Favoriting Serious Moonlight Sonatas with Carol: Playlist from November 7, 2021 Favoriting

CarolCrow's avatar View CarolCrow's profile Favoriting

An odyssey of the ears powered by the moon, the stars, & a pixie dusting of ecstatic electricity...

Sunday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Sun. Mar 9th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Dan Bodah
Sun. Mar 16th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Daniel Blumin

Favoriting November 7, 2021: Moonistry In The Land Of Love & Honey

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Heta Bilaletdin  Anaksa   Favoriting Nauhoi  Kraak  2021  Finnish artist / debut solo album  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Thomas Köner  Expression   Favoriting Motus  Mille Plateaux  2020  Koner is 1/2 of the duo Porter Ricks    0:04:51 (Pop-up)
Sten Hanson  Revolution   Favoriting Revue OU 38/39. Cinquième Saison (V/A)  Revue OU  1971  Stockholm poet and composer    0:10:49 (Pop-up)
Arrigo Lora-Totino  Phonemes Structures, Texte 4   Favoriting Phonetische Poesie (V/A)  Luchterhand Verlag  1971  orig 1966 / Italian sound poet    0:14:17 (Pop-up)
Tom Dissevelt  Tropicolours / Gamelan / Woomerangs   Favoriting Fantasy In Orbit. Round the world with electronic music by Tom Dissevelt  We Are Busy Bodies  2021  orig 1963    0:16:43 (Pop-up)
Gentle Fire  Group Composition VI   Favoriting Not Necessarily "English Music" (V/A)  EMF  2002  curated by David Toop    0:22:59 (Pop-up)
Scanner  A Piece Of Monologue   Favoriting Sound For Spaces  Scanner  2021  orig issued in 1998 by Subrosa    0:26:57 (Pop-up)
Hans Zimmer  Sandstorm   Favoriting Dune OST  Water Tower Music  2021    *   0:41:33 (Pop-up)
Kian Soltani  Intermezzo. I. A Scene From The Past   Favoriting Cello Unlimited  Deutsche Grammophon  2021    *   0:43:59 (Pop-up)
Daniil Trifonov (& J.S. Bach)  The Art Of Fugue, BWV 1080 (Contrapunctus 14)   Favoriting Bach: The Art Of Life  Deutsche Grammophon  2021  Around the time of his death, Johan Sebastien Bach had been working on his Contrapunctus 14, in which he attempted to base the work on the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio (sometimes called the "divine proportion" because of its frequency in the natural world). / this album also includes works from Bach's sons  *   0:47:40 (Pop-up)
Penguin Cafe Orchestra  Kora Kora   Favoriting Union Cafe  Erased Tapes  2017  orig 1993 / Simon Jeffes’ has said that the name Penguin Café came to him in a dream in the summer of 1972, after which he wrote a poem that began, "I am the proprietor of the Penguin Cafe, I will tell you things at random."    1:07:08 (Pop-up)
Klein  Hope Dealers   Favoriting Harmattan  Pentatone  2021    *   1:10:22 (Pop-up)
Coolio  Gangsta's Paradise (feat. L.V.)   Favoriting Gangsta's Paradise  Tommy Boy  1995      1:16:58 (Pop-up)
Jessica Moss  Entire Populations (excerpt)   Favoriting No album (Live Performance @ her Montreal Rehearsal Studio)  Jessica Moss  2021  orig version from her album "Pools Of Light"  *   1:21:01 (Pop-up)
James Bernard  UW C01   Favoriting Unreleased Works 1994​-​1999 (Volumes 1 & 2)  A Strangely Isolated Place  2021  orig a very limited 3-CDr set self-released in 2005  *   1:32:40 (Pop-up)
Clint Mansell  In The Earth III   Favoriting In The Earth OST  Lakeshore/Invada  2021    *   1:39:00 (Pop-up)
Cryo Lab  5min   Favoriting Changing A Lot  Laura Lies In  2021  duo  *   1:44:19 (Pop-up)
Sully  5ives   Favoriting single  Over/Shadow  2021  AKA Jack Stevens  *   1:46:36 (Pop-up)
Black Dice  Tuned Out   Favoriting Mod Prog Sic  FourFour  2021    *   1:50:11 (Pop-up)
Ministry  Stigmata   Favoriting Land of Rape & Honey  Sire  1988      1:55:44 (Pop-up)
Everything But The Girl  Blame (J Majik VIP Mix)   Favoriting Blame - EP  Virgin  1999      2:01:12 (Pop-up)
Ash Lauryn  Dancin In The D   Favoriting Truth - EP  FWM  2021  1st EP from this DJ & producer, who is originally from Detroit and now based in Atlanta  *   2:14:27 (Pop-up)
Jerry Bishop  A Hot Time In The City   Favoriting Blorp Essette (L.A.F.M.S.) (V/A)  LAFMS    3-CD comp    2:19:14 (Pop-up)
Acadjmia  Six Molds   Favoriting Security Ritual - EP  New Work City  2021    *   2:21:14 (Pop-up)
Maurice Louca  Saet El Hazz (The Luck Hour)   Favoriting Saet El Hazz (The Luck Hour)  Northern Spy  2021  Egyptian composer  *   2:24:43 (Pop-up)
Pillars & Tongues  Gethsemane, Afternoon Warning   Favoriting Sacred Architecture  The Lotus Sound  2014  orig self-released CDr in 2007    2:33:03 (Pop-up)
µ-Ziq & Mrs. Jinx  The Secret Garden   Favoriting Secret Garden  µ-Ziq & Mrs. Jinx  2021  on bandcamp / In Spring 2021, Mike Paradinas (AKA µ-Ziq and other monikers and the owner of the Planet Mu label) spoke to long-time friend and past label signing Hannah Davidson (AKA Mrs Jynx) about the therapeutic power of writing music when times are tough. Both had recently been dealing with the loss of a parent due to cancer, and Paradinas suggested a collaboration. In a matter of weeks the two collaborated online, sending stems back and forth, each encouraging the other and fitting perfectly together. The result was "Secret Garden".  *   2:35:13 (Pop-up)
Carster "Erobique" Meyer  Tatortreiniger (Plaid Remix)   Favoriting Remix EP  Pudel Produckte  2021    *   2:39:22 (Pop-up)
Cluster  Wehrmut   Favoriting Kollection 06 Cluster 1971-1981  Bureau B  2017  collection compiled by John McEntire    2:44:12 (Pop-up)
Global Communication  Maiden Voyage   Favoriting single (12")  Dedicated  1994  AKA Tom Middleton & Mark Pritchard    2:49:03 (Pop-up)
Built To Fade  To Dust   Favoriting To Dust  A Piece of Strange Music  2013      2:54:46 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

  🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:02am

Heigh Ho!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03am
Your Ace From Exchange Place:

Happy good morning!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:04am

good morning everyone!
Avatar 🌜 6:04am

Am I on time for a change?? This has to have Scott67 confused
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04am

G'day Carol & Moonshiners!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05am

You're messing with my head maaan!!
Avatar 🌜 6:06am

@Scott67 It's Wednesday with you - Right??
Greg k:

Good Morning Carol! Good Morning to all Early Listeners!
Avatar 6:06am

Hello Carol, 12539, Your Ace, Pabs, Scott, Greg k!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07am

Pabs! Sunday night 10:08pm.
Dave Conehead:

Happy Marathon day to all the other NYC residents. Love the vibe around the route, and watching the traffics armageddon as i weave thru on my bicycle.

Superman’s Guestlist is playing live for the marathon @ Bedford and N7th
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07am

G'day Sylvia!😎🤙🌷
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07am

Hey ya Carol, looking forward to what you have in store for us.
Dave Conehead:

Hidy Ho Mooners…

Carol... the show will not become Serious Sunrise Sonatas ??? The alliterative mellifluous !!!! Serious Moonlight Sonatas is also
mellifluous !!!! Thanks for spinning....
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:08am
I k e:

Hi all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09am
Doug in JC:

Good morning!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:11am

Grooving to the bleeps and bloops this frosty morning!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11am

G'day Ike!
Doug, did ya bring the Bagels?
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:13am
David (in London):

Morning all you good Moonfaces. 🌙 🌚 🌔
All hail the beloved Carol Crow.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:15am
David (in London):

Scotty, morphester, Kevin, Ike, Pabs, 12539, Doug et al. Salutations all.
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David (in London):

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:17am

The tote bag is seriously great, big enough to hold my boots for a cobbler visit. That means a lot to me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18am
Paulo AD:

Afternoon Sonutters
Avatar 6:18am

Good morning. Fred, David, etcetera, rah rah.

