Favoriting Surface Noise with Joe McGasko: Playlist from April 25, 2022 Favoriting

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A pennant-winning battery of songland. Ongoing feature: Single File, a half-hour of randomly selected small records with big holes.

Monday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Mon. Mar 10th, 9am - Noon: Joe McGasko and his Co-host Brian D
Mon. Mar 17th, 9am - Noon: Stuart Staples of Tindersticks (More info...)

Favoriting April 25, 2022: In McG

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Playlist image Favoriting

(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
Soia, Julien Sénélas, Jérôme Vassereau  In C, Formes 1 á 20   Favoriting Terry Riley's In C pour 11 Oscillateurs et 53 Formes  Un je-ne-sais-quoi  2020  LP      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Duncan Marquiss  Drivenhalle   Favoriting Wires Turned Sideways in Time  Basin Rock  2022  MP3    *   0:20:36 (Pop-up)
Futoshi Moriyama  Yūtai​-​ridatsu   Favoriting Yūtai​-​ridatsu ±  EM  2021  LP  From 2015    0:30:09 (Pop-up)
Harpers Bizarre  Witchi Tai To   Favoriting Harpers Bizarre 4  Warner Bros.-Seven Arts  1969  LP    *   0:38:16 (Pop-up)
Arthur Verocai  Sylvia   Favoriting Arthur Verocai  Mr Bongo  2021  LP  From 1972    0:41:09 (Pop-up)
John Barry  This Way Mary   Favoriting The More Things Change: Film, TV & Studio Work 1968-1972  Ace  2022  CD  From 1972  *   0:43:26 (Pop-up)
Susumu Yokota  Purple Rose Minuet   Favoriting Symbol  Lo Recordings  2022  MP3  From 2004  *   0:47:12 (Pop-up)
King Jammy  Track & Trace Dub   Favoriting King Jammy Destroys the Virus with Dub  Greensleeves  2021  CD      0:50:31 (Pop-up)
Horace Andy  Safe from Harm   Favoriting Midnight Rocker  On-U Sound  2022  MP3    *   0:53:51 (Pop-up)
Les Calamités  J'en ferais bien mon quatre-heure   Favoriting ENCORE! 1983-1987  Born Bad  2022  MP3    *   1:07:56 (Pop-up)
Jeanines  Any Day Now   Favoriting Don't Wait for a Sign  Slumberland  2022  CD    *   1:09:18 (Pop-up)
Papercuts  Palm Sunday   Favoriting Past Life Regression  Slumberland  2022  CD    *   1:10:52 (Pop-up)
Wet Leg  I Don't Wanna Go Out   Favoriting Wet Leg  Domino  2022  MP3    *   1:14:21 (Pop-up)
Les Manteez  Grève d'amour   Favoriting Magical Seeds  May I  2022  CD    *   1:18:26 (Pop-up)
Spiritualized  The Mainline Song   Favoriting Everything Was Beautiful  Fat Possum  2022  MP3    *   1:22:14 (Pop-up)
Single File: a bunch of 45s all in a row
The Contours  Do You Love Me   Favoriting single  Gordy  1962  45      1:34:09 (Pop-up)
Deep Purple  Hush   Favoriting single  Tetragrammaton  1968  45      1:36:44 (Pop-up)
The Alarm  68 Guns   Favoriting single  I.R.S.  1983  45      1:40:54 (Pop-up)
Bryan Ferry  Sign of the Times   Favoriting single  Atlantic  1978  45      1:44:07 (Pop-up)
Miquel Brown  So Many Men, So Little Time   Favoriting single  TSR  1983  45      1:46:48 (Pop-up)
The Marvelettes  Too Many Fish in the Sea   Favoriting single  Tamla  1964  45      1:50:28 (Pop-up)
Desmond Dekker  Israelites   Favoriting single  Stiff  1980  45      1:52:53 (Pop-up)
Bread  Sweet Surrender   Favoriting single  Elektra  1972  45      1:55:18 (Pop-up)
Aretha Franklin  Going Down Slow   Favoriting single  Atlantic  1967  45      1:57:52 (Pop-up)
Automatic  New Beginning   Favoriting Excess  Stones Throw  2022  MP3    *   2:13:25 (Pop-up)
From Nursery to Misery  Say Goodbye (To the Deep Blue Sky)   Favoriting Tree Spirits  Dark Entries  2021  LP  From 1990    2:16:58 (Pop-up)
Bas Jan  Progressive Causes   Favoriting Baby U Know  Lost Map  2022  MP3    *   2:22:50 (Pop-up)
Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul  Ceci n'est pas un cliché   Favoriting Topical Dancer  DEEWEE  2022  MP3    *   2:25:37 (Pop-up)
Ibibio Sound Machine  17 18 19   Favoriting Electricity  Merge  2022  CD    *   2:29:19 (Pop-up)
Chelsea Jade  Good Taste   Favoriting Soft Spot  Carpark  2022  MP3    *   2:32:28 (Pop-up)
Al Massrieen  Hezeny   Favoriting Sharayet El Disco: Egyptian Disco & Boogie Cassette Tracks 1982-1992  Wewantsounds  2022  MP3    *   2:36:37 (Pop-up)
Akira Ishikawa & His Count Buffalos  The Earth   Favoriting African Rock  Cindedelic  2022  MP3  From 1971; happy belated Earth Day  *   2:41:11 (Pop-up)
The Dirty Dozen Brass Band  Lil Liza Jane / Who Took the Happiness Out?   Favoriting Live in New Orleans  Tipitina's Record Club  2021  LP      2:47:54 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

  🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:01am

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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

Yip Yip !
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listener james from westwood:

Morning and good Monday, Joe and all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am

Good morning :)
Avatar 9:03am

Heard that, 🌙🌙🌙!
Happy groovy Monday to you, Joe!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:04am
Erin in TO:

The Yips always freaked me out so much as a kid watching Sesame Street...now, almost 40 years later, and after 3 years of listening them on the opening of this show...they still freak me out so much
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:04am
Son Of Pantz:

Yo, Joe!
Avatar 9:04am

Yip Yip Hooray!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:05am
Webhamster Henry:

Starting the week off with lots of In Cs I hope!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am

tdk - are you in here?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:05am
Handy Haversack:

Late but yipped! Morning, Joe and all!

Mornin all...apparently the Yipsters like Rock but not Soul .
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:06am

Good Morning!
Avatar 9:07am

Good morning, DJ Joe. Yet another version of Riley In C! | Here, Benny.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:07am
Webhamster Henry:

Here's a GREAT website on In C : teropa.info...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:07am

Yips > yaps Gmorning fine folks
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Marley P. Dogg:

Morning friends
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08am

tdk - I saw your question at the last moment. we're The Plug and we're at 502 W. 167th. Just off Amsterdam. Come by sometime for a cawfee and a chat!
Avatar 9:10am

Benny, I may stop by today. I'm way over on the west side but I can venture over thar to the far east.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:12am
Brian in UK:

Hey Joe. Oscillateurs Lundi. Close call in the French elections.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:12am
Hughie Considine:

...and the yips keep coming...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am
Joe McG:

Good morning, radio enthusiasts! Welcome to the program!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:12am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, Joe and oscillating Yips! Boing boing!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am

tdk - ha! that would be great!
Avatar 9:14am

My cat is digging this
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:14am
Son Of Pantz:

Hey, I'm a "radio enthusiast" now? Does that mean I have to drink with my pinky extended from now on?
Avatar 9:15am

Riley was mentioned often in the 2010 Eno doc I watched recently

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am
Joe McG:

@SoP: Only if you're drinking British tea harvested in Ceylon.

Is it Monday morning again? Already?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:17am
Brian in UK:

Son Of Pantz ...and it is strictly bone china cup & saucer. And it is skone, not s'gone.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:18am
Son Of Pantz:

Should I also wear a smoking jacket and Fez?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:18am
Brian in UK:

Now you are being silly!
Avatar 9:19am

Brian in UK: Close call across the Channel. Thankfully they didn't go Vichy. Shwew.

