OH MY GOD!!! DTL is the fucking MAN... And he'll be here to do a live set on Januaray 6th!!! MARK IT ON YOUR CALENDERS NOW!!!
Dj C (featuring wayne lonesome)
who wah seek war
"who wah seek war" by "Dj C (featuring wayne lones...
mashit 003
Oh yeah, we need more Banjo in Beakcore
Violent holiday (Octopus inc. remix)
summer slalom
"summer slalom" by "Violent holiday (Octopus inc. ...
suburban trash
The return of Violent Holiday, I played him a while ago... He's from Japan!
track 1
"track 1" by "Moblin"
The man with the crazy hip hop glitiched up shit is back, yo
Gentle giant
the whole fucking album is brilliant
"the whole fucking album is brilliant" by "Gentle ...
Pretentious for the sake of it
Oh yes, Prog Rock fans, the day of justification is Neigh! Gentle Giant will show us the way!!!
"m15" by "Recon"
white label
highpoint lowlife
Weird industrial noise techno shit from the UK... Somehow it maintains an odd warmth... Cool!
Emotional joystick
get down!
"get down!" by "Emotional joystick"
Long time AD&D friend, and massively respected artsist EJ returns with a preview form his new album!!
Track 1
"Track 1" by "Diazo"
From LA??? Good stuff!
Ocean (aaron spectrte remix)
"Ocean (aaron spectrte remix)" by "Aarktica"
moonbunny 001
moonbunny 001/CDR
Beatuiful and really nicely made... I dig the vocals too... Super nice!
The readymades
this world will break your heart
"this world will break your heart" by "The readyma...
play their hearts out
play their hearts out
A CDR full of processed love songs, nice stuff guys!
Sun / hrvatski
sleepin hrvatski remix sun
"sleepin hrvatski remix sun" by "Sun / hrvatski"
remix sun (disk 2)
Oh Hrvatski.. why have you forsaken us? The world needs your brand of Insane Breakbeat Insanity... Well, at least you delivered this folk-rock gem to us at least...
Arse destroyer
a bunch of tracks
"a bunch of tracks" by "Arse destroyer"
triple shocks!!! Freak noise show!!!
Harshit /meatbox records
OK, so with all that soft shit, I figured I had to end with some BRUTALITY!!! AHH!!!!! The next 10 minuetes are all fucked around with on my computer...
Noise kills punk dead
"Noise kills punk dead"
opulence records
MOre computer fucking and brutality!!! AHH!!
Some noise on my computer…
"Some noise on my computer…"
Some noise on my computer…
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