Favoriting The Orange Peel Hour with Orange Peel: Playlist from January 10, 2022 Favoriting

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From the UK in a big way comes classic DJ, Orange Peel. A transplant from the North of England, stuck in suburban California since the 1960's. He spins scintillating sunshine sixties psych, pop & beat.

Monday 5 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
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Favoriting January 10, 2022

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Artist Track Comments Images Approx. start time

Music behind DJ:


Starting soon 


0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders  The Game Of Love   Favoriting     0:00:36 (Pop-up)
The Mindbenders  To Be Or Not To Be (mono)   Favoriting     0:02:38 (Pop-up)
The Mindbenders  Honey And Wine (version two - mono)   Favoriting     0:04:34 (Pop-up)
Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders  Stop, Look And Listen   Favoriting     0:06:57 (Pop-up)
Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders  Um, Um, Um, Um, Um, Um   Favoriting     0:08:55 (Pop-up)
The Mindbenders  A Little Piece Of Leather (mono)   Favoriting     0:11:37 (Pop-up)
Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders  Since You've Been Gone   Favoriting     0:14:36 (Pop-up)
Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders  It's Just A Little Bit Too Late   Favoriting     0:16:38 (Pop-up)
The Mindbenders  Ashes To Ashes (mono)   Favoriting     0:18:53 (Pop-up)
The Mindbenders  Little Nightingale   Favoriting     0:21:18 (Pop-up)
The Mindbenders  A Groovy Kind Of Love   Favoriting     0:25:20 (Pop-up)
The Mindbenders  Homework (mono LP)   Favoriting     0:27:15 (Pop-up)
The Mindbenders  You Don't Know About Love   Favoriting     0:30:06 (Pop-up)
The Mindbenders  Can't Live With You (Can't Live Without You)   Favoriting     0:32:58 (Pop-up)
The Mindbenders  I Want Her, She Wants Me (mono)   Favoriting     0:35:31 (Pop-up)
The Mindbenders  Love Is Good   Favoriting     0:37:53 (Pop-up)
Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders  Like I Did   Favoriting     0:39:38 (Pop-up)
The Mindbenders  Off And Running (mono)   Favoriting     0:42:13 (Pop-up)
The Mindbenders  It's Getting Harder All The Time (mono)   Favoriting     0:44:09 (Pop-up)
Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders  For You, For You   Favoriting     0:46:18 (Pop-up)
The Mindbenders  Blessed Are The Lonely   Favoriting     0:48:17 (Pop-up)
The Mindbenders  Far Across Town   Favoriting     0:51:09 (Pop-up)
The Mindbenders  We'll Talk About It Tomorrow   Favoriting     0:53:33 (Pop-up)
The Mindbenders  The Morning After (mono)   Favoriting      
The Mindbenders  Coming Back   Favoriting      

Listener comments!

Avatar 4:57pm
Orange Peel:

Welcome, my friends - happy birthday, Bob Lang
uptown jen:

Hello, Sir Peel! So excited for this.❤️
Avatar 5:00pm
Eric R:

love songs that are identifiable by the initial drum beat...like this one!
Avatar 🎸 5:01pm

It's all in the game, I suppose. Hello, Mr. Peel!, Jen, Eric and I am sure MOM!
Avatar 5:01pm
Eric R:

hi OP, Jen, Clark!
Avatar 🎸 5:01pm

Eric, there is such perfection in lyrics of some songs like this one and Beat Goes On.
uptown jen:

Hey there, friends!
Avatar 5:02pm
Orange Peel:

Hullo, Lady Jen + Sirs Eric & Clark
uptown jen:

This group had some serious talent. I’m happy anytime they get some love.
Avatar 🎸 5:03pm

Oh yeah, looking to hear "Love is Good" and "She Needs Love" and "It's Just a Little Bit Too Late," I hope!!!
Avatar 5:04pm
Orange Peel:

Sir Clark - your hopes my my answered
Avatar 5:04pm
Orange Peel:

They may be, or I may be crazy?
Avatar 🎸 5:05pm

Awesome! I had those all from getting cutout 45s in 66 and LOVED playing both sides of them all.
Avatar 5:06pm

