Favoriting Beneath The Underground with John Pietaro and Laurie Towers: Playlist from October 4, 2023 Favoriting

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Renegade Arts of Downtown NY: John Reed to Lou Reed and Post-Punk to Punk Jazz…

Wednesday 10pm - Midnight (EST) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting October 4, 2023: Comes with the Fall

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Artist Track Approx. start time
Talking Heads  New Feeling (live)   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Paul R Harding  They Tried to Kill Me Yesterday   Favoriting 0:04:33 (Pop-up)
John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band  New York City   Favoriting 0:08:00 (Pop-up)
Elliott Sharp  White Light/White Heat   Favoriting 0:11:29 (Pop-up)
Paul R Harding  Forgive, Forgive, Forgive   Favoriting 0:21:09 (Pop-up)
Cheryl Pyle/Axel Weiss/Stan Z  Let Go with the Flow   Favoriting 0:22:59 (Pop-up)
Marshall McLuhan  The Medium is the Massage (excerpt)   Favoriting 0:29:30 (Pop-up)
Lambert, Hendricks & Ross  Twisted   Favoriting 0:33:49 (Pop-up)
Elmer Bernstein  Like Having Fun (Johnny Staccato)   Favoriting 0:52:55 (Pop-up)
Afua Danso  No Mo   Favoriting 0:54:48 (Pop-up)
Hector Leguillow/MTG All-Stars  Todo Tiene Su Final   Favoriting 1:00:48 (Pop-up)
Anne Waldman  Extinction Aria pt II   Favoriting 1:05:03 (Pop-up)
Ambitious Lovers  Copy Me   Favoriting 1:15:13 (Pop-up)
Curlew  Agitar/the Victim   Favoriting 1:35:09 (Pop-up)
Sonic Twist  Inner Rim   Favoriting 1:35:31 (Pop-up)
Sinlab  Juliet   Favoriting 1:35:50 (Pop-up)
Sonic Twist  Spring River   Favoriting 1:37:31 (Pop-up)
Leo Rodriguez  Forty Days   Favoriting 1:44:20 (Pop-up)
Arto Lindsay & the Ambitious Lovers  Cross Your Legs   Favoriting 1:44:39 (Pop-up)
Tuff Darts  Fun City   Favoriting 1:49:13 (Pop-up)
    1:49:14 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 10:02pm
Mr Fab:

Greetings, cellar-dwellars!

DAMN check Tina on that bassline.
Jill Kroesen:

Yes! Tina! Even if I don’t like the particular song, I always enjoy the bass playing.

They Tried to Kill Me was really brilliant!!!

rock n roll , free poetry and percussion , dig the flexatone sounds ... thank you john and laurie
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 10:17pm
Beneath the Underground:

Hey hey hey hey our lovely Subterraneans! Thanks for joining us for another foray downtown. This “Comes with the Fall” edition will be overflowing with sounds and surprises. Dig Elliott Sharp doing the Velvets! And John Lennon! And this brand new release by poet Paul r Harding (that’s the Juma Sultan on percussion 😻). And of course early Talking Heads. This is just a start…..
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 10:17pm
Beneath the Underground:

Hey Cheryl! Jill! Mr Fab!
Avatar 10:25pm
Speedo Gonzalez:

yess! good night john!
Jill Kroesen:

Hi John and Laurie and Mr. Fab!!
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 10:30pm
Beneath the Underground:

Hi Speedo
Avatar 10:33pm
Speedo Gonzalez:

love this lp!

axel weiss on guitar and
bass too.. cheryl on flute and poetry .stan z on piano

great set guys.. thank you so much .. paul r harding wow wow

walk on the wild side... elmer bernstein music too .. i watched ti the other night.. dig
Avatar 10:54pm

I Made it whew!!
Avatar 10:55pm

Hi Jill, Senor Fab, Speedo, Cheryl, and all my fellow Cellah-Dwellahs
Avatar 10:55pm

Hi John and Laurie! XOXOXo
Barbara Branca:

I'm late, but digging this!
Avatar 10:59pm

↳ Song: "No Mo" by "Afua Danso"
Hell Yeah - get dat Groove!!
Avatar 11:01pm

is shimmying his maracas
Jill Kroesen:

What treat!! Salsa! Great surprise!
Jill Kroesen:

Hi Leo!!!
Avatar 11:03pm

↳ Jill Kroesen @11:03
Takes Jill on the Dance floor! HI JILL
Barbara Branca:

Can't stop shakin' it
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:10pm
Beneath the Underground:

Hey, if you dug that Hector Leguillow cut, read more about him here. Hector’s the man. www.local802afm.org...
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:11pm
Beneath the Underground:

Hi Leo! Hi Barbara!
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:11pm
Beneath the Underground:

What a 🎉 celebration 🎊
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:12pm
Beneath the Underground:

Kevin, like Joe McCarthy is gone, gone, gone ✊️
Avatar 11:13pm

↳ Beneath the Underground @11:12
shit show or clown show? either way I can't help but grin in spite of this melee
Barbara Branca:

Thanks for the intensity of Anne Waldman tonight!
Jill Kroesen:

Arto was in the Lounge Lizards too!
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:40pm
Beneath the Underground:

Yes, Jill…I loved that first Lounge Lizards.
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:41pm
Beneath the Underground:

Barbara, glad you’re also a WALDMAN fan. My interview w her was an amazing experience. She’s a giant.
Avatar 11:42pm

SUCH A COOL WILD SHOW!!! Thank you from the land of jerk chicken!!
Avatar 11:44pm

woo hooo
Barbara Branca:

↳ Beneath the Underground @11:41
Do you have a link to that interview? Would love to listen!
Barbara Branca:

↳ LeoIRodriguez @11:44
Leo-- Forty Days. Wow
Avatar 11:47pm

↳ Barbara Branca @11:46
thank barbara, one of my favorite songs that I've written
Avatar 11:48pm

↳ Song: "No Mo" by "Afua Danso"
Love that NO MO! What cool grooves!!
Avatar 11:49pm

↳ LeoIRodriguez @11:47
That version was Karen Schleifler on vocals, Yasuhiko Fukuoko on keys, Elliott Klein on Guitar and funnily enough the harmonica was played by this random dude who thought it was a jam session!! Love New York City Venues!!
Avatar 11:50pm

Ft Greene Jazz Fest at 333.Lounge this Sat. 10/7 3pm SHARP! 333 Flatbush Ave. We gon play NO MO and have Afua for 2 full sets!! BROOKLYN!! Wait til you here YES I’m a Goddess!!
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 11:51pm
Beneath the Underground:

Hey Barbara, here’s an article/review of Anne’s album Sciamchy: sensitiveskinmagazine.com...
Avatar 11:52pm

So LEO IR is also a songwriter not just a pretty face? 40 days performance was amazing

fun city.. haha.. dig
Avatar 11:53pm

↳ TuXXXy @11:52
www.leoignaciorodriguez.com if you wanna check it out -
Barbara Branca:

This was a great show. Thanks for the links Leo and John. I alternately danced and tranced. lol. Love you guys.
Avatar 11:59pm

↳ LeoIRodriguez @11:49
from my show BROKEN MOMENTS: A BAR MUSICAL off off off OFF Broadway production in the Lower East Side at the former TAMMANY HALL Bar on Orchard/Rivington 2014
Avatar 12:00am

GREAT SHOW!!! Knocked it out of the park AGAIN! XOXOX See you all next week
Avatar 12:03am

↳ LeoIRodriguez @11:53
Thank you LEO!! Imma check out LIR!! Afua Danso is well represented on YouTube, as is Kentucky Parkis, Yours Truly!!
Avatar 12:04am

Dynamic Duo!!
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 12:05am
Beneath the Underground:

Thank you, Tucky 🌹
Avatar 🌃 Swag For Life Member 12:06am
Beneath the Underground:

Have a killing week, everyone. Punch a fascist!
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