Favoriting The Hour of Crap with Don-O: Playlist from February 23, 2024 Favoriting

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The Hour Of Crap is an hour's worth of crap and I make no apologies!

Friday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting February 23, 2024: This Screaming Life
This week, The Screamer screams, bongos wails and, in this weeks 'The _____ Of OTE', overgrown men jams the radio waves with Rumper Room insults at each other. (looking at you, Buddy)

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Format Comments Approx. start time
ELO  Hello My Old Friend (ASH-II Mashup)   Favoriting (ASH-II Mashup)    MP3    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Wendy Mae Chambers  New York, New York   Favoriting Gravikords, Whirlies & Pyrophones  Ellipsis Arts  MP3    0:07:22 (Pop-up)
Phil Dadson & From Scratch  Pacific 3-2-1-Zero (excerpt)   Favoriting Gravikords, Whirlies & Pyrophones  Ellipsis Arts  MP3    0:08:55 (Pop-up)
Jimmy  Chant   Favoriting For Shannah Songs I Made by Jimmy    MP3    0:12:43 (Pop-up)
Otto Weiss  Jungle Fantasy   Favoriting Jumpin' At The Jungle Room  Bandcamp  MP3  https://jungleroomrecords1.bandcamp.com/album/jumpin-at-the-jungle-room-24-exotic-dance-floor-scorchers?fbclid=IwAR0RENg7jid5cg2u7CStJxb-Gw6_jjVworRLOzUGx0dgiCk271knSz-EHM4  0:16:08 (Pop-up)
Werner Haas  Oh-Ee-Oh-Ah-Ah   Favoriting Jumpin' At The Jungle Room  Bandcamp  MP3  https://jungleroomrecords1.bandcamp.com/album/jumpin-at-the-jungle-room-24-exotic-dance-floor-scorchers?fbclid=IwAR0RENg7jid5cg2u7CStJxb-Gw6_jjVworRLOzUGx0dgiCk271knSz-EHM4  0:18:25 (Pop-up)
Screamin' Jay Hawkins  Little Demon   Favoriting     MP3    0:20:56 (Pop-up)
The Screamer  excerpt part 1   Favoriting Greatest Hits  Teen Beat  MP3    0:23:45 (Pop-up)
The Screamer  excerpt part 1   Favoriting Greatest Hits  Teen Beat  MP3  Shit.....I fucked up as I was supposed to play part 2....damnit.  0:47:09 (Pop-up)
Jimmy  Max Headroom For The Deaf   Favoriting For Shannah - Songs I Made - by Jimmy    MP3    1:07:09 (Pop-up)
The Ray Belmonte Duo  Part 1   Favoriting Laugh It Up With Ray & Rick    MP3    1:11:54 (Pop-up)
Sam Kinison  Complete HBO bit 1985   Favoriting     MP3    1:29:27 (Pop-up)
Bill Hicks  You’re Wrong Night   Favoriting Rant In E Minor  Ryko  MP3    1:35:14 (Pop-up)
Negativland  Fourth Of July Announcement (London 2)   Favoriting Live Brain  Seeland  MP3    1:40:06 (Pop-up)
The Screamer  excerpt part 3   Favoriting Greatest Hits  Teen Beat  MP3    1:42:35 (Pop-up)
Negativland  OTE: JamCon '84 (broadcast version)   Favoriting   Internet Archive  MP3  1 hour excerpt  1:58:29 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 5:57pm

Avatar 6:03pm

↳ Song: "Hello My Old Friend (ASH-II Mashup)" by "ELO"
Consider this as a ELO episode warning in the future. Blame Otis for this one as well.
ANdrou B.:

Hi-Ho, Don-O!

Somehow, I was expecting you'd touch on Kinison sometime down the road. Funny thing is, I was just thinking about him a little while ago.
Avatar 6:06pm
Mr Fab:

hello, my not-THAT-old friend.
Avatar 6:08pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "New York, New York" by "Wendy Mae Chambers"
yes! On the "car-horn organ." Which is exactly what you think it is.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm

howdy crapsters
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:09pm

hey now crap fanciers and dung-eonaires.
Avatar 6:10pm

↳ Mr Fab @6:08
Yea, you don't have to read the liner notes to know where it's coming from. Good Old Hello, Fab!
Androu B.:

↳ Mr Fab @6:08
Not a sampling keyboard? Ana actual "organ" with carhorns connected to where the pipes would normally be?
Avatar 6:12pm

Old Good Old Hello, Androu B., melinda and dale. I'm just catching up with the crap here!
Avatar 6:12pm

↳ Androu B. @6:11
Androu B.:

↳ Don-O @6:12
Would love to see that contraption!
Avatar 6:15pm

↳ Androu B. @6:13
....with a keyboard!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:15pm

↳ Don-O @6:12
crap runs downhill so you have to get a move on.
Avatar 6:16pm

↳ Mr Fab @6:06
Hey, Mr. Fab? I noticed that we're pulling you back into FB again!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:18pm

↳ Song: "Jungle Fantasy" by "Otto Weiss"
this is a wild romp through the jungle!
Avatar 6:18pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Don-O @6:16
Ha, yeah. We'll see how it goes this time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm

german witch doctor, love it
Avatar 6:19pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Jungle Fantasy" by "Otto Weiss"
Hey, thanks very much for playing these, Don-O!
Avatar 6:19pm

↳ Mr Fab @6:18
If Alex Jones bugs you to buy his boner pills with his ads, I'd set fire to FB!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm

valla valla
Avatar 6:27pm
Mr Fab:

"shot by a cannon" haha
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:28pm
Kat in the chat:

Workin' and crappin'!
Androu B.:

↳ Song: "Oh-Ee-Oh-Ah-Ah" by "Werner Haas"
Did Ross Bagdasarian ever recieve any royalties for various adaptations & performances of his songs?
(Coincidentally, I saw a vintage Italian kids TV program with Alvin & The Chipmunks singing very songs that I've never heard of. Obviously, they must've been singing popular Italian songs for the program, being an Italian kids TV show.)
Avatar 6:30pm
Mr Fab:

"Samuel T. Chair, who invented the chair." LOL
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:32pm

he's an aborted baby? from the isle of abortia?
Avatar 6:33pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Androu B. @6:29
with international recordings, I think they did not always get the credit. e.g.: there were lots of Jamaican records in the '60s that were pretty clearly Beatles song done inna reggae stylee, but with the song titles changed (presumably to avoid paying royalties).

Why doesn't he introduce himself as Samuel T. Prank?
Androu B.:

↳ Mr Fab @6:33
Yeah, there was a whole slew of those (and Mike Sin has played quite a lot of those on his former reggae-centric show, Ranking Full Stop.)

Samuel T. Legpuller
Avatar 6:41pm

↳ Song: "excerpt part 1" by "The Screamer"
Soooo has anybody been arrested by the FBI for prank calls? Or is that too dumb to answer.....?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm

Hell-O Don-O
and Crap-O-holics
Avatar 6:44pm

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:45pm
Kat in the chat:

↳ Don-O @6:41
Sounded like an idle threat to me, but I'm curious myself.
Androu B.:

↳ Don-O @6:41
I'm sure it's rare because it just brings up the argument over Second Amendment rights.
Avatar 6:45pm

↳ coelacanth∅ @6:43
Good Hell-O, coelacantho!

At a very cursory glance, it appears that prank phone calls only implicate the law if they disrupt technical systems or perhaps reach a legally cognizable level of harassment.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:45pm
Kat in the chat:

I think they would have to be threatening rather than just annoying.
Avatar 6:46pm

↳ Androu B. @6:45
I guess so....especially when your dealing with border-line gun nuts....
Avatar 6:46pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Oh-Ee-Oh-Ah-Ah" by "Werner Haas"
it's called "Oh-Ee-Oh-Ah-Ah" by Werner Haas. With a snippet of the Congo slideshow stuck on the end.

Missouri: "Altering an employee's company documents to make it appear that she was not following company policies, following the employee around at work, and making prank phone calls to the employee at home also satisfied the standard for outrageous conduct."

Baba booey
Androu B.:

↳ Don-O @6:46
I may be a bit rusty on constitutional amendments. Which is the one that guarantees Freedom of Speech? (Because that was the one I meant to mention.)
Avatar 6:49pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "excerpt part 1" by "The Screamer"
a special encore presentation!

Androu, you are free to name any amendment as being the one that guarrantees freedom of speech.
Avatar 6:49pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Androu B. @6:49
the 1st amendment
Avatar 6:50pm

↳ Mr Fab @6:49
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:50pm
Kat in the chat:

At home vs. radio talk show might make a difference too? (non legal expert here, just talkin' crap in the crap chat)

But private entities, such as radio stations, are not obligated to comply with the 1A, though FCC imposes some constraints on them insofar as they are using the public airwaves.
Androu B.:

↳ Mr Fab @6:49
Thank you, Mr. Fab!
So as I MEANT to say:
Prank phone calls can't be immediately prosecuted because of implications with the First Amendment.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:53pm

sofa tucker invented the davenport and blues.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:54pm
Kat in the chat:

well at least I get to hear the bits I missed when I was actually paying attention to work

Prank phone calls can't be "prosecuted" (charged with crimes) because the level and kind of harm is ordinarily negligible.
Avatar 6:55pm

Androu B.:

↳ dale @6:53
Not many know that her middle name is King.

