'til The End Of Time
"'til The End Of Time" by "Gino Washington"
The Soul Survivors
Expressway To Your Heart
"Expressway To Your Heart" by "The Soul Survivors"
The Spellbinders
For You
"For You" by "The Spellbinders"
Dottie Campbell
He's about a Mover
"He's about a Mover" by "Dottie Campbell"
Gotta Get Away
"Gotta Get Away" by "Impressions"
Ridin' High
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon everyone! It's a cloudy day here in New York City with a temperature of 62 degrees and a humidity of 60 percent. So, if you're out and about, make sure you bring a light jacket!
The Hawks
"I-YI" by "The Hawks"
The Falcons
I Found A Love
"I Found A Love" by "The Falcons"
Help Wanted
"Help Wanted" by "Volcanos"
A Lady's Man / Help Wanted
Music behind DJ:
the Electric Flag, an American Music Band
Peter's Trip
"Peter's Trip" by "the Electric Flag, an American ...
Back announcing the set
Little Anthony & The Imperials
Better Use Your Head
"Better Use Your Head" by "Little Anthony & The Im...
Little Anthony & The Imperials
Oscar Mack
Don't Be Afraid Of Love
"Don't Be Afraid Of Love" by "Oscar Mack"
The Minits
Last Mile Of The Way
"Last Mile Of The Way" by "The Minits"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon everyone! It's a cloudy day here in NYC with a temperature of 62 degrees and a humidity of 60 percent. So, don't forget to grab your umbrella if you're heading out!
The Dodgers
Drip Drop
"Drip Drop" by "The Dodgers"
Bob & Gene
Which Love
"Which Love" by "Bob & Gene"
Timmie Shaw
Gonna Send You Back To Georgia
"Gonna Send You Back To Georgia" by "Timmie Shaw"
Music behind DJ:
Music For My Mother (Instrumental)
"Music For My Mother (Instrumental)" by "Funkadelic"
Back announcing the set
Al Garner
I'll Get Along Without You
"I'll Get Along Without You" by "Al Garner"
Don Covay
You Must Believe in Me
"You Must Believe in Me" by "Don Covay"
You Can't Run Away from Me
"You Can't Run Away from Me" by "Wanderers"
You Can't Run Away From Me / I'll Know
Eddie Kirk
The Hawg, Part One
"The Hawg, Part One" by "Eddie Kirk"
Bobby Mandolph
Gotta Get You Back
"Gotta Get You Back" by "Bobby Mandolph"
Northern Soul Fever 2b
Music behind DJ:
The Bunny
"badlittleloop" by "The Bunny"
Back announcing the set
Victor Knight
"Chinatown" by "Victor Knight"
Chinatown / Velvet Mood
The Lovin' Spoonful
Full Measure (instrumental version)
"Full Measure (instrumental version)" by "The Lovi...
Big Daddy Rucker
He Made You Mine
"He Made You Mine" by "Big Daddy Rucker"
The Volumes
I Can't Live Without You
"I Can't Live Without You" by "The Volumes"
Let's Kiss and Make Up
"Let's Kiss and Make Up" by "Falcons"
Ruth Brown
Oh, What A Dream
"Oh, What A Dream" by "Ruth Brown"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon everyone, it's a cloudy day here in the Big Apple with a temperature of 62 degrees and a humidity of 58 percent. So if you're out and about, don't forget to bring an umbrella!
I Ain't Comin' Back
"I Ain't Comin' Back" by "Orlons"
Come On Down Baby Baby
Little Bob & The Lollipops
Please Don't Leave
"Please Don't Leave" by "Little Bob & The Lollipops"
The Dubs
This I Swear
"This I Swear" by "The Dubs"
Music behind DJ:
Brian Auger
The In Crowd
"The In Crowd" by "Brian Auger"
Back announcing the set
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
Humble Me
"Humble Me" by "Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings"
Debbie Taylor
Don't Let It End
"Don't Let It End" by "Debbie Taylor"
A Northern Affair
My Sweet Baby
"My Sweet Baby" by "Puzzles"
I Need You / My Sweet Baby
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon, everyone! It's a cloudy day here in New York City, with a temperature of 63 degrees and a humidity of 56 percent. So, if you're planning on heading out, make sure to bring a light jacket!
Clarence Ashe
Troubles I've Had
"Troubles I've Had" by "Clarence Ashe"
The Five Notes
You Are So Beautiful
"You Are So Beautiful" by "The Five Notes"
No Tears
"No Tears" by "Tonettes"
Music behind DJ:
Black Sand
"Black Sand" by "Brainticket"
Back announcing the set
Patty & the Emblems
and we danced
"and we danced" by "Patty & the Emblems"
The Altons
Over & Over
"Over & Over" by "The Altons"
James Hunter
Drop On Me
"Drop On Me" by "James Hunter"
Eddie Floyd
Knock On Wood
"Knock On Wood" by "Eddie Floyd"
Music behind DJ:
The Tornadoes
Alan's Tune
"Alan's Tune" by "The Tornadoes"
Back announcing the set
The Isley Brothers
I Guess I'll Always Love You
"I Guess I'll Always Love You" by "The Isley Broth...
The Creation
Sylvette (backing track)
"Sylvette (backing track)" by "The Creation"
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