Favoriting The Laughing Clock with DJ Peter: Playlist from January 7, 2024 Favoriting

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Obscure musical gems, avant experimentation, and classics worth rehearing. A conurbation of Leslie speakers, timbales, plungers, arch-tops, tablas, and squeaky reeds. Black ties, pork pies, Cuban boots, Nudie suits, bobbysocks, turtlenecks, and high-heeled sneakers. Jazz is the north star but it’s a wide universe, so says The Laughing Clock.

Sunday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting January 7, 2024: In with the Old, In with the New, In with the Out, In with the In

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Playlist image Favoriting

(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Images New Approx. start time
Count Basie  M Squad Theme (excerpt)   Favoriting Basic Basie  MPS  1969   
  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Duke Ellington and His Orchestra  Duæl Fuel, Part III (excerpt) [mono]   Favoriting Festival Session  Columbia  1960  9/8/1959: Sam Woodyard (d), Duke Ellington (vcl) 
  0:00:34 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Red Garland 

M Squad Theme   Favoriting

Red In Bluesville 



4/17/1959: Red Garland (p) Sam Jones (b) Art Taylor (d) 



0:03:01 (Pop-up)
Ron Horton  A Prayer for Andrew   Favoriting A Prayer for Andrew  Newvelle Records  2023  Summer 2016: Ron Horton (tp,flhrn,comp) Marty Ehrlich (as,bcl) John O'Gallagher (as) replaces Ehrlich, Marc Mommaas (ts) Frank Kimbrough (p) Dean Johnson (b) Tim Horner (d) 
*   0:07:34 (Pop-up)
Ron Horton  Erato   Favoriting A Prayer for Andrew  Newvelle Records  2023  Summer 2016: Ron Horton (tp,flhrn,comp) John O'Gallagher (as) replaces Ehrlich, Marc Mommaas (ts) Frank Kimbrough (p) Dean Johnson (b) Tim Horner (d) 
*   0:08:55 (Pop-up)
Josh Sinton  Whoosh (to George Orwell)   Favoriting Couloir & Book of Practitioners Vol. 2, book W  Form is Possibility Recordings  2024  recorded July 2023. Release date: January 12 
*   0:16:25 (Pop-up)
Ilios Steryannis  Zakir   Favoriting Babylonia Suite      6/27/2023: Steryannis (drums), Tanya Gill (keyboards), Henry Heilig (bass), with Sundar Viswanathan (bansuri flute), Ravi Naimpally (tabla). Release date: November 2 
  0:22:58 (Pop-up)
Simon Spiess Quiet Tree  Light Light Light   Favoriting Euphorbia  Intakt Records  2024  August 2022: Spiess (tenor sax), Marc Méan (piano, synth, effects), Jonas Ruther (drums). Release date: January 19 
*   0:29:44 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Don Pullen 

Big Alice (alternate take)   Favoriting

Richard's Tune 



2014 CD reissue of "Solo Piano Album" with two bonus tracks. Recorded 1975. 



0:33:53 (Pop-up)
Bobby Zankel Trio  Circles   Favoriting Human Flowers  CIMP  1996  11/5/1995: Bobby Zankel (as) Marilyn Crispell (p) Newman Taylor Baker (d) 
  0:40:22 (Pop-up)
Northern Ballet Theatre Orchestra  Act 3: The Crypt   Favoriting Dracula (Ballet in 3 Acts [composed by Phillip Feeney])  Naxos  1996   
  0:51:36 (Pop-up)
Modern Jazz Quartet  Why Are You Blue?   Favoriting Live In Paris 1960-1961  Frémeux & Associés  2016  11/4/1961. John, Milt, Percy, and Connie. Gary McFarland (composer)!!! 
  0:58:03 (Pop-up)
George Adams  Imani's Dance   Favoriting Sound Suggestions  ECM  1979  May 1979: Kenny Wheeler (tp,flhrn) George Adams (ts) Heinz Sauer (ts) Richie Beirach (p) Dave Holland (b) Jack DeJohnette (d) 
  1:04:19 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Mary Lou Williams 

Medi I   Favoriting


Smithsonian Folkways 


1/17/1974, with Bob Cranshaw (bass guitar). DJP remix. 



