Favoriting The Orange Peel Hour with Orange Peel: Playlist from March 6, 2023 Favoriting

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From the UK in a big way comes classic DJ, Orange Peel. A transplant from the North of England, stuck in suburban California since the 1960's. He spins scintillating sunshine sixties psych, pop & beat.

Monday 5 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
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Favoriting March 6, 2023

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Artist Track Year Comments Images Approx. start time

Music behind DJ:



Starting soon 


0:00:00 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Swingle Singers 

Harpsichord Suite No. 5 In E-Dur : Air With 5 Variations "The Harmonious Blacksmith" (Arr. Ward Swingle To Jazz)   Favoriting




0:00:18 (Pop-up)
Vigrass  A New Man (mono 45)   Favoriting       0:01:24 (Pop-up)
Ben Findon  Mrs. Mac   Favoriting       0:04:12 (Pop-up)
The Mirage  The Wedding Of Ramona Blair   Favoriting       0:06:44 (Pop-up)
Bruno  The English Girl   Favoriting       0:08:56 (Pop-up)
Simon  Dream Seller   Favoriting       0:11:30 (Pop-up)
The Good Ship Lollipop  How Does It Feel (stereo)   Favoriting       0:13:55 (Pop-up)
The Morgan-James  The Dreamer   Favoriting       0:16:41 (Pop-up)
The Mixed Bag  Round And Round (UK 45)   Favoriting       0:18:42 (Pop-up)
Kenny Everett  Nice Time   Favoriting 1969      0:21:30 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Big Jim Sullivan 

Pageing Sullivan   Favoriting




0:24:20 (Pop-up)
The Kinks  Afternoon Tea (stereo remix)   Favoriting 2014      0:25:23 (Pop-up)
The Beatles  Your Mother Should Know (stereo)   Favoriting       0:29:06 (Pop-up)
Billy Nicholls  Would You Believe (mono)   Favoriting 2000   
0:31:29 (Pop-up)
Del Shannon  Mind Over Matter (mono 45)   Favoriting 1967      0:34:05 (Pop-up)
Keith  98.6 (mono)   Favoriting       0:37:04 (Pop-up)
The Monkees  I Can't Get Her Off My Mind (2022 remix)   Favoriting       0:40:04 (Pop-up)
The Left Banke  She May Call You Up Tonight (mono 45 mix)   Favoriting 1967   
0:42:26 (Pop-up)
Bee Gees  Suddenly (mono)   Favoriting 1969   
0:44:45 (Pop-up)
Peter & Gordon  Greener Days (mono)   Favoriting 1967   
0:47:11 (Pop-up)
The Beethoven Soul  The Walls Are High (mono 45)   Favoriting       0:49:46 (Pop-up)
The Montage  An Audience With Miss Priscilla Gray (mono 45)   Favoriting       0:52:14 (Pop-up)
The Fortunes  Running Round In Circles   Favoriting        
The Tropics  Goodbye My Love   Favoriting        

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Listener comments!

Avatar 4:56pm
Orange Peel:

Welcome, Pop Pickers!
Avatar 4:58pm
Orange Peel:

Only a few hundred dollars to raise. Can you spare some cash?
Avatar 🎸 4:58pm

Hello, DJOP! Hello, Everyone! Happy Monday and Happy Fundraising! I donated with change found inbetween the couch cushions.
Avatar 5:00pm
Orange Peel:

Why, thank you, Lady Woof!
Avatar 🎸 5:00pm

Hey there, Sir Peel and Woof!
Avatar 5:01pm
Orange Peel:

Hullo, Lady Jen
Avatar 5:01pm

Hi di ho pledgers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:04pm
David (in London):

Evening Orange Peel and assembled citrus fanciers: Woof, Jen, Erica.
Avatar 5:04pm
Orange Peel:

Hullo, Lady Erica - Am I Crazy?!
Avatar 5:06pm
Orange Peel:

Sir David, from the Smoke - today is today, correct?

Aloha Sir Peel and all!
Avatar 5:08pm
Orange Peel:

Hullo, Sir Dennis
Avatar 5:08pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Song: "The Wedding Of Ramona Blair" by "The Mirage"
This is quite a tale
Avatar 5:11pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Song: "The English Girl" by "Bruno"
This one is definitely a true story
Avatar 5:13pm
Orange Peel:

You all most be in awe of my platter party - you are so very quiet today
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:13pm

Hello Orange Peel, Woof, uptownjen, Erica, David in London, Dennis
Avatar 5:14pm

↳ Woo @5:13
Hi Woo
Avatar 5:15pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Woo @5:13
Hullo, Woo - my esteemed listener
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:16pm
David (in London):


We are in awe of your party patter, OP.
Avatar 5:17pm
Orange Peel:

↳ David (in London) @5:16
As I suspected - you are a fully paid up member, so I would accept nothing less, Sir David

Hiya woo
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:19pm

hey ho. this song is a dilly.
Avatar 5:20pm
Orange Peel:

↳ dale @5:19
Why, yes - Indeed!
Avatar 5:22pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Song: "Nice Time" by "Kenny Everett"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:23pm
David (in London):

Ah, Sir Kenny. Media was a much less wild place when he passed away.
Avatar 5:23pm
Orange Peel:

↳ David (in London) @5:23
But of course
Avatar 5:23pm

Hi, Orangey and all fellow listeners!
Avatar 5:24pm
Orange Peel:

The correct moniker is Orange Peel
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:24pm
David (in London):

Hey Soule.
Avatar 5:25pm

Hey, David!
Avatar 5:25pm

Tea time with the Kinks.
Avatar 5:25pm

↳ Orange Peel @5:24
Happy to use the correct moniker, Orange Peel.
Avatar 5:27pm
Orange Peel:

↳ Song: "Afternoon Tea (stereo remix)" by "The Kinks"
I could have told Sir Raymond that Donna was a runaround
Avatar 5:28pm
Orange Peel:

Who requested this?
Avatar 5:29pm
Orange Peel:

Sir Paul's Granny Music?
Avatar 5:30pm

In other news I had beans on toast for the first time today. Let's just say it tastes better the more you eat it.
Avatar 5:31pm
Orange Peel:

Would you believe?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:31pm

↳ Erica @5:30
what kind of beans?
Avatar 5:32pm

↳ Woo @5:31
Baked beans of course.
Avatar 🎸 5:33pm

↳ Woof @4:58
Woof, THAT is amazing, considering I made my pledge with money I found in your couch BEFORE you went thru it!
Avatar 🎸 5:34pm

Hi OP, Erica, Dennis, David, Jen, woof, and everyone else! Matter over mind for OP this show. BUCKS!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:35pm
David (in London):

Canny, Clark, very very canny.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:35pm

assume that was marriott in the background on the billy nichols. LOVE del shannon's 'psych' period.
Avatar 🎸 5:35pm

↳ David (in London) @5:35
Im glad the FMU banker could exchange Euros for dollars.
  Swag For Life Member 5:36pm

Hiya WLSClark
Avatar 🎸 5:36pm

Hello, Woo and David! Happy Monday, all.
Avatar 5:36pm
Orange Peel:

↳ WLSClark @5:34
Avatar 🎸 5:36pm

Hey there, Clark!
Avatar 5:37pm

HI OP - Woof - uptownjen - Erica - Dennis - Woo - David in London - dale - Soule - WLS DennisK
Avatar 🎸 5:37pm

I have always loved this song!
Avatar 🎸 5:37pm

Hi, MOM!❤️
Avatar 5:37pm

↳ uptownjen @5:37
Me too - did you get a new pic?
Avatar 🎸 5:38pm

↳ Song: "98.6 (mono)" by "Keith"
The great George Fischoff's best?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:39pm
David (in London):

Hello MOM.
Avatar 5:39pm

↳ MOM WHIG @5:37
Hi, Mom!
Avatar 🎸 5:39pm

↳ MOM WHIG @5:37
Hi Mom! How's ya doin? YES, awesome pic, jen!
Avatar 5:39pm

↳ WLSClark @5:39
Sunny day here
Avatar 5:40pm

Peel, you are doing great today! I am thinking of giving you back your other show.
Avatar 5:41pm
Orange Peel:

Thank you, Big Boss. Do I want that?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:41pm

herro dere mom.
Avatar 5:41pm

↳ cometothesunshine @5:40
Hi there
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:42pm

↳ MOM WHIG @5:37
Hey MOM WHIG. Cookies half gone.
Avatar 5:42pm

↳ Woo @5:42
Solo - or help from a friend!!
Avatar 🎸 5:43pm

↳ Song: "She May Call You Up Tonight (mono 45 mix)" by "Th...
How I did not have this one clikcy'd already, I dont know. Fixed THAT!
Avatar 🎸 5:44pm

↳ MOM WHIG @5:39
Of course, that's why it is cold and cloudy unlike 62 and sunny yesterday!
Avatar 5:44pm
Orange Peel:

Sir Mo, and his Brother Gees
Avatar 5:45pm

↳ WLSClark @5:44
I call it the "Roller Coaster" temps time of year
Avatar 🎸 5:45pm

↳ Orange Peel @5:41
Hey, that way you can have MORE PRESSURE to raise money!! Yeah!
Avatar 🎸 5:46pm

↳ MOM WHIG @5:42
Mom, with YOUR cookies, no one can "get by without a little help from his friends"
Avatar 5:46pm

↳ WLSClark @5:46
You are right!
Avatar 5:48pm
Orange Peel:

The Big Boss has just phoned me to insist I stay around to be a part of his show today. I had other plans, but it seems unlikely I can beg off (this time).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50pm
David (in London):

Force majeure, OP.
Avatar 5:50pm
Orange Peel:

↳ David (in London) @5:50
Is that still thing?
Avatar 🎸 5:50pm

↳ Orange Peel @5:48
Always good to have someone to answer phones during marathons.
Avatar 🎸 5:52pm

↳ MOM WHIG @5:37
Nope. Just logged in via the actual website instead of the phone app.
Avatar 🎸 5:52pm

↳ WLSClark @5:39
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:53pm
David (in London):

↳ Song: "An Audience With Miss Priscilla Gray (mono 45)" b...
Gosh, remember when Bam Caruso reissued this in the 80s. Tea time was never the same again.
Avatar 5:54pm
Orange Peel:

↳ David (in London) @5:53
You're really taking me back
Avatar 5:54pm
DA the DJ:

Thanks everyone!
Avatar 5:54pm
Orange Peel:

Stay tuned Ladies & Sirs
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm
David (in London):

Thank you OP.
Later Peelers.
Avatar 5:56pm

Thanks OP for the first hour.
Avatar 🎸 5:56pm

Good show old OP
Avatar 5:57pm
Orange Peel:

Why thank you all for your generous support - it is very kind for an old chap like me.
Avatar 🎸 5:59pm

Thanks, Sir Peel!❤️
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm

↳ MOM WHIG @5:42
with help
Avatar 🎸 6:50pm

Hi, friends. Checking in. Great set so far, Andrew.
Avatar 🎸 6:52pm

Another new Sadie song for me. I love collecting Sybil and Sadie songs for my dearly departed girl kitties.❤️❤️
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