Favoriting Music Of Mind Control with Micah: Playlist from October 24, 2023 Favoriting

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An exploration into the musical output of religious cults, new religious movements, and individuals of a spiritually inspired and divine nature.

Tuesday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting October 24, 2023: Live Guest Christina Ward, author of Holy Food
Christina Ward joins Micah as an in-studio guest on Music of Mind Control to talk about her latest book, Holy Food. Holy Food explores the influence of mainstream to fringe religious beliefs on modern American food culture. Author Christina Ward unravels the numerous ways religious beliefs intersect with politics and economics and, of course, food to tell a different story of America. It's the story of true believers and charlatans, of idealists and visionaries, and of the everyday people who followed them - often at their peril.

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Comments Approx. start time
Billy Hodes  Essen   Favoriting   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Chicago Blues Dance Orchestra  House of David Blues   Favoriting   0:04:09 (Pop-up)
Rosebud Choir  We Belong to god   Favoriting Father Divine  0:27:47 (Pop-up)
New Creation  Fish Song   Favoriting Nation of Islam  0:29:38 (Pop-up)
Gurutrang Singh  Yogi Tea   Favoriting 3HO  0:47:17 (Pop-up)
Fire Water Air  Food For the Hungry   Favoriting The Source Family  0:50:09 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

hey now. think i'll have wheateena for dinner.
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

Some rap! It's been awhile!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
Handy Haversack:

Chimingly, I have to go start cooking now. How much starseed do I put on the hen's tears? I know it has to be incubated by a rooster under a dung heap for forty nights to produce the cockatrice that was promised.

Hello, Micah, all.

Hi Micah and minders!

Jose Ginsburg. As a cultist, HE AIN'T A JEW
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

Ah, the calming bleep bloops. Hello all.
  💆 Swag For Life Member 7:06pm
Sean T-Rex:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06pm

Are we going to hear the Menu Song from Electric Company?

As a Jew I am offended. I do wanna hear about food culture. And te culture of food.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:09pm
Threemoons πŸŒ›πŸŒ•πŸŒœ:

Greets all. Still working away out here....
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:10pm

music of portion control.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10pm
Threemoons πŸŒ›πŸŒ•πŸŒœ:

Hrm, where is my badge?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10pm
Threemoons πŸŒ›πŸŒ•πŸŒœ:

Aah there we go. Back to work...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Well ...long had this notion that Cults tend to Do One Thing Well. The HareKrishnas made good food - so&so made good incense...

Taco Tuesday!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:12pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Mormons do Genealogy...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:12pm
tom tom the pipers son:

*ess*a-bagel (nyc) from essen?
  💆 Swag For Life Member 7:13pm
Sean T-Rex:

↳ Purvis @7:12
As holy as it gets!

I love food, too! And cats!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...*real* Religion of the USA being Productivity (Work Ethic) - perhaps...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:14pm
Threemoons πŸŒ›πŸŒ•πŸŒœ:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @7:13
More like wage slavery
Avatar 7:15pm

↳ @7:13
Mmm cat food
  💆 Swag For Life Member 7:15pm
Sean T-Rex:

Oh, they look badass.
Avatar 7:18pm

Oh yeah there were vegan Seventh Day Adventist eateries in NYC in the early '90s. All-you-can-eat buffet on Sundays.
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:18pm

That's (purity talk) how we got breakfast cereal (corn flakes originally)...food with taste leads to sin
  💆 Swag For Life Member 7:18pm
Sean T-Rex:

↳ Roberto @7:15
Cat food comes in cans.
I love a good canned fish thi
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:19pm
Kat in the chat:

I thought that typeface looked familiar. Kellogg's!
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:19pm

They believed constipation was god's punishment for eating meat.
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:20pm

i could use a good physic right about now.
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:20pm

Wow Kellogg's
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:21pm
The Butterman:

Protein loaf. I’m gunna call someone a protein loaf next time I’m required to insult someone.
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:21pm

By that logic pepper x is the ultimate aphrodisiac after the hours of burning leading into cramps.
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Doritos is an appetizer of the devil.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22pm
tom tom the pipers son:

northern europeans prejudice against spicier southern meditereanos
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22pm
tom tom the pipers son:


For later reading :

"Holy Food
How Cults, Communes, and Religious Movements Influenced What We Eat ? An American History
By Christina Ward """



"The religious sect that became baseball's answer to the Harlem Globetrotters"

Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:23pm

someone told me today that artificial raspberry flavor is derived from beaver anal glands. the internets concur.
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:24pm
chris in the redwoods:

strawberry short cake and sex are indeed good things.
hi, micah and everyone!
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:24pm
The Butterman:

Fuckin’ stouffers took their Welsh rarebit out of stores. Used to love that! Can’t find it.
listener annie:

i worked for a dairy farm family, they were avid followers of kellogg. suffice to say, they echewed the anti-kelloogg flyers i left in their offices.
Joe M:

Sex AND strawberries! WOW
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:26pm

those angelfood cake-like cups that used to be sold for strawberry shortcake are an abomination. they got soggy to quickly.
Avatar 7:29pm

spent my 20s eating free lunch at the Hare Krishna joint in our hip suburb in the 90s. it was freaking delicious.
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↳ laurapanic @7:29
sounds amazing.
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:30pm
chris in the redwoods:

when i began working in downtown Oakland, there was a Black Muslim Bakery. angry/serious folks (and rightly so). made great bread, though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:31pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yerknow ...when I was homeless for a time in SantaBarbara - going to a Mission to get a meal - you were a captive audience & first usually had to get 'ear banged' we called it (sit thru some Preaching). We all reckoned it was a ploy to keep us off the streets longer... So this is pretty close to home (or homeless) as it happens... (My way around it was to read the Bible for myself during it. Which they 'could not' complain about...)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