1:15:14 (Pop-up)
Duke Ellington and His Orchestra  Copout Extension [mono]   Favoriting Festival Session  Columbia  1960  9/8/1959: Paul Gonsalves (ts) Duke Ellington (p) Jimmy Woode (b) Sam Woodyard (d) et al. 
  1:21:57 (Pop-up)
Anthony Davis / Kyle Motl / Kjell Nordeson  Fictions II   Favoriting Vertical Motion  Astral Spirits  2023  2/13/2018. 
*   1:30:16 (Pop-up)
Simon Moullier  Countdown   Favoriting Countdown  Fresh Sound New Talent    May 2020: Moullier (vib) Luca Alemanno (b) Jongkuk Kim (d) 
  1:39:12 (Pop-up)
Al-jiçç  Metaqam   Favoriting Metaqam    2023  4/21/2022 & 5/5/2023: Nuno Damião (guitar), Gonçalo Lopes (clarinet), Ricardo A. Freitas (bass guitar), Jorge Lopes Trigo (drums) 
*   1:42:42 (Pop-up)
Paul Gonsalves  Phat Bach   Favoriting Cookin'  Argo  1958  8/6/1957: Clark Terry (tp) Paul Gonsalves (ts) Willie Jones (p) Jimmy Woode (b) Sam Woodyard (d) 
  1:48:03 (Pop-up)
Quincy Jones  Tickle Toe   Favoriting The Birth of a Band  Mercury  1959  May 1959: Clark Terry (flugelhorn?), Joe Newman (trumpet), Zoot Sims (tenor sax), Patti Bown (piano), Kenny Burrell (guitar), Milt Hinton (bass), Sam Woodyard (drums), Al Cohn (arranger) 
  1:51:19 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Joe Chambers Moving Picture Orchestra 

M Squad Theme   Favoriting

Live at Dizzy's Club Coca-Cola 



September 2011. Craig Handy (tenor sax), David Weiss (trumpet), Xavier Davis (piano), Dwayne Burno (bass), Joe Chambers (drums, vibes, arranger), Steve Berrios (percussion), et al. 



1:54:16 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm
DJ Peter:

Sam Woodyard (January 7, 1925 – September 20, 1988)
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 7:07pm

HI, DJ Peter, Time keepers!
(likely can't stay for long, archives tomorrow for what I miss, looks like a fine show)
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 7:09pm

↳ Song: "A Prayer for Andrew" by "Ron Horton"
Nice crew on this track, really like Horton, big Ehrlich and Kimbrough fan...Really purty...
Jeff g. via app:

Thanks for this Hill / Horton! I’ve pulled to listen, but haven’t gotten to it yet. Made some year-end lists. Also: hi.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:11pm
DJ Peter:

Thanks for saying hi Doc! When you leave, it's always a pleasure for me to see your delayed archive comments.

Hey Jeff: wow it only came out in November, already making year-end lists!
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 7:12pm

Hello DJ Peter, Woodyardbirds, and laughing clockers!
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 7:12pm

↳ Song: "Erato" by "Ron Horton"
Newvelle Records, have a box of theirs, Season 1. They're really good sounding (and really pricey!!!)
I may need to pick this one up, though, from the sound of it...
Listener Gregory:

Hello, timekeepers. I guess my alarm didn’t go off.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:14pm
DJ Peter:

↳ doctorjazz @7:12
I haven't invested in any of their annual boxes. Glad they're not issuing some on CD.

Hey adamdoesit, Listeer Gregory! Alarm rings, Door chimes in comes company!
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 7:17pm

↳ Song: "Erato" by "Ron Horton"
The usual connundrum: it's available on Bandcamp as a digitaql download for ten bucks...

And at the Newvelle site, 2 vinyl LP set, for 85 smackeroons!
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 7:18pm

Hey adamdoesit, Listener Gregory, and Jeff G!
Jeff g. via app:

Could cut and paste my earlier comment here, replacing Horton with Sinton.
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 7:19pm

↳ doctorjazz @7:17
*digital download, shudda read...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:20pm
DJ Peter:

↳ Jeff g. via app @7:19
Clearly the jazz PR folks are emulating the movies and vying for the big awards by dropping late.
Jeff g. via app:

Heyo doc!
Avatar 🕰 7:26pm
Listener Gregory:

↳ doctorjazz @7:18
@doctorj, Do you have a snow day down there? I'm here in part because the restaurant I planned to go to didn't open.
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 7:28pm

