Favoriting Currents with Brian D: Playlist from February 20, 2022 Favoriting

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Music inspired by life and current events

Saturday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting February 20, 2022: "Touch me I'm sick!"

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Comments Approx. start time
Replacements  Take Me Down To The Hospital   Favoriting Hootenanny  Twin Tone    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Elias McDaniel and the De Facto Brothers  Pills   Favoriting Be Good to Yourself  Seventh Son Records    0:03:29 (Pop-up)
Mudhoney  Touch Me I'm Sick   Favoriting Live at El Sol  Munster    0:06:20 (Pop-up)
Pow Wows  You Haven't Got Me Yet   Favoriting Broken Curses  Get Hip    0:08:54 (Pop-up)
Spoon  The Hardest Cut   Favoriting Lucifer On The Sofa  Matador    0:12:20 (Pop-up)
  Clip: Al Jazeera Austria vaccine mandates         0:15:34 (Pop-up)
Robert Pollard  Long Live Instant Pandemonium   Favoriting Of Course You Are  Fire Records    0:16:59 (Pop-up)
The Rationals  Leavin' Here   Favoriting Lenny Kaye Presents Lightning Striking  Ace    0:19:38 (Pop-up)
  Clip: DW News-on the latest in Ukraine         0:22:36 (Pop-up)
The Sadies  Guns Speak/Dying Is Easy   Favoriting Precious Moments  Yep Roc  R.I.P. Dallas Good  0:24:10 (Pop-up)
Brett Harris and the DeFacto Brothers  Better Things   Favoriting Be Good to Yourself  Seventh Son Records  Kinks cover  0:26:22 (Pop-up)
Mayhem  Freezing Moon   Favoriting Lenny Kaye Presents Lightning Striking  Ace    0:29:11 (Pop-up)
Kuunatic  Raven's War   Favoriting Gate of Klüna  Glitterbeat    0:44:01 (Pop-up)
  Clip: NBC News-China's Eileen Gu         0:50:29 (Pop-up)
Velvet Underground  Sweet Jane (early version)   Favoriting Loaded - Fully Loaded Edition  Atlantic    0:52:30 (Pop-up)
Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac  Oh Well   Favoriting Live at the BBC  Castle    0:58:29 (Pop-up)
Brrds  One Day All This Will Be A Memory   Favoriting Liminal Space  Bungalow Ranch Records    1:00:56 (Pop-up)
Elg  Nouvelles du Bardo   Favoriting Dans Le Salon Du Nous  Vlek    1:06:18 (Pop-up)
Moon and Bike  Voyager   Favoriting One  Self-Released    1:11:17 (Pop-up)
Dean McPhee  Witch's Ladder   Favoriting Witch's Ladder  Hood Faire    1:15:43 (Pop-up)
  Clip: Fox 7 News-Robot dogs on US border         1:29:34 (Pop-up)
Mienakunaru  Invisible Hammerblow   Favoriting Blood Sun  Feeding Tube    1:30:15 (Pop-up)
Ruth Goller  What's Up Is Not What's Real Most of the Time   Favoriting Skylla  Vula Viel Records    1:42:21 (Pop-up)
Angel Bat Dawid & Tha Brothahood  London   Favoriting Live  International Anthem    1:45:58 (Pop-up)
  Clip: CITY News-Ottawa trucker protest         1:56:59 (Pop-up)
BADBADNOTGOOD  Signal From The Noise   Favoriting Talk Memory  XL Recordings    1:57:23 (Pop-up)
  Clip: Fox 35 News-fate of the ISS         2:06:24 (Pop-up)
Irreversible Entanglements  Keys to Creation   Favoriting Open the Gates  International Anthem    2:07:08 (Pop-up)
Ernesto Diaz-Infante  IX   Favoriting Cuernos Al Sol  Headlights    2:20:50 (Pop-up)
OHR  Orange Glow   Favoriting Walk in the Light  Headstate Records    2:27:18 (Pop-up)
The Exbats  Lika A Son   Favoriting Now Where Were We  Goner Records    2:35:47 (Pop-up)
  Clip: CBC News-Amnesty report         2:38:34 (Pop-up)
Big Blood  When Doves Cry / I Would Die for You   Favoriting Fight for Your Dinner, Vol. 2  Don't Trust The Ruin    2:39:38 (Pop-up)
Mark Lanegan  Where Did You Sleep Last Night?   Favoriting Lenny Kaye Presents Lightning Striking  Ace    2:47:27 (Pop-up)
Monsieur Doumani  Astrahan   Favoriting Pissourin  Forced Exposure    2:51:08 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:06am
Don in Tampere:

Good morning from the boreal regions!

hi there from central europe
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:15am
Brian D:

Greetings Europeans!

after all the lies and medical unnecessary measures taken the last 2 yrs how can anyone with a critical mind still blindly trust the autorities?
Avatar 3:27am
Don in Tampere:

What unnecessary measures are you referring to? The world was confronted with a new pathogen, scientists, physicians (and in the countries lucky enough to have politicians who actually listen to the former) had to develop responses on the fly, and as a result, measures needed to change with new data, and later with new variants. That's how science works. Countries that responded quickly and firmly suffered far less overloading of the health system, and even within Germany, it was the regions with a high population of "Querdenker" (many of us prefer the term "Quarkdenker") and low vaccination rates that ran out of space in ICUs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:29am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...nowhere close to up yet - tuned in one level or another !...

unnecessary measures? take the lockdown, which produced NO significant difference in hospitalizations and death; which means it was a panic driven economical suicide; utter lunacy after the fact
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30am
Brian D:

Welcome Rev.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:32am
Brian D:

With respect, Luc, we never really locked down here in the US, and we have nearly 1 million dead to show for it and still more than 2,000 deaths per day. Lockdowns suck, but in the absence of anything else, they are a necessary evil.
Avatar 3:35am
Don in Tampere:

If you're referring to the recently published, but not peer-reviewed paper that came out of an economics department, people who know what they are talking about are already calling bullshit on it. nationalpost.com...

I was referring of course to the situation here (belgium), where protest against unnecessary measures is steadily growing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:35am

Hello Brian and listeners
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:35am
Brian D:

Hey Fred!

Covid is the new flu - and we're all gonna get it some time or another; nobody is prepared is lock themselves up in their apartment or house; vaccinations help of course for the vulnerable segment of population
Avatar 3:40am
Don in Tampere:

People protesting against measures doesn't make the measures useless. There are always going to be cranks. And the bulk of the peer-reviewed literature does say that restrictions have made a significant difference. It also looks that way by comparing death rates in Sweden with those of Norway and Finland, companies with similar demographics and climates. It hasn't stopped omicron from spreading, but it has slowed it down until a less dangerous and more contagious variant emerged and a large proportion of the population was vaccinated - which apparently doesn't do a lot to stop omicron but does indeed protect very well against serious illness.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:41am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...or - the shocking overwhelm experienced by hospitals & caregivers & millions dead & forever altered longterm by this contagion - are attributable to the people who wouldn't simply mask, distance - & vaccinate.
...But rather - not wanting to be 'sheep' (face an inconvenient truth & hardships with grownup embrace of facts - & social responsibility ...& sniff sniff are frankly just afraid of the smallest needle prick I've ever experienced in my life...) - instead go with the pronouncements of RightWing fascist media like Fox &tc. - & bullish*t Bro culture conspiracy ...filling themselves with horse dewormer or whatever it is. Cause 'think for themselves'.
It's about time (like - two years & millions of unnecessary deaths) that the rest of us Protest that with mandates - & treating the willfully socially malevolent as they are so ripely asking to be treated.
Covid-19 is a novel virus. Yes, it will eventually be endemic not pandemic. But it is not the 'flu'. Herd Immunity is an easy phrase to say - but the Black Plague & the historical decimation of indigenous populations in the Americas are examples of what it really looks like... We might as well as just kept Polio around for kicks - & seen whose immunity really made them 'worthy'... Or is just 50 or 60 years too much factual historical perspective for the internet mentality...

