Favoriting The Perfumed Garden with Zoe Lynn!: Playlist from April 7, 2023 Favoriting

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Come on in and smell the Psilocybin, baby! Lush psychedelic dreamscapes, sitar freak-outs, and bubbly Toytown pop grows in my garden. Join me on John Kay’s magic carpet. Have some fragrant tea, and watch your Tiger Beat faves do the Frug!

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Favoriting April 7, 2023: Show #100!

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Music Emporium  Nam Myo Renge Kyo   Favoriting Music Emporium  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Friend & Lover  Reach Out of The Darkness   Favoriting Reach Out of The Darkness  0:02:58 (Pop-up)
The Five Americans  Black Is White - Day Is Night   Favoriting Progressions  0:06:16 (Pop-up)
Music Explosion  Can't Stop Now   Favoriting Little Bit O’ Soul  0:09:27 (Pop-up)
Ohio Express  The Time You Spent With Me   Favoriting Ohio Express  0:12:15 (Pop-up)
Lemon Pipers  Fifty Year Void   Favoriting Green Tambourine  0:17:17 (Pop-up)
Tommy James & The Shondells  I Am A Tangerine   Favoriting Crimson & Clover  0:23:00 (Pop-up)
Southwest F.O.B.  On My Mind   Favoriting Smell Of Incense  0:26:40 (Pop-up)
The Poppy Family Featuring Susan Jacks  Happy Island   Favoriting A Good Thing Lost: 1968-1973  0:29:05 (Pop-up)
Keith  Hope Girl   Favoriting Out of Crank  0:32:17 (Pop-up)
Gene & Debbe  I'll Come Running   Favoriting Playboy  0:34:24 (Pop-up)
The Box Tops  I See Only Sunshine   Favoriting Dimensions  0:36:47 (Pop-up)
Gene Clark with the Gosdin Brothers  So You Say You Lost Your Baby   Favoriting Gene Clark With The Gosdin Brothers  0:39:06 (Pop-up)
Peppermint Rainbow  Pink Lemonade   Favoriting Will You Be Staying After Sunday  0:41:17 (Pop-up)
Georgie Fame  Fully Booked   Favoriting Seventh Son  0:43:13 (Pop-up)
Terry Knight & The Pack  Love Goddess of the Sunset Strip   Favoriting Terry Knight and the Pack  0:46:08 (Pop-up)
The Feminine Complex  Run That Thru Your Mind   Favoriting Livin' Love  0:49:39 (Pop-up)
Crabby Appleton  Go Back   Favoriting Crabby Appleton  0:52:11 (Pop-up)
The Cape Kennedy Construction Company  The First Step On The Moon   Favoriting Sometimes I Wonder (The Psychedelic Pop Sound Of President) (v/a)  0:55:15 (Pop-up)
The Left Banke  Nice To See You   Favoriting Left Banke Too  0:59:56 (Pop-up)
Ei Nei  Crushed Flowers   Favoriting Ei Nei!  1:05:48 (Pop-up)
Moody Blues  Never Comes The Day   Favoriting On the Threshold of a Dream  1:08:51 (Pop-up)
The Beach Boys  Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder)   Favoriting Pet Sounds  1:13:43 (Pop-up)
Ronny & The Daytonas  Nanci   Favoriting G.T.O. Best Of The Mala Recordings  1:16:36 (Pop-up)
Eternity's Children  My Happiness Day   Favoriting Eternity's Children  1:19:51 (Pop-up)
The New Wave  In a Lonely Towne   Favoriting The New Wave  1:22:59 (Pop-up)
Sandy Salisbury  Maui   Favoriting Catchy  1:26:08 (Pop-up)
The Millennium  5 A.M.   Favoriting Begin  1:28:39 (Pop-up)
The Fleetwoods  Stay With Me   Favoriting Unreleased  1:31:22 (Pop-up)
The Cyrkle  The Visit (She Was Here)   Favoriting Red Rubber Ball (A Collection)  1:33:53 (Pop-up)
The Association  On A Quiet Night   Favoriting Insight Out  1:36:07 (Pop-up)
Harpers Bizarre  Cotton Candy Sandman   Favoriting Harpers Bizarre 4  1:39:26 (Pop-up)
The Tradewinds  Huggin' In The Hall   Favoriting Excursions  1:42:27 (Pop-up)
Love  Orange Skies   Favoriting Da Capo  1:44:34 (Pop-up)
The Turtles  i think i'll run away   Favoriting Happy Together  1:47:41 (Pop-up)
Peppermint Trolley Company  Baby You Come Rollin' Cross My Mind   Favoriting beautiful sun  1:50:01 (Pop-up)
The Arbors  I Can't Quit Her / For Emily, whenever i may find her   Favoriting The Arbors  1:52:28 (Pop-up)
The Groop  A Famous Myth   Favoriting The Groop  1:55:47 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:40pm
Corey Light:

Happy 100th 🎂🥳🎉🎈
Avatar 8:42pm

↳ Corey Light @7:40
See you there - The Count down starts now....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53pm

No more Cratedigger's Lung on Sheena so time to sniff in the Garden
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54pm

Hello to all you Krazy Kidz!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57pm
Jay S.:

Good evening everyone! Congratulations on show 100, zoe!
Avatar 8:58pm

Hey Corey, Momwhig, Aitch, vanhooserd & jay!! Thanks so much for being here!!
Avatar 9:00pm

Hi Aitch G'Day - van - Jay
Avatar 9:01pm
Mailman Tom:

Wow! Congratulations on your 100th show, Zoe!
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Jay S.:

↳ MOM WHIG @9:00
Hello Mom Whig
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Hi Mailman Tom! Thanks so much!
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Max D:

Hi Zoe! Hi Gardeners! Ann is rocking out with us tonight, I see! 😆
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↳ Mailman Tom @9:01
good to see you
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↳ Max D @9:02
Glad you made it - hi (Finally cooled off here today 51 from 85

being sick is a drag scene- power to the people
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Mailman Tom:

The show must go on!
Avatar 9:04pm
Max D:

↳ MOM WHIG @9:03
Wow, that's a big drop! Your temp has been bouncing around a lot lately!
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Chili MacPagoda:

The iridescent purple fuzzy flying carpet 501st brigade checking in here, Z Dood. Feel better, my friend
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↳ Max D @9:04
Finally my apt is down from 85 inside to 71 - what a great relief
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Congrats on show 100!
Avatar 9:04pm
SF Sorrow:

↳ Song: "Reach Out of The Darkness" by "Friend & Lover"
Always loved this tune!
Happy 100 Zoe!
Happy Garden Friday everyone!
Avatar 9:05pm
Max D:

Yeah, Zoe, really hope you are on the mend!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

🌿💐🌈 💯 🌈 💐🌿
~ GardenEarz ! ~
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:04
Just in time for the BIG Celebration!!
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↳ SF Sorrow @9:04
Truly a great tune this one - good to see you
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Max D:

Show 100! What a milestone, Zoe! Congratulations!
Avatar 9:06pm

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @9:05
Hi there
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Jay S.:

Good evening sufferwords, Max, Chili, ModnikBri, Rev, Mailman
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Hey Jay S!
Avatar 9:06pm

↳ ModnikBri @9:04
Happy you made it
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SF Sorrow:

↳ MOM WHIG @9:05
Good to see you too MW!
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ MOM WHIG @9:05
Hope you brought enough maple chocolate cupcakes, homie. For the celebration!
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↳ MOM WHIG @9:06
Glad to be here!
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ Jay S. @9:06
Aloha Jay
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:06
Got the Haagen Daz Too
Avatar 9:07pm

Hey Max D! Sufferwords! Chili dood! Bri! SF Sorrow!Rev Rabbit! So good to see y'all!! Don't judge me playing songs of my mp3 player tonite... don't have the strength to run the turntables tonite unfortunately
Avatar 9:08pm
Max D:

↳ MOM WHIG @9:04
85 here is much more bearable here because we don't get the humidity when it's warm like you do in DC/VA.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08pm

↳ Song: "Reach Out of The Darkness" by "Friend & Lover"
Joe South & Bill Lowery produced this, so it probably came out of Atlanta.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08pm

Hi Hi Hi
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Jay S.:

↳ zoelpw @9:07
We're just glad you're here and on the mend!
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Matt Clarke:

Hey Zoe!! Congratulations on the big 100! Ciao a tutti!
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↳ zoelpw @9:07
Hey Zoe! Hope you feel better! 💗
Avatar 9:08pm

Aloha Paulrobeson! Hey Matt!
Avatar 9:09pm

↳ PaulRobeson1923 @9:08
It's been a while - good to see you - is all good?
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↳ zoelpw @9:07
OH NO...has sickness laid you low?
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Dang running a high fever right now, dental stuff is the worst!!
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↳ Matt Clarke @9:08
Thanks so much!!!
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↳ PaulRobeson1923 @9:08
Hey Paul! How was Wake? I was gonna tune in but ended up listening to the Bunny
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↳ MOM WHIG @9:09
Likewise- Not enough hours in the day!

Things are good
Avatar 9:09pm
Max D:

↳ zoelpw @9:07
Not judging one bit, Z! So good to hear the tunes you bring!

It's your garden tend to it as you will- i'm just gonna sit over here in the shade and groove
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10pm

↳ Song: "Black Is White - Day Is Night" by "The Five Ameri...
Na, na na na, na na na, na na, Hush, Hush...
Hi folks
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Matt Clarke:

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well, Zoe. Sending soup with plenty of freshly picked veg from the garden with some spicy chili!
Avatar 9:10pm

Hey Doctor Jazz!
Avatar 9:10pm

↳ ModnikBri @9:08
Thanks Bri! Good to see you!!
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↳ zoelpw @9:10
Great to see you too! Of course!
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Feel better Zoe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10pm

↳ ModnikBri @9:09
Monday-Friday 6-9pm WAKE & BAKE BABY- we do it everyday and all are welcome!!!! One & all
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↳ zoelpw @9:09
Hope you are supplied with opiates.
Avatar 9:10pm

Hey there suffer - drjazz - Matt Clarke (on your way today)
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↳ Matt Clarke @9:10
That sounds delish!!
Avatar 9:11pm

Hi doctorjazz, thank you!!
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↳ PaulRobeson1923 @9:10
I try and tune in when I can! I usually am up that early now. :)
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SF Sorrow:

Sorry to hear you are sick Zoe.
I have an appointment Monday AM at the "House of Pain" for a cleaning. Hope it goes well and the only pain is my wallet!
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Chili MacPagoda:

Z Dood, strong ginger tea will help with the fever. Cut some raw slices of ginger into a mug and add hot water. Some honey too. That concoction will have you back to 100 percent in no time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12pm

↳ Song: "Black Is White - Day Is Night" by "The Five Ameri...
Either it is night or it is day! Unless yer HERE @&onFMU!
Where our candles burn through daylight
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↳ ModnikBri @9:10
Hi Bri, mom, Matt, and all ther rest of the Gardeners!
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Julie P.:

Yo Gardeners! Peace, love and happy Friday!
Avatar 9:14pm

Hey Julie!
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Jay S.:

↳ Julie P. @9:13
Hello Julie!
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our Sun shines in the dead of night

Oh this can’t be right there’s only one thing left to do and that’s run & tell U
Avatar 9:14pm

↳ Julie P. @9:13
Jewels - hi there
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15pm

↳ Song: "The Time You Spent With Me" by "Ohio Express"
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

<+> WELLNESS <+>
Yer a Trooper being here for us !
Eatcher garlic & be strong !
We need ya ! :D <3
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Hey Sitar Julie!!
Avatar 9:15pm

The positive music shall make you feel well!
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:11
Good idea!!!
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↳ Song: "The Time You Spent With Me" by "Ohio Express"
Think of Ohio Express (when I think of Ohio Express) as being Bubble Gum players, this is quite different!
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↳ ModnikBri @9:15
Good vibes!!
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Owl sun shines in the dead of night, oh no this can’t be right. Best believe it
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↳ doctorjazz @9:17
Exactly! Wow, this is Ohio express!
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Jay S.:

↳ doctorjazz @9:17
One of those groovy cuts one would often find on bubblegum LPs
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↳ zoelpw @9:17
Sending good healing vibes your way!
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Julie P.:

↳ MOM WHIG @9:14
Hey Mom! Actual Grandbob mandated spelling is Joolz, with extra o's and z's added as you see fit (because that's what Bob does, LOL)!
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Avatar 9:19pm

Aloha spacecowboy!
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↳ Song: "The Time You Spent With Me" by "Ohio Express"
This song is on this Album!!??? I have this Album and i saware that can’t be right, sun shining in the dead of night?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19pm
Julie P.:

↳ zoelpw @9:15
zoeeeeee! Sorry you're under the weather!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19pm
Chili MacPagoda:

↳ Song: "Fifty Year Void" by "Lemon Pipers"
These Buddah Records bubblegum groups always had a couple of dark, deep cuts in their repertoire. This is dope, with a side of fuzzzz funk.
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↳ spacecowboy @9:19
hi there
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↳ Julie P. @9:19
OOPS! Sorry
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Julie P.:

↳ spacecowboy @9:19
Spacecowboy, I do believe that is the fewest words you have ever used upon entering the Garden. Are you well?
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ spacecowboy @9:19
Aloha Spacecowboy!
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hey mom whig
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:19
More FUZZZ is needed
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Julie P.:

↳ MOM WHIG @9:20
No worries!
Avatar 9:21pm

hey zoe= hey chili rider
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↳ MOM WHIG @9:20
And Farfisa!
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Jay S.:

↳ Song: "Fifty Year Void" by "Lemon Pipers"
This sounds extra-great with headphones
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↳ Julie P. @9:19
All good! Just hoping to get this fever down!
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↳ spacecowboy @9:19
Howd’y Spacecowboy. Still Wakin’ and Baking Monday-Sunday & in the dead of night, baby
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ MOM WHIG @9:20
You forgot a few zzzzz ;-)
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↳ ModnikBri @9:21
Right on that too
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Hey julie - im groovy - just succinct tonight
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Where’s Eric?!
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hey paul-
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Corey Light:

Party on 🥳🎉🎉🎉
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:21
What am I thinking ZZZZZZZZZZ
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dam missed reach out in the darkness
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22pm

Greetings zoe and all
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Jay S.:

↳ coelacanth∅ @9:22
Hello coel
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Hey Coel!
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ MOM WHIG @9:22
Hahaha yes! Now you’ve got fuzzzzzzzzz mania, feels good doesn’t it?
Avatar 9:23pm

Hey coel!!
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:23
It Does - Amazing!!
Avatar 9:24pm

Ooh I am a tangerine! 😎
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Julie P.:

↳ spacecowboy @9:21
Good to hear! I always look forward to your verbal imagery!
Avatar 9:24pm

coel - that is a sweet ride in your profile
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aloha Jay and Bri!
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↳ coelacanth∅ @9:24
hey there
Avatar 9:24pm

for a top 40 guy tommy james really knows how to psychedelically blow out your brain banana
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25pm
Jay S.:

↳ spacecowboy @9:24
Pop psyche at its very, very best
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26pm

Split yer Banana and take nice size bites, please and thank you so much
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27pm

hi Mom Whig!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27pm
Jay S.:

↳ Song: "On My Mind" by "Southwest F.O.B."
Love this album
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28pm
Julie P.:

Hey, coel! That is indeed one gorgeous set of wheels! Is that a Brookwood sedan?
Avatar 9:28pm
SF Sorrow:

↳ Song: "I Am A Tangerine" by "Tommy James & The Shondells"
A favorite track
The Shondells It's True as well is greatness!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29pm
Julie P.:

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↳ Julie P. @9:29
Just for you
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Jay S.:

↳ Song: "Happy Island" by "The Poppy Family Featuring Susa...
Everyone please do yourselves a favor and listen to this compilation
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Max D:

↳ Song: "On My Mind" by "Southwest F.O.B."
There was something familiar about these vocals and maybe it's because they became England Dan & John Ford Coley in the 70s!
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Creature Boy:

↳ Song: "I Am A Tangerine" by "Tommy James & The Shondells"
Longtime favorite cut. I seem to remember hearing about a 60s magazine article ( TIME maybe) about some guy who came to believe that he was a tangerine while tripping on LSD . I always wondered if that song was in reference to the magazine peice
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31pm

Going to put this on through the stereo Speakers- see u soon
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↳ Creature Boy @9:30
hi there
Avatar 9:31pm

essentials- good psychedelic music- a sweet ride- a quality beach - a quality record store
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31pm

olá Julie! i nabbed it off the 'net. it's a chevy that's all i know!
and it looks like c.1962 (?)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:32pm
Chili MacPagoda:

Anyone else about to enjoy some dinner? Or likely already eaten, I’m guessing. Tonight I’m about to stuff my face with Chile Rellleno & verde enchiladas, plus refritos. Lots of lime slices too. It’s a Good Good Friday.
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Creature Boy:

↳ MOM WHIG @9:31
👋 🌼
Avatar 9:32pm

Sounds yum Chili! I just had spinach and meat pies that I put Roasted red pepper hummus over
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↳ Max D @9:30
That's right!! Small world
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Julie P.:

KEEEEEEITH! Hey, Zoe, I found the other two Keith albums this past week!
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↳ Creature Boy @9:30
Aloha Creature Boy!!
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:32
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Jay S.:

Thanks to Zoe, I now immediately recognize the sound of Keith
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Max D:

↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:32
That dinner is right up my alley! Pretty envious although I've got some leftover carne quisada in the fridge.
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↳ Creature Boy @9:30
It’s because he was a tangerine you see it’s like this- eat me, this way, that way, the end
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↳ ModnikBri @9:32
That sounds good too
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Julie P.:

↳ Jay S. @9:33
LOL so do I!
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ ModnikBri @9:32
Sounds like a classic Jamaican pattie - nice 👍
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Max D:

↳ Max D @9:33
guisada, that is...
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↳ MOM WHIG @9:33
It was yummy!
Avatar 9:34pm

↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:32
Oh man that sounds sooooo good!! I already have a list of food I'm gonna eat when I can eat solid food again haha
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↳ Julie P. @9:33
Awesome!!! Enjoy, LUV Keith!
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↳ Jay S. @9:33
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ Max D @9:33
Heat that up! Sounds like a winning dish to me.
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Creature Boy:

↳ PaulRobeson1923 @9:33
You took the words right out of my mouth
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Jay S.:

↳ Song: "I'll Come Running" by "Gene & Debbe"
Love this!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35pm
Chili MacPagoda:

↳ MOM WHIG @9:33
It’s the last Lent Friday, I mean whaddya gonna do? Better not upset da pope, you know?
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It got me wondering what to do
And the only thing was to come and tell you
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Creature Boy:

↳ zoelpw @9:33
👋 🏝
Avatar 9:36pm
Max D:

↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:34
Yeah, it's a winner. Like Mexican pot roast!
Avatar 9:36pm

I was once writing Imagines for the Beatles and I thought it would be totally random and funny to write Keith (Hey 98.6) Imagines! This was before I wanted to be taken seriously as a writer
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Jay S.:

↳ Song: "I'll Come Running" by "Gene & Debbe"
Gene and Debbe also have a fabulous compilation worth tracking down
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:35
Now we can all Eat whatever we gave UP for Lent HA HA
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:35
I don’t think I ate any fish this lent! Not on purpose, I usually do though
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ zoelpw @9:34
Don’t count out an enchilada smoothie, Z Dood ;-) Hang in there, bud, the nachos will taste that much better on the other side of this sick stuff.
Avatar 9:38pm

To say the least, vanhooserd! It's been a really rough couple of days :(
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↳ zoelpw @9:38
Feel better, Zoe
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One year I ate vegan food during lent! Gave up sweets that year
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ MOM WHIG @9:36
I can tuck back into the Red Vines licorice and matcha Kit Kats FINALLY. Adios Lent!
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:39
Mmm, Matcha Kit Kats sound delicious!
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ Song: "So You Say You Lost Your Baby" by "Gene Clark wit...
Rock N Soul is 200 percent responsible for my love of dis here rekkid.
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Jay S.:

↳ Song: "I See Only Sunshine" by "The Box Tops"
This is one of those song where you go, "Wait, you're fading out already? This should keep going a bit longer."
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:39
Glad you Saved yourself for this end to Lent!
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↳ zoelpw @9:38
You've got me worried. Are you under proper medical care?
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ MOM WHIG @9:40
Hahaha you crack me up 😆
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Doing chores, very funny songs!
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:41
Sometimes I crack myself up too :)))
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Jay S.:

↳ Song: "Pink Lemonade" by "Peppermint Rainbow"
A trademark Paul Leka production
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Peppermint rainbow! I showed them to my dad
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ ModnikBri @9:40
You cannot go wrong with any Japanese Kit Kat flavors. It’s a taste adventure
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:42
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↳ vanhooserd @9:41
It should be fine, just gotta keep an eye on this fever!
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↳ ModnikBri @9:42
Awesome!! Did he like them?
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↳ zoelpw @9:43
Sadly he didn’t get them since they were on Lawrence Welk. But I love them!
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Eric R:

hi all! Congrats, zoe, on #100
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↳ Eric R @9:44
Good you made it
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There you are Eric!
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Jay S.:

↳ ModnikBri @9:43
I think that clip was from the King Family show, pretty similar
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↳ Eric R @9:44
Hey Eric! How's the weather where you are?
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↳ Jay S. @9:44
Probably! It was definitely something like that
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ zoelpw @9:43
If it’s a sustained 103-104f fever temp over multiple hours get to a doctor, don’t wait. Lots of water and two ibuprofen every couple of hours until it breaks.
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Eric R:

↳ zoelpw @9:45
high 50s right now.
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ Eric R @9:44
Aloha Eric, I’ve already flunked out from the Beau Brummels recovery group. Oh well
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↳ Eric R @9:45
The 87 temp finally broke am today- down to 51
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↳ Eric R @9:45
Lucky! It’s only 35 here
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Eric R:

↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:46
congratulations! I'm proud of you!
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↳ Song: "Fully Booked" by "Georgie Fame"
Written by Clive Powell, his real name.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Oh yeah ...anti-inflammatories. You need to eat curries ! Turmeric.
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↳ Song: "Love Goddess of the Sunset Strip" by "Terry Knigh...
I’m wondering the year on this song?
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:46
Oh moved on to The Turtles?
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:45
I assume Zoe is on antibiotics.
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↳ Eric R @9:45
I heard it's going to be in the 70s on Sunday, but it probably has changed since I was there last week -- freezing rain & hail was pretty wild to see
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ MOM WHIG @9:47
Thee Turtles are always there, in the background, along with Thee Seeds, Byrds, Zombies, Hollies, Standells, Yardbirds, Kinks…I’m in a lot of trouble
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↳ PaulRobeson1923 @9:47
I think the album came out in '66
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ vanhooserd @9:47
...in which case - it's yogurt to restore the good bacteria when possible...
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:49
Always more coming your way
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SF Sorrow:

Zoe! About three cold beers, a shot of green Nyquil, and 12+ hours of sleep fixes just about everything in my world!
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:49
Good taste!
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:45
True, low grade right now but if it doesn't get better I might needa go to le doctor
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Eric R:

↳ zoelpw @9:48
they really don't know. It was supposed to be 75 then they (the meteorologists) said 66, then 57. Now they're saying 75 *next* weekend. Oh, also a bit wet here.
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↳ SF Sorrow @9:49
That's the right Attitude!!
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↳ vanhooserd @9:47
Sure am
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↳ SF Sorrow @9:49
Now that I can get on board with! Haha
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ vanhooserd @9:47
That would be my guess, usually goes along with dental surgery. A high sustained fever over a day is an early red flag so hopefully rest, advil, tons of water will break this thing.
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Wow an hours almost past! This is going too fast. 😭
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↳ Eric R @9:49
Ah dang that's too bad, spring will come soon hopefully!
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↳ Eric R @9:49
Looking forward to next week here, supposed to be high 70s almost all week
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:51
Yeah when I got my wisdom teeth out it was a similar scenario. Going to sleep all weekend!!

Oh man...you got 'it' goin' on Zoe!!!...:)
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↳ ModnikBri @9:51
Thyme flies when your havin fun!
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Mailman Tom:

↳ Eric R @9:49
April is the cruelest month!
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SF Sorrow:

↳ zoelpw @9:50
It's worked for me for years! First sign of something coming on! Bang! Nip it in the bud!
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Eric R:

↳ Song: "Go Back" by "Crabby Appleton"
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Hey Chuck! Glad you dig it!!
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Max D:

↳ Eric R @9:49
Gotta' love the Pacific NorthWet! 😆
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Julie P.:

↳ Song: "Go Back" by "Crabby Appleton"
Such a great rocking song!
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Jay S.:

↳ Song: "Go Back" by "Crabby Appleton"
Hit no. 36 on Billbaord
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has anyone seen star trek acid party on you tube? chili?
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ Song: "Go Back" by "Crabby Appleton"
Sounds fan tan tastic thru my earbuds right now, this one has an immersive 3-D sound to it.
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SF Sorrow:

↳ Julie P. @9:53
A ripper tune Julie! Agreed!
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I remeber when I got my wisdom teeth out, I had to go see my “friends” on a picnic. I say “friends” because they’re not my friends anymore. And then I was in school. I remeber taking the day off to watch That 70s show and eat ice cream over a hot dog. A weird drugged up fever dream craving I had
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↳ PaulRobeson1923 @9:47
THE FUGS must of been an inspiration - 66’ SLUM GODDESS FROM THE LOWER EAST SIDE
& i’m sure there is a older influence i’m unaWare of as of yet. Rectum!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ zoelpw @9:52
...thyme is a natural antibiotic matter of fact. Love that stuff...
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↳ PaulRobeson1923 @9:54
I was thinking the same thing!
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i always thought when the one you love is not there by crabby appelton was a great song -
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Hummm, we need a music scholar!!!!
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ spacecowboy @9:54
I’m not aware of that, no. I do remember the space hippie episode where Spock got down on a Vulcan harp.
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↳ ModnikBri @9:55
Than you would LOVE WAKE! Join us and go far!

Heya Zie and crew. This is Crabby’s big radio hit. Also quite a setlist you got goin’.
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& that goes for everybody the wold over!! All the soon to be Americans all over the Earth!
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Jay S.:

↳ Song: "The First Step On The Moon" by "The Cape Kennedy ...
Great band name!
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Corey Light:

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↳ PaulRobeson1923 @9:55
I do love me some Wake!! I love chiming I’m on Tuesdays music quiz every now and then when I can
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:55
oh if you type star trek acid party in you tube you can see a star trek trip out mix
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↳ Carmichael @9:56
hi there
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Julie P.:

↳ Jay S. @9:56
I put a clicky star on it partly for that reason!

Supposed to be “Zoe” …
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↳ spacecowboy @9:56
I’ve seen it in my Reccomends before
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↳ ModnikBri @9:54
Now that is a fever dream haha!!
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SF Sorrow:

Zoe! Despite your dilemma, you are tearing it up with your selections tonite! A clicky star episode
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Hey Carmichael!!
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Jay S.:

↳ Julie P. @9:57
And a very groovy song to boot!
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↳ zoelpw @9:57
Lol it was!
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↳ ModnikBri @9:56
Ok. Sound bite!
Some Games are just fun to play!
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ spacecowboy @9:56
Checking it out. Been watching multiple YT episodes of Yesterday’s Papers as of late.
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↳ PaulRobeson1923 @9:58
True! Were you there when Clay told everyone on the air that I was a janitor? That was hilarious!
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Eric R:

↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:58
oh no, take it off!
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @9:58
I love yesterday’s papers!
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↳ spacecowboy @9:56
I’m wondering, what is acid? Some kind of haircut? Or horse product?
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↳ PaulRobeson1923 @9:59
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Jay S.:

↳ Song: "The First Step On The Moon" by "The Cape Kennedy ...
How have I never heard this??? It's incredible!
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↳ ModnikBri @9:58
I’m always there. I’m inside you. Find me i’m here, find me
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↳ Eric R @9:58
Are you finished work for the weekend now?
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ Eric R @9:58
HAHAHA who’s the crankiest reviewer? Ray Davies? Stevie Wonder? I forget the episode but someone got up and tossed a 45 out the window lol
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Julie P.:

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Corey Light:

Left Banke ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Eric R:

↳ Chili MacPagoda @10:00
Dave Davies, too!

Apparently called Cape Kennedy Construction Company …
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Eric R:

↳ MOM WHIG @10:00
I'll work tomorrow but now off for tonight. Yay!
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↳ Eric R @10:01
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It’s a haircut from 1965 and some cut their hair with electric raZors and some cried and wept and said the sheers r working just fine fer the last hundreds of years & what are you doing BOB DYLAN GeT OUT Of ThAT BALLOON!!!!
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ Song: "Nice To See You" by "The Left Banke"
So great. Supposedly a Raspberry Beret era Prince was a big fan of Thee Banke
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Jay S.:

More Paul Leka production...you can hear some similarities to the Peppermint Rainbow cut
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lefte bank are so good
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Corey Light:

100 wooooo!!!! 🎁👯‍♀️🎊💥🎂🎉
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Jay S.:

Holy moly. super standing ovation for that set!!!
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↳ spacecowboy @10:02
I agree!

Now I can see why you haven't talked for so long because you have some sinus issues going on???...:)
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Yes ALOHA Friday
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↳ Chuck @10:06
dental surgery
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Hey Zoe and gardeners!
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↳ Candy-O'67 @10:06
Hey Candy!
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Hey Candy-O!!
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↳ Candy-O'67 @10:06
good to see you
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↳ Chuck @10:06
Yeah dental surgery and then flu like sickness... not fun!
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Eric R:

↳ Song: "Crushed Flowers" by "Ei Nei"
this is a beauty
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Jay S.:

↳ Candy-O'67 @10:06
Hello Candy!
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ Candy-O'67 @10:06
Aloha Candy!
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↳ Eric R @10:07
I feel the Island Breezes
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SF Sorrow:

↳ Song: "Crushed Flowers" by "Ei Nei"
A song for Hawaii Marti???
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↳ Jay S. @10:03
Thanks!! So glad you dig!!
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↳ SF Sorrow @10:08
For Sure - HA HA
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Hey Bri, Mom, Jay, Chili, Eric, SF!
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oooohhhh time to light the mellow candle
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SF Sorrow:

Hello Candy O!
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Ooh! I wish my dad was here to hear this!
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Hi Zoe
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Corey Light:

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work away today - work away tomorrow.......
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @10:08
I just rediscovered that I had an old Moody Blues LP here

I bought every Moodies LP when they hit the stores. I lived right down the street from a Tower.
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↳ SF Sorrow @10:08
Haha yes!! That whole album is really great, I've been putting it on to go to sleep lately
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↳ Fatherflot @10:10
hi there
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Hey FF!
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SF Sorrow:

Listened to The Seventh Sojourn today!
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↳ MOM WHIG @10:10
Hi mom
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↳ Fatherflot @10:10
Hi there Mr.Fatherflot
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↳ Candy-O'67 @10:10
Hi CandyO
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↳ PaulRobeson1923 @10:11
Hello there
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ MOM WHIG @10:10
Cool! Don’t judge me but I never quite got around to listening to that band. Was never my thing, but perhaps there’s hope lol
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Jay S.:

↳ Fatherflot @10:10
Good evening FF
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↳ Carmichael @10:10
My dad probably has most of their records next to the Beatles in his record collection

Zoe, you were on the threshold of a dream.
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Hey fatherflot!!
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SF Sorrow:

↳ zoelpw @10:10
It does seem like it might instill sweet dreams!
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↳ Jay S. @10:11
Hello Jay
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Hey FF!
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Jay S.:

↳ Song: "Never Comes The Day" by "Moody Blues"
They sure know how to rock a mellotron
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more mellotrons-- more sitars- cant have too many here in the garden
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Corey Light:

5 years since the last Moody Blues show, oh man.. guess they are done with tours?
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @10:11
I only did a few 45's that's it. No problem. Moved on to so many others

Oh man. One of the finest LPs ever made.
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↳ Corey Light @10:13
Justin Hayward & John Lodge might be the only members around these days sadly
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Chili MacPagoda:

Mom Whig: you know what I am into these days? The night blooming jasmine/neroli. Powerful stuff right now, it’s da bomb
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Jay S.:

↳ Corey Light @10:13
I think they're officially done since Edge died
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↳ ModnikBri @10:12
Hello Bri
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ Song: "Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder)" by "Th...
The best of Brian’s beach goth phase. Love this tune a bunch
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @10:15
Beach goth LOL!!
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @10:15
I can just imagine
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

There's Pepper & ForeverChanges & Odessey & VillageGreen
...a cohort of sorts
...but really no other album quite like PetSounds.
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↳ Song: "Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder)" by "Th...
Modern stereo mix.

My square dad called them the Bleach Boys.
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↳ Chili MacPagoda @10:15
Yes the '65 Beach Days back then HA HA
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↳ Corey Light @10:13
Corey! I saw that you got to meet Dave Davies & that Rough Trade is carrying ur super groovy new album! Congrats!! That's so awesome

Wow, something besides Little GTO!
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↳ Song: "Nanci" by "Ronny & The Daytonas"
Nashville's Beach Boys.
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Eric R:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @10:16
I've never gotten into Pet Sounds. I love Today! and Smiley Smile and Wild Honey.
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SF Sorrow:

Threshold Of A Dream DVD Live at the Isle of Wight Festival is a must have. The Justin Hayward guitar playing footage is awesome as well as Ray Thomas flute, and the entire band.
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Corey Light:

↳ zoelpw @10:16
Thank you, Zoe!! It was so much fun!!
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↳ Eric R @10:18
I love the song Wild Honey. I need to hear whole album maybe?
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Eric R:

↳ Carmichael @10:18
very different!
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↳ Eric R @10:18
Don't tell me you're one of those dang Contrarians!

That era of Wild Honey and Holland is quite progressive and different for Brian.
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↳ SF Sorrow @10:19
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SF Sorrow:

↳ Eric R @10:18
God Only Knows is so awesome Eric, it can't be discounted! I believe it was a Beatles favorite as well!
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Corey Light:

↳ Eric R @10:18
Today! slips under the radar, really good record.
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↳ Song: "My Happiness Day" by "Eternity's Children"
This reminds of me of The Girl from Ipanema

I’d like to buy an argument please
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& the PetSounds Sessions box - it just gets richer to hear it taken apart ! & the Vocals Only disc. If Pop Music can be a Cathedral - that is it. Early BeachBoys was already ocean spray on the perfect day...
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↳ SF Sorrow @10:21
That's a great song
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Eric R:

↳ vanhooserd @10:20
I won't mention I'm also not into Big Star.
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↳ MOM WHIG @10:21
It does, Mom. Good call
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↳ MOM WHIG @10:21
I agree!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "My Happiness Day" by "Eternity's Children"
...I blame it all on the Bossa Nova...
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↳ Candy-O'67 @10:19
I have a 1990 CD with Smiley Smile & Wild Honey plus bonus tracks. I got the whole series of two-fer CDs back in the day.
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↳ Candy-O'67 @10:22
I knew from the Get Go on that one
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↳ Eric R @10:21
One of Those People! (Gasp!)
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↳ SF Sorrow @10:19
Love that DVD!!
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Eric R:

↳ vanhooserd @10:22
I've got all of those, too. They're terrific
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↳ Candy-O'67 @10:19
You definitely do!!
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↳ SF Sorrow @10:19
I canna’ recall where but there is a great photo of youth rapping their bare hands and arms against a sheet metal fence trying to break IT down to Get IN
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Maui was my Maine Coons Cats name.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Always granted - PetSounds stood exactly @ a transition point between early 1960s motifs & styles - & all the Progressive culture to follow. & - that too is its theme - the Loss of Innocence that was in fact Brian Wilson's life - & the Life of the World in the Era. It is therefore completely unified in Form & Content. & poor Brian's head was the fulcrum point. Nevertheless a lot of people are immune to the emotional affect & incapable of perceiving the accomplishment.
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↳ zoelpw @10:24
Thx, Zoe! I'll check it out!

Did you do thus on purpose, Zoe? Sandy Salisbury played in The Millenium; as did Michael Fennelly from Crabby Appleton. You’re a clever one, you …
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↳ MOM WHIG @10:30
Aw those cats are so pretty
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↳ zoelpw @10:31
Turned out to be a GREAT rescue found in my yard.
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Eric R:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @10:30
I'll give it a 15th listening
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↳ Carmichael @10:30
Dang... you caught me!
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↳ MOM WHIG @10:30
Love that, Mom
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↳ Candy-O'67 @10:32
Did you and Tonga get your walk in yet?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Eric R @10:31
Well - then there are a lot of people who can't get to the BeachBoys that came after PetSounds !. So maybe it's turned around a bit ! Anyhow - that's sort of refreshing really. They're all great works. I think really TheBeachBoys kept doing for a few years what TheBeatles did for just one album with 'AbbeyRoad' (their last)...
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↳ MOM WHIG @10:35
Nah. I was out for a bit. We had a long walk late morning. I'm just going to go in the backyard with him shortly. Too tired to walk now. It's cold, too.
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SF Sorrow:

The Beach Boys backing on Chicago's Wish 'in You Were Here is excellent! Great song!!!
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↳ Candy-O'67 @10:36
I can only imagine - just getting back from trip & unpacking etc.
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↳ MOM WHIG @10:37
Yep, still getting back in the swing of things
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Eric R:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @10:35
one of Brian's great talents was his collage effect, where he connected these great bits, sort of like that 2nd side of Abbey Road. Heroes and Villains, for example.
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yeah this is really there ...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Eric R @10:38
Macca's 'UncleAlbert' I think is a pocket PetSounds for instance.
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its got that space magic....
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↳ MOM WHIG @10:37
And sleeping good. I did last night. I didn't sleep very well on the trip. I guess because it wasn't my bed. Bed was comfortable there. So, not sure why I didn't sleep well most of the nights there
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @10:39
...or like Heroes&Villains now you mention it. A great track by any measure.
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↳ Candy-O'67 @10:40
Yes different when not at home - with your pets at nite.
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↳ Candy-O'67 @10:40
I was used to having a cat or 2 in my bed!! HA HA
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↳ MOM WHIG @10:41
So glad to be back with them
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↳ MOM WHIG @10:42
Yep,one of my cats and Tonga always sleep by me, mostly Tonga. Bongos usually joins in early morning. Tiki won't sleep on my bed when the rest of us are there. She just does in the afternoon or evening before I go to sleep. Weird cat! Haha
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Eric R:

↳ Song: "Huggin' In The Hall" by "The Tradewinds"
their woodie is outside
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↳ Candy-O'67 @10:44
Guess he's thinking 3's too much
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↳ MOM WHIG @10:45
She's thinking 😄
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orange skies..... yeah man yeaahh
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↳ Song: "Orange Skies" by "Love"
Pure Bliss! All those major 7th chords floating off. . . .
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Chili - Love
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "Orange Skies" by "Love"
How much this band gave us.
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↳ Fatherflot @10:46
Gorgeous song
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Eric R:

↳ Song: "Orange Skies" by "Love"
this is a good acid-y representation
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @10:46
Probably the best rock album ever made using largely jazz chord vocabulary
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Fatherflot @10:47
Such a mix of influences there & then in L.A.
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↳ Song: "i think i'll run away" by "The Turtles"
Yes fine tune here
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Eric R:

zoe, you're killing it tonight. Great show for #100
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↳ Eric R @10:49
Thank you so much!!
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It's Been So FUN here tonire - next week 101!!
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↳ MOM WHIG @10:51
Thank you!! Triple digits now!
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Corey Light:

Here’s to 100 more!!! ❤️🎂🏆🧙‍♂️
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53pm
Jay S.:

↳ Song: "I Can't Quit Her / For Emily, whenever i may find...
Fabulous version
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Eric R:

is this a Nilsson song? I'll look it up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54pm

Congratulations on 100, Zoe! Excellent show! Thank you!
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Eric R:

ah...Al Kooper
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↳ Candy-O'67 @10:54
Thanks so much!!
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SF Sorrow:

100% Zoe! Thank you for putting this together for us all! Hope you feel better soon! Good nite everyone! Happy Easter!
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groovy - cya
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Eric R:

get some rest and sleep, zoe! Thanks for tonight's show. And Candy, you get some rest and sleep, too
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57pm

Fabulous, Zoe! Get well soon!
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Thank you all so much for being in thee Garden tonite! It wouldn't be a grooovy time without y'all!! Thanks for all of your support and well wishes! Thyme to take a loooooong nap haha.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58pm
Jay S.:

Once again, congratulations zoe, we all truly appreciate what you bring to us every week. Have a good nap!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58pm
Julie P.:

Super show tonight, Zoe! Happy 100th broadcast! You and Candy feel better soon and we'll see all you Gardeners next week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ Thank You 100 Times DJ Zoe ~
Strength & Healing to You
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:00pm

thanks Zoe. Another inspiring show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:00pm

↳ Eric R @10:57
Thx Eric. I plan on it. 👍🏻
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Corey Light:

Beautiful show!! Have a goodnight all!! Happy nap, Zoe lmao
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02pm

↳ Julie P. @10:58
Hey Julie!! Thx! Recovering from my flight and trip. Still catching up on zzz's. Should feel back more normal by tomorrow
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Corey Light:

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Thank you so so much! Goodnight & aloha!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02pm

↳ MOM WHIG @11:02
Night, Mom
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Max D:

Thanks Zoe! Great show, as always. Hopes that you heal up and are feeling way better soon. .... got stuck on a call for the last bits, but will go back and listen on the archive.
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