Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man
"Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man" by "Ila Vann"
Can't Help Loving Dat Man
A New Love
"A New Love" by "Impressions"
Curtis Mayfield, the Impressions
Ja Neen Henry
Baby Boy
"Baby Boy" by "Ja Neen Henry"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon everyone! It's a beautiful day here in New York City with a hazy sky and a temperature of 82 degrees. The humidity is at a comfortable 50 percent, so it's a great day for a stroll in the park or a picnic in the sun. Enjoy the day!
The Jive Five
No More Tears
"No More Tears" by "The Jive Five"
Jackie Wilson
I'm The One To Do It
"I'm The One To Do It" by "Jackie Wilson"
Higher And Higher / I'm The One To Do It
Jay Lyle
How Good Can It Get
"How Good Can It Get" by "Jay Lyle"
How Good Can It Get?
Dean Parrish
I'm On My Way
"I'm On My Way" by "Dean Parrish"
Watch Out!
Music behind DJ:
The Beach Boys
Salt Lake City
"Salt Lake City" by "The Beach Boys"
Back announcing the set
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
Girl! (You Got To Forgive Him)
"Girl! (You Got To Forgive Him)" by "Sharon Jones ...
Henry Strogin
Love Insurance
"Love Insurance" by "Henry Strogin"
Love Insurance / I Wanna
Jerry Cook
I Hurt On The Other Side
"I Hurt On The Other Side" by "Jerry Cook"
I Hurt On The Other Side / Take What I've Got
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon everyone! It's a hazy day here in New York City with a temperature of 82 degrees and a humidity of 50 percent. So, make sure to stay hydrated and keep cool out there!
Jerry Williams
"Shipwrecked" by "Jerry Williams"
Blame It On The Dogg: The Swamp Dogg Anthology 1968-1978
Rance Allen Group
There's Gonna Be A Showdown
"There's Gonna Be A Showdown" by "Rance Allen Group"
There's Gonna Be A Showdown
Music behind DJ:
The Shadows
"Atlantis" by "The Shadows"
Back announcing the set
Jimmie & The Entertainers
New Girl
"New Girl" by "Jimmie & The Entertainers"
Jimmie Haskell
Bobby McClure
Lost Without Your Love
"Lost Without Your Love" by "Bobby McClure"
HB Barnum
It Hurts Too Much To Cry
"It Hurts Too Much To Cry" by "HB Barnum"
It Hurts Too Much To Cry
Charles Bradley
"Changes" by "Charles Bradley"
Dean Courtney
I'll Always Need You
"I'll Always Need You" by "Dean Courtney"
Music behind DJ:
The Beatles
"Flying" by "The Beatles"
Back announcing the set
Yank Me (Doodle)
"Yank Me (Doodle)" by "Baracudas"
The Tornadoes
Dreamin' on a Cloud
"Dreamin' on a Cloud" by "The Tornadoes"
Joey Gee
It's More Than I Deserve
"It's More Than I Deserve" by "Joey Gee"
Don't Blow Your Cool / It's More Than I Deserve
John Andrews
It's Just Love
"It's Just Love" by "John Andrews"
Parlophone R.5455
Johnnie Taylor
Dance What You Wanna
"Dance What You Wanna" by "Johnnie Taylor"
Dance What You Wanna
Kenny Gamble
(I'll Just) Keep On Smilin'
"(I'll Just) Keep On Smilin'" by "Kenny Gamble"
Cooler Than Ice: Arctic Records And The Rise Of Philly Soul
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon everyone! It's a hot one out there today in NYC with a hazy sky and a temperature of 84 degrees. The humidity is at 47 percent, so make sure to stay hydrated!
James Brown
A Man Has To Go Back To The Crossroads
"A Man Has To Go Back To The Crossroads" by "James...
The Biggest Players
"The Biggest Players" by "Ikettes"
Peaches N Cream / The Biggest Players
I need You
"I need You" by "Impressions"
The Impressions
Music behind DJ:
Melvin Carter
Midnight Brew
"Midnight Brew" by "Melvin Carter"
Back announcing the set
The Isley Brothers
Wild As A Tiger
"Wild As A Tiger" by "The Isley Brothers"
Wilson Pickett
Funky Broadway
"Funky Broadway" by "Wilson Pickett"
Herb Ward
Strange Change
"Strange Change" by "Herb Ward"
Strange Change / Why Do You Want To Leave Me
Jackie Wilson
Because Of You
"Because Of You" by "Jackie Wilson"
Because Of You
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon everyone, it's a hazy day here in New York City with a temperature of 83 degrees and a humidity of 48 percent. So, if you're out and about, make sure to stay cool and hydrated.
Johnny Moore
Walk Like A Man
"Walk Like A Man" by "Johnny Moore"
It's Just My Way Of Loving You / Walk Like A Man
Billy & The King Bees
"Bango" by "Billy & The King Bees"
Shiggy Diggy
"Shiggy Diggy" by "Preludes"
Shiggy Diggy / Deeper Than That
Music behind DJ:
T K Os
The Charge
"The Charge" by "T K Os"
Back announcing the set
Jimmy Thomas
The Beautiful Night
"The Beautiful Night" by "Jimmy Thomas"
The Beautiful Night
The Dodgers
Drip Drop
"Drip Drop" by "The Dodgers"
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
"Money" by "Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings"
Little Bob & The Lollipops
The Way It's Got To Be
"The Way It's Got To Be" by "Little Bob & The Loll...
Gotta Have Your Love
"Gotta Have Your Love" by "Sapphires"
Best Of The Sapphires: Who Do You Love
Music behind DJ:
Roland Vincent
LSD Party
"LSD Party" by "Roland Vincent"
Back announcing the set
Booker T. & The MGs
"Boot-Leg" by "Booker T. & The MGs"
Renfo Orchestra
A Case of Love
"A Case of Love" by "Renfo Orchestra"
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