Favoriting The Mike Rogers Show: Playlist from October 5, 2022 Favoriting

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Playing the best of Japanese Indies and underground (and other stuff). Music you will hear nowhere else! Mike has been fired from every Tokyo FM station at least once and some of them 4 times! I wear it as a stinky badge of honor because FM in Japan sucks so much. Tune in! Be there!

On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting October 5, 2022: #55

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Artist Track Images Approx. start time
I met the Courettes last night  Of course, as usual, I forgot to take my photo with them   Favoriting
Samehada Shiriko & Dynamite  Theme   Favoriting
0:00:04 (Pop-up)
I met the guitarist from Sakuran Zensen last night. That's me, Sakura san (Daughter of Seiji from Guitar Wolf) and Guitarist from Sakuran Zensen!   
0:03:21 (Pop-up)
Highmarts  Love is Blind   Favoriting
0:05:53 (Pop-up)
The 5,6,7,8's  Hey Mashed Potato, Hey!   Favoriting
0:09:32 (Pop-up)
Courettes  The Teens Are Square   Favoriting
0:12:05 (Pop-up)
Let's Go's  Girl's Rock   Favoriting
0:14:51 (Pop-up)
Rasputin  Amplify the Hate   Favoriting   0:18:57 (Pop-up)
Lucie,too  Heartless   Favoriting
0:20:45 (Pop-up)
Neatbeats  Do the Global Twist   Favoriting
0:23:56 (Pop-up)
Samehada Shiriko & Dynamite  Go! Go! Seiakai Seifuku   Favoriting
0:25:52 (Pop-up)
Theee Bat  Summertime Blues   Favoriting
0:28:15 (Pop-up)
Tetsuko  I Want You   Favoriting
0:32:30 (Pop-up)
Jett Sett  Blue Jeans   Favoriting
0:35:10 (Pop-up)
Samehada Shiriko & Dynamite  Moshiyokattara   Favoriting
0:37:25 (Pop-up)
Motegi Smith Band  Yutari Datsu   Favoriting
0:40:22 (Pop-up)
I even met Geroge HW Bush   
0:43:06 (Pop-up)
Stephanies  Lucy! Lucy!   Favoriting
0:44:25 (Pop-up)
Let it Beat  Cold Turkey Song   Favoriting
0:47:20 (Pop-up)
Samehada Shiriko & Dynamite  New Engine   Favoriting
0:50:21 (Pop-up)
Ed Woods  Too Much Drunk   Favoriting
0:53:28 (Pop-up)
Dynamite Platoon  Uncontrollable Urge   Favoriting
0:53:40 (Pop-up)
Ed Woods  Too Much Drunk   Favoriting
0:56:26 (Pop-up)
0:58:06 (Pop-up)
1:02:04 (Pop-up)
Minnesota Voodoo Men  For Your Love   Favoriting
1:02:09 (Pop-up)
Su Ko D Koi  Suteki Onanoko   Favoriting
1:04:57 (Pop-up)
Samehada Shiriko & Dynamite  Samehada Stomp   Favoriting
1:06:45 (Pop-up)
Hazy Sour Cherry  Hit Dub Summer Nigtht   Favoriting
1:09:24 (Pop-up)
Go!Go!7188  Cutie Honey   Favoriting
1:11:09 (Pop-up)
Samehada Shiriko & Dynamite  Machine Gun Girl   Favoriting
1:15:08 (Pop-up)
Mophing People  I Don'T care   Favoriting
1:18:01 (Pop-up)
Lucie, too  Omoide Fire   Favoriting   1:20:54 (Pop-up)
Go! Go!7188  Jet Ninjin   Favoriting
1:25:46 (Pop-up)
Sino Hearts  Goodbye Tonight   Favoriting
1:29:05 (Pop-up)
Gito Gito Hustler  Maybe Love   Favoriting
1:31:15 (Pop-up)
Pen Friend Club  At Least For Me Tongiht   Favoriting
1:34:23 (Pop-up)
Sheena & the Rockets  Happy House   Favoriting
1:37:01 (Pop-up)
Samehada Shiriko & Dynamite  Gelpin Rock   Favoriting
1:39:44 (Pop-up)
Jett Sett  Go Ahead   Favoriting
1:43:15 (Pop-up)
Floppy Pinkies  Umbrella   Favoriting
1:45:44 (Pop-up)
Let's Go's  Lonely Girl   Favoriting
1:50:50 (Pop-up)
Tsushimaire  Show You my Soy Sauce   Favoriting
1:54:35 (Pop-up)
I have helped bands get big before. White Stripes were nobodies in these days   
1:57:09 (Pop-up)
Clalas  American   Favoriting
2:03:39 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 4:22pm
Mike Rogers:

Hey! I met to Courettes last night. They played with 5,6,7,8's & Highmarts!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:41pm

Good morning Mike-san.
Avatar 4:41pm
Mike Rogers:

I'm going to interview Paul Kopf from the Seeds (Pushin too hard) later today.
Avatar 4:41pm
Mike Rogers:

Then interview Samehada Shiriko & Dynamite in the afternoon!
Avatar 4:42pm
Mike Rogers:

Aitch san! Good Morning. You are early!
Avatar 4:42pm
Mike Rogers:

私のYoutubeを購読してください!Please Subscribe to my Youtube! www.youtube.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:42pm

Busy boy!
Just settling in Mike.
Ready for another working day (except I'm not really)
Avatar 4:43pm
Mike Rogers:

Yeah. I'm so sleepy (from the concert last night!)
Avatar 4:43pm
Mike Rogers:

The Courettes were awesome!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:45pm

Australians allowed to come to Japan again after Oct 11 without a visa.
Good news.
Avatar 4:49pm
Mike Rogers:

Yeah, but you need to be vaxxed three times and your tour HAS to be made through a Japanese tourism agency.
Avatar 4:50pm
Mike Rogers:

But still better than nothing, I guess.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:53pm

No more tour crap after the 11th and the kids and I have all had 4 already.
Now just need the time and the money
Avatar 4:54pm
Mike Rogers:

Well you gots a tour guide when you get here!
Avatar 4:55pm
Mike Rogers:

I know all the cool places and they are really cheap!
Avatar 4:55pm
Mike Rogers:

Er, I mean, "inexpensive"
Avatar 4:58pm
Mike Rogers:

OK? Ready to rock & Roll?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00pm

And off we go for real
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:01pm

Mr Rogers! Neighbors!

ohayou gozaimasu,
Avatar 5:01pm
Mike Rogers:

私のYoutubeを購読してください!Please Subscribe to my Youtube! www.youtube.com...
Avatar 5:02pm
Mike Rogers:

Ultradamno san!
Good Morning!

Avatar 5:04pm
Mike Rogers:

Mochy san!

Avatar 5:04pm
Mike Rogers:

Hi Sheena!

Avatar 5:06pm
Mike Rogers:

Good Morning everyone!
Avatar 5:08pm
Mike Rogers:

Please come & subscribe to my Youtube! Please! I beg of you! Youtube "MikeRogersShow"
Avatar 5:11pm
Mike Rogers:

I’m going to interview Paul Kopf from the Seeds today. I LOVED "Pushing Too Hard" and "Mr. Farmer" my dad hated the Seeds, so that should show you how cool they were!
Avatar 5:14pm
Mr Fab:

Mike Rogers san! So busy I've haven't' heard any Sheena's today. Happy for some rockin to get me thru.
Avatar 5:15pm
Mike Rogers:

Hey Mr. Fab!
I missed DJGG's show! But was able to say "Hi!"
Avatar 5:19pm
Mike Rogers:

Sakura san is way cool!
Avatar 5:20pm
Mike Rogers:

Roc & Roooooooollll!
Avatar 5:20pm
Mike Rogers:

God, Mr. Fab, I forgot to send you tunes. Any requests?
Avatar 5:20pm
Mike Rogers:

I'll send today!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:21pm

I think the citrus drink would be the hardest to drown in, because of the acidity
Avatar 5:21pm
Mike Rogers:

Lock & Loll!
Avatar 5:21pm
Mike Rogers:

But good if you have gout!
Avatar 5:22pm
Mr Fab:

requests? whatever i clicky-star!

