Favoriting Global Grease with Kim Sorise: Playlist from August 28, 2022 Favoriting

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Intrinsically curated, the music on this program—exclusively vinyl played on Technic 1200 M3D turntables—presents an illuminating collection of other-worldly grooves, beats, and sounds. Host Kim Sorise honors the jazz innovators, beat conductors, soul senders, and mind benders that traverse our musical and auditory landscapes. Grease for all. In music we trust.

Monday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting August 28, 2022: GG fills in for D:O

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Images
Alice Coltrane  Lord of Lords   Favoriting Lord of Lords  Impulse!  1972  LP  Born August 27, 1937, Detroit, MI Happy Belated Birthday! 
James Tatum Trio Plus  Introduction / Lord Have Mercy   Favoriting Contemporary Jazz Mass  JTTP Records/ Be! Records  1974/2015  LP  With Vocalist Conwell Carrington Recorded Live at St. Ceclia Detroit   
James Tatum Trio Plus  Glory to God   Favoriting Contemporary Jazz Mass  Carrington Recorded Live at St. Ceclia Detroit JTTP Records/ Be! Records  1974/2015  LP  With Vocalist Ursula Walker, Conwell Carrington Recorded Live at St. Ceclia Detroi   
The Decendants of Mike and Phoebe  Attica   Favoriting A Spirit Speaks  Everland Jazz  1973/2017  LP     
Michael White  John Coltrane Was Here   Favoriting Spirit Dance  Impulse!  1972  LP     
MIlton Marsh  Monism   Favoriting Monism  Strata-East  1975  LP     
New Dalta Ahkri  Lexicon   Favoriting Song of Humanity (Kanto Pri Homaro)  Kabell Records  1977  LP     

Music behind DJ:
Faruq Z. Bey with Northwoods Improvisers 

Oncala   Favoriting






Freddie Hubbard and İlhan Mimaroğlu  Sing Me A Song of Songmy, Part I (exc)   Favoriting Sing Me a Song of Songmy (A Fantasy for Electromagnetic Tape)  Atlantic  1971  LP     
The Ensemble Al-Salaam  Music is Nothing But A Prayer   Favoriting The Sojourner (Strata East, 1974)  Pvine  1974/2021  LP     
Marcus Belgrave  Space Odyssey   Favoriting Gemini II  Tribe / Planet E / Community Projects  1974/2019  LP     
Nate Morgan  Mrafu   Favoriting Journey Into Nigritia  Nimbus / Outernational Sounds  1983/2019  LP     
The Pyramids  Mogho Naba (King of Kings)   Favoriting King of Kings  Pyramind/Ikef  1974/2009  LP     
The Bobby Hamilton Quintet Unlimited  In the Mouth of the Beast   Favoriting Dream Queen  Now Again  2021  LP     
The Jihad  Sacred Chant   Favoriting Black & Beautiful. . . Soul & Madness  Jihas  1968  LP     
Black Artist Group (BAG)  Something to Play On   Favoriting In Paris, Aries 1973  Aguirre Zorn  NA  LP     
Lester Bowie  Sardegna Amore (new is full of Lonely People)   Favoriting The 5th Power  Black Saint  1978  LP  Sardegna Amore (New York is full of Lonely People) - listed incorrectly due to LP typo   
Jeanne Lee  Sundance   Favoriting Conspiracy  GEMA  1975/2001  LP     
Horace Tapscott Quintet  Niger's There   Favoriting The Giant is Awakened  Flying Dutchman/Real Gone  1969/2020  LP     
Doug Hammond and Mo' Folks  From Spirits   Favoriting We People  Idibib  1989  LP  founding member of the Detroit Creative Musicians Association   
The Heath Brothers / Albert, Jimmy & Percy featuring Stanley Cowell  Maimoun (from "Illusion Suite")   Favoriting Marchin' On!  Strata-East  1976  LP     
Turiya Alice Coltrane & Devadip Carlos Santana  Angel of Sunlight   Favoriting Illuminations  Columbia  1974  LP  One more Birthday shout out to Ms. Alice Coltrane - a true visionary   
Doug Hammond  Space I   Favoriting Reflections in the Sea of Nurnen  Idibib  1975  LP     

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46am

Good Morning, Dreamers and Streamers.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:58am

Good morning, Kim and listeners. Warm up the skillet -- we're bound for Destination Grease!