Hello all...good afternoon Orange Peel...
Avatar 5:07pm
Orange Peel:

Good afternoon, my esteemed listeners
Avatar 5:08pm
Orange Peel:

Did you know: A whopping 3.8 million tons of citrus peels go to waste each year. This is annoying for processors, who have to figure out some way to dispose of them, and disheartening for us as lovers of all weird ways to repurpose food waste
Avatar 5:08pm
Orange Peel:

The orange peels are rich in fiber, vitamin C, folate, vitamin B6, calcium and other essential nutrients. The skin of the oranges contains a good amount of polyphenols that protect against several diseases. Peels have anti-cancerous properties, due to the presence of limonene, a naturally occurring chemical.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:08pm
David (in London):

Ahoy Sir Peel and assorted groovers here assembled.
Avatar 5:09pm

Hi OP, uptown jen, Eric, nWLS, sw2442, David in London - good to be here
Avatar 5:09pm
Orange Peel:

Ahoy, Sir David of the Smoke. Hullo Mum Whig
Avatar 5:10pm

WLS no dark Green today!
Avatar 🎸 5:10pm

Hello, DJOP! Hello, everyone!
Avatar 5:11pm
Orange Peel:

Hullo, Lady Woof
Avatar 5:11pm
Orange Peel:

The orange peel can be used as a source of essential oils, sugars, natural antioxidants, organic acids and pectin. Many of these chemicals are in high demand, particularly antioxidants. The pulp is also dried and used as an animal feed.
uptown jen:

Hi, MOM.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:12pm
David (in London):

MOM WHIG, Clark, 2442, Eric, Jen, salutations good people. Great to be here. Sir Peel, life wasn't the same when you were away. It's a better world with you behind the decks. Are you crazy?
uptown jen:

I like the Wayne Fontana era quite a bit, but I find myself drawn much more to the later incarnation’s output.
Avatar 5:13pm
Orange Peel:

I am most flattered by your esteemed comments, Sir David.
Avatar 5:13pm
Orange Peel:

Did you know:
Additionally, orange peels contain calcium, several B vitamins, and vitamins A and C. You can get the same nutrients by eating the inner part of the peel and leaving the tough outer part?
Avatar 5:15pm

Great to see you here Woo
Avatar 5:15pm
Orange Peel:

I think the Big Boss has some Scott McKenzie in honor of his birthday coming up next.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:16pm
David (in London):

I totally second that Jen,
The Morning After is just an absolute smasheroo.
Avatar 🎸 5:16pm

MOM, yes no dark color today! THIS song shoulda been #1 too!
Avatar 5:16pm
Orange Peel:

Perhaps it will be an Instant Request?
Avatar 🎸 5:18pm

Mr. Peel, I think there's a prejudice vs. orange peels because you can slip on them easily. Is that what happened to you or was "The DJ" holding you for ransom?
Avatar 🎸 5:19pm

Scott McKenzie's "No No No No No" is just an awesome song.
OH forgot about "ashes to Ashes"!!! INCREDIBLE song
uptown jen:

Good call, David.
Avatar 5:19pm
Orange Peel:

Sir Clark - I have always been my own man, despite identity theft playing a nasty part of my past.
Avatar 5:20pm

Yes OP - Bob Lang from Mindbenders - his birthday today. To Sir With Love - so sad about Sidney Poitier. I've seen that movie more than 20 times
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:21pm
David (in London):

Blimey, did you used to be Banana Skin, but adopted the identity of a dead comrade, Orange Peel, who died during the Great Citrus War?
Avatar 🎸 5:23pm

MOM, yes, Sidney was awesome indeed. Also sadly lost Dobie Gillis and rumor of R Dean Taylor (Indiana Wants me). They fall like flies, sadly.
Avatar 5:23pm
Orange Peel:

I have always been Orange Peel! John Ravenscoft absconded with my last name and fled to London with my fame.
Avatar 5:24pm

WLS - Bob Segat too
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:25pm
David (in London):

Ah, that explains it....

