Favoriting If You Lose Your Horse with Sam Segal: Playlist from November 1, 2023 Favoriting

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A true disrupter within the freeform internet-radio market, If You Lose Your Horse creates a space for smart consumers to experience a game-changing digital audio brand.

Wednesday 10pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting November 1, 2023: When the Moon Was the Blind Eye of the Horse

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Actress  Its me ( g 8 )   Favoriting LXXXVIII  Ninja Tune  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Eli Escobar  Intro   Favoriting The Beach Album  Off Track  0:06:16 (Pop-up)
Eli Escobar  Daywun   Favoriting The Beach Album  Off Track  0:06:22 (Pop-up)
John Zorn  Stirrings, Still   Favoriting Nothing Is as Real as Nothing  Tzadik  0:17:04 (Pop-up)
Airto Moreira  Wind Chant   Favoriting Fingers  CTI  0:22:39 (Pop-up)
Anamaría Oramas, Santiago Sandoval  Flor de Limón   Favoriting Ramas Lejanas  In-Correcto  0:28:12 (Pop-up)
Jah Lloyd  Sound of Compassion   Favoriting Dread Lion Dub  His Majesty  0:32:29 (Pop-up)
Sonic Boom, Panda Bear, Adrian Sherwood  Everything’s Been Leading To This Dub   Favoriting Reset in Dub  Domino  0:35:40 (Pop-up)
Saint Abdullah & Eomac  Lonely Is Our Non-Existent House Yard   Favoriting Chasing Stateless  Planet Mu  0:41:10 (Pop-up)
Luiza Lian  Deságua   Favoriting 7 Estrelas | quem arrancou o céu?  ZZK  0:44:22 (Pop-up)
Ricardo Dias Gomes  Morrerei Por Isso   Favoriting Muito Sol  Hive Mind  0:54:02 (Pop-up)
Thinking Fellers Union Local 282  Strange Mail   Favoriting These Things Remain Unassigned (singles, compilation tracks, rarities & unreleased recordings)  Bulbous Monocle  0:57:14 (Pop-up)
Datashock  Zu viel Zeit, zu wenig Möglichkeiten   Favoriting Geltungsbereich Universum  Bureau B  1:01:25 (Pop-up)
Saint Abdullah & Jason Nazary  Insistently, Mystically   Favoriting Evicted In The Morning  Disciples  1:06:42 (Pop-up)
Don Byas  Free and Easy   Favoriting Savoy Jam Party: The Savoy Sessions  Savoy  1:10:48 (Pop-up)
The Angelica Sanchez Nonet  Run   Favoriting Nighttime Creatures  Pyroclastic  1:15:57 (Pop-up)
Vilhelm Bromander  Blommor och bröd   Favoriting In this forever unfolding moment  Thanatosis  1:24:48 (Pop-up)
Eyvind Kang  The Story of Iceland: Sweetness of Candy   Favoriting The Story of Iceland  Tzadik  1:31:59 (Pop-up)
Aaron Diehl and The Knights  Libra   Favoriting Zodiac Suite  Mack Avenue  1:35:04 (Pop-up)
Nataniel Edelman Trio feat. Michael Formanek & Michaël Attias  Un Recuerdo Nuevo   Favoriting Un Ruido de Agua  Clean Feed  1:38:48 (Pop-up)
Noël Akchoté  Rabbi Akiba, 1a. (1963), (Alternate)   Favoriting Morton For Guitar #D : Actual Works (1950-1972, Opus Feldman Series).  Self-Released  1:47:36 (Pop-up)
Marc Codsi  The Exit (Arabesque IV)   Favoriting Songs from the Aftermath  Discrepant  1:49:44 (Pop-up)
Alexander Barantschik, John Adey  Suite for violin and piano, op.6 (1934-1935) - III. Lullaby: Lento tranquillo   Favoriting Benjamin Britten: The Collector's Edition, Vol. 14  EMI Classics  1:54:20 (Pop-up)

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Entire front of block razed back in 2020, and vacant since, for the sake of a 67-unit development which may soon be actually starting: www.pincusco.com... ... Can't say I can really mourn / complain in this case, given the poor use of density of lots such as the one pictured. Gotta pick your battles.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:01pm
DJ Peter:

Pony up!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02pm
tom tom the pipers son:

hello sam, people...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:03pm

It is later than I think
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06pm
tom tom the pipers son:

like how ghostly that image looks, reminds me of this...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:08pm

This Eli Escobar…ya got ta!

