Favoriting Serious Moonlight Sonatas with Carol: Playlist from July 25, 2021 Favoriting

CarolCrow's avatar View CarolCrow's profile Favoriting

An odyssey of the ears powered by the moon, the stars, & a pixie dusting of ecstatic electricity...

Sunday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Sun. Mar 9th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Dan Bodah
Sun. Mar 16th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Daniel Blumin

Favoriting July 25, 2021: Long Tailed Winter Moonbirds Fly Into the Light of a Dark Black Night

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Paul McCartney (from the Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame Museum, Cleveland, OH)
Paul McCartney (from the Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame Museum, Cleveland, OH)
Paul McCartney (from the Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame Museum, Cleveland, OH)

(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
I Start Counting  Still Smiling   Favoriting single  Mute  1985  AKA David Baker & Simon Leonard    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Modelselektor  Silikon (Siriusmo RMX)   Favoriting Hello Mom! The Remixes  Bpitch Control  2006  Berlin duo Gernot Bronsert & Sebastian Szary / "Hello Mom!" was their 2005 debut full-length album / thanks to Daniel for passing that one on to me!    0:07:50 (Pop-up)
Raxon  Vice   Favoriting Sound Of Mind / Office Space  Kompakt  2021    *   0:11:41 (Pop-up)
Yuki Matsumura  Hugo   Favoriting Without A Break  Moph  2015  debut    0:16:21 (Pop-up)
Porter Ricks  Biokinetics 1 / We Weren't Meant to Sit In Cubicles   Favoriting Biokinetics / Office Space  Mille Plateaux  2021  reissue of the 1996 debut album from duo Andy Mellwig (AKA Continuous Mode and of Async Sense & Experimental Audio Research) & Thomas Köner (of Divination, Kontakt Der Jünglinge, & Zerfall_Gebiete) / Porter Ricks was named for a character on the '60s TV show "Flipper"  *   0:20:08 (Pop-up)
John Di Stefano  Nuage / ...that would be great...   Favoriting For The Moment / Office Space  Concentric Cirles  2019  AKA Klang    0:24:39 (Pop-up)
Amb  WhereRYa (Chris Carter Malfunction Mix) / I Have 8 Bosses, Bob...   Favoriting 12" (B-side) / Office Space  Chi  2002  AKA Hungarian producer Deak Ambrus    0:33:53 (Pop-up)
Smith & Mighty  Time   Favoriting Bass Is Maternal  More Rockers  1995      0:40:03 (Pop-up)
Tine Surel Lange  Metal And Water   Favoriting Works For Listening 1-10  Sofa  2021  `solo debut of this Norwegian composer  *   0:44:23 (Pop-up)
Luc Ferrari  Danses Organiques (part 4 & 5)   Favoriting L'oeuvre Electronique (10-CD Box) CD #04  INA GRM  2009  orig 1999 album Danses Organiques / composed 1971-73    0:49:32 (Pop-up)
Aphex Twin  Xtal   Favoriting Selected Ambient 85-92  PIAS  2002  orig 1992    1:11:08 (Pop-up)
Small Isles  The Plot To Take Clover   Favoriting The Valley, The Mountains, The Sea  AKP Recordings  2021  AKA Jim Fairchild of Modest Mouse w/ Jacob Snider  *   1:15:45 (Pop-up)
Tim Brady  Simple Loops In Complex Times: I   Favoriting Actions Speak Louder, Act 1: Solos and a Quartet  Redshft  2021    *   1:19:55 (Pop-up)
The Cyrillic Typewriter / Richard Burton  Their Banter / Elegy (by Dylan Thomas)   Favoriting Permanent Colours  Jaz  2020  Jason Zumpano w/ Terri Upton on double bass    1:23:53 (Pop-up)
S.E.T.I.  Floating To Ursa Major / The Moon Is Distant From The Sea (by Emily Dickinson)   Favoriting Sleep Environments For Interplanetary Travel  Loki-Found  2018      1:35:01 (Pop-up)
Ravi Shankar  Vedic Chanting (One)   Favoriting Chants Of India  Angel  1997  album produced by George Harrison    1:49:51 (Pop-up)
Hariprasad Chaurasia, Brij Bhushan Kabra, and Shivkumar Sharma  Piloo-Teen Tala   Favoriting Call Of The Valley  Hemisphere  1968      1:53:06 (Pop-up)
Sault  Stop Dem   Favoriting Untitled (Black Is)  Forever Living Originals  2020      2:00:38 (Pop-up)
Jowe Head  Lyke-Wake Dirge   Favoriting Widdershins  Easy Action  2019  The "Lyke-Wake Dirge" is a 14th-century funeral-chant originated in Cleveland, North Yorkshire, where it was sung by a woman during the traditional watch (wake) at the side of the corpse (lyke)    2:13:29 (Pop-up)
Friends of Dean Martinez  All The Pretty Horses   Favoriting The Shadow Of Your Smile  Sub Pop  1995  debut album from this Tucson group    2:17:18 (Pop-up)
Paul McCartney  Long Tailed Winter Bird   Favoriting McCartney III  Capitol  2020      2:19:57 (Pop-up)
Giant Claw  Mir-Cam Online   Favoriting Mirror Guide  Orange Milk  2021  AKA Keith Rankin out of Columbus, Ohio  *   2:25:10 (Pop-up)
Idiac  Magic Bedtime Pudding   Favoriting Part Idiot  Ping Disc  2021    *   2:28:49 (Pop-up)
Blak Saagan  Se Ci Fosse La Luce Sarebbe Bellissimo   Favoriting Se Ci Fosse La Luce Sarebbe Bellisimo  Maple Death  2021    *   2:34:04 (Pop-up)
Brume Parole  Les Souterrains   Favoriting Popklore (V/A)  La Souterraine  2020      2:41:51 (Pop-up)
Moray Newlands  Neap Tide   Favoriting Compilation Tracks  Moray Newlands  2021  artist from Dundee, Scotland / album available here: https://newlandsmusic.bandcamp.com/album/compilation-tracks  *   2:44:31 (Pop-up)
Daniel Avery  Hazel And Gold   Favoriting Together In Static  Phantasy/Mute  2021    *   2:48:53 (Pop-up)
Wuhling  Du Bist So Weit Weg   Favoriting Freischwimmer - 5 Years Of Kitty-Yo (V/A)  Kitty-Yo  1999  thanks to Daniel Blumin for giving me this collection / "freischwimmer" translates to "free swimmers"    2:52:49 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:03am
Really Lisa:

Hello Carol and all. A quick drop-in to wish everyone well. Off for a slow run.

top of the morning to you Carol, the crew, listeners and most important of all, musicians!
Avatar 6:05am

Thank Really Lisa! Enjoy your run:) :)
Avatar 6:06am

top of the morning, hoeg!
Avatar 6:06am

Glad to have everyone here this morning!

Morning Carol, moon units
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wizard frog:

moon moon moon moon
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Gooooooooood mornin' one and all!
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Morning upstatesean!
Avatar 6:09am

morning john_zilla!
Avatar 6:09am

moon wizard frog!
Greg k:

Good Morning Carol! And all early risers!
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Goooooooooood mornin Nulsh!
Avatar 6:10am

Good morning Greg k!
Avatar 6:12am

This is kickin'.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12am
James Douglas:

Good morning Caroll! Barreling up the drizzly Thruway
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:13am

going to hit the road with carol's tunes later myself, also
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James Douglas:

Great driving music!
Avatar 6:14am

Good morning CrowCrew, Tel Aviv checking in...spent the morning glazing pottery in my kitchen...now post-lunch lethargy after hummus...appreciating the Hi-NRG :)
Avatar 6:16am

Hello Carol and listeners
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Love me some office space
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G'day Carol & Serious Moons!
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Good morning Carol and greetings to all.
Avatar 6:26am

@James Douglas@6:12: Safe travels!
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Good afternoon Special_Vessels in Tel Aviv!
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Hello Sylvia!
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G'day Scott67 in Australia!
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Good morning Ivan in Woodbridge!
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La tête dans le nuage
Salut Carol & friends under the moonlight
Avatar 6:32am

