Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer
"Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" by "The Temptations"
Charles Bradley
Crying In The Chapel
"Crying In The Chapel" by "Charles Bradley"
Sam & Bill
For Your Love
"For Your Love" by "Sam & Bill"
Jay Robinson
I Can't Live Without You
"I Can't Live Without You" by "Jay Robinson"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good morning everyone! It's a beautiful day here in NYC with clear skies and a temperature of 52 degrees. The humidity is at a comfortable 55 percent. Enjoy your day!
Rufus Thomas
Can't Ever Let You Go
"Can't Ever Let You Go" by "Rufus Thomas"
Chuck Edwards
Bullfight #2
"Bullfight #2" by "Chuck Edwards"
Music behind DJ:
TSU Toronados
Play the Music Toronadoes
"Play the Music Toronadoes" by "TSU Toronados"
Back announcing the set
Richard Berry & The Pharaohs
Have Love Will Travel
"Have Love Will Travel" by "Richard Berry & The Ph...
Feels Good
"Feels Good" by "Falcons"
Joyce Kennedy
"Misunderstood" by "Joyce Kennedy"
Darling I Still Love You / Misunderstood
Maxine Brown
Slipping Through My Fingers
"Slipping Through My Fingers" by "Maxine Brown"
Like Never Before
Frankie Karl & The Dreams
Don't Be Afraid
"Don't Be Afraid" by "Frankie Karl & The Dreams"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon, listeners! It's a beautiful day out there in New York City with a temperature of 53 degrees and a humidity of 55 percent. So get out there and enjoy the sunshine!
Rusty McDonald W/ Maxwell Davis
Easy Big Mama
"Easy Big Mama" by "Rusty McDonald W/ Maxwell Davis"
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
My Man Is A Mean Man
"My Man Is A Mean Man" by "Sharon Jones & the Dap-...
2005 Daptone Records
The Sheppards
"Tragic" by "The Sheppards"
Music behind DJ:
The Tornadoes
Love and Fury
"Love and Fury" by "The Tornadoes"
Back announcing the set
Mad Lads
Love Is Here Today and Gone Tomorrow
"Love Is Here Today and Gone Tomorrow" by "Mad Lads"
Love Is Here Today And Gone Tomorrow
Otis Redding
Pain In My Heart
"Pain In My Heart" by "Otis Redding"
The Impressions
Fool For You
"Fool For You" by "The Impressions"
Ollie & The Nightingales
I Got A Sure Thing
"I Got A Sure Thing" by "Ollie & The Nightingales"
Music behind DJ:
Musiche Originali Di Ennio Morricone
Beat N° 3
"Beat N° 3" by "Musiche Originali Di Ennio Morricone"
Back announcing the set
Sweets Reed
That's Why I'm Messin' 'round Here
"That's Why I'm Messin' 'round Here" by "Sweets Reed"
the Electric Flag, an American Music Band
Peter's Trip
"Peter's Trip" by "the Electric Flag, an American ...
Original Motion Picture Sound Track: The Trip
Stevie Wonder
The Miracles Of Christmas
"The Miracles Of Christmas" by "Stevie Wonder"
Gene Burke
monkey man [WATCH ENDING]
"monkey man [WATCH ENDING]" by "Gene Burke"
Bob & Gene
Gotta Find A Way
"Gotta Find A Way" by "Bob & Gene"
Naomi Shelton & the Gospel Queens
Jordan River
"Jordan River" by "Naomi Shelton & the Gospel Queens"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon, everyone! It's a beautiful day here in New York City, with clear skies and a pleasant temperature of 53 degrees. The humidity is at a comfortable 55 percent. So get out there and enjoy the sunshine!
Jimmy Armstrong
i'm going to lock my heart
"i'm going to lock my heart" by "Jimmy Armstrong"
Charles Bradley
The Telephone Song
"The Telephone Song" by "Charles Bradley"
2010 Daptone Records
Music behind DJ:
Roland Vincent
LSD Party
"LSD Party" by "Roland Vincent"
Back announcing the set
The Como Mamas
Move Upstairs
"Move Upstairs" by "The Como Mamas"
Sugar Pie Desanto
I Don't Wanna Fuss
"I Don't Wanna Fuss" by "Sugar Pie Desanto"
Go Go Power - The Complete Chess Singles 1961 - 1966
Shirley Ellis
Soul Time (stereo LP version)
"Soul Time (stereo LP version)" by "Shirley Ellis"
The Ducks
"The Ducks" by "Larks"
The Ducks/Heaven Only Knows
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good afternoon, everyone! It's a beautiful day here in New York City, with a temperature of 54 degrees and a humidity of 54 percent. Perfect weather for getting out and enjoying the day, so why not take a break and go for a walk? Enjoy the sunshine and fresh air while you can!
James Hunter Six
Something's Calling
"Something's Calling" by "James Hunter Six"
James Hunter
Chicken Switch
"Chicken Switch" by "James Hunter"
Music behind DJ:
Roland Vincent
LSD Party
"LSD Party" by "Roland Vincent"
Back announcing the set
Eddie Floyd
Things Get Better
"Things Get Better" by "Eddie Floyd"
The Mighty Imperials
Thunder Chicken
"Thunder Chicken" by "The Mighty Imperials"
Maxine Brown
Plum Outa Sight
"Plum Outa Sight" by "Maxine Brown"
Seems You've Forsaken My Love / Plum Outa Sight
If You Love Me (Show Me)
"If You Love Me (Show Me)" by "Monique"
Memphis Slim
San Juan Blues
"San Juan Blues" by "Memphis Slim"
Music behind DJ:
The Shadows
A Place in the Sun
"A Place in the Sun" by "The Shadows"
Back announcing the set
Rufus Thomas
Sister's Got A Boyfriend
"Sister's Got A Boyfriend" by "Rufus Thomas"
Dorothy Ashby
Soul Vibrations
"Soul Vibrations" by "Dorothy Ashby"
the Electric Flag, an American Music Band
"M-23" by "the Electric Flag, an American Music Band"
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