Lavender Hill (mono mix)
"Lavender Hill (mono mix)" by "The Kinks"
The Searchers
Pussy Willow Dragon
"Pussy Willow Dragon" by "The Searchers"
Gary Lewis & The Playboys
Orangutan (version two)
"Orangutan (version two)" by "Gary Lewis & The Pla...
Danny Hutton
Roses And Rainbows
"Roses And Rainbows" by "Danny Hutton"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good evening listeners! It's a beautiful night here in New York City with the temperature at a cool 31 degrees and the humidity at 61 percent. So put on your sweaters and head out for a night of fun under the clear night sky.
The Byrds
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (mono 45 mix)
"It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (mono 45 mix)" by "T...
The Honeybus
I Can't Let Maggie Go (mono 45)
"I Can't Let Maggie Go (mono 45)" by "The Honeybus"
Blackburn & Snow
Stranger In A Strange Land
"Stranger In A Strange Land" by "Blackburn & Snow"
Music behind DJ:
The Bunny
"badlittleloop" by "The Bunny"
Back announcing the set
Simon & Garfunkel
Fakin' It (mono)
"Fakin' It (mono)" by "Simon & Garfunkel"
The Freshmen
Mr. Beverly's Heavy Days
"Mr. Beverly's Heavy Days" by "The Freshmen"
Sounds Bob Rogers
Dream With Me
"Dream With Me" by "Sounds Bob Rogers"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good evening, music fans! It's a beautiful night here in New York City with a temperature of 31 degrees and a humidity of 61 percent. So, if you're looking for a perfect night to take a stroll or just sit outside and enjoy the stars, this is it!
Billy Nicholls
Would You Believe (mono)
"Would You Believe (mono)" by "Billy Nicholls"
October Country
I Wish I Was A Fire (mono 45)
"I Wish I Was A Fire (mono 45)" by "October Country"
Bob Gaddy
Don't Tell Her
"Don't Tell Her" by "Bob Gaddy"
Music behind DJ:
101 Strings
Trippin' On Lunar 07
"Trippin' On Lunar 07" by "101 Strings"
Back announcing the set
Twice As Much
Happy Times (mono)
"Happy Times (mono)" by "Twice As Much"
The Grass Roots
Where Were You When I Needed You (mono LP)
"Where Were You When I Needed You (mono LP)" by "T...
The Ian Campbell Group
Private Harold Harris (stereo)
"Private Harold Harris (stereo)" by "The Ian Campb...
The Groop
The Jet Song (When The Weekend's Over) (mono 45)
"The Jet Song (When The Weekend's Over) (mono 45)"...
Peter & Gordon
Morning's Calling (mono)
"Morning's Calling (mono)" by "Peter & Gordon"
Music behind DJ:
TSU Tornados
Getting the Corners
"Getting the Corners" by "TSU Tornados"
Back announcing the set
Lesley Gore
Brink Of Disaster (mono 45)
"Brink Of Disaster (mono 45)" by "Lesley Gore"
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