↳ tom tom the pipers son @10:06
Might as well be that old, given how much the neighborhood has changed
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15pm
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ headcleaner @10:12
ha! can you still get a jelly donut on manhattan ave, saw staropolski is no longer there...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:17pm
tom tom the pipers son:

@sam, seems like tzadik moving to streaming ia analogous to stone moving from ave. c to new school.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:18pm

hi everyone!

would've never guessed this was John Zorn
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18pm
tom tom the pipers son:

stirrings still is a samuel beckett title
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18pm
Sam Segal:

↳ headcleaner @9:57
1032 Manhattan Avenue isn’t a hill we need to die on. Thank you for being here, headcleaner!

You talking about the new feature of Tzadik streaming of its entire catalog? I mean, I don't stream all that much. I find the medium unsatisfying. But, fuck, yeah, give that to the people, even at a cost. Do not let it languish. Books don't languish. They burn and succumb to flooding, but they themselves do not disappear.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:18pm
Sam Segal:

↳ DJ Peter @10:01
DJ Peter! Let’s ride!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19pm
Sam Segal:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @10:02
Good to see ya, tom tom!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19pm
Sam Segal:

↳ Bobby @10:08
Say what?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:20pm

i listened to 4 zorn albums today- the hierophant, ahambra love songs, flaga (craig taborn, christian mcbride, tyshawn sorey playing masada tunes!), and Homenaje A Remedios Varo (another lage project).

hey DJ SS, and folks ✌️
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:21pm
Sam Segal:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @10:17
Good comparison, in that moving to the New School has possibly helped maintain the stability of the overall operation, while also taking away some autonomy from Zorn/the artists.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:21pm
Sam Segal:

↳ pot8o @10:18
Good to see you, pot8to!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22pm
Sam Segal:

↳ zzz @10:20
So much Zorn to listen to. Impossible to keep up, but I try!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22pm

↳ Dean @10:18
agreed. also, i am a zorn freak for at a long time and my purchasing of his new stuff has almost stopped. now i am streaming, and that will definitely become some purchases. also yes SS, have been seeing some musicians seemingly happy to have their tzadik recordings out for (more) public listening
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22pm
Sam Segal:

↳ Dean @10:18
“Give that to the people” is an attitude I can certainly get down with
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23pm

greetings Sam
-for a moment
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Hi valley of the lost horses!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24pm
Sam Segal:

↳ coelacanth∅ @10:23
Good to have you along for however long, Coel!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24pm
Sam Segal:

↳ chresti @10:24
Oh so they’re just in a valley somewhere? If only we knew where!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:25pm

↳ Sam Segal @10:22
a day like today is rare for me, but i saw an incredible zorn @ 70 show a couple weeks ago (new masada and simulacrum double bill), and am wanting to buy some tzadik cds and also send some $$ towards downtown music gallery so was doing “research.”
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:26pm

I’m psyching myself up to go outside and feed cats0!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:26pm
Sam Segal:

↳ chresti @10:26
Got a cat colony out there, Chresti?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27pm
Sam Segal:

↳ zzz @10:25
Yeah, I hope this doesn’t hurt DMG too bad when the store is already struggling. Maybe it’ll even help them, as your story suggests.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:33pm

A roving cat colony

DMG offers so much more than Tzadik.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:34pm
Sam Segal:

Yeah, they certainly do.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:34pm

↳ Song: "Sound of Compassion" by "Jah Lloyd"
so good
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:38pm
Sam Segal:

Glad you dug that one, zzz!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40pm