I know it's only the stream, but Herbie Nichols feels like just the right lead-in groove.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00am

Good Morning, Adam.
listener james from westwood:

Morning, Kim and all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am

Good Morning, James!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:02am

Good morning! Thanks for filling in!
Avatar 9:03am

Good morning, DJ Kim. Been a while.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am
Andrew in Toronto:

Hi there Kim and all other listeners!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am

Good morning, DJPeterDE and TDK60!
It has been a while.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am
Andrew in Toronto:

Hi adamdoesit!
Listener Gregory:

Good morning, all. Thanks for stepping in, Kim. Otherwise, what was the point of my getting up before noon?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am
Andrew in Toronto:

Hello TDK60.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Morning ! Thx for filling in. A good transition from WKCR's Prez & Bird observance - all our dedicated & detail-minded service & purity of purpose seeking ♍︎Virgo icon geniuses.
Avatar 9:10am

Hi Andrew, other attendees.
Happening upon Alice C. is serendipity. Kim, how goes Louisville? (Louisville, KY, right?)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10am
Andrew in Toronto:

Hi there Kim!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am

Good Morning, Andrew!
Avatar 9:21am

Good morning, Kim and early groovers! ^_^
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22am
Andrew in Toronto:

Hi there HyperDose!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24am

Good Morning, HyperDose! Welcome

what a lovely way to begin a sunday. just go ask Alice. just go listen to Kim. Saludos from a quiet, cool, moist (post rain) morning in Mexico city. ❤️
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31am

Buenos dias, alanr. What a beautiful entrance. Welcome and enjoy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32am

Hello Kim and listeners.
I guess some grease could help prepare our digestive tracts for the coming Glen Passaic
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33am

Good morning, Fred. I hope it does you good.
Avatar 9:36am

Sounds like the perfect backdrop for the music, alanr.
Morning, Andrew. Still shaking off the cobwebs over here
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:57am
doctorjazz in the Berkshires:

Helllloooooooo Sunday Greasers!
Packing to go home (sob), checking in! 😢
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01am

Good morning DocJazz -
Sorry your vacation is coming to a close.Hope it was wonderful. Welcome and Safe journey home

Was fortunate enough to see Faruq Z. Bey with the Northwoods Improvisers once circa 2009, not too long before he passed. He was sitting down and on oxygen but still sounded great.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01am

Hello Kim and drummer streamers.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:04am
doctorjazz in the Berkshires:

RRN63, forgot about Prez/Bird...

Thanks for playing New Dalta Ahkri. I remember seeing them live at NYU Lobe Student center a very long time ago. That was the first time I heard Anthony Davis who went on to do great things.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05am

Welcome WR & Polyus.
What a gift to see Faruq. I have seen him many times... incredible, underrated player - that was a tough loss.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Truly gratified the d:O timeslot is in such good hands ...it's an important one ! :D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09am

Wow, WM - that would have been an amazing sight to see.
Thank you Rev Rabbit - Welcome and good morning to you

Beautiful music!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:11am

Thank you, Jon.

I only recently discovered that I would have had a couple of opportunities to see Griot Galaxy around 1987, when they played up in Mt Pleasant where I was going to school. Kinda feel a little ill about it, like I missed something really amazing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13am

If there is one thing I know - you do not mess with Jazz fans ritual of Sunday morning.
One of the local public radio stations here - just canceled all Sunday jazz for more AAA non-com (blek) and the listenership is in an uproar.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:13am

I'm glad to report that this has all been excellent pancake-making and -eating music.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15am

Oh my god - really, Polyus... damn; I can understand that feeling. I saw Faruq gig in the late 80s - early mid 90s around Detroit. Are you a Central Michigan grad? My brother went there too.

Welcome, Jon! Enjoy
Send some my way, adam.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22am

I saw the Tribe tribute tour Carl Craig put together 10+ years ago. First time I heard of Marcus Belgrave, I bought this record at that show

@Kim - I went to Central for a few years but eventually dropped out. But I happened to be there at a time when there was a great little dive that hosted a lot of bands from the Detroit / AA area as well as some pretty great national acts. Actually the time I saw Faruq was at a 20 year reunion for the closing of that place.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24am

Thank you Polyus and Fred for the Detroit jazz love. I have always felt that the city's jazz legacy has been forgotten until recent years. I am glad it resonates with folks.
Avatar 10:30am

Just got home to Hubbard's Songmy - whadda set! Welcome to Sunday, Kim!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32am

Thank you, Stork. What an honor to have a couple Sundays in this month with y'all. Welcome and enjoy.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:33am

Looks like this album is available on Bandcamp in two different editions: 2014 via Nimbus West, 2019 Outernational… anyone know anything about provenance/mastering?

