Favoriting Serious Moonlight Sonatas with Carol: Playlist from September 12, 2021 Favoriting

CarolCrow's avatar View CarolCrow's profile Favoriting

An odyssey of the ears powered by the moon, the stars, & a pixie dusting of ecstatic electricity...

Sunday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Sun. Mar 9th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Dan Bodah
Sun. Mar 16th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Daniel Blumin

Favoriting September 12, 2021: I'm A Word Of My Moon! says the Crow of Desperation

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Brian Eno & John Cale  Lay My Love   Favoriting Wrong Way Up  Opal  1990      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Umbra  Plithos   Favoriting That Sounds Greek To Me - Muses & Sirens (V/A)  New Moon  2021    *   0:04:53 (Pop-up)
Richard H. Kirk / Robb Wells  East Of Nima / I'm A Word Of My Man!   Favoriting The Number Of Magic / Trailer Park Boys  Warp  1995      0:10:20 (Pop-up)
Material Girl  Clutch   Favoriting Tangram  No Assignments  2020      0:19:25 (Pop-up)
Conrad Schnitzler  Electric Garden   Favoriting Ballet Statique  Spalax  1992      0:20:53 (Pop-up)
Pablo Picco  Icaros para Bebedores de Ayahuasca   Favoriting Ambiente Works 2012-2021  Pablo Picco  2021  Bardo Todol  *   0:33:16 (Pop-up)
Meridian Brothers & Conjunto Media Luna  Pensando en Mi Morena   Favoriting Paz En La Tierra (Peace On Earth)  Bongo Joe  2021    *   0:35:40 (Pop-up)
Hey String  Firefly   Favoriting Blue Thirty-Seven  Blue Tapes/X-Ray  2020  Korean trio    0:39:22 (Pop-up)
Nuno Canavarro  Untitled (track B7)   Favoriting Plux Quba  Drag City  2015  orig 1988    0:45:34 (Pop-up)
Bruno Bavota  Apartment Loop #1   Favoriting For Apartments  Temporary Residence  2021  2-CD album  *   0:47:55 (Pop-up)
The Gaye Device  Getting Back To Before It Began   Favoriting Structures  Submarine  2021  AKA Andrew Howden  *   0:53:43 (Pop-up)
Circle Moon  New Flow   Favoriting Spaciousness 2 (V/A)  Lo Recordings  2021    *   0:58:33 (Pop-up)
Laura Sinnerton  Ruminant   Favoriting Inner Voices  NMC  2021  Irish violist  *   1:11:48 (Pop-up)
Henry Kawahara  Primitive Love (Genshi no ai) (Delayed Version)   Favoriting Cybernetic Defiance and Orgasm: The Essential Henry Kawahara  EM  2021    *   1:20:51 (Pop-up)
Isolat Pattern  BLK.HSE   Favoriting Clinical Ambience  Kvitnu  2015      1:27:23 (Pop-up)
Uman  Spirit   Favoriting Chaleur Humaine  RVNG Intl.  2021  orig 1992 / French duo  *   1:31:08 (Pop-up)
Devin Shaffer  Kissing In The Park   Favoriting In My Dreams I'm There  American Dreams  2021  1st album under her given name  *   1:36:35 (Pop-up)
Saadet Türköz & Beat Keller  Yarkent   Favoriting We Are Strong  Chinabot  2021    *   1:40:54 (Pop-up)
Kemper Norton  Karolli   Favoriting Karolli - EP  Kemper Norton  2021  AKA David Allan from Cornwall / additional tracks from the Troillia sessions  *   1:45:10 (Pop-up)
Orchestramaxfieldparrish  I Had Long Been The Earth--Arid, Ochre, Forlorn Since Birth. But You Fell On My Chest By Chance From Beaks Of Birds, From Eyes Of Grass   Favoriting After The Rain/ Mirrors  Faith Strange  2021    *   1:51:40 (Pop-up)
Arcane Device  Modes and Degrees   Favoriting Nodes  Pulsewidth  2021    *   1:55:34 (Pop-up)
Linear Movement  The Game   Favoriting On The Screen  Minimal Wave  2008      2:07:47 (Pop-up)
Gay Cat Park  A Bit Of Charm   Favoriting Synthetic Woman  Medical  2012  Italian duo    2:12:04 (Pop-up)
Experimental Products  Sweet Rejection   Favoriting Prototype  Vinyl-on-demand  2008  orig 1982 on Short Circuit / Philadelphia duo Mark Wilde & Michael Gross    2:15:54 (Pop-up)
Psychic Hotline  Call Me   Favoriting The Wild World Of Psychic Hotline  Disciples  2021  Ruth Mascelli  *   2:20:53 (Pop-up)
The Bug  Bomb (feat. Flowdan)   Favoriting Fire  Ninja Tune  2021    *   2:26:31 (Pop-up)
DJ Muggs The Black Goat  The Chosen One   Favoriting Dies Occidendum  Sacred Bones  2021    *   2:31:10 (Pop-up)
Deru  Let The Silence Float   Favoriting 1975  Friends Of Friends  2014      2:34:30 (Pop-up)
Moonlight Society  People Walk On   Favoriting Unexpected Silencio (V/A)  Bad Zoo  1989  orig 1986    2:38:46 (Pop-up)
Secret Nuclear  Endgame   Favoriting Insider  WH Recordings  2021    *   2:43:55 (Pop-up)
Harry Partch  Eleven Intrusions I: Study On Olympos' Pentatonic   Favoriting The Harry Parch Collection Vol. 1  New World  2004  orig 1997    2:45:11 (Pop-up)
Terry Riley & Sara Miyaamoto  Tomb Song   Favoriting Miniatures 2020 (V/A)  62nd Grammophone Company  2021    *   2:47:28 (Pop-up)
Terry Riley  In the Summer   Favoriting Les Yeux Fermes & Lifespan  Elision Fields        2:47:41 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

  🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:01am

Heigh ho!
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:02am

Carol, are you the crow of desperation?
Avatar 6:03am

Good morning and happy Sunday, Carol and listeners!
Avatar 🌜 6:03am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03am

Did the bad date go away?
David in London:

Morning Moonfaces 🌓
All hail the incomparable Carol Crow.
Avatar 🌜 6:06am

If I say "Hi" now I have to type less

Hi to Caz, 12539, Sylvia, TonyR & David in London
Greg k:

Good Morning Carol!
Good Morning to all the early risers!
David in London:

Pablexa, Sylvia, TonyR, 12539, salutations good people.
Avatar 🌜 6:14am

I think I may have figured out life's mystery - You just order shizz on Amazon and then you are excited to get home after werk! You folks that thought it was 42...........
Avatar 🌜 6:16am

Hiya Greg k
modern blaze:

Hi! Mentioning the Crew!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17am
Paulo AD:

Afternoon :) TPB sample :)
Avatar 6:18am

goooood morning you far and yet so close, waxing crescents, bathing in a hazy shade of amber
Morning Carol, wfmu crew and forever thanks and greetings to Ruth! (since I missed the opportunity to say it the week before last, during that Cat Stevens song)
Avatar 🌜 6:18am

Morning Modern Blaze unless you are Paulo AD and then it's good afternoon!!
Avatar 🌜 6:19am

AVRILINMAY IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21am
Paulo AD:

Hiya Pabs, hows it going ? Dai, Sylvia WORD
Afternoon Carol.
Just back from jab number 3
Avatar 6:22am

@Pablexa™ :D heeey
(was just thinking of your breakfast ingredients these days, and whether something changed in them recently or not yet, just as I was putting the kettle on and 'Serious Moonlight Sonatas' was appearing on the VLC player :))) )
Avatar 6:22am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Good morning Carol! Moring Crow Nuts!
David in London:

Yo Paulo, me old mucker!
How the Heck are ya?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23am

G'day Carol & Lunar Landers!