↳ Song: "Everything’s Been Leading To This Dub" by "Sonic ...
also liking this a lot. want to dig deeper into Adrian Sherwood. just heard the Singers & Players albums for the first time recently. lots of killer stuff on those. Bedward the Flying Preacher is completely insane track
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:41pm

I petted a bodega cat for too long today and the lady at the register eventually lost patience and asked me to leave her store. I'd even bought something. Why so rude? Their cat Mango is very sweet but bye-bye Mango, guess I won't be stopping by to pet you anymore, sheesh!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:42pm
Sam Segal:

↳ zzz @10:40
Need to check out that album and track. Sherwood’s catalog is so deep. I love all of these dub remixes he did of the new Panda Bear & Sonic Boom album.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43pm
Sam Segal:

↳ Ike @10:41
Wow, that is rude! I feel like as long as the cat is into it, there’s no harm.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45pm
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Song: "Everything’s Been Leading To This Dub" by "Sonic ...
would i be right in saying that a touchstone influence on panda bear is brian wilson? i think it goes to show that wilson's inluence can be intrinstic and not imitations of style
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46pm
Sam Segal:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @10:45
You would absolutely be right about that. Pretty sure Panda Bear is a huge Brian Wilson fan.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55pm
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Sam Segal @10:46
in the mid 90's when pet sounds boxed set came out, i discovered pet sounds and listened to nothing but that for a whole year, excluding wfmu. i feel it taught me how to listen to and appreciate all types of music internally and in terms of musical space and form, though i hardly listen to beach boys anymore
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:57pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:57pm

↳ tom tom the pipers son @10:55
that’s a lot of Pet Sounds tom tom!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58pm
Sam Segal:

↳ Manta @10:57
Good to see ya, Manta!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58pm
Sam Segal:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @10:55
I do love the idea of just listening to one album for a year (+ WFMU of course).
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:58pm

↳ Ike @10:41
Aw that’s sad! How long were you there? Maybe she was jealous?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59pm
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ zzz @10:57
i didn't tire of it, but it's not like i'm still listening to it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:59pm

Hello Sam, drummer streamers all.

Me? I prefer listening to music externally.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:00pm
Sam Segal:

↳ WR @10:59
Evening’s greetings, WR!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:00pm

I prefer to listen to music eternally
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02pm

↳ Song: "Strange Mail" by "Thinking Fellers Union Local 282"
here is a band i definitely learned about because ryley walker put out a bootleg tshirt

A few times I've listened to music through colostomy bags. You know, ear pods.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02pm

↳ chresti @11:00
nice chresti
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03pm
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Dean @10:59
well you listen with your ears but the effects are harder to pin down
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:04pm
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ zzz @11:02
thinkin fellers were/are a favorite
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05pm
Sam Segal:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @11:04
That odds and ends comp has some fun tracks. Such a great band.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:06pm
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Sam Segal @11:05
yes, i was not familiar with the song you played
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:07pm

↳ Sam Segal @10:58
Happy to be here! I'll catch the firsr hour on the archives. Day of the dead celebrations in the works.
Avatar 11:11pm

had to take a nap..missed a lot...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:11pm

↳ zzz @11:02
Thankszzz! C’est vrai!
Avatar 11:12pm

↳ Manta @11:07
I was just talking to an old Mexican friend. He just moved from CDMex to Mty, as he was tired of Mexico City. But, he said Mty isn't much of an improvement. I told him to look int'l (as he has the talent to live anywhere).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:13pm
tom tom the pipers son:

had to look up moglichkeiten...possibilities
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:16pm
Sam Segal:

↳ northguineahills @11:11
Good to have you in all your post nap glory, NGH!
Avatar 11:18pm

↳ headcleaner @9:57
i was going to say, wasn't that a new behemoth they just put up. (it looked ready to move into last month)

Fine stuff, Sam. Am about to float off. BTW the Ukrainian word for horse is кінь and is pronounced very much like the English word "keen", but with the "k" sound slightly aspirated, a touch more falsetto in the vowel, and you linger a bit on (and nasalize somewhat) the final "n" sound. Just saying.
Avatar 11:21pm

nonet be nice!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:22pm
tom tom the pipers son:

no, no nonet

Not MOG, but MEUHG
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:22pm

↳ northguineahills @11:12
Yeah MTY is like moving to Texas basically. Big big change vs CDMX
Avatar 11:23pm