Hey David van Der Stoke ... long while since we have crossed paths ... hope ye are well there ... Still contemplating a visit.. not sure of the dates??? FoFo sent me the link so I listened to yer music !!!!! (thumbs up emoji)...
Tom from Stirling.:

Bonjour! Hello!
Avatar 6:21am

Heigh Ho 12539!
Avatar 6:21am

Happy good morning Ace!
Avatar 6:21am

good morning john_zilla!
Avatar 6:22am

Hey there Pablexa!
Avatar 6:22am

G'day Scott!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22am

G'day David.👍😎
Avatar 6:22am

Good Morning Greg!
Tom from Stirling.:

Sten Hanson, no relalation to Stan Henson?
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:25am
Will the Sound Guy:

Good morning Carol and all!!! welcome to EST on the east coast ⌚ 🌜🔆☀️🌞
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:27am
David (in London):

TDK, yo.

Morphester, no worries about dates, just keep me posted. And I'm really glad that you liked the Daona music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:28am
Paulo AD:

Danoa, pretty much wrecked her
(only works in my accent i think)
I'll get my coat
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Hello Sylvia!
Avatar 6:29am

Be safe Dave Conehead!
Avatar 6:29am

Hey ya happymaan!
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@morphe'@6:08: Haha! It's still pretty dark out there! Thanks for listening....
Avatar 6:30am

Hi I k e!
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Good morning Doug in JC!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, Carol and moonrunners! Good luck, marathon entrants! 🌘 🏃 👟
Dave Conehead:

Can’t get that Cher “turn back time” song out of my head.
Avatar 6:31am

Hey Kevin-san!
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Morning David (in London)! All hail DiL!
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@fred@6:17: That makes me so happy! So glad you like and are putting it to good use:)
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Forgot to acknowledge selector Carol, arrived to station office towers at the correct time.
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Afternoon TDK60! rah rah!
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Bonjour Tom from Stirling!

If I remember correctly, the Heimat series ('84 Germany)(quite good)has a section dealing with a modernist composer from the village(thought of Stockhausen then) who is frowned upon by his life long neighbors - he left and returned?? ... I think that is so, but I may be confused???
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Good morning Will!
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Carol. Afternoon somewhere but not NYC!
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Good morning Ken From Hyde Park!

Wasaaaaaaaaaap Carol, mop crew
Cooh John:

Good morning Carol and time adjusted moonsters.

you know what I meant

Carol/TDK - afternoon in Madrid ....
Avatar 6:35am

Hey upstatesean!

Good morning from the great swamp!
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Good morning Cooh John!
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@JeremyB@6:36: Good morning! Where's the swamp at?
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Hello all! Really glad to have you with me this morning!
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Madrid Morphe, que tal?
Tom from Stirling.:

" I'm not into time. man." - T Chong
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41am

good morning! cold
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42am

Avatar 6:43am

@Carol: Love that you're playing the Dune OST =)
Avatar 6:43am

What did everyone think of the new Dune ?

TDK - my us passport renewal is due tomorrow = Mon.... I have my son Simon Nov18-22 so I may not be back until the end of the month??? There is a Lantern Making Festival(traditional pagan pre -xmas Nordic fest) in GO next Saturday(13th) 12-5pm??? I'll get the details ...
Tom from Stirling.:

THe "New" Dune was very good. Me likee

Sky was super clear last night, unbelievably bright stars
Avatar 6:47am

Hats off to the 100,000 who marched in Glasgow yesterday, outside COP26. And other locales.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:47am

@carol: www.fws.gov...
Tom from Stirling.:

....hoping for Part 2
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:49am

theraptortrust.org We live right near this place... It's pretty amazing... The Raptor Trust - They take care of injured birds.
Avatar 6:49am

Part 2 is already green lighted
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although I think it's insane that they waited on that
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:49am

Tom isn't far from their either!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:50am

Tom, I thought it was well done, but I purposely wasn't reading any spoilers... didn't know they were only doing the first half the book.
Tom from Stirling.:

Yes, Jeremy. We love the Great Swamp. Visited the Raptor Trust last week. Two bald eagles! Awesome birds.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:51am

I thought it was weird, also, that they didnt' explain the mentats, or the spacing guild in more detail. The cast was great
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:53am

It's been a while (since lockdown) but we used to take my niece and nephew there once or twice a month. They love them birds.
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Good morning Carol, greetings to all
The Butterman:

JeremyB, The Great Swamp is my jam! Was just there last week. Went all the way to the farthest point boardwalk. Yesterday was spent in the Watchung reservation which is 5 min from my place. Nature!
Avatar 6:55am

Jeremy, is the Great Swamp refuge in Boonton, NJ?

Jeremy B -
Hawk by Helen McDonald is a great book
A Kestrel for a Knave by Barry Hines was made into a film KES by Ken Loach (heavy stuff) worth reading and seeing..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58am

It's weird that the last movie I saw in a theater was Inland Empire. I did watch Paradise View since, but that was it. I need live performances
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:58am

@Butterman: nice. That place is great too.
Avatar 6:58am

sending love to Bethany wherever she is

- and loving this fugue
an elevated morning to you all
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Paulo AD:

I saw the last duel on the weekend, loved it
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morphe': I just watched Loach's "I, Daniel Blake." Loachian heavy.
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She's Talking™
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:59am

Morphe - will check it out. My sister 0in law just gave us "What The Robin Knows" by Jon Young. Going to start that today.
Avatar 🌜 7:00am

I 2nd that KES suggestion
Avatar 7:01am
Ivan from Woodbridge:

Arizona and Hawaii are the two that don’t do daylight saving

TDK - yes, Loach usually/often deals in Heavy themes ...
Saw something on a train trip here here: The Last Bus (2021) I do not use ear buds so only from the visuals it seemed Loachian though not..
I only
Avatar 7:03am

Jeremy, I found the swamp refuge towns: Bernardsville, Bernards Township, Chatham Township, Harding Township, Long Hill Township, Madison Borough, Mendham Borough, Mendham Township, Morristown, and Morris Township.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Morning. Tuned in whether I wake yet or otherwise...
Avatar 7:05am

Yes, Carol was wondering who (and what) recited that monologue.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05am
Doug in JC:

I had to take a hawk over to the Raptor Trust a few years ago
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:05am

We are in Long Hill. Swamp is big, great area for cycling if you are into that

The monologue sounded like the actor David Warrilow. I think Beckett wrote it for him.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06am

Scanner did some great dance scores for a while
The Butterman:

I love the original Dune film so much that the new one didn’t do anything for me. It looked good. There was some terrible acting ( which could be said for the original). Just meh. There, now you have seen my Gom Jabbar.
Peter from Dover NJ:

Good morning Carol and moon ☪️ 🌙 🌚 units.
Avatar 7:07am

OK, I thought the new Dune was pretty much 10/10. I'm open to debating the narrative strengths and weaknesses, it's certainly dense. But it's easily the best sci-fi adaptation I've ever seen, and unquestionably one of the greatest sci-fi worlds ever created.
Avatar 7:07am

2pm over here in Tel Aviv
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OHHH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Penguin Cafe Orch.
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Good Morning. 7am ish here. Dune is beautifully made, i think they are playing wth the timeline a little.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:08am

morning. happy moonlight savings time.
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Good morning zen friends!
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Picturing sanguine penguins marching two by two
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10am

Yeah, you're now an hour later here Carol. So it's 11:09pm Sunday. I will go to bed now & keep listening. But wil thank you now, in case I fall asleep.
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morning moonlight!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Still wanna read Dune before I see anything. Guess I'll be okay... Always say - took to Middle-earth like I knew the place already. But Dune defeated me with too many trips to the Index for terms. Another crack one hopes...
My latest ☽Moon Report fwiw :
Avatar 🌜 7:10am

