Favoriting The Funhouse with Harry Parmenter: Playlist from January 29, 2023 Favoriting

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A weekly hour of unpredictable rockin' fun featuring unheard music with occasional history, commentary and anecdotes from host Harry Parmenter. THE FUNHOUSE offers the listener a brief respite from the onslaught of daily existence.

Sunday 9 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
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Favoriting January 29, 2023: I WON'T STAY LONG

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
The Stranglers  The Waltzinblack (Intro)   Favoriting The Gospel According To The Meninblack  EMI  1981  CD  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
The Jesus And Mary Chain  Dirty Water   Favoriting Stoned & Dethroned  American Recordings/Beggars Banquet  1994  CD  0:01:30 (Pop-up)
Gary Myrick  She Talks in Stereo   Favoriting Gary Myrick & The Figures  Wounded Bird  1980  CD  0:04:42 (Pop-up)
The New Cars  Moving in Stereo   Favoriting It's Alive!  ElevenSeven Music  2006  CD  0:08:42 (Pop-up)
Suede  15 Again   Favoriting Autofiction  Sony Music  2022  CD  0:13:47 (Pop-up)
Nervous Eaters  Hop Sing Said   Favoriting Monsters + Angels  Wicked Cool Records  2022  CD  0:17:01 (Pop-up)
Dwight Twilley  I'm On Fire   Favoriting XXI  The Right Stuff  1996  CD  0:21:12 (Pop-up)
Alice Cooper  I'm Eighteen   Favoriting Live frorm the Astroturf  earMUSIC  2022  CD  0:25:15 (Pop-up)
The Supersuckers  Rock And Roll Records   Favoriting Live at Helldorado  Cobraside  2008  CD  0:28:46 (Pop-up)
Dirty Denims  Back With A Bang   Favoriting Back With A Bang  Bandcamp  2017  CD  0:31:19 (Pop-up)
The White Buffalo  Avalon   Favoriting Darkest Darks, Lightest Lights  Earache  2017  CD  0:35:07 (Pop-up)
The Dandy Warhols  all the money or the simple life honey   Favoriting odditorium or warlords of mars  Capitol Records  2005  CD  0:38:03 (Pop-up)
The Dictators  Savage Beat   Favoriting Single  Impossible Records  1997    0:41:17 (Pop-up)
Herman Brood & His Wild Romance  Rock 'n' Roll Junkie   Favoriting Herman Brood & His Wild Romance  Ariola Records  1979  LP  0:43:38 (Pop-up)
Oasis  Up in the Sky   Favoriting Definitely Maybe  Creation Records  1994  CD  0:50:32 (Pop-up)
The Byrds  I'll Feel A Whole Lot Better   Favoriting Ultimate Byrds  Legacy/Columbia  1998  CD  0:52:24 (Pop-up)
David Crosby  I Won't Stay Long   Favoriting For Free  BMG  2021  CD  0:54:31 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:00pm
Harry Parmenter:

welcome any and everyone

fun haus me bay-bee!
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:00pm

Hi Harry
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:00pm

Hey Harry and all
Tony Romo:

Hi Harry, I'm Tony Romo. I'll make obvious comments about your musical selections that will be seen as genius.

Hey, Harry and crew!
Avatar 9:01pm
Harry Parmenter:

hey there rychurd, Fatherflot and, oh yes, Tony.
Howard Cosell:

in turn I will make genius comments that seem obvious
Androu B.:

Good Evening, Harry, Mom, F2, medsy, bpn!
Avatar 9:02pm
Harry Parmenter:

bpn. thx for stopping by.
Avatar 9:02pm
Harry Parmenter:

Howard! Always an honor
Avatar 9:02pm

Hi Harry - RW - F2 - Tony Romo - bpn - Howard - Androu B
Tony Romo:

The singer is talking about water do dirty even the fish won't go there. That's heavy stuff!
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:03pm

No Romo, but Tony's kinda cute.
Avatar 9:03pm
Harry Parmenter:

evening Mom. that was a cracking hour RW. very deep, Tony.
Tony Romo:

Isn't there a song about Boston called Dirty Water?
Avatar 9:03pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Tony Romo @9:03
you stumped the band
Tony Romo:

Whoa, Harry talking a lot earlier in tonight's show than previous shows. Jim I'm not sure what this new format is about but I like it.
Androu B.:

↳ Tony Romo @9:03
Harry played that one some time ago.
Tony Romo:

Normally Harry is a man of few words and usually lets a good 20 minutes go by before speaking. Tonight he dives right in after the first song!

looks like it might be an audible Tony.
Tony Romo:

Yes, definitely saw how the audience was reacting and moved in a different direction
Avatar 9:07pm
Harry Parmenter:

Speaking of audience I haven't seen any sign of a high ankle sprain tonight. jeez.
Androu B.:

↳ Song: "She Talks in Stereo" by "Gary Myrick"
There's a haunting quality to each one of Myrick's songs.
Tony Romo:

Sometimes there is a hobble after plays but most park OK but look out, you may have spoken too soon.
Avatar 9:07pm
Harry Parmenter:

Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:08pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:07
Mahomes is hopping and hobbling
Tony Romo:

Phoebe Cates in my head now
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:09pm

↳ Tony Romo @9:04
Doesn't anyone knock anymore!!
Androu B.:

↳ Tony Romo @9:08
Yes, always reminded of that pool scene!
Avatar 9:10pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ medson @9:09
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:12pm
Mike Sin:

↳ Song: "She Talks in Stereo" by "Gary Myrick"
Bought this 45 back in the day
Avatar 9:13pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Mike Sin @9:12
a good single. pretty good live. LA hit.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:13pm

The New Cars sound Android Auto ready
Avatar 9:14pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:13
well put
Tony Romo:

Bengals not going away
Avatar 9:15pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Tony Romo @9:15
going to the dance
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:17pm

Great opening set Harry.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:18pm
Mike Sin:

↳ Song: "15 Again" by "Suede"
New Suede?! Man, I am out of it. Cool to hear.
Avatar 9:18pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ medson @9:17
glad you like it. this one gets better the more you hear it.

Terrific track, Harry!
Avatar 9:18pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Mike Sin @9:18
yeah don't know their stuff well, good sound
Avatar 9:19pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ S33DY @9:18
yeah it's good, huh!
Avatar 9:20pm
Harry Parmenter:

one of those six times in a row in the car up loud first times you hear it
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:20pm
Mike Sin:

Ancillary comment: if KC wins tonight, I am then happy to say I called this Super Bowl in October
Avatar 9:21pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Mike Sin @9:20
lookin' good Kreskin
Tony Romo:

↳ Mike Sin @9:20
my commanders-Raiders prediction didn't pan out (that's a joke)
Avatar 9:21pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Tony Romo @9:21
they're in the toilet bowl
Tony Romo:

I'm looking forward to next week's Tom Verlaine tribute Harry!
Avatar 9:22pm
Harry Parmenter:

old rockers droppin like flies
Tony Romo:

HDM's birthday today
Avatar 9:23pm
Harry Parmenter:

The Funhouse: Putting the Fun in Funeral.
Androu B.:

↳ Tony Romo @9:22
Sad to hear. RIP Tommy Verlaine
Tony Romo:

Harry once again plugging The Plimsouls, one his favorite almost was
Avatar 9:26pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Tony Romo @9:25
Always. Never failed to deliver the goods.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:27pm

Barrett Strong too
Avatar 9:27pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:27
a Giant just for writing that ONE SONG!
Avatar 9:29pm
Harry Parmenter:

shoulda played that Lennon classic vocal
Avatar 9:32pm
David Shortell:

↳ Song: "I'm Eighteen" by "Alice Cooper"
When he sang this on the Tonight Show in 1997, he left the lyrics intact and explained to Jay Leno that it wouldn't sound right if he revised the lyrics to "I'm 49 and I don't know what I want".
Avatar 9:33pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ David Shortell @9:32
I think once in Montreal or Quebec he tried singing "I'm dix-huit!" which fell flat as well.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:33pm
Mike Sin:

↳ Song: "I'm Eighteen" by "Alice Cooper"
Did medson ever tell you that his skills landed him grooming Alice cooper’s boa constrictors on the road in ‘74?
Avatar 9:33pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Mike Sin @9:33
i did not know that. tell me more please

Hot Pattotie! Bless my soul! I really love this rock n’ roll
Avatar 9:35pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ S33DY @9:34
alright turn it up !
Mike Sin's Attorney:

Hey can't he's constricted by an NDA
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:36pm

↳ Mike Sin @9:33
I remember that as the Billion Dollar Groomer tour.
Androu B.:

Harry, you had an all-female artist show back in February of last year. Are you planning on doing a similar show this year?
Avatar 9:36pm

↳ S33DY @9:18
Avatar 9:37pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Androu B. @9:36
and it shall be done.
Avatar 9:38pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Mike Sin @9:20
lookin' good there
Androu B.:

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:37
Avatar 9:41pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Androu B. @9:38
if I am not mistaken March is National Women's Month. A full hour of Streisand on tap.
Avatar 9:43pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ medson @9:36
I think it was the snake in the band that killed them.
Tony Romo:

Savage Beat!
Avatar 9:45pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Tony Romo @9:43
A great B-side
wenzo (listener #143834):

Whoever’s in charge of giving out months is a stingy mothertrucker… hundreds of years of slavery and oppression? You get February. Half the population, you only got the right to vote a hundred years ago, get paid pennies on the dollar, more oppression etc…? You get March. I’m assuming May-October are all upper class straight white man appreciation time?
Androu B.:

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:41
I was hoping you'd devote an entire show in honor of girl groups. But, meh, it's your show, you make the call!
Avatar 9:47pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Androu B. @9:46
BS was a joke! Of course I will. It's all music. Whatever sounds good sounds good!
Tony Romo:

Can't go wrong w Oasis.
wenzo (listener #143834):

We’ve had the last… how ever many thousands of years… lucky you, you get a couple shitty cold months… to be patronized
Avatar 9:48pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ wenzo (listener #143834) @9:45
a good question
Avatar 9:50pm
Harry Parmenter:

just hope you are enjoying the music on a Sunday night.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:51pm

Great show Harry.
wenzo (listener #143834):

Of course! Thank you HP! 🙏
Avatar 9:52pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ medson @9:51
thx man.
Avatar 9:52pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ wenzo (listener #143834) @9:51
really appreciate you listening and you made my day! thank you.
Avatar 9:52pm
Harry Parmenter:

couple for Mr. Crosby here, another one biting the dust
Androu B.:

Thanks, Harry!
Avatar 9:52pm

↳ Song: "I'll Feel A Whole Lot Better" by "The Byrds"
Super one here
Avatar 9:53pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Androu B. @9:52
thank YOU Androu and glad you are diggin it Mom
Avatar 9:53pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ MOM WHIG @9:52
you and Barrett Strong the same birthday week!!
Avatar 9:54pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:53
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:54pm

Thanks Harry
Avatar 9:55pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:54
thx Fatherflot! so glad you joined.
Tony Romo:

Nice ending Harry
Avatar 9:56pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:54
yeah this one gets me. been listening to it during an unsuccessful search and it is powerful
Avatar 9:56pm

Harry - Thank for for this Amazing time here tonite.
Avatar 9:57pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ MOM WHIG @9:56
very kind thx. Doo Wop comin up!
Avatar 9:57pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:57
We're all at the ready to drift over there soon
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