Favoriting Fool's Paradise with Rex: Playlist from January 13, 2024 Favoriting

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The unsung heroes of rock 'n' roll, presented at 45 RPM: 50s/60s bop, slop, & schlock. (Visit homepage.)

Saturday 1 - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Friday 9 - 11am (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio

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Sat. Mar 15th, 1pm - 3pm: Rex and his Co-Host Becky

Favoriting January 13, 2024: The Bud Harrelson Memorial Playlist

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Label Approx. start time
Thee Impalas  Oh Yeah!   Favoriting Whittier  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
The Gentry Brothers  Swooney   Favoriting Dixie  0:05:16 (Pop-up)
Archie Liseo And The Cinaways  Home Brew   Favoriting CLW  0:07:36 (Pop-up)
Carl Stacey Trio feat. El Gassaway!  The Big Gass   Favoriting Cadel  0:09:50 (Pop-up)
The Collins Kids  Mercy   Favoriting Columbia  0:17:23 (Pop-up)
Charles Ross  Little Bit Lonesome   Favoriting Clay-Ro  0:18:54 (Pop-up)
Poppy and the Savoys  Domino   Favoriting PDQ  0:19:26 (Pop-up)
Billy And The Fabulous Echoes With The Mac-Etts  Jump And Shout   Favoriting Clearpool Records Inc.  0:22:03 (Pop-up)
The Musical Linn Twins  Indian Rock   Favoriting Blue Feather  0:24:35 (Pop-up)
Roy Moss  You're My Big Baby Now   Favoriting Mercury  0:27:11 (Pop-up)
Barbara Lee Mac  Big Fat Mama   Favoriting Cuca  0:29:21 (Pop-up)
Paul Davis  Big Money   Favoriting MGM  0:31:39 (Pop-up)
George Jones  Out Of Control   Favoriting Mercury  0:33:48 (Pop-up)
The Kustoms  Sue Vo Laredo   Favoriting Austin Records  0:36:32 (Pop-up)
Clear Water  Cool Water   Favoriting La Salle  0:46:37 (Pop-up)
Floyd Dixon  Ooh Little Girl   Favoriting Ebb  0:48:36 (Pop-up)
Flash Terry  Cool It   Favoriting Lavender  0:50:33 (Pop-up)
Pat Patrick  I Ain't Done Nothin' To You   Favoriting Aladdin  0:53:14 (Pop-up)
Dave Bartholomew  The Monkey   Favoriting Imperial  0:54:32 (Pop-up)
Babs Gonzales  House Rent Party   Favoriting King  0:57:32 (Pop-up)
Tall Paul  Teen Age Hop   Favoriting Atomic-H  1:00:42 (Pop-up)
The Medallions  Don't Shoot   Favoriting Dootone  1:07:08 (Pop-up)
The Dells  The Springer   Favoriting Vee-Jay  1:09:21 (Pop-up)
The Shamans  Southern California   Favoriting Kayham  1:11:53 (Pop-up)
The Ascots  Hip Talk   Favoriting Bethlehem  1:15:04 (Pop-up)
Doug McGuire  UFO   Favoriting SpazzCo Presents  1:24:31 (Pop-up)
Bruce Marvello and the Red Coats  You've Got To Love Me Too   Favoriting Nikko  1:26:14 (Pop-up)
Warner Bros Combo  Study Hall   Favoriting Kandy Kane  1:27:39 (Pop-up)
Gil & Ray  Marty, The Life Of The Party   Favoriting Cam  1:29:22 (Pop-up)
George Darro and the Vi-Kings  The Southern Twist   Favoriting Nationwide  1:31:26 (Pop-up)
The Batmen with the Phantom Band  Don't You Just Know It   Favoriting Red Fox  1:36:54 (Pop-up)
Sharon Mason  Eddie, Can I Park In Your Lot?   Favoriting Dore  1:38:40 (Pop-up)
The Collegiates  Road Runner   Favoriting Cabel  1:45:05 (Pop-up)
Willie B  Bad Mouthin'   Favoriting Terri  1:46:05 (Pop-up)
Bobby Lee Trammell  New Dance In France   Favoriting Atlanta  1:49:23 (Pop-up)
Roy Smith and the Cardinals  The Cellar   Favoriting Prestige  1:52:23 (Pop-up)
Bobby Adano  Never Got To The Dance   Favoriting Imperial  1:55:38 (Pop-up)
Luke Askew  The Bells   Favoriting Portrait  1:56:33 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

