Favoriting Wired Up!: Playlist from March 18, 2023 Favoriting

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Naughty No No's avatar View Naughty No No's profile Favoriting

Two Action Packed hours of Junkshop Glam and Bubblegum 45s, w your hosts, Velvet Tinmine & Kitten Sparkles’ Glitterbox DJs Don Bolles (AKA Kitten Sparkles) & Noah “King of Glam” Wallace! Prepare to stomp, Shout, and jump around to the groovy sounds of “The 70s We Never Got to Have” here in the USA. High energy super catchy songs, - and almost none of it ever made it to America! Crank it up and yell “Hey!” w all the groovy glitter kids and Bubble Gum Disciples! Also Teen Wave, Bonehead,Ye Ye, and lots of other Glam-adjacent pop styles! Guests! Fun! And all on 7” / 45RPM!

Saturday 3 - 5pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting March 18, 2023: WIRED UP! #133

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Label Year Format Comments Images Approx. start time
Hello  Teenage Revolution   Favoriting Bell  1976  7"  UK 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Archies  Sugar and Spice   Favoriting Kirshner  1969  Vinyl  US 
0:03:55 (Pop-up)
Bobbie McGee  Rock and Roll People   Favoriting EMI  1973  7"  UK (French pic sleeve) 
0:07:05 (Pop-up)
Mud  The Cat Crept In   Favoriting RAK  1974  7"  UK (German pic sleeve) 
0:09:10 (Pop-up)
Barry Ryan  Do That   Favoriting Ariola  1975  7"  UK (German pic sleeve) 
0:14:39 (Pop-up)
Cozy Powell  Na Na Na   Favoriting RAK  1974  7"  UK (German pic sleeve) 
0:17:20 (Pop-up)
Jaqueline Taieb  7 Heures Du Matin   Favoriting Impact  1967  7"  France 
0:32:07 (Pop-up)
Mustard  Good Time Comin’   Favoriting EMI  1974  7"  UK 
0:33:27 (Pop-up)
The Sweet  Rebel Rouser   Favoriting RCA  1974  7"  Australia 
0:36:33 (Pop-up)
Super Angel  Welcome To My Rock'n'Roll   Favoriting Crystal  1979  7"  Germany 
0:52:23 (Pop-up)
Walkers  We’re Just A Rock’n’Roll Band   Favoriting Phillips  1973  7"  Denmark 
0:55:58 (Pop-up)
Wellington  Alright I’ll See You Tonight   Favoriting Concord  1973  7"  UK 
0:58:15 (Pop-up)
Zebra  Hey Girl   Favoriting Novola  1974  7"  Spain 
1:02:18 (Pop-up)
Now  I Wanna Be Free   Favoriting President Records  1973  7"  UK 
1:05:57 (Pop-up)
Iggy Pop  I Got A Right   Favoriting Siamese Records  1977  7"  US 
1:35:34 (Pop-up)
Ricky Wilde  I Wanna Go To a Disco   Favoriting Decca  1974  7"  UK (Portuguese pic sleeve) 
1:39:24 (Pop-up)
Brett Smiley  Va Va Va Voom   Favoriting Anchor  1974  7"  UK 
1:41:54 (Pop-up)
Sparks  This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us   Favoriting Island Records  1974  7"  UK French pic sleeve) 
1:45:06 (Pop-up)
Spiv  Oh, You Beautiful Child   Favoriting Pye  1973  7"  UK 
1:47:44 (Pop-up)
Rattles  Devil’s On the Loose   Favoriting Phillips  1971  7"  Germany 
1:51:01 (Pop-up)
Squeek  Make Hay While the Sun Shines   Favoriting Bronze  1972  7"  Italy 
1:54:24 (Pop-up)
Jessy Joyce  Welcome To My Dream   Favoriting Epic  1975  7"  France 
2:02:58 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 2:56pm
Krys O.:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:58pm
Otis Fodder:

Avatar 2:59pm
Mr. Oxford:

Hello Glitter Gang!

Hey chat
Cheree July:

Heh #glittergang & Mr. Fab!
Avatar 3:02pm
Mr Fab:

Hey gang, LAST days of the Marathon. We can do this! Like Brutus. Cause we always knew this.
Cheree July:

The Archies Sugar & Spice by request from Mr. Fab!
Avatar 3:07pm
Mr Fab:

YAY, Mrs Fab is boppin around to this!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:29pm
Otis Fodder:

Realaudio stream in 1999 on my end at work, thankfully it was in IT so there were other fellow folks who like Incorrect Music and Kenny G as well.
Cheree July:

I started listening to WFMU in 2001.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:31pm
Otis Fodder:

↳ Cheree July @3:30
Nice! The realaudio stream was fantastic at that time, I got addicted fast.
Avatar 3:34pm
Mr Fab:

the Space Age sound of RealAudio! Seemed pretty cool at the time. Now it's like the 78s of internet audio.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:38pm

Hello, Wire Ones.
Cheree July:

Hi Sem!
Cheree July:

The Y2K sound of RealAudio
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:43pm

Tony Coulter plays fork and rhinoceros
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:46pm

↳ chresti @3:43
He also plays experimental music, music concrete, etc
Cheree July:

Cresti, do you mean folk or fork?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:50pm

↳ Cheree July @3:46
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:51pm

↳ Cheree July @3:46
Hi cheree!
Cheree July:

Hi chresti!👋
Cheree July:

The Billy Tibbals Band should cover this song by Zebra.
ERIK / VermonT:

Tony Coulter is a legend of “out of this world” audio broadcasting !
Usta listen to him back in the olden days 1980s, before he was at WFMU (He did a great show, albeit more reigned-in on Columbia University’s WKCR 89.9 FM NY,NY). He was absolutely made for the wide-open-world of WFMU … surly so delighted he migrated over.
The audio cornucopia he presents weekly = a wonder of amusement for all these decades !
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:12pm

Good morning fine people
Cheree July:

Guten Morgen Aitch!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:15pm

↳ ERIK / VermonT @4:11
(Over on the Drummer Stream, but have been checking out Sheena's more and more, hi all)
I didn't realize Tony Coulter was on WKCR (I used to listen to that all the time, mostly the jazz programming, but some of the other shows as well). He does a great show Tuesday noon-3PM on The Drummer Stream).
hi all!

grunge ruined everything, you can't change my mind

im straight up allergic to grunge music. it makes me nauseous
Cheree July:

At least Grunge got rid of tacky 80's hair metal & lame corporate rock.

I actually don't dislike 80s hair metal/glam metal 😅

It's not as good as the 70s glam though don't get me wrong
Cheree July:

No, 80's hair metal was never as good as the real deal 70's Glam. Never will be.

The thing about that 80s hair metal is it all pretty much sounds the same. (It's great music for cleaning the house, though. Those guitar tones really cut through the whirr of the vacuum cleaner.)
ERIK / VermonT:

@ doc jazz : yea, WKCR jazz programming (Schaap,etc) is legendary of course. Yet by the 1980s they introduced a few measly hours to avant ‘downtown’ musics (via DJ’s Coulter, Brook Wentz ?, David Garland , others).
I would briefly bounce over there and then directly return to WFMU.
Avatar 4:28pm
Mr. Oxford:

It seems both good and bad things came from Grunge. There were many not so good bands which played under the 'Alternative Rock' banner. The good things that came because of grunge? - Lots of 80s underground bands gained recognition and good emerging indie rock gained an audience (Beck, Pavement, Guided by Voices, Built to Spill etc.). Also, many great riot grrl and women led rock bands like Bikini Kill, Sleater Keany, the Breeders etc. gained a strong following.

In conclusion, I think Grunge overall did good things.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:33pm
Otis Fodder:

↳ Mr Fab @3:34
I was wondering about the flyers, you make those D? The Kitten ones I love weekly.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:35pm
Otis Fodder:

Reply to an old comment there. Catching up, was doing very important dishes work while wired-in.
Cheree July:

Yes, Otis, those are all Don & his Picsart App.
Avatar 4:36pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Mr. Oxford @4:28
More specifically, Kurt Cobain was a supporter of many women led bands and he had this vision that women would lead the future of rock n' roll. He invited the Breeders to tour with Nirvana. He got Shonen Knife all the wayy from Japan to tour with Nirvana. Shonen Knife received so much more exposure and recognition after that tour. I don't think 80s Hair Metal would have paved way for that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:36pm
Otis Fodder:

↳ Cheree July @4:35
Very nice, quite a few have cracked me up.
Avatar 4:36pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Song: "I Got A Right" by "Iggy Pop"
Oooh a classic!

Yeah that's all a fair assessment. I suppose I just haven't got a very refined music taste, or whatever the word is
Cheree July:

I think Don missed his calling as a standup comedian.😆🤣😂

Oh hey, a Brett Smiley song, I was just thinking about him!

Although given that this is a junkshop glam show and given the usual contents of my brain, I guess that's pretty statistically likely.
Cheree July:

Kittimu, you must be psychic!🔮
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:44pm

hey now. listened to some brett after he passed but space ace was the only song i could get into.

tbh I think his voice is a bit of an acquired taste
Avatar 4:45pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Kittimu @4:37
Well, liking 1980s hair metal does not mean that you do not have refined a music taste. Everyone is free to like 1980s hair metal. More power to you if you like it.

Music is very subjective and everyone's music taste is respected.

I was just trying to make a point that grunge did not ruin everything. Some good things did come out of it.

Anyway, back to glittered up glam! :)

According to my message history with a couple friends, the first thing I said upon hearing va va voom for the first time was that it "wasn't very good", then there's a reply to my own message a month later that just says "never mind, I like it now". Then I went insane for like a year and a half. Good times.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:48pm

↳ Song: "This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us" by "Sp...
This track blew my mind as a 10 year old, still blown
Avatar 4:49pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Aitch @4:48
It blows my mind as well every time I hear it !
Cheree July:

Aitch, wow! To be 10 when that Sparks song came out!
Cheree July:

Well, I was just thinking of this Rattles song myself today, and Don's playing it now!👍

we are all psychic on this day
Cheree July:

I've seen the clips of the Rattles playing Devil's On The Loose live on TV & was blown away that they had a female lead singer singing it.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:58pm

Missed much of show, will go back around again when show goes back up. Thanks Kitten and Mr Fab, love my Sheenas
Avatar 4:59pm
Mr. Oxford:

Thank you Don, Mr. Fab and Cheree for a great show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00pm
Otis Fodder:

Thanks Don & Fab for the Saturday fun! Super spins!

Glad to help. $$ well spent!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:06pm

this is off the rails!
Cheree July:

When Noah played it, I asked him "Is this proto Black Metal/Death Metal?"🤯
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