Favoriting Bad Animals with Jim the Poet and Amanda: Playlist from March 25, 2023 Favoriting

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Jim the Poet's avatar View Jim the Poet's profile Favoriting

Songs and sounds to delight a wide variety of animals. Play this show for your cat, dog, turtle, parrot, fish or any animal you happen to know.

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Favoriting March 25, 2023: Exploration of the Deep

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Comments Images New Approx. start time
Amanda and Jim the Poet  New and improved Bad Animals theme   Favoriting           0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Salami Rose Joe Louis  Earth Creature   Favoriting         *   0:00:59 (Pop-up)
Bipolar Explorer  A Dove and a White Horse   Favoriting         *   0:03:35 (Pop-up)
Horse  sounds   Favoriting           0:05:41 (Pop-up)
Flying Burrito Brothers  Wild Horses w/horses   Favoriting      
  0:07:47 (Pop-up)
Silica Gel  Frogs   Favoriting         *   0:14:10 (Pop-up)
Dr.Tom Nicholson & Dr. Jean-Louis Martin  A Colorful Bird of the Old World   Favoriting Museum of Natural History Fall Series 1990          0:17:11 (Pop-up)
Lisel  Wingspan   Favoriting      
*   0:20:06 (Pop-up)
The Guess Who  Species Hawk w/hawks   Favoriting           0:23:32 (Pop-up)
Def Leppard  Animal   Favoriting      
  0:28:54 (Pop-up)
Turbowolf  Nine Lives   Favoriting      
  0:45:10 (Pop-up)
Odie Leigh  Nine Lives   Favoriting           0:48:27 (Pop-up)
AI Voice  Why Do Cats Have Nine Lives   Favoriting           0:52:11 (Pop-up)
The Stray Cats  Nine Lives   Favoriting      
  0:55:22 (Pop-up)
JIM READS POEM  about having nine lives   Favoriting      
  0:59:32 (Pop-up)
RelaxMyCat  Nine Lives   Favoriting           1:00:49 (Pop-up)
Tennyson  Nine Lives   Favoriting           1:03:45 (Pop-up)
meowing  soundscape   Favoriting           1:09:51 (Pop-up)
Aerosmith  Nine Lives   Favoriting      
  1:13:02 (Pop-up)
Alexei Kawolski  My Big Octopus Heart   Favoriting           1:23:40 (Pop-up)
Chuck Macomber  Octopus Woman (Please Let Me Go)   Favoriting           1:29:21 (Pop-up)
Fever Ray  Bottom of the Ocean   Favoriting Radical Romantics  self released      *   1:31:30 (Pop-up)
William Bissex  Islands   Favoriting           1:38:55 (Pop-up)
Duotone  Exploration of the Deep bc w/seagull cries   Favoriting     Jonathan the Tortoise---> 
  1:45:18 (Pop-up)
Buffy Sainte-Marie  Song to a Seagull   Favoriting      
  1:50:16 (Pop-up)
Elizabeth Devlin  Ladybug   Favoriting           2:04:20 (Pop-up)
Cello music  (Saint-Saens - The Swan)   Favoriting w/Train Your Bird          2:08:36 (Pop-up)
Thomas Mudrick  Ants Crawl On Them Too   Favoriting           2:11:12 (Pop-up)
David Rothenberg  Songs of Whales Into Nightingales   Favoriting      
  2:17:14 (Pop-up)
Judy Collins  Nightingale I yt   Favoriting           2:20:20 (Pop-up)
Rex Kalibur  Field Study 2023.01.11 bc   Favoriting      
  2:22:01 (Pop-up)
Pat Benatar  Painted Desert   Favoriting           2:26:34 (Pop-up)
Sam Elwitt  Kitty Woman   Favoriting           2:37:02 (Pop-up)
Kitty Korner with Kathleen O’Malley  Truly   Favoriting      
  2:38:29 (Pop-up)
David Bowie  Cat People (Putting Out Fire)   Favoriting           2:40:19 (Pop-up)
Shonen Knife  I Am a Cat   Favoriting      
  2:44:40 (Pop-up)
Irish family  with bat   Favoriting           2:49:12 (Pop-up)
Ewe 2  Barbara Ann   Favoriting           2:51:22 (Pop-up)
              2:54:29 (Pop-up)
Sweet Pete  Animal Farm   Favoriting           2:57:24 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02am

make mine BAD, please
LiXiviated Life:

Our granddaughter is sleeping over.
We’ve got the monitor in our room.
She hears the birds chirping outside
and is talking to them.
“You hear birds” she says
It’s magical
I think.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12am
Jim the Poet:

If Burritos could fly I wish they would fly right into my mouth
LiXiviated Life:

Come visit New Jersey.
Where half the animals
are twice as bad.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21am

↳ Jim the Poet @6:12
Like a rubber biscuit?
LiXiviated Life:

Come to the Canary Islands
Where the birds are canned
for your protection.
Toothgrinder Tom:

I’ve been ‘visiting’ New Jersey since 1997. Haven’t been to the Canary Islands yet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27am
Jim the Poet:

↳ Strandlund @6:21
LiXiviated Life:

Ornithophobia ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34am

Good Morning everyone!! My cats say, "Hi," too!!
Avatar 6:40am
alan the painter:

Oh nOh, bad ann_Amals, mal a la tette! oh no up again hearing hooting from you smiley peeps, oh I know WEsel waller, Lydia's band director, he ann aNamal, boy do he make sounds...
Avatar 6:41am

Good morning, Amanda & Jim.
Avatar 6:42am

Bipolar Explorer -- they're WFMU listeners.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48am

Good morning and happy Spring to all of you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50am
Jim the Poet:

Hello TDK60, Bipolar Explorer and members of Def Leppard
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57am

↳ Amanda @6:48
Happy Spring to you, Amanda!! We made it!!

The live stream doesn’t seem to work, does it?
Rob from Maryland:

Good morning everyone! The mockingbird is singing in our yard. Spring is here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03am
Jim the Poet:

Anyone else having trouble with live stream?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04am

↳ @7:02
It's working for me. I'm on my computer.

I tried both the web player and Apple Music

works fine on woof moo android app
Rob from Maryland:

@Jim, No(t yet)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06am
Doug in MP:

↳ @7:04
Works fine here... does this link work for you? stream0.wfmu.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06am

Spring is in the air...the geese at a local park here have all paired off for the season...
Rob from Maryland:

↳ @7:04
It's working fine for me on my Mac Powerbook iTunes/Music

↳ Doug in MP @7:06
Yes, now that I opened it in the browser, it works fine. Apple Music apparently used the same link, but it didn’t work. Thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08am
Jim the Poet:

Please tell us all how you're listening and on what devices so I can write it in my pocket notebook
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09am

morning.we put food our cat won't eat on the porch for a possum. last night another kitty was eating it while the possum was watching and waiting his turn. when the cat left we had to put more out for the possum.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09am
Doug in MP:

↳ @7:08
Phew. Crisis averted :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11am
Jim the Poet:

Glad the possum got some too
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11am

Okay...now my cats are getting curious!
Rob from Maryland:

↳ dale @7:09
Awww. Nice possum
Rob from Maryland:

↳ Doug in MP @7:09
Avatar 7:12am

I'm listening via "desktop" computer, with a wire attached to my "old school" stereo. My computer display screen is ancient: 2006! Hey, it works.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:12am

↳ Jim the Poet @7:11
she's welcome to live under my porch. a lot of ticks around here she can eat.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18am
Doug in MP:

↳ dale @7:12
Please stick to proper possum massage techniques www.youtube.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19am

people who liked kiss in the day are afraid of drag queen story hour. figure that one out.
Avatar 7:20am
Liz (Garden State_Keystone State):

good morning guys! that relax my cat youtube channel is great <3 been using it for years LOL
Avatar 7:20am

↳ TDK60 @7:12
90.1 FM & BOSE Wave Radio from the 90's. I have it cabled to the old Carver Stereo System as well but not currently turned on in the living room
Avatar 7:20am
Liz (Garden State_Keystone State):

desktop iMac forgot how old it is xP
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21am

↳ Doug in MP @7:18
ha ha! i need to get some supplements to keep her coat shiny too.
Avatar 7:21am
Liz (Garden State_Keystone State):

and a bose mini speaker
Avatar 7:22am
alan the painter:

amanda, I noh jim is why ann-ah round yo'legs, bumpin his head into shin, muu_in an purrin lick he doo...
Avatar 7:23am

↳ dday @7:20
Morning dday. I should've blasted that Aerosmith to wake up my noisy upstairs neighbors (who walk like Godzilla) but are asleep now. But I didn't. I'm too nice.
Avatar 7:25am

↳ dday @7:20
Amar Bose spoke at a school I attended in 98 )learning sound engineering) as did Robert Scovill, Front of House sound engineer for Tom Petty, Rush & many others in the upper echelon of live bands back in the day
Toothgrinder Tom:

I hear some birdsong outside but I think it’s just starlings.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26am
Doug in MP:

I use my stereo, laptop, phone, or bedside clock radio depending on which is most convenient
Avatar 7:27am

↳ TDK60 @7:23
Ha haa.. morning TDK. No neighbors to bother here out in the woods, but my love is still sleeping & the cats don't like music too loud. They come in every morning & curl up on the bed in here & listen to Clay Pigeon or Bad Animals with me.
Avatar 7:30am

↳ dale @7:12
Morning Dale. Check out this cam from a persons home in PA: www.pgc.pa.gov...
Toothgrinder Tom:

Jim the Poet, if you don’t normally hand write your poems, then do you normally write them on an electronic device of some kind?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30am
Will thee Sound Guy:

Good morning Amanda, Jim, and all!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:32am
Jim the Poet:

Most of the time I use my phone I think
Avatar 7:33am

↳ Song: "Octopus Woman (Please Let Me Go)" by "Chuck Macom...
Follow with Mott the Hoople's "Sucker(s)". Taking some license with that one) :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34am
Jim the Poet:

↳ Liz (Garden State_Keystone State) @7:20
Thanks! Big fan of Libras!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:37am

Good morning friends
Toothgrinder Tom:

And if you don’t mind me asking, how many revisions does each poem go through before it’s ‘finished’ normally?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:39am
Jim the Poet:

I guess it depends what kind of poem it is. Could be lots. Or some of them kind of come out whole. Sometimes I edit when I am reading them aloud
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:43am

↳ dday @7:30
i like bears. we can all get along.
Toothgrinder Tom:

I see - interesting, thanks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:44am

↳ dday @7:33
I like the way you think.
Toothgrinder Tom:

I’m just curious how poets work.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45am
Jim the Poet:

We poets generally don't work enough
Avatar 7:48am

↳ Amanda @7:44
I have some good Mott photos I took back in '73 at Seton Hall when Aerosmith opened for them. People (including me) had no idea who Aerosmith even was at the time (in NJ anyway). If you'd like I can email you a few. Contact is on my profile page.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:53am

kind of a reimagining of urge for going here.
Toothgrinder Tom:

Eliot said (I’m paraphrasing) writing poetry takes a lot longer than prose but doesn’t pay as well.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:57am

I like seagulls

A few years back a group of us were at a beach celebrating a friend's birthday and a seagull swooped down and snatched an entire sandwich out of the hand of the birthday girl. It was a tuna sandwich BTW
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59am

google says they have THREE hearts. no wonder they are so nice.

London UK resident here - amused to hear blue tits being described for folks who are unfamiliar with them. They're in everyone's gardens here, so we take them for granted. Though the blue on their heads is less striking than the yellow on their chests.

Thank you for shouting out Mrs Pickles!! I've been fuming about her treatment in the media. Mazel tov to the Pickles family. Welcome babies Gherkin, Dill, and Jalapeño!

Speaking of controlling populations who's organizing the human spay and neuter program I ask you
Kitten Around:

How many litters does Brooklyn typically have in a year?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08am

J bought some trendy pants to pair w my FMU Chiller Sweatshirt
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08am

↳ MrDeb @8:03
Hear, hear!!! Thank you for shouting out the babies MrDeb!

@juli details please
Fred and Alan:

Good morning Everyone Fred and Alan
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11am


Stereo Cup check
Avatar 8:12am

↳ HarleyR @7:59
I've been a European resident for ten years and haven't found blue tits funny for the last nine... That first year, though!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:12am

↳ Fred and Alan @8:11
Fred, Alan, Good Morning!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:12am

Check those bbs out lol
Fred and Alan:

Good morning Strandlund
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13am


@Juli WHOA

Jim please can you wear the Juli-style pants during your cat food test
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:16am

Omw to work
This is how Momma makes the bacon for the outfits lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:16am

↳ MrDeb @8:16
Omg please they stretch to size :::)

good morning
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:17am
Jim the Poet:

I'm not sure if that would be a good look for me but maybe
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19am
Jim the Poet:

Hey Queems

howdy jim
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:20am

As you wish
Morning everyone:::)

Hello fellow animals
Avatar 8:24am

↳ dale @7:53
In today's world where marketers are aiming products at a certain age group, using songs from their younger days, I'm surprised they haven't licensed "Urge for Going" to hawk incontinence products
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:25am

gm animals
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26am

↳ Juli @8:16
careful out there. pretty good sized hail happening in the mt. hope region.
Greg from ZONE 5:

Morning, Animals!

This nice
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26am

whoops - that was not direvted to juli. well, juli should be careful too...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26am
Will thee Sound Guy:

↳ dale @8:26
just drizzle in Chester
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:27am
Jim the Poet:

Hey Greg
Avatar 8:27am

Drizzle. Great word
Avatar 8:27am

↳ dale @8:26
NY or NJ?
Avatar 8:27am
Kathleen from JC:

Good morning, animals! Us animals here are having trouble waking up. I have kitties Thor and Jude with me so far.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:29am

↳ dday @8:27
outside middletown ny.
Avatar 8:29am

↳ Song: "Painted Desert" by "Pat Benatar"
Followed by 10,000 Maniacs "The Painted Desert?"
Fred and Alan:

Hello Amanda Fred & Alan
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning. Up for debate around here this morning: Garanimals — good or bad for actual animals?

Mull it over, Jim.
Avatar 8:30am

↳ dale @8:29
Gotcha. I'm kinda in between the two being in Shohola,PA
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30am

↳ Kathleen from JC @8:27
Hiiii Kathleen, Thor and Jude! I always have trouble getting out of bed with Junior wanting to cuddle, and this morning was no exception.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:31am

↳ dale @8:26
I live in Bigfoot country PA
We are j cold here but not for long:::)
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↳ Ken From Hyde Park @8:30
The source of some teasing of my cousins whose last name was Garrone...Garronimals
Avatar 8:32am

↳ Juli @8:31
So Bigfoot lives there or everyone has big feet there? Either thing is cool :)

i haven’t gotten out of bed yet and my cat knows i’m in here so she’s been scratching her claws on the molding for the past 2 hours in an attempt to get me to open the door
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:33am
Will thee Sound Guy:

Amanda, Jim, and Greg FZ5: We enjoyed your performances for the hoof n mouth, Thank you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:33am

↳ Juli @8:31
cool! ever see sasquatch? or just amish sightings...
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↳ queems @8:33
I wound up putting a cat door on the bedroom door so I can refrain from molding repair every month
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Be Out Standing in Your Field
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:35am
Doug in MP:

↳ queems @8:33
Is she a terror if you let her in at night? Gus likes to jump from a dresser directly onto your head at 3 AM
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:35am

Jim the Poet: Check your email if you haven't, little surprise for you there.
Avatar 8:36am

↳ queems @8:33
Baked Ziti doesn't sleep with you?! I'm shocked

@doug absolutely- she’ll sleep directly on my throat until 4am and then get up and knock all the stuff off the nightstand and stomp all over me
Kitten Around:

Did you take a dump in Jim the Poet's email inbox???

@queems remember when I pledged $ during the marathon and you said you'd send me a cat doodle? Noodge, noodge.
Avatar 8:37am

I wish Missy was cuddly but I'll settle for sleeping next to me in a pet nest
Avatar 8:37am

I think we should ALL PRANCERCIZE :
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38am

is there any other kind of ersize? like doowopersize, skifflesize, polkasize, rappersize?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39am
Will thee Sound Guy:

TyTy sleeps with us sometimes... he already ate this morning, he'll tell you that he hasn't... 🐈
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39am
Mennlinn Rebarts:

Kitty Corner!! <3

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40am

Gather 'round Kitties!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40am
Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ dale @8:38
I'd like to see waltzercise some tiime.
Avatar 8:40am

I feed my guys around 10 or 11PM so that they don't get so hungry as to wake us before 5:30 or 6AM
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40am
Jim the Poet:

Sorry about the Kitty Corner photo delay

i want to adopt every cat
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40am

curtis sliwa was on the new this morning helping get cats rescued. a nycha building has a colony of feral cats living in it's crawlspace, so they put a steel grill over the hole they were using to go in and out. problem was the cats that were in there couldn't get out and one starved to death inside. they finally came and removed the grill.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41am
Jim the Poet:

I am going to dress like an adorable cat one of these weeks so someone adopts me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41am

Truly is truly beautiful!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41am
MarginWalker in Baltimore:

↳ queems @8:40
I feel that; we already have 3 cats and 3 dogs, but I still want more
Avatar 8:41am

5min cats needs a 2023 reboot. Just sayin'
Avatar 8:41am

omg TRULY 😍
Fred and Alan:

Good morning ALL Fred and Alan

@hyperdose i’ve def been thinking about bringing it back
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42am
Doug in MP:

↳ Fred and Alan @8:42
Good morning F&A!
Fred and Alan:

Hi Doug
Avatar 8:43am

↳ queems @8:42
Oh yeah I forgot about that awful office lighting. Maybe you can snag a cool banker's lamp at your next estate sale!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:44am

Good morning Fred and Alan! And good morning to you all!!! Nice to have you with us today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:44am
Ken From Hyde Park:

I notice that Eighth Life is up there twice. Is that on purpose?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:44am

did nastassja kinski drop out of acting long ago?
Avatar 8:44am

↳ Fred and Alan @8:42
Good Morning Gentlemen
Jim D:

Play some ween animal songs Jimmy—

Miss Mande
I gotta weasel
There’s a Pig

↳ Song: "Cat People (Putting Out Fire)" by "David Bowie"
Great song strange movie

@hyperdose we’ve asked the landlord to put another bulb in the fixture as a condition of moving in, but he didn’t so i’m just going to go to home depot and do it myself. my old office was in the basement but at least it had decent overhead light
Avatar 8:46am
Kathleen from JC:

↳ dale @8:40
Others were already working to trap the cats and get them out. Nobody knows why that one cat died; could be lots of reasons.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:46am
Jim the Poet:

Ween needs to do a song about platypuses
Avatar 8:46am

↳ Song: "Cat People (Putting Out Fire)" by "David Bowie"
I saw this movie in '82, at a drive in double feature with Raiders of the Lost Ark (on pharma quality MDMA). Interesting night. Now a Price Chopper is where the Drive-in used to be
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:47am
Doug in MP:

↳ queems @8:45
Deduct the price of the bulb from your rent. Landlords love that!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:47am
MarginWalker in Baltimore:

↳ dale @8:44
I remember when I was a kid, seeing the programming guide for HBO(when that used to be a thing) when Cat People was going to be shown, and there was a pic of Nastasia. That's about the extent of my knowledge of her😅
Fred and Alan:

Amanda we said nice things about you on Pseus thing with a Hooks show when were were there in the studio with Ken and Pseu on the March 16, 2023 Marathon Show to raise pledges. Ken asked us questions for the listeners and said that all the chatboards and phones always light up from us. Did you catch that show Amanda
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:47am

↳ Kathleen from JC @8:46
ah. i know curtis was probably there as more of a photo op but he does have a bunch of rescue kitties.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:48am

↳ Kitten Around @8:37
Ahhhhh no, it's not that kind of surprise, and now you've scared him away!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49am

↳ watchpocket @8:48
It's an as-promised surprise.
maria collins:

I am a cat. Appease me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49am
Jim the Poet:

OOps I fixed that seagull cartoon

@doug we got flooded out of our old office during ida, they decided to condemn the office so we had to move upstairs for double what we were paying. they can eat the cost of 500 light bulbs as far as i’m concerned

this irish family with a bat really slaps
Avatar 8:53am

↳ queems @8:45
IMO soft white > daylight
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53am

the farmer vs the rats episode of love, death and robots is great.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53am
MarginWalker in Baltimore:

That was for sure a thing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54am

↳ Jim the Poet @8:49
Hey Jim, just wondering if you got the tuli stuff...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55am

ba baaa ann.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:55am
Jim the Poet:

send to jimthepoet at wfmu dot org
Listener Robert:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56am

had bats in the house before. it's quite a comedy.

thanks amanda & jim!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57am

↳ Jim the Poet @8:55
I did send to that address, should be there?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am

Thank you Amanda & Jim!
Avatar 8:58am
Kathleen from JC:

↳ dale @8:47
Thanks Jim and Amand
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59am

↳ watchpocket @8:57
If not, I'll re-send
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59am
Ken From Hyde Park:

A small bird got trapped in my garage for a day once. When I got back and found out, I had the garage door wide open, but the bird kept turning back each time I shooed it in that direction. After about fifteen minutes, it finally figured out that I could pass and get back outside.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59am

have the best day, everyone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59am
Will thee Sound Guy:

Thank you Amanda, Jim, and Kathleen!!!
be well everyone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00am

Thank yewwwww all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am
Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @8:59
(that it could pass)

Thanks BAs and all….
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