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Bri The Beatnik:

I hope my dad wakes up, I want him to listen to Fool’s paradise with me on this rare occasion I’m not out with my mom!
Avatar 🌮 Swag For Life Member 1:00pm
dave miss:

Here comes the schlock
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The Butterman:

Yo, Rex! Suck it to me!
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William Hellfire:

Oh yeah!
Erin Hellfire:

↳ The Butterman @1:02
Suck it to me? Hahaha

Hey Rex is it flooding over there by the station?
Avatar 🌮 Swag For Life Member 1:03pm
dave miss:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:00
Put some coffee on and fry up some bacon. That gets most men out of bed
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Bri The Beatnik:

Yay! Got my dad up just in time! :) Happy saturday Rex!
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The Butterman:

↳ Erin Hellfire @1:03
Hello, Hellfires. Always great to see you.
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Mailman Tom:

Ol' Bud died only 2 days ago. I think this must be the most recent death to ever appear on the memorial playlist!
Avatar 1:04pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ dave miss @1:03
Wish I knew how to cook! But dad likes the instant cofeee I make
Erin Hellfire:

↳ Pidge @1:03
Omg are you THE Pidge?!
Avatar 1:04pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Mailman Tom @1:04
That’s what I was thinking!
Erin Hellfire:

↳ dave miss @1:03
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Greg from ZONE 5:

Afternoon, Fools!
Erin Hellfire:

↳ The Butterman @1:04
Great to see you, too!! :)
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myron feld:

↳ Mailman Tom @1:04
Bud played a large part in my well-spent youth, as did all Mets.

booga booga

it's so long Buddy
Avatar 1:07pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ dave miss @1:03
I myself had too much today, got my heart pumping!
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dave miss:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:04
Put bacon in a pan. Turn on the heat. No skills required
Erin Hellfire:

↳ dave miss @1:07

deep in the reverb-lined fallout shelter
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ dave miss @1:07
Thanks for the tip!
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Mister Dobalina:

▀▄▀▄▀▄ 𝔪 𝕆 ᵐ𝓶 Δ! ▄▀▄▀▄▀
Avatar 🌮 Swag For Life Member 1:08pm
dave miss:

↳ Greg from ZONE 5 @1:05
Hiya Greg (zone 5)
Erin Hellfire:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:07
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Erin Hellfire @1:08
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William Hellfire:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:07
Don't burn the house down!
Avatar 1:09pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ William Hellfire @1:08
Says Hellfire! Mwahhaha
Erin Hellfire:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:09
Avatar 🌮 Swag For Life Member 1:09pm

↳ Song: "The Big Gass" by "Carl Stacey Trio feat. El Gassa...
This is a monsterpiece.

↳ Erin Hellfire @1:04
'tis I!
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dave miss:

Too many hellfires up in here

back atcha Greg FZ5

zatu watu icky nicky bicky boom boom
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William Hellfire:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:09

Hi to Bri's dad
Erin Hellfire:

↳ Pidge @1:09
Pidge!!!! So cool to see you on here!!
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @1:10
Dad says hi
Avatar 1:11pm
Bri The Beatnik:

Hey Pidge!

Buddy is my all time number one favorite player
Erin Hellfire:

Sylvia's Mother:

Oh my god! These illegible colors!

