Favoriting Feelings with Michele with One "L": Playlist from March 28, 2023 Favoriting

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Nothing less than feelings.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Tue. Mar 11th, Noon - 3pm: Michele and her Co-Host Matt Fiveash

Favoriting March 28, 2023: The Ennui of It All

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Playlist image Favoriting

(* = new, *** = special)

Artist Track Album Label Year New / Special Approx. start time
April Magazine  Soft Purple Sky   Favoriting Sunday Music For An Overpass  Paisley Shirt  2022    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Cindy  The Price is Right   Favoriting The Price is Right (single)  Mt. St. Mtn.  2023  *   0:05:50 (Pop-up)
27  Great Brook Valley   Favoriting In My Living Room (V/A)  Kimchee  1999    0:08:48 (Pop-up)
The Cat's Meow  Faded   Favoriting The Long Goodbye: Bliss Out V.14 EP  Darla  1999    0:14:05 (Pop-up)
Andy Brooks  Honestly & Truthfully   Favoriting Go Away & Stay for a Change  Self-Released  2000    0:16:59 (Pop-up)
that dog.  Anymore   Favoriting Totally Crushed Out  UMG  1995    0:18:22 (Pop-up)
Lonna Kelley  Will I See You Again?   Favoriting Time Waits for No One 7"  Moone  2019  ***   0:22:02 (Pop-up)
Helium  Honeycomb   Favoriting The Dirt of Luck  Matador  1995    0:26:11 (Pop-up)
Locate S,1  Hello   Favoriting Personalia  Captured Tracks  2020    0:39:41 (Pop-up)
Valerie (of Mistle Thrush)  Turn Me In, Turn Me Off   Favoriting In My Living Room (V/A)  Kimchee  1999    0:42:35 (Pop-up)
Royal Trux  Beth   Favoriting Beth  Unknown  Unknown    0:47:37 (Pop-up)
Doll Parts  Carnival Raga Revisited   Favoriting Tape Hiss: Eminations from the Tape Underground: Tony Coulter 2015 Premium  WFMU  1990    0:50:03 (Pop-up)
Hydroplane  New Monotonic FM   Favoriting Hydroplane  Efficient Space  2022    0:50:47 (Pop-up)
The Clientele  (I Want You) More Than Ever   Favoriting Suburban Light  Merge  2000    0:54:03 (Pop-up)
Altbau  Sběračka Medu   Favoriting Všechno Je Úplně Stejné  Stoned to Death  2022    0:57:44 (Pop-up)
Maxine Funke  Make the Dream   Favoriting Pieces of Driftwood  Disciples  2022    1:13:01 (Pop-up)
The Mod 4  A Puppet   Favoriting Ghost Riders (V/A)  Efficient Space  1968 / 2022  *   1:14:39 (Pop-up)
Joan Shelley  Cost of the Cold   Favoriting Cost Of The Cold / Here And Whole 7"  No Quarter  2017    1:17:12 (Pop-up)
Joni Mitchell  All I Want   Favoriting Blue  Reprise  1971    1:20:53 (Pop-up)
NINA w/ Dean Blunt  Slur   Favoriting Slur  World  2022    1:24:31 (Pop-up)
Jan Van den Broeke (June11)  Who Is Still Dreaming?   Favoriting 11000 Dreams  Stroom  2017    1:38:23 (Pop-up)
Tatiana Paris  Murene   Favoriting Gibbon  Carton  2022    1:40:57 (Pop-up)
Elkhorn  North   Favoriting On The Whole Universe In All Directions  Centripetal Force  2023  *   1:45:50 (Pop-up)
Pam Hogg  Honeyland   Favoriting Girl Monster (V/A)  Chicks On Speed  2006    1:54:35 (Pop-up)
Jana Horn  The Dream   Favoriting The Dream (single)  No Quarter  2023  *   2:06:55 (Pop-up)
Daniel Farrant and Nick Kingsley  Who's Gonna Fix It?   Favoriting Whisper Pop  Extreme  2020    2:11:24 (Pop-up)
SWV  Weak   Favoriting It's About Time  RCA  1992    2:14:42 (Pop-up)
Miss Grit  Nothing's Wrong   Favoriting Follow The Cyborg  Mute  2023  *   2:20:20 (Pop-up)
Koleżanka  Mania   Favoriting Alone with the Sound the Mind Makes  Bar None  2023  *   2:23:13 (Pop-up)
Death Valley Girls  Say It Too   Favoriting Islands in the Sky  Suicide Squeeze  2023  *   2:25:39 (Pop-up)
mattstranger  Why Won't You Talk to Me   Favoriting Why Won't You Talk to Me (single)  Hot Record Societe  2023  *   2:29:15 (Pop-up)
The Jesus and Mary Chain  Taste of Cindy - Acoustic Version   Favoriting Barbed Wire Kisses (B-Sides And More)  Warner  1988    2:41:27 (Pop-up)
Michele with One "L"  Desperado   Favoriting Mindfulness For Jerkoffs: WFMU Meditation Tape  WFMU  2020    2:43:41 (Pop-up)
E Ruscha V  Gravity Waves   Favoriting Who Are You  Beats in Space  2017    2:46:19 (Pop-up)
Vestals  Pale Lips   Favoriting Holy Origin  Dust Editions  2020    2:50:26 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am
MTA Luke:

hey there feels
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:02pm
Deano de los Muertos:

Can’t spell “Michele Multi-Ball Madness” without one L. You literally can’t.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:03pm
Crosby in KC:

Hello, Michele and all!
Ray from Clifton:

Hi everyone! Working from home today and about to get into the feelings :)
Avatar 12:04pm

The Ennui Of It All, and the cry sleep GIF are already giving off feelings. Time to gather up all the extra L's and put them away. Ready to feel what Michele's got to play today. Allo fellow feeling people.
JetBoy of Astoria:

Hello Michele and feelers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06pm

@Michele The ball is going to drain no matter what, so get the most points while it's on the field.

That's a metaphor for something I'm sure.

Hellos Michele and touchy feelies
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:08pm

↳ Ray from Clifton @12:03
howdy former neighbor! so many good friends in clifton
Avatar 12:08pm
merl ravenscroft:

i feel good!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:10pm
Michele with One "L":

HI! I'm in a mood.
Ray from Clifton:

I just realized I have to change my user name. I just moved last week.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:15pm

↳ Ray from Clifton @12:10
Just add Not after Ray
Avatar 12:15pm

↳ Michele with One "L" @12:10
Posi vibes were on sale this week. I bought extra. Please take as many as you need ✨♨️✨♨️✨♨️
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16pm

🖤 ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗 💘 🍕
Ray from Clifton, now in N. Plainfield:

This song is delightful
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19pm

hello gang
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:20pm
Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

Greets all. Prepping for a Zoom call. Loving the tunes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:23pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

There's a new Pepsi logo and I don't know how I should feel about this. logos.fandom.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:25pm

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @12:23
They should go back to 1898 version
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:25pm

I'm liking this first set of rather sad, dreamy music. Matches my mood too. If one must suffer, at least some good music/art should come of it. Remember the First Noble Truth of Buddhism.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:25pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ Good ♂︎Tuesday FMUvianz ~
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:26pm

howdy y'all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:27pm

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @12:23
Beats the current logo but also the same thing as the 80s logo. Marketing trying to hit consumers with that nostalgia

Hello. Also, Helium! ❤️

omg Honeycomb was exactly the tonic for me this AM, thank you!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:32pm
Jason from Houston:

Avatar 12:33pm

Crying feels sooo good
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:33pm

Looking forward to the tune selections. Hey, i grew and harvested 1 plant of gandules. Blessed for the smooth tasting protein. I was gifted a darker seed so it's in soil. 🌱
Avatar 12:34pm
The Chief:

All the best, Michele. Your work puts a lot of positivity out in the world.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:34pm
listener 126464:

The Cryalots
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:34pm
alex in san francisco:

hi michele and everyone. that first set fit my mood just fine. slept 12 hours and it doesn't feel like enough and its rainy and shitty outside. maybe i'll cry too...

Hi Michele, hi everyone! I think it has been sleepy weather. I know I feel like I need a vacay. Played hooky today. Can't wait to get out of the house--go see some art, nature! Have a good one, all. Thanks for the music, Michele!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

☽Luna the moody instinctual Mother ☽Moon is riding the tide powerfully in ☽Her very own Home Sign (Domicile) of domestic defensive nurturing intuitive ♋︎Cancer... :
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:35pm

we should all cry more tbh
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:35pm
Jason from Houston:

Andrea C from the app:

Hello Michele!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:35pm
Jason from Houston:

Also: Baby Vampire Made Me
Avatar 12:35pm
Huge Rat:

You can do it, Michele! And it's ok if you cry, too!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:35pm
Phin The Hyooman:

I’m totally down for sad, moody, and dreamy.
But now hearing you makes me want to check in on my daughters…
Hope you start to feel better!


Crying is a healthy release--let it happen
Joe Mulligan 🦀:

Moody music is perfect for the pouring rain here just north of SF in San Rafael
Joe Mulligan 🦀:

Jill and I just watched Adventureland this weekend on Michele’s recommendation. It was fun! And great music too
Avatar 12:39pm

Michele you put your all into Marathon, and the premium, and it is such a high and I'd be sleeping and crying after all that too. Thank you for all that you do for WFMU, and for sharing your feelings on your show of the same name. Happy to cry with you this week, and celebrate joy with you on a future show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:40pm

I feel like a burnt out building.
As a matter of fact, the apartment building right next to mine burned down 2 weeks ago. A guy on the 1st floor was growing weed.
The high intensity lamp crashed onto the floor and the fire spread slowly but surely enough to destroy all 95 apartment units including 1 man's death. 😔
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:41pm
lazy pierogi:

Avatar 12:42pm
Beast of Boonton:

Skip the underwear - you'll feel better - maybe
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:43pm
Karl Ward:

↳ Beast of Boonton @12:42
I've heard of skipping a rock across a lake, but that is next level
Avatar 12:43pm

↳ Ciggy @12:40
That's a hell of a thing to happen next door. I'm sure the lingering smell of the smoke is contributing to the feelings. Hope tomorrow is better than today.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:44pm
alex in san francisco:

michele, you can feel good knowing that you're teaching me cool things about the city i live in. never heard of cindy and they're playing here in a few weeks, and on a night i can actually go!
Avatar 12:46pm

↳ Ciggy @12:40
A building a block over burnt down last year. One of the displaced residents lost her three cats. Hope all the animals by you got out 😭
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm
Michele with One "L":

↳ Joe Mulligan 🦀 @12:39
I need to watch it again
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:46pm

↳ Ciggy @12:40
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:46pm

↳ love2laf @12:39
Well said. I second that.

