Favoriting Atlantic Tunnel with Ed: Playlist from September 19, 2021 Favoriting

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Join us on a sonic journey through space and time, with forgotten hits and future classics from the UK and beyond. Hand-picked pop from the Tunnel vaults just for you dear listeners. Broadcasting with luv from the ageless Mod, Edward Rogers

Sunday 2 - 4pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
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Favoriting September 19, 2021: Ed is joined by Special Co-Host, Don Ciccone
Ah, Autumn in Paris! Atlantic Tunnel takes you across the Channel to France for this week’s show. Ed and special co-host, Don Ciccone (Rue '66), travel back to the Golden Years of the Yé-yé Pop Scene, and also discover the music genius of Michel Polnareff, Serge Gainsbourg and Brigitte Fontaine and after buying souvenirs, even have time to give you a peak preview of the new Jarvis Cocker album, 'Chansons d’Ennui Tip-Top'! Listen in and join them in the Chatbox.

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Ed and Co-Host Don Ciccone Cross The Channel to Paris!
Ed and Co-Host Don Ciccone Cross The Channel to Paris!
Ed and Co-Host Don Ciccone Cross The Channel to Paris!

Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Jean-Claude Vannier  Evelyne (BOF Slogan)   Favoriting Le cinéma de Serge Gainsbourg  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Annie Philippe  C'est La Mode   Favoriting C'est Chic! French Girl Singers Of The 1960's  0:03:46 (Pop-up)
Brigitte Bardot  Je Danse Donc Je Suis   Favoriting Tres Chic!  0:06:47 (Pop-up)
Puis Je?  Kevin Ayers   Favoriting Shooting At the Moon  0:08:22 (Pop-up)
Bedsit Poets.........  Ma Vie Ma Facon   Favoriting NoTel RendezVous  0:12:37 (Pop-up)
Pussy Cat  Ce N'Est Pas Une Vie   Favoriting Boof! The Complete Pussy Cat 1966-1969  0:18:47 (Pop-up)
Sandie Shaw  Pourvu Que CA Dure   Favoriting Chante En Francais  0:21:51 (Pop-up)
Rue '66  Partie De Dames   Favoriting Partie De Dames  0:23:53 (Pop-up)
Françoise Hardy  Tout Ce Qu'on Dit   Favoriting L'integrale Disques Vogue 1962 /1967  0:26:12 (Pop-up)
Ronnie Bird  Où va-t-elle   Favoriting Les années 60: Les plus belles chansons  0:32:29 (Pop-up)
Frank Alamo  Ma Biche   Favoriting Single  0:33:59 (Pop-up)
Dana Gillespie  You Just Gotta Know My Mind (French Version) (Decca 1968)   Favoriting Single  0:36:09 (Pop-up)
Marie Laforet.  D'etre a vous(I Want You)   Favoriting EP  0:40:28 (Pop-up)
Jarvis Cocker  Aline   Favoriting CHANSONS d’ENNUI TIP-TOP  0:45:07 (Pop-up)
Michel Polnareff  Âme Câline   Favoriting Volume 2  0:48:49 (Pop-up)
Jacques Dutronc........  La Responsable   Favoriting Single  0:52:29 (Pop-up)
Johnny Hallyday  Noir C'Est Noir ("Black Is Black")   Favoriting Le Roi De France  0:54:30 (Pop-up)
Jacqueline Taieb  7 A.M   Favoriting EP  1:01:31 (Pop-up)
Rue '66  Je Taime Quand Meme   Favoriting Rue 66  1:03:34 (Pop-up)
Ronnie Bird.............  Si Quelquechose m'arrivait   Favoriting Single  1:05:30 (Pop-up)
Pussy Cat....  Te Voilà   Favoriting Boof! The Complete Pussy Cat 1966-1969  1:08:20 (Pop-up)
Serge Gainsberg  Requeim Pour Un Con   Favoriting Les Annees Pschegeliques  1:13:03 (Pop-up)
France Gall  Chanson Indienne   Favoriting 1968  1:18:35 (Pop-up)
Johnny Hallyday  Psychédélic   Favoriting Jeune homme  1:20:33 (Pop-up)
Serge Gainsbourg & Jane Birkin..  La chanson de Slogan (BOF Slogan)   Favoriting Le cinéma de Serge Gainsbourg  1:24:20 (Pop-up)
Pierre Cavalli  Un soir chez Norris   Favoriting Un soir chez Norris o.s.t. 45 rpm  1:29:41 (Pop-up)
Brigitte Fontaine  Brigitte   Favoriting brigitte fontaine  1:32:29 (Pop-up)
Françoise Hardy  Chanson D'o   Favoriting La Question  1:34:33 (Pop-up)
Vince Taylor  Tu Changerais D' Avis   Favoriting Single  1:37:36 (Pop-up)
Sylvie Vartan  Quand tu es là (Album Version)   Favoriting La Storia (1989/1993 La chronique des meileurs souvenirs)  1:42:59 (Pop-up)
Shelia  Un Monde Sans Amour   Favoriting ep  1:45:35 (Pop-up)
Olivier Despax  Ne Te Retourne Pas   Favoriting ep  1:47:59 (Pop-up)
Petula Clark  Un Jeune Homme Bien   Favoriting The Atomic Café - French Cuts 2  1:49:58 (Pop-up)
Ria Bartok  Tu La Revois (He's In Town)   Favoriting ep  1:57:47 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