Mike sends me stuff that I add to the SHeena stream. Cuz you're not gonna find em anywhere else.
Avatar 5:22pm
Mike Rogers:

I read the ancient Egyptians used to NOT wish death on their enemies. They wished them gout! No kidding.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:22pm

Counteract the salmon and organ meat
Avatar 5:23pm
Mike Rogers:

I have been drinking apple vinegar... My foot hurts again! Arrrggghhh!

Because it's suddenly getting cold

Please be careful.

It seems that apple cider vinegar is good for dieting.
Avatar 5:25pm
Mike Rogers:

Some of these Japanese rockers have the most amazing stories.... 19 years old and meets Chuck Berry? WTF???? How is that possible?
Avatar 5:25pm
Mike Rogers:

Yeah, Mochy san, it's really cold today!
Avatar 5:26pm
Mike Rogers:

Mr. an from the Neatbeats went to Europe and got a record deal and he didn't even have a record. How is that possible????
Avatar 5:27pm
Mike Rogers:

Mr. Pan, I mean...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:27pm

It was in the 40s here this morning, now it's in the 70s
Avatar 5:27pm
Mike Rogers:

Global Cool-Warming
Avatar 5:29pm
Mike Rogers:

Theee Bat "Summertime Blues!"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:29pm

I'm guessing the Blue Cheer version is the one being covered here
Avatar 5:30pm
Mike Rogers:

Flavia the guitarist from Courettes told me last night two things that blew my mind: 1) She was win a Yoko Ono cover band!!! 2) She couldn't believe how many all girl bands there are in Japan!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:31pm

Loving Theee Bat, they go hard
Avatar 5:31pm
Mike Rogers:

Yeah, I think Japanese bands like heavier versions of everything
Avatar 5:32pm
Mike Rogers:

Aitch san! Yeah, they definitely turn up to 11.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:33pm

Plus Theee Bat were a power trio too, weren't they?
Avatar 5:33pm
Mike Rogers:

I interviewed Reiko from Tetsuko on my Youtube. She speaks only Japanese, but I destroy her Japanese with my crappy English translation.
Avatar 5:34pm
Mike Rogers:

Ultradamno san! Yeah. A Trio. Considered legendary now in Japan
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:34pm

G'day Mike & Mates!
Avatar 5:34pm
Mike Rogers:

Hey Scott67 san!

Good Morning!
Avatar 5:36pm
Mike Rogers:

Jett Sett were played on Rodney's show last week. They are in heaven on earth now. The lead singer of Jett Sett has met Blondie. I was blown away when I saw the photo!
Avatar 5:37pm
Mike Rogers:

Japan is weird in many ways, but the weirdest is how people can meet their favorite stars.... I guess it might be because you don't have to worry about so many crazies here.
Avatar 5:38pm
Mike Rogers:

We have lots of crazies here, but they usually aren't dangerous.... That would be impolite.
Avatar 5:42pm
Mike Rogers:

Can you find the fat person on the playlist photos?
Avatar 5:42pm
Mike Rogers:

Yes! It's Me!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:42pm

Hi Mike san!
Avatar 5:43pm
Mike Rogers:

Hey Feldy san!

Good Morning!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:43pm

Apart from the one who shot Shinzo Abe. Or the ones who released Sarin in the Subway....
Avatar 5:44pm
Mike Rogers:

Yeah, those people are a bit crazy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:44pm

...and Masonna
Avatar 5:45pm
Mike Rogers:

Scott67 san,
Did you know the guy who shoot Abe wasn't there to shoot Abe? He was there to shoot some religious guy, but couldn't find that guy, so he decided to just shoot Abe. No kidding.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:45pm

Were you helping an assassin sight in wearing that T-shirt with Bush Mike?
Avatar 5:46pm
Mike Rogers:

Scott67 san!
Oh my god! I never noticed that until now!!!!
Avatar 5:47pm
Mike Rogers:

it was just, as always, the first clean shirt in the drawer.
Avatar 5:47pm
Mike Rogers:

I'm innocent. Innocent, I tell you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48pm

Say, it is the dozen year anniversary of the first Killing Joke record today
Avatar 5:48pm
Mike Rogers:

Really? I'm staying indoors!
Avatar 5:50pm
Mike Rogers:

It's really cold today anyway!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50pm

