Favoriting The Stork Club with Stork: Playlist from April 10, 2022 Favoriting

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With billows and blasts from choirs and orchesters
Buskers and talkers
Big bands and squawkers,
the Stork Club has retained its qualities of decaying elegance and dwindling significance since the late 1950s.

Sunday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting April 10, 2022: Zeit for Denny
Today it’s all Chicago-born pianist/composer/psychotherapist Denny Zeitlin - 84 and still going strong.

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Artist Track Album Comments Images Approx. start time
Denny Zeitlin  The Name of This Terrain   Favoriting The Name of This Terrain  Producer, Music By, Lyrics By, Mixed By, Mastered By, Remastered By, Piano, Clavinet, Synthesizer, Tambourine, Melodica, Lead Vocals, Electric Piano – Denny Zeitlin — - Recorded By, Mixed By, Mastered By – Phill Sawyer - - - 1969 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  After The War   Favoriting Carnival  DENNY ZEITLIN  piano, written by :;:;:;CHARLIE HADEN  bass :;:;;JERRY GRANELLI  drums - - - Recorded October 28, 1964 New York, NY 
0:13:28 (Pop-up)
DJ schmale Zeitfenster          0:19:24 (Pop-up)
The Jeremy Steig Quartet  Oleo   Favoriting Flute Fever  JEREMY STEIG  flute :;:;:;DENNY ZEITLIN  piano :::;BEN TUCKER  bass :;:;;:;BEN RILEY  drums - written by Sonny Rollins- - - - - Recorded October 23, 1963 at New York City, NY 
0:23:46 (Pop-up)
Kenny Garrett, John Scofield, Michael Brecker, David Friesen  Speak No Evil   Favoriting Old Folks  (ONLY FRIESEN AND ZEITLIN PLAY ON THIS) - - Bass – David Friesen §$§$§$§$Grand Piano – Denny Zeitlin - written by: Wayne Shorter - - - Recorded April 16, 1994 
0:29:03 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  Repeat   Favoriting Cathexis  CECIL McBEE  bass :;:;:FREDDIE WAITS  drums :;:;:DENNY ZEITLIN  piano, written by - - - Recorded February 19 and March 6, 1964, New York 
0:37:37 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  Discussing Improvising   Favoriting Monk Rowe Interview, 2002   
0:40:53 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  Time After Time   Favoriting Solo Piano: Remembering Miles  Written-By – Cyndi Lauper, Rob Hyman - - released: 2019 
0:45:18 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  Goodbye Porkpie Hat   Favoriting Trio  Acoustic Bass, Electric Bass – Joel DiBartolo ::::::Drums – Peter Donald ::::::Piano [Acoustic] – Denny Zeitlin - - written by Charles Mingus - - Recorded 1988 
0:50:49 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin With George Marsh And Mel Graves  Wind-Borne   Favoriting Expansion  Acoustic Bass, Electric Bass – Mel Graves - Written-By – Zeitlin, Marsh, Graves :;:;:;:Percussion – George Marsh :;:;:;:;Piano, Electric Piano, Clavinet, Organ, Melodica, Synthesizer [Arp], Electronics, Idiophone [African Thumb Pianos], :;;::;:Tambourine – Denny Zeitlin - - -released independently by Denny Zeitlin in the summer of 1973 on Double Helix Records 
0:55:24 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  Slickrock - Dawn, Gathering   Favoriting Wishing On the Moon  Bass – Buster Williams :;:;:;Drums – Matt Wilson :;:;:Piano, Written-By – Denny Zeitlin - - Recorded live in New York City at Dizzy's Club Coca-Cola on March 10, 2009 
1:03:37 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  Slickrock - On the Trail Again   Favoriting Wishing On the Moon  Bass – Buster Williams :;:;:;Drums – Matt Wilson :;:;:Piano, Written-By – Denny Zeitlin - - Recorded live in New York City at Dizzy's Club Coca-Cola on March 10, 2009 