Managed to find a copy of Mark Stryker’s book on Detroit jazz history but haven’t jumped in yet. I grew up a few hours north but we used to get the Free Press, and I would read about the Detroit Jazz Festival and wish I could go.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:35am

Stryker's book is great. I read it in piece - because I want to good on a dig every few pages for more sounds. It's heavily annotated.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40am

I don't DJPeter - but I played the Outernational version - I do not need to eq. It originally was release on Nimbus - so I would expect they used the master tapes
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43am
Franco Twinkie:

KIM! What a treat on this weirdly overcast morning in L.A.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:44am

@kim thanks!
Avatar 🥁 10:45am
Listener Gregory:

They said the fog and clouds were going to "burn off" in the morning, but perhaps the fog has realized that it doesn't actually burn, because it is still very overcast here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46am

Morning Kim and greasers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am

Good Morning, Franco, Gregory and Chresti - welcome.
Avatar 🥁 10:49am
Listener Gregory:

I have been here! My attendance card proves it.

So nice to have GG as part of my Sunday morning swim/coffee/hammock routine
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53am

Thank you kindly, Feltron. Enjoy your Sunday
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58am

We have some marine layer this morning, which explains why I was able to sleep in.

Does the Black Artist Group feature Julius Hemphill?
Avatar 11:00am
DL in LA:

Show is sounding good! For some reason, I’m being reminded of seeing Maynard Ferguson long ago. I actually talked to his drummer after the show. Guess who that was? Peter Erskine, who later joined Weather Report.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:00am

No, @WM - it's Baikida Carroll, Charles Bobo Shaw, Floyd LeFlore, Joseph Bowie, Oliver Lake
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02am

Good morning DL - very cool. Enjoy Erskine's playing for sure
Avatar 11:02am

Good morning.
This will by my soundtrack for guilt-working today.
Avatar 🥁 11:03am
Listener Gregory:

Didn't Peter Erskine play with Stan Kenton or another name big band before being "discovered" by Weather Report?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03am

Good Morning, Brian. I hope it pushes you through that guilt.
Avatar 11:04am

I'm sure it will. And my cat is here to help.

Hi Kim! I am nursing a hangover but enjoying the squealchy morning jazz vibe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05am

Sure did, @Gregory.
An emotional support kitty is always nice
Avatar 11:06am

DJs party hard
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:06am

Sorry about that hangover, DJ Nick. I know it well. Looking forward to ELS.

We do we do, Hyperdose
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08am

good morning Kim and all
Avatar 11:08am

Squelchy morning jazz forever!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:09am

Agreed, Stork.
Good Morning to you Coel!
Avatar 11:09am

We canned 26 quarts of tomatoes yesterday. Only 4 more batches to go. I love this time of year.

Hi Stork!! I know it’s a squealchy late afternoon for you.
Avatar 🥁 11:10am
Listener Gregory:

Kim, I think the second title is New YORK is Full of Lonely People. The Art Ensemble did a great version of this.

I party a lot less these days! And not really by choice. Friends’ birthday pub crawl
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:11am

Amazing, Brian. I have been roasting and freezing for convenience. But hopefully I can can some next weekend.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:12am

Yes, Gregory - it is. But the LP has a typo in 2 places... So I go with it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:13am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ Toast Ye All with the DeathWishCoffeez ~
Avatar 🥁 11:14am
Listener Gregory:

@Kim, damn them!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:14am
doctorjazz in the Berkshires:

Love this Bowie album.!
All packed... 😰, Lunch, then Joisey... Thanks, Kim!
Avatar 11:15am
DL in LA:

@ Listener Gregory, I’m not sure, but Maynard Ferguson did have a pretty big band at that time. I think the show I saw I had like 12 to 16 musicians.
Avatar 11:15am

Have a safe trip back, doc!

Lovely Jeanne Lee!!
Avatar 🥁 11:17am
Listener Gregory:

@DL, he did. Erskine's history (according to Wikipedia) is really very weird. Started out with Stan Kenton (!), moved to Ferguson, then played with Weather Report. No doubt there were other gigs and short-term bands, but that is still a bizarre jump in my view.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:21am

I believe Erskine is the drummer on Ferguson's "Birdland," always wondered what Zawinul thought of that interpretation.
Footnote: highly recommend "PEN15" on Hulu, co-creator and co-star Maya Erskine. Richard Karn plays the fictionalized Peter Erskine (a drummer on the motel lounge circuit). Erskine's wife plays "herself" (Maya's mom).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:22am

I am a sucker for jazz poets @DJNGN
Must be the English teacher in me
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:23am

Another weird Ferguson sideman fact: Hugh Ragin had a stint with Ferguson c. 1982. I talked to one of the other trumpeters and asked "any of you soloing tonight" and he scoffed at Maynard letting any other trumpeter solo. "Hugh Ragin did when I saw you guys last year," I said. The reply: "Ragin's black."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24am
Doug Schulkind:

Godddammit is that Jeanne Lee record incredible! For me it has always been Billie and Jeanne and everyone else. And Kim.