↳ Listener Gregory @7:26
WE did get snow here in Central Joisey, last night, this morning, but we got enough rain afterwards to wash it away (I didn't have to shovel, glory hallelujah!!!)
Avatar 🕰 7:29pm
Listener Gregory:

↳ doctorjazz @7:28
Lucky man.
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 7:29pm

↳ Song: "Zakir" by "Ilios Steryannis"
Giving the drummer some (and that ringing sound, vibes?)
Avatar 🕰 7:30pm
Listener Gregory:

↳ doctorjazz @7:29
Is it the tabla?
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 7:30pm

↳ Listener Gregory @7:29
Do you have a big shoveling job?
Avatar 🕰 7:31pm
Listener Gregory:

↳ doctorjazz @7:30
I did two bouts of about 3 inches each, and I probably have about that much left for tomorrow. The big pain is always the "plow pile" that the street plowing dumps in front of your driveway. Oh well. It makes the skiers happy.
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 7:33pm

↳ Listener Gregory @7:31
They usually push that pile and block my driveway shortly AFTER I've cleared it...
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 7:35pm

↳ Listener Gregory @7:29
I was nervous, predicted snow here was all ove the place. Almost cleared out all the Snow Blower gas from the local Home Depot.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36pm

euphorbia is a big plant genus. and that song was siiiick!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:38pm

*Euphorbia (genera are always capitalized!)
Avatar 🕰 7:42pm
Listener Gregory:

↳ Song: "Big Alice (alternate take)" by "Don Pullen"
Someone needs to write lyrics to Big Alice. Peter, this could be your next project.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:42pm
DJ Peter:

↳ arlo @7:38
Oh good. I was worried it was some kind of dig at Zendaya's Euphoria.
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 7:44pm

↳ Song: "Circles" by "Bobby Zankel Trio"
Comp, we discussed this before, CIMP, the CADENCE affiliated audiophile jazz label (gone now, I believe).
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 7:45pm

↳ doctorjazz @7:44
*CIMP, shudda read (at a laptop, can't even blame spell correct...)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:46pm
DJ Peter:

↳ doctorjazz @7:44
I still get emails from the Cadence folks but I don't think CIMP is still going.
In addition to loving the sound aesthetic, gotta love the family affair: I think it's Dad who runs it, Son who engineers it, Mom who feeds the musicians, and Daughter (or maybe also Mom) who designs the album covers.
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 7:55pm

↳ DJ Peter @7:46
Yup, here's the Wiki on the label...
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 7:56pm

↳ Song: "Act 3: The Crypt" by "Northern Ballet Theatre Orc...
This ballet bites.
Avatar 🕰 7:57pm
Listener Gregory:

↳ Song: "Act 3: The Crypt" by "Northern Ballet Theatre Orc...
Peter, you are so predictable!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59pm
DJ Peter:

↳ adamdoesit @7:56
Literal LOL
I shoulda seen that coming!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm
DJ Peter:

↳ Listener Gregory @7:57
Used record stores are unpredictable, but DJP is very predictable. (Proverb)
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 8:02pm

↳ doctorjazz @7:28
Nothing but rain here in Brooklyn, but I drove up to CT and back earlier today, and experienced all the varieties of January weather en route. Musical relevance: the MJQ sounds like sun shining through falling snow.
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 8:03pm

↳ Song: "Why Are You Blue?" by "Modern Jazz Quartet"
After The Smithsoniam Collection of Classic Jazz, the MJQ were my gateway drug to jazz...
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 8:05pm

↳ doctorjazz @8:03
(I've posted about this before, but The Smithsoniam Collection was my "textbook" for a college course on the history of jazz, taught by Chuck Israels (bass player for Bill Evans).
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 8:05pm

↳ Song: "Why Are You Blue?" by "Modern Jazz Quartet"
Never heard that one before. What a treat. Thanks, DJ Peter!
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 8:06pm

↳ Song: "Imani's Dance" by "George Adams"
Some of the theme sounds like the NPR All Things Considered theme (just a small part)
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 8:07pm

↳ Song: "Why Are You Blue?" by "Modern Jazz Quartet"
I haven't heard it either (thought I had pretty much all their stuff...)
Avatar 🕰 8:07pm
Listener Gregory:

↳ Song: "Imani's Dance" by "George Adams"
Nice pick! I love this album, but it is George Adams's least characteristic. Eicher received some flack for that, but one could argue that it stretched Adams beyond his comfort zone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07pm
DJ Peter:

↳ doctorjazz @8:06
Maybe some of the time signature changes?
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 8:08pm

↳ Song: "Imani's Dance" by "George Adams"
Got to see George Adams a few times (in his band with Don Pullen).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08pm
DJ Peter:

↳ doctorjazz @8:08
Only saw them once, big impact on young DJP
Avatar 🕰 8:09pm
Listener Gregory:

↳ doctorjazz @8:08
They didn't sound like this. Wheeler adds a nice touch.
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 8:09pm

↳ Listener Gregory @8:09
True dat!
Avatar 🕰 8:10pm
Listener Gregory:

I never saw them live, but I did say hello to George Adams at Newark Airport once. He was dumbfounded that anyone recognized him. I had almost all his albums at that point, including the Italian imports.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13pm
DJ Peter:

↳ Listener Gregory @8:07
Made me look (it up)! George Adams has not appeared on any other ECM releases.
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 8:14pm

Gotta run, great sounds, DJ Peter, thanks.
Night All!
(was visiting a friend in Rehoboth Beach last weekend-nice record store there, Extended Play, I believe...)
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 8:16pm

↳ Song: "Imani's Dance" by "George Adams"
Definitely there again, just a small snippet of the theme of All Things Considered...
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 8:16pm

↳ Listener Gregory @8:10
I bet you made his day.
Avatar 🕰 8:23pm
Listener Gregory:

↳ Song: "Medi I" by "Mary Lou Williams"
These backing tracks are so good! You should feature them on the show some day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23pm
DJ Peter:

↳ doctorjazz @8:16
Yeah I heard it! I wonder if Adams dug The Microscopic Septet.
Avatar 🕰 8:23pm
Listener Gregory:

↳ DJ Peter @8:13
No, I think he wanted to do his own thing, without constraints.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:24pm
DJ Peter:

↳ Listener Gregory @8:23
Now you're trying to get my goat. Remember: Goat > Carp
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 8:27pm

↳ Song: "Copout Extension [mono]" by "Duke Ellington and H...
Love that socking beat!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:29pm
DJ Peter:

↳ adamdoesit @8:27
I love it! If I ever need a pacemaker, set it to match up with Sam Woodyard!
Avatar 🕰 8:30pm
Listener Gregory:

↳ Song: "Copout Extension [mono]" by "Duke Ellington and H...
Your description of this was spot-on. Great performance. Also, I think the mono recording is completely appropriate here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37pm
DJ Peter:

↳ Listener Gregory @8:30
When I found this LP as a college kid I didn't know that it mightn't be stereo. Then later I might've wanted to upgrade. Now I've gone completely around the other way: collection Beatles, Dylan, Miles Davis in mono editions...
Avatar 🕰 8:42pm
Listener Gregory:

↳ Song: "Countdown" by "Simon Moullier"
This isn't the Coltrane tune of that name, is it?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45pm
DJ Peter:

↳ Listener Gregory @8:42
Twas! Good catch, they obscure it with the disjointed rhythm.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50pm
DJ Peter:

Okay if I'm so predictable, what Sam Woodyard track is coming up next?
Listener Gregory:

Starting to wonder if it’s really Paul Gonsalves’s birthday.
Listener Gregory:

Clark Terry on trumpet??????
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53pm
DJ Peter:

Everyday is PG's BD
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53pm
DJ Peter:

↳ Listener Gregory @8:53
Yeah or is it flugelhorn? Credited with trumpet.
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 8:56pm

Great show tonite. Thank you, DJ Peter!
Listener Gregory:

Excellent show, Peter! The carp all thank you.

PS. I didn’t recognize Countdown at all; just wondered when I saw the name. Only at the v end did I detect a touch of Coltrane.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00pm
DJ Peter:

Thanks everyone! See you on the boards!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:11pm

An archive listen for me today.
Avatar 🕰 Swag For Life Member 3:57pm

Just caught the last set, very cool stuff (still mulling over springing for the Ron Horton-Newvelle does have sales occasionally, (which in this case might drop it from $85 to maybe $60, still not cheap, but not that far off from what a 2 LP set goes for these vinyl revival days).
Thanks for the great sounds, catch you next time!
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