1:07:24 (Pop-up)
DJ Zeitlupe          1:10:55 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  Lazy Bird   Favoriting Live at Maybeck Recital Hall, Vol.27  Denny Zeitlin – piano - - written by John Coltrane - - Recorded October 1992 
1:17:54 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  Carnival   Favoriting Carnival  DENNY ZEITLIN written by, piano :;:;:;CHARLIE HADEN bass :;:;;JERRY GRANELLI drums - - - Recorded October 28, 1964 New York, NY 
1:20:40 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  Chelsea Bridge   Favoriting Tidal Wave  CHARLIE HADEN  bass :;:;:DENNY ZEITLIN  piano :;:;:JOHN ABERCROMBIE  electric guitar :;:;::PETER DONALD  drums - written by Billy Strayhorn - - Recorded January and March, 1983 at Mad Hatter Studios, Los Angeles 
1:29:07 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  Discussing making of Invasion of Body Snatchers   Favoriting Monk Rowe Intvw 2002   
1:36:08 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  The discovery   Favoriting Invasion of the Body Snatchers  Conductor – Roger Kellaway :;:;:;Engineer – Danny Wallin*, Phill Sawyer, Bob Shumaker*, Steve Mantoani :;::;:Orchestrated By – Greig McRitchie :;:;:;Producer [Associate] – Phill Sawyer :;:;:;Producer, Composed By, Performer – Denny Zeitlin - - - 1978 
1:41:04 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  Rescue   Favoriting Invasion of the body snatchers   
1:42:57 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  The Reckoning   Favoriting Invasion of the body snatchers   
1:45:46 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  I Got Rhythm   Favoriting Zeitgeist  Bass – Joe Halpin :;:;:;Drums – Oliver Johnson - Written-By – George & Ira Gershwin :;:;:;Piano – Denny Zeitlin Recorded April 1966 and March 1967 Producer – John Hammond 
1:51:06 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  Intimacy Of The Blues   Favoriting Live at Mezzrow  Bass – Buster Williams :;:;:;Drums – Matt Wilson ;:;:;;:Piano – Denny Zeitlin - Written-By – Billy Strayhorn - - - Recorded live on May 3 & 4, 2019 in New York City 
1:53:17 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin - Charlie Haden  Ellen David   Favoriting Time Remembers One Time Once  DENNY ZEITLIN  piano //CHARLIE HADEN  written by, bass. —— Recorded live at Keystone Korner, San Francisco, July 1981 
1:57:45 (Pop-up)
DJ Zeitweilig          2:04:16 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  Discussing Bill Evans   Favoriting Monk Rowe Intvw 2002   
2:10:57 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  Quiet Now   Favoriting Shining Hour (Live at the Trident)  Bass – Charlie Haden ::::::Drums – Jerry Granelli ::::::Piano, written by – Denny Zeitlin - - Recorded live at the Trident on March 22-24, 1965 Producer – John Hammond 
2:13:08 (Pop-up)
The Jeremy Steig Quartet  Lover Man (Oh, Where Can You Be?)   Favoriting Flute Fever  JEREMY STEIG flute :;:;:;DENNY ZEITLIN piano :::;BEN TUCKER bass :;:;;:;BEN RILEY drums - - - - - Recorded October 23, 1963 at New York City, NY Written-By – Jimmy Davis, Jimmy Sherman, Roger Ramirez 
2:22:12 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin, Herbie Hancock  Free Form/Straight, No Chaser   Favoriting Conrad Silvert Presents Jazz at the Opera House  Composed By – D. Zeitlin, H. Hancock, T. Monk :;:;:::;Piano – Denny Zeitlin, Herbie Hancock - - Recorded live at The San Francisco War Memorial Opera House on February 22, 1982 
2:31:15 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  Cathexis   Favoriting Cathexis  CECIL McBEE  bass :;:;:FREDDIE WAITS  drums :;:;:DENNY ZEITLIN  written by, piano - - - Recorded February 19 and March 6, 1964, New York 
2:39:28 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin George Marsh  Black Hole   Favoriting Telepathy  Drums, Percussion, Composed By – George Marsh ::::::Piano [Acoustic Piano], Keyboards, Synthesizer [Hardware & Virtual Synthesizers], Composed By, Liner Notes – Denny Zeitlin Recorded between 2014 and 2019 in Kentfield, California 
2:41:53 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin / David Friesen  Upon the Swing   Favoriting Live At The Jazz Bakery  DAVID FRIESEN  written by, bass §§§DENNY ZEITLIN  piano - - - Recorded live at the Jazz Bakery, Los Angeles, May 10 & 11, 1996 
2:45:26 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  What's in it for You?   Favoriting The Name of This Terrain  Producer, Music By, Lyrics By, Mixed By, Mastered By, Remastered By, Piano, Clavinet, Synthesizer, Tambourine, Melodica, Lead Vocals, Electric Piano – Denny Zeitlin — - Recorded By, Mixed By, Mastered By – Phill Sawyer 
2:55:39 (Pop-up)
DJ Zeitverschwendung          3:02:42 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  St. Thomas   Favoriting Shining Hour (Live at the Trident)  Bass – Charlie Haden ::::::Drums – Jerry Granelli ::::::Piano – Denny Zeitlin - - written by Sonny Rollins - - Recorded live at the Trident on March 22-24, 1965 Producer – John Hammond 
3:08:20 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin & David Friesen  Signs & Wonders   Favoriting Concord Duo Series Vol. 8  DENNY ZEITLIN  piano ::;:;:;DAVID FRIESEN  written by, acoustic bass - - - Recorded live at Maybeck Recital Hall, Berkeley, CA  June 5, 1994 
3:12:20 (Pop-up)
DENNY ZEITLIN TRIO  Cousin Mary   Favoriting As Long As There's Music  Bass – Buster Williams :;:;:;Drums – Al Foster :;::;:;;Piano – Denny Zeitlin - - written by John Coltrane - - - - Recorded at Clinton Studio “A” in N.Y. On December 5, 1997 
3:20:29 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin George Marsh  The Ascent   Favoriting Telepathy  Drums, Percussion, Composed By – George Marsh ::::::Piano [Acoustic Piano], Keyboards, Synthesizer [Hardware & Virtual Synthesizers], Composed By, Liner Notes – Denny Zeitlin Recorded between 2014 and 2019 in Kentfield, California 
3:26:05 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  Discussing Drugs / Performing   Favoriting Monk Rowe Intvw 2002   
3:31:45 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  And Then I Wondered If You Knew   Favoriting Trio  Acoustic Bass, Electric Bass – Joel DiBartolo ::::::Drums – Peter Donald ::::::Piano [Acoustic] – Denny Zeitlin - - Recorded 1988 
3:33:24 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  Paraphernalia - Live   Favoriting Live at Mezzrow  Bass – Buster Williams :;:;:;Drums – Matt Wilson ;:;:;;:Piano – Denny Zeitlin - - - written by Wayne Shorter - - Recorded live on May 3 & 4, 2019 in New York City 
3:38:26 (Pop-up)
Who Knows Where The Zeit Goes (sure as fuck not the DJ)?  (over: Just Passing By - Denny Zeitlin)   Favoriting       3:50:34 (Pop-up)
Denny Zeitlin  Once Upon A Summertime   Favoriting Carnival  DENNY ZEITLIN written by, piano :;:;:;CHARLIE HADEN bass :;:;;JERRY GRANELLI drums - - - written by: Barclay/Legrand/Marnay/Mercer - - -Recorded October 28, 1964 New York, NY 
3:56:17 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 11:50am

Ahoy, ye Clubbies! Warm snifters and fuzzy welcomes liberally distributed.

I think we decided two years ago that you would do this show? So pleased that you remembered!

August 16, 2020
Avatar 11:59am

Ha!! Dean!! I just looked up that playlist two minutes ago - I thought it was you who requested it and it was! Well, this cake's for you (please share with Denny).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Give Me Slacks !

⦿Sun in♈︎ Aries, Year of Earth 🐅Tiger
Birth name: Dennis Jay Zeitlin
Born: April 10, 1938, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:02pm

Hello Stork and swells. Bring on the funky metapsychology.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm
Doug Schulkind:

Nice colour scheme, as our Brit chums might say.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:04pm

Hi Stork and swell cheeses!
Avatar 12:05pm

Evening Stork. Table up front please. Who's that new cigarette girl over there?
Avatar 12:06pm

Oh yeah! Denny brings in the denizens! How-doo-dah-daze, yooze!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06pm

Hello Stork and clubbers. I thought I knew what to expect from Zeitlin and right at the start I hear not what I expected. Excellent.
Avatar 12:08pm

RevRabb, for whom the stars do always align!
Avatar 12:09pm

adamdoesit, and he does it good, as Macca would say!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:09pm
Michael 98145:

Whoa, where did -that- week go ??

Hello, All.
Avatar 12:09pm

Dougie most flavourful!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...were it but so...
Dig this.
Avatar 12:10pm

chresti, heh-lou!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm

Greetings Stork, Storklings
Avatar 12:11pm

Right this way, TDK!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm
Jeff Golick:

Digging this ZEITgeist, @Stork!
Avatar 12:13pm

Greetings, oh, Michael of 98145 !
Avatar 12:17pm

coelacanth∅ doth come ! Hailing you!

Zeitlin had just completed his MD at Johns Hopkins and was embarking on a residency at UCSF when Carnival was recorded.
Avatar 12:18pm

But is that my upstream neighbor, Bro of the D-O?!
Avatar 12:19pm

And already had two albums recorded, Dean! You know your Denny!

Correction: internship. Residency came later.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:24pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Ah! Thot that might be CharlieHaden in that pic...

Terrific ECM recording live from Keystone Korner, Zeitlin and Haden: https://www.discogs.com/release/2395384-Denny-Zeitlin-Charlie-Haden-Time-Remembers-One-Time-Once
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:25pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...I was about a week & 1/2 from birth they laid this down. Thx for prepping the world for me lads...
Avatar 12:26pm

Yes it is, Rev. With Buster Williams on his other side. He has always played with great musicians - bassists no exception.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:27pm

Hi Storkeleh and Storkettes!
(it always flips me out that someone can pull off a jazz and medical career. I tried to take jazz guitar lessons in medical school-didn't last long...)
Avatar 12:27pm

Stay tuned, Dean! We might just hear that one!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:27pm

Looking at Zeitlin's website, I note that, although he integrates psychoanalysis into his work, he chooses not to call himself a psychoanalyst. Rather, he identifies himself as a psychiatrist, a physician, and a provider of psychotherapy. Whether that has to do with doctrine, licensure, or personal preference, I couldn't say.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:29pm
Michael 98145:

The one hundredth day of the year twenty twenty-two
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:30pm
Michael 98145:

UV index -low- here in the burg
Avatar 12:32pm

Hmm interesting adamdoesit ! Maybe he thinks that therapist sounds more human (and helpful) than analyst.
Avatar 12:36pm

Always wondered about this album (Old Folks) cover. Just three dudes (car mechanics?) who have apparently nothing to do with this record. And they don't look so old to me - but then no one does anymore.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:38pm

Being a "certified" psychoanalyst is actually a separate training than being a therapist, or a psychiatrist. Psychiatrists don't even all do therapy, and therapists aren't automatically psychoanalysts (my wife is a therapist who took psychoanalytic training for a number of years to be an actual psychoanalyst. Has saved me a fortune in therapy bills over the years...)
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:38pm

Stork, it's funny, but he doesn't actually call himself a (psycho-)therapist, either. According to his web copy at least, he "maintains a psychotherapy practice," but he's specifically and exclusively a physician and a psychiatrist.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:39pm

There are psychiatrists who just prescribe, don't do therapy at all.

Cathexis. Now there's an apt title.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:41pm

Dean, it's sort of a Beset-song.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:41pm

Of course I went to the Discogs link Dean put up-the vinyl is a bit expensive (not the price, but the killer is always shipping if all the sellers are in Europe). The CD is not too dear...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:45pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'Only you can stop yourself from stopping yourself...'
- McCartney in 'Get Back'

This Miles album was recorded at Piedmont Piano Co., just down the road from my digs. I've heard Zeitlin there, but alas, not this show.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:47pm

This was a terrific choice by Miles for a pop cover...doesn't sound much like the Miles (or Lauper) versions, a good thing...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:48pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...I know you can sit with a Therapist for years - but when it comes time to get a Prescription for anything, you need someone with an MD - tho perhaps a complete & utter stranger to yourself & your condition & your case...
Avatar 12:49pm

He finally quoted the chorus! This is so brilliant!
Avatar 12:50pm

Wow! Dean, you know Denny does a show there every year, right?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:50pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...imagine Ms.Lauper must be chuffed with herself for writing a Jazz Standard...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:50pm

The Lauper tune pokes through here and there...

Yes, indeed. It's a helluva venue. The audience is surrounded by pianos pushed to the perimeter. I've heard Broadbent there, too.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:52pm

This is faithful to the Mingus tune...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:52pm

Not to say that DZ mightn't be a psychotherapist or a psychoanalyst in effect (if he's working clinically with transference, resistance, and the unconscious, then, by definition, he is the latter). I mean, he doesn't call himself a mixologist, either, and his San Quentin Slings are among the only cocktails to have been given their own DSM diagnosis.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...which I first learned from JeffBeck of all places...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:55pm

You can use techniques of psychoanalysis without taking formal psychoanalytic training (which actually involves being in psychoanalysis through the whole training). You can prescribe psychotropic medication without having been trained as a psychiatrist (as long as you're an MD).
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:56pm

this is a terrific Pork Pie Hat (but it's such an amazing piece, haven't heard bad versions by any good musician).
Avatar 12:58pm

Good point, doc - that sweet, lonely melody just walks to and fro down the alley back of the Stork Club, kicking that can, and thinking of her.
Listening Out There:

It’s the Storkian Storehouse o’ Sounds…
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:59pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Mingus composition ! Of course. Been confused & have referred to it as a Monk tune. Cause has Monk always on the brain ...it's vaguely Monkish ...but completely Mingus.
Avatar 12:59pm

Heya, Listening OT!!

Mosaic devoted a box to the Columbia records. I managed to grab an inexpensive used copy.

And just last week I picked up Mile's Complete Plugged Nickel (the Columbia box, not the Mosaic) for half the used price.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& about Prez as we all know...

Avatar 1:01pm

Monk tune on the way, RevRabb, never fear! Dean - I think he did a whole Piedmont concert doing Monk songs that I also think is on the LubeTube.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:01pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Dean - sweet.
Avatar 1:02pm

Yeah, RevRabb- I shoulda typed thinking about Lester.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:03pm

Zeitlin is one of those artists I'm not as up on as I should be.
The Miles box is a good 'un, Dean.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...I had that little box of Miles & Gil Evans work ? - that has the binding of Brass like a Trumpet ...things I bought & had to resell to try & make rent in SantaBarbara - when today we'd just rip them to a hardrive & no worries ...eras move on...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:04pm

Columbia had a series of CD box sets they released of Miles' work, all worth having, imo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:05pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

The Silent Way with three CDs certainly enlightened to me to what was going on...