(In Scotland it’s “skewn”).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20am

Putting the free in freeform...
Avatar 9:20am

Seems cats really like this type of music
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:20am

Good morning, Joe, everyone!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:21am
Brian in UK:

TDK60, two out of five that voted were for Le Pen. A worrying trend.
Avatar 9:22am

@Brian: from what was reported it was low voter turnout & many voted "against LePen" rather than for Macron. Either way , I'm glad it went the way it did.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22am

If it's possible to have a seizure based on sound, this might do it.
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Brian, it's not as close as some people feared it would be. I was relieved to see 58%. In the USA that's a landslide!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:25am
Brian in UK:

The Left seem to have evaporated in France, I am sure that fred would correct me.
Same here with Labour, they would rather fight themselves than the Conservative right.
Avatar 🎸 9:25am

Sorry if that sounded glib. The rise of neofascism is a very real and very disturbing trend and it's far from over.
Avatar 9:25am

The music is good
Avatar 9:27am

Good morning Joe and McGaskettes! Enjoyed that opening take on "In C".
Avatar 9:28am
Glorious Estephonic:

good morning 🧡 is anyone else spiritually high from laraaji and/or the staples jr. singers ? floating in blessed cloud magic ☁️
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:29am
Handy Haversack:

Hey, YFPaul! Are you in Manhattan at all this week?

Yo, ChukAmok!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:29am
WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

The sad reality is that here in the U.S. an even higher percentage will vote for somebody openly fascist.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:31am
Brian in UK:

I blame the British, that brexit vote seemed to open flood gates for latent racism. The idea of taking back control is purile.
Woods, did not want to mention that in friendly company.
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Woods, maybe the French looked at us (our last 6 years or so) and saw what can happen, and may still, again...
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Hiya Handy! How goes?
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Woods, sorry, who are you referring to? D.T. didn't even get 50% of the vote.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:32am
Handy Haversack:

Still standing, ChukAmok!

The Left hasn’t evaporated in France, they’re just very disappointed in the pace of progress on things that matter to them. Their frustration that Macron hasn’t “done more” doesn’t mean they’re going to vote for a reactionary nutjob. Also remember, a lot of the criticism of Macron is about how “aristocratic” he iOS, how “elitist” his style is. Style’ important in France.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Always noting WWII followed the Depression. Conditions get rough, people get 'protectionist'. You suppose the Oligarchs are unaware of this?
In the USA - lower voter turnout *very reliably* favors the Right. Drumpf lost our popular by several millions - but of course not the Electoral College. Which has happened to the Democratic Party a few times now. The U.S. Senate is now @ about 50/50 - but please remember that because every state gets two regardless of size - which is not Democracy either ...the Republican Senators represent something like 43 (?) Million fewer citizens... The Right can just wave the flag of one mad Ideology & get its followers to the Polls, but bing Liberal by definition means tolerating wider views - & its a different challenge to get us in single file - tho we are a very notable Majority !... Supposed 'Left' politicians like their Careers quite as much as Right ones do... They appeal to a 'Center' that does not exist to stand on (which they themselves help to hollow out in fact) - & the discontent instead go (far) Right. I think Terence McKenna was correct: we empower Politicians as Leaders, but they're the last to advance. & the Least among - in vision, morals...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:34am
WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@YETI BOB. No, he got over 46%, which I find frightening.
Avatar 🎸 9:35am

Electoral College and Senate are inherently anti-democratic and must be eliminated (along with the Supreme Court). But I think in this country it's pretty hard to get 58% of people to agree on *anything*.

Woods, I agree, it's frightening as hell, just trying to keep the numbers straight.
Avatar 9:35am
Glorious Estephonic:

this is so beautiful, thank you Joe
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:35am
WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@JoeMcG: I was scrolling through some stuff on tumbler and found a photo of you when you had your tonsils out -->> ibb.co...

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:37am
Joe McG:

@Glorious: Glad you're enjoying! @Woods: Ha ha, definitely the picture that will go on this playlist later on. Thx!

Macron’s “approval” in the polls has been 40% (or less), below Biden’s polling here. But when it was time to actually choose, he got close to 59% of the vote. It’s the same here: only 40% will tell a pollster they “approve” of Biden’s performance, but when it’s time to choose between Biden and some republican-socialist piece of shit?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38am

Good morning
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:39am
Brian in UK:

TDK60 thought this might interest you. Not sure if it could happen today. Ewan MacColl wrote the Manchester Rambler about this event.

