Run For Your Life
"Run For Your Life" by "Luther Ingram"
Run For Your Life
I've Got A Girl (Who Looks Like A Queen)
"I've Got A Girl (Who Looks Like A Queen)" by "Lyr...
The Goldwax Story Volume 3
Major Lance
Ain't No Soul (Left In These Old Shoes)
"Ain't No Soul (Left In These Old Shoes)" by "Majo...
Major Lance's Greatest Hits Recorded Live At The Torch
I Do
"I Do" by "Marvelows"
The Mighty Marvelows
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon, everyone! It's a beautiful day here in the Big Apple. The temperature is a cool 54 degrees, and the humidity is a comfortable 44 percent. So grab your sunglasses and get out there and enjoy the sunshine!
Marie Knight
You Lie So Well
"You Lie So Well" by "Marie Knight"
That's No Way To Treat A Girl **Long Version** / You Lie So Well
Marion Sodd
Permanent Vacation
"Permanent Vacation" by "Marion Sodd"
Enough for Everyone / Permanent Vacation
Eddie Ray
You Got Me
"You Got Me" by "Eddie Ray"
You Really Got Me
Music behind DJ:
The Bunny
"trainloop" by "The Bunny"
Back announcing the set
Little Joe Cook
I'm Falling In Love With You Baby
"I'm Falling In Love With You Baby" by "Little Joe...
Love's What You Need
"Love's What You Need" by "Marissa Gatti"
Detroit Dynamite
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon everyone! It's a beautiful day here in New York City with clear skies and a temperature of 54 degrees. The humidity is at a comfortable 43 percent. So get out there and enjoy this beautiful day!
Mark Loyd
When I'm Gonna Find Her
"When I'm Gonna Find Her" by "Mark Loyd"
Rufus Thomas
Sister's Got A Boyfriend
"Sister's Got A Boyfriend" by "Rufus Thomas"
Something's Burnin'
"Something's Burnin'" by "Marvellos"
Something's Burnin' / We Go Together
Music behind DJ:
The Shadows
"36-24-36" by "The Shadows"
Back announcing the set
Carla Thomas
"B-A-B-Y" by "Carla Thomas"
Whot's Happenin'!
"Whot's Happenin'!" by "Mar-Keys"
The Dodgers
Drip Drop
"Drip Drop" by "The Dodgers"
Garland Green
Forty Days & Nights
"Forty Days & Nights" by "Garland Green"
Girl I Love You / It Rained Forty Days And Nights
Sam & Dave
Soul Man
"Soul Man" by "Sam & Dave"
Music behind DJ:
The Beach Boys
Little Saint Nick
"Little Saint Nick" by "The Beach Boys"
Back announcing the set
Brian Auger
The In Crowd
"The In Crowd" by "Brian Auger"
I Got It
"I Got It" by "Masqueraders"
The Masqueraders
Master Four
Love From The Far East
"Love From The Far East" by "Master Four"
Love From The Far East
Maurice McAlister
I'd Rather Do It Myself
"I'd Rather Do It Myself" by "Maurice McAlister"
Baby Hang On / I'd Rather Do It Myself
Maxine Brown
Sugar Dumplin'
"Sugar Dumplin'" by "Maxine Brown"
Out Of Sight
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon, everyone! It's a beautiful day here in New York City with a cool 54 degrees and a comfortable 42 percent humidity. So get out and enjoy the sunshine!
Dennis Coffey
Getting It On
"Getting It On" by "Dennis Coffey"
Mike and Ray
If You Only Knew
"If You Only Knew" by "Mike and Ray"
If Only You Knew
I'm a Whole New Thing
"I'm a Whole New Thing" by "Mirettes"
I'm A Whole New Thing / First Love
The Soul Survivors
Expressway To Your Heart
"Expressway To Your Heart" by "The Soul Survivors"
Music behind DJ:
The Bunny
"howdoesitloop" by "The Bunny"
Back announcing the set
Little Milton
You Colored My Blues Bright
"You Colored My Blues Bright" by "Little Milton"
Feel So Bad
Chris Towns Unit
Turn to Me
"Turn to Me" by "Chris Towns Unit"
Northern Soul Fever 1a
Major Lance
"Delilah" by "Major Lance"
The Best Of Major Lance
Modern Soul Trio
You Ain't No Good
"You Ain't No Good" by "Modern Soul Trio"
For Millionaires Only 4
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon everyone! It's a beautiful day here in New York City with clear skies and a temperature of 55 degrees. The humidity is at 42 percent, so it's a great day to get out and enjoy the sunshine!
Ritha Mae
"Ritha Mae" by "Elgins"
Ritha Mae / The Times We've Wasted
Moses & Joshua Dillard
My Elusive Dreams
"My Elusive Dreams" by "Moses & Joshua Dillard"
Moses (2)
Diamond Joe
don't set me back
"don't set me back" by "Diamond Joe"
Music behind DJ:
Sad, Sad Memories (Instr.)
"Sad, Sad Memories (Instr.)" by "Tempos"
Back announcing the set
Give It Back
"Give It Back" by "Tripps"
Give It Back / Here Comes Those Heart'Aches
Charles Bradley
Brother, I'm Down (Bonus Track)
"Brother, I'm Down (Bonus Track)" by "Charles Brad...
2010 Daptone Records
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
Without a Heart
"Without a Heart" by "Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings"
Otis Redding
"Satisfaction" by "Otis Redding"
Good Rockin' Bob
take it easy katy
"take it easy katy" by "Good Rockin' Bob"
Music behind DJ:
Big Jim Sullivan
Translove Airways (Fat Angel)
"Translove Airways (Fat Angel)" by "Big Jim Sullivan"
Back announcing the set
Nolan Porter
If I Could Only Be Sure
"If I Could Only Be Sure" by "Nolan Porter"
If I Could Only Be Sure
Bob Seger & The Last Heard
East Side Sound (Instrumental)
"East Side Sound (Instrumental)" by "Bob Seger & T...
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