I've mentioned Road Dreams on Channel 4 before right? Great series feat Penguin Cafe Orch

Good morning! Listening in Brooklyn. Hope everyone has a great Sunday :)
Tom from Stirling.:

The new Dune was really goood. If you think otherwise, you are wrong (And Rebecca Ferguson is Lady Jessica, so there's that)
Avatar 7:12am
Ivan from Woodbridge:

Scott67 now a whopping 16 hours ahead of Wfmu
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13am

Ivan, surging ahead down here mate!
Avatar 7:15am

@Tom: I've been dumbfounded by some of my friends' negative reactions, did they even see the same movie?
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MarkS @ 7:06, and Carol: That monologue may be: A Piece of Monologue; yes, recited by David Warrilow, by Samuel Beckett.
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And then there was the New Yorker, which bashed it in favor of the 1984 version lol so contrarian
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(...in the piece by Scanner).
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:16am

special_vessels - it's right up there with xanadu. my wife loves it and i can't stand it.
Avatar 7:18am

oh boy
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Andrew Hollywood:

Morning all 🖤
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I'm thirteen years old again, going to bar mitzvah parties
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19am

Ah, those are happening again.
Tom from Stirling.:

@S-V: agree. If you read the book, you should enjoy the movie. And those helicopters were so cool, with the insect-like wings.
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1 great way to experience Dune is in Audiobook form, RRabbit 63
Avatar 🌜 7:21am

back on Standard Time - good morning folks
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@Tom@6:40: Haha:)
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good morning adampsyche!
Tom from Stirling.:

Oko! This Jessica Moss!! Yes, please.

Good morning all. How nice was it to get that extra hour of sleep?
wizard frog:

fun fact: Coolio originally wrote the line as 'minute after minute, hour after hour, I love listening to, moonlight sonatas' but it didn't fit with the theme of the rest of song
Avatar 7:26am

@Jeremy@6:49: Ah!! Looks lovely!
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Good morning Ivan from Woodbridge!
The Butterman:

Oh yeah, those helicopters were amazing! Forgot about them. That was my favorite part!
Avatar 7:28am

Hello Butterman!
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@Avrilinmay@6:58: An elevated morning to you - hope all is well
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Morning Revolution Rabbit - glad you're tuning in!
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:31am

I am greatly enjoying the current selection. (I don't say that often enough.)
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every sunday from noon until three, all is well indeed :)

killing me with beauty this one
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36am
Stephen O:

Good morning all.
I thought it was odd that he used Lynch’s screenplay as a template and didn’t stray too far from it. It felt antiseptic and grey, especially in comparison to Jodorowsky’s vision.
The books are full of color.
Avatar 7:37am

@MarkS@7:06: Thank you!
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Good morning Peter from Dover NJ
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Good Morning FrogKingArt
Avatar 🌜 7:38am

Good Morning to 12539, Your Ace From Exchange Place, john_zilla, G'day Scott67, Greg k, Sylvia, Dave Conehead, happyman, morphe', I K e, Doug in JC, Kevin-san, David (in London), fred, Paulo AD, TDK60, Tom from Stirling, Will the sound guy, Ken from Hyde Park, upstatesean, Cooh John, Jeremy B, adampsyche, Special_Vessels, Ivan from Woodbridge, The Butterman, AVRILINMAY!!!, Rev Rabbit, MarkS, Doug in JC, Peter from Dover NJ, FrogKingArt, dale, HypoerDose, TouteVoix, Howard (if that's your real name), Andrew Hollywood, YETI BOB, Dan from Augusta, Stephen O & FU JB™
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happy moonlight savings, dale!
Avatar 🌜 7:39am

you Pabz!
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um, I meant to say "yo Pabz"
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Hi Pablexa! Anyone "seen" commenter Nulsh of late?
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:40am
Will the Sound Guy:

Good morning to you too Pablexa
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:41am