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:40am
Handy Haversack:

Hey, Phillippe! You still on the road?
Avatar 9:41am

Brian in UK. I'd heard of that; very interested in the subject! Another WFMU commenter from Dartmoor and I were talking about that. Hurston-moor-elf; he doesn't post often. Thanks! Will save.

Lots of version s if this song. never heard this one
Avatar 9:42am
Glorious Estephonic:

Avatar 9:42am

Haper's bizzaa bizzaa
Avatar 9:43am

Nice track "Sylvia"
Gerry from Miami:

JOE, there are many versions of Wichi-tai-to. But this one is really nice. Was Van Dyke Parks involved in this? I do recall he was part of Harper's Bizarre at some point.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:44am
Joe McG:

@Gerry: No, it's Perry Botkin's arrangement in this case.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:45am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

45Nurse Photo cropped & stuff for use :

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WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

@RRNov63: Thanks. I wuz too lazy.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:46am
Brian in UK:

Joe, was it the same Perry Botkin (jr) that arranged Hoyt Axton's My Griffin Is Gone?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:46am
listener james from westwood:

Would've lamped this Barry as Morricone at first listen. Quite lovely either way!

[photo filed under “WFMU Covid Ward”]
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48am
Joe McG:

@Brian: I believe so!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:48am
Brian in UK:

Delightful set, Joe.
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Rock Ridge Chess Club:

Great set to plant a Heller's Japanese Holly. Thanks Joe.

Beautiful music this morning, Joe
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:52am
Marley P. Dogg:

Yes!!!! Always dub o clock!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53am
Joe McG:

I didn't mean for this set to go on so long, but I'm kind of enjoying myself over here putting together the puzzle pieces, so thanks for indulging me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53am

Loving the dub styleeee
Avatar 9:54am

Thanks for the dub, mon <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:54am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Great for the Morning.
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Mike W:

Reggae Study Hall
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listener james from westwood:

No apologies needed for excellent sets that flood their banks!
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Webhamster Henry:

I'm sure Joe will get back to the surface noise-y 7" story songs in a subsequent set.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55am

King Jammy Destroys the Virus with Dub is such a great album title too. This dub definitely kills Corona.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Moody ☽Moon in drifty ♓︎Pisces...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55am
Joe McG:

I recommend checking out the cover of the King Jammy CD!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55am

Joe - just downloaded the album. Thanks for putting me on!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56am
Joe McG:

@Benny: It's a good one!

Me, I tune in to hear Joe McG enjoying himself putting together the puzzle pieces. So I’m good this morning.
Brian in garden:

Loved the first two Shara Nelson albums.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am

Joe - We listen to a lot of reggae here at the shop and this is right on.

You know we are in class for Reggae Schoolroom every Sunday like it's church, my guy.
Avatar 10:00am

Sarge's Sunday AM show is great for my working on house things (among other things)
Gerry from Miami:

@Rev Rabbit. That is some album cover there!! King Jammy is A-OK! Great, long set, JOE! Loved the Teery Riley way back at the start.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:01am
Handy Haversack:

I thought Joe was indulging *us* with that set!
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He's gotta give the people what they need, Handy!

Now I want to hear that Supremes version too
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:10am
Joe McG:

@P-90: Let me know if you find it online anywhere. Last time I checked it wasn't around.

Didn’t the Coneheads do a record? I hear they’re from France.
Zinn The Mood:

Cool, relaxing set, Joe. Fitting for the grey day here in Queens.

Right on, P-90, about the French electorate. That’s most of it right there. Pretty much the same in the United States of Advertising.

Good morning Joe and all. Neither bright eyed nor bushy tailed. Sounding good.
Greg g:

Sounding very nice Joe
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:14am
Son Of Pantz:

I must bust out my Dad Joke, in honor of France's vote.
Two cats decide to have a swimming contest. One cat is called "One Two Three" the other cat is called "Un Deux Trois". Which cat won?
"One Two Three" because "Un Deux Trois cat sank"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15am
Joe McG:

Thanks for tuning in, all. @SoP: Ha ha!