*...mirror to tempt a first star to a tremor...*
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25am
Paulo AD:

All good here Dai, the weekend goes all to fast. The weather has taken an uptick, though I was going to drown in sweat at golf on Friday
Avatar 6:26am

Wow! So wonderful to have so many friends with me this morning! Thank you for being here!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26am

Paulo, how'd your 3rd Jab go!
Avatar 6:27am

@12539@6:02: haha:) I'll tell you what...some days I am! Hope you are well!
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Good morning Carol and an appropriate greeting to all in your world wide audience.
Avatar 6:27am

Happy Sunday Sylvia!
Avatar 6:28am

@Buddha of Suburbia good morning! Hope you are doing okay, and resting from work
(have missed the chance to say it a while back when I started tuning in to wfmu and was following the daily morning show. So here it is now :)) )
David in London:

Scotty, Ivan, Hoeg, wotcha.
Avatar 6:29am

@Pablexa@6:03: It's great to have you hear (and here:)!!
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Hello TonyR
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G'day David.😎🤙
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All hail the incomparable David in London & all the Moonfaces listening:)
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Good morning Greg k!
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Afternoon Paulo!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32am
Paulo AD:

Scott -After we found the place pretty straight forward except the dont automatically book you in for the 4th one (so both phizer doses)
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

David, hello
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32am
Paulo AD:

Hi Ivam, hope you're well :)
Avatar 6:32am

@Avril@6:18: Just wanted to say thanks for your kind comments a couple of weeks ago (I didn't see until after the show) - thanks for your positivity:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33am

G'day Ivan, Avril, hoeg, Buddha, Pabs, Greg, Tony, Sylvia & 12539.
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Nice hat and shades Scott67
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

All good Paulo, same to you my man
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34am
Paulo AD:

Also well happy with my weight loss this week. Nearly back to fighting weight
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Pabs @6:19, always good to see Avril
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35am
Paulo AD:

Ivan, usual first day back after the weekend. I swear no one knows how to do anything if I'm not around haha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36am

Cheers Ivan! They're my everyday Spectacles, with Transition Lenses. & the hat is from Texas, via a Aussie Thrift Store. Perfect for the Sun down here.
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Many thanks to EVERYONE for their positivity! THANK YOU ALL:)
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Good morning Buddha of Suburbia!
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G'day Scott67!
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

I hear ya Paulo. Last week we had a long weekend and short work -week which ultimately proved draining. Was a zombie by yesterday
Avatar 6:38am

Hey there hoeg! What is that quote from?
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:38am
Will the Sound Guy:

Good morning Carol and all!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38am

Thank you Carol! For your humble Humanity, humour & wonderful music.
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Scott67 @6:38, I second that.
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Morning Carol Crow!!!Hi Scott67! Thank you AvrilinMay! Hope u are well too!!
Avatar 6:40am

Good morning Ivan from Woodbridge
Avatar 6:41am

Hey upstate sean
Avatar 🌜 6:41am

Does anyone else giggle when Will the sound guy shows up?? I always wonder if he's part of the show - Hiya Will the sound guy!!
David in London:

Loving this morning’s set Carol.

Buddha! Long time!
Avatar 6:41am

Good morning Will!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42am

Pabs, I used to think he Was!
G'day Will.👍😎🎧🎙🎚🎛
Avatar 6:42am

@CarolCrow ! Always!
your thoughtfulness is a true treasure.
thank *you* (ce que tes choix sonores ont laissé comme trace dans mon esprit va beaucoup plus loin au-delà de ces quelques mots. Et c'est grâce à ce que tu nous offres, tellement, si souvent, et si genereusement, que je peux l'être si aisement..)
I apologize, this sentiment is a bit too deep, my English is not there yet to find the right translated equivalent quickly :D
Avatar 6:45am