In keeping with a lot of the current thinking about Healthy Food
...except - spices & herbs now generally considered very beneficial.
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:33pm

I remember eating textured soy protein as a snack, in the 70s
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:34pm
Kat in the chat:

↳ Song: "Fish Song" by "New Creation"
Best thing I've heard today
Avatar 7:34pm

↳ Song: "Fish Song" by "New Creation"
are they telling me to be e-fish-ient? "If you're efficient now?"
I dunno
listener annie:

@RR: when i was growing up in 60s Long island, i was abel to choose the sunday service of our episcopal church or go to sunday school.. i opted to stay for the service and just read the hymnal, etc...
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:35pm
chris in the redwoods:

↳ Kat in the chat @7:34
that was great, right? :)
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GReat guest and interview Micah

Pledge $100.00 and get 3 T-Shirts or other stuff
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greetings, Micah! Starseeds!

and Christina! i gotta get your book -- sounds fascinating! 😺😺

i had been going in the vegetarian direction since the mid-1980s -- and i finally went totally vegan around 2000/2001, primarily for animal liberation reasons -- but certainly for not any "religion"! and true, regarding food purity, etc. -- for me, bc i was looking at ingredients labels, it was like a crash course in what is REALLY in your food! and over the years, i have learned that a good number of cults and/or religions *require* a vegetarian or vegan diet
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:37pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ listener annie @7:34
So you know.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40pm
Handy Haversack:

↳ laurapanic @7:29
Yeah, the main HK temple was right by my high school. So tasty.

Great discussion!

SWEDENBORGIANS!! I have been studying one person who was influenced by the New Church. She’s specific about meat habits. The current pastor of the 1st church in DC has some good videos about the history up on the YT.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:45pm
Mr. Corey LLC:

Almost all of humans throughout the history of civilization have been "low level" drunk until very recently.

Wasn't Baker a Marine?
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:48pm

Avatar 7:48pm

This is all delightfully horrifying. Thank you.
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:48pm

↳ Mr. Corey LLC @7:45
That explains a lot!
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:49pm

little early for alice's restaurant this year.
Avatar 7:50pm

chug! chug! chug!
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:50pm

I used to drink yogi tea
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:50pm

I had never heard this before.

And strangely, I responded to an inquiry on behalf of the Yogi B archives. There are tapes. Lots of tapes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Indeed all very informative !
Overall the 'New World' a canvas for Seekers to project the Old World's Edenic conceptions onto it...
The USA being founded by a few Post-Enlightenment rich white males ...but also a mass of Pilgrims & Puritans & the like for whom England ~ Europe were not Religiously Fanatic *enuff*...& this is just in the DNA (so to speak) of what the USA is. They put Separation of Church & State into the Constitution cause they'd seen centuries of Inquisitions & Civil Wars in Europe ...but Europeans look @ the Religion in our Politics & think we're insane. Right ?...
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(Murakami Whywolf))):

Cool! He rhymed 'tea' with 'tea'β€”with the Divine all things truly _are_ possible!
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:53pm

↳ Song: "Food For the Hungry" by "Fire Water Air"
this had promise until tone deaf dude started singing.
Avatar 7:53pm

↳ chresti @7:50
hi chresti!
me too! i think there were cereals too?
i loved those, but i had NO idea about crazy cult stuff at the time
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:53pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Had plenty of Yogi tea. Liked the product a lot. Mortified to think I paid creeps for it...
Avatar 7:53pm

↳ Song: "Food For the Hungry" by "Fire Water Air"
Steve Winwood/Traffic wannabe???
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

I prefer it homemade but i have bought the bulk, chunky
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:55pm
chris in the redwoods:

↳ Song: "Food For the Hungry" by "Fire Water Air"
best cult music ever? maybe.
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:55pm

↳ Song: "Food For the Hungry" by "Fire Water Air"
The source guy liked to cruise around sunset blvd in his rolls royce
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:57pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ slugluv1313 @7:53
Right ? Source Family ...a long complicated involvement with Music ...were they the Boston ~ East Coast answer to the Manson Family (as in the Astral Weeks book) ...not as intensely centralized / over with what they were ?? Or was that another 'Brotherhood' ...Oh yeah, Sky Saxon. He was Left Coast. So maybe not...
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:57pm

had potato chips with the sour cream and lipton french onion soup mix dip this past weekend. hadn't had it in like 40 years. really freaking good.
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:57pm

Great show! Thanks

The zen diet!

What an eye opening show! I want to learn more…

The surprising afterlife of a ’70s L.A. cult: How the Source Family became hot IP in 2023

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @7:57
- no okay - I'm thinking of :
' Melvin James Lyman was an American musician and writer, and the founder of the Fort Hill Community, which has been variously described as a family, commune, or cult. '
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:59pm
Kat in the chat:

↳ dale @7:57
it's good on a baked potato!

The Real Johnny Appleseed

Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:59pm

Lithuanian possibly?
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:59pm

thanks micah. thanks special guest author christina ward with the perfect radio voice.
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 7:59pm
Kat in the chat:

Wow what an excellent hour
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 8:00pm
chris in the redwoods:

thanks, Micah and Christina!

Great Show !!!! As always..
Avatar 💆 Swag For Life Member 8:00pm

↳ Kat in the chat @7:59
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Sprout girl
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Thank you

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @7:57
Thanks for a fascinating show, Micah and Christina!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY Micah & Ms. Ward ~
Avatar 8:00pm

amazing show, and interview -- thanks so much, Micah and Christina!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ dale @7:59
Yes - an Author with a good 'radio voice' !
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