Kim, you're killing it today.
Avatar 11:26am

Yellow Springs? Makes me think of Ha-Ha Pizza.
Avatar 11:27am

What’s up Kim! Checking in from Lexington Kentucky. Nice to hear you on a Sunday! What’s up everyone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:27am

Hey Hey abbazabba! MAcMack and Doug!
Happy Sunday.
Avatar 11:28am

Thanks Kim! You are always on top of these scheduling developments! Yes I volunteered to fill an hour of cha cha heels so that the Drummer stream would have live programming at least until 10. I'm a glutton for punishment haha.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:29am

It's a perfect LP, @Doug. I give you all thanks and praise for that LP introduction
Avatar 11:30am

What a great Halloween-y chord progression on this tune. And I swear there's an old video game that rips it off..
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:30am

PS just checked, Ragin is in the line-up that recorded Ferguson's "Live from San Francisco," but I don't think he solos on the record. That band leaned heavily on Denis DeBlasio
Avatar 11:33am

Also I am *not* actually filling an hour of Cha-Cha Heels. Producing something that amazing is not in my skill set. It will just be more Electric Lazy Susan
Avatar 11:35am

@nogood- what video game? I’m intrigued
Avatar 11:36am

Metroid I think? It's the music when you go down into the underworld on that elevator..
Avatar 11:39am

I think that's the famous NES composer "Hip" Tanaka. He is known for kinda being the artistic pinnacle of the 8-bit genre. Obviously by pilfering jazz records.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:39am

Doug Hammond makes a cameo appearance in Stryker’s book, wish there was more discussion of his unique conception.
Avatar 🥁 11:40am
Listener Gregory:

The Heath Brothers are an underrated group, one of the ones who kept the 70s from being a complete disaster in jazz (IMHO... no letters, please!).
Avatar 11:41am

Haha yeah I can see that. I haven’t played the new version of the game on switch yet but it looks cool
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:41am

Yes, for sure DJPeter. I have spent many years trying to get as much of his music as I can.

Well I hope @Gregory - today may have change your mind a touch about 70s era jazz.
Avatar 11:43am

@Listener Gregory I completely understand from the point of view of a jazz purist the 70s would be a stale time for improvisation, but someone who loves hybrid jazz and pop jazz compositions would call the 70s The Golden Years.
Avatar 11:44am

Wow, this coffee has given me all the courage that I lacked!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:45am

@DJPeter - Hammond help to found Detroit Creative Musicians Association and was influential in laying some of the groundwork for the creation of Tribe
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:46am

Most welcome @Brian
I have switched to Lion's Mane based coffee and I love love it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:48am
Doug Schulkind:

Fun fact: Hugh Ragin is one of the sweetest people in music. He took over the jazz ensemble at Oberlin the year I was in it (fall 1980). Years later, I went to see him perform at a club in D.C. and when I came up to say hello after the set, despite there being absolutely no reason for him to remember me, he bellowed out my name and gave me a big hug. I'm still beaming from that night. Also, the tone of his horn is one of the most beautiful things in creation.
Avatar 🥁 11:49am
Listener Gregory:

There were certainly many good groups and some good music being played in the 70s. But on jazz radio (which still existed), major labels, and the bulk of jazz that one would readily encounter, things were often dire. People would call up the station to complain if it played Ornette Coleman. If you went to your local record store, you would see a lot more Maynard Ferguson than Lester Bowie or Jeanne Lee. Anyway, the Heath Brothers group was an excellent example of a "mainstream" jazz group that wasn't playing warmed-over be-bop or trying unsuccessfully to rock out, so I give them credit. They get little attention now, because they weren't perhaps "innovative," but Jimmy's compositions and everyone's playing were superb. IN MY HUMBLE OPINION!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50am
Doug Schulkind:

Another fun fact: After a late-summer hiatus, Stork is back. Stork and the Stork Club return to the Drummer Stream. He's up next right here with a Kenny Drew 94th birthday special: wfmu.org...
Avatar 🥁 11:50am
Listener Gregory:

Anyway, thanks for an excellent show, Kim. Have to leave a bit early.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:51am

All praise due that Jack Dejohnette survived his internet death last week - and he is destroying the drums on this track.
Avatar 11:52am

I have actually not ever listened to The Heath Brothers despite some of my favorite 70s people being in the lineup, so thanks for the tip!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:52am

True pleasure, Gregory!
Took the words out of my mouth, Doug!!

STORK IS NEXT: wfmu.org...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:54am

Thanks, Kim. That put a squealch on my sundae.
Avatar 11:56am

Thanks Kim!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56am

Many thanks, Adam!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Case anyone was wondering :
Avatar 11:56am

Wunnerful show, Kim! Thankee!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am

Thanks Kim!
Avatar 11:58am

Thank you, teacher Kim!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58am

Thank you! Kim!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58am

Thanks Kim!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:59am
listener james from westwood:

Delighted to have rolled out of bed to this show; thanks, Kim!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY So Much DJ KS ~
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