Thanks for the tip, Stork. I don't think I made it to that show, either, but I recall Broadbent laying into some Monk there.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:06pm

Still a physical media kind of guy (though I do have music on the hard drives as well), RRN63.
Those electric Miles albums were as much post production/editing as the actual playing in the final versions, interesting to hear how they actually went down during the recording.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:07pm

Really like the drummer on this, Matt Wilson.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:07pm
Paulo AD:

Hey all
Avatar 1:09pm

Many greetings, Paulo AD!
Avatar 1:10pm

Slickrock is a four part Suite written about the three of them mountain biking together.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:10pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Well these boxes are purty - with great notes & such. The Complete Silent Way was a revelation in showing the transitions that lead up to BitchesBrew - that it wasn't just Electric Instruments suddenly on one day so to speak - & how Miles was relating to what else was going on - even TheBeatles - & the like...
Hearing lately more about how Files on hardrives slowly 'rot', as well - which is frustrating...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:11pm

(haven't been to Dizzy's Club Coca-Cola since before the Pandemic, really loved that venue. The sound there is fantastic, and the view of the park ain't chopped liver either...)
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:14pm

Mountain Biking, Zeitlin would have been about 70 when this was recorded, impressive (I've mountain biked over the past decade, not that often, not that good, is fun/scary).
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:18pm

The Maybeck series is great, there are so many, I don't have more than a few, but they are great!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:20pm
Paulo AD:

Sorry, just stepped out for the footy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:21pm

Zeitlin playing early Coltrane composition with middle Coltrane flair. Flowing.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:21pm

If I can get my butt off the easy chair, have to start chopping garlic, ginger for dinner soon. But REALLY comfy right now, have to say...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:21pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

WR - nice.
Avatar 1:22pm

The Joanne Brackeen Maybeck recording is a knockout. I think Jessica Williams did one - haven't heard (RIP)
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:25pm
Michael 98145:

truly a subdued carnival
Avatar 1:28pm

Michael 98145 - perhaps it's from the perspective of the carnival's sad, disillusioned goat-boy.
Avatar 1:28pm

Hi Stork and all. Loving the show today. I’m not familiar with Denny.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:30pm

Gorgeous tune (the Strayhorn Chelsea Bridge)!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:31pm

(always thought Zeitlin's playing was a bit stiff, rigid, I see I was quite off the mark...)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:32pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...one of those keyboardists of (right adjective?) staggering technical accomplishment...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:33pm

doc, what's on tonight's menu?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:36pm

That Brackeen cd was volume 1 of the Maybeck series, cool (just ordered it).
@Adamdoesit-NY Times Cooking is where most of my recipes come from. Honey-and-Soy-Glazed Chicken Thighs is tonight's dinner, have both daughter's over, boyfriend to join for dinner.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:36pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...brought out some really fine Charlie here too...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:38pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...a stiff & rigid way of saying that was freaking beautiful...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:40pm
Michael 98145:

guess i have to see that film again.

quite prophetic.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:40pm

Charlie Haden reminds me of the old classification of rock guitarists, as speed (or technique) and "feel". Robbie Robertson would be feel, John Fogerty, Speed/technique could be Eddie Van Halen.
Haden never knocks out technically (not a bass expert, but that doesn't seem to be his thing). But he always seems to know the right note/feel for whomever he's playing with, from free jazzers to Jim Hall, boppers, country music, you name it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:42pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Right - Charlie's playing always Means Something.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:42pm

doc, funny, I was thinking of making something similar. I just picked up Sam Sifton's no-recipe cookbook for my lovely wife. I had the idea that she might find recipes that don't specify exact measurements freeing. Yeah, maybe not. I guess, like many gifts, that one was really for me.
Avatar 1:43pm

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:45pm

I'm planning getting my wife the new Ornette Coleman Genesis of Genius (Craft Records) 2 LP reissue for Mother's Day...I think it's just perfect (for her, of course).
Avatar 1:47pm

Don't know if I've seen this Body Snatchers; it's the remake from '78, right?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:48pm

Greetings Stork and all
Avatar 1:48pm

TDK - this IS the 78 version, which is a remake from a 50s version. Don't know much about that one.
Avatar 1:49pm

bonjour. fred!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:49pm
Michael 98145:

And, off to our left,you can see we are passing over Morricone Island.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:49pm

fred! thank the dog you're here; and, now that you are, let's brush him for some of his hair. Barkeep, two Glen Passaic Sours, extra-furry!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:50pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