All constitutional governance of prank calls has been relegated to the 492nd Amendment.
Avatar 7:01pm

↳ Song: "excerpt part 1" by "The Screamer"
Is crap even crappier the second time around?
Avatar 7:05pm

↳ Roberto @7:01
Hey Roberto! Yes, it gets crappier in repeats!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:16pm

↳ Song: "Part 1" by "The Ray Belmonte Duo"
i hope this was at the nevele.
Avatar 7:20pm

↳ Song: "Part 1" by "The Ray Belmonte Duo"
Blame Otis (again) for finding this!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:21pm

i used to find rusty warren's knockers up all the time. i guess they all got bought up. or thrown out.
Avatar 7:28pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Part 1" by "The Ray Belmonte Duo"
Real lounge! Love it. Now places just have piped-in music, or DJs playing the usual stuff. Those were the daze...
Avatar 7:38pm

↳ Song: "You’re Wrong Night" by "Bill Hicks"
Sorry to have to tell you, Bill, but the morons have only gotten more-oner since you left.
Avatar 7:39pm

↳ Roberto @7:38
Avatar 7:40pm

↳ Roberto @7:38
....and largely sponsored by billionaires and russians....
Avatar 7:42pm

↳ Don-O @7:40
Yes, the U.S.'s primary export is dumbfuckery.
Avatar 7:43pm

↳ Roberto @7:42
Speaking of crap!
Avatar 7:48pm

↳ Song: "excerpt part 3" by "The Screamer"
"Are you from Arabia?" Oy vey
Androu B.:

↳ Don-O @7:40
Were you watching the moon mission yesterday? I get the feeling the whole thing was a stage show solely produced for the media & the clueless American public.
Avatar 7:51pm

↳ Song: "excerpt part 3" by "The Screamer"
I don't remember him either.....
Avatar 7:51pm

↳ Androu B. @7:49
There are some people are scared of the sky....
Androu B.:

↳ Don-O @7:51
The "footage" of the craft they released to media was clearly nothing more than a CGI simulation, if you look closely enough at it.
Kat in the chat:

Oh cool, I think I’ve only heard the other version
Avatar 8:02pm

↳ Song: "OTE: JamCon '84 (broadcast version)" by "Negativl...
Is this Thomas Dolby?

That was my thought, Dolby, but I don't know for sure.
Androu B.:

↳ Don-O @7:51
I was just as skeptical of the "initial launch" of Bezos' Blue Origin (or whatever he called it) rocket. A shame that Shatner was exploited for both these "missions" for merely being recognized as an actor who played the captain of a starship on TV.

To be fair, some people still believe that Shatner is an "actor."
Avatar 8:06pm

↳ Dean @8:06

To be more fair, I don't believe any screen actors are "actors." They mug, make faces, whisper, scream, gesture. Then they're done.
Androu B.:

↳ Don-O @8:02
Yes, that was Thomas Dolby! The name of the track was "Radio Silence". I was a fan. He's done lots of things in between and after his own solo career fizzled out, mostly soundtracks (as you might know, *COUGH*HowardThe Duck*COUGH*), and sometimes producing for other artists.
Avatar 8:19pm

↳ Androu B. @8:13
HA! MC Chris JUST released a Howard The Duck rap song! mcchris.bandcamp.com...
Androu B.:

↳ Don-O @8:19
Yeah, caught that just after you linked to it before.
Androu B.:

↳ Song: "OTE: JamCon '84 (broadcast version)" by "Negativl...
Wonder why they never thought to play Bob Marley's "Jammin'" in this...
Avatar 8:38pm

I'm tempted to play the last part of Murial Purse Fund cos of Dick progressively getting drunk and that 'Fuck You' guy.
Avatar 8:44pm

↳ Don-O @8:19
I saw him open for Ninja Sex Party/TWRP in 2017.
Androu B.:

↳ Roberto @8:44
And here I thought I was the only older guy who'd stumbled onto TWRP! (Don't ask how I did.)
Avatar 8:57pm

We're just about over 5 minutes left of this crap. My thanks to all for showing up and putting up with it. OH, next month is Marathon Time, so be prepared to get mugged for cash. Until next week.....
Avatar 9:00pm
Mr Fab:

Moo-cho grassy-ass, Don-O!
Avatar 9:01pm

↳ Mr Fab @9:00
Androu B.:

Thanks, Don-O!
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