Favoriting Atlantic Tunnel with Ed: Playlist from October 31, 2021 Favoriting

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Join us on a sonic journey through space and time, with forgotten hits and future classics from the UK and beyond. Hand-picked pop from the Tunnel vaults just for you dear listeners. Broadcasting with luv from the ageless Mod, Edward Rogers

Sunday 2 - 4pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
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Favoriting October 31, 2021: Brum-Beat Special: From 1962 to Today!
Welcome to our Brum-Beat Special: from 1962 to Today: Today is host Ed Rogers’ birthday and he’s a Brum himself, there’s no better time to revisit the music and influences from his past than today! The myths, stories and fables, with music, of this magical place. Ed plays the music of his youth including early Roy Wood, Jeff Lynne, Stevie Winwood, Denny Lane, Christine Perfect and so many others. Join us for this fascinating two-hour Midlands Special. We explore the roots to the current day music of Birmingham’s Brum-Beat

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Electric Light Orchestra  Eldorado Overture   Favoriting Eldorado  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Jimmy Powell & The 5 Dimensions  Sugar Baby   Favoriting Single  0:04:24 (Pop-up)
The Rockin' Berries  He's In Town   Favoriting Single  0:08:43 (Pop-up)
The Applejacks  Tell Me When   Favoriting Single  0:09:32 (Pop-up)
The Fortunes.............  Here It Comes Again   Favoriting Single  0:12:13 (Pop-up)
The Ace Kefford Stand  Daughter Of The Sun   Favoriting Once Upon A Time In The West Midlands. The Bostin? Sounds of Brumrock 1966-1974  0:16:55 (Pop-up)
Jim Capaldi  Eve   Favoriting Album  0:21:16 (Pop-up)
The Moody Blues  Life's Not Life   Favoriting Magnificent Moodies  0:25:58 (Pop-up)
Mike Sheridon and the Nighriders  Take My Hand   Favoriting Single B side  0:30:06 (Pop-up)
Denny Laine  Catherine's Wheel   Favoriting Single  0:32:25 (Pop-up)
Tea & Symphony  Boredom   Favoriting Once Upon A Time In The West Midlands. The Bostin? Sounds of Brumrock 1966-1974  0:35:24 (Pop-up)
Alan James Eastwood  She's Getting Married in August   Favoriting Seeds  0:38:56 (Pop-up)
Double Feature.  Baby Get Your Head Screwed On   Favoriting Single  0:40:47 (Pop-up)
The Spencer Davis Group  Back Into my life again   Favoriting Autumn  0:45:29 (Pop-up)
The Spencer Davis Group  Somebody Help Me   Favoriting Single  0:47:53 (Pop-up)
Traffic  Paper Sun (*) [Mono US Version]   Favoriting Single  0:50:37 (Pop-up)
Stevie Winwood  John Barleycorn (Must Die) [First Version]   Favoriting Electric Eden: Unearthing Britain's Visionary Music [  0:53:20 (Pop-up)
Steve Gibbons Band  Sweetheart   Favoriting Rollin On  1:00:00 (Pop-up)
Trevor Burton  Hit and Run   Favoriting Trevor Burton  1:05:30 (Pop-up)
Spring 68  I'm A Child Of The Universe   Favoriting Spring 68  1:08:33 (Pop-up)
Ocean Colour Scene  The Day We Caught The Train   Favoriting Moseley Shoals  1:13:21 (Pop-up)
The Moody Blues..........  Isn't Life Strange   Favoriting Seventh Sojourh  1:18:08 (Pop-up)
Chicken Shack  I'd Rather Go Blind   Favoriting Single  1:24:02 (Pop-up)
Big Bertha  Time Of The Season   Favoriting Once Upon A Time In The West Midlands. The Bostin? Sounds of Brumrock 1966-1974  1:26:37 (Pop-up)
Mail  Omnibus   Favoriting Single  1:32:25 (Pop-up)
The Move  Message From The Country   Favoriting Message From The Country  1:37:20 (Pop-up)
Electric Light Orchestra  10538 Overture   Favoriting Electric Light Orchestra [40th Anniversary Edition]  1:47:55 (Pop-up)
Roy Wood  Dear Elaine   Favoriting Boulders  1:48:32 (Pop-up)
The Move  Curly Where's Your Girly (Early Alternate Mix)   Favoriting Movements -  1:51:51 (Pop-up)
Go Kart Mozart  Mickie Made the Most   Favoriting On the Hot Dog Streets  1:56:45 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Double R:

Happy Birthday Ed
ELO to start the day!!
Avatar 2:02pm

Welcome.....take a trip with me today back to my roots!....Brum Beat...Birmingham
Avatar 🎸 2:03pm

Happy Birthday to our host Edward Rogers!
Avatar 2:03pm

Hey Double R....Thanx mate!....Got a few classics for ya today!
Avatar 2:04pm
Don Ciccone:

Happy Birthday Ed and Happy Halloween to all.
Avatar 2:05pm

Hey Don.....So brill to see aboard sir!....Ta...e
Double R:

I'm getting a sore throat just hearing this Jimmy Powell guy.
Avatar 2:06pm
Don Ciccone:

Wow... Who's Jimmy Powell? Great record.
Avatar 2:07pm

Than dont sing along :)...some nice J Page work!

Yes - it's your B'day - your choice, but really - you could have found the time to finish ELDORADO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar 2:07pm

Don, from what I understand the first single issued under the term Brum Beat...real raver!
Avatar 2:08pm

Kat.....Ello.....calm down...see how many of these songs you know ? :)
Avatar 2:09pm
Don Ciccone:

Great find. Followed by an old fave.
Double R:

Are you saying Jimmy Page took the solo on the Jimmy Powell song?
Avatar 🎸 2:10pm

Hi Double R, Don Ciccone, Kat and Happy Halloween everyone.
Avatar 2:11pm

That's what I read doing research on that record!
Avatar 2:12pm
Don Ciccone:

Hi MelaniR!
Double R:

Page ripped off Dave Davies on that solo
Avatar 2:12pm

Don...fun song!...very Freddie n the dreamers!

waiting on the Spencer Davis cuts; never would have pegged them from coming from Birmingham


Hey Mel - been raining for days - but now we have bright sun for the b'day boy

Avatar 2:14pm

We have some brill SDG tracks n Winwood comin up!
Double R:

Why do I have a feeling we won't be hearing any Black Sabbath this afternoon? Between Birmingham and Halloween it would seem appropriate
Avatar 2:15pm

Was there The kINKS IN 62?
Double R:

I'm sure Jimmy Page was standing outside the Davies home stealing future riffs in 62
Avatar 🎸 2:16pm

Kat - the sun came out here today, too. Still not chilly enough for me but at least it's in the 60s and not 80s!
Avatar 2:16pm

Double R....Did consider it n Duran Duran Steve Duffy.....But had to cut some out! :)
Avatar 2:17pm
Don Ciccone:

It's a long way from Jimmy Powell to Ozzie.
Double R:

Love Stepehen Duffy, I feel the exact opposite about Duran Duran
Avatar 2:18pm
Don Ciccone:

Well this one's Halloweeny. Great bass.
Avatar 2:19pm

Mr Duffy is brill....used to be the lead singer in DD :))
Avatar 2:19pm

Don....Ace The Face mate!
Double R:

This Ace Kefford isn't too far from Sabbath
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Don Ciccone:

Double R... I was thinking of Bill Ward.
Avatar 2:20pm

Ya know....your right!!!!!
Double R:

I think of Bill Ward at least twice a day
Avatar 2:22pm

Ola! Happy Happy Mr. R
Double R:

Is the whole Jim Capaldi album like this? I quite like it
Avatar 2:23pm

Hi Melani xxxxx
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Hey Ms A...thanx for your wake up message this morning! :)

hey Ed! Birthday cheers from me and G!
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Hahaha :) I slept 14 hours last night!! Bright eyed and bushy tailed a mid day!
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Don Ciccone:

I wonder if George Harrison heard this Capaldi record. A bit of Photograph, no?
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Double R....must say...This was the best track!
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Don ....I was thinking the Vanda n Young epic Evie?
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Don Ciccone:

Don't know it.
Avatar 2:28pm

Hey Mitchell....ello....thanx for the cake this morning :)...how ya doin?
Double R:

Love the Stevie Wright EVIE!! A classic
Avatar 2:28pm
Leigh Gregory:

Happy Birthday Eddy!! Great to tune in today!!
Avatar 2:29pm

Don....Check it out ...By Little Stevie sings it...brill three part song...biggest selling single in AUSSIE IN THE EARLY 70'S...E