@ Ivan from Woodbridge Awwwww! thank you
Sorry to hear about the work exhaustion. Hope you will be able to recuperate
Avatar 6:46am
Ivan from Woodbridge:

I already have Avril :)
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Avatar 🌜 6:47am

@Avrilinmay I tried to use Googz Translate and it said Your Mother is an Irish like fish - That wasn't it was it???
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:47am
Will the Sound Guy:

Hi Pablexa and Scott67... I'm listening lazily while still waking up. I don't have coffee yet. I'm still out in Queens, I was out for my friend's birthday yesterday. 🎧
Tom from Stirling:

Bonjour! Hello!
Avatar 🌜 6:49am

@Avrilinmay Sorry #PabzIsAnAss
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49am

Good morning Carol and listeners.
Avatar 🌜 6:50am

If @Stanley is here things must be getting bad!! Hiya Stanley
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

@Will, the biggest issue I have with spent the night anywhere is getting that first cup of coffee.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52am

Oh yes, Pblx. It's downhill from here.
Avatar 6:52am

Bonjour Tom!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:52am
Will the Sound Guy:

Hi Avril, Ivan, Tom, Stanley, David, Paulo and Buddha
Avatar 6:53am

Good morning Stanley!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53am

Will - you're a sound guy.
David in London:

Morning Stanloid.
Hey Will.
Avatar 6:54am
Buddha of Suburbia:

Hi Will the Sound Guy! Yes indeed, David in London! I am off to Maine in a little bit. Thought I would say Hello before I go.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:54am
Will the Sound Guy:

It's all better with coffee ☕😎
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54am

Good morning David in London Town.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:55am
Will the Sound Guy:

I could change it to Will from Chester, but it just sounds boring to me.
Avatar 6:56am

@Pablexa™ hahahahahaaahaa
Yup that is exactly the true spirit of what my words tried to convey

(Also .OOGle Translate is *never* your friend. Take it from a translator)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Morning !
...About that ☽Moon :
Tom from Stirling:

Bruno. Nuno. Good, strong Italian names.
Avatar 🌜 6:58am

I do hope that when Ima being an ass that you'all get that it's in jest - There's too much darkness in this form of communication and I never mean it to be that way - You can go t FB or Twitter if you'd like that
modern blaze:

@Pablexa™, Thank You!)
David in London:

Morning Rev D.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00am
Paulo AD:

I wouldn't worry about it Pabs :)
Avatar 7:00am
Ivan from Woodbridge:

I hear ya Pabs. I think we all know nothing you say is mean spirited.
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:00am

Everyone who didn't realize Pabs was joking raise their hand!
See, no hands.
Avatar 7:00am

@Will_the_Sound_Guy Hi!

-- what Pablexa™ is talking about did cross my mind at first too :D Sorry ! (for lack of a better word. There is nothing to be sorry about in this really)
Avatar 🌜 7:01am

Wait till JB shows up though! FU JB™ :)
Avatar 🌜 7:02am

She's talking™
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03am

G'day Stanley, sorry I didn't reply to your message yesterday mate. I had in fact been back to TRASH CULT again. & fell asleep listening to the Show, for a needed nap.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03am

Avrilinmay: although I have fairly good conversation French, I use Moogle Translate for translating into English, so at least, then I have a fair idea of what's being written. I have to say it was very useful when dealing with the French hospital and their paperwork when my father was admitted a few weeks ago. Get this - I could use the camera to translate whole pages of official health and insurance documentsand understand what was going down.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06am

Hi Scott. You and that TRASH CULT place. Respect for that, mate.
David in London:

The good vibration you send out returns to you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06am

G'day Tom.👍😎
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:06am

morning. grey and gusty hear - shades of fall.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07am

