Favoriting Tony Coulter: Playlist from October 12, 2021 Favoriting

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I play rhinoceros and psychedelic fork.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting October 12, 2021: U.K. Prog Rock Special, Part 2

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
The In-Theme          0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Emerson, Lake & Palmer  Tarkus (excerpt)   Favoriting Tarkus  Manticore  1971  0:01:57 (Pop-up)
Julian Jay Savarin  Cycle   Favoriting Waiters on the Dance  RE: Esoteric  1973  0:08:31 (Pop-up)
The Enid  The Devil   Favoriting In the Realm of the Summer Stars  Buk  1976  0:12:51 (Pop-up)
Hawkwind  Hall of the Mountain Grill   Favoriting Hall of the Mountain Grill  RE: EMI  1974  0:17:04 (Pop-up)
Manfred Mann's Earth Band  Earth, the Circle, Part 1   Favoriting Solar Fire  RE: Cohesion  1974  0:19:28 (Pop-up)
The Neutrons  Mermaid and Chips   Favoriting Black Hole Star  RE: BGO  1974  0:23:17 (Pop-up)
CMU  Mystical Sounds   Favoriting Open Spaces  RE: See for Miles  1971  0:28:06 (Pop-up)
Julian's Treatment  The Black Tower   Favoriting A Time Before This  RE: Esoteric  1970  0:34:19 (Pop-up)
Gracious  Super Nova (excerpt)   Favoriting This Is ... Gracious!  RE: BGO  1971  0:39:24 (Pop-up)
Egg  Long Piece No. 3 – Part 2   Favoriting The Polite Force  Deram  1970  0:43:30 (Pop-up)
Locomotive  Nobody Asked You to Come   Favoriting We Are Everything You See  RE: Eclectic  1970  0:51:07 (Pop-up)
Atomic Rooster  Winter   Favoriting Atomic Rooster  RE: Castle  1970  0:54:22 (Pop-up)
Eyes of Blue  Extra Hour   Favoriting In Fields of Ardath  RE: Flawed Gems  1969  1:01:16 (Pop-up)
Skin Alley  All Alone   Favoriting Skin Alley  RE: Audio Archives  1970  1:03:53 (Pop-up)
Monument  Dog Man   Favoriting The First Monument  RE: Audio Archives  1971  1:14:41 (Pop-up)
Kindgom Come  Galactic Zoo   Favoriting Galactic Zoo Dossier  Re: Voiceprint  1971  1:17:57 (Pop-up)
Yes  Heart of the Sunrise   Favoriting Fragile  Atlantic  1972  1:20:30 (Pop-up)
Public Foot the Roman  Decline and Fall   Favoriting Public Foot the Roman  Sovereign  1973  1:31:04 (Pop-up)
Steve Hackett  A Tower Struck Down   Favoriting Voyage of the Acolyte  RE: Virgin  1975  1:39:38 (Pop-up)
Flash  The Time It Takes   Favoriting Flash  RE: One Way  1972  1:46:24 (Pop-up)
Pink Floyd  Burning Bridges   Favoriting Obscured by Clouds  Harvest  1972  1:51:56 (Pop-up)
Rare Bird  You Went Away   Favoriting Rare Bird  RE: Esoteric  1969  1:55:20 (Pop-up)
Web  I Spider   Favoriting I Spider  RE: Esoteric  1970  2:00:00 (Pop-up)
Van Der Graaf Generator  Lemmings (Including Cog)   Favoriting Pawn Hearts  RE: Virgin  1971  2:08:38 (Pop-up)
Samurai  Saving It Up for So Long   Favoriting Samurai  RE: Akarma  1971  2:21:54 (Pop-up)
Quatermass  Laughin' Tackle/Entropy (Reprise)   Favoriting Quatermass  RE: Repertoire  1970  2:25:41 (Pop-up)
Samson  Sleep   Favoriting Are You Samson?  Re: Flawed Gems  1969  2:36:54 (Pop-up)
Jody Grind  We've Had It   Favoriting Far Canal  RE: Line  1970  2:39:16 (Pop-up)
Gryphon  Lament   Favoriting Red Queen to Gryphon Three  RE: Talking Elephant  1974  2:44:19 (Pop-up)
The Out-Theme  Gelbart: My Favorite Vacation [part of] + Die Trip Computer Die: Airborn [part of]   Favoriting       2:57:02 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54am
Sean in Bristol UK:

Good afternoon Tony, greetings fellow listeners, so looking forward to the show, a prog fan of biblical proportions!
Avatar 11:57am
Tony Coulter:

Greetings, Sean!
Avatar 11:59am
Tony Coulter:

It's nice to see Brits here, rooting for their (prog) home team.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:01pm
listener james from westwood:

Good Tuesday, Tony and all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Listener James, greetings
Avatar 12:03pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey there, James!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:04pm

Hey Tony, Sean, James ! Let's prog !
Avatar 12:04pm

"Hiya" Tony. Prog from ye olde green and pleasant land? I must break out my WFMU cape.
Avatar 12:05pm
Tony Coulter:

Holla hula holla, Yvang and TDK60!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:06pm
David (in London):

Oh my lord it's Tarkus. I always remember seeing that preposterous cover in the racks of Scorpion Records and boggling that anyone would have let it through into production. Ha ha.

Hello Tony and all assembled Coultards.
Avatar 12:06pm
V Priceless:

Woo! Tony! Hey!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06pm
Rich in Washington:

Hello, Tony!
Hi everybody!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06pm

Hello Tony. Tarkus!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06pm

good morning, Tony!
aloha, all
Sean in Bristol, UK:

Oh my goodness what a start
Avatar 12:07pm

Yeah David, and you all don't even have armadillos there.
Avatar 12:09pm
Tony Coulter:

Greetings, greetings, David, VP, Rich, WR, and spodi!!!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:10pm
David (in London):

TDK, Spod, WR, Rich, Sean, Yvang, James, V Priceless, salutations all.

TDK - It was probably my first introduction to that species!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm

howdy, David (in Progdon)
Avatar 12:14pm

My Official Prog History: a) I used to love ELP back then. b) Patti Smith, the Buzzcocks, Mission of Burma (etc.) later appeared on the horizon. c) I became embarrassed by my older tastes. d) A long time passed and I didn't care anymore. Plus, some of the music is quite...musical. e) I then turned down a good paying gig at being a prog cop. We're up to this century..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:18pm

Hi, okay, parked the dragon, left rainbow sword at goat-check, annnd ready to prog....greetings, Tony C and minions of the carrot wizard
Avatar 12:19pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey there, StringOFperils! (Can I call you String, for short?)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Hey David, TDK, Spod, WR, Rich, Yvang, V Priceless and StringOFperils
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19pm

You may call me String for any reason you can come up with. :)
Avatar 12:20pm

Hi Bristol Sean.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:21pm
Little Danny:

hi Tony, hi proggies
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:21pm
Rich in Washington:

This is my fave Hawkwind LP.
Avatar 12:22pm
V Priceless:

heya Sean
Avatar 12:22pm
Tony Coulter:

Hi there, Little Danny!
Avatar 12:23pm

This is a great pick Tony, "Circle." Part is from a classical piece. (Holst?)
Avatar 12:24pm
V Priceless:

hey TC - have you checked-out Brit progstress Rosalie Cunningham?

Good Morning!

TDK, I think a lot of prog fans turned to punk rock. I was one. I don't see the two as mutually exclusive. Both genres were pushing boundaries.
Avatar 12:26pm
Tony Coulter:

@ VP: Nope -- don't know of her. Guess I should give a listen!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:26pm

Eating mermaid is unsustainable.
Avatar 12:27pm
Tony Coulter:

Morning, rw! I agree (obviously!)

Oh, and Prog Cop??
Avatar 12:29pm
V Priceless:

yeah, worth a listen. She's definitely caught in an early 70's psych/prog/stoner time-warp. Some good tunes, too!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:31pm

howdy, Sean
Avatar 12:32pm

Rw, thanks. Prog cops monitor all WFMU shows; if prog is on they come on to let everyone know it's not cool.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:32pm

i can attest. i wonder if they get paid well, TDK60 \\//
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33pm
Asheville Jon:

howdy Tony and everyone else!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm

Hi Tony and forks! Spotty connection today in the canyon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Splendid set, Tony
Avatar 12:34pm

Then there are prog guards. They wear capes and soothe folks' tempers down.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:34pm
Webhamster Henry:

I. M. O. K.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:35pm

I M O K :)
howdy, Jon, chresti \\//
Avatar 12:35pm

Hi spodi \\// Oh, there's chresti westi.
Avatar 12:35pm
V Priceless:

@ TDK60 - do you know of any openings for ABBA cops? : )
Avatar 12:36pm

Hi V Priceless. Hee.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:37pm

i think the ABBA cop jobs are drying up, but there are still plenty of Billy Joel police positions
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:37pm

"good!" olo
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:37pm

greetings greetings greetings Tony and proggles
Avatar 12:37pm
Tony Coulter:

Hiya, heya, hooyah, Asheville Jon, chresti, and Hamster Henry!!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:38pm
Webhamster Henry:

"We're keeping these Hall and Oates cassettes are here in case one of them becomes a serial killer" - S. M. Ken
Avatar 12:38pm
Tony Coulter:

Greets, coel!
Avatar 12:38pm
V Priceless:

haha..hey, if anyone here has never heard Rick Wakeman's R&RHOF Yes induction speech, you must seek out same on yootube. Hey Fish!
Avatar 12:38pm

Just looked at Wickedpea page for Manfred M. 'Circle' tune. It says Debussy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:39pm

aloha, coel
haha Webhamster Henry
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:40pm

hey Veep! just thinking about you, and the lack of you recently!
hey spodi!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:46pm
David (in London):

Damnit, I had to leave the room and missed The Enid. Hurrah for The Enid!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:47pm
Mike Sin:

My knowledge and collection of prog-rock are pretty slim, so today's show and the previous week have been quite enlightening.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:47pm
David (in London):

TDK, and **** the Prog Cops!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:48pm
Webhamster Henry:

@Mike Sin here's a primer:
Avatar 12:48pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, Mike! Glad you're here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:48pm

Prog Cops rune my groon.
Avatar 12:48pm

Mike S. And some of the stuff played here was not so known in the States then, aside from the famed Big Ones.
Avatar 12:50pm

David in Londonium: I can only agree.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52pm
Mike Sin:

Most of the prog I have in my collection is when it crosses over into stoner rock or such -- sort of the ven diagram where '70s Floyd, Hawkwind, early Crimson, and Captain Beyond intersect.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:53pm

Most of these things were available in Canada, but only as specially imported pressings from UK, Belgium, France, Germany, etc. They were expensive, but worth it for generally higher quality pressings, covers that were printed better, and packaging that wasn't tragically altered in some way. So, for me at least, prog (as it wasn't called then) has always been something you had to search out. It enjoyed being....arcane?
Avatar 12:56pm

String: Yes, good U.S. record shops then had import bins. You had to search. The bands that got big were in the regular bins on U.S. labels.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:56pm
Mike Sin:

Oh man! This is the same Locomotive that did "Rudi's In Love" about two years before this? Too much!

SOFperils, we were just wondering that at work the other day; was prog called prog at the time? Wasn't it called progressive rock? (or prog)?
Avatar 12:57pm

String" Yes, "prog" not used then; "progressive rock" was, right? When did the shortened term appear?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:58pm
David (in London):

TDK, I can look back and see why the 'Prog vs Punk' wars happened, and they were perhaps 'necessary' at the time. But with 40 plus years having now elapsed, I can't see why it's worth continuing to fight them now. Frankly, I would question the motivation of people who do. Jesus, it's not like that 40 plus years hasn't thrown up many more worthy targets in the meantime...
Avatar 1:00pm

David: Yeah; at the time the dialectic made sense. Who cares anymore? (I wonder what someone like, say, Peter Gabriel thinks about such.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:02pm

@rw > It DOES derive from that term, 'progressive rock', and that is what music people (rock press) were using to talk about it...the question of what 'it' was exactly never seemed locked in to me. PROG, the term, in my memory, begins in the early 80s probably. I never really used it myself; I just think this is 'art music'. It's just outside of the official academy, made by a different kind of longhair.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:06pm
David (in London):

TDK, Gabriel is an interesting figure from that whole era, isn't he? Came from 'high' prog, then managed to fit in with the New Wave ('Games Without Frontiers' etc), and then became a bona fide 80s pop star. An unusual trajectory, never losing 'credibility'.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:07pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

I was in my early teens during this period, listening to glam rock, Carpenters, Eagles before my my ears were enlightened to Genesis, Camel, Caravan and Utopia. This evening’s music has really expanded my knowledge
Avatar 1:07pm
Tony Coulter:

I'd say the term "progressive" was originally used for lots of bands that wouldn't be considered "prog rock" today. In the end, it is pretty nebulous just what prog rock/progressive rock is -- which doesn't stop me from playing it!