We're just hanging and listening. Dig that Moodies cut!
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Hey Leigh!....so brill to see ya today sir ...Ta...e
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Don Ciccone:

That Mike Sheridan b side was great!
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Hey M....Really great band...rediscovered doing this special....
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Don....really early Roy Wood...might be the first track he sang on!
Double R:

Love this Denny Laine cut. Where is it from?
Double R:

Dig this half time tempo change
Avatar 2:35pm

Hey D....It is really amazing....It's on a Brill collection coming out later this month! Yeah...his solo work is amazing!
Double R:

Another crazy high note like on Say You Don't Mind
Double R:

A new Denny Laine collection? Or some Brum comp?
Double R:

Cool Procol Harum cover.
Avatar 2:36pm
Don Ciccone:

Never this version of Boredom.
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Yeah....Colin version pretty amazing...still hits that note!...Brum comp!
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Don Ciccone:

(Never heard)
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Don ....I stumbled on it when I was putting this show together n thought pretty cool!
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Don Ciccone:

Definitely. Great version.
Double R:

Is the Denny Laine track on that Once Upon A Time comp that keeps popping up on the playlist?
Avatar 2:39pm

That's the one mate...really cool collection!
Avatar 2:41pm
Don Ciccone:

Nice strings on that last one.
Avatar 🎸 2:41pm

Wow - that was a great song! Never heard it before (not even if you played it at home)!
Double R:

Double Feature? I hope you tell his more about them. That cello sounds like Roy Wood
Avatar 2:43pm
Don Ciccone:

I like this one too. Do tell.
Avatar 2:44pm

Double R n Don....TOTALLY ...Amazing right!!!!!!!
Double R:

I like this Spencer Davis cut. Who wrote it?
Avatar 2:48pm

Jackie Edward wrote both of these songs!
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Eric R:

I'm curious how they got the tone on the riff. It's not the fuzz guitar. Anyway, one of my fave SDG songs
Avatar 2:50pm
Don Ciccone:

The great Jackie Edwards. Also wrote Keep on Running, no?
Avatar 2:50pm

Hey Eric R...Great song right!...alt version....with keyboards as opposed the guitar hit version...e
Avatar 2:52pm
Eric R:

yes on Keep on Running.
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Eric R:

I have a memory of the SDG "performing" Keep on Running in Trafalgar Square. Wish I could find that video.
Avatar 2:54pm
Don Ciccone:

French singer Pussy Cat still performs Keep On Running today.
DA The DJ:

Happy birthday Ed!
Avatar 2:55pm

Da The DJ......Thanx so much mate....E
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Eric R....Ive seen the video it's around ...orginally shown on "Where The Action is"-goes to London!
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Eric R:

some great sounds from these Birmingham people
Avatar 2:57pm

Who's this again?
Double R:

This isn't Traffic, it's under Steve Winwood?
Avatar 2:58pm

Hey Ms A....Stevie Winwoods orginal version before he reformed Traffic!..did you hear"She Getting Married In August"...thought it might be a good cover for us?
Avatar 2:59pm
Don Ciccone:

That would make a good fit for Bedsit Poets .
Avatar 3:00pm

DON....Great she's still performing today...got a couple of tracks for u next week gonna bloqw you away :)
Avatar 3:03pm
Don Ciccone:

I like this one by Steve Gibbons.
Avatar 3:04pm

This is latest recording on Trevor Burton written about being in the MOVE...co-produced by our mate ian Button
Double R:

I only knew No Spitting On The Bus
Double R:

I thought this was a Springsteen cover.. Still not sure it isn't
Avatar 3:05pm

Don....Thanx mate...I thought it was a good one! Steve Gibbons a local legand in Brum!
Dennis Diken:

Happy birthday my good sir!
Avatar 3:07pm

Double R.....Definitely got that feel!...but listed written by Trevor!
Avatar 3:08pm

Hey Denny....Thanx mate!....your busy these daze...So glad for ya!t

This is the best song you've played today!
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Don Ciccone:

Here's our host!
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Gayle....ello....your are biased :)...L...E
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Indeed, Don Ciccone! :-) Gayle!
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Don...Too much time on my hands :)
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Don Ciccone:

Good one.
Avatar 3:15pm

If you find me someone to marry in August, maybe!!!
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Spring 68!!! Great!
Avatar 3:19pm

So if i find someone to marry in August...we can do that song :))))))
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Eric R:

oh boy....Christine!
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Eric R...Oh yeah!...One of her best!!!!!!!
Avatar 3:30pm

Cozy Powell rocks!
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Leigh Gregory:

Anyone out there know what tuning Roy is in for Message? Sounds like he's down a couple of steps... much lower than a dropped D for sure. Brilliant to hear all the Brummy rock today... possible to get Dave K in there??
Avatar 3:42pm

Roy's ususally on keyboards doing all kinds of crazy things, No?
Did he play guitar in the move?
Avatar 3:42pm
Don Ciccone:

Leigh G - I was thinking same thing. Seems even lower than dropped D alright. But maybe not.
Avatar 3:43pm
Don Ciccone:

Could be 6 string bass.
Double R:

These two Move songs are Jeff Lynne songs
Avatar 3:44pm

Ignore me, I was thinking of something else!!! ooopps
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Hey Leigh.....Wow...I tried to get him in...scheduled with The Idle Race for a show coming soon!...cha mate!
Avatar 3:45pm

Double R...U wanted Jeff!!!!! n we got Roy too! :)
Double R:

Roy Wood plays everything Listen to Boulders A classic. Drums, cello, guitar, bagpipes, banjo
Avatar 3:45pm
Don Ciccone:

I love Boulders.
Avatar 3:46pm

Ms Amanda...remember Roy Wood when u were kid on TOTPS with Wizard :)
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Leigh Gregory:

Nice... I got on to the Move in my early teenage years so it's so great to hear everything today. Bringing back a lot of memories!!! GREAT birthday show Edward!!
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Don....Another all time fave!
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Leigh Gregory:

And I think Don is right on about the 6-string bass!!!
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Roy Wood – lead and backing vocals, guitars, steel guitar, recorders, bass, clarinet, bassoon, tenor and baritone saxes, percussion
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Ta Leigh....it's been a great time clock for me!....I must say!
Double R:

Roy Wood- Water drums
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Leigh Gregory:

Yeah, just a little well-rounded I'd say!!!!
Double R:

Speaking of Boulders
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Ms. Amanda....Roy Wood....Everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Don Ciccone:

Ahh... this is an old fave. Dear Elaine. Great track.
Double R:

I heard there was a deleted scene of Kramer singing this to Elaine on Seinfeld
Avatar 3:50pm

Sounds magazine, July 1973, described Dear Elaine as "a charming, eccentric, gentle record from one of rock's real craftsmen. It may be too languid for popular success but it's a lovely record anyway. Ignore it at your peril"
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Double R....That would have been so amazing!...It's a brill song n album!
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Don Ciccone:

Wow, I never realized I stole some of this for a song I wrote ...which I won't mention in case I ever get around to recording it.
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Don Ciccone:

This set gets better and better!! Curly!!!
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Leigh Gregory:

Aye... you are killing it... "Curly"!!!!!!
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Don Ciccone:

Best in show.
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My fave RW song today....Alt version!!!
Double R:

The Denny Laine was Best In Show for me
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Don Ciccone:

This something great about this version.
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Leigh Gregory:

Yeah... great version!!!!
Double R:

The recorded is out of tune on both versions
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Eric R:

I think my fave RW song could be (probably is) Dance Round the Maypole.
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Don Ciccone:

Jimmy Powell and the 5D is my runner up.
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Eric R....Acid Gallery....Another brill one!
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Don Ciccone:

Encore!! Idle Race. Sabbath!
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Don.......That Jimmy Powell...Track is amazing there are two versions both brill!
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Eric R:

wonderful show today!
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Leigh Gregory:

Yeah... thanks for all the music today Edward!!! Have a great rest of the Birthday!!
Avatar 3:58pm

Have a wonderful rest of your birthday Ed & Melani. Lovely to have spent the evening with you xxx
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Leigh Gregory:

Awesome... Lawrence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Don Ciccone:

Once again Ed, Heureux Anniversaire. Good show.
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Thanx for Hangin Everybody!
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LG.....Lawrence for you mate!!!!!!....lovd in Felt too!
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Avatar 4:42pm

My profoundest apologies sir, I did not realise that you write as you speak!
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