Dozen, that's obviously wrong...42. Yikes
Avatar 5:51pm
Mike Rogers:

Oh? Yeah. I'm not so good at maffs either.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:52pm

Well, it still feels that recent
Avatar 5:52pm
Mike Rogers:

I can't even remember what I did this morning
Avatar 5:56pm
Mike Rogers:

I do remember that I haven't had enough coffee

Avatar 6:02pm
Mr Fab:

what do they sell in those machines? American vending machines just sell sodas and potato chips. Pretty boring use of technology.
Avatar 6:03pm

Late, but I made it for once
Avatar 6:03pm
Mike Rogers:

They even sell hot meals and HOT WATER! No kidding. They sell everything. Ice cream, frozen foods, sushi, ramen, you name it they sell it!
Avatar 6:04pm
Mike Rogers:

Hi Laura san!
Good Morning!
Avatar 6:04pm

Good morning lovely Mike!
Krys O:

Hello from New Jersey!
Avatar 6:06pm
Mike Rogers:

Krys O san!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm

By the way, if you have money still after donating, Bandcamp Friday is this week and there is a red vinyl Hazy Sour Cherry album recently up hazysourcherry.bandcamp.com... and sometime woof moo DJ People Like Us is putting up a ltd lathe cut thing (and typically offers a deep discount on full digital discography on the day) peoplelikeus-vickibennett.bandcamp.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm

Do they have the chocoballs in mint?
Avatar 6:08pm
Mike Rogers:

Ultradamno san!
This is weird timing!
Avatar 6:09pm
Mike Rogers:

Hazy Sour Cherry is next!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm

Radio psychic!
Avatar 6:10pm
Mike Rogers:

Mint Chocoballs? I'l bet they do!
Avatar 6:12pm
Mike Rogers:

Weird things happen when the moon meets Uranus!
Avatar 6:13pm
Mike Rogers:

Oh, spell check! Arrrggghhhh!
Avatar 6:14pm
Mike Rogers:

I mean to say, "Hope your mother in law is well."
Avatar 6:16pm
Mike Rogers:

Hey, Mr. Fab, I don't understand who this "Clicky star" thing works or what it is for...
Avatar 6:18pm
Mike Rogers:

I mean, "How" and what it means
Avatar 6:19pm
Mr Fab:

when you click on a star next to a song, it shows up in your profile under "Favorites." So you can click on anyone's name (if they're registered) and see what their faves are. E.g.: I see that ultradammo just clicky-starred Go!Go!7188's "Cutie Honey"
Avatar 6:20pm
Mike Rogers:

Oh, you don't click on the star, but the numbers?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22pm

Click Star- Select 'Favorite' Star goes yellow.
Avatar 6:22pm
Mike Rogers:

How does one give a star?

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm

When you click the star a dialogue bubble pops up and then you click 'favorite this song' and then you can review them on your profile page at your leisure
Avatar 6:23pm
Mike Rogers:

Where doe it say, "Star Select"?
See? I've been doing this for a year and I don't understand how this system works!
Avatar 6:23pm
Mike Rogers:

Mochy san!

Avatar 6:24pm
Mr Fab:

The star is to the right of the song title. Click on it if you like the song, and it turns yellow
Avatar 6:27pm
Mike Rogers:

Ah? I have to LOOK AT THE SCREEN?That is an extra instruction. Can't we just make it so that we think, "I like this song" and the star appears?
Avatar 6:28pm
Mike Rogers:

Ok. It doesn't seem to click for me. I can't turn it yellow. Why? Arrrrggghhh!
Avatar 6:32pm
Mr Fab:

click on my name, then on th "Favorites" tab, and you'll see everything I've clicked lately.
Avatar 6:32pm
Mike Rogers:

Oh the internets! Such frsutration! Speel check? No!
Avatar 6:33pm
Mike Rogers:

Oh, wow! I can see it.... I'll send you those songs as soon as I'm done.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm

Musk is working on neural implants
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm

I can't wait to have a Musk-Lobotomy
Avatar 6:34pm
Mike Rogers:

So, on Minnesota Voodoo Men, it says "0/5" that's not their batting average, right?
Avatar 6:35pm
Mr Fab:

ha, no that's how many people favorited that song.
Avatar 6:35pm
Mike Rogers:

But I heard with the Neural implants you'll have urges to eat lots of chocolate
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm

Of course the first thing that comes up on autofill when you type Elon is 'elon musk idiot'
Avatar 6:36pm
Mr Fab:

the second digit. i don't know what the first digit means
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:36pm

I wonder if he and Hershell Walker ever swap child rearing stories they never participated in
Avatar 6:37pm
Mike Rogers:

Oh, this is good data. I see people like the heavier songs. I was wondering about that
Avatar 6:38pm
Mike Rogers:

I should make a "Ear Bleeding Special"????
Avatar 6:39pm
Mike Rogers:

But NO HEAVY METAL!!!! (excepting Spinal Tap!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm

That would be nice. Kitten Sparkles had a great "Bonehead Crunchers" special on his Wired Up show recently
Avatar 6:40pm
Mike Rogers:

So, no clicky stars on this song? hmmmm?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm

Ab ALL G.I.S.M ep!
Avatar 6:41pm
Mike Rogers:

OK. I'll bite. What does "G.I.S.M."? mean.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm

*An, that is
Avatar 6:41pm
Mike Rogers:

You young kids and your new fangled English language
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm

OK, Mr. Japanese music expert www.discogs.com...
Avatar 6:42pm
Mike Rogers:

I had a guy tell me "That's sick!" the other day. I thought he felt unwell... But I find out he meant "That's groovy!"
Avatar 6:43pm
Mike Rogers:

Ah? Like I said, "NO HEAVY METAL!"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm

But that's like lumping Motörhead and Voivod in with Limp Bizkit or something
Avatar 6:47pm
Mike Rogers:

Limp Bizkit, I think I played a song of their once on the radio. One time too many.
Avatar 6:47pm
Mike Rogers:

I don't think I've ever played a Motohead song ever. Why? Well, there's tons of Metal DJs in Japan. In Japan, Heavy Metal is still, and always will be, huge.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm

Have we lost Stevie Nichts altogether, by the way?
Avatar 6:51pm
Mr Fab:

Motorhead seems as punk as they are metal. Rodney used to play 'em.
Avatar 6:52pm
Mike Rogers:

Yeah, I'm on the fence with them. But I personally like them... But tortured myself a long time ago as to "Should I play them?" Then I heard them on the headbager show and decided, "Nah, for sure they don't need my help at all!" All hail Motorhead!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm

In interviews Lemmy always seemed more about classic rock stuff he came up with
Avatar 6:53pm
Mike Rogers:

Ultradamno san, Yeah, I think Stevie is gone. I thought I would never insult him, but maybe he just wanted an argument and went to greener fields.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm

Rap is on the table though, huh?
Avatar 6:57pm
Mike Rogers:

Definitley huge assed bands don't need my help.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

There was a big argument on bottles of soy sauce vs packets (and refrigerated vs room temp) on twitter recently...there were opinions.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

So no Fat Boys?
Avatar 6:57pm
Mike Rogers:

Wow! People have a lot of time on their hands!
Avatar 6:58pm

Great show again, Mike.
Avatar 6:58pm
Mike Rogers:

Thanks Laura san!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

Thanks Mike!☕😎🤙💨☕
Avatar 6:59pm

That song was great!
Avatar 6:59pm
Mr Fab:

Great show, Mike san!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

I usually put soy sauce in stuff at home that's already hot, so I never thought of it as an issue (with sushi I can see it being an issue, but that's always at a restaurant. so...)
Avatar 7:00pm
Mike Rogers:

Oh shit, I forgot to plug Shake Some Action!
Avatar 7:01pm
Mike Rogers:

THanks, Mr. Fab!
Avatar 7:01pm
Mike Rogers:

THanks Scott67 san!
Avatar 7:01pm
Mike Rogers:

Tanks Ultradamno san!
Avatar 7:02pm
Mike Rogers:

THanks Feldy san!
Avatar 7:02pm
Mike Rogers:

Thansk Mochy san!
Avatar 7:02pm
Mike Rogers:

THanks Krys O san!
Avatar 7:03pm
Mike Rogers:

Thanks Aitch san!
Avatar 7:03pm
Mike Rogers:

THanks Sheena!
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