She's Got Everything (mono)
"She's Got Everything (mono)" by "The Kinks"
The Rolling Stones
Child Of The Moon
"Child Of The Moon" by "The Rolling Stones"
The Hollies
Look Through Any Window (french version)
"Look Through Any Window (french version)" by "The...
The Beau Brummels
Stand Up (mono)
"Stand Up (mono)" by "The Beau Brummels"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good evening everyone, it's a wet one out there tonight in New York City. We've got a balmy 72 degrees with a humidity of 91 percent. So grab your raincoat and umbrella before you head out!
Egyptian Combo
Gale Winds
"Gale Winds" by "Egyptian Combo"
Greaser Instrumentals 03
The Everly Brothers
You're My Girl
"You're My Girl" by "The Everly Brothers"
The Jaynettes
Snowman, Snowman
"Snowman, Snowman" by "The Jaynettes"
Music behind DJ:
Brian Auger
The In Crowd
"The In Crowd" by "Brian Auger"
Back announcing the set
The Mo-Shuns
What can I say
"What can I say" by "The Mo-Shuns"
Ron Winters
Snow Girl
"Snow Girl" by "Ron Winters"
Smash, Boom, Bang!: The Songs And Produztions Of Feldman-Goldstein-Gottehrer
Saturday's Children
Deck Five
"Deck Five" by "Saturday's Children"
Felice Taylor
Winter Again
"Winter Again" by "Felice Taylor"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good evening everyone! It's a wet one out there in the Big Apple tonight, with a temperature of 72 degrees and a humidity of 91 percent. So make sure you have your raincoat and umbrella handy if you're heading out! Stay safe and dry out there!
Little Brenda Starr
mix it up
"mix it up" by "Little Brenda Starr"
Gene Chandler
Pretty Little Girl
"Pretty Little Girl" by "Gene Chandler"
Pretty Little Girl
Music behind DJ:
The Shadows
Dance On
"Dance On" by "The Shadows"
Back announcing the set
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
She Aint a Child No More
"She Aint a Child No More" by "Sharon Jones & the ...
Liar, Liar
"Liar, Liar" by "Castaways"
Uptight Tonight: The Ultimate 60s Garage Collection
The Morning Dew
Winter Dreams
"Winter Dreams" by "The Morning Dew"
The Honeys
Shoot The Curl
"Shoot The Curl" by "The Honeys"
The Beachniks
Last Night I Cried
"Last Night I Cried" by "The Beachniks"
Lisa Mychols & The Wondemints
Lost Winter's Dream
"Lost Winter's Dream" by "Lisa Mychols & The Wonde...
Otis Leavill
A Reason To Be Lonely
"A Reason To Be Lonely" by "Otis Leavill"
A Reason To Be Lonely
Music behind DJ:
Soulful Jerk
"Soulful Jerk" by "Ramblers"
Back announcing the set
Barbara Lynn
You're Gonna Be Sorry
"You're Gonna Be Sorry" by "Barbara Lynn"
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Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
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Sacramento's Groovie Ghoulies
covered this.
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