She Don't Care About Time (mono 45)
"She Don't Care About Time (mono 45)" by "The Byrds"
The Left Banke
Ivy, Ivy (mono 45 mix)
"Ivy, Ivy (mono 45 mix)" by "The Left Banke"
Twice As Much
Happy Times (mono)
"Happy Times (mono)" by "Twice As Much"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good evening everyone! It's a misty night here in New York City, with a temperature of 71 degrees and a humidity of 90 percent. So make sure you bundle up if you're heading out tonight.
Randy Benjamin
Look At You Now
"Look At You Now" by "Randy Benjamin"
The Everly Brothers
Bowling Green
"Bowling Green" by "The Everly Brothers"
Cats Eyes
Tom Drum
"Tom Drum" by "Cats Eyes"
Music behind DJ:
The Shadows
"Kon-Tiki" by "The Shadows"
Back announcing the set
The Byzantine Empire
Snow Queen
"Snow Queen" by "The Byzantine Empire"
Candle To Burn (mono 45)
"Candle To Burn (mono 45)" by "Mojo"
Dana Gillespie
London Social Degree
"London Social Degree" by "Dana Gillespie"
The Honeybus
(Do I Figure) In Your Life
"(Do I Figure) In Your Life" by "The Honeybus"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good evening everyone! It's a misty night here in NYC with a temperature of 71 degrees and a humidity of 90 percent. So, be sure to bring a jacket if you're heading out tonight!
Small Faces
Show Me The Way (mono)
"Show Me The Way (mono)" by "Small Faces"
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Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
Rock'n'Soul Bunny: