Favoriting Surface Noise with Joe McGasko: Playlist from December 27, 2021 Favoriting

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A pennant-winning battery of songland. Ongoing feature: Single File, a half-hour of randomly selected small records with big holes.

Monday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Mon. Mar 10th, 9am - Noon: Joe McGasko and his Co-host Brian D
Mon. Mar 17th, 9am - Noon: Stuart Staples of Tindersticks (More info...)

Favoriting December 27, 2021: Light in My Head

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Playlist image Favoriting

(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
Abdullah Ibrahim  Dreamtime / Peace   Favoriting Solotude  Gearbox  2021  MP3    *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Bill Evans and Jim Hall  Skating in Central Park   Favoriting Undercurrent  Blue Note/Capitol  1988  LP  From 1962    0:06:34 (Pop-up)
Bremer McCoy  April   Favoriting Natten  Luaka Bop  2021  CD    *   0:11:53 (Pop-up)
Valerie Capers  The Heather on the Hill   Favoriting Portrait in Soul  Atlantic  1966  LP      0:14:35 (Pop-up)
Milt Jackson Quintet  Little Girl Blue   Favoriting Live at the Village Gate  Riverside/Fantasy  1987  LP  December 9, 1963    0:20:01 (Pop-up)
Terry Gibbs  Leaving Town   Favoriting Vibes on Velvet  EmArcy  1956  LP      0:24:27 (Pop-up)
Pete Jolly Trio  Lullaby of Birdland   Favoriting Lullaby of Birdland  RCA-Victor  1955  LP  "12 Different interpretations by 12 Modern Arrangers Played by 12 Exciting Jazz Groups"    0:27:20 (Pop-up)
Omar Khorshid  Rakset El Fadaa   Favoriting Giant + Guitar  Wewantsounds  2021  MP3  From 1974  *   0:45:20 (Pop-up)
Baligh Hamdi  Hanim   Favoriting Instrumental Modal Pop of 1970s Egypt  Sublime Frequencies  2021  MP3    *   0:52:11 (Pop-up)
Phương Tâm  Còn Nhớ Gì Không (Do You Remember?)   Favoriting Magical Nights: Saigon Surf, Twist & Soul (1964-1966)  Sublime Frequencies  2021  MP3    *   0:54:28 (Pop-up)
Laure Briard  Les nuits de la pleine lune   Favoriting Nocturnes  Midnight Special  2021  MP3    *   0:59:05 (Pop-up)
MUNYA  Marucuya   Favoriting Voyage to Mars  Luminelle Recordings  2021  MP3    *   1:01:56 (Pop-up)
Patrick O'Sullivan & Lina Jeong  Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood   Favoriting Don't Let Us Be Misunderstood  Salisbury Laboratories  1978  LP      1:05:43 (Pop-up)
Haruo Chikada & Vibra-Tones  Sofa Bed Blues   Favoriting DJ Notoya Presents Tokyo Glow  Wewantsounds  2021  MP3  From 1981  *   1:10:05 (Pop-up)
Sherry  Koi no hustle Jet   Favoriting Ultra Best Tracks: Soul & Disco  Victor Japan  1998  CD      1:13:34 (Pop-up)
Prophecy  Betcha Can't Guess My Sign   Favoriting Mainstream Funk: Funk - Soul - Spiritual Jazz 1971-75  Wewantsounds  2022  MP3  From 1975  *   1:17:23 (Pop-up)
Kashmere Stage Band  Scorpio   Favoriting What's Your Sign, Girl? Zodiac Soul 1969-1979: My 2017 WFMU Marathon Premium  WFMU  2017  CD-R  From 1972    1:20:43 (Pop-up)
Tany Welck  Sexy Man   Favoriting No Funk No Chop: Underground African Funk & Disco Hits 1977-1982  African Roadtrip  2020  LP  From 1978    1:24:53 (Pop-up)
Papa John Creach  Time Out for Sex   Favoriting Filthy!  Grunt  1972  LP      1:27:55 (Pop-up)
Single File: a bunch of 45s played for about a half-hour
Iron Brigade Quickstep  All That I Need   Favoriting single  Decca  1970  45      1:37:16 (Pop-up)
The Animals  Don't Bring Me Down   Favoriting single  MGM  1966  45      1:39:37 (Pop-up)
The Box Tops  Willobee and Dale   Favoriting single  Stax  1974  45      1:42:57 (Pop-up)
Carmen Lee with Bill Thomson  The Gentleman Has Carte Blanche   Favoriting single  Beau Temp  1965  45  Thanks, Alexandra!    1:46:36 (Pop-up)
Woodhead Monroe  The Good Life   Favoriting single  Oval Stiff  1982  45      1:49:29 (Pop-up)
Steve Forbert  Steve Forbert's Midsummer Night's Toast   Favoriting single  Nemperor  1979  7"  live in Seattle, 11/11/78    1:53:27 (Pop-up)
Billie Davis  I'll Come Home   Favoriting single  London  1969  45      1:56:25 (Pop-up)
Arthur Alexander  Burning Love   Favoriting single  Warner Bros.  1972  45      1:59:59 (Pop-up)
The Waterboys  Fisherman's Blues   Favoriting The Magnificent Seven  Chrysalis Catalogue  2021  MP3  live in Toronto, 1989  *   2:15:16 (Pop-up)
Dirty Three  I Really Should've Gone Out Last Night   Favoriting Whatever You Love, You Are  Touch and Go  2000  CD      2:20:22 (Pop-up)
Eight Point Star  Weeping Cherry Cry   Favoriting Eight Point Star  VHF  2021  LP    *   2:26:04 (Pop-up)
Dave Swarbrick & Simon Nicol  The Dark and Slender Boy   Favoriting Close to the Wind  Woodworm  1984  LP      2:30:35 (Pop-up)
It's a Beautiful Day  Bombay Calling   Favoriting It's a Beautiful Day  Columbia  1969  LP      2:35:02 (Pop-up)
Pure Food and Drug Act  Eleanor Rigby   Favoriting Choice Cuts  Epic  1972  LP      2:39:36 (Pop-up)
Papa John Creach  Pop Stop   Favoriting The Cat and The Fiddle  DJM  1977  LP      2:51:12 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:01am
Lixiviated Life:

Hello Mr. Joe
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:01am
Handy Haversack:

And here we are, yipping together again! Hey, Joe and all.
Avatar 9:02am
Creature Boy:

They're so picky
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:02am

Yip Yip, Hurray!!
Good Morning Joe and everyone!
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Marley P. Dogg:

A belated joyous yiptivus everyone
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Awlright. JoeMcG Time.
Avatar 9:03am

Good morning Joe --who doesn't care a fig that it's early on a Monday!
Avatar 9:03am
fm Mike:

Is that a little bit of jazzy I hear? Yay!
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Son Of Pantz:

How were the holidays, you filthy animals?
Avatar 9:04am
fm Mike:

And hello Strandlund! And Handy, hi to you too!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Yip yip yippee New Year!
Avatar 9:04am
Colin in Durham UK:

What a day this has been. Been listening since Alan’s show when I woke up and loved every minute
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am

Hey there, joe. All
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:04am

My puppy is digging the vibe.
Tail is wagging randomly hehe

and there are folks who consider piano an impersonal percussion instrument

This sounds just right
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:08am

Good Morning fm Mike!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:08am
Webhamster Henry:

Hi Joe & Surface Noise Listeners!
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Will the Sound Guy:

good morning, Joe McG and all!!!
Avatar 9:10am

Gerry from Miami:

JOE, you couldn't have a more sublime start to your show today! I'm blown away!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...to get enuff WiFis from the gym across the street - I gotta put my laptop on the floor by the right window. I actually put my back out for Xmas squatting down for it...
Got plenty of time for Evans &/or Hall.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am
Krys O.:

Daybreak & The Holiday 🧚Magic🧚‍♂️:

Good Morning
Glad to wake oh so gently and see such nice people milling about.
Puppies and people, some yipping some not.
The snap and pop fit right in too.
Avatar 9:11am
Creature Boy:

Soundin' good
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:12am
Webhamster Henry:

I understand the Wollman Rink is no longer controlled by Trump, Inc. www.msn.com...
Avatar 9:12am

The chillest morning with J McG!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:12am
Brian in UK:

Hey Joe from what has been a wet & misty UK this Christmas.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am
Joe McG:

Good mornin', everyone, and welcome to the show. Easing in this morning....
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Will the Sound Guy:

Rev Rabbit, get a USB WIFI dongle and a usb extension cable...

damn revrabbit, a back pull trying to get a signal
Avatar 9:16am

Good morning from upstate SC, y'all! It's going to be 71°F here today, which is concerning, but also quite comfortable..?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:16am
Handy Haversack:

I have missed WAB since last Thu. Apparently, when I don't have to work I sleep almost to 9 every day. At least there's always good stuff on when I *do* get up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Will - been wondering if WyleE.Coyote has manufactured some sort of dish antenna for this ...if I were an organized effectual sort, I suppose I might have my own WiFis in the 1st place ...yet I am just a filthy Beat Socialist...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am

Hi Joe! Warm greetings friends!
Avatar 9:17am

This is perfect don't want to get out of bed on a gray Monday morning music. Thank you.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:17am
Ken From Hyde Park:

@Handy - Maybe you can get the kittens to listen and then give you a report later. Delegate!

stealing wifi from a gym is good
Avatar 9:17am
Creature Boy:

But wiLL He pLay Vince Guaraldi?
Avatar 9:18am
Creature Boy:

I guess not
Avatar 9:18am
fm Mike:

@RRN63 get that wifi!