Ha! String, I was about to say, I kind of remember calling this stuff Art Rock at the time. I guess it's been a long time. I don't really trust my memories anymore!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08pm

I remember a really snooty guy, being condescending about prog, while he was bathing in his own vanity about the Mazzy Star he had on. He's was saying prog was ridiculous 'noodling', and I thought, well, what the hell is Mazzy Star, if not that?

On one thing we can agree, it's all Psychedelic Fork.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:10pm
Mike Sin:

I was pretty young in the '70s, but the terms I remember being used were "progressive rock" and "art rock." "Prog" seemed to come later after the genre was being codified and comped.

Just like the term "Glam rock" in the US -- I think that was strictly the UK term. In the New York area, the only term I remember hearing was "glitter rock"... or "glet-tuh rawk" if you were from Long Island.
Avatar 1:11pm

David at 1:06. Gabriel's 3rd solo "melting face" album was a revelation!
Avatar 1:13pm
V Priceless:

interesting thing is punks like Jello and Rotten adored Peter Hammill and VDGG. 'Pawn Hearts' was arguably a template for lots of so-called punks, etc.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:16pm
David (in London):

TDK, yeah, that really opened my eyes, too.

V Priceless, yes, Hammill got a free pass from everyone, didn't he? Like Roy Harper, pretty much everyone agreed he was good, no matter their 'tribe'.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:17pm

I half-believe half of everything that Jello B says, and that's partly why I love the guy.
Avatar 1:20pm

V Priceless: yeah Pawn Hearts, an odd one. David, some of the later Hammill seems to have gone in a similar trajectory as Gabriel musically, if less commercial. (Thinking of an album like 'In a Foreign Town' -1988.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:21pm

Such a cool voice. AB.
Avatar 1:23pm
V Priceless:

Good point, David.

PH may be his own genre LOL. I recently read somewhere that Bowie was heavy into "Chameleon in the Shadow of the Night" around the time he was preparing 'Station to Station'.
Avatar 1:23pm

This 'Galactic' album with Arthur Brown & K.C. is crazy too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:24pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Heart of the Sunrise, prog at it’s most majestic
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:25pm
Rich in Washington:

I recall this song as teenager being used as the theme song for a Wiccan-themed talk radio show that would come on at 5am on KBOO.
Avatar 1:26pm

Rich: A teen listening to KBOO at 5 AM! Ahem.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:26pm
David (in London):

Brothers and Sisters, I think we have reach our verdict: Prog is good.

So sayeth the Council.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:27pm

I still like this. Roger Dean, not so much. But this is alright.
Avatar 1:28pm

Hi, Prog Fans!! Late but made it
Avatar 1:29pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, hey, Holly!
Avatar 1:29pm

This 'Sunrise' is delightful. I jest not.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:30pm

I like Chris Squire's bass work; he reminds me of Japan's Mick Karn who showed up later on.

I have a pile of VDGG and PH records, but no Yes. I DO like this song though. Not sure how I feel about Roger Dean from this side of history. Seems perfect for what it was.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:32pm

Yes - the choice of hopeful super scientists everwhere - www.youtube.com...

To reiterate (or agree with) SoP
Avatar 1:33pm
Tony Coulter:

Ahoy, REvWaldo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:33pm

did Roger Dean have anything to do with yes besides album art? i've never known of any musical connection.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:34pm
David (in London):

String, glad you bought up Mick Karn. What an amazing, distinctive musician, who doesn't often get his rightful dues.
Avatar 1:34pm
Tony Coulter:

@ coel: Nope -- he just did the covers (and covers for plenty of other bands too, of course).
Avatar 1:35pm

Oh hey, those of you who were around then (I was, but was a little kid, b. late 60s): what WAS prog called then? "Classical rock" or some such?

Haha, Holly, scroll up!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:36pm

progressive rock>prog rock>prog.
Avatar 1:36pm
V Priceless:

I was surprised to learn that Dean's biggest artistic influence was the 60's-era Fillmore / West Coast poster artists.
Avatar 1:36pm

Nvm just scrolled back through the discussion!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:37pm

i was in the shower for that discussion.
Avatar 1:37pm

Holly, I think some did call it classical rock, or art rock too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:38pm

Most musical changes from say 1965 to 1975 were SO rapid, and so 'progressive', I don't recall the fledgling rock press having much genuine success keeping up with it. Most of these harder definitions gain traction after more history accrues.
Avatar 1:38pm

V Priceless, I'm not so surprised to hear Dean was influenced by the S.F. artists.

This is too much fun for me. I need to refocus on work. Probably check back in later... please carry on carrying on.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:40pm

somebody called it progressive rock and it stuck.
-same as with the far more absurd "new wave" and even more absurd "post punk".
i mean, it does mean something.
Avatar 1:40pm
Tony Coulter:

See you, rw!
Avatar 1:40pm
V Priceless:

@ TDK60 - yeah, it does make perfect sense, actually
Avatar 1:41pm

As I have gotten m ore into prof, esp where it crosses over into RIO territory and avant stuff like Henry Cow, I have come to the conclusion that there's a straight through-line to a lot of post-punk/new wave.
Avatar 1:41pm

prof = prog, obv.
Avatar 1:42pm
V Priceless:

Woo! Love this Hackett!
Avatar 1:43pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Holly: Absolutely agree. Just as there is a straight through-line running from psych into prog.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:44pm

i remember the term "classical rock". that makes more sense than "progressive rock", because {StringO @1.38}

...art rock? even more broad!

progressive rock n. Music. any of various innovative forms of rock music, esp. associated with the late 1960s and 1970s, typically featuring intricate (often classically influenced) musical motifs, prominent use of electronic instrumentation, extended compositions, self-consciously intellectual or poetic lyrics, and displays of musical virtuosity.
[1968 Chicago Tribune 28 Apr. x. 10/4 Billboard magazine calls it ‘progressive rock programming’. Record World calls it ‘alternative radio’.]
1968 N.Y. Times 4 Aug. d20/1 Much of what we cherished in progressive rock is musically advanced but emotionally barren. The indulgence of a new, cerebral audience has endangered that raw vitality which was once a hallmark of the rock experience.
1975 New Yorker 24 Mar. 6 Two progressive-rock bands..share the stage.
1993 Network June 9/2 Progressive rock and supergroup are labels that Asia's Geoff Downes can do without.
2000 M. Barrowcliffe Girlfriend 44 xii. 335 Emily, whose scientist friends played Dungeons and Dragons and would try to tell you how clever the lyrics were on progressive rock albums.
Avatar 1:45pm

And then there's "space rock" which I guess is...Hawkwind? Pink Floyd?
Avatar 1:47pm

It was progressive in the sense of mixing classical, jazz, rock, styles, new at the time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:47pm

wow, i did not know Steve Hackett went there!
far better than genesis, in my so very humble and unpopular opinion!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:48pm

Yay! Flash! Great band.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:49pm

TDK, true; but still it's a very general term, almost as meaningless as "alternative".
(well, maybe not as profoundly stupid)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:52pm

OED that's all the views from the outside; from people who don't get it. broad generalizations, like the genre label itself.
nytimes person wasn't listening. other person was projecting maybe?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:53pm
David (in London):

And then there was... Zorch, the duck-billed platypus of the Prog era.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:56pm

The categories are just signifiers, sign-posts, that make a conversation possible. Or a dispute. They are of no use to the music itself, and often filter its reception so much that all that language just f***s it up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:56pm

pink floyd was not considered progressive rock in the 70s, and commonly still not. was it called that in the 60s?
Avatar 1:57pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Holly: Yeah, Hawkwind and '70s Floyd get called space rock .. but I'm bending "the rules" and sticking them in anyway.
Avatar 1:57pm

coel: I thought P.F. was considered prog. I did.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:58pm
Rich in Washington:

This is the one Floyd album I could never warm to. It's actually a good one to pigeonhole as a prog record, though.
Avatar 1:58pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Rich: Yep, I tried to find a (good) example of them at their "proggiest."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:00pm
Rich in Washington:

i love Pink Floyd in that era. No idea why that album just doesn't quite do it for me. Maybe too much direction from Barbet Schroeder?
Avatar 2:00pm

String: right, labels are just a shorthand to help, maybe. I could see Pink F. as psych, prog and space, as overlapping.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:01pm

TDK it makes sense too, really -but 'floyd's not "intellectual" in the way that the new york times idiot was referring to. mostly used 4 or 6 beats/measure, and the lyrics were usually more personal than philosophical.
we called it "space rock"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:02pm

...but that's not to imply any less Brilliance. pink floyd was Brilliant.
Avatar 2:04pm

Question: Were there any prog bands /without/ organs?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:04pm
David (in London):

Coela, you've touched on something that - certainly on this side of the pond - was quite important, in that there was a not inconsiderable element of class animus surrounding Prog.
Avatar 2:06pm
Tony Coulter:

@ DK60: Yes -- but I love the organ, so you're getting plenty of organ whether you like it or not!