@Pablexa™: Good morning too
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Good morning HyperDose!
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@Scott67@7:10: Have a good sleep!
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TDK60: Not since a few weeks ago
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:42am
Will the Sound Guy:

I've been using my tote bag Carol, they came out really nice 👍
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morning Toutevoix!
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:42am

Not only is Pablexa™ showing up on time, but now he's doing roll call!
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Nulsh & Stanley - Where are they?
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Morning Carol Crow!
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@Pablexa@7:10: Thanks for the heads up on that!
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Good morning Howard in Brooklyn!
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I canny spell
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Good morning Pabs. Valiant effort @7:38
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45am

@pabs: Stanlé was visiting his parents this week I think
Avatar 7:46am

Morning right back at ya, Pabs™. Sup, Ivan!
@Will I'd be surprised if you didn't get complimented daily with all that WFMU merch!
Cooh John:

Still here soaking up the moonbeams, sounds, and comments. Last solace of my vacation. Back to work tomorrow.
Avatar 7:49am
Ivan from Woodbridge:

‘sup Hyp’!
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Pabs, & Fred. I believe I saw Stanley down at the Flange & Frigate pub yesterday. He was back from France.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:49am
Will the Sound Guy:

I do get asked what WFMU is a bunch... I'm creating awareness. I hand out some of my bumper stickers to people I know too.. I've definitely turned some people into (G)listeners
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@TDK@7:15: Thanks!
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If it's beginning to get light here, does that mean I forgot to set my clocks back???
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Morning Andrew Hollywood!
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@Will the Sound Guy A few weeks ago I pulled up behind a car with a WFMU sticker - Ima in Minneapolis
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..that would be Friday afternoon I "saw" Stanley at the F&F on Sheena's Jungle Room.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:52am
Will the Sound Guy:

@Pablexa smart people who know listen to WFMU!
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good morning YETI BOB
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@Will the Sound Guy - I just stick my stickers on my speakers, laptop & basement fridge - Ima doing it wrong
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Good morning Dan-from-Augusta! It was nice:)
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@wizardfrog@7:25: Huh! Thanks for that:)
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:54am
Will the Sound Guy:

I don't have any stickers on my car, but I have a fleet of other people's cars donning the sweet swag tags
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@12539@7:31: Glad to hear it!
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@Avril@7:32: :) :)
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Good morning all!

Hi CarolCrow! Hi TDK60 Hi ya’ll
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Good morning Stephen O!
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Stephen O:

Good morning, Carol Crow!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:57am

old ministry!!!
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The good news is that I have one of those clocks that has the simple buddon to switch between daylight savings time

The bad news is that I have it set up an hour ahead!!
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Will the Sound Guy:

Carol is cranking it up with this Ministry track 🎛🎚🔊🎶
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PaulR.20- morning.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:58am

wow wow
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3rd hour is gonna be all hair metal
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just yelled across apt to gf "ministry!!!"
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@Will the Sound Guy@7:42: Cool! Glad to hear that:)
Tom from Stirling.:

Ministry. Oh my my. Ooh la la. Ministry
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Morning Buddha of Suburbia!!
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The Marathon is in town! Get out yer brown bags and cameras!

That 5ives song hit the spot today
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Buddha! Morning good.
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I thought it the Land of Rape and Honey.
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Will the Sound Guy:

I have a few Ministry albums, but I have an album collection of the re-released 12" singles on clear vinyl and it absolutely rips
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Hey Pablexa™ ! sorry for the late reply, busy afternoon this time
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Great idea, Will. I always get a few and add them to the pile. Looking at the controversial Garden State FMU logo sticker that's slapped on the side of my PC case as I type!
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I always loved that YES sample they use over and over at the end
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Hiii Buddha
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Hi PaulRobeson!
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Morning Carol Crow! Morning Pablexa! TDK60! HyperDose! PaulRobeson1920! Hi everyone!
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This is reminding me of old K12 studios stuff. Diggin' these phresh beets.
Hey Buddha!
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She's Talking™
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Will the Sound Guy:

I gave a guy at work my minotaur sticker... he put it on his clipboard
Peter from Dover NJ:

Hair metal bands? I saw Dee Snider's new video. Let's just call it thinning hair metal.
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Doug in JC:

Hey Buddha!
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Buddha of Suburbia:

Hi ya Doug in JC!
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Will the Sound Guy:

Dee Snider and the apartment of thinning hair
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Mod prog sic. I think I get it. Hee.
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Will the Sound Guy:

People really like the zip up hoodie of the Pulaski Skyway Bridge
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Baja Joe:

That last set was awesome, but I may be getting served with divorce papers and a public disturbance citation. I turned that shaving cream up.
eric from lake hiawatha:

Glorious Carol thank you how your mind works to create such vivid sets
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*readies Devil Horns
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Andrew Hollywood:

I remember Ash Lauryn from the Headbangers Ball.
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@Baja Joe So a Sunday???
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Will the Sound Guy:

I haven't worn Mark Hurst's Techtonic sign-off shirt yet... that's gonna start some conversations for sure
Avatar 8:18am

@Fredericks@8:01: We're going to pretend it's Love:)

Cheers Pablexa! Everyone!
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Caz & my Hair Metal ideas differ

Thorazine crowd checking in!
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@Baja Joe@8:14: Haha:)
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Handy Haversack:

Morning, Carol and everyone. The time change is being useful!
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@eric from lake hiawatha@8:14: you are very kind:) thanks for listening!
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Morning, leopard handler Handy!
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@Handy: Is Voltron friendly to bugbear and goblin?
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Will the Sound Guy:

what does bagpipe think of the whole kitty situation
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@david@8:20: Haha:) Glad to have you with us!
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Morning, Handy!
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Handy Haversack:

fred, so far, no. He is peeved that they get fed first and that they get dry food. So far the kittens rightly view him as a god of vengeance. We're integrating slowly. Hopefully things smooth out.

Will, Bagpipe is mostly curious, also intensely jealous! But they seem to have accepted him for the most part and moved on to exploring other things when we had them out in the front room last night. We still need to do a deep cleaning before we let them out in here for real.
Avatar 🌜 8:32am

What's great about the time change is that at 6:30am tomorrow I will be at work in my windowless office and have no idea that it's still dark out
Tom from Stirling.:

Oh lordy lord. Give me strength.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:35am
Will the Sound Guy:

Pablexa, I work as a land surveyor. I'm outside year round. A good thing about standard time is I can't work too late, because it gets dark. My sound gig can be done inside, outside, light, or dark...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:36am

God of vengeance, sounds about right

Carol, who did the Nutters track on the last SMS swag bonus CD? Trying to track the Nutters dialogue sample that they dubbed in. Great cd btw.
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DJ Guin:

morning all. Will the Married Guy, HyperDose, Handy, and Carol. sorry if i missed anyone. woke up in the past.
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Will the Sound Guy:

Handy, Goblin and Bugbear will be accepted... They have to jump through all the hoops first. when do you build the kitty gym?
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:37am

Have a good day ya’ll! Peace&LoVe <3

Thank you CarolCrow!
Avatar 🌜 8:37am

@Will this is the first argument I have ever heard for this DST - I shall save this knowledge & recount it for folks from here on
Skyline chili, formally kpx.:

Morning Carol and serious Moonie's. Thanks to the return of standard Time I am here with you this morning instead of texting to Sarge's school room.
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*Pabs on Monday "But what if you're a land surveyor and do music gigs at night??"
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Will the Sound Guy:

Personally I'd rather get out of work on-time every day and have more daylight for me, but whatever...
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Will the Sound Guy:

then I leave work early and work till late
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Will the Sound Guy:

Hi DJ Guin
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@Will #PabsIsAnAss but he hopes that folks get that he's trying to do it in a light hearted way
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Handy Haversack:

I call it Substandard Time. Picture me walking home in the dark over the Pulaski Bridge, book twisting and turning to try to catch the street lights.
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@david@8:36: That's DJ Bus Replacement + Surgeon! I have the info on the clip they played - will try to find it! Glad you like!
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morning DJ Guin!
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The secret's in the sauce, Guin. Morning! 🐸🥣
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:43am

Another perfect show, Carol!
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Will the Sound Guy:

I do it often, or used to do it more often... not many indoor shows up here right now. I did run a bunch of outdoor concert series over the summer into early fall
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Morning Skyline chili:)
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DJ Guin:

coffee is starting to work, so i remember there was a war between man and machines..blah blah blah CyberDyne something something
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

#PabsIsAnAss, I absolutely get it and absolutely enjoy it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46am
Stephen O:

You are so bloody excellent, Carol.
Cooh John:

Thanks for the Sunday wake music, Carol. Nice being here with my fellow aficionados.