Hello fellow feelings listeners and fellow geeks
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:48pm

↳ HyperDose @12:46
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:48pm

↳ Robm @12:47
Welcome to the Freeform Feelings Fellowship, Robm
Joe Mulligan 🦀:

JetBoy of Astoria:

Well, what have we here?
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:49pm
Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

Honest T:

I recommended floor exercises while you recover. repair your body and lift your spirits. injuries are a slippery slope in relation to depression. enjoy the day
Fred And Alan:

Hi Michele and all our friends of WFMU. Fred and Alan
JetBoy of Astoria:

I recognize that ace drumming of Peter Criss anywhere

↳ Ciggy @12:40
Ouch if the guy who was growing all those plants is still alive so he can live with all that guilt of burning the place down
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:50pm
Karl Ward:

↳ JetBoy of Astoria @12:50
Dude is like a machine

Life after Beth

↳ Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜 @12:49
Interesting version of this song
Joe Mulligan 🦀:

I had this Peter criss solo album that came with a poster
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:51pm

For what it's worth, the skies over the NYC metro area seem to be clearing a bit, so maybe we'll have a partly sunny afternoon after a dreary and overcast morning.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:51pm

JetBoy of Astoria:

The Melvins did the same solo album thing as an homage
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 12:52pm
Deano de los Muertos:

Hey, I love this song too
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52pm
Michele with One "L":

↳ Fred And Alan @12:50
Hi Fred and Alan!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52pm

↳ love2laf @12:43
The wind was a contributing factor to the building's demise. Fortunately for me, the northerly winds sent the smoke and smell away from my building
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

"The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds."
― Dalai Lama
Lana in Bucksom County:

Mich-"L" Congrats on the Marathon - what a success! I understand you were a large part of that, and it was super-delightful listening to you. Thanks for sharing your struggles, insecurities, and vulnerability - and your FEELINGS - with us each week, that takes a lot of courage, and I admire you for that. Also, it helps to hear others' challenges (or is that Schadenfreud)? .... Not fitting into clothes, tho, right? - like we should conform to the clothes, instead of them conforming to us! Then again, who wants to have to shop for new bras. Anyway, hang in there! xoxo
Avatar 12:53pm

↳ Fred And Alan @12:50
Hello Fred and Alan, nice to see your name pop up again today, hope your seeing the skies clear and get to see some sun today.
Fred And Alan:

Michele Fred and Alan were Ken’s and Pseu s special guests in the studio March 16 during the pledge marathon

Something pleasant. Mama still in hibernation mode & her two rambunctious cubs: https://hdontap.com/index.php/video/stream/pennsylvania-bear-den-live-cam?utm_source=pgc.pa.gov&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=cam+pgc+bearden
Fred And Alan:

We are off today after 3 horrible busy days. But we have a lot to do today. Chores shopping. Physical therapy for Alan’s horse training accident
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:56pm

↳ HyperDose @12:46
The displaced families were sheltered at a recreation center across the street. As for pets, I'm aware of a few families with dogs. But I haven't seen them around except for the night of the fire. The Red Cross provided shelter at a motel for one evening.
JetBoy of Astoria:

Fred and Allan, good to see you again
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:57pm

The Clientele are one of those bands that I have a hard time listening to because I find their music too emotional and triggering of a specific time in my life. Other artists like this include Nick Drake and Elliott Smith.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:58pm

But damn, this Clientele track is a good 'un.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:58pm

↳ Robm @12:50
Many of people in my neighborhood have said the same thing.

This Clientele… real nice.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:58pm
Michele with One "L":

↳ chris_in_space @12:57
Totally agree, except for today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:59pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

@Michele - A chance to make art with a new tile shape - www.sciencenews.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:59pm

↳ Michele with One "L" @12:58
On the days that you go in, you go in.
Fred And Alan:

Jetboy. Did you hear our shows on Pseus thing with a hook October 27,2022. March 16,2023. Also we filled in for Ken and Andy’s show dinner with Andy on November 23,2022
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:00pm
alex in san francisco:

↳ Fred And Alan @12:54
i don't know about everyone else, but in my mind you two have become WFMU legends and need no introduction
Avatar 1:00pm
Hubig Pie:

↳ Song: "New Monotonic FM" by "Hydroplane"
Love the whole drum 'n' bass 'n' soft ethereal voice genre.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm

This reminds me of Bryce's train show

Dear Michele,
I'm loving the music. Muchas gracias. Getting to that good cry is tough but worth the effort. As you said (I think) it is purifying and rejuvenating, unclogging the emotional, psychic and unconscious pores. And I dig your willingness to let it all hangout. Peace.
Fred And Alan:

Thanks Alex did you hear the shows
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:02pm

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @12:59
Cool story.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:02pm
alex in san francisco:

↳ Fred And Alan @1:01
i sure did, i missed your fill in for ken and andy, but i loved the marathon show. i wish i lived close by so i could come get some sliced meats from you

↳ Ciggy @12:58
JetBoy of Astoria:

Hi Fred and Allan - yes, I’ve heard your women and children after us show and a few times on Pseu’s show
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:06pm
Handy Haversack:

Helo, Michele. Helo, al. Glad to be back with youse.

Setting phasers on feel.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:06pm

Chiming in!
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:06pm

yo handy!
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:07pm

↳ efd @1:06
the thing is, I was long gone from Boston when these Boston bands you're playing were active.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:07pm
Handy Haversack:

JetBoy of Astoria:

Someone was playing Buffalo Tom yesterday - one of the Joes
Andrea C from the app:

I never heard it before Michele, thank you for introducing us to them
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:09pm

I have to be heading out for the day soon. Everybody enjoy the rest of the show and the day. Michele, I'll catch the rest of this show from the archives later. Great music. I hope you feel better soon.
Avatar 1:09pm

Seeing as this show is called Feelings...
RIP Beaker, my only WFMU avatar since 2010. I'll leave him up for a couple more weeks in tribute.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:09pm
San Pedro Girl:

Hello Michele and Feeling peeps.
It is rainy and cold here in SF.
I'm vibing with the sadness.
Thanks for playing tunes that fit my mood.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:10pm
alex in san francisco:

michele i've never heard beth, or any royal trux for that matter, and i liked it and felt self conscious because all these other folks knew it right away
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:11pm
alex in san francisco:

↳ San Pedro Girl @1:09
i'm here with you, staring out my window on bernal, looking at the rainy mission...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:11pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Roberto @1:09
<3 Condolences Roberto. Love that tar.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:11pm
Acid Cazh:

You are giving me all kinds of nostalgia about the early aughts, Clientele and Walkmen.
Avatar 1:11pm

If it's any consolation, Michele, I finally got the cloud cake you reccoed at Charlotte Patisserie and it was WOOOAHH.... on the less positive side, I was also not thrilled at my reflection in the changing room later that week and will need to do some more jogging, haha...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:12pm
Acid Cazh:

So much wistfulness.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:12pm
Handy Haversack:

↳ Roberto @1:09
Oh, Roberto, so sorry to hear it. It's never, ever, ever easy. Sympathy and solidarity, and here's to Beaker. RIP. Gonna go squeeze Voltron, Goblin, and Bugbear in sympathy.
Avatar 1:12pm

↳ Ciggy @12:56
So glad they got some immediate help
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:13pm

↳ alex in san francisco @1:10
Beth reminds me of the ZZ Top song Rough Boy because both bands were known for faster rock n roll.
Avatar 1:14pm

↳ Roberto @1:09
That's very sad Roberto, my avatar is my RIP Binky and I know I should have the joy of the new kitty as my avatar, but haven't got there yet. I hope you are taking extra care with yourself, it's such a tough thing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:14pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ Roberto @1:09
Remember the good feelings.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:14pm
alex in san francisco:

↳ DjLorraine @1:13
i'll have to check that one out later, thanks for the tip!

↳ Roberto @1:09
Condolences roberto tough when pets have to go over the rainbow bridge
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:14pm
Michele with One "L":

↳ Jeezy @1:11
OMG RIGHT!!!!! I'm trying not to eat sweets or do emotional eating but DAMN I WANT THAT CAKE!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:14pm
Summer and Michael and Sylvia:

Good morning-ish, Michele!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:14pm
San Pedro Girl:

↳ hugowhimsy @1:01
What you said. Crying is SO cleansing.
Avatar 1:15pm

Thanks all, it happened very fast, but thankfully, he wasn't in much pain.
Avatar 1:16pm

The Man Who Got Away - Jeff Buckley :)

Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:18pm

Thanks for being so awesome Michele:), what Walkmen song?

↳ hugowhimsy @1:01
That is the one thing i like about the accu, is that we can pour our hearts out to kindred souls.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:20pm
San Pedro Girl:

↳ Roberto @1:09
I'm so sorry for your loss. Take care. I know very well how hard it is to lose a friend. May he rest in peace.
Greg Stevens Point Wi:

Just heard Ira from “Yo Le Tango” do an interview on WORT Radio Madison Wisconsin and they talked about this station. I love community radio and have a feeling I am going to love this station! Thank You!
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:21pm
Paulo AD:

What is up dudes
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:21pm
Jason from Houston:

↳ Roberto @1:09
All the love your way, Roberto. I always like seeing him next to your name.
Avatar 1:21pm

↳ Roberto @1:09
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:21pm
Michele with One "L":

↳ Roberto @1:09
So sorry Roberto. Heartbreaking I am sure.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:22pm

Thank you for the soundtrack of today blends perfectly with the gloomy over case
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:23pm
San Pedro Girl:

↳ Song: "All I Want" by "Joni Mitchell"
Joni's music= refugia.
JetBoy of Astoria:

@Roberto - sorry for your loss. I know the pain. Hang in there!
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:24pm
alex in san francisco:

well, you did it michele. it took joni mitchell but these eyes are watery...

My fave Joni song -- thank you, M. Brings me back to smoking weed working at CD Spins back in Boston. Maybe you came in.
Avatar 1:24pm
merl ravenscroft:

↳ Song: "All I Want" by "Joni Mitchell"
Joni really captures the vibe of this show IMO
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:24pm

↳ Song: "All I Want" by "Joni Mitchell"
I wanna get shampoo'd
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:26pm
Handy Haversack:

↳ Greg Stevens Point Wi @1:21
Nice, Greg! Welcome to WFMU, the greatest thing on earth!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:26pm
Michele with One "L":

↳ Feldy @1:24
I feel like the only time someone shampooed me was when I had lice in elementary school.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:26pm

↳ Greg Stevens Point Wi @1:21
Welcome to the rest of your life. Never forget your gateway to the station.
Avatar 1:27pm

↳ Greg Stevens Point Wi @1:21
Welcome, Greg Stevens Point Wi :) WFMU is one of greatest things made by human beings on the planet earth :)♥
Fred And Alan:

Thank you All for taking Fred and Alan into your lives
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:28pm

↳ Michele with One "L" @1:26
The bright side is you haven't had lice since
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:28pm
Michele with One "L":

↳ Greg Stevens Point Wi @1:21
Avatar 1:28pm
Andrea C:

↳ thriftstoreleather @1:27
word <3
Avatar 1:29pm

↳ Greg Stevens Point Wi @1:21
Oh how awesome is Ira, he's that awesome. Welcome aboard the great ship WFMU, it's an amazing community.
Avatar 1:29pm
Andrea C:

↳ Greg Stevens Point Wi @1:21
Welcome to the family George :)

↳ Greg Stevens Point Wi @1:21
What show were they on?
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 1:29pm
alex in san francisco:

↳ Greg Stevens Point Wi @1:21
what a gift you've been given!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:30pm
San Pedro Girl:

↳ Fred And Alan @1:28
Hi Fred and Alan! I hope you're both doing well today.
Fred And Alan:

Sorry Roberto

That’s my secret, cap. I’m always tired
Avatar 1:31pm
merl ravenscroft:

hundred acre wood
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alan the painter:

hi...u R doing it lick Michele, wit one swoed_L
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Acid Cazh:

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listener 126464:

Pooh has honey radar.
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Michele, you are a WFMU superstar! Thanks for all you did to make the marathon such a success! Happy for the rare occasion of catching your show.

Hi everyone! Hi Fred and Alan!
Welcome Greg Stevens Point Wi!
Roberto, very sorry for your loss!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& 🐇Rabbit - 🐰Rabbit has Brain ! :D
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I am on a lonely road and
I am traveling, traveling, traveling, traveling
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owl is an a-hole
Fred And Alan:

Hello San Pedro Girl. You said Hello before we were going to say it to you
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ prof.fuzz @1:33
...owl always bites the tootsiepop...
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @1:33
such an a-hole move!
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Just Ted:

Touch of Tigger, Teach Me Tiger…..
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Greg Stevens Point Wi @1:21
Welcome to the world of WFMU. I've been listening since 1986. There is nothing like it. The music is great, but the community is something else altogether. <3

↳ LCBD @1:32
What a surprise to see you here
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I always wondered about how to pronounce that. Thx!

↳ San Pedro Girl @1:35
I second that about the community on here
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↳ Robm @1:36
Hi Robm, my supervisor had to go out so I'm indulging myself while she's gone!
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Devin B.:

Creamed their corn!!
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You Creamed their Coyl
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↳ Robm @1:37
Thirding that.
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joe mulligan:

Joe Duffy!! miss that guy
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Andrea C:

comeback is a religion!
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Making me cry and laugh Michele!
Keep swimming Pisces.

↳ LCBD @1:37
Good for you LCBD
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American Heritage is my goto dictionary
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Michele with One "L":

↳ nortonjutland @1:39
Swimming upstream, but still trying.
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I love Spring time - potential, - it's all out in front of us
Wilson with one L:

Hi Michele! So humble, you accomplish so much at The Station.
JetBoy of Astoria:

@Greg - WORT is great. When I lived in Madison they had a late night show called the essential Iggy, just an hour of all Iggy. Good times.
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Andrea C:

I've been watching a lot of Stephen Fry recently, and in one of the video he told the story about him not being able to sing. Paul McCartney was besides him and insisted: "everybody can sing, Stephen. Sing!" - So Stephen Fry proceeds to sing, and Paul McCartney stops him abruptly and tells him to shut up "right, you can't sing".
Wilson with one L:

Never met a native Italian that couldn't draw.
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Inspiration, chocolate, dopamine!
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Michael 98145:

↳ thriftstoreleather @1:27
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↳ Andrea C @1:41
Love him. I could watch QI reruns for a year and not still love every minute. He's a guy with feelings, and he talks about that openly.
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↳ love2laf @1:43
Wow apologies, I think I double negatived myself. I would never tire of watching him.
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Loving this gentle set
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I love NY Times crosswords, but not the ones from ten years ago - too hard!
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Andrea C:

↳ love2laf @1:43
I adore him too. He is an amazing human being. I could hear him speak for hours and hours. His vast knowldge and humbleness really make me go places <3
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OMG I missed myself...
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Much-L, what crosswords do you do?
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Myself into one of my favorite Clientele songs arggghh
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↳ Andrea C @1:45
The tv series Kingdom really showcased and mirrored the kind of person he is in real life. If you haven't seen it, it's well worth seeking out.
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hello michele - hello all
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Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ Greg Stevens Point Wi @1:21
Welcome to your new forever home!
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Andrea C:

↳ love2laf @1:46
I''ve watched QI etracts on youtube. I'll make sure to watch the show too, thank you :)

Currently enjoying Taskmaster. I miss the UK
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alex in san francisco:

↳ thedunkel @1:47
hey aaron, great to see you a few weeks ago, and thanks for the nice google review :)
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Andrea C:

↳ love2laf @1:46
and Kingdom. I've never heard of this before.
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↳ Andrea C @1:41
Agreed, He's an amazing person. His defenses and debates about secular human rights are phenomenal. And Jeeves!
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↳ Andrea C @1:48
QI XL runs about 45 minutes, and has way more silliness and fun and rants than the standard version. In this case longer is way better.
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↳ alex in san francisco @1:49
Yo Captain Alex! Hows Chicken?
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alex in san francisco:

↳ thedunkel @1:51
she's so good! we're sitting inside on this rainy morning, i'm doing my taxes and eating cornbread that i just baked and she's sleeping and looking cute.
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joe mulligan:

↳ alex in san francisco @1:49
Alex do you have an establishment that us local listeners in the bay can support??
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Andrea C:

↳ nortonjutland @1:49
word :) the story I was mentioning earlier is from one of those conferences. It was about science, religion, politics, morale, and more. Fry's angle on everything is always balanced and never judging. I love his curiosity and approach. I.e: He's atheist but loves various aspects of religion (e.g: the art, architecture, and music). Manages to find the beauty of everything in a objective and non blaming manner.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "North" by "Elkhorn"
Reminds of TimBuckey with 12String & vibes. Altho Tim also Sang a tiny bit...
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↳ alex in san francisco @1:52
give chicken some cornbread!

↳ San Pedro Girl @1:14
Trying to keep the Cali vibe here in Brooklyn.
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alex in san francisco:

↳ joe mulligan @1:53
sure do, check out chicken dog bagels :)
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Andrea C:

↳ love2laf @1:51
thanks, noted :)
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↳ joe mulligan @1:53
Chicken Dog bagels!

Bialys are the bomb!
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Andrea C:

↳ Andrea C @1:53
here it is, for those interested www.youtube.com...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @1:54
tim *buckLey
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ @1:55
Did you formerly reside here in CA?
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↳ Andrea C @1:53
Yes, exactly, well said.
thanks for the link...
Wilson with one L:

↳ Greg Stevens Point Wi @1:21
Welcome Greg! You will love it here, it's like no other, one in a million radio. Some say if you don't like it tune back in, in 10 minutes or the next DJ. Caution, you will get addicted.

↳ Wilson with one L @2:00
And never want to get work or chores done either:)
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joe mulligan:

↳ alex in san francisco @1:55
awesome, will check it out!
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joe mulligan:

↳ thedunkel @1:57
i do love a good bialy

↳ San Pedro Girl @1:58
Spent 40 years in the SF bay area - SF and Marin - and just moved to be closer to my wee grandchildren!
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hey is anyone in ridgewood looking for a studio space to rent lol
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ alex in san francisco @1:55
I'll check it out. I'm always looking for good bagels here in SF.
Wilson with one L:

↳ Robm @2:01
Ha true!

↳ Wilson with one L @2:05
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alex in san francisco:

↳ San Pedro Girl @2:05
saturday mornings we're always listening to michael shelly and rex!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Riding horses is bumpy.
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Michele, drawing the fence in front of the horse made me laugh! You're so clever!!
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alex in san francisco:

↳ joe mulligan @2:02
where you surfing these days? i've been meeting a friend at dillon beach on sunday mornings lately. snapped a board this past week!
Wilson with one L:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @2:06
And can cause a sore bum.
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↳ @2:04
BTW: that's me. First time on the comments. Just love WFMU! Great addition to KALX
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Erica from Cranford:

Mr. Peanut always sports the monocle.
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Pippi is my hero too!
(that snowball scene was filmed in Norway even though the rest of the show was made in Sweden.)
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Pete from Hoboken:

Is it too much to wear 2 monocles?
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Michele with One "L":

↳ DjLorraine @2:07
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Michele with One "L":

↳ LCBD @2:08
Such a good hero to have! Nice to see you here LCBD.
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I enjoy being here with you today Michele. Even if you are swimmin in the sad pool 🙂
Wilson with one L:

Or 'See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.' Kinda funny though.

↳ hugowhimsy @2:08
I have found that the last couple of years that i have given up on commercial music radio with it’s SSDD
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Michele with One "L":

↳ Destroit @2:10
Thanks! I appreciate the company!
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San Pedro Girl:

↳ Song: "The Dream" by "Jana Horn"
@ Michele
This is gorgeous.
Michele, you're killing it with the songs today. :)
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B R M:

I work in events and I know the post-event sadness of working incredibly hard and with purpose on a time-bound project, achieving a goal, and feeling somewhat questioning and empty at the end of it, as the adrenaline has worn off and everything feels ephemeral...you think about what's next, your purpose, why you give so much of yourself. I see all your incredible work @Michele and know what an impact you have... hang in there, be well, and thanks for making this show great week in and week out.
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Hello @Michele I did in fact email you, and I was patiently waiting for a new reply until, that is, you reminded me that I emailed you by mentioning your ability to be emailed. How am I supposed to stay patient now?! The essence of patience = forgetting about the thing you were waiting for.
Wilson with one L:

↳ Robm @2:11
What's SSDD, same stupid dismal din?
Jason from Screwston:

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↳ Song: "Weak" by "SWV"
Feelings makes me weak
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MicheLe & Bake!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Luke @2:04
Like a practice space or a visual arts studio?
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Michele with One "L":

↳ Hydroplane @2:16
I know I owe you a response email...I'll blame the marathon.
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Michele with One "L":

↳ PaulRobeson1923 @2:18
Not baking here.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

For FMUvianz, Marathon & especially Finale are like a Holiday. & I'm just sitting here !... & - it has to happen every year. But - hey - record goal realized relatively soon. Amazing success.
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↳ B R M @2:14
Ding ding ding! Amen.
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↳ Michele with One "L" @2:19
I'm only kidding! Take your time of course
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Michele with One "L":

↳ Song: "Say It Too" by "Death Valley Girls"
So psyched for this record!
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Hello Michele and all the feelers!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Michele with One "L" @2:27
We haven't even had a chance to listen to the whole record yet -- first Marathon, and then I was gone for a week. So looking forward to it!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ ChukAmok @2:28
Hey, ChukAmok!
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Heya Handy! What's shakin'?
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Karl Ward:

↳ ChukAmok @2:28
ChukAmok strolls in on harmonized feedback, might be a mellotron that is somehow picking up its own sound, let's listen
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↳ Michele with One "L" @2:20
Well, The Music is Good!
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Karl! I think it's the wind harp of my soul.
How goes?
I am an uncle again! My sister in law had baby #2 just this morning!
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↳ ChukAmok @2:32
Congrats to you and your family, what a happy day.
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Birth & Bake!
bernard snowy:

never heard of mattstranger before but this record is exactly in my "Q" Zone (with Men I Trust, Lonna Kelley, etc)
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Handy Haversack:

↳ ChukAmok @2:30
Just back from a week in Wisconsin, digging out from under, doing too much, forgetting to eat. Domestication of the dog proceeds apace.

Congrats on the niebling!
JetBoy of Astoria:

Gotta keep that Q zone hydrated! Excellent show today Michele.
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↳ love2laf @2:33
Thank you!
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Karl Ward:

↳ ChukAmok @2:32
What do you call a champagne with feedback in it? You call it a "second uncle." It's a lovely drink, I hope you are having one to celebrate.
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Tommy in Neversink:

Great show One L
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↳ Handy Haversack @2:34
Thanks Handy!
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Wonderful show Michele. I hope you feel better.
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Salton Sea is cool, not depressing!
Wilson with one L:

Islands in the Sky is goin on the list!
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↳ Karl Ward @2:35
I will be later, Karl. Surely.
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Acid Cazh:

FWIW, Michele, yours is probably my all time favorite show at WFMU (Olivia and Creamo are tied at a very close second)
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The Inland Empire is… well a big desert
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i have this same thing
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The kids who live near the Sultan Sea look lost and the smell u cannot photograph
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Michele, your trip sounds fantastic! I'm so happy for you!
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Go see the little mud volcanoes at the south end of the Sea and then the Slot Canyon at Borrego Springs.
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I have been to the Sulton Sea April 2019 and that was enough

yes! slab city and salton sea are amazing to visit-- went like 8 yrs ago or so. you'll love it!

Salvation Mt. is pretty wild, even if it is heavy on the christianity. Thanks for getting me hip to the Mt.
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Karl Ward:

Moth Cock!
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this next song is gonna give me a religious experience
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Karl Ward:

Oh wait, wrong show
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I feel strongly that the Sultan Sea is a place to flee from
Jason from Screwston:

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Seeing is believing
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Karl Ward @2:41
Unless ... !
Wilson with one L:

J and MC
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "Taste of Cindy - Acoustic Version" by "The Jesus ...
Yay J&MC
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I would have bet money you'd play Big Blood today, there's still time!
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Michele with One "L":

↳ mrdonutsu @2:39
Yes thank you for the rec!!!!
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I have photos but they are so … sad

The school, the gas station, and that’s it. The smell
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Michael 98145:

↳ mrdonutsu @2:36
Lotsa birds.
Plus the geothermal power plants are becoming a source of lithium for EV batteries ...
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alex in san francisco:

michele, let me know when and i'll drive down to meet you. i have friends in joshua tree we can stay with!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Song: "Desperado" by "Michele with One "L""
Ahh, it's been too long!

Michele if you haven't been bombarded with this already there is a Murakami novel called Pinball, which does involve a lot of pinball and obsession. Its better if you read the really short novel before it, "Hear the Wind Sing"

ASMR but the M is for Michele
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↳ Song: "Desperado" by "Michele with One "L""
Oh I am so happy for this! First time hearing it, and this is just what I needed today.
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↳ gorp @2:46
was about to make this joke lmao
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Tom in Topanga:

@Michele... Sandy eggo - how awesome! I think home of DJ Glynis -- gonna look her up?
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Michael 98145:

↳ Song: "Desperado" by "Michele with One "L""
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The Salton Sea and Salvation Mountain were great, and the mud pits! You'll love it. Watch some of the YouTube documentaries about Slab City inhabitants on YouTube.

We stayed here on the way back...like a movie set; we were the only ones there (literally; not even any staff to check us in...they left the keys). The Palms at Indian Head thepalmsatindianhead.com
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i'm gettin a funny feeling
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joe mulligan:

↳ Song: "Desperado" by "Michele with One "L""
I love that tape!! one of my most favorite premiums and this is everything Michele!!
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↳ Song: "Desperado" by "Michele with One "L""
I liked this better than Witchy Woman
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↳ pollypinocle @2:47
i really wanna get ken layne's desert oracle on FMU. the desert needs more representation on our freeform airwaves!
Andrea C from the app:

Love me tender love me true

That was an amazing reading, Michele.
Wilson with one L:

↳ Song: "Desperado" by "Michele with One "L""
I gotta listen to this with headphones!
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↳ Luke @2:48
ooh! I hafta check this out!
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↳ Wilson with one L @2:49
it hits soo hard
Andrea C from the app:

Just seen the title of the mixtape, feel like a jerk off trying to be romantic here
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↳ pollypinocle @2:49
desert oracle radio is one of my fav shows. I really feel like it belongs on FMU at night because he starts every show with "night has, fallen on the desert" he has an affect to his voice thats really neat. Its almost rockabilly. great for freeform radio!
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I have been to the Salton Sea and every person i encountered looked lost. The kids playing basketball in the driveways, the highschool, the smell. If they could of, i’m sure they would all flee
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San Pedro Girl:

Great show today, Michele. Thanks!
Take care and be well, everyone. 💦🌈
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↳ Luke @2:50
Thanks for the tip @Luke
Maybe he can take the place of dearly missed Joe Frank
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Michele with One "L":

Last song! Thanks for hanging out everyone. Appreciate it, for real. xxx

Thank you Michele!
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Michele with One "L":

Also the tape is here - wfmu.store...
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thanks 1L
Wilson with one L:

I been to the desert on horse with no mane
It felt good to give her a name
In the desert you git cha no flame
Cuz there ain't place for to get some propane
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↳ pollypinocle @2:52
i need to find out more about this joe frank!
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↳ pollypinocle @2:47
Why not stay next to the Salton Sea? In the town proper! Near the highschool?

I’m wondering, What did you find great about it?
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↳ Michele with One "L" @2:52
thank you michele!!!!
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Michele with One "L":

↳ PaulRobeson1923 @2:51
I just want to see it, I know it's depressing. I'll just drive through. I'm not trying to make a spectacle of anyone or disrespect.
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Thanks Michele!
Andrea C from the app:

Thank you Michele! I’ll be listening to it :)
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↳ Michele with One "L" @2:53
I did too!!!! Just wait
Fred And Alan:

Great show but more importantly the Great WFMU Community of Friends we made
Wilson with one L:

↳ Song: "Pale Lips" by "Vestals"
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↳ PaulRobeson1923 @2:53
Point taken, "Great" is probably the wrong word. Was intrigued by this article and wanted to witness it for myself www.newyorker.com...
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Handy Haversack:

Thanks, Michele. Feelings were *felt*, yo.

Keep them antennas up, Feelers!
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I’m not sure there is any words for what u will see. Go past the highschool and drive near the “lake front”
The Salton Sea, is doin a blue rag, alright

soooo goood 💖💖💖
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Handy Haversack:

I do want to see the mud volcanoes of San Diego. We might go there in Sept., but I don't think we'll have a car.
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Michael 98145:

Thanks again, Michele
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joe mulligan:

↳ Michele with One "L" @2:52
thanks for the feelings Michele! some good heartfelt cuts.
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Are any words*

Ya cannot photograph the smell but u will remember
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listener 126464:

Thank you, Michele.
Wilson with one L:

↳ Song: "Pale Lips" by "Vestals"
Kinda reminds me of Lori Carson, G P.
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Just Ted:

↳ Song: "Desperado" by "Michele with One "L""
Thanks Michele.
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↳ Handy Haversack @2:56
i wish the mud volcanoes would tour more often...
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alex in san francisco:

thanks michele and everyone here. i'm feeling a million times better. been off social media for a few weeks now and realizing this is a much better community to be spending my time on :)
Jason from Screwston:

Many thanks, Michele. Cheers, good radio people.
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Michael 98145:

↳ Michele with One "L" @2:53
If you get a chance, visit the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park
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Bye, Michele!
Avatar 2:58pm

Gracias MicheLe!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ prof.fuzz @2:57
I mean, what with the economy and all.
Avatar 2:59pm

Thank you Michele. Thank you all. My feelings are reset for the afternoon.
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thanks Michele! feel better!
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Ken From Hyde Park:

I had pictures of Yellowstone mud volcanoes on my phone, but dropped it into a creek 😓 Thanks, Michele. Have a flippin' good week!
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Crosby in KC:

Loved the show today, Michele! I hope your day and week continue to get brighter - even if it's 1% at a time
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Michael 98145:

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @2:59
sounds like a country song !
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Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @2:59
Well, on my camera. In the days before cell phones.
Avatar 🍸 Swag For Life Member 3:00pm

Thank you Michele with one L!
Wilson with one L:

Thanks Michele!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY Always DJ ( )L ~
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