What *I* grew up associating Donald Sutherland with - being a SciFi Kid...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:50pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Way Kewl Score !
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Right away, your hairiness- er, your highness. Don't behead me!
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Guido from Cologne:

Quite recently had bought this soundtrack!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Glad he got some bank for it.
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I answer to either, Herr Barkeep. And I say, let nothing be beheaded but the arrangements.
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@adamdoesit: I just came back from a show, I couldn't in good conscience leave you to be the lone Glen Passaic drinker here
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Hallo Guido - Gruß Dich! Must have been expensive! Thee's a copy back at the WFMU mothership - many decades a moldering.
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Still haven't gotten to Mezzrow's (one of those days, another Pandemic messed it up thing).
@Fred-I thought you had a concert you were heading to. Glad you made it!
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fred, I appreciate it so much. This has not been a drinky crowd. I fear that the presence of Dr. Zeitlin has them on their best behavior.
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Michael 98145:

nothing wrong with a bit of self-medication
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This here's some fine writin by old Charlie Haden (Ellen David)
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Oh, hey that youtube interview with Monk Rowe: www.youtube.com...
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@adamdoesit: tsk, this good behavior thing isn't what this place is about, let's bring the standard down a notch or two
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Gotta go, catch the rest in the archives tomorrow, great show, Stork!
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later, doc.

fred, suggest we start with the top shelf, and work our way down from there.
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adamdoesit: Denny would want us all to drink our finest wine on his b-day. The man has a prodigious cellar-full, and there's a reason they all go to Denny's house.
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doctorjazz - keep well - see ya soon - - -
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I got confused about that interview segment. Was he talking about Bill Evans?
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abbazabba: - yeah, i intro-ed it saying it was about Evans, plus he says his name toward the beginning of the clip.
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Wow, that’s really cool. So, he’s saying Bill Evans liked this piece so much he played it throughout his career? If so, that’s freaking cool
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

About as high up as validation goes for this kind of Jazz Piano, I reckons...
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Yeah, Evans knew who was great and was totally engaged with his peers. He wasn't insecure about his talent and was quite generous with others, especially younger musicians. Listen to Evans on Marian McParltland's Piano Jazz some time. Wonderful broadcast.
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RevRabb - Irene played Bill Evans' version of Quiet Now from his Live at Montreaux set on her show recently - just amazing every time he played it. It's now a standard with a million covers.
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That’s so cool. Makes me love bill Evans even more
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Michael 98145:

Thank you again for this education
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Doug Schulkind:

Lover Man, my all-time favorite tune.
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Doug: which is your favorite tune? And I told you never to call me Lover Man on the Comments boards. People will .. well, comment!
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Doug Schulkind:

Danny Glover, man, my all-time favorite actor.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...musing on the comparison & contrast twixt 'Lover Man' & 'How Long Has This Been Going On'...
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gotta go
Thanks Stork!
take care
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coelacanth∅: - thanks for the presence - the prezzy, as no one says - come back soonest.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63: right-on comparison! the last line is melodically almost identical!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...hope it not received as gauche if I say he's had me thinking of Keith Emerson (@ his best). It's meant as favorable from me (Rawkist & perhaps in fact gauche)...
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Michael 98145:

@RRN3, good ear. Hadn't thought of that ...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...I really do think KeithEmerson had some damn chops & range ...an education here for instance for me on what he might've been aware of...
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Michael 98145:

this show never disappoints
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

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Another excellent connection, RevRabb. Yeah - not really an ELP fan, but always open to the brilliant musicality of each of them.
Avatar 2:49pm

Thank you, Michael 98145 and Rev. That's gas in me tank!

Funny, but I had to head out to take my son to his soccer referee job. On the return, the campus station played a track of Chick Corea's synth-heavy stuff, and it struck me that Zeitlin and Corea might have had a kind of affinity.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I'm rather fond of 'Brain Salad Surgery' ...an easy target for the real Rawkists, I suspect...
Certainly any keyboardist into Electronics would be on Emerson's radar, I suspect...