(le groan)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:16am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

HeeHee SoP
...just what we wanna see in the ...Chat.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:16am

Really digging this set! Go Joe Go!
Avatar 10:17am

There's that Bowie "Man Who Sold The World" riff again :)

Le Chat Room
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:18am
Hughie Considine:

yep, they seem to do a lot of interpolation of parts of other songs.... that "It's enough, it's enough" bit in "Wet Dream" seems a shoutout to Sleater-Kinney's song of the same name...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18am
Joe McG:

@dday: I heard that, too!
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Borrow from the best
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Colin in Durham England:


@dday: spot on
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Seems them allusions are specific, then.

Love that Rickenbacker bass tone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:25am

love this song so much.
Avatar 10:25am

@Colin wsn't atht SLADE Come On Feel The Wet Legs? :)
Avatar 10:26am

Keyboard fart..*wasn't that*
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...oh good ! Thunderbirds on ShoutTV (via PlutoTV) to look @...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29am

@Handy @9:40 hey there! sorry, got sucked into a call. As far as the road, now at home, was only away mid-week last week. Kind of a wifey work-related thing, but saw some old friends as well. How are y'all?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33am
Brian C.:

@Joe McG, Obverse? Are you into numismatics?
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:34am

"Damn someone played this song a couple of hours ago." I live in Minneapolis, and I wish the local station would have this thought too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:37am
Joe McG:

@donpappy: I can't even watch Crackle anymore because of that Trulicity commercial!
Avatar 10:37am

That Spiritualized track reminded me of Polyphonic Spree
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:37am

The name of the place is "I like it like this!"

More Tull!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Had the Hush 45 about the house in my toddlerhood - silver Tetragrammaton label...

now we’re cooking
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:39am
Hughie Considine:

The Charlatans leveraged this riff, didn't they...

Joe south shoutout!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39am
Peter from Dover NJ:

Great show today, Joe. Thank you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40am

@Revolution Rabbit Same here. Nice one, Joe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'One More Rainy Day' on the obverse...
Gerry from Miami:

Rod Evans on the lead vocal on early Purple.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40am
Joe McG:

@swivs: This organ solo! @RR63: Hard to choose! Love that song, too.

Too much too fast. He went from not being able to dance to really shakin’ ‘em down faster than is safe for anyone. Hence the mashed potato, twist, etc. Happens all the time. We’ll start him on some Perry Como and he’ll be fine in a week.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:41am
Joe McG:

@Brendan: Ha ha!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:41am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- RodEvans as with - you'll pardon me - CAPTAIN BEYOND.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:42am

a little different this deep purple single from the album /classic rock station version. an all time great song though. Also a huge fan of the riff on "Burn"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

To be embarrassed that '68 Guns' was meaningful to me then ...or no?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:43am
Hughie Considine:

@JG, I noticed that too!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43am

@Joe, yes! all time great organ solo
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44am
Joe McG:

Anybody know what "68 Guns" is referencing? Some kind of Welsh history?
Avatar 10:44am

Captain Beyond is actually on tour in 2022
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:44am
Joe McG:

dday: Whoa!

second Alarm song i've heard on FMU in a week. wow! saw them live btw - you could smell the hairspray before they even reached the stage
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:45am
WoodsOfNH (now Maine):

When I first heard this song I thought it was The Clash.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am

Alarm -- nice!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45am
Barney Grubbs:

Gerry from Miami:

REV RABBIT, had the good fortune to see Captain Beyond(can't even remember if it was the 80s or 90s) in LA. Small, refurbished movie theater setting
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...was my BruceSpringsteen, I suppose...
rx scabin:

Good morning, Joe McG and everyone.

Hey @rx
Avatar 10:47am

The Alarm: Mike Peters: maninthecamojacket.com Inspiring documentary. Never Give Up!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am

Lordy, I'm stupid for Ferry
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Thx BarneyG
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am
Joe McG:

@Barney: Thanks, Barney! It's about a street gang.

The “other Bowie”
Listener Alexandra:

This set is giving me so much life (much needed after four days in L.A.) Thanks, Joe!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:49am
listener james from westwood:

Brown track = absolutely perfect dance single.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:50am

Morning Joe and surfies from the tennis booth!

It’s raining men
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51am

it's a good thing you guys can't see me dancing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51am
Jason from Houston:

Good morning, chresti! Good weather there?

