Favoriting The Fantastic World of Kitten Sparkles with Kitten Sparkles AKA Don Bolles: Playlist from September 22, 2022 Favoriting

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Glambient! (Sound collage, Cosmic Surrealism, Sacred and secular children's records, oddities, Anomalies, Guests - and a little Glam and Bubblegum!)

Thursday 5 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting September 22, 2022: Trains, Kayns, and fetuses - also Glossolalia from 11-26-03 (kitten solo)

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Label Year Format Comments Images Approx. start time
Kitten Sparkles  Trains, Kayns, & Fetuses   Favoriting   2017     
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Kitten Sparkles  “A Flute-Like Sound”   Favoriting   2003     
1:52:32 (Pop-up)
    Pax Musical Productions  1978  7"  US (of course) 
L’il Markie  Diary of an Unborn Child   Favoriting Mark Fox Family Ministries  1979?  Vinyl  US 

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Listener comments!

Avatar 4:58pm
Debbie Davenport:

Yikes! It's fundraising time already. I didn't think that started until October. Gotta coordinate my donations!
Avatar 4:59pm
Debbie Davenport:

Hello Kitten! Hello chatroom friends.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:00pm

Kitten! Sparklers!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:03pm

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:03pm

I hear g-0-d had thoughts on the matter for a passage in his big book but....editors.
Avatar 5:11pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Hey there, fellow travelers! My favorite train record (and I like a lot of train records). Trains in the Hills. Argo Transacord label.
Avatar 5:16pm
Kitten Sparkles:

One of the cool things about most train records is the “natural phase-shift” AKA the Doppler Effect. This lp has lots of that, and also some quality people and animal sounds
Avatar 5:22pm
Debbie Davenport:

oh wow, I thought you were adding those in.
Avatar 5:23pm
Reginald Fessenden:

I love this!
I have collected many of my own railroad ambience tracks!
Avatar 5:36pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Yeah! That’s rad. You recorded them yourself? I need a Nagra! I’m mostly just using records.
Avatar 5:48pm
Mr Fab:

Meow, all!

SPacebrother Greg goes to airports and air shows and records jets. Maybe we need a trains vs planes mashup/showdown.
Avatar 5:53pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Yeah! I have some jet sounds on record, but field recordings would be cool.
Avatar 5:55pm
Kitten Sparkles:

This stuff is best loud and with full frequency gear.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:00pm
Threemoons 🌛🌝🌜:

Heyo. Working late tonight. Meh.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm

Hi Kitten and sparklers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm
Threemoons 🌛🌝🌜:

This fits my mood perfectly.
Cheree July:

Glambient flatulence😆🤣💨
Avatar 6:06pm
Debbie Davenport:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:09pm

Weasel Walter livestream on the 26th twitter.com...
Avatar 6:15pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Yay Weasel! We like that fellow a lot.
Krys O:

Hello there, from here in NJ!
Avatar 6:21pm
Kitten Sparkles:

No effects were used in the making of this lovely mess. Not even my Revox tape echo.
Avatar 6:23pm
Kitten Sparkles:

You can probably receive the Mother Shop’s terrestrial signal in NJ!
Krys O:

Yes, indeedy. My job is not too far from the transmitter site too.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:27pm

Mother Shop sounds like a place dealing in real dolls for people with a very specific fetish
Avatar 6:29pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Well there does seem to be a bit of tape echo, but that’s it I’m pretty sure. And it’s from the distant past/future. Not from now.
Avatar 6:30pm
Kitten Sparkles:

And oops it’s - Mother Ship!
Avatar 6:40pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Any Kirby 4th World fans might remember “Mother Box”. I do whenever I use my phone for directions, or ask google something, or try to get it to create a “Boom Tube” to help me travel thru space, time, or other dimensions.
Avatar 6:46pm
Reginald Fessenden:

Love the repeating I industrial rhythms.
Like the Best hits of the Printing Press and Steel mill!
Avatar 6:53pm
Kitten Sparkles:

It’s a little early for the Transmissions from Echo Beach. But it’s cool.
Krys O:

My cats are perplexed by these sounds. 🙀
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
Threemoons 🌛🌝🌜:

This is...awesome. About to knock off work and go pack for FRANTIC CITY F YEAH.
Avatar 7:00pm
Reginald Fessenden:

Wrong sideband gurgles!
Avatar 7:33pm
Debbie Davenport:

should I kill it?
Avatar 7:33pm
Debbie Davenport:

Avatar 7:34pm
Debbie Davenport:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34pm
Threemoons 🌛🌝🌜:

Fetuses -- fun to make, fun to eat!!
Avatar 7:35pm
Debbie Davenport:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:35pm
Threemoons 🌛🌝🌜:

Note that killing entire ecosystems and human cultures is AOK with the fundie set...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:37pm

I liked they worked in the taxes we ain't got part (though we do and they aren't used for that)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:40pm

He's never seen a flower but can call it by name. That's the kind of paradox that kills robots
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:42pm
Threemoons 🌛🌝🌜:

@ultradamno and knows it has blue eyes and blonde hair...without the aid of a mirror or self-awareness. Seriously, the way that you know Star Trek is science fiction -- if they ever fed any of that shit into the Borg mainframe it would crash the entire system.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:49pm

Blue eyes and blonde hair...probably assumed on his part because he could just feel his privilege
Avatar 7:54pm
Debbie Davenport:

Avatar 7:58pm
Kitten Sparkles:

Thanks, all!
Avatar 8:00pm
Mr Fab:

Wow, over already? Time flies when you're having weird. Thanks, Kitten!
Avatar 8:00pm
Debbie Davenport:

Thanks Kitten Sparkles!!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:01pm

Thank you! Thank you!
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