Favoriting Observations of Deviance with David Mittleman: Playlist from April 25, 2023 Favoriting

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Observations of Deviance is a vinyl focused, free form program that harkens back to early days of underground FM radio. Your host, David Mittleman, hunts down the most exotic, unusual and off-the-beaten-track music from around the world in a number of genres: Spiritual Jazz, Free Improvisation, Experimental Electronics, Ethnographic Oddities and World-Wide Psychedelic Funk. You are guaranteed to hear sounds you’ve never heard before.

Saturday 7 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting April 25, 2023

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
            0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Habibola Halika  Houri   Favoriting Music In The World Of Islam  Tangent  1976    0:01:50 (Pop-up)
Rắn Cạp Đuôi Collective  Pressure   Favoriting *1  Nhạc Gãy  2023  https://rancapduoi.bandcamp.com/album/1  0:04:11 (Pop-up)
Eugene Chadbourne  Prologue, Ulysses Conqueror of Troy   Favoriting The Odyssey: Horror vol.15  Dr. Chad  2023  "Ulysses’ journey homeward in the form of a multi-part instrumental suite with blended contributions from Dan Clucas, Marcello Delbosco, Florian Nastung, Jamison Williams and John Zorn"; https://eugenechadbourne-documentation.squarespace.com/shop/sxhm54qj0hd2tlqk5w4s0nlv9cj0jt  0:09:20 (Pop-up)
Sun Ra & His Astro-Infinity Arkestra  Sign of the Myth   Favoriting Sign of the Myth  Roaratorio  2014    0:15:19 (Pop-up)
Henri Chopin  New Departures   Favoriting Audiopoems  Tangent  1971    0:17:18 (Pop-up)
Six Speakers  Oratory In Three Languages   Favoriting Alcheringa Vol. 4, No. 1  Boston University  1978  flexi disc  0:22:02 (Pop-up)
Drew Gardner  Hill Street Raga   Favoriting The Return  Astral Spirits  2023  https://asdrewgardner.bandcamp.com/album/the-return  0:30:41 (Pop-up)
Kenneth Gaburo  Pauline Oliveros / Sound Patterns   Favoriting Kenneth Gaburo Conducts New Music Choral Ensemble  Ars Nova Ars Antiqua Recordings  1971    0:41:36 (Pop-up)
Cheick Tidiane Seck  Niger Mambo   Favoriting The Jazz Room Vol. 2 compiled by Paul Murphy  BBE Music  2023  https://paulmurphy.bandcamp.com/album/the-jazz-room-vol-2-compiled-by-paul-murphy  0:45:03 (Pop-up)
La Retreta Mayor  Zambo   Favoriting La Retreta Mayor  VampiSoul  2023  https://vampisoul.bandcamp.com/album/la-retreta-mayor  0:52:59 (Pop-up)
Rauol Haussmann  R.L.Q.S. Varie En 3 Cascades   Favoriting Poems Phonetiques  Kaon / Musée Départemental D'art Contemporain De Rochechouart  1997  recorded 1966  0:58:22 (Pop-up)
Max Roach, Archie Shepp  Sweet Mao: Le Commencement   Favoriting Force - Sweet Mao - Suid Afrika 76  UNITELEDIS  2023  reissue of a 1976 album  1:04:10 (Pop-up)
Robert Watts  Interview, 1963   Favoriting Fluxus Anthology  Anthology  1995    1:20:36 (Pop-up)
Michael Gregory Jackson, Oliver Lake, Leo Smith, David Murray  Clarity   Favoriting Clarity  Bija  1977    1:25:05 (Pop-up)
Simon Gabriel / 2 Bridges Music Arts  Only Voices Vol 1   Favoriting Only Voices Vol 1  DDS  2023  https://boomkat.com/products/only-voices-vol-1  1:29:28 (Pop-up)
Unknown Artist  Dar Ajmar Fil Hala (Adhari; Pearl Divers Night Song)   Favoriting Music In The World Of Islam  Tangent  1976    1:47:09 (Pop-up)
Drew Gardner  Sun Dagger   Favoriting Flowers in Space  Feeding Tube  2023  https://feedingtuberecords.com/releases/flowers-in-space/  1:54:11 (Pop-up)
Kurt Schwitters  Ursonate   Favoriting Dada > Antidada > Merz  Sub Rosa  2005  recorded 1932  2:03:50 (Pop-up)
Eugene Chadbourne  Space Jazz Reverie   Favoriting The Hills Have Jazz  Boxholder  2005  feat. Dan Clucas  2:07:14 (Pop-up)
Unknown Artist  Chants Des Pêcheurs De Perles, Muhamaq (Bahrein)   Favoriting Pêcheurs De Perles Et Musiciens Du Golfe Persique  OCORA  1968    2:15:47 (Pop-up)
Sphere  Unknown Track 1   Favoriting Inside Ourselves  180 Proof / BBE Music  2023  reissue of a 1974 album; https://180proofrecords.bandcamp.com/album/inside-ourselves-2  2:23:44 (Pop-up)
Aka  Monzoli (Danse Après Avoir Tué Un Éléphant)   Favoriting Centrafrique Anthologie De La Musique Des Pygmées Aka  OCORA  1978    2:36:09 (Pop-up)
Poppy Y Sus Piranas  Quiero   Favoriting Quiero...  VampiSoul  2023  https://vampisoul.bandcamp.com/album/quiero  2:42:51 (Pop-up)
Archie Shepp  U-Jaama (Unité)   Favoriting À Massy - U-Jaama "Unité"  UNITELEDIS  2023  reissue of a 1976 album  2:44:59 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:00pm

david! let's go!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

Hi David, observers and deviants!
Avatar 7:02pm

Live now!!
Avatar 7:05pm

↳ Song: "Pressure" by "Rắn Cạp Đuôi Collective"
Viet noisegaze?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06pm

↳ northguineahills @7:05
I was thinking the same!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:06pm

Hello David, Drummer Stream Observers.
Avatar 7:07pm

↳ northguineahills @7:05
Avatar 7:08pm

Rắn Cạp Đuôi (Vietnam) Interview: August 15, 2021 by me www.mixcloud.com...
Avatar 7:12pm

just finished a job application for a remote position for a norwegian firm...
Avatar 7:15pm

↳ Observations @7:08
uh, there's a global noise chart???
Listener Gregory:

Well, for once this is deviant (Ulysses).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'Worlds' is a useful general term perhaps.
Listener Gregory:

OK, I have read a scientific article claiming that the moon and other large satellites ARE planets. It was only with the popularity of astrology that people denied them planethood, because they didn’t have the same astrological status as planets.
Avatar 7:19pm

↳ Listener Gregory @7:18
like Ganymede and Titan?
Listener Gregory:

(Popularity as of like 150 years ago, not the 1960s.)
Avatar 7:20pm

↳ Song: "New Departures" by "Henri Chopin"
ooo, henri chopin!
Avatar 7:20pm

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @7:17
I was just going to put up the rabbit signal...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

In Astrology, the ⦿Sun & ☽Moon are classified as the Luminaries or Lights... & ☽Luna is hella important in Astrology & other Hermetic Metaphysical Systems - broadly as the intermediary of all the rest of the Heavens for us on ⊕Earth. As on the Qabbalistic Tree of Life for instance. & we are considered to be living in the SubLunary world here...
Listener Gregory:

@ngh, yes. Moons do circle a larger body but otherwise are subject to the same forces and laws as their planets.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

One thinks of Planets & their Satellites as a System - as the Planets around the ⦿Sun are a System.
Avatar 7:24pm

↳ Listener Gregory @7:21
there is a certain mass threshold where gravity interactions come into port, smaller satellites may have the same cateristics as planetoids, but planetoids don't have the constant gravity flux from their larger neighbor...
Avatar 7:26pm
Listener Gregory:

I must refer further questions to the article by Metzger et al. (2022). Icarus, 374, 114768 (doi.org...).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

As for the 'Moons' of other planets in Astrology - they are so far away they occupy essentially the same position in the zodiac as their 'parent' planet. However, it typifies Astrology that the Names & significance of celestial objects - & their 'behavioral' / situational relations to each other metaphorically - are correlated & meaningful. (For instance Warrior ♂︎Mars has the Moons Deimos & Phobos - anger & fear iirc...)
Avatar 7:29pm
Listener Gregory:

For everyone's benefit, I have to leave to go to dinner, but I'll probably be back in time for the final hour. I hope this is completely cleared up by then.
Avatar 7:33pm

↳ Listener Gregory @7:29
bring me a doggy bag!
Listener Gregory:

There will be little left, believe me. Bye!
Avatar 7:34pm

↳ Song: "Hill Street Raga" by "Drew Gardner"
scott mcdowell played this two months ago! (where I faved it)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Also in Astrology - the ☽Moon is the fastest object for consideration - therefore a trigger & an indicator of import equal to about any other for both Timing & influence - a major correlate to Manifestation of anything @ all - the Mother of everything really. This would have been true since the earliest times & in any era in which Astrology was relevant to anyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...so depends on what one means by 'same astrological significance of planets' - & the conclusions / argument one makes from that...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:41pm

Hello Tuesday Night Deviants!
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↳ Song: "Pauline Oliveros / Sound Patterns" by "Kenneth Ga...
now you have my attention (oliveros!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45pm
Doug Schulkind:

Hello, Deviants.
Avatar 8:00pm

Avatar 8:01pm

↳ Song: "R.L.Q.S. Varie En 3 Cascades" by "Rauol Haussmann"
i would say "contemporary" tone poetry, but this is 26 years old...(most mine is from the 70s)
Avatar 8:06pm

↳ northguineahills @8:01
it was recorded 1966
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:06pm

↳ Song: "R.L.Q.S. Varie En 3 Cascades" by "Rauol Haussmann"
Very fun.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:11pm

↳ Song: "Sweet Mao: Le Commencement" by "Max Roach, Archie...
This is cool! (Roach did since interesting duets)
Avatar 8:12pm

UNITELEDIS "French label founded by "Parti socialiste" in 1973 in order to train socialist activists at audiovisual communication, to produce television programs and to record and broadcast the "Parti socialiste" internal events."
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↳ Song: "Clarity" by "Michael Gregory Jackson, Oliver Lake...
or maybe trio - MGJ, David Murray & Oliver lake? not sure
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:38pm

↳ Song: "Clarity" by "Michael Gregory Jackson, Oliver Lake...
Michael Gregory Jackson just sorta dissapeared after appearing on some new jazz albums.
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↳ doctorjazz @8:38
he is on Bandcamp michaelgregoryjackson.bandcamp.com...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:46pm

↳ Song: "Only Voices Vol 1" by "Simon Gabriel / 2 Bridges ...
getting hard core now. Love it.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:49pm

↳ Song: "Only Voices Vol 1" by "Simon Gabriel / 2 Bridges ...
See that it is an OOP cassette. Did they credit the many sources they mixed?
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↳ WR @8:49
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:53pm

↳ Observations @8:40
With a 40 year old album...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:54pm

Gotta run, thanks, David!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:55pm

↳ Observations @8:40
thanks for the link, see they have a variety of his releases are on bandcamp.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:55pm

laters doctorj
Avatar 9:05pm
Listener Gregory:

↳ Song: "Ursonate" by "Kurt Schwitters"
David Byrne does a nice cover of this song. (Taking over for @doctorj.)
Avatar 9:07pm
Listener Gregory:

↳ doctorjazz @8:38
He should have called himself Listener Gregory Jackson!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:17pm

↳ Song: "Space Jazz Reverie" by "Eugene Chadbourne"
I enjoy pretty much every release I've heard from Eugene Chadbourne but he is so prolific that I have given up trying to get everything he has released.
Avatar 9:17pm
Listener Gregory:

↳ Song: "Chants Des Pêcheurs De Perles, Muhamaq (Bahrein)"...
cf. en.wikipedia.org...
Avatar 9:25pm
Listener Gregory:

↳ Song: "Unknown Track 1" by "Sphere"
cf. band of the same name originally a Thelonius Monk tribute band, with Charlie Rouse and Ben Riley www.discogs.com...
Avatar 9:32pm

digging this sphere...
Listener Gregory:

Please excuse my inexcusable misspelling of “Thelonious” above.
Avatar 9:38pm

↳ Song: "Monzoli (Danse Après Avoir Tué Un Éléphant)" by "...
"Dance After Killing An Elephant"
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Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:38pm

↳ Listener Gregory @9:37
you are excused, you said you were picking up for doctorjazz so typos are obligatory.
Avatar 9:42pm

↳ WR @9:38
now do me!
Listener Gregory:

@WR, thank you for understanding!
Avatar 9:49pm

↳ Song: "Quiero" by "Poppy Y Sus Piranas"
Peruvian-Cuban singer and composer Króffer Jiménez, leader of Poppy y sus Pirañas
Avatar 9:50pm

↳ Song: "U-Jaama (Unité)" by "Archie Shepp"
Bass – Cameroun Brown
Drums – Beaver Harris
Piano – Dave Burrell
Saxophone – Archie Shepp
Trombone – Charles Greenlea
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:52pm

↳ northguineahills @9:42
OK, you are excused, but I don't know what for....
Listener Gregory:

@Obs, I think it’s Cameron Brown. At least, that’s what he was later in life.
Listener Gregory:

Whatever happened to Charles Greenlea? He’s the only one who disappeared from my view after this album.
Avatar 9:56pm

↳ Listener Gregory @9:54
yeah, I think they misspelled it on this French LP, Cameron Brown
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:58pm

↳ Observations @9:56
Yes, from a discogs search this one LP cover seems to be the only time he was credited with the spelling of Cameroun, and can see it was printed that way on the cover:
Listener Gregory:

Brown played in most of the Don Pullen-George Adams recordings. I used to see him playing in the park in Westchester when I lived there, in free concerts. I imagine I was the only one there who had any idea of his history.
Listener Gregory:

Thanks a lot, David! Good night, deevs.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:59pm

↳ Listener Gregory @9:56
Greenlea, a question for another day.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:00pm

Thank you! David!
Avatar 10:01pm

until we meet again next week
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