Pidge in Paradise?
Avatar 1:13pm
Bri The Beatnik:

I miss my tradition of hearing you while driving at the park then stopping at Total Wine!
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Bri The Beatnik:

It usually wasn’t Saturday til hearing I’m a LOW BROW! Whilst doing taste tests
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Mister Dobalina:

Bud Harrelson got in to a fight with Pete Rose. Huh! There's a real nice photo of said fight & it's autographed by Bud, on eBay.

waiting for the schlock

Buddy was as scrappy as they come
  🌮 Swag For Life Member 1:18pm
listener phat in Lincoln:

↳ Song: "Mercy" by "The Collins Kids"
Learned this tune from The Paladins. Good lord the Collins Kids were on fire.
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Bri The Beatnik:

This song reminds me of another song and it’s gonna bug me til I remember what it is!

none of these multi-millionaire prima donnas like they have now
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Bri The Beatnik:

Oh, JEEPSTER by T rex is what it reminded me of! Yay
  🌮 Swag For Life Member 1:19pm
listener phat in Lincoln:

I don't usually get on the message board for Fool's Paradise, since I usually end up doing chores to it. But I love this show. Saturday on WFMU is like my church
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William Hellfire:

↳ Song: "Domino" by "Poppy and the Savoys"
Songs the Cramps taught us!!!!
Erin Hellfire:

I literally have to zoom in to read the names on this board haha.
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Mailman Tom:

↳ Mister Dobalina @1:16
Pete Rose, the baseball player we loved to hate.
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myron feld:

↳ Mister Dobalina @1:16
I was at that game -- '73 playoffs. Exciting!
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ listener phat in Lincoln @1:19
Same here it’s been hard to talk to people on this one, and yet it’s my fave ‘Fmu show! I need to meet more buddies that share my love of this one!

I would be here more often if I was awake more often
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:21pm

Purrr it's rrrRex time!
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myron feld:

↳ William Hellfire @1:19
That's a different "Domino" -- Roy Orbison's.
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @1:21
You must have a schedule like my dad!
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Mister Dobalina:

↳ myron feld @1:20
Very cool!

and the hits just keep on comin'

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:21
You mean no schedule?
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @1:22
Lol true, dad sleeps all day, but he’s been kinda sick so

I sleep whenever insomnia permits
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William Hellfire:

↳ Mailman Tom @1:20
I seem to remember having a Pete Rose baseball game that you like wind the little bat back and you try n hit the balls into holes by the bases. It was shaped like a stadium.
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William Hellfire:

↳ myron feld @1:21
Ahhhh. Yes.

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:22
oh sorry about that, is he going to get better?
Erin Hellfire:

Bud kinda looks like Richard Dawson in that photo. Beautiful blue eyes!
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @1:23
I hope so, he might’ve had Covid but we’re not sure, he’s never gotten tested

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:24
I've had chronic fatigue for a long time. I had a lyme test back when I had insurance which was negative. So I don't know

Mainly it's annoying that I can't get anything done
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @1:25
I thought I had lyme once, got bitten by a tick a while back
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:26pm

Howdy, Fellow Fools!
Erin Hellfire:

This green on blue is making me nauseous. I'm just gonna listen. Haha xoxo

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:26
I remember when you could get ticks and not worry about it
  🌮 Swag For Life Member 1:27pm
listener phat in Lincoln:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:20
It's the best.
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Erin Hellfire @1:26
Cya later!
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @1:26
Wish I could relate
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ listener phat in Lincoln @1:27
It truly is!
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↳ Erin Hellfire @1:26
There's definitely a subliminal agenda at work here.

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:27
that was back before lyme disease and a lot of other things
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @1:28
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joe mulligan:

what the heck does she say after "my morals have no zipper"? Paregote? I've been wondering for years now
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William Hellfire:

↳ joe mulligan @1:28
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Tony in Durham NC:

↳ joe mulligan @1:28
After YEARS of analysis and hard work, I believe she says "My morals have no zipper –– let it go at that"
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Mailman Tom:

↳ joe mulligan @1:28
"let it go at that"
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Bri The Beatnik:

Sometimes I wish I could relive different decades at different ages, like be in the 50s as an adult, and the 60s as a teenager, but then switch it around, experience the 50s as a teenager and then the 60s as an adult!
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William Hellfire:

↳ Song: "Big Fat Mama" by "Barbara Lee Mac"
This is delirious!