Who is the woman who was in the hospital being spoken of?
Avatar 3:43am
Don in Tampere:

Gute Besserung to your wife! I had hernia surgery way back in 1993 when I was living in Japan, and I still remember how incredibly sore I was after that. There is also a story about not sharing a common language with the night nurse and the word "painkira?" which wasn't funny at the time but sort of is now.
Avatar 3:44am
Don in Tampere:

Rev, I was trying to be more diplomatic but I fundamentally agree with everything you wrote.

nothing wrong with a healthy debate imho

Dallas Good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:48am
Brian D:

Thank you, Don. And yes, Morphe, hello, it was my wife who was in the hospital. And, Luc, of course you are correct. Healthy debate good. Just hope it stays healthy and polite. We've all been through so much the past two-plus years.

21Feb1965 - Malcolm X murdered with the complicity of NYPD, FBI, etc...
Always forget he was but 39..... Still many unanswered questions ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:55am
Brian D:

Right, Morphe. Shamefully, I only read The Autobiography of Malcolm X a year or so ago.

Spoon man!!!

now i want to know about the third button.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02am
Brian D:

Stay tuned, dev.

what about JFK and MLK, both assassinated by the National Security State... in both cases patsies were blamed; the Warren commission whitewashed the JFK facts, directed behind the scenes by Allen Dulles (former CIA director)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:08am

I saw a dance show last week that at one point featured the words "the fire next time" with a background of pictures from civil rights protests. Talking about it with coworkers, I was surprised none had heard of James Baldwin. Then it turned out one didn't know who Dr King was. I guess there's no reason for a young European guy to know about US history

sorry for existing fred, I'm interested in international politics, climate crisis, and music. Sorry for reading books and being nosy. :p
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:10am
Brian D:

Wow, Fred, normally I'd agree that there's no need to have US history be any more important than, say, French history, but Baldwin and King are figures of global relevance.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:13am

Speaking of Belgium, here comes Elg again (he's French but lives in Brussels). I'm happy he gets so much airplay on the station
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:14am

Hi all. @Don, funny you mention "Querdenkers". I don't subscribe to many podcasts, but I just recently listened to an episode of the conspiracy-debunking QAnon Anonymous that talked about Q in Germany. Fascinating, but disturbing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:17am
Brian D:

Greetings Ike.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:18am

Ultimately a lot of these beliefs are strangely comforting. If someone (supposedly the Rothschilds, in a lot of cases, because it often boils down to anti-Semitism) is conspiring to control everything, then that means somebody is in charge. It might be somebody who's supposedly evil, but that's still more comforting than nobody having much control and the world being chaos. Also it provides people with a quest to "take back" the world. People love quests. Is it because people really want to impose a narrative on their lives, to give things a point, an A to B to C? Lives don't fit into simple narratives, why can't anybody accept that?

I'm less then 3, on this set.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:22am

Note to self: stop eating dark chocolate after 1 a.m., otherwise you might spaz out and start posting long, rambling comments.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:23am
Brian D:

Never stop eating dark chocolate, Ike.

Avatar 4:26am
Don in Tampere:

Ike, it is indeed disturbing, and "Quarkdenker" doesn't mean they are particle physicists. Quark is a kind of fresh cheese but it is also sometimes used to mean BS. Generally characterized by believing in conspiracy theories, horse de-wormer, bleach etc. in preference to scientific evidence. And as we've discussed in this chat room before, the whole Q thing has lead to strange alliances between crystal hippies and neo-Nazis. I liked Q better when it was the lost early Gospel believed to have been the source of the synoptics.
BTW, silly scientific trivia for the day: how the word quark got into particle physics. James Joyce lived for many years in Triest and Zurich and thus would have been well aware of quark. Then he used the word in "Finnegan's Wake". Murray Gell-Mann was apparently a fan of Joyce, liked the word (whether he also knew the original meaning of quark, I have no idea) and took it to name the class of particles he was postulating.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:28am
Brian D:

Those of us older folks in publishing/media remember the early page layout/design program, Quark.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:29am

Oh, I will definitely *never* stop eating dark chocolate. But I need to aim for an earlier dessert time. After 1 a.m. is not good for me, I think.

yeah, Quark Express (been a graphic designer for 5 yrs), and even before that, Pagemaker (where are the days)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:30am
Brian D:

Pagemaker is seriously old-school, luc.