G'day RevoR.😎🤙🌜☀️
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08am

G'day Dale.✌😎

I don't check in here very often, Carol - at this time of the day, when I listen I just want to listen, and not deal with technology at all - but I wanted to say your words just now were spot on, and your show has been very, very helpful to me during "all of this" for the past 18 months
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

dale - finally closed the windows the other night for the 1st time the other night. Which I dread having to do. G'day Scott67 !
Avatar 🌜 7:09am

Fix it in the archives Caz!!!
David in London:

Morning dale.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09am

G'day headcleaner, good on ya mate!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10am

@Stanley: I should use translate apps back and forth next time then. The original version made no sense. Still, after heart surgery and rehab, the hit was like 100 euros. I'm lucky
eric from lake hiawatha:

Carol thank you for your insightful discussions, your giggle and music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...I too like sleeping in without the wakey screen more often lately - & this Program on a Sunday is a good one for it...
Waxing - heading to First Quarter☽Moon.
Avatar 7:11am

@Pablexa™ no worries on my end :))
(I also understand that anxiety! that is the one true shame about internet com')
Avatar 🌜 7:11am

Some fun??? She's gonna play some Marillion!!!!!
Avatar 7:13am

@fred ! talking about miscommunications during to internet chat-related delays and such. I really really hope you caught my comments replying to yours throughout last week
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13am

Don't often hear a Northern Irish accent in Music.
Avatar 7:14am

Good morning Carol.
Avatar 🌜 7:15am

@Scott6 Ima madly searching her on the interwebz!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:16am

Good Morning Carol. We love you too. Have a nice day😊
Tom from Stirling:

Trailer Park Boys are hilarious. It's good to laugh. Good for body and soul.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17am

I like hearing it! I lived in Portstewart N.Ireland for a year.
Over 30 years ago now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17am

Is this a new time slot?
I still have to check out the schedule
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

No Juli :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18am

Kk :)

faluffy saxophone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19am
Paulo AD:

Scott, did you fall asleep in Trash Cult ? hahah please say you did
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20am
Paulo AD:

This is really really good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20am

Mernin' moonies and carol!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20am

Morning is my favorite time of day
Everything is new and pure feeling
Avatar 🌜 7:20am

@Juli Tis still the great schedule that makes me get up earlier than for work

5am - 8am CST

But it does make for a great time slot if you kayak out to a lake and see the night turn into day
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21am

@Avrilinmay: I apologize, I didn't catch your specific comment, but I'm sure I said something stupid, and I should learn and shut up. I will (at least the shutting up part)
Tom from Stirling:

Ruminant is kinda funny. Is it supposed to be?
Avatar 🌜 7:21am

Howdy Lanky!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21am

I didn't Paulo, but there is a comfy couch in the Band Room I could've slept on. I did a Friday night session & a Saturday arvo session. Making up for lost in Lockdown time I guess.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22am

That sounds lovely
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@Buddha@6:54: Have a great trip!
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

I don’t like to pick favorites but if I had to I’d pick morning and autumn. But I really don’t like to pick favorites.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22am

G'day lanky.👍😎
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Morning Revolution Rabbit!
Avatar 7:24am

hello mb
Avatar 7:24am

morning dale
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:24am

has anyone baptised your listeners as crowmagnons yet?
Avatar 🌜 7:25am

@Ivan DAMNNIT IT'S 3am and autumn!!!!

OK, You were correct
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@headcleaner@7:08: I am so glad. Thank you so much for listening:)
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Good morning fred!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26am
Paulo AD:

Scott, I absolutely love a Saturday afternoon in the boozer
Avatar 7:27am

@fred : mais non! mais non! mais pas du tout! Far from me the idea to have anyone not express themselves as they want to. No I just wanted to tell you that my comment on SBB's chat board was not directed at you, not in the slightest. Was just worried you would keep thinking that it was, because I was late to reply that evening. That's all :)))
Avatar 7:27am
I was Dave Bowman:

Hi, folks.
Tom from Stirling:

I like bread and butter
I like toast and jam

O Henry!
Avatar 7:27am
Ivan from Woodbridge:

Not a fan of the early afternoon. Need a nap at that time but that sometimes makes me even more groggy.
Avatar 🌜 7:28am

ERIC IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lori - True North:

Good Morning Carol, out early to visit my son’s and daughter in law’s cat while they honeymoon in Eastern Canada. Fall is in the air. Wishing you a kind day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28am
Paulo AD:

Ivan, I read a think this week that if you have a coffee as soon as you nap when you wake up you'll be supercharged, yet to try it myself but its something to do with receptors in the brain
Avatar 7:30am
Ivan from Woodbridge:

I follow what you’re saying Avril. There’s a frequent fear of things said or not said, being misinterpreted. I think we all have it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30am

Like this!! 👍😎
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@eric from lake hiawatha@7:11: Thank you so much for being here with us!! :)
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

I tried that Paulo. Have had mixed results. My naps are double edged swords :) ⚔️
Avatar 7:34am

I've heard that you shouldn't nap too long, 45 minutes to an hour, tops.
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@David in London@6:41: So glad to hear that:) Thank you for your happy vibes always.
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Good morning TDK60.
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Definitely TDK.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:35am

Ivan, I find there's a sweet spot, regards nap duration. Go past it & you slip into a Sleep Cycle difficult to shrug off once waking. It is a personal thing I guess, but 15-20 mins is my ideal.
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Good Morning JohnEBGood:)
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:35am

morning Carol and everyone
Tom from Stirling:

Umam:mais oui!
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Agreed Scott67
Avatar 7:36am

@Juli@7:17: The new schedule starts tomorrow:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36am

G'day TDK.👍😎
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:36am

have you all ever heard of those coffee naps? drink a coffee then nap and the coffee will wake you up in 20 mins
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:36am

I mean I love coffee too much for that to work for me but seems interesting...wake up not groggy
Toothgrinder Tom:

About to run a memorial for 9/11 5k run - wish me luck, y’all!
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

CarolCrow@7:36, and Serious Moonlight Sonatas is on it :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:38am

Go well Tooth Tom!✌😎
Avatar 7:38am

Hello Scott67. / Also that you shouldn't nap too late in your day. Mid-day best. If you nap closer to your evening, the Groggies will get ya.
Avatar 7:38am

Hey there, MuWfInMass
Toothgrinder Tom:

Thanks @Scott67
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:39am
Paulo AD:

I can bang out a quick 10 min nap, just need a few mins to come back round haha
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Mernin' lanky!
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I was Dave Bowman:

@Toothgrinder...Have fun.
Avatar 7:44am

@dale@7:24: Haha! I don't think so!
Toothgrinder Tom:

Thanks @I Was Dave Bowman
Avatar 7:44am

@ Scott67 : hello to you too (sorry, was catching up with all the comments is a -fun- busy sprint this morning)
It always feels good to read about musicians back to playing live
David in London:

This is rather nice.
Hey TDK, T.Tom.
Cooh John:

Good morning Carol and moonazoids. Lively group, I see.
Avatar 7:50am

Hey there, London north David.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51am

No worries Avril, sadly I wasn't a Musician playing. Just playing up in the Bar drinking. There wasn't a Band, we are still on a limited numbers in Venues restriction. But I do know the couch in the Band Room, it was donated by a friend.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51am

G'day Cooh.J.😎🤙
Avatar 7:53am

@Stanley : I completely understand. Everyone had or was intrigued to use it at some point or another since it became so ubiquitous. And especially during emergencies, absolutely no one would blame you. But as I am sure Mark Hurst :D would tell you, it truly is some *hitty *hitty "service" that (in my opinion) is actually doing a disservice to multilingualism and humans trying to communicate beyond the language barriers that exist. But anyway...long convo for some other time maybe :)
Tom from Stirling:

Wow. Such a delight. A moon-lit delight. Soaring
Avatar 7:55am

peace and greetings everyone!
Avatar 7:55am

and while being aware that it almost always comes down to having time (or rather not having enough of it) to be able to use less creepy (and more mind-expanding) alternatives, I would be glad to share the tools I currently use (the list is still in progress) to translate without having to resort to that one
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:56am

(I am enjoying these peaceful selections more than usual.)
Avatar 7:57am
Ivan from Woodbridge:

I’m interested Avril@7:55
Toothgrinder Tom:

@David how’s it going? Our schedules don’t seem to overlap much anymore, but I hope you and Old Blighty are well.
Avatar 7:58am

@Scott67 : whoups ! sorry :D
Here's to relaxation of them bloody rules very soon then
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00am

Cool Avril, Vaccination = Relaxation. We just need more people jabbed. ✌😎💉
Avatar 8:00am
I was Dave Bowman:

@Ike ...Back at you.
Cooh John:

Back atya, Scott67. 👍
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:02am

Pabs is asleep.
Avatar 8:02am

@Ivan from Woodbridge just pressed the "contact" button on your profile (trying not to take up an even bigger chunk of space in the chat board this morning, so I am afraid I will refrain from posting all of it here)
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Paulo AD:

AAAAnnnnd thats me done, first day of the week out of the way. Time for some yoga now
Avatar 8:03am
Ivan from Woodbridge:

Avril, you beat me to it
David in London:

T.Tom, yes, it’s been a while. All well at this end thanks. The world may be a shitcan, but my little piece of it is good. Don’t mean that as a recipe for complacency, I’m truly thankful for it. How are you pal?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04am

Morning Carol and Carolers. Beautiful cool morning here in NJ
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I was Dave Bowman:

Lunar excursion module.
Avatar 8:05am

I still need to make up several different monikers myself! 3 or 4 AKAs, then learn some musical notes..
Toothgrinder Tom:

Pretty good @David, got back a few weeks ago from a trip to Hawaii.
Avatar 8:07am
I was Dave Bowman:

Toothgrinder Tom:

Just observing the seasons changing here.
David in London:

T.Tom, wowza! How was it?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07am
Paulo AD:

Right then peeps, have a great day, afternoon, night. I see some of yall for Kellen in the morning :)
Avatar 8:08am
Ivan from Woodbridge:

Rock on Paulo!
David in London:

Ta ta Paulo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10am

Tom: Hawaii sounds great. And is happens, my partner and I had poke bowls (she lives in hip part of the city). I haven't come across them before. And yes, most enjoyed.
Avatar 8:11am

@Lori - True North@7:28: Sounds lovely!! Thanks for being with us:)
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morning john_zilla!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11am

See you Paulo
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morning peoples, nice jam here caral, im back in the sack
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13am

Take care Paulo.😎🤙
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, Carol and mooned night specials. Baking brownies for a community event this afternoon. I'll be listening for 28-32 minutes until they're done.
Toothgrinder Tom:

David and Stanley, it was seductive and nice; I didn’t want to return home. We spent a week on the Big Island which was my first time there, and a week in Oahu.
modern blaze:

was Minimal Wave big in 2008?!
Tom from Stirling:

Sales of incense have risen in the past 18 months.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15am

G'day Ken.👍😎
Toothgrinder Tom:

The unusual species of birds and crazy beautiful flowering trees were spectacular.
Avatar 8:17am

Betcha at least one of this E.P. duo had bangs in their face.
Avatar 8:17am

Uh oh, Paulo has succumbed to the sandman. You may be next, Scott!
modern blaze:

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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Ken @8:13, 28-32 minutes
David in London:

Morning Ken.

T.Tom. That sounds amazing. It’s certainly one at the top of my bucket list.
Avatar 8:21am
I was Dave Bowman:

October 2- NHL starts.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23am
Ken From Hyde Park:

G'day Scott, Ivan, David.
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Hey HyperDose
Avatar 8:23am

@TT@7:37: Good luck!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:24am

HyperD, I'm hanging in there til the end of Carol's lovely Show mate. 😎🤙
Avatar 8:25am
Ivan from Woodbridge:

What time do you have Scott67? 10:25 pm?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:25am

Spot on Ivan!
Avatar 8:26am

Hello Dave Bowman, Cooh John, Ike-O, RB, Cp304, & all! Thank you so much for being with us!
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dayum i'm feelin bomb
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The Bug and Flowdan can do no wrong. Killer show as usual Carol!
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Morning, Ivan from Woodbridge 🌞
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DJ Muggs put one of their AKAs into a compound title?
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David (in London):

HyperDose, GoodMorning.
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Moonlight Society. I guess that's us!?
Avatar 8:39am

Afternoon, David. Hope you're well mate.
Tom from Stirling:

When you go half way, you only have half way to go.
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Carol thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:43am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Drat, no toothpicks to poke into the brownies to see if they're done. Going to try jabbing a dental floss tool into the pan.
Toothgrinder Tom:

@David as a temporary substitute for visiting that part of the world, May I suggest Oliver Sacks’ ‘The Island Of The Colourblind’?
Avatar 8:44am

talking about languages ... and dictionaries. I almost laughed out loud inside the library when I saw this while browsing the shelves: imagizer.imageshack.com... it was just a few days after talk on here about dictionaries and Carol mentioning the fake versions of the merriam-webster one
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Thinking outside the box Ken!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45am

A match Ken?
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David (in London):

T.Tom. with winter approaching, that might be just the ticket. Thanks for the steer my man.
Avatar 8:46am

  🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:46am

Stepping out. Thanks, Carol!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:48am
Ken From Hyde Park:

They smell like they're done. They look like they're done. I say they're done. Serious Moonlight Brownies!
Toothgrinder Tom:

@David sure thing; also when you have time I’d be curious to know if you as a British person have any insight into why Boris Johnson seems so safely in office in comparison to Theresa Nay who seemed to lurch from one Brexit- related crisis to another without being able to actually govern (because her government was consumed by Brexit)? What has he got that she hasn’t? Any thoughts?
Tom from Stirling:

It's still summer. Hang on to summer!
Avatar 8:51am

Avatar 8:54am

and finally, as promised, in answer to the clamouring popular demand...from no one :D :
will be uploading the tapes' covers one by one in that online album. For now, I just took one pic of the bunch so it would not get delayed for yet another week.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55am

Thanks Carol, a delight as always! Take care all, see later today. In my tomorrow.
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David (in London):

T.Tom - Interesting question. Let's take this off-board. Message me and we can talk via e-mail.
Avatar 8:55am

Thanks much Carol, for getting up early and spinning!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:55am
David (in London):

Thanks CC. Lovely show today.
Have a good week ahead Moonfaces.
Tom from Stirling:

Go go go. It's amazing. Go go GO.
Avatar 🌜 8:56am

She's Talking™
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:56am
David (in London):

T.Tom, I'm on Daonamusic@outlook.com
Toothgrinder Tom:

How can I send you a private message on this platform?

Mlle Carol Belle musique
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Carol. Happy you made the roster for the fall schedule!
Avatar 8:58am
Ivan from Woodbridge:

Thank you Carol, superb as always. Take care all, always an enjoyable comments board with y’all
Toothgrinder Tom:

Done thanks!
Avatar 8:59am

Always a nice way to wake up. Many thanks, Miss Crow.

bye, enjoy your Sunday everyone👋
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59am

Thank you Carol. Lovely show x
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Cheers Caz!
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Will the Sound Guy:

Thank you Carol!
Avatar 🌜 9:00am

Take care folks!
Avatar 9:01am

have a peaceful great ans safe week everyone
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Thanks to all for listening whenever you listen! Sending love out this day and all days:)
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Pablexa (TM):

@Avrilinmay where are you from?
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