Can I just give a plug to the weird 1963 British film, The Mindbenders, kind of like an Oxford-based version of The Manchurian Candidate? Bonkers and unsettling.
Avatar 5:25pm
Orange Peel:

Who requested this?
Avatar 5:25pm

WLS - R Dean Taylor Jan 7
Avatar 🎸 5:25pm

THIS song is so incredible! The PERFECT song and recording!!
  Swag For Life Member 5:27pm

Aloha friends
Avatar 🎸 5:27pm

John Ravenscroft came to KOMA out in my area (Oklahoma City) wher I heard him, but altho anyone with and English accent on the air was an instant star, I really thought him not a very good DJ. He seemed to fall over his words a lot.
Avatar 🎸 5:28pm

Homework issues? Mark Dinning had those issues with "Top 40, News, Weather & Sports"!!
Avatar 5:29pm

More joining in - hey there DennisK
  Swag For Life Member 5:29pm

Hey there Mom, and all
Avatar 5:30pm

MOM WHIG...this is the first time I'm hearing about R Dean Taylor...Indiana Wants Me is one of those lost, but great Motown singles...he was also a session guitarist for Motwon I believe...RIP
Avatar 5:30pm
Orange Peel:

Hullo, Sir Dennis!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:30pm
David (in London):

Hey Dennis.
Avatar 5:31pm
Orange Peel:

Sir Clark, I on the other hand, am the only sensational, Orange Peel.
  Swag For Life Member 5:31pm

Hi David, and greetings Sir OP
uptown jen:

Ooh. Love this one SO MUCH.
Avatar 5:35pm
Orange Peel:

What did I miss?
Avatar 5:36pm
Orange Peel:

Rod gave Rock'N Soul to You.
uptown jen:

Criminal that neither the Zombies nor Mindbenders had a hit with this. It’s one in my world.
Avatar 5:38pm
Orange Peel:

Avatar 🎸 5:39pm

This sounds a bit different from my US 45, but LOVE is GOOD!!
Avatar 🎸 5:39pm

Hey sw2442!!!
Avatar 5:41pm

Hi WLSClark...
Avatar 5:41pm
Orange Peel:

Rest In Peace, Sir Wayne
Avatar 🎸 5:43pm

This was in the Sidney Poitier "To Sir With Love" movie I believe?
  Swag For Life Member 5:43pm

Anybody know where this was recorded? Very distinctive 'verb...
  Swag For Life Member 5:44pm

watched the movie just last night
Avatar 🎸 5:44pm

The OTHER To sir With Love song!
Avatar 5:45pm

I can just picture LuLu & Sidney dancing to this one now!
  Swag For Life Member 5:45pm

Judy Geeson actually, Mom
Avatar 5:45pm

WLS this was the BEST one
Avatar 5:46pm

DennisK - oops you are right
uptown jen:

Have to dance any time this is on!
Avatar 5:46pm
Orange Peel:

It was likely at the Philips studio where Dusty Springfield recorded, Sir Dennis.
Avatar 5:46pm

DennisK - she is still with us at age 73
  Swag For Life Member 5:46pm

Thanks OP! Sounds about right
Avatar 🎸 5:47pm

OP, that is where you STOLE these gems??
uptown jen:

Boy, am I loving this hour!
Avatar 🎸 5:49pm

I bought the WF & M best of CD when it came out deacdes ago so I could get "She Needs Love" good quality.
Avatar 5:49pm
Orange Peel:

I must be blessed!
Avatar 5:50pm

OP the best today - thanks for putting it all together for our listening pleasure. Such talents on all these tunes today.
Avatar 5:54pm
DA the DJ:

Thanks everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:54pm
David (in London):

Thanks for a great show Sir Peel.
Avatar 5:55pm

Thanks OP...great show...see you again soon...
uptown jen:

Thankyouthankyouthankyou, Sir Peel.😘
Avatar 🎸 5:57pm

Mr. Peel, thanks so much!!
Avatar 5:58pm
Orange Peel:

See you in two hours.
uptown jen:

And happy birthday, Bob!
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