Favoriting Color Red Radio with Mike Rogers: Playlist from August 6, 2023 Favoriting

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Nu Jazz, Electronic, Funk & Soul, etc.

On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting August 6, 2023: #67 God Save the Queen

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    Color Red Radio Show with Mike Rogers! 世界的に有名なWFMU日曜日午後4時PM ESTでのマイクロジャースとのカラーレッドラジオ番組放送時間は2時間! Nu-Jazz, Funk, soul & more! ニュージャズ、ファンク、ソウルなど! www.wfmu.org/sheena 日本時間:月曜日 5 - 7 am #mrskor 
Moebius & Renziehausen  Hydrator   Favoriting  
0:01:11 (Pop-up)
Kassa Overall  The Lava is Calm (Feat Theo Croker)   Favoriting  
0:08:39 (Pop-up)
Soft Machine  Crooked Usage   Favoriting  
0:11:51 (Pop-up)
Lovi Did This  Godzilla   Favoriting  
0:20:05 (Pop-up)
Thundercat  No More Lies   Favoriting  
0:25:10 (Pop-up)
Aphex Twin  Black Box Life Recorder   Favoriting  
0:30:31 (Pop-up)
Coldcut & Hexstatic  Timber   Favoriting  
0:33:41 (Pop-up)
Slightly Stoopid  Baby I Like It   Favoriting  
0:38:31 (Pop-up)
Elmo Weber  Ground Funk   Favoriting  
0:42:20 (Pop-up)
Liquid  Black Diamond   Favoriting  
0:47:19 (Pop-up)
James Ellis Ford  I Never Wanted anything   Favoriting  
0:50:58 (Pop-up)
King Krule  Hamburgerphobia   Favoriting  
0:56:05 (Pop-up)
Sex Pistols  God Save the Queen (Leftfield Remix)   Favoriting  
0:59:21 (Pop-up)
Tinariwen  Arajghyine   Favoriting  
1:08:00 (Pop-up)
Ethan P. Flynn  Abandon All Hope   Favoriting  
1:13:35 (Pop-up)
Gabby & Lopez  Nicky's Dream   Favoriting  
1:15:35 (Pop-up)
Sorry  Screaming in the Rain Again   Favoriting  
1:20:48 (Pop-up)
Aphex Twin  Zin2 Test5   Favoriting  
1:24:12 (Pop-up)
Romy  The Sea   Favoriting  
1:25:56 (Pop-up)
Coldcut X On U Sound  Everyday Another Sanction   Favoriting  
1:29:25 (Pop-up)
Panda Bear & Sonic Boom  Whirlpool Dub   Favoriting  
1:32:23 (Pop-up)
Overmono  Calling Out   Favoriting  
1:39:46 (Pop-up)
Chris Ianuzzi  Distant Suns   Favoriting  
1:42:38 (Pop-up)
Scott Fisher & 1 AM Approach  Step Into the Future   Favoriting  
1:46:39 (Pop-up)
Yeule  Dazies   Favoriting  
1:50:32 (Pop-up)
Dick Hyman  Fantomfingers   Favoriting  
1:54:42 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 2:59pm
Mike Rogers:

Hello everyone!

mike-san ohayou gozaimasu!
Avatar 4:03pm
Mike Rogers:

Hi Mochy san!!!!!

Avatar 4:06pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:04

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Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:08

Avatar 4:12pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:11
Avatar 4:12pm
Mike Rogers:


Avatar 4:13pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @4:13
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:14pm

Good morning Mike and friends
Avatar 4:14pm
Mike Rogers:

Avatar 4:16pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @4:14
Hey Aitch san!
Thanks for popping in. In Japan it's going to be hot & shitty and raining everyday for a week. How about where you are?

今月は高円寺のshow boatでsleezsisters.5okuyen
Avatar 4:18pm
Mike Rogers:


Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:20pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:16
Coldest part of year, sin just about to come up, will be 18C max, a bit rainy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:22pm

Weird vibe here, daughter about to go to france to study for a year.
Meeting her in Japan on her way back next June, hope not too hot then.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:22pm

↳ Aitch @4:20
Avatar 4:23pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @4:20
18 is kind cold, but I'll take it over this heat & humidity.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:23pm

Hi red Mike radio show!
Avatar 4:23pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @4:22
Oh, parting is such sweet sorrow. June is OK in Japan, a bit rainy, but not viciously hot!
Avatar 4:24pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ chresti @4:23
Hi Cresti san!
Thanks for stopping by!!!!
Avatar 4:24pm
Mike Rogers:

My son will go back to Canada in 14 days. I already miss him.
Avatar 4:27pm
Mike Rogers:

I'm going to take my son trout fishing (I think) on Thursday... This is the 3rd time, the first two times was cancelled due to heavy rains....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:27pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:23
Cool better than humid, hate humid.
I've been looking at various Tokyo ryokans, found some great looking ones, but I don't know if they're in good places. Need to be able to get to Shibuya/Harajuku easily so the kids can check the fashion.
I'll miss her so much, but what a great opportunity.
Avatar 4:28pm
Mike Rogers:

It's a beautiful place only an hours drive from Tokyo! In Atsugi!
Avatar 4:28pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @4:27
Hey, you are a positive guy! That's great. How long will you be here in Japan?
Avatar 4:29pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @4:27
I can't stand the humidity!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:30pm

I sailed with my dad as a kid, we'd stay overnight on the boat sometimes, catch a few fish and mostly throw them back. Nothing yummier than a fresh crab sandwich you caught with your dad.
Avatar 4:31pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @4:30
Wow! What a great memory! Next time don't forget to make a sandwich for me!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:32pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:28
8 nights I think Mike.
Just Tokyo, we don't want to travel, just dive into the city.
Stayed a week in Shinjuku before, so have a bit of an idea, but Tokyo so crazy big
Avatar 4:32pm
Mike Rogers:

I often went boating and camping with my dad, but only in the Great Lakes area... No crabs there!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:34pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:32
Squid is good and they were easy to catch, about a foot long.
Heaps of fish this part of the world.
Avatar 4:36pm
Mike Rogers:

Yeah. You're recalling my dreams every night.
Avatar 4:37pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @4:34
Hey Aitch san, If you want, I can ask Ken Nishikawa. He has an extra room that he sometimes let's friends stay in (he is the nicest guy in the world!) I don't know if he is OK with 8 days, but I bet he knows AIR & BnBs!
Avatar 4:38pm
Mike Rogers:

He lives in Harajuku!
Avatar 4:38pm

Hey Mike san
Avatar 4:38pm

↳ Song: "Timber" by "Coldcut & Hexstatic"
Avatar 4:39pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ elmoweber @4:38
Hey Elmo! You mind reading or something? Your up next!
Avatar 4:39pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ northguineahills @4:38
Hi Northguineahills san!
Avatar 4:39pm

↳ Aitch @4:32
I got stuck for 3.5 years in kanagawa-ken...
Avatar 4:40pm

Avatar 4:40pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:39
hola hola!
Avatar 4:41pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ northguineahills @4:39
Where in Kanagawa? I lived there too but in Hiyoshi.
Avatar 4:43pm

Ayase-shi (i was 10-13 years old)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:44pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:38
3 of us Mike, both daughters.
That can be a scary prospect!
Last time I was on a package with the airline and ended up in the hotel they filmed Lost in Translation in, but I saw the movie after.
Shinjuku, normal city one side of the tracks, absolutely bonkers on the other.
Avatar 4:44pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ northguineahills @4:43
Ayase shi!? How dd you get there? You must have been the only foreigners around!
Avatar 4:44pm

↳ Song: "Ground Funk" by "Elmo Weber"
Soipoibly excellent!
Avatar 4:45pm

↳ northguineahills @4:44
Avatar 4:46pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:44
NAF Atsugi is nestled b/tn there and Yamato. There were 5K USN & JDF members stationed there..
Avatar 4:47pm

↳ northguineahills @4:46
(numbers has fluxuated since the pandemic). I went to junior high in Zama...
Avatar 4:48pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ northguineahills @4:46
Did you know there is a river near Atsugi that is amazing and you can catch trout there!!! No kidding.... I was just talking about that place. It's like a dream world.
Avatar 4:49pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ northguineahills @4:46
My wife is from Isehara! That's next door!
Avatar 4:50pm
Mike Rogers:

I think I'm going to Atsugi Thursday to take my son fishing (if it doesn't rain like crazy!)
Avatar 4:52pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:48
the sagami river? i tubed it to the sea w/ my boy scout troop (One of really fun but stupid ideas).
Avatar 4:53pm

when i lived there, since there was no crime, my parents let me go out by myself, so as long as I got home before the trains stopped running. So, I spent a lot of time in Tokyo and Yokohama just exploring (and anywhere else w/in a half days train trip).
Avatar 4:54pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ northguineahills @4:52
It's a tributary to Sagami River. But it is nestles in the mountains.
Avatar 4:55pm
Mike Rogers:

It think it is called, "Yatatarou" but not sure.
Avatar 4:55pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Mike Rogers @4:55
Getting old. CanT remember shit!
Avatar 4:55pm

i used to live above th4 mekujiri river..
Avatar 4:57pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ northguineahills @4:55
I don't know that river. Actually, I have never been inside of Atsugi!
Avatar 4:58pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ northguineahills @4:55
Is that river clean? Most rivers in Japan aren't so clean, but Yatatarous is super clean.
Avatar 4:58pm

I can still find my old house on google maps (i'm also a geographer). We were about 5 km north of where the shinkansen crossed the mekujiri...
Avatar 4:59pm

↳ Mike Rogers @4:58
it wasn't when I was there, but our neighbors have said it's much cleaner now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:01pm

↳ northguineahills @4:58
I so love the new map stuff, being able to check out whole neighbourhoods, amazing.
Like I just found the local Chinatown in the french city she's going to so she can get ingredients.
Avatar 5:01pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ northguineahills @4:59
Yeah, in the 1970s, pollution was really bad.... I remember standing on a bridge by Tsurumi River and looking down and there was a car in the river. The locals kids would catch three headed fish. No kidding.
Avatar 5:02pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:01
Is this Google Maps? (I live such a sheltered life!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:04pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:02
That one, the new Apple one is good too.
Avatar 5:04pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:04
There's an Apple Maps?????
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:05pm

↳ Aitch @5:01
Which city?
Avatar 5:05pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:01
I was there in 86-89. in the lead up to hosting Kyoto conference that led to the Kyoto protocols, japan launched some of the most severe anti-pollution laws in the industrialized world in '91-92....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:05pm

A couple of the DJs have moved to Philadelphia, so I've been looking around there a bit, checking out the buildings
Avatar 5:06pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:04
apple used to be a joke. when revamping it, i was on the shortlist for a position there in 2014, but after 3 rounds, they were told to only hire in-house...
Avatar 5:06pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ northguineahills @5:05
Ah? Is that why? Near where I was staying some company was just dumping suds into to rive, and I don't mean a few suds, I mean a tidal wave!
Avatar 5:07pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:06
yeah, that was the sagami river when I was there...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:09pm

↳ chresti @5:05
She wouldn't want me to say, but not Paris, so not much Chinatowny stuff going on, despite them having Vietnam, Cambodia etc as colonies.
The French are totally racist.
Avatar 5:09pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ northguineahills @5:07
It was like an environmental disaster near all the rivers! I wondered why the people lived close to rives and especially why they'd let their kids play closely!
Avatar 5:10pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:09
Avatar 5:11pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ northguineahills @5:07
Wasn't it disappointing to you to see that pollution? It was to me. I was shocked.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:11pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:09
There was that Minimata disease, where the whole town had mercury poisoning.
Avatar 5:15pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:11
Oh, don't even get me started on Minamata!
Avatar 5:15pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:11
yeah, i never went to the beach while there b/c of that. But all of my Japanese friends said it cleaned up immensely in the 90s... I have a friend that is usually touring or in NYC. he always said I could use his Tokyo apt if I ever made there (I've been stuck N. America/Caribbean and Europe since adulting...
Avatar 5:18pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ northguineahills @5:15
Yeah, I think the beach is depressing too. I can't believe people will bring McDonalds and eat it on the beach and then leave the wrappers there.
Avatar 5:20pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:11
You see there is no such thing as "Damages" in Japanese court. Long story short, it is because of the sex slaves. Anyway, in Japan you can only sue someone for hospital costs, and loss of income from not working.
So the poor families who had deformed kids got..... $50,000 ... No shit. And that was after 40+ years.
Avatar 5:22pm
Mike Rogers:

I was appalled. I was here when that verdict was reached. I'm serious that verdict took like 40 years!!!!
Avatar 5:24pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:18
these days, there rarely any litter in Japan (of course, this is coming from an american).
Avatar 5:25pm
Mike Rogers:

Yeah, it is getting much much better, even at the beaches.... Educating people take a long time.
Avatar 5:28pm

one of the most disturbing memories, was seeing a woman that got hit by a car. She was in the middle of the street and had some gift-wrapped packages and some little kids clothes in a bag that broke open. She was bleeding and traffic was just driving around her. My father, being the base physician, had a brick phone, and called the base ambulance, as it was about 2km away. B/c Japan doesn't have a
good-samaritan law, anyone who helps someone injured, can be liable for any injuries. My father knew b/c of the US Armed Forces agreement in Japan, that he would not be held liable for performing life-saving services...
Avatar 5:30pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ northguineahills @5:28
God bless you and you mom & dad. This story just makes me shake my head.... I think they changed the laws 20 years ago or so.... But I have heard how it used to be.
Avatar 5:32pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:30
I was eleven when it happened, and had only been there 9 months.. luckily, it was the same time I started to make Japanese friends....(photographic memories are a blessing/curse)
Avatar 5:33pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:30
I know that China is now struggling with this issue. I hoe they fix it.
Avatar 5:33pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ northguineahills @5:32
Wow! But seeing that, how can you ever forget????
Avatar 5:35pm
Mike Rogers:

I just sometimes, want a ticket outta this place
Avatar 5:36pm
Mike Rogers:

I think I should start smoking and drinking heavily!
Avatar 5:39pm
Mike Rogers:

My friends aunt was 86. She had never smoked or drank in her life. At her 86th birthday, she announced to everyone that she was going to start drinking and smoking (no kidding). She had abstained all these years because she wanted to protect her health for her family.... But she did start drinking and smoking. She lived to be 96 and died in her sleep... No kidding.
Avatar 5:40pm
Mike Rogers:

I don't know if I wanna live to be 96!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:41pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:39
Go auntie!
Done my fair share of drinking, none this year and plan on keeping it like that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:41pm

Too many people

Avatar 5:42pm
Mike Rogers:

Still abstaining Aitch san? Well done!
Avatar 5:43pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ chresti @5:41
Where do you live, Chresti san?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:43pm

96 a stretch at the rate they're cutting bits off me.
There won't be any of me left.
Avatar 5:43pm

↳ Aitch @5:41
I did 15 months w/o drinking...
Avatar 5:44pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ mochy @5:41
Mochy san! この音好きになりましたか?
Avatar 5:44pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ northguineahills @5:43
I'm almost 2 years.... Just....a.... bit....more...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:44pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:43
In the LA basin-San Gabriel, CA

Avatar 5:45pm
Mike Rogers:

Ha! Come to HongKong at Chinese new years if you want to see an ocean of people that is truly frightening!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:45pm

↳ northguineahills @5:43
I lost a stack of weight, can see ribs again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:46pm

I imagine I'll just be a shell when and if I live to 96
Avatar 5:47pm
Mike Rogers:

Yeah, and easy to lose weight when you don't drink, eh?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:47pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:45
Hong Kong on maids day pretty funny.
I think it's 1 sunday a month all the maids get a day off, streets are packed and they're not very roomy to start with.
Avatar 5:47pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ chresti @5:46
I don't even want to think about that.... Living in this hell hole for another 30+ years? NO!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:39
I hope she enjoyed it!
Avatar 5:48pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:47
Maids Day???? Never heard of it!
Avatar 5:49pm
Mike Rogers:

I wonder if that would wrk in Japan? Probably not, because the maids here aren't really maids... They are Cosplay!
Avatar 5:50pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ chresti @5:48
She was actually very happy I am told.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:51pm

I stopped drinking about 30 years ago because I stopped enjoying it. I switched to herbal inebriants
Avatar 5:51pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Mike Rogers @5:50
I mean she was over 87 or so so no one expected her to do anything.... If it were me, I'd be getting drunk all the time too!
Avatar 5:52pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ chresti @5:51
That is MUCH more preferrable I think.
Avatar 5:52pm
Mike Rogers:

But the Japanese cops don't think so!
Avatar 5:52pm

↳ Song: "Distant Suns" by "Chris Ianuzzi"
oy, it's almost 6, thanks Mike. will stumble o'er here again! salud!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:53pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:49
Can you imagine hiring a maid and finding out she doesn't actually clean?
Avatar 5:53pm

↳ chresti @5:51
i stopped drinking cheap crap. the price also helps keep it moderation...(and there's a non-zero chance i could be tested for imbibing herb...
Avatar 5:54pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ northguineahills @5:52
Thanks NorthGuineaHills san!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:54pm

Byeee! Thank you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:54pm

Thanks Mike, see you all around the place
Avatar 5:54pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ northguineahills @5:53
I'm not dead yet because I have always done quality.
Avatar 5:55pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:54
Thanks Aitch san! Do you want me to ask Ken Nishikawa?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm

↳ northguineahills @5:53
best thing to do is to have food with it!
Avatar 5:55pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ chresti @5:54
Christi san! Thanks for coming!
Avatar 5:56pm
Mike Rogers:

Thanks Mochy san!

Thank you to all the listeners, mike-san.た
Avatar 5:56pm

↳ chresti @5:55
my hiragana reading is soooo slow.......(but it still works)

Avatar 5:57pm
Mike Rogers:

Thanks to everyone!
See you tomorrow for Sounds From Space at 11pm EST.
Avatar 5:58pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ northguineahills @5:56
Way cool. I'l bet that blows your coworkers minds when some Japanese just shows up and you start conversing with them in Japanese!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm

↳ Mike Rogers @5:55
I'll contact you off chat.
Avatar 5:58pm
Mike Rogers:

↳ Aitch @5:58
Avatar 5:59pm
Mike Rogers:

See Ya'll!

Thanks so much for the support on your amazing show. Love what you are doing. A true music champion!
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