Well Hello @HyperDose!

Imma get me some Hardees and drive for a bit. Gotta return some library movies.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18am
Joe McG:

@Creature Boy: Ha ha!

what do they need it for? squatting?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:19am
Handy Haversack:

That's just smart thinking, Ken!

Ha, fm Mike. Great minds.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Wonder if BillEvans & Guaraldi shot up together & pet kittens or something...
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Will the Sound Guy:

when I lived in the middle of a village I could find WIFI, and didn't bother getting my own. now I can't get my WIFI to stay with me when I mow the lawn...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22am
Little Danny:

mornin' joe hi all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22am
Krys O.:

I'm listening from home off from work this week for the end o' year staycation. Still setting my alarm in order to take care of chores, but waking up at 6am instead of 4:15.
Avatar 9:23am

I was in that same Village Gate basement (and upper level) a few times. Today the upper street-level part is a chain pharmacy, and the basement is the Le Poisson Rouge club.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:23am
Handy Haversack:

Our wifi is for shit. Or our hardware is. I have been dragging an Ethernet cable around since March 2020 ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24am

4:15 dammmmn I couldn't work at the Daycare cause of that no I cannot haha

It would have to be a damn fine job haha or a cafe which was cute.
Avatar 9:24am

...and the Village Gate sign still hangs on the building outside.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...so - still opiates present @ the Gate address I suppose...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:25am
Will the Sound Guy:

Handy, I have somethings hardwired and some things wireless...
Avatar 9:25am

@Handy: i carry a 50-foot cord with me whereever i go, ya never know when you're gonna need it.

tdk god. wasnt it a kims video for a while too
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:26am
Handy Haversack:

Now I travel with one, too, annie! And never forget the heroic duty of the 100' Ethernet cable that got efd on the air all through the time when the station was pandemic-closed!

*thats* where le poisson rouge is? ah
listener Rey:

Hit Joe. Good set to wake up to. I’m not turning on my work computer until this goodness is over.

Oooh, nice morning holiday hangover music.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:28am
Will the Sound Guy:

just carry 1000' spool and crimp rj45 connectors... make what you need, take the rest..
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:29am
Handy Haversack:

K8 used to sing this one when she had a jazz band back in the mists of time.

loving this set
Avatar 9:29am

Morgan, not sure about the video place. I think Le Poisson Rouge has reopened.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:30am
Hughie Considine:

Perfect last-Monday-of-the-year vibe in this set. But else would you expect from the King of Monday Morning?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:31am
Hughie Considine:

@Morgan, LPR is definitely reopened. A good friend is a longtime drink-slinger there. At least for the moment.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:32am
Webhamster Henry:

We used to play Lullaby of Birdland on the Ampico Reproducing Piano a lot! jhhl.net...

revrabbit @9:25 if you mean the cvs, then yes ha ha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...switching to VillageGate tar...

Free Bird?
Avatar 9:36am
Creature Boy:

"Hearing George Shearing"
Mike W.:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:40am
Brian in UK:

Joe, with this cool music I imagine that you are wearing a roll neck sweater & slacks!

“Odds” plays on T M from time to time, worth checking out. Directed by Bob Wise.


and yes, a teenage-looking Wayne Rogers pops up in one scene
Avatar 9:43am

i was perusing that new "channel" Tubi last night... i found the "Joey Bishop Show"!!
Rick A:

Good Morning Joe and All,
I second Joe's recommendation of "Odds Against Tomorrow", powerful caper movie with a civil rights theme. During the pandemic, I have seen a few Robert Wise films. He was an incredibly versatile and stylistic filmmaker. The "Set-Up" is another outstanding film of his, one of the the top five boxing films ever made.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43am

Good morning!
Avatar 9:44am

Rick A. Yes, "Odds Against Tomorrow" is a great dark movie. The album soundtrack is good too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46am

How was everybody's FESTIVUS???!!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:46am
Brian in UK:

Saw the new James Bond film over the weekend. Not really kept up with the franchise since Sean Connery. It was the good side of OK.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46am
Joe McG:

@Rick A: Love "The Set Up." Watched it again over pandemic time last year and it KO'd me (sorry!).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48am

all good, MD, yours?
Rick A:

In addition to directing those films, Wise directed "The Sound of Music" and co-directed "West Side Story", impressive range of styles. I am digging the Khorshid.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:48am
Handy Haversack:

Hey, Phillippe!
Avatar 9:49am
Creature Boy:

I'm not a big fan of Bob Dylan after a certain point . The words "Joker Man" come to mind BUT he apparently learned the song Free Bird so that when people jokingly called out for it at a concert he could launch into it

Also Curse of the Cat People, Day the Earth Stood Still, and Star Trek.

this is a dancier set. great energy
Rick A:

Wise also directed The Andromeda Strain and I Want to Live! with another great jazz score by Johnny Mandel. The Set Up features another great performance by Robert Ryan and takes place in real time. Anytime a film can do that is an impressive accomplishment.
Avatar 9:56am
DJ Guin:

my pet cobra just came out from his basket to say Hi to Joe and to say thanks for the Charming music
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am
Joe McG:

@Brian: I'm not even a big fan of the Bond films. I'd rather watch Michael Caine as a spy.

hey dj guin!

i have to check these collections out
Avatar 9:58am
DJ Guin:

@Joe McG - "My Cocaine" ?
Avatar 9:58am
DJ Guin:

hey there Morgan! how's it hangin'?

chilly finally! its been 60°F and raining in philly
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05am

Hi Joe and friends
Avatar 10:05am

Morning to Guin, fm Mike, Handy, Will, RRN63, Juli, Phillippe!
Avatar 10:06am
DJ Guin:

McGaski's Weather Control machine has been acting funky as of late.
Rick A:

The new Bond film is rather meh, featuring one of the most irritating villains in Bond history. Yes, Joe, I like the Harry Palmer films a lot. The Ipcress File is a real gem.
Avatar 10:06am
DJ Guin:

Happy Post Xmas, HyperDose©
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:07am
Will the Sound Guy:

Good morning HyperDose
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08am

Hey Handy, Hyperdose!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:09am
Handy Haversack:

HyperDose! Stanley! Morgan! Everyone!

Stanley, I had kept the box on hand from the Talisker STORM so that K8 could read the overblown and hilarious ad copy on it, and I finally remembered last night. She picked it up ... and couldn't read it. So I tried, and it was so small and vanishing into the background that it took quite a bit of effort to get to describe how it tastes of the welcome home from wild Hebridean seas. K8 says, "See, it's really small type." I say, "But I could read it in the store! Though I guess at that point, I hadn't had any Talisker STORM ..."
Avatar 10:09am
DJ Guin:

Laser disco sounds..ah, does that take me back to the mandatory beatings dished out

Morning Joe! ❤️
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09am
Mike Sin:

It seems like "Star Wars" introduced a whole bunch of new sounds into disco records in 1978!

So many bangers! Happy to be here this morning. Hey yall

was there disco without massive string sections?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:10am
Joe McG:

Hey Coco! Hey Mike! Love those holiday lasers.
Avatar 10:10am
DJ Guin:

@Mike Sin - Andy Warhol in the Cantina scene was a dead give-a-way

hey mike sin
Gerry from Miami:

JOE, bringing back memories of my time in Vietnam, '70-'71. When I got bored with Armed Forces Radio fare or our limited record/tape collection, I would spin the dial to sample some of the local music. Took a bit of getting used to, but I learned to like it. For a TET holiday program in early 1970, I had actually performed a very famous Vietnamese song in a duet with one of my instructors while a student in language school in El Paso, Texas. It is called "Cay Dan, bo quen," the forgotten guitar. Extremely popular over there(with a sad theme, of course). Thanks for playing some Vietnamese music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:11am

Hey Handy, I got a nice spotting scope for watching the birds out back! Saw a nice pileated woodpecker yesterday -- nice way to break it in. Coincidentally, I got my wife a similar scope for Christmas as well lol. We are having a little bit of standoff determining which one to return, if either.

Hey Stanley!

wow Gerry that sounds scary as hell
Avatar 10:12am
DJ Guin:

Disco was overwrought with crappy production and the disco beat. We turn a kinder eye to the music now, but, boy did it piss off a lot of people

Gerry! Thank you for sharing.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:12am
Handy Haversack:

Mike Sin, there's a great chapter in all the Star Wars-influenced disco in Strange Stars: David Bowie, Pop Music, and the Decade Sci-Fi Exploded, by Jason Heller. Fun book!