Hey, sorry, I can't help myself. Sitting here thinking about another conversation we've been having at work. Where did the upper register singing start? Robert Plant? We have a running joke about how Journey picked their singer.
Avatar 2:07pm

Tony, plenty of organ is alright with me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:07pm

i think a lot of journalists/critics who were too narrow-minded (simple-minded?!) to understand "prog" listened to a song by asia and a song by rush and maybe one of the more overblown yessongs and decided they had enough to write an article about it.
Avatar 2:07pm
Tony Coulter:

I will not make a joke.

TC, you just did.
Avatar 2:08pm
Tony Coulter:

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:09pm
David (in London):

Prog is full of magnificent organs. Fnarr, fnarr.

(I'm crass enough to do it for you, Tony).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:09pm

Avatar 2:11pm
V Priceless:

oh hell yes
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:12pm
David (in London):

V Priceless, cut loose!
Avatar 2:12pm
V Priceless:

Prog meets Punk at Psych's House (With No Door)!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:13pm
Rich in Washington:

Love VDGG! Was waiting for this!

This song reminds me of riding around stoned on LSD in the back of a Pinto afraid for my life but kind of loving it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:14pm

David yes here too, at least in high school! the few "prog" kids had long hair and were generally not outgoing or partygoers or athletes and a lot of other kids thought they were snobs.
it's common in society in general. "intellectuals" sometimes must dummy down their communication to be accepted by those who would ostracize them for being different.
Avatar 2:14pm
V Priceless:

@ rw: horse or car? : )
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:14pm

...i don't know if that's exactly what you mean!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:14pm
David (in London):

rw, oh no! The Pinto was the one prone into bursting into flames if I recall rightly? That can't have mixed well with acid.

VP, Psychedelic Ford
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:16pm

@rw > You should listen to Small Faces' You Need Loving' from 1966. I think you'll hear Robert Plant. Except....he's not on the radar yet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:16pm

i was thinking the horse! ...the car? how do you stay on the back of a pinto? it's like a sliding board
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Been thinking of those poor prog roadies, having to carry all that gear aside from guitars and amps. Organs, gongs, moogs, capes.
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Tony Coulter:

@ TDK60: And the less successful prog bands had to carry all that stuff themselves.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:22pm
Little Danny:

haha TDK, totally
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David (in London):

Being a cape roadie was a serious business...

But Keith Levene from PiL worked as a roadie for Yes, showing again that the Prog / Punk Year Zero distinction was perhaps a little more blurred in real life than people made it seem at the time.
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Rare Bird!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:26pm

The quotes OED copied and various other comments triggered me to think back about the marketing label "prog rock" and I truly don't remember when the term got established.

I graduated HS in '69 and worked from '69 to '75 in record stores. So I was immersed in music magazines and label marketing.

I was enthusiastic fan of Soft Machine, Keith Emerson, Gong, Kevin Ayers, early Pink Floyd, early King Crimson, Keith Tippett, Chris MacGregor, which show me leaning more to the avant jazz infused rock. Early Genesis and Van Der Graaf I added to my collection as well. Friends were big fans of Yes and Strawbs and and Gentle Giant and Atomic Rooster which I tolerated in **small** doses. I don't remember when prog became a term but vaguely recalls by mid-70s when next generation bands like Rush were finding an audience that the term was being used in marketing.

I remembered that all issues of Trouser Press magazine are now digitized online:
They started in 1974. Searching in the first two issues, which feature King Crimson, Genesis; the only mention of "progressive rock" was to describe the evolution of the Yardbirds beyond the blues infused rock of John Mayall, et al.
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David, I recall seeing San Fran hardcore band Dirty Rotten Imbeciles (D.R.I.) in maybe '83? The singer had a Pink Floyd T-shirt on. Shock value at that point in time. Hee.
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Tony Coulter:

Hey, Julie!

Julie's show today will be all rare birds! (It'll be bird-themed.)