My zipper has no morals
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Mailman Tom:

↳ Song: "Big Fat Mama" by "Barbara Lee Mac"
One of the finest records ever made!
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Tony in Durham NC:

Anybody got a list of movies where these tasty soundbites originate from? 🤔

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:30
I would like to re-live the 70s at any age
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Tony in Durham NC @1:31
I wish I knew!
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joe mulligan:

↳ Mailman Tom @1:29
thanks! just found it was from The Scarf 1951
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @1:31
I’d only live in the 70s if I got to live in New York, and I’d like to be in my 20s
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joe mulligan:

↳ Tony in Durham NC @1:29
thanks for your hard work!

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:32
that would be my ideal too
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @1:32
True. The city seemed to be sprawling with art, such an inspiration and so cheap to live there back then, even though I heard crime was pretty high back then

Howdy Rex and Fools
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Mailman Tom:

↳ joe mulligan @1:31
Available for viewing on YT for free!

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:33
That's all true, and of course there was a thriving music scene
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Bri The Beatnik:

I always wanted to live in England, but if I lived there it would either be mid 60s or mid 90s cos the 70s I heard there were power cuts and three day work weeks
Don F.:

Hi Rex, Fools. Luv that Geo Jones.

Before the neo-liberals began dismantling the middle class
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William Hellfire:

↳ Song: "Out Of Control" by "George Jones"
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dave miss:

↳ Tony in Durham NC @1:31
Mostly from TV like Dragnet and Little Home on the Prairie
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @1:34
Absolutely! Also would’ve been cool to live there in the 40s or 50s with the vibrant jazz scene and hipsters

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:35
From what I understand the uk was pretty bad in the 70s but in the 60s it was swinging. And they had no war in indochina
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William Hellfire:

↳ Song: "Sue Vo Laredo" by "The Kustoms"
Hahaha this is nuts!
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Mailman Tom:

↳ Song: "Sue Vo Laredo" by "The Kustoms"
The Sir Douglas Quintet covered this one pretty well!
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The Butterman:

Why are some names blue and some green? It’s not donors to the show getting blue. Can’t figure it out.
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @1:36
True. Would loved to have lived there circa ‘66 and go to New York at the 70s, wouldn’t wanna live in England when Thatcher was in power!

Digging the tunes while I toil away at work
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:38pm

↳ Mailman Tom @1:37
Thought this was Sir Doug for a sec

I'm with her
Jeech the Jooch:

Bud was always my favorite Met. He and his roommate Tom Terrific. I still hate Pete Rose for what he did to Bud in the NLCS. (However, he still should be in the Hall of Fame, I think)
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Bri The Beatnik:

It was too hard to find a job back in the 80s in England so I heard

Everybody loves Buddy. Unless you're a jerk
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William Hellfire:

↳ dave miss @1:36
I was in the middle of a recording session on mescaline and my band took a break to watch dragnet and whenever Friday spoke it was backwards and we got spooked and switched to the end of the jim Jones movie..got the fear..then we turned the TV off and went back to recording.

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:39
I hated almost everything about the 80s.
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William Hellfire:

↳ The Butterman @1:37
Acid Flashback?

Sylvia's Mother:

Surely not Paul Davis American Top 10 single with the ballad "I Go Crazy"!
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @1:41
True, there were a few redeeming bits, but it was underground
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Sylvia's Mother @1:42
There are so many Paul Davis’ in the world, I know one, he’s nice

↳ William Hellfire @1:40
Jack Webb and psychedelic drugs don't mix
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Tony in Durham NC:

↳ joe mulligan @1:31
Thanks! Can't wait to see it on the YT with those annoying Vrbo commercials, LOL
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:43pm

↳ Jeech the Jooch @1:38
I don't remember. What dis Rose do to Bud?