Someone get this chick a cold shower
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:52am

Man, that disco toon rocked.
Despite the silly sounds at the end.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am
Joe McG:

Hey Alex, chresti!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am

The Barista on my way to work asked about my wfmu shirt, made a note of tuning in.

Morning Jason, sunny 67 this morning, 90 degrees later.

miquel Brown So Many Men, So Little Time
there is an 8'12" Extended version = even more men ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54am
Jason from Houston:

Good work, chresti! Humid and headed up to 85-ish here.

Go Joe!

Good morning, Joe and all! After hearing So Many Men and Too Many Fish, I am rethinking what 68 Guns was referring to.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:54am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54am

one of my fav reggae tracks! yes!!!
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i've never heard this version!!
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Jason from Houston:

Whoooooa.... Never heard this version!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55am

never heard this version! thanks Joe!!
Gerry from Miami:

Whew! This Marvelettes classic was a staple of my freshman year in college('64-'65) in Philadelphia. WIBG, RADIO 99. Joe Niagara, Hy Lit! Oh, yeah!
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Webhamster Henry:

Kind of a disco-y Israelites here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56am
Joe McG:

Yeah, crazy hyper two-tone remake!
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luka - i've never heard this upbeat version either! Thanks Joe!! Sax solo isn't in the version I'm familiar with.
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Pale Son:

Stiff records!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Not an improvement but okay.
Avatar 10:57am

That bass is amazing...
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Desmond represented twice in one morning..Stellar!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57am

Weird version?

Desmond totally blew my mind when he first hit top forty AM radio when I was a wee lad

Thankful to the Universe for you Joe ❤️

Until this morning Israelites was “Dead or Alive.”

awesome "Israelites"!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58am
Joe McG:

@olacle: And you!

In the second grade the boys all called it “The Jizzrealites” but that’s another story
Gerry from Miami:

I had a friend who would never let up in calling David Gates and Bread the wimpiest band ever. Sure, it's light, but pleasant and relaxing.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Had not heard that version of "Israelites" before.

fun to hear a diff. version of a song i've heard so many times
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Jason from Houston:

Off to work... Gotta get that Bread.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

*Not* a GeorgeMartin Production - was David Gates himself.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59am

Richard Thompson Band used to segue in and out of *Israelites* in the middle of kickass live *Crawl Back* to close shows back in day, yowza
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Joe McG:

The original "Israelites" was a Top 10 song in 1969. Pretty early reggae in the U.S.A.
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I had that Dekker 45 on UNI records in the US when I was 10 or 11 years old
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Pale Son:

Joe's working hard for my star clicks in this set!
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Mister Dobalina:

Hola, Joe! Solid show so far !!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...did George Martin ever work w/ Bread, or only America ??...

@Joe: it was pretty much the very first Reggae sound most folks in America heard. Also I believe it actuality charted twice a year or two apart if I recall correctly.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Aretha open mouth. Thing Happens.
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Mike Sin:

Well all right JoeMcG!
Gerry from Miami:

Yes, JOE. KHJ and KRLA in Los Angeles were both playing the heck out of "Israelites" in mid-1969 right before Mr. Nixon drafted my butt and sent me off to Vietnam.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:04am

Joe@11, one of the first reggae hits in the US
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Son Of Pantz:

Reservois Dogs might have brought it back to the charts in the 90's.
  Swag For Life Member 11:06am

Yeah that Aretha is on Duane anthology
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:07am

Tuned in just in time to hear 'yowza' yay!
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Drugstore Cowboy played Israelites, too

I wish they used The Stand on the game show, Price is Right,…. Come On Down!
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Uleeshuh TN:

the Hits Villegas USA documentary might be the best music doc ever
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Mark Hurst:

Thanks, Joe, will take a look at that Tirzah CD next week!

Stop feeding birds!

Do not bring poultry based sandwiches for lunch.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:14am

as 'they' say about non-domesticated animals: a fed animal is a dead animal
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Joe McG:

@mark: Excellent!

the birds natural sources are declining. i agree about bread tho

It's ok to feed feral cats though
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:15am

People who don’t live in New Jersey could drive or take public transportation to the movie screening, lest anyone think they’re unwelcome.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

The domestic cat is an invasive species in North America.
But then so are white people.
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I'd rather cuddle a cat, RRN63
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Bread: I lost my older brother Dave in a car wreck in 1995. A good friend sang Bread's "Everything I Own" at his funeral. Just thinking of the song brings me to tears.