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Ello ello ello....Welcome......Cha, E
Avatar 2:01pm
Don Ciccone:

Good morning from San Francisco.
Avatar 🎸 2:01pm
Marshall Stax:

Hello... listening in Berkeley
Double R:

Avatar 2:02pm

Hey Marshall...weather's brill today...Yea!
Avatar 2:03pm

Double R...Cum along the channel with us! :)
Avatar 2:03pm

Greetings Ed and Don and everyone. Speaking of ferries ..I'm on one right now
Avatar 2:03pm

Hey Don...Welcome mate!

Bonjour Don!
Double R:

I'm wearing a beret for the show
Avatar 2:06pm

Trust u LesleyK..."Ferry Across The Mersey? :)
Avatar 2:06pm
Don Ciccone:

Bonjour Patty!
Avatar 2:06pm

Double R....That's all????? :)
Double R:

I'm eating a croissant as well. But I bought it at Dunkin Donuts.
Avatar 2:08pm

Ferry across the NYC harbor...to Rockaway
Avatar 2:09pm

LesleyK...brill day on be on the water!
Double R:

Not surprised to hear Kevin Ayers. I hope you play something from that live Divine Comedy album where they cover French Classics
Avatar 2:10pm
Don Ciccone:

Il fait beau ici aussi.
Avatar 2:11pm

Double R......Did you see the new Divine Comedy best off coming out with one new track?
Avatar 2:11pm
Don Ciccone:

Double R: great bass in this Kevin Ayers song, eh?
Double R:

I was just thinking that.
Avatar 🎸 2:14pm
Marshall Stax:

It's not Yé-yé so maybe not for today, but a French band I really like might fit sometime: Téléphone.
Avatar 2:15pm
Don Ciccone:

Another french band that's not yé ye but I like: Les Prototypes.
Avatar 2:15pm

Marshall....cool one!...I remember the name...need to check them out!
Avatar 2:19pm

Hi AT, Patty, Don C, Double R, Lesley, Marshall Stax,
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Don Ciccone:

Hi Mom Whig.
Avatar 2:20pm

Gloomy day here in VA - but WFMU makes it all SUNNY
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Hi Mom Whig! Happy Sunday
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ELLO....MOM WHIG!...speak French :)...e
Avatar 🎸 2:21pm

Hi All! Lovely, sunny and a bit cooler in NYC today.
Avatar 2:23pm

Hi Melani, such a nice day here today
Double R:

That Rue 66 sounded like all the stuff being played. That's new?
Avatar 2:32pm

Double R:....Totally....I, i,ll let Don tell u about it!!!!!!!
Avatar 2:32pm
Don Ciccone:

Merci Double R. Yes, it's brand new. Available from Kool Kat Musik, bandcamp, and ebay.
Double R:

IS this Sweets for my sweet, sugar for my honey?
Avatar 2:37pm
Don Ciccone:

Yes indeed. Sweets for My Sweet - The Searchers. I guess that song would be great in any language.
Avatar 2:37pm

AT - sorry No French
Avatar 2:38pm

MOM WHIG....Ha ha, me neither :)
Double R:

This is like name that tune
Double R:

Dylan covered in French?
Avatar 2:39pm

Double R:....we dont know anything about the singer of the Searchers song :(
Avatar 2:40pm

Buried away on an French ep!
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Don Ciccone:

Double R: right again.
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Don Ciccone:

Marie also did a version oF Paint It, Black: Marie Douceur, Marie Coleur
Double R:

If Donovan and Dana Gillespie got together, their couple name would be Danavan.
Avatar 2:44pm

HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar 2:44pm
Don Ciccone:

Good one Double R!
Double R:

Graham Nash is the most approachable musician.Don't be shy
Avatar 🎸 2:45pm

From Wikipedia: He was born in Paris. He sang in a leading French children's choir, "Les Petits Chanteurs à la croix de bois", and studied music in London between 1957 and 1960.While skiing at Val-d'Isère in 1962, he met pop music promoter and record company executive Eddie Barclay, who heard him singing popular English and American songs in French. Barclay signed him to his label, and persuaded him to take the stage name Frank Alamo, the surname being in tribute to John Wayne's film The Alamo.
Double R:

Rue 66 should be on the new Wes Anderson soundtrack. Not Jarvis Cocker.
Avatar 2:46pm
Don Ciccone:

Ha! Thanks Double R. We used to do this song! Older french audiences loved it.
Avatar 🎸 2:47pm
Marshall Stax:

Yeah just found all that... wikipedia dot com /wiki/Frank_Alamo
Double R:

The new Wes Anderson movie will feature old French songs in the soundtrack.
Avatar 2:48pm

Double R.....He was by himself... n I didn't want interrupt his privacy
Avatar 2:48pm

Ta Marshall Stax.....:)
Double R:

I saw Frank Alamo at a street fair, but was afraid to ask for an autograph.
Avatar 2:50pm
Don Ciccone:

Ha ha!
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Marshall Stax:

He retired from the music business when he married in 1969, becoming a photographer and later a manager in the automobile industry. In 1983, he was chasing a beautiful blonde girl who was driving a funny car, she brought him to a factory and there Frank Alamo bought not a single car but the whole plant: the Dallas jeep company. He sold it in 1996 in order to give further singing performances. However he never recovered success.

He was married twice. He died in Paris in 2012, on the eve of his 71st birthday, after having been diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
Double R:

Is that the French Nicky Hopkins on Harpsichord?
Avatar 2:51pm

Double R......How did he look ????? :)
Double R:

he looked like an old Ronnie Bird
Avatar 2:52pm

Marshall Stax....WOW!.....He won the lottery!!!!!!!!!!! :) e
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Marshall Stax:

Michel Polnareff rocks!
Avatar 2:53pm

Truly a musical genius of France!
Double R:

This sounds like Jacques Dutronc
Avatar 🎸 2:53pm
Marshall Stax:

But Jacques Dutronc rocks more!
Gayle & Mitchell:

Bonjour everyone! Loving this show!
Double R:

Oh,,, I see it s
Avatar 2:54pm
Don Ciccone:

Bonjour Gayle & Mitchell.
Double R:

Black is Black?
Avatar 🎸 2:55pm
Marshall Stax:

noir et noir
Avatar 2:55pm

Hey G & M......Glad you can join the maddness!
Avatar 2:55pm

This songs really rocks!
Avatar 2:56pm
Don Ciccone:

Yes, Double R. This playlist looks like an old Rue '66 set list...especially Ed's picks.
Gayle & Mitchell:

Oui! Je riens we are en retard!
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Hello Gayle & Mitchell!
Double R:

This is more Tom Jones than Los Bravos
Avatar 2:57pm
Don Ciccone:

G & M: Maux vaut tard que jamais!
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Marshall Stax:

oops... meant "noir c'est noir"
Avatar 2:57pm
Don Ciccone:

Sorry... Mieux vaut tart que jamais.
Gayle & Mitchell:

Google translating that now Don XO
Avatar 2:58pm

Double R......Brill comparison!!!!!!!!!
Double R:

Mick Jones of Foreinger played with Johnny Hallyday
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Don Ciccone:

Hope it means what I think, Gayle & Mithcell.
Avatar 2:59pm
Don Ciccone:

Johnny Hallyday died a few years ago, for the record.
Gayle & Mitchell:

Yes! Better late than never. Perfect!
Avatar 3:00pm

Thanx Don for the clarification!
Avatar 3:01pm

G & M.....Always! :)
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Don Ciccone:

Gayle & Mitchell-- check out Elsa Leroy's version of the Beau Brumells Mieu Vaut que jamais. Ed played it a while back. I'd never heard it before.
Gayle & Mitchell:

Will do! Thanks Don!
Double R:

This is ENGLISH!!! I'm appalled.
Avatar 3:03pm

So sorry mate!...I luv the english version! ... :)
Double R:

This Rue 66 song is excellent. Who did the original?
Avatar 3:05pm
Don Ciccone:

This is the original. Thanks Double R!
Dennis Diken:

Hi Ed & everyone! cool show!
Double R:

New York Mining Disaster?
Avatar 🎸 3:06pm
Marshall Stax:

The intro to Je Taime Quand Meme sounds a bit like "Unless you Care" by Terry Black
Gayle & Mitchell:

Hi Dennis!

An original Don Ciccone composition!
Double R:

Dennis, you were great at The White Label Preservation Society show the other night.
Avatar 🎸 3:08pm
Marshall Stax:

oops again - meant "Everyone Can Tell" by Terry Black
Avatar 3:08pm
Don Ciccone:

Wow, don't know Unless You Care offhand. Nicked a bit from Peter and Gordon's "World Without Love" in the intro. Co-written with Serge Martial... thanks, Patty.
Avatar 3:08pm

Hey Den, Fun show the other nite!...even if i wore my wrong glasses!!!! :)
Double R:

Cool version of She's Not There
Avatar 3:09pm
Don Ciccone:

The great Pussy Cat...Evelyne Courtois. Still singing today.
Avatar 3:09pm

Marshall Stax....Close mate :)
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Marshall Stax:

I have a couple of Terry Black singles... haven't heard them in years though
Avatar 3:14pm

Hey Marshall Stax....Have to check him out!...ta...e
Double R:

Is is true that Seger Gainsbourg started the famous dog food company of years ago, Gaines-Burgers?
Avatar 3:16pm
Don Ciccone:

Only Gainsbourg could get away with just drums, bass, bongoes and his voice.
Dennis Diken:

Hi Gayle & Mitchell! Thanks very much, Double R! Indeed, Ed, fun show ‘twas! good work, mate!
Avatar 3:18pm

Hey Den, luv's your drumming on"Say You Don't Mind"
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Don Ciccone:

Cool Gainsbourg track! Never heard that. Thanks, Ed!
Avatar 3:18pm

Don....So right sir...Great feel!
Double R:

How did Johnny Hallyday not cover the Bee Gees Holiday?
Avatar 3:21pm
Don Ciccone:

Great psyche set, Ed!
Gayle & Mitchell:

Good question Double R
Avatar 3:23pm

Don...Thanx Mate...but coulnt have done it without you!!!!!!!!
Avatar 3:24pm

Double R.....He did but he couldn't pronounce the name :)
Dennis Diken:

Hey, thanks Ed, it was so much fun to play that one!
Double R:

He could've changed it to, "ooh, I'm A Hallyday. Such a Hallyday"
Avatar 3:25pm
Don Ciccone:

Ha ha!
Avatar 3:26pm

Double R.....He tried :)
Avatar 3:30pm
Don Ciccone:

What's french for "freakout"?
Gayle & Mitchell:

Le Freak? C'est chic?
Double R:

Did the French Joe Meek produce the one?
Avatar 3:32pm

Double R...Totally until it gets to the freak out in the end!
Double R:

"le Freak, C'est chis"!! Hilarious Gayle and Mitchell!!
Avatar 3:33pm
Don Ciccone:

Don't know anything about Pierre Cavalli but I want to hear more. I guess he was Swiss.
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Avatar 3:35pm
Don Ciccone:

I could see Bedsit Poets doing this Françoise cut.
Double R:

I wonder if Pierre Cavalli was in the Swiss army. I would love to find out how they go to war with such tiny knives.

According to Harrap's French/English dictionary, "to freak out" could be "se defoncer" or "se defouler" or "devenir hippie" in French. :-)
Avatar 3:38pm

Don....Good call mate!....I'll suggest it to her!...ta...e
Avatar 3:39pm

Patty...........Thanx for the info.... :) e
Avatar 3:40pm
Don Ciccone:

Merci, Patty!
Avatar 3:44pm
Don Ciccone:

Ha! Didn't know she redid this...She cut it back in the day originally.
Avatar 3:45pm

Oh Yeah....There's a utube clip of her doin this version :)
Double R:

Funny how The Beatles taught the world to speak English, yet the French taught the Beatles songs ( well Lennon/ McCArtney ) to speak French
Avatar 3:47pm

Doble R....RIGHT ON POINT MATE! :) e
Avatar 3:48pm
Don Ciccone:

I think the Beatles opened for Sylvie Vartan in Paris. There are pictures of them backstage with her. I think Sylvie headlined that show, but I could be mistaken.
Double R:

The Kinks in French....
Avatar 3:50pm

I wonder if any French acts covered any Dave Clark Five Songs?
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Double R...by Petula no less!
Avatar 3:51pm
Don Ciccone:

Rue '66 does "Any Way You Want It".
Double R:

Does Rue 66 cover the KISS version?
Avatar 3:53pm
Don Ciccone:

Only if we play in Queens.
Avatar 3:53pm

Ha Ha Ha!...Because ...could make a good cover!

don, the beatles headlined the olympia in paris, january 1964, and trini lopez was also on the bill
Avatar 3:54pm
Don Ciccone:

Yes, I'd love to work up Because.
Avatar 3:55pm
Don Ciccone:

Thanks, Mitchell. Was Sylvie Vartan on that bill?

You're a great team!
Avatar 3:56pm

Thanx G.....He's a good mate!....e
Double R:

Is this the Don Ciccone from The Critters?
Avatar 🎸 3:56pm

Such a great show Ed and Don Ciccone! Really enjoyed every song!

yes. it was the Beatles, Sylvie & Trini. Great bill!
Avatar 3:57pm
Don Ciccone:

No, Don from the Critters is no longer with us. Sorry for the confusion.
Double R:

Great show guys. May I be the first to write Au Revoir
Avatar 3:58pm
Don Ciccone:

Gotta say, Ed always comes up with great finales. This is no exception.
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Marshall Stax:

Merci beaucoup pour le grand spectacle d'aujourd'hui!

Well done, gentlemen! Merci beaucoup!
Avatar 3:58pm

Thanx to Don........n all of you for listening!....What a fun time i had...cheers, e

Ed always sticks the landing!
Avatar 3:59pm
Don Ciccone:

Merci... au revoir Double R and Patty. Thanks Ed.
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