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:42
Yeah, pretty much the only thing I liked about the 80s was the post punk no wave scene
Avatar 1:43pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Tony in Durham NC @1:42
Me too! Love watching old B movies on yt, watched one last night, I think it was Dragstrip riot?
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Mailman Tom:

↳ William Hellfire @1:40
I lived right around the corner from the People's Temple in SF. It was located on Geary Blvd in the Western Addition.
Toothgrinder Tom:

You can watch b movies on YouTube? How do you find them?
Avatar 1:46pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @1:43
Yup! I once wanted to write a piece about Post-punk called “redeeming post punk” but mom didn’t like it cos the word “redeeming” has religious connotations, I wanted to make it that cos all the kids I know think post punk and goth are interchangeable, I don’t think of Goth when I think of post punk, I think more of the artsy and funky side such as like you said No wave and The Fall
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Toothgrinder Tom @1:46
I search for either 50s movies, Teen 50s movies or rock n roll
Movies and there’s usually playlists for them!
Karen Fleisch:

I had such a crush on Buddy as a kid! The fight with Rusty!!!
Avatar 🌮 Swag For Life Member 1:47pm
dave miss:

↳ William Hellfire @1:40
Sounds like a fun day at summer camp

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:46
Yeah the Fall in England, in new york there was the residue of Television and the Voioids, Lydia Lunch, Sonic Youth, etc.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:48pm

↳ Song: "Cool Water" by "Clear Water"
They're singing "Marijuana, ooh, marijuana" right?

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The Butterman:

↳ William Hellfire @1:41
That would explain it. Sometimes I see bugs everywhere. Hundreds of ‘em. Then they’re gone! Crazy!
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dave miss:

KDoe! Bern KDoe Bern!
Toothgrinder Tom:

@Bri thanks! Good to know.
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Mailman Tom:

↳ Toothgrinder Tom @1:46
Go to YT and type in the searchbox the title and year of the movie you want to see. Sometimes they have it and sometimes they don't!
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Toothgrinder Tom @1:48
Of course!
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William Hellfire:

↳ The Butterman @1:48
I just don't like when I FEEL them crawling on me. Yuck.

Richard Hell was still doing a lot of interesting things, and Richard Kern and Nick Zedd were very active
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The Butterman:

↳ William Hellfire @1:49

Farty sax!

Richard Kern's stuff especially is amazing
Avatar 1:49pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @1:47
Yep! I think I met you when Todd interviewed Thurston Moore! All the cool kids at my school were into Post punk and sonic youth/No wave, yet they were also the goth kids as well
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Song: "Cool It" by "Flash Terry"
I love Koko Mojo comps!
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William Hellfire:

↳ dave miss @1:47
Did a bunch of sessions like that. Instant rock n roll improve. Some good some unlistenable unless you drink a bottle of Robitussin.

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:49
I remember that interview. Yes I never associated goth per se with post punk per se. New York punk led directly to no wave
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @1:51
Exactly, I like New York punk compared to English puni
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Bri The Beatnik:

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Bri The Beatnik:

Kids these days associate Goth with Post punk and idk why. I associate Post Punk with art school!

Thurston Moore was very engaging as I recall.
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @1:54
I love him! He radiates coolness
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Greg from ZONE 5:

↳ Song: "The Monkey" by "Dave Bartholomew"
Tell 'em, Dave!
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dave miss:

↳ William Hellfire @1:51
Robo Tripping sometimes helps
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ Song: "The Monkey" by "Dave Bartholomew"
Badass rocker, hip hop lyrics and early usage of fuzzzzzz = a winnah. So good!
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William Hellfire:

↳ Blissland @1:54
I gave flowers to Lee before a show to give to Kim and Thurston destroy them using them as a side on his guitar.
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Bri The Beatnik:

When I first got into sonic youth, I tried to get my dad into them, he didn’t care for them, he didn’t like their noise rock phase which I love. I was so jealous when I heard my friend’s dad got her into sonic youth. I finally got dad into their Lofi Era. We were just watching the Kool thing music video last night. Dad said he liked it!
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Bri The Beatnik:

I used to tease dad that Sonic youth was his fave band

↳ William Hellfire @1:56
hehe did you beat him up?


↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:56
Is your dad mainly into 60s classic rock?
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @1:58
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William Hellfire:

↳ Blissland @1:57
No but I think I told him they were for her. He said I thought that's what you wanted to do! I guess it was pretty cool.
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Bri The Beatnik:

He got me into the 60s and I in turn got him into Britpop because it reminds him of the 60s

↳ William Hellfire @1:58
where was that?
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Mailman Tom:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:57
They sounded like a subway train putting on the brakes!
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Mailman Tom @1:59
Haha! True! And I love it!

↳ Bri The Beatnik @1:59
What do you mean by Britpop?
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @2:00
Blur/ oasis Etc
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Mister Dobalina:

Babs track was really outta site!
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William Hellfire:

↳ Blissland @1:59
Either the Ritz or Marquee show like 1991/92 ish.
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Chris Hiatt:

Late to this wing ding. Afternoon, all.
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ William Hellfire @2:01
The year Punk broke!
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The Butterman:

2 note sax solo! That’s double the necessary amount of notes of sax solos normally heard here.

I suppose 90 per cent of the music I like was made between 1964 and 1979
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @2:02
Good era! This was mid 90s
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William Hellfire:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @2:01
The band Some Velvet Sidewalk from that movie played my basement. Used to have fun VFW and Basement shin digs back in the 90s Ringwood, NJ

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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ William Hellfire @2:03

Back in the early 90s I had a studio on w 27th street every night from midnight to 6
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Tony in Durham NC:

Is that EVE ARDEN asking if this all sounds slightly imbecilic?
Richard Whig:

that was some proper rollicking piano!!
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Chili MacPagoda:

That Babs Gonzales track was dynamite. And now I wanna read his books.
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Richard Whig @2:04

It was hoppin. I would go back there if I could
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Chili MacPagoda @2:05
Chili! I was thinking of you when I had lunch yesterday. Had cornbread and sloppy Joe meat over four cheese
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Mailman Tom:

↳ Song: "The Monkey" by "Dave Bartholomew"
The Fabulous Thunderbirds covered this one pretty well!
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @2:05
Cool! Sounds like funn
Jeech the Jooch:

I just realized, I'm pretty sure I have that baseball card. And Tom Seaver too, and Gary Gentry. I have 2 Nolan Ryan Rookie cards. What are they worth now?

↳ Bri The Beatnik @2:06
Yeah. In most ways the diametric opposite of how things ultimately turned out
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William Hellfire:

↳ The Butterman @2:02
My old band had a song where the singer would play sax through a pitch shifter. He would drop the mic right into the bell and blow! Rattle the teeth out your head.
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @2:06
You didn’t hold back! I respect your choice of lunch materials, you obviously love the classics 🫡
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Chili MacPagoda @2:05
The closest thing I have to Babs is a beat generation booklet that mentions his work
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Chili MacPagoda @2:07
Thank you! My dad made sloppy joes the other night and I dressed it up!
Jeech the Jooch:

↳ Tony in Durham NC @2:04
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dave miss:

This color combo here is hurting my brain
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ dave miss @2:08
You’re not the only one
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Tony in Durham NC:

↳ Jeech the Jooch @2:08
Thanks! I love sourcing these quips...stuff like that.

I'm sorry that Erin got nauseous, she's fun
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @2:10
She is!
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @2:08
You dive right in, and get to it, Bri - go full beatnik! And remember that ol’ Chili Mac didn’t steer ya wrong: youtu.be...

↳ Bri The Beatnik @2:10
She has a lot of interesting anecdotes.
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William Hellfire:

↳ Blissland @2:10
Aww you cats are so nice! We're here with the cats having a wing ding!

↳ William Hellfire @2:11
I know the cats go crazy for this racket
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Chili MacPagoda @2:10
Thank you! Surprisingly I have a lot more books on the mod subculture than I do beatnik, due to my mod phase of last year which I still go back to from time to time, I think you’d find them interesting! I’m back into beatnik and hipster right now. Bri the Beatnik is my on air personality if I eve do radio
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ William Hellfire @2:11
How are the cats anyways?
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William Hellfire:

Alan and Anya do! They even like to come and listen to wake n bake with me!