I confess to being too old for a rock chat room :p
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:33am
Brian D:

You're only as old as you feel, luc. And I feel pretty freakin' old at the minute.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:35am

"COVID Won’t End Up Like the Flu. It Will Be Like Smoking."
Avatar 4:36am
Don in Tampere:

Wow, I had no idea that the word quark had also made it into graphic design. I wonder if it arrived via physics, Joyce or a German-speaking software developer, or maybe even something completely different.

The Atlantic, brought to you by Phizer
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:37am

My go-to program for almost anything is vi. I guess that's pretty old-school

i do like the font and the colours

never meet your hero
Avatar 4:40am
Don in Tampere:

Luc, got any evidence for Pfizer's influence over or interest in Atlantic? I certainly can't find any, and baseless claims are just that, baseless.

its hard to get in a good place

@Don in Tampere whether it's Phizer or other Big Pharma, or the MIC or Wall Street or some imperialist think tank, the Atlantic is part of the MSM created to bolster the narratives of the establishment; spme people rely more on independent news sources
Avatar 4:51am
Don in Tampere:

The guy who wrote the article is a physician specializing in laboratory medicine. I have a lot more trust in his opinion that of some random anti-vaxxer on Youtube. Certainly there are cases where the "MSM" have not gotten it right, but independent news sources also need to be checked, and many of them are just echo chambers for conspiracy theorists. I do regularly watch Democracy Now, and they seem to work hard to have reliable sources even if they have a clear agenda. Brian, I think you've worked in journalism or publishing; what's your take from the inside on how much prominent media (e.g. Atlantic, NY Times) are in corporate pockets?

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00am
Brian D:

They're pretty much in corporate pockets, I'm afraid. Most of the reporters, mind you, are honest and do good work, but stories do get spiked and edited and the editorial/opinion pages... More credible than your Uncle Joe on Twitter, but you should always read with a critical and open mind. I'd say that about my own work. The thing about, say, the vaccines, is that there are 40,000 peer-reviewed articles that say they are safe/effective. And then there's Uncle Joe on Twitter. In other words, read more than one source -- and credible sources -- and then discern what's what. Democracy Now is great.

fuck this shit, there is more context
Geoffrey in Ottawa:

Whoa! I'm in Ottawa and have spent the better part of the last two days watching coverage of this police action.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:01am

@Don: I think most of the Atlantic's coverage of COVID is financed by Zuckerberg. Maybe not a bright shining light for reliable information

hi geoff
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:02am
Brian D:

Hello Geoff. Love your city. Sorry for its troubles.
Geoffrey in Ottawa:

Hey, devlawun, thanks Brian. Hard to see how this plays out, but I guess we will.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:16am
Brian D:

The thing about protest: If you support the right to it (which I do) you have to support it in actual fact, even if you disagree with it. Doesn't make it any easier to live through, though.
LiXiviated Life:

“and so it goes”
Geoffrey in Ottawa:

@Brian I agree with you. What are the limits? Are there limits? Should you be allowed to park a big rig in front of my house and lean on the horn for days unrelenting?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:24am
Brian D:

Valid questions, @Geoff. My neighborhood was at the center of the NYC George Floyd Protests in June 2020. I supported the Black Lives Matter protests then and still do support the movement -- even with the fires, vandalism, looting that surrounded those protests.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:25am
Brian D:

But I won't lie: I've had better moments in my life.
LiXiviated Life:

just a thought.
I wonder if we all
would treat each other
with more
if we were mindful of
our own
momento mori
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:31am
Brian D:

Perhaps, Lix, perhaps.
LiXiviated Life:

the wave
of this life
rise, fall
crest, ebb
everything in between
Why not.act with kindness ?
Geoffrey in Ottawa:

@Brian I am not in disagreement with you. It seems to me there is a certain obtuseness to this particular protest, and I guess I find that frustrating. I mean, how hard is it to wear a mask? Please do so to ensure that my 82-year-old father does not get sick.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:42am
Brian D:

We're on the same page Geoff. I'm masked up right now!

i value protests but not at the expense of hurting my neighbors
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55am
Brian D:

Thank you all for joining me this week, and for the lively discussion. Stay safe and have a great week.

criminalizing trucker protesters (like Trudeau does now) is even more hurtful for a nominally democratic society like Canada

cheers for the set Brian
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