↳ tom tom the pipers son @11:22
i didn't guten tag you!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24pm

↳ Sam Segal @10:43
Mango jumped up onto me and climbed up on my shoulder. She was being ridiculously affectionate. It was kind of weird now that I think about it. They're taking her to get spayed soon. Maybe Mango is in heat? It was weird. Maybe I needed to emphasize to the proprietor that I'm not a cat and thus there's no chance of me getting Mango pregnant.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:24pm
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ northguineahills @11:23
guten tag! you're it!
Avatar 11:26pm

↳ Manta @11:22
I liked mty when the old downtown was still intact before the Zetas messed it up around 2009.... (not sure if it's bounced back since). tbf, he went to ITESM (which it seems like most of my mexican friends did their undergrad).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:27pm

I'm hearing near silence, very very low volume....is that the plan?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:27pm
Sam Segal:

↳ headcleaner @11:20
Thank you for sharing this horse knowledge. Sleep well, headcleaner!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28pm

I guess it is forever unfolding, hearing more now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:29pm
Sam Segal:

Yeah this track is mixed pretty low. Gets louder as it goes on!
Avatar 11:31pm

↳ Song: "Blommor och bröd" by "Vilhelm Bromander"
new to me, and digdug!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31pm
Sam Segal:

Glad you liked it too, NGH.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:32pm
tom tom the pipers son:

blommor och brod...flowers and bridge
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:33pm

↳ Song: "Blommor och bröd" by "Vilhelm Bromander"
wow yes definitely want to spend more time with this
Avatar 11:34pm

↳ Song: "The Story of Iceland: Sweetness of Candy" by "Eyv...
Eyvind Kang! I heart his Tzadik recs!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:39pm
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Song: "Libra" by "Aaron Diehl and The Knights"
this is somewhere between gershwin and hollywood
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:42pm
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @11:39
didn't realize this was new, diehl, born 1985
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:45pm

↳ tom tom the pipers son @11:42
agreed, I thought Sam had gone back to some Don Byas adjacent performers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:45pm
Sam Segal:

Zodiac Suite originally composed in 1945 by Mary Lou Williams.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:46pm
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Sam Segal @11:45
ah, thx
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:47pm

↳ northguineahills @11:26
I did my undergrad there too, the trend continues!
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↳ Manta @11:47
Avatar 11:48pm

↳ Manta @11:47
as did my ex...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:49pm
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Song: "Rabbi Akiba, 1a. (1963), (Alternate)" by "Noël Ak...
morton feldman...?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50pm

↳ Song: "Rabbi Akiba, 1a. (1963), (Alternate)" by "Noël Ak...
I guess before bc implodes I should buy the Akchoté discography for the bargain price he has been offering.
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↳ Song: "Rabbi Akiba, 1a. (1963), (Alternate)" by "Noël Ak...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50pm
Sam Segal:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @11:49
That very Feldman!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:51pm

↳ tom tom the pipers son @11:49
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54pm
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Sam Segal @11:50
thx wr, sam ngh...saw feldman play a very abrasive tape piece, iirc was titled beckett, haven it seen any evidence of it since
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:54pm

↳ Song: "The Exit (Arabesque IV)" by "Marc Codsi"
Love this! Thanks Sam!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:54pm

thanks Sam! have a great week everyone!
Avatar 11:55pm

thanks sam! still undecided on letting my mount wander off...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56pm
tom tom the pipers son:

thanks, sam...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57pm

thanks much Sam, goodnight all ✌️
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:57pm

Good show we like it thank you
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59pm

Thank you! Sam! Laters all.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:02am

thanks, Sam!! g'night y'all! here's to a better November for us all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:32am

Couldn't log on yesterday (things a bit crazy at the home), dug the show this morning (the Zorn is great-it's pre-release, and I have more Zorn than any sane person needs, but very tempting...)
Thanks, Sam!
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