"Is there someone you know
You're loving them so
But taking them all for granted
You may lose them one day
Someone takes them away
And they don't hear the words you long to say

I would give anything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give everything I own
Just to have you back again
Just to touch you once again"

Found a 1960s book of kids' puns/riddles
to Giver Rodger for Double Dip..
When is ok to give Elephant milk to a baby =>
When it is a baby elephant ... (weeeeeWaaaaa..)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

dday always liked that one. Without even knowing it was Bread... Subconscoius favorites.
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Uleeshuh TN:

you can feed birds...overtonpark.org...
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Joe McG:

@dday: Sorry for your loss! Ken Boothe does a beautiful reggae version of that song.

DDay - sorry about that. How old was yer brother at the time??
Gerry from Miami:

ATTENTION: Joe McGasko. Just put "Witchi Tai To supremes" into Google and, voila, lots of options. YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud etc. Happy listening!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:22am

Boney M next?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:22am
Joe McG:

@Gerry: You're the best, thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:23am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

dday yes - sorry for your loss. <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:23am
Joe McG:

@chresti: Or Young Marble Giants. :)

Thank you @Jerry


Never ever feed a bird bread or a member of Bread.
Avatar 11:25am

RR63: I believe David Gates was the producer on all Bread discs with Jac Holzman as a collaborative ear from Elecktra Records. The amazing Bruce Botnick engineered
rx scabin:

Good bye, everyone.
Avatar 11:26am

Thanks All; @morphe': He was 39. 1995 was a very bad year in my world. Lost 13 friends & family members in 12 months
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

dday interesting ! A vacation from the doors one imagines ?...
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Son Of Pantz:

Very Laurie Anderson-esqe
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Most likely. Elektra had quite a roster of extraordinary artists
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yes I got the 'Forever Changing' box. Barely a sampler!
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Joe McG:

I did a whole Elektra show once and barely scratched the surface!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31am

So funny. This song - sounds like 'talk about Wordle'...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Touch of GraceJones.
Gerry from Miami:

@dday. Bruce Botnick's engineering touch was all over the place----Bread, Love, the Doors, film composer Jerry Goldsmith, Eddie Money. He even assisted on the Stones' "Let It Bleed." Quite a career!
Avatar 🎸 11:33am

Love love love this Ibibio Sound Machine. Check out the video for "Protection from Evil" if you haven't seen it (and aren't sensitive to strobe effects!)

Bit of a Lorde-like vibe on this
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:36am

Bye rx!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:36am

@Revolution Rabbit Nov63 I agree
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Joe B:

bummed to have missed the alarm!
  Swag For Life Member 11:36am

Liking this
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I have heard artists who had experience working with Elektra use the name "Neglectya" in describing them.
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We have a cleaning lady who comes over every 2 weeks. Usually I turn off the radio b/c I just assume she's not interested in my weirdo sh*t. But today, she said "This is nice music, leave it on!". (She's from Ukraine, we've been giving her extra money to send to her family back there).
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

That's funny. Development & promotion maybe not their strongest muscle? & weren't they long ago swallowed into another Major...
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Hubig Pie:

Al Massrieen = The Egyptians , in case anyone was wonderin'.

This Good Taste song reminds me of one from flight of the concord haha. Can’t remember the name of it, but it was singing about getting rude with the food
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:40am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

YetiB - Class Act.
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Hubig: Not to be confused with Robyn Hitchcock's late 80's/early 90's backing band
Gerry from Miami:

I noticed in all the tizzy revolving around Joni Mitchell and her late-career adulation(well-deserved, of course!), that little if any mention has been made of the contributions made to her large catalog by the late Henry Lewy, her wonderful engineer and sometime-producer. She would be the first to acknowledge his invaluable contributions, if anyone bothered to ask!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:41am
Joe McG:

@Hubig Pie: I was, thanks!
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Joe McG:

@Yeti Bob: I'm glad she likes the tunes!
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@Chuck: if you weren't selling volume, all the labels of the time were guilty of neglecting their artists. Some were better than others, but all were guilty to some extent. Probably the best two for good promotion were Atlantic & A&M because they had people at the top who really cared about the music

Joe’s Elektra show (I missed it):
Last set all Elektra (I heard it):
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44am

Hi Hubig - I can taste the ta'ameya, as I write this greeting
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Joe McG:

Thanks for posting those, Andres! I really love Elektra, at least up to the sale to Kinney or whoever.
Avatar 11:46am
Joe B:

elektra was probably better than most.
Avatar 11:47am

@Gerry: i am lucky enough to call bass legend Harvey Brooks a friend (haven't seen him in years, now living in Israel). He worked with Botnick on The Doors Soft Parade record and corroborated this info from the pediaofwiki in conversations we had in a local studio & at a local watering hole :

"In November 1968, the band entered the newly established studio Elektra Sound West on La Cienega Boulevard to continue work on The Soft Parade, a process that was not completed until early 1969. Without any album-ready material to work with, record producer Paul A. Rothchild took control of the recording sessions and insisted on numerous retakes of songs, much to the group's indignation. "It was like pulling teeth to get Jim into it", sound engineer Bruce Botnick recalled. "It was bizarre ... the hardest I ever worked as a producer." Rothchild, who by this time was addicted to cocaine and incredibly strict in his leadership, caused severe strife in the studio, especially with his advisor Jac Holzman, who argued that the drive for perfection was "grinding them [The Doors] into the ground".The album was by far the most expensive by the group, costing US$80,000 to create in contrast to the US$10,000 required for their debut.

Thanks Joe and all !!!
Avatar 11:48am

Thanks for keeping it real, Joe! 💨☕
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Hubig Pie:

Stanley, ta'amia in any other language is the beloved falafel. I think the Egyptians used fava instead of garbanzo .
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Jason from Houston:

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Jason from Houston:

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

& always held up as the doors' overproduced album.
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RR63: true
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Joe McG:

Hey Joe B.! Making way for the 3 Chord Monte very shortly, folks. Thanks for listening and commenting today! Hope you enjoyed the show. Have a great week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:52am

@DDay interesting stuff. Soft Parade is such a great album w such weird and unique words and sounds. Nobody else but the Doors, but I guess w a lot of help from Rothschild
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...so - a little *too much* attention from a cokehead, by that account....
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RR63: welllll... ;)
Greg g:

Thanks for the tines Joe, gotta go!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

No problem Jimbo's writing or the band (ever, imho)...
Greg g:

“tunes” that is
Avatar 11:54am

RR63: I much preferred "Strange Days"
Gerry from Miami:

@dday. Thanks for that deep look into a corner of rock history! Not surprised that the Lizard King was reluctant to polish his performances with extra takes. Maybe Botnick should be given lots more credit than he has received as the "sound" of all the Doors' albums still blows me away to this day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54am

Thanks Joe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...granted - handling JimMorrison not a job I'd wish on anyone...

Thanks as always @DJ Joe McG
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:55am

Thanks, Joe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:55am

Hubig - you are absolutely right. Lovely fried patties, brown on the outside and green inside. Tahini, lemon, chili, salad, even fried aubergine. Exceedingly good street food.

Thanks Joe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am
Mark Hurst:

A+ show today, Joe! Thanks.
Gerry from Miami:

JOE, excellent show, as always. Now go listen to the Supremes' version of "Witchi Tai To!"

Taim in NYC is probably the best take awayFalafel in Lower Manhattan - 2 locations..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am

Great show today! Thank you :)

Hurst! See you later?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58am
Mark Hurst:

@P-90 yes indeed
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Many thanks Joe, plus a few more!

Thanks, Joe!!
Avatar 11:58am

That was peppy. Thanks, Joe.
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RR63: from another now late aquaintence, blues guitar virtuoso Lonnie Mack, who also frequented said studio I mentioned in the early 80's, there was this time when Jim came into the studio in LA where Morrison Hotel was in session, wasted, looking like he'd just had a fight, sprayed the studio lobby with a fire extinguisher, came into the studio, did the vocals for Roadhouse Blues in one take & left. He was a handful by all accounts
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am

Morphe'- fava or garbanzos?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY Always DJ JoeMcG ~
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Brian in UK:

Nice work, Joe.
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