Those Lonely Blue Nights
"Those Lonely Blue Nights" by "Dave Kirk & Candy Men"
The Five Notes
You Are So Beautiful
"You Are So Beautiful" by "The Five Notes"
Patty & the Emblems
and we danced
"and we danced" by "Patty & the Emblems"
Rusty McDonald W/ Maxwell Davis
Easy Big Mama
"Easy Big Mama" by "Rusty McDonald W/ Maxwell Davis"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon everyone, it's a misty day out there with a temperature of 64 degrees and a humidity of 78 percent. So, grab your coat and umbrella and get out there and enjoy the day!
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
Long Time, Wrong Time
"Long Time, Wrong Time" by "Sharon Jones & the Dap...
The Intrigues
In A Moment
"In A Moment" by "The Intrigues"
The Chestnuts
This Is My Love
"This Is My Love" by "The Chestnuts"
Music behind DJ:
The Vampires' Sound Incorporation
There Is No Satisfaction
"There Is No Satisfaction" by "The Vampires' Sound...
Back announcing the set
Booker T. & The MGs
Jelly Bread
"Jelly Bread" by "Booker T. & The MGs"
Jay Lyle
How Good Can It Get
"How Good Can It Get" by "Jay Lyle"
Northern Soul Fever 3B
The Volumes
I Can't Live Without You
"I Can't Live Without You" by "The Volumes"
Eldridge Holmes
Pop, Popcorn Children
"Pop, Popcorn Children" by "Eldridge Holmes"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon everyone! It's a misty day out there with a temperature of 64 degrees and a humidity of 77 percent. So, grab your umbrella and stay dry!
Gene Burke
monkey man [WATCH ENDING]
"monkey man [WATCH ENDING]" by "Gene Burke"
You'll Have to Wait
"You'll Have to Wait" by "Babysitters"
Northern Soul Fever 2b
Music behind DJ:
The Bunny
"wwloopa" by "The Bunny"
Back announcing the set
Curley Moore
soul train
"soul train" by "Curley Moore"
Charles Bradley
Things You Do For Love
"Things You Do For Love" by "Charles Bradley"
Screamin' Jay Hawkins
All Night
"All Night" by "Screamin' Jay Hawkins"
Storm Warning
"Storm Warning" by "Volcanos"
Storm Warning / Baby
The Charmaines
Eternally (Single Version)
"Eternally (Single Version)" by "The Charmaines"
Little Carl Carlton
Dont You Need a Boy Like Me
"Dont You Need a Boy Like Me" by "Little Carl Carl...
Don't You Need A Boy Like Me
Music behind DJ:
George Harrison
"Ski-ing" by "George Harrison"
Back announcing the set
Robby Taylor
A Stop Along the Way
"A Stop Along the Way" by "Robby Taylor"
A Stop Along The Way / This Is My Woman
Stu Phillips
Skip To My Mary J.
"Skip To My Mary J." by "Stu Phillips"
Hells Angels On Wheels: Original Motion Picture Sound Track
Bob & Gene
It Won't Go
"It Won't Go" by "Bob & Gene"
Naomi Shelton & the Gospel Queens
What More Can I Do
"What More Can I Do" by "Naomi Shelton & the Gospe...
The Como Mamas
Count Your Blessings
"Count Your Blessings" by "The Como Mamas"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon listeners! It's a misty day out there with a temperature of 64 degrees and a humidity of 76 percent. So, bundle up and stay warm!
James Hunter Six
Free Your Mind (While You Still Got Time)
"Free Your Mind (While You Still Got Time)" by "Ja...
The Dubs
This I Swear
"This I Swear" by "The Dubs"
James Hunter
Chicken Switch
"Chicken Switch" by "James Hunter"
Music behind DJ:
The Bunny
"slavesloop" by "The Bunny"
Back announcing the set
The Mighty Imperials
Thunder Chicken
"Thunder Chicken" by "The Mighty Imperials"
Jimmy Hughes
i like everything about you
"i like everything about you" by "Jimmy Hughes"
If I Told You
"If I Told You" by "Casinos"
Little Bob & The Lollipops
Please Don't Leave
"Please Don't Leave" by "Little Bob & The Lollipops"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon, folks! It's a misty day out there with a temperature of 65 and a humidity of 76 percent. So, if you're out and about, don't forget your umbrella!
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
Nobody's Baby
"Nobody's Baby" by "Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings"
The Olympians
Sirens of Jupiter
"Sirens of Jupiter" by "The Olympians"
Music behind DJ:
Pedro Santos
"Savana" by "Pedro Santos"
Back announcing the set
Rick Sheppard
Can We Share It
"Can We Share It" by "Rick Sheppard"
The Sugarman 3
Funky So-And -So
"Funky So-And -So" by "The Sugarman 3"
Curly Davis & The Uniques
Black Cobra Pt 2
"Black Cobra Pt 2" by "Curly Davis & The Uniques"
Donnie Elbert
Run Little Girl
"Run Little Girl" by "Donnie Elbert"
Who's It Gonna Be / Run Little Girl
Music behind DJ:
The Shadows
Wonderful Land
"Wonderful Land" by "The Shadows"
Back announcing the set
Thee Sacred Souls
Can I Call You Rose - 24bit882HD (Mastered) Nov 26 2019
"Can I Call You Rose - 24bit882HD (Mastered) Nov 2...
Garnet Mimms
Prove It To Me
"Prove It To Me" by "Garnet Mimms"
TSU Toronados
Play the Music Toronadoes
"Play the Music Toronadoes" by "TSU Toronados"
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