Caught Broadbent at Jazz Bakery, too. Also Cecil Taylor, Max Roach, others.
Avatar 2:52pm

Denny going inside and outside of the piano a lot on this one. He can play that pianer soundboard like a gee-tar!
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David (in London):

Having to lurk in a booth at the back of the Club today rather than wander between tables chatting, but loving the musical bill of fare today, Stork.
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I have to run but first, to Revrab, I saw ELP about three times. It was grand! Hee. Thanks for the Zeitlin special, Stork.

Who does Zeitlin think he is? Todd Rundgren?
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TDK - twas aye grand wi' ye, as well! Make like a boomerang, already!
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David in london - I see you back there through the Club's murky, tobacco gloom. Come have a real dram.

Maybeck is one of the most beautiful venues you could imagine. It's a house. (A friend of mine lives across the street.) Dick Whittington sold the place some time ago, but the buyer continues to host shows there, dubbing it Maybeck Studio.

I've heard only one show at Maybeck, this one:
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Would love to make it there sometime, Dean. Sounds like heaven.
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Jeff Moore:

I never knew a Denny Zeitlin, but I went to school with a Kenny Zeitler. I'm trying to remember if I went to his bar mitzvah. Probably, but age 13 is so many decades ago. Those neurons are napping.
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My best friend's bar mitzvah was well-catered. Since then (age 13), I've been pro-bar-mitzvah.
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Thanks For the great show Stork! As always. I gotta run
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abbazabba: thanks for bein.' Let's be soon!
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Michael 98145:

@Dean, thanks for another journey down the rabbit hole. I had no idea the Lighthouse was still alive: en.wikipedia.org...

I'm gonna guess Telepathy was recorded at Zeitlin's home studio.

Re: Lighthouse, Michael 98145, nor I!
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Michael 98145:

anyone need a light ? images.squarespace-cdn.com...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Eloquent re Drugs & Musicians...
Course, there's ganja & there's smack & there's alkyhole...
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Dean - pretty sure everything gets recorded there (see earlier reference to wine cellar in Zeitlin basement)
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It's cool that he's gone BACK to experimenting in recent years with form, instrumentation, production, etc.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Interesting it seems (?) the Balance he keeps between Elements - Intellect & Feeling, Chords & Lines, Form & Experiment, Technique & Swing - Doctor & Musician overall even of course...
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Hey, an early-or-never love-note from me to say how lovely the whole show has been today. With the music, who can miss? But the hang, and the vibe, and the groove has been (HUUUGE bong hit here) far out, man.......................................
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I was hoping we'd get to the album Denny recorded in an olive grove. Zeitunes, I think it's called…
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Yeah, Rev - it's just that - the balance - and just his IDEAS!! Wow.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

An ♈︎Aries 🐅Tiger awlright...
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Michael 98145:

Nothing to do with present company, but i still miss Irwin's jazz excursions.
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Michael 98145:

danke again, DJ Stork
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Thanks for the deep dive into Denny's den today, Stork. It's been a zeit for zore zeyes. Now, one more round before closing -- oh, just hand over the bottle, and the protective gloves.
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@adamdoesit: Last is looming... Barkeep, another round of Glen Passaic!
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@adamdoesit: Great minds melt alike...
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@fred, the room, like my tie, has gone askew, but our priorities are straight.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY Always DJ Stork ~
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Doug Schulkind:

Thanks, Storkums!

Thank you, Stork, and happy birthday, Denny.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:58pm

Thank you Mister Zeitlin and Herr Stork.
Avatar 4:02pm

Hey, thanks again, prfuse-like, all! My laptop wasn't connecting for comments those last few precious minutes, but, what da fuck!? Luv yuz, now geddouddaheah!!! Can't wait for two weeks - gonna enjoy Tamar's show next Sunday!!! Bye-yeeee!!!
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