Nice, Phillippe! Hope all are well and recovering there!

but what a positive memory
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14am

Hi Handy. I feel ya. Type on all sorts of containers seems to get smaller and more full of BS as time goes on. I suppose the marketing dept at Talisker think reading the stuff on the box is part of the 'experience'. That aside, I hope the spirit was to your liking.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14am
Mike Sin:

First time in a long time that I get to listen to Joe McG's show without some work database opened in another window. Just drinking boozed-up coffee in my p-jams and relaxin'!
Avatar 10:14am
DJ Guin:

When Carol Channing and George Burns and other fossils are dancing to the dulcet tones of "Hurray For Everything" with a hypersexualized pre-teen Brooke Shields? ugh.

dj guin that was my curiosity, is that a necessary production component and was it kind of borrowed from southeast asian influences
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15am

Hi Phillippe. Hope ypuir Christmas was as peaceful and event-free as it could be.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15am
Mike Sin:

@Handy -- thanx for the info!
Avatar 10:17am
DJ Guin:

@Morgan -- there was no world influence in the 70's - Japanese music was not influential -- but they did try to crack the US Market with Pink Lady (and Jeff) - Japan was viewed upon like another planet.. ex. "The Bad News Bears Go To Japan" movie craptacular
Avatar 10:18am
DJ Guin:

The fish out of water plot device was employed with Mr. Baseball..the Karate Kid,,,lazy writing
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:18am
Son Of Pantz:

I don't remember it ever being 72 degrees this late into December, but here we are. Guess it's better to burn out than to fade away.
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Brian in UK:

Hello Stanley. Waiting to get downwind of a bottle of Montelobos Mezcal.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20am

Thanks Handy and Stanley, we are getting healthier. Cathy wound up with two negative Covid tests, but spent a couple days in bed, I guess with something else. In-laws were all sick and our son who does not live with us didn't plan on visiting until we confirmed covid wasn't in the house, so by the time we got the bride's test results Saturday afternoon he had already committed to doing something with a few other single friends. We wound up cooking Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve, so I spent Christmas Eve evening driving around to everyone and dropping off their Christmas dinner. Didn't get a single tip and my Doordash rating dropped a half a star, so the mashed potatoes musta been substandard!
fm Mike:

Well I didn't know the chipmunks had a career in Funk xD!

loving the show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23am
Joe McG:

Thanks, brandon! Thanks for sharing your story, Gerry!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:24am

So good to see and hear you all
Avatar 10:25am
DJ Guin:

I am imaging Joe McGasko in "Whiplash" as his drumming skills come into question
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:25am

Hi Brian. You get on it. That worm isn't going to drink itself.
Avatar 10:26am
DJ Guin:

later gators. time for a nap
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:27am
Son Of Pantz:

Joe McG's theme song!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28am
Joe McG:

@Pantz: Ha ha!
Avatar 10:29am

I'll check in on you from time to time by holding my glasses under your nose, Guin!
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Handy Haversack:

Reading all the bits of metadata for this song to K8 was pretty fun.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32am
listener Rey:

Hooray! My regularly-scheduled Monday meeting is cancelled and i won't have to turn down the Surface Noise at 10:30
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The Oscar:

I've never been able to read the name Papa John Creach without singing it to the tune to "Papa Don't Preach."

hi hyperdose, handy
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:37am
Handy Haversack:

Exactly, The Oscar. Like the world designed it that way!
Avatar 10:39am
Creature Boy:

My , that 45rpm vinyl pops . Hashtaginagoodway
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:39am
Webhamster Henry:

The Phương Tâm record was put together by WFMU Fave Porest (Mark Gergis) www.sublimefrequencies.com...

Hi Joe! Happy Holidays! Volunteer/listener Howard
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40am
Joe McG:

Hey Howard! Thanks, and to you, too!
Avatar 10:40am

it's zeroing on gin o'clock!! then i can slice a piece of rhubarb pie!!

Thai/Vietnam/Cambodia Rock/Surf came via Armed Forces radio influence...
Almost all Cambodian Musicians killed under Pol Pot due to Nixon/Kissinger/US illegal bombing of Cambodia

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:41am
Handy Haversack:

Nice, annie!

Hey, Joe! A fave Animals!
Avatar 10:42am
Creature Boy:

I had a record store hold Animalization ( w this song on it) for me just yesterday. Overpriced but MONO
Avatar 10:42am

yeah, Handy, i have to balance my sugars, y'know..
Avatar 10:42am
Creature Boy:

American mutt of an album but...
Avatar 10:43am
Creature Boy:

Tom Wilson production
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Animals. So good. Important to the Evolution of Attitude.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am

Hi Joe and morning creatures! Listening from the tennis booth in Griffith Park.
Avatar 10:45am

from the other room i was sure this was crash test dummies
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am

that was some pretty aggressive sounding Box Tops.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am
Joe McG:

@duck: Ha ha! @chresti: Hi to the tennis booth!
Avatar 10:48am
Creature Boy:

Hi Chresti , I know that spot. Haven't had the pleasure of playing there yet
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am

What a beautiful day haha.

I get paid soon I got Christmas monies and gifts!~

And the radio is on and it's my day off~~

Coffee and mangos and cookies and musiccc
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:48am

@The Oscar: "...I've been losing sleep..."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:49am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Animaliztion - by Tom Wilson ! Even tho' they British... Of course, Chas Chandler went on to Manage & Produce Hendrix.
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Brian in UK:

Rev.... and Slade.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

& Slade.

another great set selecter
the animals track i considered
a perfect rock song as a 14 yr old in 1966
learned later that the bassist
became the manager for
jimi hendrix experience, slade,
& eggs over easy!
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Creature Boy:

Yes I noticed Chas' Slade credits ALSO yesterday
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Brian in UK:

Irwin produced a great Tom Wilson premium a few years back.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Eggs Over Easy I am uninformed about ! (?)
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man, am i glad my neighbor is not home, this music would cause him to lose it!! i can only turn the speakers down so far.
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Creature Boy:

Yeah irwin's hot on Wilson
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

As he should be. (Also ...Republican.)
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Joe McG:

I had Eggs Over Easy on the show a few years ago!
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Brian in UK:

There was an article on CC only last week.
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Bon Boudica:

Did "The Good Life" sample the 'woo-hoo' from "Sympathy for the Devil"?
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Joe McG:

@Bon: If they did, that's pretty cute!

Every once innawhile you play a single i own! You cannot win if you do not play...
Forbert is still going strong and puts on a good show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58am
Joe McG:

@dano59: Glad to hear that he's still out there!

chandler discovered hendrix
@cafe wha nyc
jack the guitarist in eggs
1 of the best live players
i ever heard
especially riddim guitar
also killer recording engineer
& live sound mixer
@brianuk thanks for the link
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am

Arthur Alexander, such a great voice.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yeah Thx Brian.
Avatar 11:05am

We finally got some snow here on the isthmus. Little Human is happy.

I thought Heche from the Sopranos discovered Jimi at Cafe Wha? ( ... subplot on a rapper with a royalty/reparations beef)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...yes, I think if we take this Hendrix to London it will go down well...
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Mark Hurst:

Thanks, Joe! Yes, the root cause is insidious indeed... and it's coming for all of us

Steve Forbert had “Midsummer night’s” in his title but a lot of the lyrics were perfect for the mood of an approaching New Years.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Eat Food (which implies - Real Food - as in would yer Granny recognize it as an ingredient)
Not Too Much
Mostly Plants
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Handy Haversack:

Is it secret nanobots, Mark Hurst? I knew it!
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That Box Tops cut was special

I remember learning a lot of songs for a 1981tribute show we played in '11. Muy fun!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...go my Gates microchips in my vax ...& they won't even tell me where the nearest Booster shot is...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

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Son Of Pantz:

Bob Geldof, right?
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Mostly plants makes me think of kale. Kale, kale, kale.
Glistener MW:

Bono’s one horrible line in that song always cracks me up — “well tonight thank god it’s themmmmm insteaddddd of youuuu”
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Possibly "record" snowfall this year, in CA.
xmas means tamales.
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Christmas is shite and Do They Know it's Christmas is utter shite.
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Greg from ZONE 5:

You don't love "The Christmas bells that ring there / Are the clanging chimes of doom"??
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The Oscar:

It is impossible to satirize all-star charity singles and come up with a funnier line than "Tonight thank god it's them instead of you!"
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Mark Hurst:

I think I remember Sting singing about "bitter tears"

oh my god i love this waterboys so much
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The Oscar:

@MW Jinx!
Glistener MW:

But I did always appreciate that they gave Sting the line about “the bitter STING of tears”. If I were him, though, I would’ve insisted on changing it to “the bitter ME of tears”
Listener Alexandra:

Howdy Joe...I'm thrilled you got some use out of that odd promotional 7" :)
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Handy Haversack:

Stanley once again spot on.

Well, but this is significantly better. Good call, Joe.
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Mark Hurst:

@Handy nanobots would be easier to deal with than this underlying problem...
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Tonight thank god it's them instead of YOU!
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I only recently heard of this Christmas tamale thing.
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Joe McG:

Ha ha, Greg, one of my favorite lines! And that one about no snow in Africa this Christmastime. And then that line about the only gift they have is life. Oy, my lord!
Glistener MW:

ha Oscar! Do they know it’s JINXMAS after all

“English Charity All-Star Singalong Novelty Hits of The 80’s”. -least popular marathon premium EVER
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Jeff formerly from Rahway:

Oh gosh this song is transporting me back to a sweaty college party.
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Major fond memory of seeing Ted Leo covering this tune.
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Greg from ZONE 5:

Discovered this Waterboys tune via Ted Leo's solo sets. Always a favorite.
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Greg from ZONE 5:

@Kotzwinkled: JINX!
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

Heyo. Lurking today. Tardy to the party; had all kinds of good intentions RE geting up and starting work at 9 not 10 but it happened anyway....mental exhaustion from 3 days solid of family and odd circumstances....music is keeping me going....
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Maybe it's a UK Tradition for Charity Songs to be crap ?? Just to make sure it's bought for the right Reasons...
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

And yeah The Waterboys are vastly underrated.
Glistener MW:

@P-90: I’d pledge for that! — if it were the entire WFMU DJ crew recreating them
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

It's the 27th - & Santa can see the Whole of my Moon.
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Intersting to recall there was a bit of a folk-rock thang happenin' on college radio back in the '80s: Waterboys, Pogues, Tracy Chapman, Washington Squares, etceteree.
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Joe McG:

Oof, really muffed that transition. Sorry about that, folks!
Avatar 11:21am

Whatever you need to self-care, Threemoons. Glad you're with us this morning!

Waterboys were well loved in Toronto! Missed this performance but caught Karl Wallinger (stripped down World Party) at a festival a few years back. Really great!
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

So I applied more Yuletide perfume courtesy of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and some snickerdoodle-scented hair spray from them...and pulled on yesterday's T-shirt which happens to be a classic "two heads with headphones" WFMU T! Trying to soften the blow into Monday....
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Joe McG:

@Andres: I hear that Karl W. actually might put out a new album next year!
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

DIRTY THREE! Love em! I have almost all of their back catalog in various formats.....
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Dirty Three may very well be the best live band I've ever seen. So so good.
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

@NickC never seen them live; now that would be a groovy show.

“…you had me at ‘snickerdoodle-scented hairspray’…”
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

@HyperDose - thank you so much!! Great to see the regular gang as well as some newcomers here.
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Handy Haversack:

Morning from the bottom of the Kitten Pile, Threemoons!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Snickerdoodle Hairspray
...the Surface Noise commenters houseband...
Glistener MW:

Eight Point Star! 🌟 keen! I bought this on bandcamp a short while back and it’s been one of my most-played LPs this autumn
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My habib'ti is in a long, long line trying to get a PCR test. Hard to believe that testing hasn't yet been figured out two years in.
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

@RRN63--Hair GLOSS :) Light oil, no sticky stuff
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Handy Haversack:

Lines three blocks long in my neighborhood, βrian.

I could listen to Do They Know It's Christmas easier than I could endure We Are the World just once.
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

yetibob on the road:

Greetings from beautiful (?) Breezewood PA. Joe, thank you for making the drive fun!!
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

layered with this which I wore yesterday and today.... www.bpal.org... I have an ancient bottle from its first run in 2006.
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

@HH a kitten pile sounds...lovely right about now.

Meant to say I could listen to it 100 times.

Fisherman's Blues is an eternal favorite (tho for a while it seemed ubiquitous in trailers for cutesy movies set in Ireland); and man i love Dirty Three.
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Bas NL:

Hi all! Just received my Hallraiser swag in the mail. All soothed and smelling of of fire. With an apology letter from the Postal Service: their delivery truck got on fire, but they managed to pull out some of the shipments... Hell yeah, Postal Service!!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yeah okay - we can go back to Drumpf slashing the CDC as soon as he was inaugurated. But before there was a Vax I was positing that Leadership stands or falls on how much testing was available...
paul - quite so. U.S. accent loud & strong in that subtext...
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Ken From Hyde Park:

hotmail.com, literally!
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

@Brian Sorry RE long wait. Last Saturday I waited for 3.5 hours in a drizzle, outside, by a mobile testing station sponsored by the City. I have heard too many horror stories of folks going places for a "free" test, only to find that they are being billed $$ for having said place just take their vitals before testing. One couple I know personally got stuck with $800 eash.
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Bas NL:

*nod*! :)
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

@Bas NL Really? Damn!!
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Joe McG:

@Bas: Wow, glad to hear! Sorry it took so long!

Missing Mr.Swarbrick
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Great Fairports who were neither Sandy or Thompson.
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

Also, Quest Diagnostics has "free" testing but you have to buy an appointment in advance...for $65. And of course, they reserve the right to take your vitals first and then refuse the test if they think you may be ill. Ka-ching.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:35am

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If those lines were to be spreader events … Oy!
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Bas NL:

The driver was fine by the way..
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Joe McG:

Always wondered: Did Deep Purple give writing credit on "Child in Time" to David LaFlamme?
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Simon Nicol still active with the Fairport C. combo.
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Handy Haversack:

I definitely know people who were pretty sure they had COVID and had to stand on those lines in order to get it confirmed.
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A fragrance from 2006? that's dedication!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Because Socialized Medicine is for dirty Commies. It's not like we share an Immune System in Society with a mutating virus. Or Capitalism is morbidly predatory.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:39am

Ha Bas. The swag always makes it through!
It has to.
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