↳ Bri The Beatnik @2:12
You will do radio, of course
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @2:13
I plan on it! It’s my major in college!
Jeech the Jooch:

↳ Tony in Durham NC @2:09
Rex confirmed it for me on air a few weeks ago, after I commented the same question.
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William Hellfire:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @2:13
Anya had to go to the vet to get a new inhaler for her asthma. She's doing well now. Alan sun bathing on the bed and watching Erin dance in bed! Haha
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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ Song: "Hip Talk" by "The Ascots"
Sounds like we’re about to do the Bacon Fat or Greasy Chicken

I got a hankering for a Whoopie's burger
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William Hellfire:

↳ Chili MacPagoda @2:16
Got to see Andrea Williams at Maxwell's and the Meat locker. Fun shows. Greasy Chicken!!!
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ William Hellfire @2:15
Aww! Glad she’s doing well, and cute for Alan! My dad’s been worried about our cats, one of them he thinks may be sick and the other one is afraid to eat because of him
Listener Jumpy in Brooklyn:

"Hip Talk" ! Shades of the great Andre Williams...

Richard Whig:

it's true what they said about So California...me right now for example. ... slop slop slop slop slop slop
Avatar 2:19pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ William Hellfire @2:17
Way cool! I gotta see more cool people in concert this year

So apparently SpazzCo is still in “business”

That's actually a fantasy of mine
Sylvia's Mother:

Probed! They all love it!
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Greg from ZONE 5:

Poor Spazz just can't catch a break :(
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William Hellfire:

Hahaha! I shouldn't laugh I saw a UFO!
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William Hellfire:

↳ Greg from ZONE 5 @2:20

Is Dave coming back?
Richard Whig:

spazzco payola!! shocking!!!

finally, some schlock
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Chris Hiatt:

A coupon for Fresca? Score.
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @2:21
What happened to Dave? I didn’t catch his show in a while, been busy
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Tony in Durham NC:

↳ Greg from ZONE 5 @2:20
When is Bear Family putting out that Spazzco Box Set? Asking for a friend...

↳ Bri The Beatnik @2:23
Evidently abducted by aliens
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @2:23
Wow, gonna miss him

let's take a poll. who here is a believer?

↳ Bri The Beatnik @2:24
I hope they let him go eventually
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @2:24
Same, we need more Spazz in our lives
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Scully @2:24
I believe in aliens!

“enveloped in white light” doesn’t sound so bad, necessarily

You can never have too much spazz
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The Butterman:

↳ Scully @2:24
I hope aliens aren’t dumb enough to come here.
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @2:25
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↳ Scully @2:24
I think there is intelligent life here in Florida but i am exhausted in my search.
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Bri The Beatnik:

I have an alien too and used to have an alien choker
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Bri The Beatnik:

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Mailman Tom:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @2:24
Spazz appeared on the Joe Franklin show and it's available for viewing on YT!
Florida Man:

keep looking baby

you can feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel the fire comin through the radio
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Mailman Tom @2:26
I’ve seen it! It was hilarious. The one where they were doing Rock n roll math, and he compared Abe vigoda to George Harrison or something like that? Ironically I watched it the night before the fool’s paradise Abe vigoda tribute

Is there much difference between just being probed and being “probed repeatedly”? In for a penny, in for a pound?
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Greg from ZONE 5:

↳ Song: "Marty, The Life Of The Party" by "Gil & Ray"
WOW. Paging Marty McSorley
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Bri The Beatnik:

Gonna try and catch Marty’s party tonight! Miss tuning into that one

@ mailman Tom, wow gotta check that out!
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William Hellfire:

↳ Mailman Tom @2:26
I have a segment of the Joe Franklin show in my movie Mail Order Murder. It has actress Debbie D doing a real fun dance song. Al Adamson, filmmaker was on that show talking about a UFO doc he was working on...then he got killed.

Spazz and Joe go WAY back.