Google Ngram Viewer shows occurrences of the ngram

prog rock

...beginning around 1968.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:32pm
David (in London):

I remember Andy Partridge of XTC saying that they had discussed doing another spoof album as The Dukes of Stratosphere as they moved on into the 70s, either as The Stratosphere Gang (glam) or as a Prog band. Shame they never made that a reality,
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drum solo!
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Tony Coulter:

Today's first, I think.
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David (in London):

Also: hello Julie!
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Rich in Washington:

I've always loved and still champion the term Art Rock. It can encompass Prog, Canterbury, experimental music, Fusion, Kraut, etc
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V Priceless:

@ David - that would have been a blast, I'm sure. I see Terry Chambers has picked up the XTC flag as 'EXTC'. Coming to the states next year.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:37pm

i really have a tough time with labels in general.
i use air quotes a lot when i talk about music
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V Priceless:

@ coel - I'm with you. Almost everything connects, at some point.
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Labels help sometimes. At the record shop. Like, you don't want Van Der Graaf Generator lost in the Rockabilly section, eh?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:45pm

i found out one day that there were many sub-divisions of heavy metal (now just metal) it took years to wrap my head around what was what!
it all comes down to one person describing some music as something then the masses latch onto it and that's what it's called now.
...i still don't know what "emo" is; and "screamo" is apparently something other than what sounds like screamo to me!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:46pm

TDK for sure. 'just i, personally, have trouble designating something as one thing, when it's really so many things.
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David (in London):

And then you have the conundrum of The Stranglers. A Punk band, rejected by some other Punks, who had one of the greatest ever Prog organ players essential to their sound. Still makes absolutely no sense today. Utterly glorious they were (/ are).
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:49pm
David (in London):

Coela, joke I heard the other day... What's the difference between Goth and Emo? Goths have no time to cry.

(Apologies if you're not a Sisters of Mercy fan, there).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:50pm

well yeah! and dead kennedys playing jazz impeccably, incorporating it into a hardcore punk song with grace!
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I will be here, shortly wfmu.org...
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V Priceless:

all hail the meninblack. RIP Dave Greenfield. Tragic loss.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:53pm

i guess one does have to both listen to the music and understand the labeling to understand that!
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coel, "emo" was originally a subgenre of '80s hardcore punk. Probably changed over years but I don't know the later uses.
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(i do quite like that one sisters of mercy song. the big hit)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:55pm

thanks, Tony!
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V Priceless:

I noticed labels did not prevent JJ Cale albums from being filed in the John Cale bin at the long-defunct Tower Records
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David (in London):

Thanks Tony, great part 2 show today. Really enjoyed it. And the Tarkus cover was a ridiculous bonus.

V Priceless, *stands to salute Mr Greenfield*
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:56pm

TDK and obviously short for "emotional" but what does that mean in terms of music?
i'm told weezer is or was emo. i just hear it as pop music (another stupid genre name!) and certainly far less emotional, emotive, sad, etc than tons of other music not called emo!
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Coel: Weezer? Don't know it. I think the earliest emo mighta been Minor Threat or Fugazi. [?]

THXTC!!! Fantastic.
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listener james from westwood:

Been wading thru both editing and a leak from my dishwasher but listening in rapture all the while—thanks, Tony!
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Thanks Tony for the great Special!
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Thanks Tony. Great choices today. Will check out Part I soon!...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm

minor threat is called emo? at the time it was called "punk"!
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Great show, Tony!!
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Tony Coulter:

Thanks, everyone!! See you next week!
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V Priceless:

thanks for a fab show, Tony! When's Part III?

@ David: cheers!

good to ketchup with you, too, coelacanth!

Prog on, gang!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:00pm
Rich in Washington:

Thanks, Tony! Looking forward to your singles show next week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:00pm

part 3 next week?!

Thanks Tony!
tchau y'all
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coel "emo" within a h/c '80s milieu. Most of the bands were political up to that point.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:00pm

great to see ya 'gin Veep!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:01pm

Thank you Tony! Whatever the label the selections you played for us have a definite commonality. Onward.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:01pm

Thank you!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:02pm

TDK right on. emo in hindsight.
...by some people's estimation!
i will not be calling it that
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No coel, it was called that at the time, within a small h/c scene. Before "alternative" rock came along.
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Nick S.:

Great show, Tony! Catching up over here.
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