Salut Toutevoix!
LiXiviated Life:

“The first duty of a revolutionist is
to get away with it.
The second duty is
to eat breakfast.” - A Hoffman
Avatar 6:35am

Oh sweet music your show is seriously expected here
cooking time on sunday
sending good vibes
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36am
James Douglas:

Avatar 6:38am

let's synthesize this set
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, Carol. Just came back from a meeting with the Bobs.
Avatar 6:38am

window mind ears all opened
push a little bit the volume uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Avatar 6:41am

@LiXiviated Life@6:33: Haha:) That's a great quote!
Avatar 6:42am

@Ken@6:38: Oh man! Happy you're with us now:)
eric from lake hiawatha:

Smith and Mighty! Whoa. Got me dancing’ with the birds this morn
Avatar 6:44am
Ivan from Woodbridge:

Great energy this morning. Loving the Office Space excerpts.
Avatar 6:45am
I was Dave Bowman:

Morning. I hope everyone is healthy.
Avatar 6:45am

Hello everyone! Hope you are well! Everything fine here, some more time at hand finally.
Avatar 6:46am
Ivan from Woodbridge:

Thanks Dave. To the best of my knowledge, I am. Same to you.
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James Douglas:

Now I need a rest stop !
Avatar 6:47am
Ivan from Woodbridge:

Hello Heidee!
Avatar 6:47am

" Do you also wake up two hours before 6 a.m. (US time) and then *still* manage to tune in late to Serious Moonlight Sonatas because everyday life (ugh) stuff got you distracted ? If yes, join our support group by dialling..."

:D Good morning Carol, wfmu early Sunday morning crew, everyone !

Heidee, Ivan Hope you're having a good day :)
Avatar 6:47am
I was Dave Bowman:

Gonna be another hot one in Minneapolis. But my tomato plants look great!
Avatar 6:51am
Ivan from Woodbridge:

Thank you Avril! Glad you made it despite the life stuff getting in the way :)
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:51am

A rainy Sunday morning means I am home and listening to SMS live for a change, happy happy! Bummed that I missed an Office Space bit, one of the all-time top 10. And yes, I worked on fixing Y2K probs for a while :(
Cooh John:

Good summer morning Carol and moonbeams.
Avatar 6:52am

@eric from lake hiawatha@6:44: :) :)
Avatar 6:52am

contagious giggles :-)
Hey there Ivan and Avril! Thank you, you too! And remember: time is relative. And on Planet Carol, the time count has a heavier gravity.
Avatar 6:52am

@Ivan@6:44: :)
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Morning Dave Bowman! Hope you are well!
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Hello Heidee! Glad all is good where you are:)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Good Morning!
...been sleeping in too much to Comment but happen to be awake - I am appreciating.
About that ☽Moon :
Avatar 6:55am

@Avrilinmay@6:47: I am happy to have you here anytime!! Good morning:)
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@Kevin-san@6:51: Glad to have you with us live!
Avatar 6:57am

Good summer morning to you Cooh John!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...rainy in NewHampshuh as it has been a fair amount this summer - good actuallly I presume...
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Paulo AD:

HEY YO :) How are you this afternoon all. I keep getting distracted by the Olympics
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Hi Paulo, how was your trip to the US?
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I'm starting to get worried about pabs
Avatar 6:58am

Good Morning Revolution Rabbit! Glad you're sleeping in these days:)
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

If she talks, and he don’t write it, that’s when we get worried.
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HEY YO Paulo AD!
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Paulo AD:

Hi Heidee - it was amazing thanks, I cannot wait to go back. We also just came back from the Seychelles which was lovely
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Paulo AD:

How you doing Carol ?
Avatar 7:02am
I was Dave Bowman:

My hummingbirds are killing my feeder.
Avatar 7:02am

Hey there lanky
Avatar 7:02am

How nice, Paulo. Hang on to the feeling as long as you can.
Avatar 7:03am
Ivan from Woodbridge:

How often does one visit Colorado and Seychelles in the same month. Or even in the same lifetime
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one of my favorites Luc Ferrari work is Brise-glace
just wanted to suggest
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Baja Joe:

Hidey ho!
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(fill in blank)™
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Avatar 7:03am

WOAH! Where's PABS?!?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04am

She's talking

- Pabs
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Scotty boy!
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Morn, Carol!
Avatar 7:04am

Hiya big man
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G'day Nulsh!😎🤙
Avatar 7:05am

Italy, canicule hot hot hot heavy summer in Milano city
got to escape soon
LiXiviated Life:

There have been
brief moments
that I would describe as
but it does not cause me
to be concerned
my sanity
it brings forth a feeling of
Gary in soflo:

good morning from the cat sanctuary in soflo! thank you for the music love Carol amd staff
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"JIL" Gilles like me DELEUZE
oh yé
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I was Dave Bowman:

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Paulo AD:

Ivan - indeed. I'm keenly aware of how lucky I am. :) Plus I ate a bat
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that was great label at the time, 90's...........don't know still exist or what happened?

Carol on fire this morning, killin it!
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I do Carol. I surely do. Love this.
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

How was the bat Paulo? Genuinely curious.
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This track is my quintessential happy place
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Paulo AD:

Man i was odd. Super gamey, like a mix of mutton and rabbit
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Avatar 7:13am

peace and greetings from baltimore!
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Well, they are mammals. Interesting
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one of my favorite albums ever
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:14am
Paulo AD:

theres a pic of it here www.instagram.com...
A.M. Bientot:

Hey, Carol and all you daytime moonlighters! Catching part of the show this morning. Loved that Luc Ferrari...
Avatar 7:16am

some nostalghia
not only Aphex and the sound of 20000000000 turning century
rave party would be concretely called FREE party and it was about to die soon but not yet.....
big smile there
anyone can have an idea of APhex work and extreme generosity on his website
hours miles endless tracks and sounds there for free and a little pirate boat on his website... crazy
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@Toutevoix@7:03: Thanks!
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Hidey Ho Baja Joe!
Avatar 7:21am

@Lix@7:05: Nice!
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good morning Gary in soflo! Hope all is well at the cat sanctuary!
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thanks to him!
at the time he put the integrality of his discog to listen ( 2018? don't know if everything is still there but it was free, the spirit in there yes.... ) then you can go:
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peace Ike-O in baltimore!
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so like Autechre it's really a pleasure to dig their endless prod some real great stuff and surprises in there...
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thanks for playing Carol, love your moonlight
Avatar 7:24am

I almost screamed ! *_* I have been planning since last week, literally remembering it yesterday, to borrow that book (again) when I would be able to go to the library tomorrow, to finish it at home (while they are closed during their summer break), after having picked it up in *the most* random way earlier this year.
Synchronicity with wfmu-related things has been on my mind for a while, as in how amazing it was when it happens, but talk about telepathy on this one! :))))
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Synchronicity is the universe winking at you.
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Baja Joe:

@Toutevoix, luv that u can DL FLAC tracks on the site
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@Baja crazy indeed... that has a meaning

Morning fellow moon listeners
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I'm in love with Richard's voice
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the guy married twice E Taylor.... and he married 5 times
he was in love too Heidee
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@A.M. Bientot@7:16: Agreed about the Luc Ferrari track! Thanks for being here:)
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@Ivan from Woodbridge : sounds familiar to the way I see it ! (or 'have been', since only lately)
Avatar 7:36am

Sinon, @Toutevoix and I sharing the struggle about the heat ! So wish I was where the rainy weather is, where you girls&guys are. Soon I hope. In the meantime : Enjoy it!
Avatar 7:38am

yes Avrilinmay still I cooked!!!! too happy I managed to prepare and put in the oven ( real hot in my little kitchen ) my stuffed zucchini
Avatar 7:38am

and thank you for mentioning those things about Aphex Twin. It answers a question I never did formulate but had for a while when some friends were *really* into that music and I was not aware exactly of the reason why. I think that generosity explains some of it
Avatar 7:43am