@HyperDose - Check out the entire cult of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab. People collect the stuff and store it carefully and it stays stable/ages in a lovely fashion as it's all oil not alcohol. There's a thriving aftermarket/swap community also; that's how I got this bottle. I wore nothing but Krampus perfumes from them for Xmas Weekend (Krampus, Krampus's Chains, Ein Küss von Krampus). Gotta stay in the spirit! I know people who have scores of essential oil boxen filled with them. I'm on an embarassingly high number of such boxen as well.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:40am
Bas NL:

Swag, brimstone and fire, Stanley!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ All Eleanor All The Time ~

threemoons my current pet tinfoil hat theory is that pfizer tweaked the coronavirus in response to the loss of their boner pill patent
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All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
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Diggin' the different fiddlin' stylees.
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We're near positive our household cold is just that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44am

@11:30 @Bas NL: Quite a memorable story.

@Joe McG: thank you for only recounting your "Do They Know..." and instead of inflicting it on us going into a set of psych-folk-rock fiddling.

Nice follow up would be Lovely Rita by Fats Domino.

that was $2 Billion yearly worldwide for them for like 10 years
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44am
Joe McG:

This album has a big butt on the cover. If only I'd been a music critic in 1972....!
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Handy Haversack:

TDK60, we refer to Bugbear as the Fiddle Kitten because he likes to tuck himself up under my chin.
listening out there:

Pure Elanor and Rigby Act…
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Me no get sick
Me sanitize and mask up

But. if it in the house I am screwed :(

At least my sicknesses don't stay bc I literally destroy them in a day's time
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Will the Sound Guy:

Juli, We were all masked up and washing our hands... being good, still got it. you need a stronger mask than before , this omicron spreads much easier than the previous strains.
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Son Of Pantz:

It's my experience that most lonely people come from Gary, IN.
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The psych rock fiddler is Don "Sugarcane" Harris!
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Handy, give Fiddle kitten a pet from uncle T.
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Has there been a Great Gary Diaspora?
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Joe McG:

Eleanor should have learned the fiddle or the banjo. It would've cheered her up.
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@Will What masks are you guys using now? I've been partial to the KF94
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Son Of Pantz:

@Brian have you driven through there in the last 5 years? Nothing but potholes.
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playing a banjo she keeps in a jar by the door
Mike W.:

This is grueling
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Pure Food and Drug Act ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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Will the Sound Guy:

I'm not masked up at home ; )
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Brian in UK:

Joe, great show to end the year.
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Hubig Pie:

grueling banjos
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Wow, Bas! Fire and brimstone indeed!
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Hubig Pie for the win
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HP, that needs to become an actual composition if it isn't already.
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Oh nos!
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Handy Haversack:

Ha, Hubig!

"... I'm in trouble deep."

Thanks, Joe! I can't believe it's almost over already. What a good time.

Later on, Surfactants!
Mike W.:

@HyperDose I just bought a box of US-made N95s from a company called Protective Health Gear, 20 for ~$80, worth it I think. They’re snug but pretty comfortable for what they do.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:52am

I need to schedule me booster
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Joe McG:

Thanks for listening and commenting all year long, radio friends. I hope 2022 treats us all more kindly. Have a great week and Happy New Year! See you in the next one.

Pantz, please explain your Gary comment. Curious. I’m glad to be the exception to your rule.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54am

I wear my latex leather party mask at home does that count...all day: no jk

Thanks Joe!!!

cheers, Joe and all!
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Will the Sound Guy:

Thank you, for the tunes this morning Joe McG!!!
Mike W.:

Juli getcher boostah
For me the side effects were there but not nearly as bad as the day after my second shot (pfizer, whose money we are coming for when it’s over).
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Handy Haversack:

Happy New Year, Joe!

Great Eleanor Rigby version. That album cover, what a cheek! Thanks, Joe. Great show!
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Bas NL:

Thanks Joe! And a Happy New Year to you too!
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Greetings, humans!
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Brian in UK:

This Papa John Creach is on DJM. How bizarre.
Mike W.:

@Hubig a genius turn
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Happy New Year, Joe and thanks for another year of great music and support.

We love the Joe. Another year in the plus column for the Noise.
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Will the Sound Guy:

Be well, be safe!!
rx scabin:

Thank you, Joe.

OK Joe, i can almost forgive you now for your most recent Eleanor Rigby-athon
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I rarely get side effectsss
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Thanks Mike W, I'll look into that company. And thank you, Joe!
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Stephen O:

That was a lot of fun. Thank you, Joe!

thanks joe

Thanks @DJ Joe McG for another year of Surface noises
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Thanks, Joe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am

Thanks Joe, happy New Year!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Thank yips for Joe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00pm

Thank you Joe! Great set from the swagmiester!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY Always DJ JoeMcG ~
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