Since about 5 years ago I finally understand why Fish was always going to the men's room
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Bri The Beatnik:

It’s a ‘Fmu marathon for me today!
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The Butterman:

Marty McSorley !
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↳ Florida Man @2:27

↳ William Hellfire @2:30
wow. Murdered by someone in the government?
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William Hellfire:

↳ Blissland @2:32
No. A guy he hired to do construction. Kinda like a down on his luck guy. He was found buried under his hot tub.

↳ William Hellfire @2:34
what a way to go
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Chili MacPagoda:

A moment now for all da NOBROWS
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Ken From Hyde Park:

New year, no borw.

↳ William Hellfire @2:30
The only Hellfire production I've seen is Upsidedown Cross, which is quite good

I prefer the alternate title though
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William Hellfire:

↳ Blissland @2:38
Nice! Nick Zedd gave it a good review!
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Mailman Tom:

"I'll kick all the tubes out!" Barbara Stanwyck in 1933's Ladies They Talk About.

Bob in DC:

Rex, is there a place to play/download all your short between music drops?

↳ William Hellfire @2:39
That's cool, I'm very fond of Nick Zedd's work. Do you have Richard Kern's dvd compilation?
Avatar 🌮 Swag For Life Member 2:41pm

Sipping a nice toddy; ginger lemon tea with Evan Williams. Warm and warming. It’s almost too nice.
Rex, play something stupid to ruin the good feelings I’m experiencing!
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Creature Boy:

It's gotta be done
Listener Jumpy in Brooklyn:

That roadrunner is a hog for your love, can't get enough of it....
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William Hellfire:

↳ Blissland @2:40
Yes. Working on releasing a couple Lydia docs from the early 90s too. But that's s top secret.

↳ William Hellfire @2:44
Please let me know when that's available
Avatar 🌮 Swag For Life Member 2:45pm

↳ Song: "Road Runner" by "The Collegiates"
Brought to you by the Phi chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, class of ‘67.
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William Hellfire:

↳ Blissland @2:45
Will do!
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Chili MacPagoda:

Was that Broderick Crawford? I just watched him in Born Yesterday, GREAT FILM

this is very boppy and schlocky
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↳ Song: "New Dance In France" by "Bobby Lee Trammell"
This is pretty stupid. Thanx Rex.

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Chili MacPagoda:

↳ Song: "The Cellar" by "Roy Smith and the Cardinals"
I don’t wanna go down in the basement, there’s something down there
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RIP Bud Harrelson. Thanks, Rex!
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↳ Song: "The Cellar" by "Roy Smith and the Cardinals"
Equal time for Showgirls please
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Was everyone on drugs?!? You’re talking to the Wolfman, and you don’t even realize it? That voice? It’s the goddamn Wolfman you bint!
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↳ Song: "Never Got To The Dance" by "Bobby Adano"
LOL! Kinda how I met my wife!

Thanks Rex and all !!!!
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Thank you Rex. Stay stupid.

Stay true to the orange and blue
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Creature Boy:

↳ Song: "Never Got To The Dance" by "Bobby Adano"
Try ordering a double chocolate shake without being greeted with a slack jawed blank stare these days
Jeech the Jooch:

↳ Tony in Durham NC @2:09
I think that "Goodbye" is William Holden to Faye Dunaway at the end of Network. But not confirmed.
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William Hellfire:

Great show, thank you Rex and Fools for a fun Saturday afternoon.
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Greg from ZONE 5:

Thanks Rex! Same time next week…
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The Butterman:

Damn! It’s over. Thanks Rexy
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY Always DJ Rex ~
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Thanks Rex..until next time!!
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Bri The Beatnik:

Had fun with all ya’ll this Saturday!
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William Hellfire:

Love Werewolves on Wheels best biker movie ever!

Gotta eat something now
Jeech the Jooch:

↳ Jeech the Jooch @2:58
Not the to Cosmic Man one!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:00pm

Thnx, Rex!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:01pm
Chris Hiatt:

Thank you, Rex!
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