Hi Carol.
Avatar 7:43am

excess of production and the impact he had on electronic sound & ambient music...the selected ambient works is a reference then it kind never stopped floating from Eno to these Environments we are listening just now
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@ Toutevoix :D :D oh my gosh I was going to bring up how fun it was to read about your cooking (it inspires me for future plans) :D
and about that : I FINALLY had the opportunity, and made the decision to change my eating habits (almost) completely to deal with that struggle of kitchen heating up, Inferno level. Sticking to "cold" recipes and stuff that takes no more than 5-10 minutes to cook for this year, honestly :D

but remind me (I am forgetting now, damn it!) : how do we say "bon appétit" in italian?
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:45am

good morning.

at the middletown ny plaza where the walmart is there is a big metal tower with the name of a stor on it.. when the wind blows it makes a sound exactly like this music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45am
JB from NP:

Good morning Carol and all Moonies, and Ruth, wherever you are.

morning all, sleepless night but happy to be up for the misty morning 🌅
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:47am
JB from NP:

Howdy Heidee, Ivan. Lanky, Eric where's our Pablo?
Avatar 7:47am

Morning Robm!
Avatar 7:47am

@Avrilinmay still have the fake face you'd wearand everybody would at Aphex live...how fun
I think in a kind of way all faces replaced by lights of cellphones in front of the hugge light wall of the Plastikman live act in 2010.....that was something.....
Buon appetito no?
I'm french oui le cliché du français en cuisine bon appétit mes amis then I live in Italy
Avatar 7:48am

Hi TDK60.
Avatar 7:48am

good morning dale

according to my astrologer/astronomer, today is known as The Day Out of Time.
Avatar 7:50am

Avrilinmay I love springtime, yep summer too hot but vegetables are giving now I use to grow seeds and bring them in Liguria there we have a garden....have to care about food, and good food yep...
if everybody could grow vegetables pleasure + feel better in some kind of way
we are what we eat so...
Avatar 7:50am

Aaah bah c'est plus simple alors: bon appétit avec les zucchini, sounds super bon (absolument pas cliché! sauf dans le bon sens peut-être :D )
Avatar 7:51am

Good morning JB!
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morning 🥬
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Really enjoying this set, Carol. Thanks for putting it together.
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Strong French presence on the comments board this morning. Coincidentally, I am actually debating wether to visit Frenchtown NJ today.
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could not agree more! (this is probably why I liked reading your messages about food)

and that A. T. concert sounds awesome! ravie pour toi you were part of such a happening
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Avrilinmay those trees on your profile? but ou es tu donc ?
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@Toutevoix @7:33 :-)
@JB hi, how's things?
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Hey JB
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Ivan where do you intend to go & visit in France?
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Avrilinmay: Mahn jah. Is how I always heard the Italian ""bon appétit"
A.M. Bientot:

Classic album!
Avatar 7:55am

ahah Fredericks right!
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

@Toutevoix, not actual France :) There’s a town in NJ, an hour away from me called Frenchtown. We’re thinking of spending the day there.
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@Fredericks@7:51: Thanks for listening this morning!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Loves Indian Classical (like, I suppose, a good old hippie...)
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Grand masters...... went to Chaurasia years ago ( when there was concerts and u use to go miles away for a good concert !!) more than a concert
long tracks!!! great mood
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...got my good %age of French Canadian DNA up here ...that'll have to do until I spontaneously evolve a better facility with Languages...
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I was in a music store yesterday with sitars and tamburas, and the shop's custom electric sitars.
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Good morning CarolCrow & All!
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like free party whether elecronic parties or Chaurasia leads you beyond and thru trance i think you can drift and enter sonosphere and share
body vibes friends
beautiful music
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Zucchini ripieni sono pronti ragazzi!
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@Toutevoix ah non the forest, much more simply I'm afraid, is inspired by something I was listening to not long before I created this profile to comment on wfmu chat boards. So (as some people I am sure have recognized ) that might be more of a Canadian forest, since it is an album cover from Bon Iver's discography. Quite uninspired actually, I could not find the freaking time to pick some cool avatar since I had lost my previous one.
mais je suis pas exactement en France (for now). Still somewhere in north africa, waiting for some messes to clear up to move...
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@ Fredericks :'D :'D :'D :'D
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:09am
JB from NP:

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JB from NP:

On the road 2 werk
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Take care JB!
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Safe journey JB
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aaaaw Carol <3
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:12am

i grabbed a palm pilot on a 'free' table at a yardsale. goes up to 1999 only.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

What happened reportedly was the Programmers worked on the Y2K problem & - fixed it. Crazy right?
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JB from NP:

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Lyke Wake Dirge! I love a dirge in the morning.
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Good morning PaulRobeson!
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My first exposure to this song was from Buffy Sainte-Marie's 1967 album "Fire & Fleet & Candlelight." (The album title is lyric from the song.)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Love this Jowe Head - like a cross between Bad Seeds & Wall of Voodoo ...like Nick Cave had a sene of humor & got his head out of that crime novel for a second.... sonically interesting !
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Heidee @6:52 time IS relative and these are the fastest moving 3 hours on the Fmu schedule
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

TDK60 ah interesting - a cover!...
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Morning RevRab. I believe "Lyke" is ancient.
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JB from NP:

Reached out to Pabz via Alt Comms, he probably fell asleep for the first time this weekend
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@Revolution Rabbit Nov63 I actually thought it might be another track by nick cave at first, too
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@Ivan, lovely, n'est-ce pas ?
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Ah trad Folk...
Giving the new Macca thumbs up generally. Very Macca & very Now @ once seems to me - ymmv...
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Much as I dislike Google I must ask: You guys see this? www.youtube.com...
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Paul Mc. still at it. Probably because music just spills out of him. (I think Donovan said that, after jammin with him.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:24am

Morning Carol and Sonata friends
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The old geezer can still carry a tune
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Hey JB, working on the tan today ?
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RB: is that you?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26am

Hey TDK 60, good morning to my long playing cassette friend
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@Heidee about that relativity thing (I almost forgot) : YES ! (but also: ye..ee..es? * in a more interrogative tone* :D :D . I need to brush up on my advanced Physics reading list because I was not sure about what reply I wanted to give on that one !)
Dave Conehead:

Avatar 8:30am

Avril, I was just making it up :-)
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Back in the late 90’s, around the time Office Space came out, I read a book called the Tao of Physics. Very trippy :)
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then definitely a Yes, tout simplement :D
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I want a magic bedtime pudding
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the giant claw is a really horrible 'b' movie. most times you see the claw it's just a shadow of a big carboard claw with people recoiling in terror as it overcomes them.
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

I want a magic bed
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amon tobin style kind
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JB from NP:

My baby House Wrens were chirping in their little baby voices this morning. We think they just hatched a few days ago. Birdhouse is up against the house.
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JB from NP:

Pabz where are you??
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I want magic
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Drinking magic espresso
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@JB I was signing in
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Ah Pabs
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Morning Caz and erryone else!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yes Giant Claw & Reptilicus should battle it out - if they didn't make each other laugh to death...

He’s the best.
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Brian in UK:

Belated hello Carol & Sunday Snoozers.
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Morning RB!
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pabs! We wuz worried!
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Hey there Dave Conehead
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JB from NP:

These sounds are why I get to work early and listen in the parking lot, not to make a good impression on mgmt.
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Brian, how goes it up in Shrops?
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Hey Brian!
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@dale@8:32: haha:)
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TDK60! Howdy!

7:39 and I’m already sweating.
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JB from NP:

Pablo! Brian! Nulsh! All my odd accent friends are here!!
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Nulsh, How goes it down along the Clyde?
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Brian in UK:

TDK60, the promised heavy rain has passed us by, still warm but bearable, quick break from gardening.
How's the hearing?
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@JB , go team parking lot !
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JB, I'm sure you make a good impression arriving fully relaxed at work
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Ha ha ha! Hey thar' JB!
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Brian in UK:

JB What-ho old chap?
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TDK60, doin' well amigo, cheers. We got the sun and all sorts!
You getting much playing in?
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JB from NP:

@RB are you in the parking lot too?? No tan today, it's kinda nice and cool out, too chilly for my man-kini.
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Pabs, JB - you guys made it
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JB from NP:

@Heidee, yeah absolutely, I am in a good mood!
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The name of that last track was Brummie Parole??
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JB from NP:

Lanky! How is the lankySis??
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Ah, Brian working well. It's a bit trebly, no tone control. At least there's volume control. (Just got a hearing aid.)
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nice one that neap tide
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Morning Pabz!
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JB from NP:

Ha Pabs! A song about your youth!
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@JB , yeah , am a weekday WFMU parking lot lurker . Bosses all show up late and am greeted by the landscapers . Depending upon the radio show , it’s kind of like landing on another planet
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Baja Joe:

Musical folks born this date, Verdine White of EW&F, Thurston Moore of SY, and Jim McCarty, drummer for the Yardbirds. So, now you know.
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Nulsh, playing most days. But open mikes are not all back yet. My favorite one was a casualty of the pandemic, not coming back.
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this sounds like the melody from smashing pumpkins 'tonight tonight'
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JB from NP:

@Pablo And an album that halfway describes your adulthood... Part Idiot
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Baja Joe:

We are the knights who say "Neap"
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@JB Cheers for that last comment - Made me think I haveny done a FU JB™ yet today
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This is very pretty.
:It sounds like those beach tunes you heard in the crystal shops when you used to press a button to hear examples of the CD:
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JB from NP:

Nice @RB. I'm lucky that Sunday at 9AM is a slow liquor time. People are still at church. I can be a minute or two late
Tom from Stirling:

Merci beaucoup! Amazing, Carol. Just amazing. Go go GO.
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@TDK, I just got hearing aids too and must admit they work very well. How are yours ?
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So enchanting
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Loverly show, Carol! Bye friends!
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Thank youuuu
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fm Mike:

Morning Lovelies! Bye Heidee!!!
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TDK60, shame about yer' favourite venue. That's pants.
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Thanks for another great show Carol, and thank you Moonies for all the great banter and convos.
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RB, okay; just in one ear. Needed to do this years ago.
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Aw German farewell song! "You are so far away, I want to breathe you" 🎶
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JB from NP:

Love you Pabs!!
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Thanks Heidee!
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Bye Heidee!

Time fer' me to scoot too!

Thanks for the usual great show Carol Crow!

Take it easy amigos!
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Hello Brian in UK!!
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JB from NP:

Heidee don't go yet!!
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But I only just got hear!!!

Sanks für another great show Carol
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ha ha still here
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Luv U2 JB
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Hello Juli! Glad you like!
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Thanks for listening, Tom in Stirling!
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Thanks Carol for the sonic breakfast! Later..
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Thanks Carol.✌😎🌏🌻
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Thanks Carol for getting today off to such a cosmic start , have a great day !
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She's Talking™
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JB from NP:

Can't wait to catch this show on the archive, great last hour
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

TY DJ Carol Crow !
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special moment your show
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..Well, I /do/ need more shrubbery..
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@lanky meant to tell you I was sorry to hear about the flooding at your place last week! Hope the earlier comments praising the rain weren't too insensitive for you.
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JB from NP:

Love you Carol! Auf Wiedersehen Moonies

Mlle Carol. Merci
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fm Mike:

Giat Claw is terrible? Sounds good! There's a new Tremors movie with the guy from Napoleon Dynnamite in it too! Looks Good!
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thank you so much Carol
(will leave my planned comments catching up with the last few weeks' topics for the next time. This week I was having too much fun)
bye you all !
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So surprised is no mention of the Full Buck Red Moon!
I attended the 25th Annual Nat'l PowWow in Queens on a 1697 farm, New York City’s largest remaining tract of undisturbed farmland on Friday. Climax to First Nation's music & dancing was a bonfire overseen by a glorius blood red full moon...quite magical ...
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