Thanks CC of SMS and all !!!!
Avatar 8:47am

Hey Roger! Thanks for listening!
Tom from Stirling.:

That 'Erobique" piece had a certain je ne sais quoi.

And this Cluster as well. Always enjoy Cluster.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:48am
Will the Sound Guy:

I need more coffee ☕ ... my wife brings me a cup when I'm half awake listening early in the show... She's a great woman who knows how much coffee and music means to me!
Avatar 🌜 8:48am

Cheers Ivan (I always think that folks might think Ima being mean - This is why I dunny Text)

just popping in to say: that black dice into Ministry maneuvre Did it for me

very thrilled by this black dice new album news
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:50am

Carol, I totally understand the sentiment, but thanking us to listen is like thanking someone for eating a delicious meal you prepared. The thanks go to you!
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DJ Guin:

for a moment, i thought DST was a pesticide, but, then. ok. i get it now. Daylight Saving Time. the enemy of the circadian rhythm
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Will the Sound Guy:

Pabs, I'm from New York... upstate, but NY. I don't think you're that abrasive, it's all good. around here a middle finger is like saying hello
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Is this from Risky Business??
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Totally thought today was Monday
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Classic Juli :)
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@Will This is why I say FU JB™ to my NJ buddy
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Greg k:

Hey Will you’re right about having to be done working by 5. Then you have more time for music.
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Ivan from Woodbridge:

Thank you Carol, have a great week all!
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Up and at 'em, Juli! Go take that gorgeous beast out for a walk...maybe bring the dog too 😉
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DJ Guin:

Happy Monday, Juli! Carol is filling in for Clay this fine morning. Glad you could join us!
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Thanks Moonlit Carol!

Go, climate activists!
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Who had to pull an extra hour shift to make this "fall back" thing work? I do hope it's Caz
Skyline chili, formally kpx.:

Will the sound guy: although I only drink coffee occasionally, for some reason I've been craving it all this week with a Big slice of deep apple pie.
Avatar 8:55am
DJ Guin:

thanks again, Carol. 🌘
Tom from Stirling.:

Thank you for sharing. Go go GO. It's amazing. Go GO GO.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Carol. The fog is burning off up here. Looks like a sunny day ahead.
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Will the Sound Guy:

I have a bunch of shows I have to remix, I mix live, record, then remix the multitracks later into stereo... I don't even know how many I'm behind right now... I need to clear out the office to make it the nursery, and I'm running out of time. the office is going to the basement...
Avatar 8:56am

Thank you very mucho, Carol. Have a pleasantly productive day, y'all! 📻💕🤠
Tom from Stirling.:

I yie. eye. I

Thank you for such a great start to Sunday, Carol!
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DJ Guin:

Will The New Dad will return after these messages from our sponsors..
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I hope all you wonderful folks have a great week!! Thanks Caz!!!!

@carolCrow! Much obliged! My kids crack up whenever she talks about chewing 72 times.
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Will the Sound Guy:

Thank you Carol, an exquisite show as usual!!!
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Handy Haversack:

Thank you, Carol! Very glad to catch an hour of the show this week!
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She's Talking™
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DJ Guin:

stay tuned for Reggae Schoolroom!!
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DJ Guin:

@HyperDose - that Gary Payton -- whoa. def not for everyday use.

Mlle Carol Lovely music Everyone be well , stay safe
Avatar 9:00am

I was just thinking of musicians who evolve in Maurice Louca's circles !

ty carol, wfmu crew, bye everyone!
Avatar 9:05am

Hello to everyone I missed on the playlist and out there listening!
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Sending love out to everyone! Thank you for listening! :)
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