Favoriting Bad Animals with Jim the Poet and Amanda: Playlist from July 8, 2023 Favoriting

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Jim the Poet's avatar View Jim the Poet's profile Favoriting

Songs and sounds to delight a wide variety of animals. Play this show for your cat, dog, turtle, parrot, fish or any animal you happen to know.

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Favoriting July 8, 2023: Birdies Singing

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Listeners Mini and Willow
Listeners Mini and Willow
Listeners Mini and Willow

(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Comments Images New Approx. start time
Amanda and Jim the Poet  New and improved Bad Animals theme   Favoriting Animal Traxxx  no label         
Warren Byrom  Black Mountain Dogs   Favoriting Dreaming the Sun  Feeding Tube/Drowned Lands      *   0:01:10 (Pop-up)
Wheatie Mattiasich  Canyon   Favoriting Old Glow  Open Mouth      *   0:06:13 (Pop-up)
Paul Siebel  Pinto Pony   Favoriting Jack-Knife Gypsy  Elektra Records        0:09:56 (Pop-up)
East Portal  Sub Nest   Favoriting East Portal  AKP Recordings        0:11:22 (Pop-up)
Saloli  Yona   Favoriting Canyon  s/r      *   0:15:51 (Pop-up)
Clicks & Whistles  Bear Mountain   Favoriting      
  0:19:50 (Pop-up)
Dennis Diken with Bell Sound  Bear (In My Garden)   Favoriting           0:23:23 (Pop-up)
Kokhilas  amorphous amphibious (excerpt)   Favoriting     "Recording made with hydrophones at Parc Jean-Jacques Rousseau. None of these sounds are audible outside the water medium." 
  0:26:24 (Pop-up)
The Dead Milkmen  The Badger Song   Favoriting      
  0:49:09 (Pop-up)
Kilburn and the High-Roads  The Badger and the Rabbit   Favoriting Wotabunch!  WB        0:51:29 (Pop-up)
Paul Mark  Badgers of Shojoji Temple   Favoriting Kokeshi Shindig          0:56:37 (Pop-up)
JIM READS  BADGER POEM   Favoriting           0:58:16 (Pop-up)
Badger  White Lady   Favoriting           0:59:45 (Pop-up)
Surgeon  Badger Bite w/Amy from Fox Run Environmental Center   Favoriting The American Badger     
  1:04:38 (Pop-up)
Gene Kelly, Phil Silvers, et al  Dig Dig Dig For Your Dinner   Favoriting from “Summer Stock”          1:11:19 (Pop-up)
Unknown  U. of Wisconsin fight song (If You Want to Be a Badger) - sung along to   Favoriting           1:15:18 (Pop-up)
The Extra Glenns  Badger Song   Favoriting           1:17:37 (Pop-up)
              1:19:08 (Pop-up)
Virginia Crow  You Are My Sunshine   Favoriting Siffleuses: Professional Women Whistlers on Discs 1917-1927  Canary Records        1:30:45 (Pop-up)
Matt Espy  Grey Winged Blackbird   Favoriting Hawksworth EP          1:33:43 (Pop-up)
Kelley Stoltz  Birdies Singing   Favoriting Where’s the Beat? V/A          1:37:10 (Pop-up)
Qumu  The Anteater   Favoriting w/anteater facts          1:41:22 (Pop-up)
XDS  Octave Cat Rainbow   Favoriting Bicycle Ripper  Mt. St. Mtn.   
*   1:47:59 (Pop-up)
Problems  COOL DOG   Favoriting I’ve Got Problems  Orb Tapes        1:50:17 (Pop-up)
Jim and Amanda  Adoption Stories   Favoriting           2:02:26 (Pop-up)
John Carroll Kirby  Flying Cat   Favoriting Blowout  Stones Throw Records  w/kittens    *   2:04:03 (Pop-up)
Gnocchi the cat  Assorted noises w/music   Favoriting           2:08:27 (Pop-up)
Louis Prima  That Darn Cat   Favoriting           2:12:19 (Pop-up)
The Housemartins  Sheep   Favoriting           2:14:40 (Pop-up)
Talis Kimberley  Shepherd’s Farewell   Favoriting Cloth of Gold (Songs of Sheep & Farming)          2:16:50 (Pop-up)
sheep  baaaa   Favoriting      
  2:20:27 (Pop-up)
The Temptations  Firefly   Favoriting           2:21:59 (Pop-up)
Sam Elwitt  Kitty Woman   Favoriting      
  2:33:29 (Pop-up)
Kitty Korner with Kathleen O’Malley  Jojo   Favoriting      
  2:34:01 (Pop-up)
Danielle Dax  Cat House   Favoriting           2:36:37 (Pop-up)
The Kiffness x Lonely Cat  Sometimes I’m Alone (Lonely Cat)   Favoriting           2:40:05 (Pop-up)
Tony Allen  Ebun w/Train Your Bird   Favoriting Tony Allen  Jazz Is Dead      *   2:43:03 (Pop-up)
Mari Dangerfield  Eco-Anxiety   Favoriting Eco-Fever EP  Dimple Discs   
*   2:48:47 (Pop-up)
Sweet Pete  Animal Farm   Favoriting           2:58:07 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Good morning :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10am

good morning!!
Listener Robert:

↳ Steiner @6:02
Let's make it that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:11am

Hello to all!
Avatar 6:14am

Good morning, human beings with radios.
Listener Robert:

↳ Song: "Sub Nest" by "East Portal"
I keep reading "Q" in Morse (or "crossing" in railroad) from this.
Fred and Alan:

↳ Amanda @6:11
Good Morning Amanda Fred and Alan
Listener Robert:

There went the neighborhood, and the mountain with it.
rx scabin:

Good morning, Amanda, Jim, and Everyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:33am

Reminder that we are continuing to solicit ADOPTION and RESCUE stories from listeners! Send us an email about your rescued animal (you can do it now!) to badanimals@wfmu.org.

good morning fellow animals
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45am
Jim the Poet:

How Mistaken Identity and One Bullet Revealed a Star Predator Far From Home

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47am

Good morning everyone!
Avatar 6:47am

Yes, wolves are social animals. So are humans but we tend to forget it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50am

↳ pgalub @6:47
Hi pgalub, looking forward to your Radio Row next week!
bobob plasticland:

I like the Badger Song
.I'm from Milwaukee Wisconsin..plus my band the bob D'blon 5 played with Dead Milkmen
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51am

↳ bobob plasticland @6:50
Oh cool! Welcome! I know a dog named Chess who is named after the Wisconsin mascot :-)

↳ Jim the Poet @6:45
jim behind a paywall
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55am
Jim the Poet:

Badger of Shame:

A badger can dig itself into a hole in 90 seconds!

Or at least that's what I was taught growing up. Came from the "badger state", so there was a lot of pro-badger sentiment floating around

↳ Jim the Poet @6:55
thanks will read it later
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59am

↳ Amanda @6:50
Thanks Amanda! It was fun to do!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00am

One evening last fall I saw a badger at my local park! It was waddling very noisily through the leaves towards its underground home. The weirdest thing is that it was being followed by a curious cat! The cat then sat on a rock and watched the badger go underground. It was delightful
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01am

↳ Barrie_ @7:00
Awww <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01am
the Hurston moor-elf:

Jim's "I hope the bears all stay safe out there" was a major "damn, I love this station so much!" moment for me. This show made almost no sense to me when I first heard it, now it's a highlight of my weekend. Love you two.
Toothgrinder Tom:

Wolves, the largest wild dog.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06am

this a wild song
Avatar 7:10am

Badgers dig techno.

Dig it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:17am
the Hurston moor-elf:

Noooo! He's called Bucky The Badger. I iived in WI for 9 years and he's an inescapable part of the cultural landscape. A pugnacious, anthropomorphic badger deity.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18am
the Hurston moor-elf:

Badger of Shame:

The UW mascot is Bucky Badger
Avatar 7:18am

Hiya Badger Hurston moor-elf!
(I saw an article about walker/camper advocates trying to keep it real in your locale!)

That was an exceptional performance
bobobobob plasticland:

Paul.McCartney owns the rights to On Wisconsin
Fred and Alan:

Good morning everyone Fred and Alan
Toothgrinder Tom:

Robin Leach - he was into Succession before Succession.
but bobob plasticland:

on Wisconsin owned by McCartney is the fight song
Toothgrinder Tom:

Don’t forget ‘Pink Lady.’
Jeff from Fernandina:

You guys are totally nuts! I so like waking up on Saturdays to hear you guys rap on various subjects. And by the way, Jim The Poet is putty in your hands Amanda. Ply him as you will. Cheers, Jeffrey
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33am
Jim the Poet:

I am also frequently doughy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34am

↳ Jeff from Fernandina @7:32
This is so kind, Jeff, just what we want to hear after a rambling mic break! Although you really shouldn't encourage us...
Jeff from Fernandina:

Don’t be too doughy, you might be fodder for Clays new show, “Bake and Wake”.
Toothgrinder Tom:

Wasn’t Senator Joe McCarthy (‘I have here in my hand a list …’) from Wisconsin?

Morning friends
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51am

Good Morning Amanda, Jim and all the animals oiut there, both good and bad...The cats say, "Hi," too!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51am

Hi melinda and every animal and person listening!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51am

gm animals
Avatar 7:55am

Good morning Amanda & Jim, always enjoy waking on a Saturday with Bad Animals. Erin the kitteh decided to pull all the clothes off the shelf onto the floor while I was sleeping, so I had Bad Animal thoughts early! She's just stressed about the intruders who came into her house, bringing a washer and dryer. Good morning Fred & Alan and all the WFMU folk up and listening.
Fred and Alan:

↳ Strandlund @7:51
Good morning Strandlund Fred and Alan
Fred and Alan:

↳ love2laf @7:55
Good morning Love 2 LAf Fred and Alan
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:56am

↳ Fred and Alan @7:27
Good morning to Fred and Alan!! If you work today...I hope all the animals are good animals!!
Fred and Alan:

↳ Strandlund @7:56
Its nice to dream Strandlund Don't hurt yourself today doing house and yard work
Toothgrinder Tom:

God I loathe pickle ball, I don’t even know why.
Fred and Alan:

↳ love2laf @7:55
Good luck with the new appliances

I can barely normal-whistle
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01am

morning. slept very hard and late. squeakers got some treats at 2 am so that must have sated him for a while.
Avatar 8:01am

I like Bob Dylan but his whistle is kind of scratchy.
Avatar 8:02am

↳ Fred and Alan @7:59
Thank you Fred & Alan, fingers crossed that all goes smoothly, and I can do laundry like regular people again! Much love to you both and also wishing you to get only good animals this weekend.
Fred and Alan:

↳ love2laf @8:02
Love 2 Laf We love you and only want the best for you
Avatar 8:05am

Oh, I can do sound through a grass blade. It doesn't sound like a whistle though; it sounds like a scream. It would be helpful if you're lost in the woods and need to get attention for help. That is, if there's grass around.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06am

The dog ha had his buttered rye toast and I am having my coffee and glitchcore. All is right with the world. For a a 100 yard radius at least. It must be that far. I dunno. good morning anyway.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06am

↳ Fred and Alan @7:58
I'll try my best...I have to get a haircut and will probably get hurt doing that.
Fred and Alan:

The animals all had their firework holiday scaring every dog and cat. Now they are on to the next holiday. Nothing stops them
Fred and Alan:

↳ Strandlund @8:06
Be careful whatever you do. Years ago our dad wanted to help the barber when the sheet fell off and he reached down off the barbers chair and picked it up for the barber, He had such a muscular strain after that for being helpful
Avatar 8:11am

Good morning, Fred and Alan. I had a barber once that drank too much booze! Once, he nipped me on the ear. I decided to grow my hair long after that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:11am

↳ Fred and Alan @8:09
no good need goes unpunished! Good morning Fred and Alan!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:12am

The world is rife with peril.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:12am

↳ sydnius @8:11
er deed ☺️
Fred and Alan:

↳ TDK60 @8:11
Hello TDK60 Have a good weekend love from Fred and Alan
Fred and Alan:

↳ sydnius @8:11
Hello Sydnius Love from Fred and Alan
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:20am

shepard's song by strawbs is lovely. has nothing to do with sheep though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21am

harmlessly passing the time
Avatar 8:22am

Here's my two favorite birdies singing acapella ..of course. My love Mef Gannon & her singing partner of 30 years , the late Angela Adams.

"Remember To Be Dancing"

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23am

It's ze bad animals!
Avatar 8:24am

↳ Steiner @6:02
Morning..how's the lyme treatment going? Feeling any better?
Avatar 8:28am

↳ Jim the Poet @6:55
There are coyote all over my area near Shohola,PA.

I've seen several that did not make it across busy Interstae 84 .

I saw one run across the road, when coming home around 1AM last week on NJ Rt. 517 near Allamuchy,NJ.

There's a wolf preserve in NJ, Lakota Wolf Preserve in Columbia, NJ


I would also recommend enjoying firefly squid
Avatar 8:30am

↳ TDK60 @7:10
you can sing "Bucky..Baaadger" to the tune of Hendrix's "Dolly Dagger" :)

I now can’t remember if I saw fireflies when in Maine but they’re all over here in Asheville, it’s great. One night I stepped outside and saw a light flashing in the sky, thought it was aircraft. But then there were more and I realized it had to be bugs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34am

We have a ravine behind us and the fireflies are numerous and beautiful!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:35am

↳ Song: "Jojo" by "Kitty Korner with Kathleen O’Malley"
What a sweetheart!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37am

always love some danielle dax!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38am

petsmart could have used this in a commercial.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38am

↳ Strandlund @8:35
So fond of these sweet senior kitties. She must be very resourceful to have survived outdoors for this long.
Avatar 8:40am

↳ Song: "Jojo" by "Kitty Korner with Kathleen O’Malley"
Jojo looks sad. Someone needs to adopt & love him up
Toothgrinder Tom:

My son really wants a cat (it seems to bring the sensitive side of him out). But both he and his mom are allergic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42am

↳ Amanda @8:38
All of our cats have been rescues from our backyard. They couldn't be sweeter...We love them all!!
Toothgrinder Tom:

Jim’s voice is so low and baritone-y I can hear him from upstairs when my radio is on softly downstairs - those low frequencies just cut through the clutter.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:48am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Good morning, vertebrates!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53am

jim's version of the scream - BEST one of his illustrations yet!
Avatar 8:54am

↳ Song: "Eco-Anxiety" by "Mari Dangerfield"
Huh, me too.

Thanks, Amanda & Jim!
Avatar 8:54am

↳ Amanda @6:33
All 3 of the cats that have lived here since 2012 were backyard/barn rescues.

Kitty Boy Floyd ( I renamed him from Domino /Stinky) was found in a barn at my parents house in Montague,NJ. We took him in when my Mom passed away in 2012.

Squeezle McLoveMuffin wandered up to my front door screen ato check out Kitty Boy floyd around Memeorial Day 2018 & never left.

DellaBella (aka Squirt) was captured at about 4 mos old back on April 13th 2022. It was abit traumatic for him at first but now he's loving every minute with us & his pal Squeezle.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54am

great show!!! thank you Amanda and Jim
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54am

I saved a miniature Yorkshire terrier's life a few summers ago, one dark evening, while fireworks were exploding everywhere in all the little parks and schoolyards. Skyrockets and Roman candles whooshed and boomed loudly. I was on my bicycle in traffic, when I spied an animal on the other side of the road, running at top speed, past the vegetable stands and flowers that were still out under dark awnings, and in and out and through all the legs that walked and strutted in all directions on the sidewalk, to an fro, like a forest of moving trees. The little tiny dog ran as fast as a big dog; I could see immediately that it was absolutely terrified! No one cared. No one saw. But I began to follow, peddling faster and faster! I had to make my way across to it at the next opportunity, maybe the next intersection at this rate! We were on opposite sides of two lanes of heavy traffic, with cars parked here and there along the curb lanes. The little dog flickered in and out, light and dark, kaboom kaboom!! Its speed was outstripping mine, and I was on a bike going downhill; it got past the next intersection, and it kept going and going! It was a really cute little dog. By the time we were over 3 long city blocks south, the little doge began to veer off the busy sidewalk and into the traffic. It looped outward in between and, seemingly, under and through the moving cars, more than once, unsure of how to escape or which way to go. I cringed, again and again, exclaiming, "Oh, no!!" Eventually it began to slow somewhat, and I saw my chance to get across to where it ran up into an doorway-alcove in front of a furniture store that was closed for the night, running tiny circles in a blind corner, from which there was no escape, other than to face the traffic or the hoards of indifferent people, rapidly moving north and south, whose giant boots might crush it underfoot, indifferently and blindly in the descending dark. I wheeled to the curb and a break in the traffic flow made it possible to rush across 4 lanes and roll up to the alcove. There, the poofiest little terrier twitched around in desperation and terror. It had a little pink ribbon tied in a bow on top of its head. I leaned the bike on a post and approached it. It ran but I grabbed it; it was so small. It tried to calm it with my voice but the city behind me was loud! The little dog's heart seemed about to explode. It pounded in its chest. I feared it would not survive even this. I was able to hold it in one hand, if I held it to my chest, and in this way I was able to ride, so we got on my bike and I took the next left, away from the main drag and into the leafy darkness of my neighbourhood streets, past the trees and under the lights. A group of adolescents saw us, and laughed derisively to see the funny man on his old bike who clutched such a foo-foo little ornament of a dog with a pink ribbon in its top-knot. I felt silly, but more than that, I felt terrible for the dog. It squirmed and writhed, and whimpered, and its heart never stopped beating like industrial dance music. I got it home and brought it in and it ran to a remote corner at the back of the house where there's a sliding glass door to a garden. It had a tag on its collar, with a phone number. I called it. A woman answered, and I told her that I had her dog, and asked her to please come and get it. She seemed confused, and asked where. It came out that I was in downtown Toronto, and she was somewhere in Mexico! And also, that the dog was living with her boyfriend, who was here. So she put me in touch with him, and he eventually found me, around 11 o'clock at night. The poor little dog. Her boyfriend was a young guy, with dreads. He'd been in a park, about half a mile north of my place, and a mile north of where I caught the dog. He seemed nonchalant, and looking down and seeing that he still had no leash with him, I something like, "Dude, your dog is absolutely terrified of fireworks; he/she's really lucky to be alive, she was in traffic." He just said thanks, and didn't seem to think about it much. But the trembling and shaking dog was happy to see someone familiar, and so the two turned and disappeared out into the night. I hope he acquired a leash...and maybe a little more empathy.
Avatar 8:55am

Thank you Amanda & Jim for all you to for the animals, and for us listeners. Have a great weekend everyone.
Avatar 8:56am

↳ dday @8:54
Kitty Boy Floyd passed away in Jan. 2020 one day before what would've been my Mom's birthday.

DrellaBella is my little black cats correct name not DellaBella

Thanks guys, love you
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am

will have to play fogelberg's weekend in new england in honor.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am

Natalie has a new album - it came out in April. 'Keep Your Courage'
here's a podcast with her talking about one of her songs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58am

Thanks to you all! You are amazing listeners. Talk to you next week.
Listener Robert:


"My babies a star!" said while smoking a cigarette channelling Teri Shields.

↳ Amanda @6:33
I need to tell you about my story of adopting loverly.
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