
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
Angie Beach Baby:
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
.....' /
---' (_____
......... ((__)
..... _ ((___)
....... -'((__)
Angie Beach Baby
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
Angie Beach Baby:
Angie Beach Baby:
Requesting Pipeline by Ron-De-Voos
David (in London):
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
David (in London):
David (in London):
Angie Beach Baby:
Angie Beach Baby:
Requesting Girl Don't Tell Me by Keith Green
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
Angie Beach Baby:
Angie Beach Baby:
Angie Beach Baby:
Requesting Rumble on Mersey Square by Wimple Winch
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
Angie Beach Baby:
David (in London):
David (in London):
How's Philly?
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
.....' /
---' (_____
......... ((__)
..... _ ((___)
....... -'((__)
Angie Beach Baby
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
Angie Beach Baby:
David (in London):
David (in London):
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
David (in London):
How are you?
Angie Beach Baby:
Rock'n'Soul Bunny: