Favoriting Cat Bomb! Radio with Maggie Hertz!: Playlist from August 18, 2023 Favoriting

Maggie Hertz!'s avatar View Maggie Hertz!'s profile Favoriting

A show that kinda feels like Casey Kasem cookin’ up crockpot shortwave pirate radio, but with a lot more curbside cassette mixtapes, lost radio serials, French Canadian comedy… and zings, pings, and static. Or, well, maybe it doesn’t feel anything like that at all.

Friday 3 - 6am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Fri. Mar 14th, 3am - 6am: Maggie Hertz and her Co-Host Alan 6

Favoriting August 18, 2023: "Musical Chairs, but Make Them Hearts & Mostly Kinda Broken"... A Mixtape for Partners, Lovers, Situationships, and the Occasional Spottin' of Wedded Bliss!!

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Comments Images Approx. start time
Faces of Emotion  Crazy   Favoriting Hot Love   
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Burnt Offerings  Falling   Favoriting Songs About Sex   
0:04:31 (Pop-up)
Paultra Violet  I Will Find Your Heart   Favoriting We've Already Happened  https://paultraviolet.bandcamp.com/track/i-will-find-your-heart 
0:07:41 (Pop-up)
69 (26)  Сянка   Атлантида   
0:11:50 (Pop-up)
Nasty Dilemma  A Chase   Favoriting One Big Hit And Three Small Hits   
0:16:48 (Pop-up)
Beth Israel  Romeo   Favoriting Beth Israel   
0:32:47 (Pop-up)
Beth Israel  Let Him Down Easy   Favoriting Beth Israel   
0:38:07 (Pop-up)
Karate!  Dating is Stupid   Favoriting Sometimes You're a Radio   
0:38:08 (Pop-up)
Unknown  Jeremy the Sex Doll   Favoriting Unknown   
0:44:25 (Pop-up)
Daniel Higgs  Surrender to Love   Favoriting Surrender to Love   
0:46:13 (Pop-up)
Oberta Eklund  Side B   Favoriting Go Tell It On The Mountain   
0:53:20 (Pop-up)
Charles Goff III  Love Merry Go Round   Favoriting Vociferous Velvet   
0:56:29 (Pop-up)
Psychic Hotline  Intimacy   Favoriting Phone Sex   
1:03:28 (Pop-up)
Unknown  Charlie & Colleen Plan a Date   Favoriting Unknown   
1:11:42 (Pop-up)
Sinister Attraction  Side B   Favoriting Private Wars   
1:18:18 (Pop-up)
Arnie Achtman  Swimming in the Mud   Favoriting 3 Sex Stories   
1:27:30 (Pop-up)
Daniel Steven Crafts  Side A (Excerpt)   Favoriting Soap Opera Suite/Snake Oil Symphony   
1:42:55 (Pop-up)
Scott Marshall  Side B (Excerpt)   Favoriting People Telling Lies   
2:00:09 (Pop-up)
Bill Anderson  Side A + B   Favoriting Love... & Other Sad Stories   
2:15:30 (Pop-up)
Various Artists  Side A + B   Favoriting It's Honeymooners Time   
2:40:55 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:01am
Paulo AD:

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tom tom the pipers son:

cat bomb... boom!... hi maggie!

can't sleep but on a friday that's a good thing
Avatar 3:04am
Maggie Hertz!:

Goooood morning!! Holy cow, I am so dang sleepy, so I am sure happy to see y'all!
Hi from Holland:

Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:05am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:04
hey maggie, did you get my email?
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tom tom the pipers son:

like the image ... like a hologram
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Avatar 3:10am
Maggie Hertz!:

Hi hi hi Yvang and Holland!
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @3:05
I did! I shall respond!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:11am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:10
ok, thx.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:16am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Song: "Сянка" by "69 (26)"
this could make a soundtrack for "ivan the terrible" by eisenstein
Paultra Violet:

You have found our heart, Maggie Hertz.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:19am
tom tom the pipers son:

remember eisentube?
Avatar 3:19am
Maggie Hertz!:

Hi from Holland:

Yesterday was BlackCatAppreciationDay apparently... 😼
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @3:19
I have zeroooo recollection! Bring me up to speed!
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Hi from Holland @3:20
It WAS! I thought about doing my cat episode but this was already in the works! :(
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:24am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:20
it was a website that you fed videos off of youtube, usually music, and it made a eisenstein style montage out of them, i forget if it included any audio, but it was shut down because of some sort of rights issue... all of this... iirc
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:28am
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

Just got out of a Friday afternoon meeting that went overtime.
Hi from Holland:

Is there a typo on Paultra's bandcamp page? Text says "HAPPANED" cover image says "HAPPENED" ...
Avatar 3:32am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Hi from Holland @3:32
Ah! The page seems to link to that one song... lemme find another
Avatar 3:33am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Hi from Holland @3:32
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Maggie Hertz!:

August 30th is the launch of the LP, so that'll pop up then!
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150) @3:28
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @3:24
Ah! Yeah, this is all new to me!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:35am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:34
it was fun while it lasted, from around '05-'06
Hi from Holland:

If Paultra's Heart is still hanging around: text & image differ https://paultraviolet.bandcamp.com/track/weve-already-happaned - but no doubt intentional.
Hi from Holland:

Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:37am
tom tom the pipers son:

had a horrible experience at beth israel, they almost killed me
Hi from Holland:

Death by snu snu?
Paultra Violet:

↳ Hi from Holland @3:36
Hello! Thanks for spotting that flub on our bandcamp! You’re a gem!
Hi from Holland:

Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:39am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Hi from Holland @3:38
no, if you can believe it, a very serious sinus infection
Paultra Violet:

↳ Hi from Holland @3:39
Fixed! Updated! 🤖
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:42am
tom tom the pipers son:

@ maggie: the art on beth israel jacket reminds me of the artist ebecho muslimova, you might like what she does, quite humorous
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @3:42
I'm quite familiar with her work! haha
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:44am
tom tom the pipers son:

oh, funny...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:47am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:48am

greetings, Maggie Hertz!
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Maggie Hertz!:

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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Ike @3:47
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Song: "Surrender to Love" by "Daniel Higgs"
would like to hear/see this produced live...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:51am

Greetings Maggie, bombardiers
Avatar 3:52am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ coelacanth∅ @3:51
Hi from Holland:

↳ Song: "Surrender to Love" by "Daniel Higgs"
That wailing in the back has a bit of a Diamanda Galás vibe to it.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:55am
Paulo AD:

I just had a swim now I feel terrible. I think last nights wine hit me haha
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Paulo AD:

↳ Hi from Holland @3:53
Second time in two days that name has come up in my life
Avatar 3:56am
Maggie Hertz!:

Avatar 3:56am
Maggie Hertz!:

This must mean something
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:03am
Paulo AD:

Means we're all connected, like a cosmic jumbo haha
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:03am
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:56

I watched a paranormal documentary TV series, Hellier, and it was so boring. Nothing actually happens but people have lots of random synchronicities and are they rant on about it.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:03am
Paulo AD:

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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Paulo AD @4:03
Same diff! hahaha
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:04am
tom tom the pipers son:

happy to see diamanda galas likes doris day who i always thought was a good singer, and liked amy winehouse despite her r&b stick, which i personally had a hard time getting past
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:04am
Paulo AD:

As my dad would say "same shit, different smell" haha
Avatar 4:04am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150) @4:03
Oh I'm in! Listen, I'll give anything a pinch of time for the penny!
Avatar 4:05am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Paulo AD @4:04
Stealin' this from pops, sorry!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:06am
Paulo AD:

Or his other version "same shit, different shovel"
Avatar 4:06am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @4:04
Meh, Amy was the bee's knees in any aspect!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:06am
Paulo AD:

I'm looking at a giant painting I have of amy on my wall right now. Its a portrait of her made from her lyrics
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:07am
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

↳ Maggie Hertz! @4:04
I love a good bad paranormal TV show but this was way too stretched out. Aliens allegedly came out of those Kentucky caves but they were doing everything to avoid going in to investigate.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:07am
Paulo AD:


Why?, because we are compelled too !!!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:09am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @4:06
yeah, i probably should have looked past image...
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:12am
tom tom the pipers son:

never forget amy going on..." my blake, incarcerated"
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:14am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Song: "Charlie & Colleen Plan a Date" by "Unknown"
did he say "pots-terity"?
Avatar 4:14am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Paulo AD @4:07
Veryyyy cool!
Avatar 4:15am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150) @4:07
Same! Certainly have a bunch to research on the Kentucky front, but a big fan of the hunt!
Avatar 4:16am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ ERIK (VT) @4:08
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:19am

these 2 are making sparks
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Maggie Hertz!:

Is it hot in here, or is it just Colleen and Charlie???
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:20am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:20am

  Swag For Life Member 4:20am

Hey, Maggie, Derek from Beverly here. If you'e going to be playing music about the sublime pleasures of a good relationship, here goes:

I'm 57. Eight years ago, as my marriage disintegrated (abusive, abusive, abusive), it became clear that the woman I dated in college back in 1987 was the love of my life.

I now live with the love of my life, and am marrying her in October.

And just as you said: oh, the joy of the simplicity. To kiss her good night, as we are surrounded by our two bassets, Opus and Trixie, and our tuxedo cat Piper, who loves belly scratches as much as Opus and Trixie love belly rubs. To wake up next to her and rub her shoulder, and tell her I love her, to then have our morning talk, where we occasionally stop to hold hands.

I did not know until now that life's true meaning comes from those little moments.

A while back, a student was helping me unload stuff from my car. Megan called--that would be the goddess I'm glorifying in this missive--and we chatted. I was all aw shucks and G rated, as I often am in conversations, both within earshot of students and away from said earshot (I'm a gentleman, missy).

Anyway, I told her I love her more than life itself, hung up, and got back to the business of heading back to the library (I'm the librarian at Lowell High School, alma matter of Jack Kerouac).

"Mr. Leif," said the student who was helping me, "you're, like, old fashioned."

"Well, Xavier," I said, "I'm old."

"No," he said, "it's, like, really nice and comforting. Keep being old fashioned."

I smiled.

"I'll do that, Xavier. And that was such a nice thing to say."

Anyway, enough outta me.
  Swag For Life Member 4:23am

It is my sincerest hope that my last post left no one violently ill.
  Swag For Life Member 4:23am

Sigh, however...I do adore that woman.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:24am
Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ derekleif @4:20
Very nice. You should get permission to tape your conversations and then send them in.
On second thought, that might not be the best course of action.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:24am
tom tom the pipers son:

do people still "tawk" like colleen and charlie? it's hard to hear contemporaries accents.
Avatar 4:26am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ derekleif @4:23
ILL????? Derek, you're writing me with nothing but positive and loving sentiments about the very topic of this mixtape!

Admittedly, I have more of the cynical side of things to attest to, so hearin this is exactly what I needed!
Avatar 4:27am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @4:24
Hahahaha Maybe not ALL of the conversation!
Avatar 4:27am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @4:24
They suuuuure do!
Avatar 4:28am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ derekleif @4:23
She sounds delightful, and all I've heard about her is how devoted you are to her... which I think speaks volumes!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:28am
Krys O.:

Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:28am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @4:27
i like hearing that...
Audio Voyeur Tastic:

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @4:24
I’m all ears =👂’s
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Krys O. @4:28
Gooood morning!!
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Sprattus Sprattus:

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @4:24
...or carry around a big ol' DAT recorder, a boom and headphones so people make no mistake you're a recorder for and of life
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Sprattus Sprattus:

also...Bombest morning to all
  Swag For Life Member 4:30am

Hey, Maggie, thanx so much...and hey, don't think this positive stuff doesn't come after a great deal of pain. It took a long time of thinking that everything has to be so, so intense before I saw that there is so much happiness in stillness and subtle things.

From FOMO to RONMO (Realization of Not Missing Out) to RIATPIL (Realization I'm Actually Taking Part in Life)...it took a long time, a long time.

Relax, kid, the good stuff, and positive, chill relationship...it'll come, if it hasn't already.
Audio Voyeur Tastic:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @4:24
I believe there is duo show even on WFMU that illustrates a type of “tawk”.
Avatar 4:30am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Sprattus Sprattus @4:30
Sprattus!! Thank you soooo much for the tape!! I shouted ya the heck out last week, but thanks again!
Avatar 4:32am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ derekleif @4:30
I'm nothin' but a bundle of patience, but it's still just nice to know it exists beyond my peripheral.. or most of the folks I know, for that matter...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:32am
Mr. Pumpy:

Good morning from Hobart, NY, Maggie and all the beautiful people! Enjoying Woof-Moo and some early morning thunderstorms up here in the Catskills.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:33am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Audio Voyeur Tastic @4:30
oh, what show on wfmu, i have a hard time hearing ny accent contemporaneously
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Mr. Pumpy @4:32
Well, good morning!! Stoked we get to accompany the storms! Still waiting for them down here in Jersey!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:34am

good morning, Mr. Pumpy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:34am
Mr. Pumpy:

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Sprattus Sprattus:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @4:30
Oh cool! You're welcome. I doubted over-seas mail ever reach their destination especially when sent via the slowest option, but nice that it did! The tape isn't really on-air material but I bet you don't have quite anything like it...not in moon-language anyway (When you gots the time, check out "hyvät herrat intro" at YT, it's the show in question)
Avatar 4:36am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Sprattus Sprattus @4:35
NOT AIR MATERIAL??? LOL! I've already been basing a show around it, so joke's on you! :P

It did make it, safe and sound, and it made my week! The drawing was great, as well! So, thanks again!
Avatar 4:37am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Sprattus Sprattus @4:35
The show is on my watchlist for the weekend, too!
Avatar 4:38am
Maggie Hertz!:

Man, I love casssssettesssss
Audio Voyeur Tastic:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @4:33
Can’t hurt to peruse the duo shows - opens the👂’s
(PM Hours - EST).
Avatar 💣 4:40am
Sprattus Sprattus:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @4:36
Well... YOU'RE THE DJ! (...or CJ?)
Hi from Holland:

Tea, gateway aphrodisiac ...
Avatar 4:40am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Sprattus Sprattus @4:40
I'm in the process of trademarking CJ lol
LiXiviated Life:

hello shiny electronic denizens
I’m wide awake in Schenectady
listening to a rain storm & this
Tomorrow will be
Avatar 4:41am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ LiXiviated Life @4:40
i like to think awkward sex stories and rain storms are the wine and cheese of radio...
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:41am

Good Morning Maggie and everyone tuned in...
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Mr. Pumpy:

Summer sauces and necking...easy, big fella!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:42am

↳ derekleif @4:20
i like reading that. i had to start some food heating, i just got home from work and hungry.
i can't relate it to my life at this point, but i'm happy for people who have anything along the lines of what you have.
Avatar 4:42am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Strandlund @4:41
Good morning!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:44am

↳ Mr. Pumpy @4:32
hey Mr. P
LiXiviated Life:

is the cheese and macaroni of
the Capitol Region.
(and Albany is asking for a divorce)
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:47am
tom tom the pipers son:

only one or two daytime soap operas left, right?
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:49am
Krys O.:

↳ Song: "Side A (Excerpt)" by "Daniel Steven Crafts"
This is great!
Avatar 4:49am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ LiXiviated Life @4:45
I can dig it...

(And Albany can take a hike!)
Avatar 4:50am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @4:47
Is Passions still on?????
LiXiviated Life:

I’ve come to the realization
that I’m too
old to be sleeping on a sofa
in Schenectady
( which is probably why I’m not
on this sofa in
LiXiviated Life:

“… I’ve got so much to learn”
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:53am
tom tom the pipers son:

never heard of that one... but soaps have gone the way of print newspapers, phone booths, etc.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:53am
Krys O.:

I didn't know my father was in Puerto Rico.
Avatar 4:55am
Maggie Hertz!:

Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:56am
Krys O.:

Fat chance of getting that promotion now.

You CAN watch soap operas .

Avatar 4:56am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Krys O. @4:56
Audio Voyeur Tastic:

↳ Song: "Charlie & Colleen Plan a Date" by "Unknown"
How’d this even get saved and found!? Is it authentic? What’s the mysterious recording machine they speak of that seems to be auto-selecting its preferences?’ = Freakin Priceless.
Avatar 4:59am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Audio Voyeur Tastic @4:57
It's authentic! An answering machine tape for an MTA worker in Brooklyn in the late 80s! I've played other messages in other shows :)
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:59am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Krys O. @4:56
ah, so three of them left...
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:59am
Krys O.:

Taping things off TV was a big thing.
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Maggie Hertz!:

The thunder and lightning has officially hit Jersey City!!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:01am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @4:59
the audio kitchen was a v. good fmu show, in archives...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:01am

↳ Audio Voyeur Tastic @4:57
my whole adult life until i no longer had a landline i had answering machines that used regular cassette tapes. i never flipped them back to side a; i replaced them in the machine with a new (usually old, used) one, and saved them. i probably have ~15 cassettes full of voicemails.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:02am

- and yes the machine would sometimes record conversations after the phone had been picked up -but i never noticed any selectivity on the answering machine's part!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:03am
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

↳ coelacanth∅ @5:01
I can only think of one song about answering machines - The Replacements song.

Lots of telephone songs exist.
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Maggie Hertz!:

Ummmmm Send them to Cat Bomb plzzzz??
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:03am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Krys O. @4:59
had a small reel to reel as a kid and used to tape off tv all the time
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Maggie Hertz!:

I've been workin on a project... I'll talk about it on the mic break!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:05am

↳ Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150) @5:03
i know that one! i think there's another - female vocal...hmmm
LiXiviated Life:

Car Balm Radio?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:11am

i also sometimes recorded conversations using a microphone up to the phone, when i was a teenager. those mostly made it onto sound collage tapes i once made.
Maggie if i were to send you tapes i'd have to send you copies. i still have fantasies of having time to do something creative with them.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:11am
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

Is that the love between a man and a woman or a man for a fine Cuban cigar?
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:13am
Krys O.:

The storm is here too in Bloomfield, NJ about 8 miles from Jersey City.
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Krys O.:

I'm going to take car service to work this morning. Not the kind of morning to be walking about.
Avatar 5:17am
Maggie Hertz!:

That cassette did NOT want to play... My gooosh
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:17am
Krys O.:

I've still got boxes with some unmarked cassettes. I had hundreds of tapes back in the day. Some were stolen by persons unknown and many were stolen by a known person.
Avatar 5:17am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Krys O. @5:14
Yeah, this is a cab morning, for sure!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:17am
tom tom the pipers son:

walking in the rain in the suburbs reminds me of the end of the swimmer w/ burt lancaster, but that was in the fall
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @5:17
I do love this!
Avatar 5:18am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ coelacanth∅ @5:11
I'm content with copies!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:18am
Krys O.:

I don't mind the rain. I just don't want to get killed by lightning. My mom had two cousins who were struck and killed by lightning at different times.
Avatar 5:19am
Maggie Hertz!:

My cassettes were givin' me hell, so I didn't get to spew on air - I am about to open a public landline to record missed connections, to be premiered on air weekly! Would love some old VM cassettes to flank those!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:19am
Krys O.:

I typically walk two miles by the time I get to work and I take two buses.
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Krys O. @5:18
That's wild! I've heard stories, but never folks I know personally!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:20am
Krys O.:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @5:19
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:21am

↳ Krys O. @5:17
i'm pissed off on your behalf now.
i always considered stealing from someone's music (sound recording) collection a high crime!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:22am
Krys O.:

Those who survived being struck by lightning are ostracized and have great difficulties. I read an article years ago about how the survivors connect with each other for support.
Erik (VT):

Our family has had a coupla doozy mistaken phone 📞 machine messages in the past. It’s been a challenge to save them. But my sister has kept a few on her mobile phone. One was of a classic religious sort (a lost soul looking for pastor guidance). But the best was a 4 month(?) epic (perhaps 20+ repeat calls) from an elderly couple looking for their daughter. After they had their multi-media provider set up new tech that kept screwing up (perhaps or by the end perhaps not ?!). It’s like an episodic epic one sided drama that just keeps building message after message. (Including the parents understandably getting more & more irked with their own back & forth) for our audio delight. I would hope to preserve it. It’s vulnerable to getting lost forever. Sigh 🫣🫨🥴.
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Krys O. @5:19
Oh woof! I did that when I lived in the Bronx, but I've been spoiled by Brooklyn!
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Krys O.:

↳ Song: "Side A + B" by "Bill Anderson"
Whispering Bill!
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Erik (VT) @5:22
One can totally digitize and archive! They sound well worth it!!
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tom tom the pipers son:

what's going on that love and other stories jacket w/ the guy in the toupee?
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Paulo AD:

Right, gym for me. Great show Magz, see you in two weeks. Off home for the weekend next week
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:25am

↳ Krys O. @5:22
wow... those doing the ostracizing must be connecting dots that aren't in my drawing book.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:25am
Krys O.:

↳ coelacanth∅ @5:21
Thanks. I'll spare you the sordid vinyl history. Suffice it to say that I saved about 50 LPs of what once was a collection of almost a thousand albums.
Avatar 5:26am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Paulo AD @5:25
Heck yeah! Enjoy!! See ya in two weeks!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:27am
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

I did a songwriting course once. The teacher said when it comes to writing love songs, "don't be coy". That last song was definitely not coy nor subtle.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:29am

↳ Krys O. @5:25
oh jeez. i'm sorry. i think i've only had 5 albums stolen in my whole life.
anyway enjoy your workout!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:30am
Krys O.:

I have a USB cassette deck to digitize things. I did that for a cassette of my friend's music.

I still get wrong voice mails, but with my VoIP I can download the messages digitally. I made a couple of videos using them. This one is my favorite:

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Krys O.:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @5:23
That's Bill Anderson. His biggest hit was Still. He had a long running TV show on CMT.
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Krys O. @5:30
Oh cool! I'll check this out!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:34am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Krys O. @5:32
oh, thanks, didn't think it had anything to do intrinsically with the music...
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Krys O.:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @5:34
Lots of country albums had covers that reflected the song topics: cheatin', drinkin', and lovin'.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:36am

Bill Anderson released a new album in 2020, at the age of 82
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Krys O. @5:36
ha! this one very 80's, think a scene from dallas or dynasty
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:40am

↳ Krys O. @5:30
ha..."Krys, Krystina, whatever your name is"!
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↳ Song: "Side A + B" by "Bill Anderson"
Ride on Baby Ride. Love this. Thanks DJ. Have a great weekend all : )
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ JohnEBGood @5:41
Have a wonderful weekend!! Thanks for hanging!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:42am
Krys O.:

↳ coelacanth∅ @5:40
My phone number used to be a hair salon's number. Had similar messages.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:43am
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Krys O. @5:36
had a childhood friend who's parents were very big country fans and very knowledgable about it
which was a bit of an anomaly growing up on long island but they were really into country's narratives
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:45am

i need to start waking up earlier on fridays! great show! good morning!
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Krys O.:

Lots of laffs this morning, Maggie. Thanks so much!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:46am

↳ Song: "Side A + B" by "Various Artists"
Ok...this is now my favorite Honeymooners' song.
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ mon!ka @5:45
Gooooood morning!
Avatar 5:46am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Krys O. @5:45
Thanks so much for keepin' us all company this morning! See ya next week! Hope your trip into work is easy peasy!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:48am
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

I've never watched The Honeymooners. Everything I know about the show if via Futurama:
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150) @5:48
Hahahaha I mean, it's kinda all ya need to know!
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Krys O.:

↳ Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150) @5:48
I know the classic 39 episodes by heart. There used to be Honeymooner marathons on NYC area TV.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50am
Ken From Hyde Park:

To the moon, Alice! Thanks, Maggie.
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Sprattus Sprattus:

↳ mon!ka @5:45
As someone who's living a life without alarms, adjusting inner clock to this show is worth it! (Albeit waking up is not always easy)

HEY! Great show again! Thanks
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @5:50
Thanks for chillin, Ken!!
Avatar 5:51am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Sprattus Sprattus @5:50
Thanks AGAIN for the lovely cassette and for hanging out with me another week! See ya soon!
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Sprattus Sprattus:

Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:53am
tom tom the pipers son:

thanks maggie, this one was a winner, but they all are...
Avatar 5:53am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @5:53
Dawww, thank ya!! See ya again next week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:54am
Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @5:50
Car service brought me to the Myrtle Beach airport plenty early. Post-TSA chill time for sure!
Avatar 5:54am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @5:54
We love it! Gonna be a stellar Friday, I'm thinkin!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:56am

Thanks Maggie!! Great show again!! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58am
Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @5:54
On or close to schedule would be just peachy! 🍑
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Strandlund @5:56
Thanks for hanging with meee! Have a wonderful weekend!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58am

Thanks Maggie!

'night y'all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58am

(or whatever)
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ coelacanth∅ @5:58
Thanks for lending me your ears! See ya next time!
Doc from Memphis:

Nice show Maggie have a weekend full of pleasure
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